Deposition of:
`Vijay Madisetti , Ph.D.
`June 12, 2019
`In the Matter of:
`Canon U.S.A., Inc. Vs. Cellspin Soft,
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`800.808.4958 | | 770.343.9696
`Canon Exhibit 1042, Page 1


`Vijay Madisetti , Ph.D.
`Canon U.S.A., Inc. Vs. Cellspin Soft, Inc.
`June 12, 2019
`Page 1
` _______________________
` _______________________
` Petitioner,
` v.
` Patent Owner
` Case No. IPR 2019-00127
` Patent No. 9,258,698
` _______________________
` June 12, 2019
` 8:58 a.m.
` Veritext Legal Solutions
` 1075 Peachtree Street, N.E.
` Suite 3625
` Atlanta, Georgia
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`Canon Exhibit 1042, Page 2


`Vijay Madisetti , Ph.D.
`Canon U.S.A., Inc. Vs. Cellspin Soft, Inc.
`June 12, 2019
`Page 2
` A P P E A R A N C E S
`For the Petitioner:
` Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP
` 1300 I Street, N.W.
` Suite 900
` Washington, D.C. 20005
` (202) 538-8000
`For the Patent Owner:
` Edmonds & Schlather
` 1616 South Voss Road
` Suite 125
` Houston, Texas 77057
` (713) 364-5291
`Also Present:
` Gruvinder Singh
` (Cellspin Soft, Inc.)
`2 3
`8 9
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`Canon Exhibit 1042, Page 3


`Vijay Madisetti , Ph.D.
`Canon U.S.A., Inc. Vs. Cellspin Soft, Inc.
`June 12, 2019
`Page 3
` I N D E X
`BY MR. EDMONDS................................. 4
`BY MR. NEWTON.................................. 48
` * * *
`For the Patent Owner:
`Exhibit 1 Specification of the 12
` Bluetooth System - Master
` Table of Contents &
` Compliance Requirements
`Exhibit 2 Japanese Unexamined Patent 13
` Application Publication,
` 2/28/03
`Exhibit 3 An Overview of the Bluetooth 34
` Wireless Technology
`Exhibit 4 United States Patent 35
` Application Publication,
` 10/3/02
`Exhibit 5 United States Patent 36
` Application Publication,
` 8/24/06
`Exhibit 6 Japanese Unexamined Patent 38
` Application Publication,
` 10/27/05
`2 3
`6 7 8
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`Canon Exhibit 1042, Page 4


`Vijay Madisetti , Ph.D.
`Canon U.S.A., Inc. Vs. Cellspin Soft, Inc.
`June 12, 2019
`Page 4
` P R O C E E D I N G S
` (Pursuant to Article 10(B) of the Rules and
` Regulations of the Georgia Board of Court
` Reporting, a written disclosure statement was
` submitted by the court reporter to all counsel
` present at the proceeding.)
` * * *
`Having been first duly sworn to state the truth, was
`examined and testified as follows:
` Q. Would you please state your name?
` A. Vijay Madisetti.
` Q. And do you realize that you're here under
`oath for a deposition?
` A. I do.
` Q. Is there anything about your health or
`wellbeing that would inhibit in any way your ability
`to give full and truthful answers to this deposition?
` A. No.
` Q. How many kinds of Bluetooth connections are
` A. I didn't understand the question.
` Q. What different kinds of Bluetooth
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`Canon Exhibit 1042, Page 5


`Vijay Madisetti , Ph.D.
`Canon U.S.A., Inc. Vs. Cellspin Soft, Inc.
`June 12, 2019
`Page 5
`connections are there?
` A. Bluetooth is a standard, and the first
`version of the standard, which was 1.2, was issued
`sometime in 2003. Then there is a version 2.2 in
`2004 and another version 2.1 plus EDR in the 2006
`July time frame. Based on -- at the time of this
`invention, I think that there were -- these standards
`were widely known.
` MR. EDMONDS: Objection; nonresponsive.
` Q. We are talking past each other.
` In Bluetooth can you have a piconet?
` A. Are you referring to a portion of my
` Q. Are you claiming to have expertise in
` A. Yes. I am familiar with Bluetooth, and I
`have used it and testified about it.
` Q. Can you have a piconet in Bluetooth?
` A. Again, it's a very general question. As for
`the standards, I think you can create some sort of
`network, an ad hoc network.
` Q. A variety of ad hoc networks, correct?
` A. The standard describes the type of networks,
`so I would rely upon the standard.
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`Canon Exhibit 1042, Page 6


`Vijay Madisetti , Ph.D.
`Canon U.S.A., Inc. Vs. Cellspin Soft, Inc.
`June 12, 2019
`Page 6
` Q. I'm asking you as someone who professes
`expertise in Bluetooth what types of networks are
`there that you just referred to?
` A. Generally, they're called ad hoc networks,
`and I would defer to the standard to describe the
`specific type of networks.
` Q. Do you know the specific types of networks?
` A. As I said, I'm generally familiar with the
`standard; but given the importance of this matter, I
`would defer to the standard to disclose exact
`networks that are found.
` Q. As someone who professes expertise in
`Bluetooth, can you identify any type of Bluetooth
` A. As I said, it's a standardized protocol. So
`I would defer to the standard at the time of this
`patent, at the time of filing, and at the time of
`invention. The type of Bluetooth connections that
`were widely known would be covered by the version 2.1
`plus EDR.
` Q. Can you identify any types of Bluetooth
`connections as of the final date?
` A. Yes. There are those that are covered by
`the version 2.1 plus EDR standard that was issued in
`July of 2007 and earlier standards.
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`Vijay Madisetti , Ph.D.
`Canon U.S.A., Inc. Vs. Cellspin Soft, Inc.
`June 12, 2019
`Page 7
` Q. Do you know the names of any?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What?
` A. You mean the standards?
` Q. Say again.
` A. You said the names of the standards?
` Q. No.
` Do you know the names of any -- I keep
`asking you if you can name any type of Bluetooth
`connection. Can you not?
` MR. NEWTON: Objection.
` THE WITNESS: No. I mean, as I said, in
` version 2.1 there are specifically, depending on
` the type of security mode -- in the case of
` security mode 2 and 3, there would be, for
` example, connections that would be based on
` legacy pin type of information.
` In the case of Bluetooth 2.1 plus EDR and
` earlier, in security mode 4, there would be at
` least four different types. One of them is
` called numeric comparison. The second could be
` passkey and then there is two or three others.
` So depending on the standard, depending on
` the security mode, in this case 2.1 would support
` security mode 3, security mode 4. You have
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`Vijay Madisetti , Ph.D.
`Canon U.S.A., Inc. Vs. Cellspin Soft, Inc.
`June 12, 2019
`Page 8
` different types of connections that are
` established. So the standard is where all this
` information is described in its most precise
` form.
` Q. Can Bluetooth be used to form a piconet?
`P-I-C-O-N-E-T for our court reporter.
` A. Again, I'm going to defer to the standard as
`specifically how it discloses it.
` Q. Sitting here today as an expert in the case,
`do you have an understanding either way as to whether
`Bluetooth can be used to form a piconet?
` A. Bluetooth can be used to form certain types
`of ad hoc networks. Common ad hoc networks could
`include -- and the common ad hoc networks are given
`various names by the -- by the -- by the general
`community, but the standard would be where you would
`be precisely defining each of those.
` Q. What types of common ad hoc networks were
`you just referring to?
` A. Those are -- there are a number of types of
`ad hoc networks that can be formed; and these type of
`networks are described, for example, in different
`versions of the standards.
` Q. Can you name any of them?
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`Canon Exhibit 1042, Page 9


`Vijay Madisetti , Ph.D.
`Canon U.S.A., Inc. Vs. Cellspin Soft, Inc.
`June 12, 2019
`Page 9
` A. We have to defer to the standard. Most of
`the names are -- that you're referring to, for
`example, piconet and scatternet and others are
`generally given by the professional community. The
`standard is where they're -- these networks are
`precisely defined.
` Q. Okay. Can you name any of these types of ad
`hoc networks either in the language used in the
`community or in the standard?
` A. As I said, in the general manner, we have to
`defer to the standard; and Bluetooth standard 2.1
`plus EDR of July of 2007 is the one that I've been
`referring to. And common -- these are different
`types of ad hoc networks; and, as I said, different
`professional communities may have different names
`such as ad hoc networks, personal networks. As you
`said, some people may refer to it as piconet. Some
`people refer to certain things as scatternet. But in
`all cases, the standard is the determining factor in
`terms of defining these.
` Q. In the Bluetooth standard 2.1 that you
`mentioned, what is an ACL connection?
` A. I would have to refer to the standard to
`offer a precise answer.
` Q. Can you give any answer as to what it is?
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`Canon Exhibit 1042, Page 10


`Vijay Madisetti , Ph.D.
`Canon U.S.A., Inc. Vs. Cellspin Soft, Inc.
`June 12, 2019
`Page 10
` A. Not without looking at the standard because
`I want to be very precise.
` Q. In Bluetooth 2.1, what's an SCO connection?
` A. This is another type of connection that is
`defined, and I would defer to the standard to offer a
`very precise answer.
` Q. Can you give any answer as to what it is?
` A. I would like to refer to the standard. I
`believe that these are different types of features of
`the standard, and I want to be very precise.
` Q. I'm not asking what you would like to do.
`I'm asking as an expert in this case can you describe
`in any manner what an SCO connection is in Bluetooth
` MR. NEWTON: Objection.
` THE WITNESS: As I said, I'm not as specific
` in my declaration; but, as I said, I have -- I
` would like to defer to the standard to give a
` precise answer.
` Q. Again, I'm not asking what you would like to
`do. I'm asking can you, without looking at the
`standard, provide any information as to what an SCO
`connection is in Bluetooth 2.1?
` MR. NEWTON: Objection.
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`Canon Exhibit 1042, Page 11


`Vijay Madisetti , Ph.D.
`Canon U.S.A., Inc. Vs. Cellspin Soft, Inc.
`June 12, 2019
`Page 11
` THE WITNESS: No, not without looking at a
` standard. I would like to give a precise
` standard given the important nature of this
` proceeding.
` Q. Is pairing optional in Bluetooth?
` A. The question is not clear.
` Q. What's not clear about it?
` A. What are you asking? Is there a portion of
`my declaration you're referring to?
` Q. We'll get to that in a minute.
` I'm asking you as an expert, someone who
`holds himself out as an expert in Bluetooth, is
`pairing optional in Bluetooth?
` A. I'm not aware, generally speaking, of
`Bluetooth establishing a connection without pairing.
` Q. All right. I'm not asking you whether
`you're aware generally of whether Bluetooth can
`establish a connection without pairing. My question
`is, is pairing optional in Bluetooth, yes or no?
` A. As I said, I'm not aware of any Bluetooth
`connection based on my review of the standards and my
`knowledge and experience where there is no pairing in
`Bluetooth connections.
` MR. EDMONDS: This is going to be Exhibit 1.
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`Vijay Madisetti , Ph.D.
`Canon U.S.A., Inc. Vs. Cellspin Soft, Inc.
`June 12, 2019
`Page 12
` (Exhibit 1 was marked for
` identification, attached at the end of
` the original transcript.)
` Q. It's 2006 in the proceeding. If you turn
`to -- so it's the -- it's the sixth page of Exhibit
`1. It's page 861 of Exhibit 2006.
` A. Which page I'm looking at?
` Q. It says 861 at the bottom. There's a
`flowchart on it.
` A. Okay.
` Q. Let me see what page you're on.
` A. Yes.
` MR. NEWTON: So that's just an excerpt of
` 2006?
` MR. EDMONDS: Yeah. It's like a thousand
` pages or something or whatever it was.
` Q. Do you see step 7a?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Where it says optional pairing for ACL
` A. There's a step 7a.
` Q. Yeah.
` A. With a block that says, optional pairing.
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`Vijay Madisetti , Ph.D.
`Canon U.S.A., Inc. Vs. Cellspin Soft, Inc.
`June 12, 2019
`Page 13
` Q. Right.
` That's an example of optional pairing in
`Bluetooth 2.1, correct?
` MR. NEWTON: Objection; outside the scope.
` THE WITNESS: I disagree. I have not
` commented on this portion. I would just say that
` there's an optional step, and my reliance on the
` Bluetooth is to show that the use of BT in the
` prior references -- the use of Bluetooth in the
` prior references renders the claim limitations
` obvious.
` So I don't require in any case that
` Bluetooth must have any. I'm using it in
` paragraphs of my declaration. For example, in
` Hiroishi, which has explicit disclosure of
` pairing separate from Bluetooth, that the
` additional mention of BT, or Bluetooth, in
` Hiroishi renders obvious to one of ordinary skill
` in the art that pairing is obvious.
` (Exhibit 2 was marked for
` identification, attached at the end of
` the original transcript.)
` Q. I'm handing you Exhibit 2, which is also
`Canon Exhibit 1005. That is Hiroishi, correct?
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`Vijay Madisetti , Ph.D.
`Canon U.S.A., Inc. Vs. Cellspin Soft, Inc.
`June 12, 2019
`Page 14
` A. Yes. Exhibit 2 is Hiroishi.
` Q. You have your declarations in front of you,
` A. I do.
` Q. Show us in your declaration where you point
`out that Hiroishi discloses pairing separate from
` A. If I go to my declaration, which is Canon
`Exhibit 1003, and I go to my description of
`limitation 1(c) --
` Q. Hold on. What page are you on?
` A. Page 56 of my declaration.
` Q. Okay.
` A. I refer to paragraph 66 of Hiroishi, which
`is Exhibit 1005 of the IPR, and Exhibit 2 of this
`deposition --
` Q. Hold on. You're on page 56?
` A. Yes.
` Q. All right.
` A. So in paragraph 97, 98, and 99, I discuss
`how limitation 1 says explicitly and met by Hiroishi
`itself. Plus, the mention of Bluetooth in Hiroishi
`is obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art. I
`defer to paragraph 66 where the embodiment of figure
`5 shows that there is a mechanism of association that
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`Canon Exhibit 1042, Page 15


`Vijay Madisetti , Ph.D.
`Canon U.S.A., Inc. Vs. Cellspin Soft, Inc.
`June 12, 2019
`Page 15
`allows two-way communications using the remote
`control switches so the camera and the mobile phone
`have specific mechanisms that allow them to associate
`through the use of these remote control switches that
`can be set for them to have and establish two-way
`communications through this sort of mutual agreement.
` Q. So in your declaration, it states, the
`connection is paired because it allows two-way
`communication between the digital camera 50 and
`cellular phone 40.
` Did I read that correctly?
` A. Yes. I was referring to the embodiment
`described in Exhibit 1005, paragraph 66, which is the
`embodiment that is covered, for example, in figures 5
`and 6.
` Q. Okay. So what is it -- read the language,
`the words, from paragraph 66 of Hiroishi that
`supports your statement that Hiroishi discloses
`pairing separate from Bluetooth?
` A. Yes. So it describes here that the --
` Q. I'm just asking you to read the words and
`then we can get into -- we'll get into -- we'll go
`from there. If you could just read the words you're
`relying on for paragraph 66.
` A. Well, I'm relying on the photographic system
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`Vijay Madisetti , Ph.D.
`Canon U.S.A., Inc. Vs. Cellspin Soft, Inc.
`June 12, 2019
`Page 16
`10, according to this embodiment, is configured. So
`when you look at this embodiment and how it's
`configured, you refer to figures 5 and 6; and that is
`where I discuss the specific views of the remote
`control switches that allow the camera and the mobile
`phone to be paired. And this is consistent with how
`the patent -- the 690 patent in columns 3 and 4
`discloses how two devices can communicate with mutual
` Q. Is every two-way communication a paired
` A. I'm not trying to offer an explicit
`construction or definition for pairing. Further
`context of this matter, I have applied what one of
`ordinary skill in the art in light of the '698
`specification to understand what pairing to mean.
` Q. Yes or no, is every two-way communication
`pairing as you're using the word in your declaration?
` MR. NEWTON: Objection.
` THE WITNESS: That's not my testimony. My
` testimony is that as I understand it, in light of
` the specification, it is a mechanism or
` association that allows two devices or two-way
` communication between two devices. That's how I
` understand how a person of ordinary skill in the
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`Vijay Madisetti , Ph.D.
`Canon U.S.A., Inc. Vs. Cellspin Soft, Inc.
`June 12, 2019
`Page 17
` art would understand pairing in light of the
` specification of the '698 patent. For example,
` columns 3 and 4.
` Q. So then is it your opinion that every
`mechanism that allows association -- I'm sorry. Is
`it your --
` MR. NEWTON: Hang on. Let's not have the
` chatter back and forth. I'm perfectly fine with
` you being here, sir; but you're not counsel
` and --
` MR. EDMONDS: He can whisper to me. He's
` not asking questions.
` MR. NEWTON: I mean, he's not counsel.
` MR. EDMONDS: He can whisper to me.
` MR. EDMONDS: I mean, I moved over here. He
` can whisper in my ear. He just can't --
` MR. NEWTON: Is he -- sorry. Are you an
` attorney in the matter?
` MR. EDMONDS: This is Mr. Singh. He's a
` principal of Cellspin.
` MR. NEWTON: Well, if he's not an attorney,
` he shouldn't be influencing your deposition. If
` he wants to sit here and observe, that's
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`Canon Exhibit 1042, Page 18


`Vijay Madisetti , Ph.D.
`Canon U.S.A., Inc. Vs. Cellspin Soft, Inc.
`June 12, 2019
`Page 18
` perfectly fine.
` MR. EDMONDS: I note your objection.
` Q. Is it your testimony that every mechanism or
`association that allows two-way communication between
`two devices is a pairing?
` MR. NEWTON: Objection.
` THE WITNESS: No. My testimony was that
` pairing, as understood by one of ordinary skill
` in the art in the light of the specification of
` the '698 patent, is a mechanism or association
` that allows two-way communication between
` devices. I'm not offering an explicit
` construction or an expressed construction. I am
` expressing what POSITA, or one of ordinary skill
` in the art, would understand the '698 patent to
` describe what pairing is used in that context.
` Q. In that context, is any mechanism or
`association that allows two-way communication between
`devices a pairing?
` MR. NEWTON: Objection.
` THE WITNESS: I think my answer was, I
` think, very clear. It is a mechanism or
` association that allows two devices to have
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`Vijay Madisetti , Ph.D.
`Canon U.S.A., Inc. Vs. Cellspin Soft, Inc.
`June 12, 2019
`Page 19
` two-way communication. Allows means something
` like agreement. And this is consistent with the
` disclosures in the '698 patent.
` Q. Yes or no, is any mechanism or association
`that allows two-way communication between two devices
`a pairing in the context of the patent, as you've
`used the word?
` MR. NEWTON: Objection; asked and answered.
` THE WITNESS: As I described it earlier, the
` way I would understand it is an
` association/mechanism that allows or enables
` two-way communications between devices; and this
` is not an expressed construction. This is
` something that I view as one of ordinary skill in
` the art would understand based on the '698
` specification itself.
` Q. So consistent with that, if what you just
`stated, are there other associations or mechanisms
`that allow two-way communication between devices that
`would not be pairing?
` MR. NEWTON: Objection; asked and answered.
` THE WITNESS: As I said, in my opinion, I
` have already defined in Hiroishi and other prior
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`Vijay Madisetti , Ph.D.
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`June 12, 2019
`Page 20
` arts what I understand to be the type of pairing
` that is described and understood by one of
` ordinary skill in the art in the '698 patent.
` Q. How does Bluetooth define pairing?
` A. I couldn't hear you.
` Q. How does Bluetooth define pairing?
` A. I think that one of ordinary skill in the
`art reading the specification would understand that
`Bluetooth discloses pairing, and that's how I relied
`upon Bluetooth to disclose pairing for obviousness.
` Q. How does Bluetooth define pairing; do you
` MR. NEWTON: Objection; asked and answered.
` THE WITNESS: In Bluetooth, as I
` described -- as I described earlier, there is a
` mechanism that through mutual agreement allows
` two devices to communicate in two ways -- in a
` two-way communication. Therefore, consistent
` with my understanding of the '698 patent,
` Bluetooth would disclose pairing at the time of
` the 2007 time frame.
` Further, I also observe that the '698 patent
` is not restricted only to Bluetooth pairing. It
` also mentions other types of approaches such as
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`Vijay Madisetti , Ph.D.
`Canon U.S.A., Inc. Vs. Cellspin Soft, Inc.
`June 12, 2019
`Page 21
` library and other such standards.
` MR. EDMONDS: Objection; nonresponsive.
` Q. Does both Bluetooth define pairing, yes or
` A. Based on my understanding of the '698
`patent, Bluetooth has a mechanism that enables two
`devices to communicate in a two-way fashion through
`mutual agreement, so it does disclose pairing.
` MR. EDMONDS: Objection; nonresponsive.
` Q. Does the Bluetooth specification 2.1 define
` A. I'm not sure about your -- you use the word
`define. One of ordinary skill in the art, I said,
`would understand that Bluetooth specification 2.1 and
`earlier provide a mechanism that allows two devices
`to have two-way communications through mutual
`agreement. So to one of ordinary skill in the art,
`this is the type of pairing that one would understand
`the '698 patent to also describe.
` MR. EDMONDS: Objection; nonresponsive.
` Q. Do you understand what a definition is?
` A. Maybe you have to be clear. I mean, what
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`June 12, 2019
`Page 22
`are you asking?
` Q. Have you ever used the word "definition"?
` A. I must have.
` Q. Okay. Yes or no, does Bluetooth 2.1 define
` A. Again, I don't think there's a yes or no
`answer for that. As I described, pairing as used in
`the '698 patent is disclosed in the Bluetooth
`specification in that it allows mechanism that or
`association that allows two-way communications
`between devices.
` MR. EDMONDS: Objection nonresponsive to
` everything after I can't answer yes or no.
` Q. If you would take Exhibit 2, please, and I'm
`handing you a highlighter. Actually, let's just
`do -- it will work better if we underline it. I'm
`going to hand you a pen -- I'm going to hand you a
`pencil in case you need to correct it. Here's a
` Please underline the language in paragraph
`66 that you're relying on for your statement that
`Takahashi expressly discloses -- I'll start over.
` Please use the pencil to underline the
`language you're relying in paragraph 66 of Hiroishi
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`Vijay Madisetti , Ph.D.
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`June 12, 2019
`Page 23
`for your statement that Hiroishi expressly discloses
`pairing independent of Bluetooth?
` A. Yes. I would say it is the -- as I describe
`here, the photographic system 10, according to this
`embodiment; and that embodiment discloses figures 5
`and 6.
` Q. Okay. So the language you've underlined is
`the photographic system 10 according to this
` A. That's right. That is where it explicitly
`discloses -- for example, in figure five, which talks
`about the block on page 18 of Canon Exhibit 1005,
`which is Exhibit 2 to this deposition, there is a
`block called 100 and that, for example, is a
`mechanism that allows and enables two-way
`communication in what is called the remote control
` Q. Okay.
` A. And similarly in figure 6 you have the
`corresponding mode disclosed in block number 202.
`That is called the photographic mode. So you are
`specifically setting these modes so that you are
`enabling two-way communications between the camera
`and the mobile phone in this embodiment.
` Additionally, I use paragraph 66 to show
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`Vijay Madisetti , Ph.D.
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`June 12, 2019
`Page 24
`that the use of beacon or Bluetooth also renders this
`limitation 1(c) obvious because Bluetooth discloses
`pairing as described in this '698 patent.
` Q. Are all two-way communications paired?
` MR. NEWTON: Objection; asked and answered.
` THE WITNESS: The way I have understood
` pairing is that there has to be a mechanism that
` enables two-way communications between two
` devices and both the '698 specification and
` Hiroishi and the other product references I rely
` upon, for this limitation disclosed that there is
` a mechanism such as the remote control switches
` in the camera and the photographic mode in the
` mobile phone that are used to establish a mutual
` agreement for these two devices to communicate.
` This is consistent with the disclosures in
` columns 3 and 4 of the '698 patent specification.
` Q. At the time of the priority date of the '698
`patent -- and that's -- you mentioned that before.
`You said that December of 2007, correct?
` MR. NEWTON: Objection.
` THE WITNESS: I'm not offering an opinion as
` to the priority date of the patent. For the
` purposes of this IPR, I have been asked to assume
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`Canon Exhibit 1042, Page 25


`Vijay Madisetti , Ph.D.
`Canon U.S.A., Inc. Vs. Cellspin Soft, Inc.
`June 12, 2019
`Page 25
` that the priority date is December of 2007.
` Q. Okay. So I'm just making sure we're
`communicating. When you say priority date, you're
`referring to December of 2007, correct?
` A. I was asked assume December 2007 as the time
` Q. So when I say priority date, you'll
`understand that I'm talking about December of 2007 in
`the context of this conversat

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