Security Analysis of Zigbee
`Xueqi Fan, Fransisca Susan, William Long, Shangyan Li
`{xueqifan, fsusan, wlong, shangyan}
`May 18, 2017
`This paper analyzes the security of Zigbee - a wireless communication protocol for Internet-
`of-Things devices. We start with the components in a network using Zigbee standard. We
`then give the readers an overview of the security policy, measures, and architecture. After the
`series of introductions of the standard, we discuss the devices and methods used to find security
`vulnerabilities and corresponding results. Lastly, we present a set of recommendations to Zigbee
`standard that will likely improve their security.
`1 Introduction
`Internet of Things (IoT) has become increasingly popular in the past few years. Subsequently, the
`security of the IoT devices becomes crucial, especially many devices have access to highly personal-
`ized and sensitive data. Zigbee is one of the most widely used standards for wireless communication
`between different IoT devices and has been adopted by many major companies, like Samsung and
`Philips. Zigbee is an open standard for low-power, low-cost wireless personal area networks that in-
`terconnect devices primarily for personal uses. The standard aims to provide a two-way and reliable
`communication protocol for applications with a short range, typically 10-100 meters. Zigbee is im-
`plemented with different application standards used in a variety of application areas, including home
`automation, smart energy, remote control and health care.
`Even though Zigbee was designed with the importance of security in mind, there have been trade-
`offs made to keep the devices low-cost, low-energy and highly compatible. Some parts of the standard’s
`security controls are poorly implemented, which inevitably lead to security risks. This paper highlights
`the main security risks and results of attempted attacks on a few IoT devices implemented with Zigbee
`2 Responsible Disclosure
`In order to perform security analysis on Zigbee protocol, we purchased the Samsung SmartThings Hub
`v2, the Smart Outlet, and the Iris Contact Sensor. According to the Digital Millennium Copyright
`Act (DMCA) security research exemption for consumer devices, which was in effect since October 28,
`2016, and lasts for two years, we are legally conducting this security analysis of Zigbee protocol by
`testing on these purchased Zigbee devices[1].
`In more details, the exemption ”authorized security researchers who are acting in good faith to
`conduct controlled research on consumer devices so long as the research does not violate other laws.”[1]
`Our project satisfies this description because first, we have only been using open sourced programs
`as tools to test Zigbee devices and the devices are legally acquired. Then, we are performing the
`analysis and ”hacking” with good-faith since we aim to examine the vulnerabilities of Zigbee protocol
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`as a final project for 6.857. This paper will also be published on 6.857 course website as additional
`evidence for ”good-faith.” Lastly, the Zigbee devices we chose are included in the exemption because
`they are designed for use by individual consumers, instead of industry.
`3 Security Policy
`3.1 Principals
`First, we introduce the five principals in Zigbee’s security policy. A graph is included to illustrate the
`technical components of a Zigbee network.
`Figure 1: Zigbee Overview
`3.1.1 Owner
`The owner of Zigbee devices purchase the devices and need to establish the network with the coor-
`dinator and add other routers and end devices to the network. The owner can also remotely control
`the devices.
`3.1.2 Other Users
`Other users in the household are also a principal in the policy. They can remotely control the devices
`and might be able to control the network by the permission of the owner.
`3.1.3 Coordinator
`Each Zigbee network must have one coordinator that manages the overall network[2]. A coordinator
`usually functions as the trust center that provides security control of the network. The coordinator
`is responsible for establishing the network. In that process, it chooses the channel that is used in
`the network for the devices to communicate. Then the coordinator gives permission to other devices
`to join or leave the network and keeps track of all the end devices and routers. Also, it configures
`devices and enables end-to-end security between devices. More importantly, the coordinator stores
`and distributes the network keys. In a Zigbee network, the coordinator cannot sleep and needs to be
`continuously powered[3].
`3.1.4 Router
`Routers in a Zigbee network act as intermediate nodes between the coordinator and the end devices.
`Routers have to join the network first by the permission of the coordinator. Then they can route
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`traffic between end devices and the coordinator, as well as transmit and receive data. A router also
`able to allow other routers and end devices to join the network. Similar to the coordinator, routers
`also cannot sleep as long as the network is established[3].
`3.1.5 End Device
`A Zigbee end device is the simplest type of device on a Zigbee network, and it is often low-power
`or battery-power. End devices are what the customers are more familiar with, like motion sensors,
`contact sensors, and smart light bulbs. The end devices also must join the network first to communicate
`with other devices. However, unlike the coordinator and the routers, the end devices do not route
`any traffic and cannot allow other devices to join the network. As a result of the inability to relay
`messages from other devices, the end devices can only communicate within the network through their
`parent nodes, often routers. Also different from the other two types of devices, the end devices can
`enter low power mode and sleep to conserve power[2]. This feature makes battery power possible for
`end devices.
`4 Security Measures
`Zigbee claims to provide state-of-the-art security tools allowing its member companies to create some
`of the most secure IOT wireless devices.
`Its security is based on symmetric-key cryptography, in
`which two parties must share the same keys to communicate. Zigbee uses the highly secure 128-bit
`AES-based encryption system [13]. Zigbee protocol is built on the IEEE 802.15.4 wireless standard,
`which has two layers, the physical layer (PHY) and the medium access control layer (MAC). Zigbee
`builds the network layer (NWK) and the application layer (APL) on top of PHY and MAC. As a low-
`cost protocol, Zigbee assumes an ’open trust’ model where the protocol stack layers trust each other.
`Hence, cryptographic protection only exists between devices, but not between different layers in a
`device. This allows keys reusing among layers of the same device. For simplicity of the interoperability
`of devices, Zigbee uses the same security level for all devices on a given network and all layers of a
`device. Furthermore, it establishes the principle ’the layer that originates a frame is responsible for
`initially securing it’[4].
`In addition, Zigbee command includes a frame counter to stop replay attacks (in which an attacker
`could record and replay a command message). The receiving endpoint always checks the frame counter
`and ignores duplicate messages.
`Zigbee also supports frequency agility, in which its network is relocated in case of a jamming
`attack. [6]
`4.1 Security Model
`To satisfy a wide range of applications while maintaining low cost and power, Zigbee claims to offer
`two network architectures and corresponding security models: distributed and centralized. They differ
`in how they admit new devices into the network and how they protect messages on the network. [6]
`A distributed security model provides a less-secured and simpler system. It has two devices types:
`routers and end devices. Here, a router can form a distributed security network when it can’t find any
`existing network. Each router can issue network keys. As more routers and devices join the network,
`the previous routers on the network send the key. To participate in distributed security networks, all
`router and end devices must be pre-configured with a link key that is used to encrypt the network key
`when passing it from a router parent to a newly joined node. All the devices in the network encrypt
`messages with the same network key.
`A centralized security model provides higher security. It is also more complicated as it includes
`a third device type, the Trust Center (TC), which is usually also the network coordinator. The
`Trust Center forms a centralized network, configures and authenticates routers and devices to join
`EX. 2017, Page 3


`zigbee Base Device Behavior ~ zigbee
`supported network security models ~
`Centralized security network
`· : @::b:~,coo,dinato,
`Distributed security network
`- Only zigbee coordinators/trust centers
`can start centralized networks
`- Nodes join. receive the network key and
`establish a unique t rust center link key
`- Nodes must support install codes
`- No central note/trust center
`- Routers are able to start distributed
`- Nodes join and receive t he network
`Nod es ad a pt t o the m od e l of the network they join.
`Figure 2: Centralized vs. Distributed Zigbee Network
`a network. The TC establishes a unique TC Link Key for each device on the network as they join
`and link keys for each pair of devices as requested. The TC also determines the network key. To
`participate in a centralized security network model, all entities must be pre-configured with a link key
`that is used to encrypt the network key when passing it from the TC to a newly joined entity. Both
`systems are illustrated in Figure 2 [13].
`4.2 Security Assumptions
`Aside from the open trust model between layers, the security of Zigbee ultimately depends on the
`following assumptions [4]:
`1. The safekeeping of symmetric keys. Zigbee assumes that secret keys are not available outside of
`the device in an unsecured way, meaning that all transmission of keys must be encrypted. An
`exception to this is during pre-configuration of a new device, in which a single key might be sent
`unprotected, creating a brief vulnerability. Here, if the keys are stolen because the adversary
`has physical access to the devices, many information then become available. Zigbee’s security
`policy does not protect against attack to hardware due to its low-cost nature.
`2. The protection of mechanism employed. All Router and End Device nodes should support both
`centralized security and distributed security by adapting to the security scheme employed by
`the network that they join [14].
`3. The proper implementation of cryptographic mechanism and associated security policies in-
`volved. Here, Zigbee developers are assumed to follow the complete protocol in practice. Zigbee
`also assumes the availability of almost perfect random number generators.
`4.3 Security Keys
`Zigbee network and devices use a network key and link keys to communicate. The recipient party
`always knows which keys are used in protecting the messages.
`A network key is a 128-bit key shared by all devices in the network, which is used for broadcasting
`communications. There are two types of network keys: standard and high-security. The type usually
`controls how a network key is distributed as the network key must itself be protected by encryption
`when it is passed to the joining node [13]. For this encryption, a pre-configured link key is used; this
`key is known by both the Trust Center and the joining device for centralized security; this key is
`known by all nodes in distributed security.
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`A link key is a 128-bit key shared by two devices. There are two types of link keys: global and
`unique. The type determines how the device handles various TC messages (APS commands). In a
`centralized security network, there are three kinds of link keys: 1) global link key used by the TC and
`all nodes in the network, 2) unique link key used for a one-to-one relation between TC and a node,
`later replaced by the Trust Center link key, and 3) application link key, that is used between a pair of
`devices. Here, link keys related with the TC are usually pre-configured using an out-of-band method,
`for instance, QR code in the packaging, while link keys between entities are often generated by the
`Trust Center and encrypted with the network key. In a distributed security network, link keys only
`exist between a pair of devices.
`4.3.1 Security Key Types
`Centralized Security Model
`In a centralized security network, the keys for the network layer are as follows:
`• Network key, as detailed above.
`• Pre-configured global link key, which is used to encrypt the network key when it is passed
`from the TC to the devices. This link key is the same for all nodes in the network. [13] It may
`be Zigbee-defined key or manufacturer-defined:
`– The Zigbee-defined key, 5A 69 67 42 65 65 41 6C 6C 69 61 6E 63 65 30 39
`(ZigbeeAlliance09), which allows nodes from different manufacturers to join the network.
`– A manufacturer-defined key that only allows nodes from the specific manufacturer to join
`the network.
`• Pre-configured unique link key, which is also used to encrypt the network key when sent
`from the TC to a node. This link key is exclusive for each (TC, node) pair so it is different
`for every node. This link key is usually pre-configured or pre-programmed into the relevant
`nodes either in the factory or during commissioning [13]. In the new version, Zigbee 3.0, the
`pre-configured unique link key is usually in the form of an install code, a random 128-bit number
`protected by a 16-bit CRC (cyclic redundancy check) pre-installed in the devices. [6]
`In an older version of Zigbee protocol, the nodes usually use the Zigbee defined pre-configured global
`link key but most devices compatible with Zigbee 3.0 use the pre-configured unique link key or
`manufacturer defined pre-configured global link key.
`Once network-level security is set up, application-level security can be set up for more secure
`communication. The keys for the application layer are as follows:
`• Pre-configured global link key, as explained above. This key is used for communication
`between the TC and all other nodes.
`• Pre-configured unique link key, as explained above. This key is used for communication
`between the TC and one other node.
`• Trust Center Link Key (TCLK), which is used between the TC and one other node. This
`128-bit key is derived from the pre-configured unique link key using Matyas-Meyer-Oseas (MMO)
`hash function or randomly generated by the TC. [6,13] This key is passed from the TC to the
`relevant node with encryption using the network key and (if exists) the pre-configured unique
`link key for the node. This Trust Center Link Key then is used to encrypt all subsequent
`communication between the TC and the relevant node, replacing the pre-configured unique link
`key. However, the node still keeps the pre-configured link key in case it needs to rejoin in the
`EX. 2017, Page 5


`• Application Link Key, which is used between a pair of nodes (without the TC) to commu-
`nicate. This key is requested to the TC by one of the two end devices, then generated by the
`TC with association with the IEEE/MAC addresses of the two nodes. The TC encrypts this
`key with the network key and, if exists, the pre-configured unique link key for each node to
`transport this key to each node.
`The keys used by a centralized security model of Zigbee protocol be summarized in Figure 3.
`Figure 3: Zigbee Security Key Summary for Centralized Model
`Distributed Security Model
`The keys used for the network and application layer in the distributed security model are as follows:
`• Network key, as described abocve.
`• Distributed Security Global Link Key, which is used to encrypt the communication between
`the Router parent and a joining node. This key is factory-programmed into all nodes [14].
`• Pre-configured Link Key, which is also used to encrypt the communication between the
`Router parent and a joining node. This key is also factory-programmed into all nodes using
`commissioning tool. There are three types of this key:
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`– Development key, which is used during development before Zigbee certification.
`– Master key, which is used after successful Zigbee certification.
`– Certification key, which is used during Zigbee certification testing. [14]
`At the end, the link key used should be the master key that shows a successful Zigbee certifica-
`4.3.2 Security Key Modification
`In a centralized security model, the TC periodically creates, distributes, and switches the network key
`to limit the time that an attacker acquires a network key. The new network key is encrypted with
`the TC-generated Trust Center Link Key. When the new key first reaches the nodes, the transported
`key is automatically saved but not activated. A node can store more than one network key while
`identifying the current one with a unique ’key sequence number’ assigned by the TC. [6, 14] Similarly,
`application link key can also be replaced with the new link key generated by the TC.
`There is also over-the-air (OTA) updates that allow a manufacturer to add new features, fix defects
`in the product, and apply security patches as new threats are identified. OTA updates create potential
`security vulnerability if the protocol does not provide enough protection or the device manufacturer
`does not use all the available protection. Zigbee provides multi-layered security to update devices and
`assure that updated code images are not malleable. It encrypts all image transfers OTA with a unique
`key, signs the OTA image with another unique key, then encrypts the image during manufacturing
`so that only the end product can decrypt it. The image might be stored in on-chip memory that is
`configured with the debug read-back feature disabled – preventing reverse engineering with standard
`debugging tools, which is a common vulnerability of other solutions. Once the encrypted image is
`received, its secure bootloader decrypts the image, validates the signature, and updates the device.
`The bootloader also checks the validity of each image each time the device boots to prevent it from
`updating and return to using the previous known good image if the image is invalid (detecting image
`corruption quickly). [6]
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`4.4 Security Architecture
`As mentioned before, Zigbee builds NWK and APL layers on top of the IEEE 802.15.4 PHY and
`MAC layers. The APL layer includes Application Support (APS) sublayer, the Zigbee Device Object
`(ZDO), and applications. The ZDO is responsible for managing the security policies and the secu-
`rity configuration of a device. The APS layer provides a foundation for servicing ZDO and Zigbee
`Figure 4: Outline of the Zigbee Stack Architecture
`The architecture includes security mechanisms at three layers of the protocol stack: the MAC,
`NWK, and APS layers.
`4.4.1 MAC Layer Security
`The MAC layer security is based on the security of IEEE 802.15.4 (based on its specification) aug-
`mented with CCM∗. CCM is an enhanced counter with CBC-MAC mode operation encryption scheme,
`while CCM∗ is CCM with encryption-only and integrity-only capabilities. The MAC layer uses a single
`key for all CCM∗ security levels (CCM∗ throughout the MAC, NWK, and APS layers). [5]
`As part of the open trust model, the MAC layer is responsible for its own security processing, but
`the upper layers determine which keys or security levels to use. The upper layer sets the MAC layer
`default key to coincide with the active network key and the MAC layer link keys to coincide with
`any link keys from the upper layer.
`[5] MAC layer link keys (which are set by the upper layer are
`preferred. The following figure shows an outgoing MAC frame in Zigbee protocol with its security
`4.4.2 NWK (Network) Layer Security
`The NWK layer is responsible for the processing steps needed to transmit outgoing frames and securely
`receive incoming frames securely. Similar to the MAC layer, upper layers set up the appropriate keys
`and frame counter and establish which security level to use. [4]
`The NWK layer sometimes broadcast route request messages and process received route reply
`messages. In doing so, the NWK layer uses link keys if available; otherwise, it uses its active network
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`Figure 5: Zigbee frame with security at the MAC layer
`key. Here, the frame format explicitly indicates the key used to protect the frame. The following
`figure shows an example of an encrypted network layer.
`Figure 6: Zigbee frame with security at the NWK layer
`4.4.3 Application (APL) Layer Security
`All the security related with the APL layers is handled by the APS (application support) sublayer.
`The APS layer is responsible for the processing steps needed to securely transmit outgoing frames,
`securely receive incoming frames, and securely establish and manage cryptographic keys. Upper layers
`control the security level or the management of cryptographic keys by issuing primitives to the APS
`layer. The following figure shows an example of encrypted APS layer.
`In Zigbee 3.0, Zigbee protocol can also create an application-level secure link between a pair of
`devices in the network by establishing a unique set of AES-128 encryption keys between a pair of
`devices. This supports the virtual private links between a pair of devices which needs higher security.
`An example is in a functional network of home area network that connects many devices (lights,
`thermostats, occupancy sensors, door locks, window sensors, and garage door openers), an extra layer
`of security qualification is established between door locks and garage door openers to limit the ability
`of an attacker acquiring the network key to inject messages that would open the door lock; in this
`case the attacker would also need the link key between door locks and garage door openers. [6]
`4.5 Updates on Zigbee 3.0
`There is a designed ”moment of insecurity” in the Zigbee HA 1.2 specification that uses a well-known
`symmetric encryption key known as the Trust Center Link Key to distribute a unique network key
`when a device first joins the network. This is a tradeoff that the Zigbee Alliance chose to make
`between security and simplicity - with a mitigated impact given that an attacker would have to be
`capturing Zigbee network traffic at the same time that a new device is being joined to the network.
`EX. 2017, Page 9


`Application of security su~e adds auxiliary header
`and aso an integrity code
`Encrypted APS Pa)lc>ad
`All of the abCNe APS frame is integrly-prc:tected _____ _.t
`Figure 7: Zigbee frame with security at the APS layer
`This method has been removed from the upcoming Zigbee 3.0 specification and replaced with a
`process that requires a per-device installation code that is used to generate a unique joining key, which
`is then used to acquire the Zigbee network key. The install code may be printed on the device, be a
`2D barcode that is scanned by a camera, or some other out-of-band method of passing the code from
`the end-device to the Zigbee Coordinator device (in our case, the SmartThings Hub) such as NFC
`or Bluetooth Smart. However, our devices did not support the out-of-band key establishment and
`instead utilized the Trust Center Link Key described above.
`5 Previous Work
`There have been some projects done in the past few years on exploiting Zigbee vulnerabilities. Many
`of the hacks are performed on specific Zigbee devices since different hardware and software setups can
`limit the types of attacks hackers can perform. Here we give three examples of previous work with
`5.1 Killerbee
`Killerbee is a Python-based framework used to exploit the security of the devices implemented with
`Zigbee standard. Killerbee provides facilities for sniffing the keys, injecting network traffic, decoding
`the packets captured, and packet manipulation. Killerbee was first developed so that other users can
`extend the framework and build other tools and perform various kinds of attacks[8]. Killerbee is easily
`extendable because it has minimal library dependencies. We have used the Killerbee framework when
`our team attacked the Zigbee standard with the devices we purchased.
`Some of the notable tools included in Killerbee framework include: 1) zbassocflood, used to crash
`the device from too many connected stations; 2) zbdsniff, used to capture Zigbee traffic and return
`the key if found; 3) zbstumbler, an active network discovery tool that sends beacon request frames
`out and returns the user information on discovered devices[9].
`5.2 IoT Worm Hack on Philips Hue Light Bulbs
`In November 2016, a paper was published to explain the attack targeted on Philips Hue Light Bulbs
`that implemented with Zigbee standard. The researchers used a drone to target Philips Hue Light
`Bulbs, and infected the light bulbs with a worm/virus that gives the attackers the ability to turn them
`on and off. Interestingly, the attackers controlled the lights to flash a Morse code ”SOS” message[10].
`This attack exploited the hard-coded symmetric keys on the light bulbs to control them through
`the Zigbee network. The worm was able to attack a light bulb from up to 400 meters away and
`then spread to nearby bulbs because Zigbee uses hard-coded skeleton keys.
`In more details, the
`worm tricked Philips into release an automatic firmware update for the bulbs and bypassed the built-
`in security safeguards against unauthorized remote access. Then, the attackers were able to easily
`EX. 2017, Page 10


`decrypt the AES-CCM key that is used in all Hue light bulbs. The worm can then spread to close-by
`bulbs using the Zigbee wireless network[11].
`After publishing the paper about the attack, Zigbee quickly issued a response. They claimed that
`the vulnerability was not part of Zigbee standard, but rather an internal implementation error made
`by Philips. From this attack, we can see that even though Zigbee Alliance tries its best to ensure the
`security of its standard, they do not have complete control over how other companies implement the
`protocol and some erroneous implementation could lead to security weaknesses.
`5.3 Internet of Things Map
`The Internet of Things Map is projected that maps out the locations and manufacturers of Zigbee
`devices in Austin, TX. The researchers have developed an autonomous device that is equipped with
`multiple Zigbee radios to communicate with nearby devices, and a GPS used to locate the Zigbee
`devices. This device can capture and save the locations of all Zigbee devices within 30 to 100 meters
`This project has demonstrated how easy it is for the location and basic information on IoT devices
`to be leaked because of its wireless nature, even without performing an attack. Once an adversary
`locates a device, they can begin their attacks. The map also shows there is an increasing number of
`users of Zigbee devices in residential areas and commercial areas, which is one of the most important
`reasons why security in Zigbee is important.
`6 Security Analysis
`For our Zigbee IoT setup, we purchased several smart devices to implement a Zigbee Coordinator,
`Router, and End Device. We also use a set of tools including both hardware and software to be able
`to eavesdrop on Zigbee’s 802.15.4 network. These tools not only give us passive listening functionality,
`but also give us the ability to perform packet flooding, replay, and spoofing attacks.
`6.1 Hardware Tools
`We purchased three devices to setup our IoT network. Samsung SmartThings Hub v2 is the centralized
`control hub from which users can connect and control their smart devices over the Internet. Our
`Centralite Smart Outlet represented our Zigbee router; since it is perpetually connected to power, it
`has the ability to route all traffic between the Coordinator and End Devices. Lastly, our Iris Contact
`Sensor is a magnetic sensor placed on a doorway that sends out a beacon whenever the door is open
`or closed. Since it is battery powered, it represents a Zigbee End Device that, if not being triggered,
`goes to sleep to reserve power.
`We also acquired a Atmel Raven RZUSB Stick that allows users to capture 802.15.4 network data. The
`default firmware with which it’s shipped provided only passive functionality (listening in on Zigbee
`channels). Since we wanted to also be able to perform attacks on the network and inject our own
`traffic, we installed custom Killerbee firmware onto the RZUSB. To flash this custom firmware, we
`also had to purchase:
`EX. 2017, Page 11


`• Atmel AVR Dragon On-Chip Programmer (ATAVRDRAGON)
`• Atmel 100-mm to 50-mm JTAG Standoff Adapter (ATAVR-SOAKIT)
`• 50mm male-to-male header (Digi-Key part S9015E-05)
`• 10-pin (2x5) 100-mm female-to-female ribbon cable (Digi-Key part H3AAH-1018G-ND)
`6.2 Software Tools
`Once we had the Killerbee firmware installed, we had access to open-source tools written in Python
`used to communicate to the RZUSB functionality. Among other, we used these tools which were run
`from the command line:
`• zbdump - A tcpdump-like took to capture IEEE 802.15.4 frames to a libpcap or Daintree SNA
`packet capture file. Does not display real-time stats like tcpdump when not writing to a file.
`• zbstumbler - Active Zigbee and IEEE 802.15.4 network discovery tool. Zbstumbler sends beacon
`request frames out while channel hopping, recording and displaying summarized information
`about discovered devices. Can also log results to a CSV file.
`Once we had packet capture files (either libpcap or Daintree SNA files), we used a popular packet
`manipulation service called Wireshark to visualize the packets. Wireshark allowed us to understand
`the underlying structure and components of packet data which, in the raw, looks simply like a hex
`dump, but in Wireshark, exhibited useful information.
`6.3 Procedures
`Our first step, once we had successfully flashed the RZUSB with custom firmware and installed
`killerbee with all of its dependencies, was to recreate a device pairing.
`On the SmartThings iOS application, we removed the Iris Contact Sensor and the Centralite
`Smart Outlet from the Hub’s network. Next, we accessed the SmartThings developer web portal
`( where we could find technical specifications for the Hub as well as con-
`nected devices, personal area network IDs (PANID) for each device, and a live log of events on the
`network. From here, we found several key bits of information:
`Notice that the Zigbee channel being utilized is 19, that the Hub’s PANID is 0xD75F, that Over-
`the-Air (OTA) key transport is enabled, and that unsecure rejoin, meaning that battery-powered
`devices may leave and rejoin the network without a new key rotation, is enabled. These default
`settings give us many potential avenues of attack.
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`6.3.1 Key Sniffing
`Our primary attack focused us around capturing a key transport from our Zigbee network which could
`potentially be used to decrypt messages and send commands to devices. Firstly, we connected our
`RZUSB with our custom killerbee firmware to a Ubuntu Virtual Machine. We then called zbdump
`on channel 19 and output the packet capture data to a libpcap file. With the RZUSB sniffing for
`packets, we opened the SmartThings iOS application to place the Hub into pairing mode.
`We then found both the Iris Contact Sensor and the Centralite Smart Outlet and saved them to
`the Hub’s network. After the association was complete, we stopped sniffing and ported the packet
`capture data to WireShark. The results are displayed in the figure below:
`Several items are of interest here. For the first 9 packets, we observe simple broadcast messages by
`the Hub looking for devices to add. Packet 10 displays an Association Request by a device with only
`a MAC Address. After Acknowledgments and a successful Association Response in which the device
`is assigned a new PANID, we arrive at Packet 18 which is described as an APS: Command from the
`Hub coordinator to the newly added device.
`Digging further into the Command packet shows us that it is encrypted with a Key-Transport Key.
`According to the Zigbee Specification, a Key-Transport Key is a ”key used to protect key transport
`messages.” [4] In other words, this message represented a transport of the shared Network Key to the
`newly added device, encrypted with a Key-Transport Key. After further research, we discovered that
`this Key-Transport Key is also known as the Trust Center Default Link Key. This Default TC Link
`Key is publicly known to be the hex encoding of the string ZigbeeAllia

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