
`Cook Incorporated, Cook Group Incorporated, and Cook Medical LLC,
`Medtronic, Inc.,
`Patent Owner
`Patent No. 6,306,141
`Issue date: October 23, 2001
`Case No. IPR2019-00123
`Exhibit 1022-0001


`1. My name is Shigeru Itoh and I have personal knowledge of the facts
`contained in this declaration. I am a Japanese patent attorney (Benrishi) at Itoh &
`Ebi based in Tokyo, Japan. My work responsibilities include identifying
`references that are prior art to patents, including investigating the public
`accessibility of such references.
`I have been retained by the law firm of Brinks Gilson & Lione to
`provide this declaration concerning the Titanium / Zirconium Journal, Vol. 30, No.
`4 (October 1982) (the “Journal”). The Journal is a periodical that was published at
`regular intervals. I have been informed that an article published in the Journal will
`be relied upon by Petitioners in an inter partes review proceeding before the Patent
`Trial and Appeal Board of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
`I have been asked to search for a copy of the Journal at the National
`Diet Library (the “Library”) located in Tokyo, Japan, and to determine the date
`when the Journal was publicly accessible.
`I am knowledgeable about the date-stamping, indexing, cataloging,
`and shelving procedures for journals acquired by the Library. Generally, after a
`journal is received in the mail, it is labeled with the date the journal is processed
`(referred to as a date stamp) by the Library’s Recording Section of the Domestic
`Material Division of the Collection Department. The date stamp is added to the
`journal to identify the date that the journal is received and processed by the
`Exhibit 1022-0002


`Library, and the date on which the date stamp is added is the same date reflected in
`the date stamp. The date stamp is added by the Library personnel processing the
`journal who has knowledge of the then-current date on which the journal is
`The journal is then sent (typically within one day of the date of the
`date stamp) from the Recording Section to the Journal Section of the Publications
`Division of the Collection Department. The Journal Section indexes the journal in
`the Library’s catalog system, and shelves the journal (typically within one day
`following receipt of the journal from the Recording Section). After shelving, the
`journal is accessible by the public interested in the subject matter of the journal.
`The journal with its date stamp is a record of the Library’s regularly conducted
`activity. Also, the journal with its date stamp is kept by the Library in the course
`of regularly conducted activity of the Library, which includes maintaining
`publications for the public to access and review.
`I retrieved a copy of the Journal from the Library. The Journal is
`date-stamped November 26, 1982. The Journal is over twenty years old, it was
`prepared with its date stamp before January 1, 1998, it was in a condition that
`created no suspicion about its authenticity, and it was located in the place where it
`would be expected to be located. True and correct copies of an excerpt from the
`Journal, including the date-stamped cover carrying the Table of Contents, is
`Exhibit 1022-0003


`attached as Exhibit A. As reflected in the Table of Contents, Pages 1-8 of this
`journal constitutes the article entitled, Shape Memory and Super-elasticity Effects
`in NiTi Alloys, by Yuichi Suzuki. A true and correct copy of this article (along
`with its translation) has been designated as Ex. 1012 in this proceeding.
`The Journal was locatable on the Library’s shelves (at least by
`December 3, 1982 (within a week’s time after the Journal’s date stamp)) through
`the Library’s card catalog system that existed before the computerized catalog
`became available. This card catalog system was searchable by title, subject matter,
`and authors or editors, among other bibliographic information, and it identified
`where in the Library a journal was shelved. Upon identification of the journal
`using the Library’s card catalog system, a Library patron could then request a
`Library employee to retrieve the journal from the location where it was shelved,
`and the Library employee would retrieve the journal and provide it to the patron.
`To the best of my knowledge, the copy of the Journal that I retrieved,
`including the article identified above contained in the Journal, was indexed in, and
`locatable through, the Library’s card catalog system (such as by searching the card
`catalog by subject matter), and it was available to the public for viewing and
`making copies by December 3, 1982 (within a week’s time after the Journal’s date
`Exhibit 1022-0004


`I have been warned that willful false statements and the like are
`punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both. I declare under penalty of perjury
`under the laws of the United States of America that the foregoing is true and
`Executed September 26, 2018, at Tokyo, Japan.
`5”“ ”I
`..-_ EXCQLT‘fkqf
`/ L:) g
`Shgeru Itoh
`Exhibit 1022-0005
`Exhibit 1022-0005


`Exhibit 1022-0006


`,f p ~ r7 b . 3}» :1 :_ r71). Vol. 30. No. 4(5Efn57fi510fi28fififi)
`ISSN 0577-9391
`VOL_3O OCTOBER 1982 No.4
`a .
`”filmfi‘t‘} ,f y 3“)” LE" ..................................................................... ‘ifi
`Ni-Ti gammfinmm!¢g;§fi ..................................................... fix 3.... I
`agmamaxmalmxm;yyimwm ------------------ -Kl mi-Lm xz,m~w
`fin7k¥4tm9ylfiyr7£w§fl ......................................................... gamma...”
`9:5, Vwi'fl340ISEUJR—Jfi ........................................ I
`1— . Bffi 5&2...“
`nxamyf.yglzi;9y§pjm ...................................................... film gi.,.25
`awrbmaéfim TIS ma ;9y39§imim§mfinfii ~iti;3fl§fl&i9fi%~-31
`”5&1 ‘34) ygy-M%am§m .................................................. ‘XH Bifi‘4‘
`NHK KENMI'fiE‘DXiAEMfi, azyygfifl m h,‘_ .. u
`¢$in§mfi¥flfiififigxa 'Miéfifianififlfi 45
`msfimama-y uni; Ohflfifiwfifflbt’ ----------------------------------- (at: ramming-46
`;9:0A.ywjzjbgmiwgfiflmmmmmemmMm.HWE* fixfiz ”
`#iEfliiA —7'- $7 : fiAmfi
`Exhibit 1022-0007


` g
`Shape Memory and Super-elasticity
`Ni-Ti fifiwfiélfifififlfitflflfi
`Effects in NiTi Alloys
`Summary: The equiatomic or near equiatomic NiTi is a unique intermetallic compound. It has good ductility, a
`shape memory effect, and a super-elasticity. The alloy undergoes a martemitic transformation at near room temper-
`ature. The low temperature phase is characterized by high damping capacity, and the high temperature phase by
`excellent abrasion and corrosion resistance. By a shape memory effect we mean that the alloy plastically deformed
`in the low temperature phase recovers its original shape in subsequent heating. Super-elasticity is a rubber-like
`behavior of the alloy in which a strain attained beyond the elastic limit in loading recovers upon unloading. The
`following is a presentation of the general properties and deformation mechanisms of the shape memory effect and
`the super-elasticity of the NiTi alloys including its applications such as in jointing devicu, thermal actuators, and
`medical devices.
`I. saaeeefio Ni-Ti 3%
`BLV‘lEfiEFf’J'CV‘ébi, a rate. iififiifiwfifiw
`mm x 7; :z’aolfifinlfifébi, : : 111$) éfifi
`Ordnance Laboratory) ‘C'Bflfi 3 #11:? c M 73;, EKK
`The Central Research Laboratory
`The Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd.
`9‘15, 2-chome, Futaba, Shinagawa—ku, Tokyo
`fikfimowruxfiwfiicrwbocfi *fivu
`”zva-yvmzoa Vol.30 No.4 531115755105
`Exhibit 1022-0008
`Exhibit 1022-0008


`311 Efimflfifitflflfiéfi
`. x 1.
`__.‘M___m1___k‘_ 1‘ W
` m
`fl 5* *i ‘3 &
`ammwfia L‘CtJMCZEE surpammatm;
`-II w;u‘
`z fiaflfifiitflflfi
`fléifififis’bfi. flfifififlu:+vmfi«<tx 5 K, H:
`affli‘fittlzfiéfifil‘fibafi, :ntfitmofil'
`UM - ofafil (l1) 2&9‘C55’Jlbfifl‘m“
`mfifimuncimz, Ufkbiwmfitckfififi
`mama. xmmnzfimaé. Namath”
`a. :mmm. fifiOQHHH‘EEBnbEfi‘L'f‘g
`71:71; . ix'Il/Jsle Vol. 30 No. 4
`Exhibit 1022-0009
`Exhibit 1022-0009


`2. xfififimvfht’umwmcfior Li 5 a) 1* t;
`erofmfieycmauugwf 2mm; t r: a
`1M9: LT 'Mla L’flflktlfilfl mm
`+15m 6x55§kfi§tfi®$flifibkfieu
`: : 1‘3.”th 3 r. a ti, azwamamxaemm: J:
`J: 5 irrafixmwa. :nboifliiflfifibcowc
`at at F i vAOé‘QTMkStzfiflénnflt 1‘ a) a
`fi% fifiufifiméfivaa:tm£mebtofi
`flfimfécmcmwcwvttirs r. 9, Famimi~fiom
`§ E
`E1 mfinuaa.aufieaaIMleuflwmnvvaam
`or} (I)
`matuo-cfizu: Human as [a m o c t 1‘ a)
`imibéh, fiiitc§arwbo
`E2 Eamarwneammnuraam
`fiéflflmfififlflfibiflfilfi z» i): t w 5 t . : mos
`7‘73'7A - 911/:sz Vol. 30 No. 4
`Exhibit 1022-0010
`Exhibit 1022-0010


`2; iii
`?vL-7;-fi«1 km
`'Iffi’fiL L‘vni /” { i-Hl
`t C7317, M mm: Ni-Ti cum
`flwf;M§fi§cT6%&‘G$5ti. mtsamgmu
`enrwé, géfiofiw Ni-Ti éfika‘izio‘n‘bM
`m—razaxumww mm; DgT-i‘fiifiwtczb D,Af;§
`354x531; Ni-Ti gamma
`baa §¥‘C‘imwmb3fiy\(_l5o:cm) éfiéifiv‘:
`WEEfi‘T‘CR’éo REC, E4 on; 5;;,<47'
`75:9A-V»329A vasone mammwfi
`Exhibit 1022-0011


`E1 n47xnzuxélfifififififi
` '"uwmnnmnnwrr
`E4 15mm Ni“ fifi’EHiL‘tIVf 71:33am“
`751klfifl8 GE
`E 5
`fifllflfléfifi-flt‘t 1Cfi¥lhz
` garmU$
`vimvdfiiflfiiw (WM.
`Iéfltminaomv‘) t w 5
`€90=41vtififi0=4iw<2~2EKfi65 .t 9 Kb
`KIVEfl'iA/v't‘flEfiétTéc =4IWJIJIJQEthTZi
`E3 BREfiNnVefifl9577
`+7:75-9W::7A vm.m Nm4 mmmmmfi
`Exhibit 1022-0012


`I. I'
`" '
`f%“$ ”471“?
`0.6.1. 3! E
`'I (I) 9 ydfintimbn, {Rifi'mtx 9-7
`02<$mtxorngmwrmaag g
`fiflfifi? é: L’Cfi. : Offlucfifiofi
`wasn't: 5 Var-J ~icaM-(zgnm
`Vzfi-fh’ififiacfii o 7.25%, 8&7 1 7
`Et:¥&flfifakfi¢ififi£5LTbE<t6t mmxafiyuykgwmwzmfimfifi%tnmu
`Ni-Ti éfidfififitifivWJT-zhtffiInk#—?iiifl
`Eufiomfi$35fimfifimfiwoéam,{—9— infifififlfix¥ufi$flfik8<.l$W*i
`mmKiLrnn,imm,mx§$m%fimvomm <,fifitawfi&mI$W¥—WBQWI*W¥¢
`mm-y-fix‘xyynflififlib‘fiifizn‘twmll'). C
`Zfiflfifi?®$flfltb1,&yv=—y—oflm neomxyvyuxfiimménruwmmfiim
`7.,{3 1-5355 ankfififiap Ni—Tigfi :74 «“435;
`:x y 7 7 vyxmifillfifiény‘fli 8’61)!“
`mat—(I’WFéfi-éo «'yommtmr — Fn'v 7 an
`o‘CZJJ‘lEIEtM’FE L. mgfibfiifi Lfiffi'fiéé. 5*!
`7 U —f;:li¢m'c'tts\afi#bSMV\Tu/\5, x D ~707HEH:
`Em NfiTafimfiflEmMiiflmb
`as mammaaemukazaa—
`5. Eilfi Ni-Ti 69mm
`f5:9A-9w=:VA vm.m M14 me$Wfl
`Exhibit 1022-0013


`fiLT {afiEEflnilfizTmetwfikar
`Ni-Tifi‘fitiEnK/fifl 5i: vyfé'llf‘fé'flf‘v
`094+fv72’tfio‘tl‘fé1’éfiK07 VHAli,
`E<Tfilfb3lfiwtwfifib§iwfifit vyx'kfit'r‘té:
`Iii-2 :1 a 1:133: LMEI 2 ). :wmfifin‘rfl:fi
`io'CBEEf797n/fiy F92 7141+ ('nfcfifli'f'b
`fiémlféfcwtcw—VEVF’JT: 916 tfiiWVNFR
`312 flufiNflfleaauxafimfii
`L7:77 FEmMfinSifiban‘Ct/\6°
`*529A.7w::7A vm.w Nm4 mmwgwfi
`Exhibit 1022-0014


`i i
`l i11 !
`S. Miyazaki, K. Otsuka and Y. Suzuki:
`Scripla Met., [5, 287 (l981)
`9) L. C. Chang and T. A. Read: Tram.
`AIME, 189, 47 (1951)
`\V. J. Buehler, J. W. Gilfrich and R. C. Wiley;
`J. apply. Phys., 34, 1475 (1963)
`11) K. Otsuka and K. Shimizu: Scripta Met., 4,
`469 (1970)
`I2) xmfiffi : 525mg, 27, 245 (1971)
`7§Ufi§lk : 7/»?V‘*J‘4 ”magma; it.
`J. D. Harrison and D. E. Hodgson: Shape
`Memory Efforts in Alloys, Plenum, New York,
`517 {1975)
`B. J. Mulder: Vacuum, 26, 31 (1975)
`16) R. F. Otte and C. I. Fischer: U. S. Patent No.
`3, 740, 839 (1973)
`17) Ed. by D. M. Goldstcin and L. McNamara:
`Proc. Nitinol Hcat Engine Conference, 2-1,
`saxae— : fig, 5], 15 (1981—11)
`fiifllfiflk 3 fififllfififi 23. 47 (1982)
`fiifil‘éifi = fifififlfi FfifléflfiJ. 32. “30
`& Bhbc
`.1. Wasilcwski: Trans. AINIE., 233, 1691
`l) R.
`\‘V. J. Buchler: U. S. Patent No. 3, I74, 851
`m $Mfii:fikfl.wAva%n
`4) C- M- WaYman (m “51:39” i B$fifi$
`I9, 323 (1980)
`5) Xififflflvl‘émflt‘flfitfiDI, 22, 5450981)
`*fliflfi5§ 1 Mia, 27, 245 (1971)
`7) fi*&“'M$=?F=9A-Vflzzza
`A, 27, 67 (1979)
`___...,-_.._... .._,______.______...____._ O __
`~_.___._-- __ ___._..____ .. ...__..._—._—-—-—
`fyz7L-Vwasz va.w N¢4 mmM$wfl
`Exhibit 1022-0015
`Exhibit 1022-0015

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