
`U.S. APPLICATION No. (If known)
` Unassigned
`PCT/EP2014/052842 13 February 2013 13 February 2014
`Bo ESBECH et al.
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`Align EX. 1002 (Part 1 of 3)
`US. Patent No. 9,962,244
`[Page 1 of 3]
`Align Ex. 1002 (Part 1 of 3)
`U.S. Patent No. 9,962,244


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`Attorney Docket No. 0079124-000111
`in re PatentApplication of
`Bo ESBECH et al.
`Application No.: Unassigned
`July 28, 2015
`Group Art Unit: Unassigned
`Confirmation No.2 Unassigned
`Commissioner for Patents
`PO. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`in accordance with 37 C.F.R. § 1.136(a)(3), the US. Patent and Trademark Office is
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`overpayment, to Deposit Account No. 02-4800.
`Respectfully submitted,
`July 28 2015
`Customer Number 21839
`Travis D. Boone
`Registration No. 52635
`Buchanan Ingersoll A. Rooney PC
`Attorneys ll Government Relations Professionals


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`Travis D. Boone
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`Attorney’s Docket No. 0079124—0001 11
`Group Art Unit: Unassigned
`Confirmation No.2 Unassigned
`) ) i
`) ) ) )
`In re Patent Application of
`Bo ESBECH et al.
`Application No.: Unassigned
`July 28, 2015
`Commissioner for Patents
`PO. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313—1450
`Prior to examination of the above-captioned patent application, kindly amend the
`application as follows.


`Please replace the original specification with the attached substitute specification.
`Please find attached:
`- Marked-Up Copy of substitute specification
`- Clean Copy of substitute specification.
`No new matter has been added.


`Attorney’s Docket No. 0079124-000111
`Application No. Unassigned
`Page 3
`The following listing of claims will replace all prior versions and listings of claims in this
`(Currently Amended) A focus scanner system for recording surface geometry
`and surface color of an object, the focus scanner system comprising:
`[H] a multichromatic light source configured for providing a multichromatic probe light
`for illumination of the object,
`[H] a color image sensor comprising an array of image sensor pixels for capturing one
`or more 2D images of light received from said object, anal
`where—theseaaaeesystem—is—a—wherein the focus scanner system is configured to
`operate operating by translating a focus plane along an optical axis of the focus scanner system
`and capturing a series of the 2D images each 2D image of the series is at a different focus
`plane @sitifl pesitiens such that each miseries of captured 2D images forms a stack of 2D
`a data processing system configured to derive surface geometry information for a block
`of said image sensor pixels from the 2D images in the stack of 2D images captured by said
`color image sensor, the data processing system also configured to derive surface color
`information for the block of said image sensor pixels from at least one of the 2D images used to
`derive the surface geometry information.


`Attorney‘s Docket No. 0079124-000111
`Application No. Unassigned
`Page 4
`(Currently Amended) The focus scanner system according to claim 1, wherein
`the data processing system is configured for generating a sub-scan of a part of the object
`surface based on surface geometry information and surface color information derived from a
`plurality of blocks of image sensor pixels.
`(Currently Amended) The focus scannersystem according to claim 1 er—2,
`wherein the data processing system is configured for combining a number of sub—scans to
`generate a digital 3D representation of the object.
`(Currently Amended) The focus scannersystem according to claim 1 any—af—the
`preeeding—elaims where the scanner system comprises a pattern generating element
`configured for incorporating a spatial pattern in said probe light.
`(Currently Amended) The Eggs scanner system according to glam anyefthe
`preseding—elams where deriving the surface geometry information and surface color
`information comprises calculating for several 2D images a correlation measure between the
`portion of the 2D image captured by said block of image sensor pixels and a weight function,
`where the weight function is determined based on information of the configuration of the spatial
`(Currently Amended) The focus scanner system according to the—preseding claim
`Q, wherein deriving the surface geometry information and the surface color information for a
`block of image sensor pixels comprises identifying the position along the optical axis at which
`the corresponding correlation measure has a maximum value.


`Attorney's Docket No. 0079124-000111
`Application No. Unassigned
`Page 5
`(Currently Amended) The focus scanner system according to claim 7498 g,
`wherein generating a sub—scan comprises determining a correlation measure function
`describing the variation of the correlation measure along the optical axis for each block of image
`sensor pixels and identifying the position along the optical axis at which the correlation measure
`functions have their maximum value for the block.
`(Currently Amended) The focus scanner system according to claim Z sir—8, where
`the maximum correlation measure value is the highest calculated correlation measure value for
`the block of image sensor pixels and/or the highest maximum value of the correlation measure
`function for the block of image sensor pixels.
`(Currently Amended) The focus scanner system according to claim 6 any-sf
`slaimsétsé), wherein the data processing system is configured for determining a sub-scan
`color for a point on a generated sub-scan based on the surface color information of the 2D
`image in the series in which the correlation measure has its maximum value for the
`corresponding block of image sensor pixels.
`(Currently Amended) The focus scanner system according to thepreeedmg claim
`9, wherein the data processing system is configured for deriving the sub-scan color for a point
`on a generated sub-scan based on the surface color information of the 2D images in the series
`in which the correlation measure has its maximum value for the corresponding block of image
`sensor pixels and on at least one additional 2D imagersuenaseeeighberimD—image—frem


`Attorney’s Docket No. 0079124-000111
`Application No. Unassigned
`Page 6
`(Currently Amended) The focus scanner system according to thepreeeding claim
`1_0, where the data processing system is configured for interpolating surface color information of
`at least two 2D images in a series when determining the sub-scan color, such as an
`interpolation of surface color information of neighboring 2D images in a series.
`(Currently Amended) The focus scanner system according to claim 10 any—9f
`Gimme—104944, wherein the data processing system is configured for computing an averaged
`sub-scan color for a number of points of the sub—scan, where the computing comprises an
`averaging of sub~scan colors of different pointsTsuch—as—a—weighteei—aymagieg—ef-theeelersef
`(Currently Amended) The fogs scanner system according to Lain); any—ef—the
`preeedingslainm, where the data processing system is configured for determining object color
`for a least one point of the generated digital 3D representation of the object from sub—scan color
`of the sub-scans combined to generate the digital 3D representation, such that the digital 3D
`representation expresses both geometry and color profile of the object.
`(Currently Amended) The focus scanner system according to thepreyieus claim
`3, wherein determining the object color comprises computing a weighted average of sub-scan
`color values derived for corresponding points in overlapping sub-scans at that point of the object
`(Currently Amended) The focus scanner system according to claim 1 anyLef-the
`preyiees—elaims, wherein the data processing system is configured for detecting saturated pixels


`Attorney's Docket No. 0079124—0001 11
`Application No. Unassigned
`Page 7
`in the captured 2D images and for mitigating or removing the error in the derived surface color
`information or the sub~scan color caused by the pixel saturation.
`(Currently Amended) The focus scanner system according to thepreyieas claim
`fl; wherein the error caused by the saturated pixel is mitigated or removed by assigning a low
`weight to the surface color information of the saturated pixel in the computing of the smoothed
`sub-scan color and/or by assigning a low weight to the sub-scan color computed based on the
`saturated pixel.
`(Currently Amended) The focus scanner system according to claim 1 any—ef—the
`presedmgdaims, wherein the data processing system is configured for comparing the derived
`surface color information of sections of the captured 2D images and/or of the generated sub-
`scans of the object with predetermined color ranges for teeth and for oral tissue, and for
`suppressing the red component of the derived surface color information or sub-scan color for
`sections where the color is not in one of the two predetermined color ranges.
`(Currently Amended) The focus scanner system according to claim 1, any—ef—the
`preeeelingclaims where the color image sensor comprises a color filter array comprising at least
`three types of colors filters, each allowing light in a known wavelength range, W1, W2, and W3
`respectively, to propagate through the color filter.
`(Currently Amended) The focus scanner system according to claim 1, anyef—the
`preseemgclaims where the surface geometry information is derived from light in a selected
`wavelength range of the spectrum provided by the multichromatic light source.


`Attorney’s Docket No. 0079124—000111
`Application No. Unassigned
`Page 8
`(Currently Amended) The focus scanner system according to thepreeeding claim
`1g, where the color filter array is such that the proportion of the image sensor pixels of the color
`image sensor with color filters that match the selected wavelength range of the Spectrum is
` larger than 50%
`(Currently Amended) The focus scanner system according to claim 19 era—20,
`wherein the selected wavelength range matches the W2 wavelength range.
`(Currently Amended) The focus scanner system according to claim 19 anyef
`claims—194924, wherein the color filter array comprises a plurality of cells of 6x6 color filters,
`where the color filters in positions (2,2) and (5,5) of each cell are of the W1 type, the color filters
`in positions (2,5) and (5,2) are of the W3 type.
`(Currently Amended) The focus scanner system according to the—preceding claim
`22, where the remaining 32 color filters in the 6x6 cell are of the W2 type.
`(Currently Amended) The focus scanner according to theereseeling claim Q,
`where the pattern generating element is configured to provide that the spatial pattern comprises
`alternating dark and bright regions arranged in a checkerboard pattern.
`(Currently Amended) A focus scanner systemr for recording surface geometry
`and surface color of an object. the focus scannersystem comprising:
`a multichromatic light source configured for providing a multichromatic probe light, and
`a color image sensor comprising an array of image sensor pixels for capturing one or
`more 2D images of light received from said object,


`Attorney’s Docket No. 0079124-000111
`Application No. Unassigned
`Page 9
`where at least for a block of said image sensor pixels, both surface color information and
`surface geometry information of a part of the object are derived at least partly from one 2D
`image captured by said color image sensor.
`(Currently Amended) A method of recording surface geometry and surface color
`of an object, the method comprising:
`obtaining a focus scanner system according to claim 1 any—efthe—previeus—slaims;
`illuminating the surface of said object with multichromatic probe light from said
`multichromatic light source;
`capturing a series of 2D images of said object using said color image sensor; and
`deriving both surface geometry information and surface color information for a block of
`image sensor pixels at least partly from one captured 2D image.
`(New) The focus scanner according to claim 1, wherein the same series of 20
`images is taken from one pass of the focus scanner along the optical axis.
`(New) The focus scanner according to claim 1, wherein the multichromatic light
`source, the color image sensor, and at least a portion of the data processing system are
`included in a hand held unit.
`(New) The focus scanner according to claim 19, where the color filter array is
`such that the proportion of the image sensor pixels of the color image sensor with color filters
`that match the selected wavelength range of the spectrum has a proportion that equals 32/36,
`60/64 or 96/100.


`Attorney’s Docket No. 0079124-000111
`Application No. Unassigned
`Page 10
`(New) The focus scanner according to claim 10, wherein said at least one
`additional 2D image comprises a neighboring 2D image from the series of captured 2D images.
`(New) The focus scanner according to claim 12, wherein the averaging of sub~
`scan colors of different points comprises a weighted averaging of the colors of the surrounding
`points on the sub-scan.


`Attorney’s Docket No. 0079124-000111
`Application No. Unassigned
`Page 11
`By way of the foregoing amendment, the claims have been amended to delete multiple
`dependencies, and to otherwise conform with conventional U.S. format. No new matter has
`been introduced by these changes. It is to be understood that applicants reserve the right to
`submit additional claims within thescope of the original claims or supported by the specification.
`it is requested that the application be examined on the basis of the amendments
`presented herein. Early and favorable consideration of this application is respectfully requested.
`Should any questions arise in connection with this application. it is respectfully requested
`that the undersigned be contacted at the number indicated below.
`Respectfully submitted,
`/Travis D. Boone/
`Travis D. Boone
`Registration No. 52635
`Date: July 28, 2015
`Customer No. 21839
`(703) 836-6620


`Attorney Docket NO. 0079124-000111
`Field of the application
`The application relates to three dimensional (3D) scanning of the surface geometry
`and surface color of objects. A particular application is within dentistry, particularly
`for intraoral scanning.
`3D scanners are widely known from the art, and so are intraoral dental 3D scanners
`(e.g., Sirona Cerec, Cadent Itero, 38hape TRIOS).
`The ability to record surface color is useful in many applications. For example in
`dentistry, the user can differentiate types of tissue or detect existing restorations.
`For example in materials inspection, the user can detect surface abnormalities such
`as crystallization defects or discoloring. None of the above is generally possible
`from surface geometry information alone.
`W02010145669 mentions the possibility of recording color.
`In particular, several
`sequential images, each taken for an illumination in a different color - typically blue,
`green, and red - are combined to form a synthetic color image. This approach
`hence requires means to change light source color,
`such as color
`Furthermore, in handheld use, the scanner will move relative to the scanned object
`during the illumination sequence, reducing the quality of the synthetic color image.
`Also US7698068 and U88102538 (Cadent Inc.) describe an intraoral scanner that
`records both geometry data and texture data with one or more image sensor(s).
`However, there is a slight delay between the color and the geometry recording,
`respectively. US7698068 requires sequential illumination in different colors to form
`a synthetic image, while US8102538 mentions white light as a possibility, however


`Attorney Docket No. 0079124-000111
`from a second illumination source or recorded by a second image sensor, the first
`set being used for recording the geometry.
`WO2012083967 discloses a scanner for recording geometry data and texture data
`with two separate cameras. While the first camera has a relatively shallow depth of
`field as to provide focus scanning based on multiple images, the second camera
`has a relatively large depth of field as to provide color texture information from a
`single image.
`Color-recording scanning confocal microscopes are also known from the prior art
`(e.g., Keyence VK9700; see also JP2004029373). A white light illumination system
`along with a color image sensor is used for recording 2D texture, while a laser beam
`forms a dot that
`is scanned,
`i.e., moved over the surfa

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