`FormFactor, Inc. v. Feinmetall, GmbH
`Page 1 of 11
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`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Braunovic. Milenko.
`Electrical contacts : fundamentals. applications and technology 1' Milenko Brannovic, Nikolai K.
`Myshkin. Valery V. Koncl'u'ts.
`p. cm. _- {Electrical and computer engineering)
`Includes bibliographical references and index.
`ISBN-13: 973—1—ST444-727-9
`ISBN-10: 1-57444-727—0
`1. Electric contacts. 2. Friction. 3. Tribology. I. Myshkin, Nikolai Konstantinovich. ll. Konchits. V.
`V. [Valerii Vasil‘evich) III. Title. IV. Series.
`TK2821.3665 2006
`621.31'042ndc22 2006015470
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`Page 2 of 11
`Table of Contents
`Part I
`Fundamentals of Electrical Contacts.
`Milenko Brannovic’, Valery V. Konchi'rs, aridNilcoicii K Myshkm
`Chapter 1
`Introduction to Electrical Contacts3
`1. 1
`1.2 Summary of Basic Features...
`Chapter 2
`Contact Mechanics9
`Surface of Solids.
`2.2 Surface Topography“:
`2.3 Modern Techniques of Measuring SurfaceParameters“
`2.4 Contact of Smooth Surfaces.
`2.4. 1 Plastic and ElastoplasticContacts.
`2.5 Contact between Rough Surfaces.
`2.5.1 Greenwood—Williamson Model”
`2.52 Multilevel Model"
`.... ....
`2.5.3 Transition from ElastictoPlastic Contact
`Chapter 3
`Tribologyu 35
`3.] Friction:
`3.1.1 Laws of Friction"
`3.1.2 Real Contact Aream
`Interfacial Bonds (Adhesion Component of Friction)
`3.1.4 Deformation at Friction“
`3.1.5 Friction as a Function of Operating Conditions
`3.1.6 The Preliminary Displacements"
`Stages of Wear
`3.2.2 Simpie Model ofWear
`3.2.3 Basic Mechanisms ofWear
`3.2.4 Abrasive Wear
`3.2.5 AdhesiveWear
`3.2.6 Prow Formation
`3.2.7‘r FatigueWear
`3.2.8 CorrosiveWear
`3.2.9 Fretting Wear
`3.2.10 Delamination...
`3.2.11 Erosion"
`3.2.12 Combined Wear Modes
`3.3 Lubrication...
`3.4 Current Trendsin Tribology
`Page 3 of 11
`Chapter 4
`... 71
`Contact Materials"
`4.1 Metallic Contact Materials
`Properties of Contact Materials
` Copper
` Silver
` Platinum
` Palladium.
` Gold
` Rhodlum
` Nickel...
`Metals and Alloys forHeavy" and MediumDuty Contacts
`Metals and Alloys for Light-Duty Contacts
`Materials for Liquid-Metal Contacts
`Spring Contact Materials.
`Shape--Memory Alloys and’1‘11eir Applicationsin Electrical Contacts
`4.2 Coatings for Electrical Contacts“
`Basic Requirements"
`Surface Engineering Technolog1es
`Surface Segregation...
`Ion Implantation
` Elecn-oplanng
` Electroless Plating
` Cladding........................ ..
` Chemical Deposition...
` Plating by Swabbing...
` Physical Vapor Deposition Technology
` ElectraSpark Deposition (BSD)...
` Intermediate Sublayers
`4. 2. 2. 11 MultilayeredContacts
`Coating Materials.
` Coatings forPower Connectors(Copper antiAluminum Joints)...
`42.3.2 Coatings for ElectronicfElectrical Applications...
`4.3 Composite Contact Materials"
`Composite Materials forContacts 111' Commutating Apparatuses
`Self--Lubricating Composites for Sliding Contacts"
`4.4 Nanostructnred Materials
`“Bulk” Properties Nanomaterials..
`Mechanical Properties.Electrical Properties.
`Magnetic Properties...
` Giant Magnetoreslstance (GMR)
` Ballistic Magnetoresistance (BL/1R)”-
`Thermal Stability.
`Characterization Techmqites for Nanostructured Materials
`4.4. ‘1. l Nanoindentation...
` Scanning Probe Microscopes
`.. 101
`... 102
`.. 142
`.. 143
`Page 4 of 11
`Chapter 5
`Current and Heat Transfer across the Contact Interface
`5.1 ContactResistance...
`5.1.1 Circular and Noncircular a»Spots
`.. 154
`5.1.2 Effect of Signal Frequency...
`Size Efiects, Nanocontacts
`5.1.4 Effect of SurfaceFilms
`5.1.5 Efl’ect of Contact Geometry
`5.1. 6 Conductivity of RoughContact
`Interfacial Heating.
`5.2.1 Principles of Heat Conducnon Theory"
`.. 183
`5.2.2 Simple Problems of Heat Conduction Theory
`5.2.3 Contact Spots Heated by Electrical Current
`5 2 3.1
`Film-Free Metal Contact.
` Heating of Contact Spots Having SurfaceFilms”
`.. 190
` Field Intensity in the Contact Clearance with
`Tunnel-Conductive Films
`5.2.4 Formulation of Heat Problem with Friction
`5.2.5 Flash Temperature of ElectricalContact
`5.2.6 Thermal Instability of Friction Contact"
` Thermoelastic Instability.
`Instability Caused by Temperature-Dependent
`Coefficient of Friction"
`Instability Related to Friction Mode Vananon
`Chapter 6
`Reliability Issues1n Electrical Contacts.
`Significance of Electrical Contacts Rehablllty
`6.2 Electrical Contact Requirements.
`6.3 Factors Afl‘ectingReliability
`6.4 Connection DegradationMechamsms
`6.4.1 ContactArea
`6.4.2 Oxidation
`6.4. 3 Corrosion...
`6. 4.4 Fretting”
`6.4.4. 1 Meclianisms of Frettmg
` Factors Affecting Fretting:
` Fretting in ElectricalContacts
` ContactLoad
`Frequency ofMotion
` SlipAmplitude
` Relative Humidity
` Temperature
` Effect of Current
` Surface Finish
` Hardness
` MetalOxide
` Coefl'icient ofFriction
` Electrochemical Factor
`230 ’
`Page 5 of 11
` Effect of ElectricalCurrent
`6.4.6 Electromigratiou..
`6.4.7 Stress Relaxation and Creep...
` Nature of the Effect ofElectric:Current"
` Effect of Electric Current on Stress Relaxation
`6.4. 8 Thermal Expansion...
`Impact of Connection Degradation...
`6.5 1
`Prognostic Model for Contact Remainlng Life"
`6.5.2 Economical Consequences of Contact Deterioration
`6.5.3 PowerQuality
`Part II
`Applications of Electrical Contacts.
`Milenko Brannovic, Valery V. Konchits, aridNikolai K. Myshkiii
`Chapter 7
`Power Connections.
`7.1 Types of Power Connectors
`7.2 Design Features and Degradation Mechanisms“
`7.2.1 Bolted Connectors
` Frettingin Bolted Connectors
`7.2.12 Frettingin Aluminum Connections:
`7.2.1. 3
`7.3 Mitigating Measures"
`7.3. l Contact Area—ConnectorDesign.
`7.3.2 ContactPressure
`.. 303
` Creep and Stress Relaxation
`7.2.2 Bus-Stab Contacts...
`7.2.3 Compression Connectors
` Degradation Mechamsms'1nCompression Connectors.
`‘7. 2. 3. 2 Corrosion”
` Fretting1n Coriipi'ession Connectors...
`7.2.4 Mechanical Connectors
`Binding——Head Screw connectors.
`Insulation Piercing Connectors”
` WedgeConnectors
`7. 2.5 Welded Connectors...
`7.3.4 Mechanical Contact Devices
` Retightening
` Bimetallic Inserts
` Transition Washers”
` Multilam Contact Eleiiierits...
`Shape-Memory Alloy Mechanicai Devices.
`Self—Repairing Joints.
`7.3.5 Lubrication: Contact Aid Compounds”
`Installation Procedures
`Page 6 of 11
`Chapter 8
`Electronic Connections...
`8.1 Types of Electronic Connections
`8.2 Materials for Electronic Connections
`Solder Materials
` Tin"
` Tin—Silver."
` Tin—Silver-Copper....
` T1n—S1lver—Copper—Ant1mony
` Tm—SilveruAntimony"
` Tin—Copper
` Tinfllnchum—Sllver
` Tin—Zinc...
` Tin—ch—Sflver
` Tin—Ztnc—Sflver—Alununmn—Galhum
`8.3 Degradation Mechanisms in Electronic Connectlons
` CreepCorrosion
`Frictional Polymerization...
`Inter-metallic Compound5...
`Creep and StressRelaxation
`8.4 Mitigating Measures
`Effect of Coating.
` Gold Coatings
`8.4. 1.2 Palladium and Palladium Alloys
` Tin Coatings.
` Nickel and NickelEase A11oy5..
`Effect of Lubrication
`Chapter 9
`Sliding Contacts..
`9.1 Tribology of Electr1ca1 Contacts
`Interrelation of Friction and ElectricalProcesses
`Role of Boundary Films.
`9 1.3 Main Means of Improving Rehabihty of Sliding Contacts
`9.1.4 Tribophysical Aspects in the Development of Sliding Contacts”;
`9.2 Dry Metal Contacts"
`Low-Current Coniacts.
` Efiects of Low Ciitrent and Electrical Fieldmon Fnction
` Effect of InterfacialShear
`Page 7 of 11
` Adhesion, Transfer, Wear Debris Formation. and
`Surface Transformation
`High--Current Contacts“
` Effects of ElectricalCurrenton Trrbologrcal Behavior
`Influence of Electric Fields.
` Effect of Velocity.
` Effect of Material Combmatron of Contacting Members
` Electroplastic Effect1n Sliding Contact.
` Friction and Current Transfer'in Metal FiberEmsh Contacts
`Stability of the Contact Resistance. Electrical Noise
` Contact Noise in ClosedConnections......................................................
`.. 396
` Electrical Noise in Sliding Contacts .
`Lubricated Metal Contacts.
`Introduction. LubricationFactors.
`Electrical Properties of Lubricating Boundary Layers
`Conductivity of Lubricated Contacts...
`9.3.3 1 Effect of Lubricant on Conductivity neartheContact Spots
` Effect of Lubricant on Conductivity of Contact Spots...
` Experimental Studies of Electric Conductivity
`of Lubricated Contacts
` Contact Resistance between Very Siiibotli Lubricated Surfaces
` Temperature Dependencies of Contact Conductivityuu
`Lubrication Factors in Sliding Contacts
` Effect of Lubricant Origin...
` Lubricant Durability"
` Tribochemical Aspects of Lubrication"
` Effect of Velocity'111 Light-Current Contacts
` Effects of Lubricant Contact Properties
` Current Passage and Friction in High~CurTent
`Lubricated Contacts.
`Lubricants for Electrical Contacts
`9.3.5 1 Lubricants for Sliding Electric Switch Contacts
` Lubricants for Sliding Contacts of Sensors
`9.3.5. 3 Selection of Contact Lubricants
`Composite Contacts...
`Efiect of Interriiediate Layerson Electrical Characteristics
`Structure and Electrical Properties of Intermediate Films
` Mechanism of CurrentPassage through the Contact with
`Intermediate Films...
`Influence of Polarityon Conductivityin
`Composite—Metal Contact...
`The “Lubricating” Effect of Electrical Current
` Effect of Current on Friction Characteristics
`9.4.22 Mechanism of the “Lubricating” Action of the ElectricCurrent............
`9.4. 2. 3 Effect of Brush Material on Friction Behavior with
`Electrical Wear...
` Wear of Curientless Contacts
` Effect of Current on Wear...
` Factors Leading to Electrical Wearinthe
`Absence of Sparking...
`.. 480
`Page 8 of 11
`Influence of the Electric Field in the Clearance
` Wear with Sparking and Arcing
` Some Ways to Reduce Electrical Wear
`Part III
`Diagnostic and Monitoring Technologies”
`Milenko Brannovz'c', Vaiery V. Konchits, and NikolaiK. Myshkm
`Chapter 10
`Electrical Methods in Tribology.. 497
`Surface Characterization.
`10.2 Diagnosis of Contact Area andFrictionRegunes
`Formation of Contact Area...
`10.2.2 Control of Sliding Contact withthePresenceofoxideFilms
`10.2.3 Experimental Study of Metallic Contact Spots Formation.
`10.3 Evaluation of Tribological Performance of Materials and Lubricants:
`10.3.1 Evaluation of Load-Bearing Capacity and Lubricity of Surface Films
`10.3.2 Estimation of Lubricant interlayer Shear Strength under Imperfect
`10.3.3 Evaluation of Therriiai Stabdrty of Materials and Lubricants
`by Electrical Methods...
`10.3.4 Control of Surface CoatingsandFilms"
`10.3.5 Novel Systems for Measuring and AnalysisofContact Characterrstrcs............ 523
` Method of ‘Triboscopy”...
`Chapter 11
`Monitoring Technologies... 529
`11.] Thermal Measurement5..
`. ...
`Infrared Thermographyw
`11.1.2 Basic Features of Infrared Thermography
`11.1.3 Types of Infrared Thermal Systems...
`11.1.4 SME Temperature Indicators
`11.1.5 Temperature Stickers (Labels)
`11 1. 6 Remote TemperatureSensors
`11.2 Resistance Measurements.
`11.3 Monitoring Contact Load (PressureJ...
`11.4 Ultrasonic Measurements
`11.5 Wireless Monitoring
`11.6 Cost Benefits of Monitorrn‘gnandDiagnostic Technlques
`Appendix 1: Methods of Description of Rough Surface
`Appendix 2: Shape-Memory Materials
`Appendix 3: Electrical Contact Tables
`Page 9 of 11
`Electrical Contacts: Fundamentals, Applicatiorrs and Technology
`Design—technological factors
`Contact materials
`Contact coatings
`(thickness, rneci'lantcallIr
`electrical properties)
`Effects of
`contact spot
`Size of single
`contact spots
`Number at
`contact spots
`despite extensive investigations in the past of the effect of different parameters on the contact
`Reliability of electrical contacts
`FIGURE 6.2 Effect of design—technological factors on the performance of electrical contacts.
`The diagrams shown in Figure 6.1 and Figure 6.2 are not free of simplifications and approxi-
`mations typical for such formalizations. One should always hear in mind that in addition to the
`above-mentioned factors uncontrollable (random) conditions may act in contact operation such as
`impact, vibration, and acceleration. Second, each type of electrical contact is characterized by a
`specific set of factors governing the contact reliability. It is not always easy to determine the most
`important factors.
`In the following sections, a general description of degradation mechanisms in electrical
`contacts and their impact on the reliability of electrical contacts will be given. A detailed and
`exhaustive account of these degradation mechanisms and characteristic examples is provided in
`Chapters 7 and 8.
`The primary purpose of an electrical connection is to allow the uninterrupted passage of electrical
`current across the contact interface. This can only be achieved if a good metal—to~metal contact is
`established. The processes occurring in the contact zone are complex and not fully explained within
`the limits of present knowledge.
`Although the nature of these processes may differ, they are all governed by the same funda-
`mental phenomena, the degradation of the contacting interface and the associated changes in
`contact resistance, load, temperature, and other parameters of a multipoint contact. However,
`Page 10 of11
`Page 10 of 11
`Sliding Contacts
`123 456
` 103
`61‘ 104
`g 10
`a ‘0
`E 11
`Contact load (cN)
`FIGURE 9.64 Substitution schematic diagram and typical dependences of R: (N) at normal loading when gold
`probe was loaded over platinum: (1) unlubricated; (2) lubricated by Vaseline oil; (3] oleic acid; (4) Vaseline oil
`+195 oleic acid; (5) polyglycol diproxamine D157; (6) Epilamen (fluororganic film}; lubricants thickened by
`(7) lithium stearate, (8) lithium oxystearate, and (9) lithium 12 hydroxystearate. R, and Rum-n are calculated
`constriction resistance and tunnel resistance, respectively, for lubricant layer of 0.5-nm thickness.
`exceed NC, by an order of magnitude or even more. Monolayers appear to survive under average
`contact pressures of about 0.5 GPa, which is comparable with the microhardnesses of
`several metals.
`The data obtained experimentally, together with the analytical results presented above, lead to
`sorne general conclusions on the current flow through the point contacts under conditions of
`boundary lubrication:
`1. In terms of conductivity of a lubricated contact, boundary lubricating films may be
`conditionally divided into two types:
`a. “Thic ” (over 1 nm) monomolecular and multimolecular films ensuring excellent
`antifriction characteristics of the contact and excluding its high electric conductivity;
`b. “Thin" (less than 1 nm) continuous (or containing few breaks) films characterized
`by high contact conductivity. In practice, pairs with the point contact geometry in a
`fixed position as well as in sliding can create conditions when two types of boundary
`lubricating films are possible. In order to form a thin film, a critical pressure pct should
`be reached which is characteristic of the given lubricant and the substrate metal and
`leads to boundary layer structure decomposition. This is in agreement with data on
`noble metals with adsorbed lubricant monolayers that show a transition from low to
`high contact conductivity upon exceeding a critical load.23
`Page 11 of 11