`(12) United States Patent
`US 7,511,523 B2
`(10) Patent No.:
`Chen et al.
`(45) Date of Patent:
`Mar. 31, 2009
`60/582,690. filed on Jun. 23. 2004. provisional appli-
`cation No. 60/609,719. tiled on Sep. 13. 2004. provi-
`sional application No. 60/611789. filed on Sep. 20.
`Inventors: Richard T. Chen. Burbank. CA (US):
`Ezekiel J. J. Kruglick. San Diego. CA
`(US): Christopher A. Bang. San Diego.
`CA (US): Dennis R. Smalley. Newhall.
`CA (US): Pavel B. Lembrlkov. Santa
`Monica. CA (US)
`(73) Assignee: Microfabrica lnc.. Van Nuys. CA (US)
`( * ) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer. the term ofthjs
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
`(21) App]. No.: 11/695577
`Apr. 2. 2007
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2007/0170943 Al
`Jul. 26. 2007
`Related US. Application Data
`(63) Continuation of application No. 11/028,960. filed on
`Jan. 3. 2005. now Pat. No. 7.265.565. and a continua-
`tion-in-part of application No. 101949.738. filed on
`Sep. 24. 2004. now abandoned. which is a continua-
`tion-in-part of application No. 10/772943. filed on
`Feb. 4. 2004. now abandoned.
`Provisional application No. 60/441186. filed on Feb.
`4. 2003. provisional application No. 60/506.015. filed
`on Sep. 24. 2003. provisional application No. 60/533.
`933. filed on Dec. 31. 2003. provisional application
`No. 60/533947. filed on Dec. 31. 2003. provisional
`application No. 60/536865. filed on Jan. 15. 2004.
`provisional application No. 60/540511. [lied on Jan.
`29. 2004. provisional application No. 60/582689.
`filed on Jun. 23. 2004. provisional application No.
`Int. Cl.
`601R 31/02
`(52) U.S. (Tl.
`........................ 324/762: 324/754: 324/761
`(58) Field of Classification Search ....................... None
`See application file for complete search history.
`References Cited
`5.190.637 A
`31993 Guckcl
`O'l'llljR l’UBLlCA‘l‘lONS
`Cohen. el al.. “EFAB: Batch Production of Functional. Fully-Dense
`Metal Parts with Micron-Scale Features". Proc. 9th Solid Freet‘ornr
`Fabrication. The University ofTexas at Austin. Aug 199s. pp. 161.
`Primarjr Examiner Minh N Tang
`(74) Altomqt'. Agent. or Firm Dennis R. Smalley
`Embodiments disclosed herein are directed to compliant
`probe structures for making temporary or pemianent contact
`with electronic circuits and the like. In particular. embodi-
`ments are directed to various designs ofcantilever-like probe
`structures. Some embodiments are directed to methods for
`fabricating such cantilever structures. In some embodiments.
`for example. cantilever probes have extended base structures.
`slide in mounting structures. multi-beam configurations. oil'-
`sct bonding locations to allow closer positioning of adjacent
`probes. compliant elements with tensional configurations.
`improved over travel. improved compliance. improved semb-
`bing capability. and/or the like.
`9 Claims, 37 Drawing Sheets
`/1828 /182b
`Page 1 of 55
`Feinmetall Exhibit 2016
`FormFactor, Inc. v. Feinmetall, GmbH


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`17-21, 19921313344451.
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`Prototyping Report, CAD/CAM Publishing, incl, Jun. 1999,1311 1-5~
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`tion”, Micromachine Devices, Mar. 1999, pp. 6-7.
`Gang Zhang, 0t ale “EFAB: Rapid Dcskt0p Manufacturing of True
`3-D Microstructures”, Proc. 2nd International Conference on Inte-
`grated MicroNanotechnology for Space Applications, The Aero-
`Space C0.,Apr. 1999.
`F. Tseng, et a1, “EFAB: High ASpect Ratioi Arbitrary 3-D Metal
`Microstructures Using a Low-Cost Automated Batch Process”, 3rd
`International Workshop on High Aspect Ratio Microstructure Tech-
`Adam L, Cohen, et al., “EFAB: Low-Cost, Automated Electrochemi-
`cal Batch Fabrication of Arbitrary 3-D Microstructures”,
`Micromachining and Microfabrication Process Technology, SPIE
`1999 Symposium on Micromachining and Microfabrication. Sep.
`F. Tseng, et 31., “EFAB: High Aspect Ratio, Arbitrary 3-D Metal
`Microstructures Using a Low-Cost Automated Batch Process”,
`MEMS Symposium, ASME 1999 International Mechanical Engi-
`neering Congress and Exposition, Nov. 1999.
`Adam L. Cohen, “Electrochemical Fabrication (:EFABTM)”, Chap-
`ter 19 of the MEMS Handbook, edited by Mohamed Gad-E1—Hal<,
`CRC Press, 2002, pp. 19/1-19/23.
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`Page 2 of 55
`Page 2 of 55


`US. Patent
`Mar. 31, 2009
`Sheet 1 of 37
`US 7,511,523 B2
`12 "
` .'/////WWW/MW: '
`I {\\\\\\\\\\\W e268
`FIG. 1A
`“9- “3
`FIG. 1C
`:///—////// W//{J
`FIG. 1 D
`FIG. 1 E
`’f 8'
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`FIG. 1F
`FIG. 1G
`Page 3 of 55


`US. Patent
`Mar. 31, 2009
`Sheet 2 of 37
`US 7,511,523 B2
`\§\\\\\\w \\\\§ \\\\\§§
`FIG. 2A
`FIG. zc
`FIG. 23
`FIG. 20
`FIG. 2E
`FIG. 2F
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`US. Patent
`Mar. 31, 2009
`Sheet 3 of 37
`US 7,511,523 32
`FIG. 3A
`.fi,’ ......
`Il.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\‘ v
`0 ‘‘
`FIG. 3B
`FIG. 3C
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`U..S Patent
` W V/////////////
`FIG. 4A
`FIG- 4C
`FIG. 4D
`FIG- 4E
`(PR'OR A34?
`FIG. 4F
`/.FIG 4G
`FIG. 4H//
`‘4““W m:mm 98W
`FIG. 4|
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`US. Patent
`Mar. 31, 2009
`Sheet 5 of 37
`US 7,511,523 B2
`FIG. 5A
`FIG. 9
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`US. Patent
`Mar. 31, 2009
`Sheet 6 of 37
`US 7,511,523 B2
`“(3- 10
`FIG. 11
`FIG. 12
`FIG- 13
`FIG. 14
`FIG. 15
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`US. Patent
`Mar. 31, 2009
`Sheet 7 of 37
`US 7,511,523 B2
`306 304
`FIG. 163
`FIG. 16A
`FIG. 16C
`W 302
`FIG. 16D 308
` 304 x
`FIG. 16F
`308 / FIG. 16E
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`US. Patent
`Mar. 31, 2009
`Sheet 8 of 37
`US 7,511,523 32
`FIG. 18A
`FIG. 183
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`US. Patent
`Mar. 31. 2009
`Sheet 9 0f37
`US 7.511.523 32
`312A 3123
`FIG. 20A 326A
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`US. Patent
`Mar. 31, 2009
`Sheet 10 of 37
`US 7,511,523 B2
`Version 1
`Solder Bump
`Version 2
`FIG. 223
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`US. Patent
`Mar. 31. 2009
`Sheet 12 M37
`US 7,511,523 32
`FIG 25A
` 7
`______ h
`FIG 253
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`US. Patent
`Mar. 31. 2009
`13 of
`US 7,511,523 32
`FIG 25C
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`US. Patent
`Mar. 31. 2009
`Sheet 15 of 37
`US 7.511.523 32
`‘ —-m FIG. 28A
`FIG. 283
`FIG. 28C
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`US. Patent
`Mar. 31, 2009
`Sheet 16 of 37
`US 7,511,523 B2
`FIG 29A
`FIG 293
`FIG 30A
`FIG 303
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`US. Patent
`Mar. 31, 2009
`Sheet 17 of 37
`US 7,511,523 B2
`FIG 31
`FIG 32
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`Mar. 31, 2009
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`US. Patent
`Mar. 31, 2009
`Sheet 19 of 37
`US 7,511,523 B2
`FIG 34A
`FIG 34B
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`US. Patent
`Mar. 31.2009
`Shee‘ 20 0f 37
`US 7,511,523 82
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`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 31, 2009
`Sheet 21 0f37
`US 7,511,523 32
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`US. Patent
`Mar. 31, 2009
`Sheet 22 of 37
`US 7,511,523 B2
`////// /////////W //
`756- 1
`FIG 36F
`7////////////////////////////////64// ///%
`FIG 366
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`US. Patent
`Mar. 31, 2009
`Sheet 23 0f 37
`US 7,511,523 B2
`FIG 36H
`FIG 36|
`766-3 766-4
`FIG 36J
`FIG 36K
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`FIG 37D
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`US. Patent
`Mar. 31, 2009
`Sheet 26 of 37
`US 7,511,523 32
`JH M #J"
`FIG 37F
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`Sheet 27 0‘ 37
`US"! =’11
`523 32
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`US. Patent
`Mar. 31, 2009
`Sheet 28 of 37
`US 7,511,523 B2
`FIG 39A
`FIG 393
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`US. Patent
`Mar. 31, 2009
`Sheet 29 of 37
`US 7,511,523 B2
`FIG 39C
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`US. Patent
`Mar. 31, 2009
`Sheet 30 of 37
`US 7,511,523 B2
`m ‘
`»m 9u
`m 9u
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`US. Patent
`Mar. 31, 2009
`Sheet 31 0f 37
`US 7,511,523 B2
`FIG 40A
`FIG 40B
`FIG 400
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`US. Patent
`Mar. 31, 2009
`Sheet 32 of 37
`US 7,511,523 B2
`FIG 41
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`US. Patent
`Mar. 31, 2009
`Sheet 33 of 37
`US 7,511,523 B2
`‘/ %/ 838
`FIG. 423
`_,/ /%
`8‘32 840'
`> 83“
`FIG. 43B
`FIG 430
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`US. Patent
`Mar. 31, 2009
`Sheet 34 of 37
`US 7,511,523 B2
` 856
`FIG 440
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`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 319 2009
`Sheet 36 0f 37
`us 7,511,523 “2
`FIG 46A
`“ Ax 474
`F|G 463
`FIG 46C
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`US. Patent
`Mar. 31, 2009
`Sheet 37 of 37
`US 7,511,523 B2
`FIG 46D
`FIG 46E
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`herein. Since the filing ofthe patent application that led to the
`above noted patent, various papers about conformable con-
`tact mask plating (i.e. INSTANT MASKINGTM) and el ectro-
`chemical fabrication have been published:
`1. A. Cohen, G. Zhang, F. Tseng, F, Mansfeld, U. Frodis
`and P. Will, “EFAB: Batch production of functional, fully-
`dense metal parts with micro-scale features”, Proc. 9th Solid
`Freeforrn Fabrication, The University of Texas at Austin, 3
`161,Aug. 1998.
`2. A. Cohen, G. Zhang, l-'. Tseng, F. Mansfeld, U. Frodis
`and P. Will, “EFAB: Rapid, Low-Cost Desktop Microma-
`cl1ir1ing of High Aspect Ratio True 3-D MEMS”, Proc. 12t1
`IEEE Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Workshop, IEBE, 3
`244, Jan. 1999.
`3. A. Cohen, “3-D Micrornachining by Electrochemical
`Fabrication”, Micromachine Devices, Mar. 1999.
`4. G. Zhang, A. Cohen, U. Frodis, F. Tseng, F. Mansfelc,
`and P. Will, “EFAB: Rapid Desktop Manufacturing of True
`3-D Microstructures”, Proc. 2nd International Conference 0 1
`Integrated MicroNanotechnology for Space Applications,
`The Aerospace Co. , 1999.
`5. F. Tseng, U. Frodis, G. Zhang, A. Cohen, F. Mansfelc,
`and P. Will, “EFAB: High Aspect Ratio Ar,bitrary 3-D Metal
`Microstructures using a Low-Cost Automated Batch Pro-
`cess”,3rd International Workshop on High Aspect Ratio
`MicroStructure Technology (HARMST’ 99), J1m.1999.
`6. A. Cohen, U. Frodis, F. Tseng, G. Zhang, F. Mansfeld,
`and P. Will, “EFAB: Low-Cost, Automated Electrochemical
`Batch Fabrication ofArbitrary 3—D Microstructures”, Micro—
`machining and Microfabrication Process Technology, SPIE
`1999 Symposium 011 Micrornachining and Microfabrication,
`Sep. 1999.
`7. F. Tseng, G. Zhang, U. Frodis, A. Cohen, F. Mansfeld,
`and P. Will, “EFAB: High Aspect Ratio, Arbitrary 3-D Metal
`Microstructures using a Low-Cost Automated Batch Pro-
`cess”, MEMS Symposium, ASME 1999 International
`Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Nov.
`8. A. Cohen, “Electrochemical Fabrication (EFABTM)”,
`Chapter 19 of The MEMS Handbook, edited by Mohamed
`Gad-EI-IIak, CRC Press, 2002.
`9. VIicrofabricationiRapid Prototyping’ s KillerApplica-
`tion”,pages 1-5 ofthe Rapid Prototyping Report, CAD/CAM
`Publishing, Inc., June 1999.
`he disclosures of these nine publications are hereby
`incorporated herein by reference as if set forth1n full herein.
`The electrochemical deposition process may be carried out
`in a number of different ways as set forth in the above patent
`anc publications. In one form,
`this process involves the
`execution ofthree separate operations during the fon11ation of
`each layer of the structure that is to be formed:
`1. Selectively depositing at least one material by elec-
`trodeposition upon one or more desired regions of a substrate.
`2. Then, blanket depositing at least one additional material
`by electrodeposition so that the additional deposit covers both
`the regions that were previously selectively deposited onto,
`and the regions of the substrate that did not receive any
`previously applied selective depositions.
`3. Finally, planarizing the materials deposited during the
`first and second operations to produce a smoothed surface of
`a first layer of desired thickness having at least one region
`containing the at least one material and at least one region
`containing at least the one additional material.
`After formation of the first layer, one or more additional
`layers may be formed adjacent to the immediately preceding
`layer and adhered to the smoothed surface of that preceding
`layer. These additional layers are formed by repeating the first
`US 7,511,523 B2
`This application is a continuation of U.S. application Ser.
`No. 11/028,960 which was filed Jan. 3, 2005. now U.S. Pat.
`No. 7,265,565, issued on Sep. 4, 2007 which in turn claims
`benefit ofU.S. application Ser. Nos. 60/582,689, filed Jun. 23,
`2004; 60/582,690, filed Jun. 23, 2004; 60/609,719 filed Sep.
`13, 2004; 60/611,789 filed Sep. 20, 2004; 60/540,511 filed
`Jan. 29, 2004; 60/533,933 filed Dec. 31, 2003; 60/536,865
`filed Jan. 15. 20, 2004; and filed Dec. 31, 2003 60/533,947
`and is a continuations-in—part ofU.S. patent application Ser.
`No. 10/949,738 filed Sep. 24, 2004 now abandoned which in
`turn is a continuation-in—part of U.S. patent application Ser.
`No. 10/772,943 filed Feb. 4, 2004; which in turn claims
`benefit ofU.S. application Ser. Nos. 60/445,186 filed Feb. 4,
`2003 now abandoned 60/506,015 filed Sep. 24, 2003; 60/533,
`933; and 60/536,865; furthermore the ’738 application claims
`benefit of U.S. application Ser. Nos.: 60/506,015; 60/533,
`933; and 60/536,865. Each of these applications is incorpo-
`rated herein by reference as if set forth in full herein including
`any appendices attached thereto.
`Embodiments of the present invention relate to micro-
`probes (e.g. for use in the wafer level testing of integrated
`circuits, such as memory or logic devices), and more particu—
`larly related to cantilever microprobes. In some embodi-
`ments, microprobes are fabricated using electrochemical fab-
`rication mcthods (c.g. EFAB® fabrication proccsscs).
`A technique for forming three-dimensional structures (e.g.
`parts, components, devices, and the like) from a plurality of
`adhered layers was invented by Adam L. Cohen and is known
`as Electrochemical Fabrication. It is being commercially pur-
`sued by Microfabrica® Inc. (formerly MEMGen corpora-
`tion) of Van Nuys, Califomia under the name EFAB®. This
`technique was described in U.S. Pat. No. 6,027,630, issued on
`Feb. 22, 2000. This electrochemical deposition technique
`allows the selective deposition of a material using a unique
`masking technique that involves the use of a mask that
`includes patterned conformable material on a support struc-
`ture that is independent of the substrate onto which plating
`will occur. When desiring to perform an electrodeposition
`using the mask,
`the conformable portion of the mask is
`brought into contact with a substrate while in the presence of
`a plating solution such that the contact of the conformable
`portion of the mask to the substrate inhibits deposition at
`selected locations. For convenience, these masks might be
`generically called conformable contact masks; the masking
`technique may be generically called a conformable contact
`mask plating process. More specifically, in the terminology of
`Microfabrica® Inc. (formerly MEMGen Corporation) ofVan
`Nuys, California such masks have come to be known as
`INSTANT MASKSTM and the process known as INSTANT
`MASKINGTM or INSTANT MASKTM plating. Selective
`depositions using conformable contact mask plating may be
`used to form single layers of material or may be used to form
`multi-layer structures. The teachings of the ’630 patent are
`hereby incorporated herein by reference as if set forth in full
`Page 40 of 55
`Page 40 of 55


`US 7,511,523 B2
`through third operations one or more times wherein the for-
`mation of each subsequent layer treats the previously formed
`layers and the initial substrate as a new and thickening sub-
`Once the formation of all layers has been completed, at
`least a portion of at least one of the materials deposited is
`generally removed by an etching process to expose or release
`the three-dimensional structure that was intended to be
`The preferred method of performing the selective elec-
`trodeposition involved in the first operation is by conformable
`contact mask plating. In this type of plating, one or more
`conformable contact (CC) masks are first formed. The CC
`masks include a support structure onto which a patterned
`conformable dielectric material is adhered or formed. The
`conformable material for each mask is shaped in accordance
`with a particular cross-section of material to be plated. At
`least one CC mask is needed for each unique cross-sectional
`pattern that is to be plated.
`The support for a CC mask is typically a plate-like structure
`formed of a metal that is to be selectively electroplated and
`from which material to be plated will be dissolved. In this
`typical approach, the support will act as an anode in an elec-
`troplating process. In an alternative approach, the support
`may instead be a porous or otherwise perforated material
`through which deposition material will pass during an elec—
`troplating operation on its way from a distal anode to a depo-
`sition surface. In either approach, it is possible for CC masks
`to share a common support, i.e. the patterns of conformable
`dielectric material for plating multiple layers ofmaterial may
`be located in different areas of a single support structure.
`When a single support structure contains multiple plating
`patterns, the entire structure is referred to as the CC mask
`while the individual plating masks may be referred to as
`“submasks”. In the present application such a distinction will
`be made only when relevant to a specific point being made.
`In preparation for performing the selective deposition of
`the first operation, the conformable portion of the CC mask is
`placed in registration with and pressed against a selected
`portion of the substrate (or onto a previously formed layer or
`onto a previously deposited portion of a layer) on which
`deposition is to occur. The pressing together of the CC mask
`and substrate occur in such a way that all openings, in the
`conformable portions of the CC mask contain plating solu-
`tion. The conformable material of the CC mask that contacts
`the substrate acts as a barrier to electrodeposition while the
`openings in the CC mask that are filled with electroplating
`solution act as pathways for transferring material from an
`anode (e.g. the CC mask support) to the non-contacted por-
`tions of the substrate (which act as a cathode during the
`plating operation) when an appropriate potential and/or cur-
`rent are supplied.
`An example of a CC mask and CC mask plating are shown
`in FIGS. 1A-1C. FIG. 1A shows a side view ofa CC mask 8
`consisting of a conformable or deformable (e.g. elastomeric)
`insulator 10 patterned on an anode 12. The anode has two
`functions. One is as a supporting material for the patterned
`insulator 10 to maintain its integrity and alignment since the
`pattern may be topologically complex (e.g., involving iso-
`lated “islands” of insulator material). The other function is as
`an anode for the electroplating operation. FIG. 1A also
`depicts a substrate 6 separated from mask 8. CC mask plating
`selectively deposits material 22 onto a substrate 6 by simply
`pressing the insulator against the substrate then electrodepos—
`iting material through apertures 26a and 26b in the insulator
`as shown in FIG. 1B. After deposition, the CC mask is sepa-
`rated, preferably non—destructively, from the substrate 6 as
`shown in FIG. 1C. The CC mask plating process is distinct
`from a “through-mask” plating process in that in a through-
`mask plating process the separation of the masking material
`from the substrate would occur destructively. As with
`through-mask plating, CC mask plating deposits material
`selectively and simultaneously over the entire layer. The
`plated region may consist of one or more isolated plating
`regions where these isolated plating regions may belong to a
`single structure that is being formed or may belong to mul-
`tiple structures that are being formed simultaneously. In CC
`mask plating, as individual masks are not
`destroyed in the removal process, they may be usable in
`multiple plating operations.
`Another example of a CC mask and CC mask plating is
`shown in FIGS. 1D-1G. FIG. 1D shows an anode 12' sepa-
`rated from a mask 8' that includes a patterned conformable
`material 10' and a support structure 20. FIG. 1D also depicts
`substrate 6 separated from the mask 8'. FIG. 1E illustrates the
`mask 8‘ being brought into contact with the substrate 6. FIG.
`1F illustrates the deposit 22' that results from conducting a
`current from the anode 12' to the substrate 6. FIG. 1G illus-
`trates the deposit 22' on substrate 6 after separation from
`mask 8'. In this example, an appropriate electrolyte is located
`between the substrate 6 and the anode 12' and a current of ions
`coming from one or both of the solution and the anode are
`conducted through the opening in the mask to the substrate
`where material
`is deposited. This type of mask may be
`referred to as an anodeless INSTANT MASKTM (AIM) or as
`an anodeless conformable contact (ACC) mask.
`Unlike through-mask plating, CC mask plating allows CC
`masks to be formed completely separate from the fabrication
`of the substrate on which plating is to occur (e.g. separate
`from a three-dimensional
`(3D) structure that
`is being
`formed). CC masks may be formed in a variety of ways, for
`example, a photolithographic process may be used. All masks
`can be generated simultaneously prior to structure fabrication
`rather than during it. This separation makes possible a simple,
`low-cost, automated, self-contained, and intemally-clean
`“desktop factory” that can be installed almost anywhere to
`fabricate 3D structures, leavi

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