`US 7,062,765 B1
`(10) Patent No.:
`Pitzel et al.
`(45) Date of Patent:
`Jun. 13, 2006
`Inventors: Bradley John Pitzel, Seattle, WA (US);
`Stanislav Bobrovskiy, Lake Forest
`Park, WA (US); William A. Roberts,
`Seattle, WA (US)
`RealNetworks, Inc., Seattle, WA HIS)
`( * )
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
`Appl. No.: 09/318,438
`May 25, 1999
`Int. Cl.
`G06F 9/445
`G06F 15/16
`G06F 9/44
`US. Cl.
`...................... 717/177; 709/201; 709/203;
`717/175; 717/176; 717/178; 717/168
`Field of Classification Search .................... 717/1,
`717/11, 1687178, 125, 103; 709/220, 223,
`709/201, 203; 713/1, 178; 711/133
`See application file for complete search history.
`References Cited
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`(74) Attorney, Agent,
`or Firmisteven C. Stewart,
`RealNetworks, Inc.
`The present invention includes a system and a method for
`updating components in a client computer. The invention
`includes a method for upgrading software for various users,
`each of the users having diverse hardware and software
`configurations. The invention includes a method for auto-
`matically determining the hardware and software configu-
`ration of the client computer without user intervention. To
`begin the upgrade, the client computer reads a configuration
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`receipt of the configuration file, the client computer deter-
`mines the hardware and software configuration of the client
`computer. The client computer automatically communicates
`with a component server via a network and requests one or
`more components for downloading to the client computer
`based upon the configuration file and the hardware and
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`51 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets
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`EXHIBIT 1005 - PAGE 0002
`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 13, 2006
`Sheet 1 0f 7
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`U.S. Patent
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`U.S. Patent
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`Jun. 13, 2006
`Sheet 4 0f 7
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`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 13, 2006
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`Jun. 13, 2006
`Sheet 6 of 7
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` 62%
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`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 13, 2006
`Sheet 7 0f 7
`US 7,062,765 B1
` 705’
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`US 7,062,765 B1
`1. Field of the Invention
`The field of the invention relates to transmitting computer
`programs and data to a computer Via a network. More
`particularly, the invention relates to a system and method for
`updating computer programs and data over a computer
`network, the updating based upon client-specific informa-
`2. Description of the Related Art
`In designing software, developers often need to customize
`computer programs to many varied hardware and software
`configurations, as well to other specific considerations. For
`example, computer programs are often customized toward a
`particular geographic speaking region. A computer user in
`France expects to see help menus and other infom1ation
`displayed in French instead of English. Further, for example,
`computer programs are often designed to operate under a
`particular operating system, or even a particular version of
`an operating system.
`As improvements are made in a computer program, many
`of the users are interested in receiving and upgrading to the
`latest version of the computer program. With the advent of
`the Internet, it is now possible for users to almost instanta-
`neously download and install such improvements on their
`Typically, the user visits an “update” server that hosts the
`improved computer programs. The update server presents to
`the user a list of the different versions of the computer
`programs that are available for installation. Due to the
`number of possible versions that are available for down-
`loading, uscrs arc oftcn confuscd and download thc incorrcct
`version of the requested software. Although the user may be
`able to readily identify that he is interested in a “French”
`version, the user may not know the version of an operating
`system. Another problem that is encountered is that even if
`the user knows which version is required for operation, the
`user may not know what other computer programs are
`required for proper operation of the upgrade. Disadvanta-
`geously, if the user chooses a version of computer program
`that is incompatible with his particular hardware and/or
`software configuration, possible damage can occur to the
`user’s hardware and/or other software components.
`Therefore, there is a need for a system and a method for
`automatically downloading an appropriate version of an
`computer program without user intervention. Further, the
`system and method should automatically determine the
`hardware and/or the software configuration of the client
`computer and select the appropriate version of the computer
`The present invention has several aspects, no single one
`of which is solely responsible for its desirable attributes.
`Without limiting the scope of this invention as expressed by
`the claims which follow, its more prominent features will
`now be discussed briefly.
`One embodiment of the invention includes a method of
`selecting components for installation on a computer,
`method comprising receiving a request for the upgrade of
`one or more components, determining one or more system
`conditions regarding the computer, and identifying one or
`more components for installation on the computer based
`upon the request and the system conditions.
`Another embodiment of the invention includes a com-
`puter system having a hardware and software configuration
`subject to change over time, the system comprising a first
`computer having one or more system resources, a second
`computer operably connected to the first computer,
`second computer associated with one or more installable
`components, a configuration file that is readable by first
`computer, the configuration file identifying at least one of
`said one or more installable components, an upgrade man-
`ager executing on the first computer, the upgrade manager
`configured to transmit
`information about
`the system
`resources of the first computer to the second computer, and
`an upgrade handler executing on the second computer, the
`upgrade handler configured to transmit the location of one or
`more installable components from the second computer to
`the first computer based upon the contents of the configu-
`ration file and the system resources of the first computer.
`Yet another embodiment of the invention includes a
`system for installing one or more components on a client
`computer, the system including a network, a client computer
`operably connected to the network, a configuration file
`identifying at least one of the components, a client computer
`for identifying or more client conditions, and a component
`server for receiving the client conditions and the configu-
`ration file from the client computer, the component server
`identifying the location of one or more components based
`upon the components identified by the configuration file and
`the client conditions.
`Yet another embodiment of the invention includes a
`system for selecting components for installation on a com-
`puter, the system comprising means for receiving a request
`for the upgrade of one or more components, means for
`determining one or more system conditions regarding the
`computer, and means for identifying one or more compo-
`nents based upon the request and the system conditions.
`Yet another embodiment of the invention includes a
`configuration file identifying one or more components for
`installation on a client computer,
`the configuration file
`comprising a plurality of component identifiers, each of the
`component identifiers identifying at least one of said one or
`more components, and an expiration time identifying a time
`by which the components must be installed in the client
`FIG. 1 is a high-level block diagram illustrating an
`architectural overview of one embodiment of the present
`invention for updating a client computer.
`FIG. 2 is a block diagram illustrating a configuration file
`that is used to specify the components that are to be installed
`in the client computer shown in FIG. 1.
`FIG. 3 is a block diagram illustrating a client profile that
`defines the client conditions of the client computer shown in
`FIG. 1.
`FIG. 4 is a high level flowchart illustrating a process for
`updating the client computer of FIG. 1, the process including
`receiving a user request, transmitting an upgrade request
`from the client computer to the server computer, analyzing
`the upgrade request, and installing one or more components
`identified in the upgrade request.
`FIG. 5 is a flowchart illustrating in further detail the steps
`that occur in FIG. 4 with respect to transmitting the upgrade
`EXHIBIT 1005 - PAGE 0010
`US 7,062,765 B1
`FIG. 6 is a flowchart illustrating in further detail the steps
`that occur in FIG. 4 with respect to analyzing the upgrade
`FIG. 7 is a flowchart illustrating in further detail the steps
`that occur in FIG. 4 with respect to installing the one or more
`FIG. 1 is a high-level block diagram illustrating an
`architectural overview of one embodiment of the present
`invention. The system is configured to install one or more
`components 102 on a client computer 104. As used herein,
`the term “components” can include any item of executable
`code or data, or group of such items, that is capable of being
`processed by a computer. As a non-limiting example, the
`components 102 can include: a computer program, a DLL,
`an object code module, a data file, a text file, a Hyper Text
`Markup Language (HTML) file, a graphic or multimedia
`file, a streaming media file, or other such program and/or
`data. The components 102 may optionally be stored in
`compressed form. Further, although only one client com-
`puter 104 is shown in FIG. 1,
`the present
`invention is
`capable for installing the components 102 on a plurality of
`client computers 104 numbering in the tens of thousands and
`The client computer 104 is connected via a network 108
`to a configuration scrvcr 112. Furthcrmorc, thc clicnt com-
`puter 104 and the configuration server 112 are operably
`connected to a component server 116. The component server
`116 identifies the location of each the components 102 may
`be installed on a client computer 104. The client computer
`104 is also connected via a network 108 to a download
`server 118. The download server 118 maintains the compo-
`nents 102.
`Optionally, the configuration server 112, the component
`server 116, the download server 118, or some combination
`thereof, may be integrated on a single computer platform.
`Further, it is noted the configuration server 112, the com-
`ponent server 116, and the download server 118 may not
`necessarily be located in the same room, building or com-
`plex. In fact, the configuration server 112, the component
`server 116, and the download server 118 could be located in
`different states or countries.
`The client computer 104, the configuration server 112, the
`component server 116, and the download server 118 may
`each have any conventional general purpose single- or
`multi-chip microproccssor such as a Pcntium® proccssor, a
`Pentium® Pro processor, a 8051 processor, a MPS® pro-
`cessor, a Power PC® processor, or an ALPHA® processor.
`In addition, the microprocessor may be any conventional
`special purpose microprocessor such as a digital signal
`processor or a graphics processor. Furthermore, the client
`computer 104, the configuration server 112, the component
`server 116, and the download server 118 may be desktop,
`server, portable, hand-held, set-top, or any other desired type
`of configuration. Furthermore, the client computer 104, the
`configuration server 112, and the component server 116, and
`the download server 118 each may be used in connection
`with various operating systems such as: UNIX, LINUX,
`Disk Operating System (DOS), OS/2, Windows 3.X, Win-
`dows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT.
`The network 108 may include any type of electronically
`connected group of computers including, for instance, the
`following networks: Internet, Intranet, Local Area Networks
`(LAN) or Wide Area Networks (WAN). In addition,
`connectivity to the network may be, for example, remote
`modem, Ethernet (IEEE 802.3), Token Ring (IEEE 802.5),
`Fiber Distributed Datalink Interface (FDDI) or Asynchro-
`nous Transfer Mode (ATM). As used herein, the Internet
`includes network variations such as public intemet, a private
`internet, a secure intemet, a private network, a public
`network, a value-added network, an intranet, and the like.
`The client computer 104 comprises a user interface mod-
`ule 120, an upgrade manager module 124, and a setup
`manager module 126. As can be appreciated by one of
`ordinary skill in the art, each of the modules 120, 124, and
`126 comprise various sub-routines, procedures, definitional
`statements, and macros. In one embodiment of the inven-
`tion, each of the modules 120, 124, and 126 are made
`available in a shareable dynamic link library. In another
`embodiment of the invention, each of the modules 120, 124,
`and 126 are separately compiled and linked into a single
`executable program. Therefore, the following description of
`each of the modules 120, 124, and 126 is used for conve-
`nience to describe the functionality of the client computer
`104. However, the processes that are undergone by each of
`the modules 120, 124, and 126 may be arbitrarily redistrib-
`uted to one of the other modules or combined together in a
`single module. Furthermore, the user interface module 120,
`the upgrade manager module 124, and the setup manager
`module 126 may be written in any programming language
`such as C, C++, BASIC, Pascal, Java, and FORTRAN. C,
`C++, BASIC, Pascal, Java, and FORTRAN are industry
`standard programming languages for which many commer-
`cial compilers can be used to create executable code.
`The function of the modules in the client computer 104 is
`as follows. The user interface module 120 contains routines
`that for handling dialog boxes, message boxes, and other
`routines for presenting information to the user via a com-
`puter display (not shown). The upgrade manager module
`124 handles the communication between the configuration
`server 112 and the component server 116. The upgrade
`manager module 124 also handles communication protocol,
`such as TCP/IP, between program servers, component down-
`loading, and component authentication.
`the upgrade manager module 124 deter-
`mines the client conditions of the client computer 104 prior
`to downloading selected ones of the components 102. As
`used herein, the term “client conditions” includes, among
`other things: a preferred operating language, e.g., French,
`English, German, etc., the name of the operating system of
`the client computer 104, any version number that may be
`associated with the operating system, the existence of one or
`more other components of the client computer 104, and/or a
`user identification number. In one embodiment of the inven-
`tion, the client conditions are permanently stored in a client
`profile 128. In another embodiment of the invention, the
`client profile 128 is dynamically generated upon each
`upgrade request by the user.
`The setup manager module 126 handles the installation of
`the components 102 after the components are transmitted to
`the client computer 104. Furthermore, if necessary, the setup
`manager module 126 registers the downloaded components
`with the operating system on the client computer 104 and
`performs other installation housekeeping.
`The configuration server 112 includes at least one con-
`figuration file 114. It is noted that the term “configuration
`server” is used for convenience to describe any computer
`that can maintain and transmit the configuration file 114. For
`example, the configuration server 112 can be any traditional
`“web server” that hosts media content for viewing by users.
`In one embodiment, the configuration server 112 includes a
`EXHIBIT 1005 - PAGE 0011
`US 7,062,765 B1
`plurality of web pages that are viewable by a user at the
`client computer 104. The web pages are Virtual documents
`that each have embedded links which link portions of the
`Virtual pages to other Virtual pages and other data. Auser can
`traverse the Virtual pages and download data by “clicking”,
`with a mouse or other input device a predetermined portion
`of the Virtual page.
`According to this embodiment, at least one of the web
`pages includes a “download” hyperlink or icon that
`associated with a configuration file 114. The configuration
`file 114 (FIG. 1) contains the configuration information for
`the installation of one or more components 102 on the client
`computer 104. For example, to advertise a word processing
`component, named “FOOBAR,” a download hyperlink is
`displayed to the user “RECEIVE OUR LATEST PROD-
`UCT, FOOBAR.” If the user is interested in the FOOBAR
`component, the user can simply “click” on the phrase to
`download the configuration file 114 and initiate the down-
`load process.
`In one embodiment of the invention, each of the configu-
`ration files 114 is associated with one of the components
`102. The format of the configuration file 114 can be arbi-
`trary, so long as it is readable by the client computer 104.
`One embodiment of the configuration file 114 is set forth
`below with reference to FIG. 2. The configuration file 114 is
`adapted such that it may be copied and stored on other
`computers. Advantageously, if one of the components 102 is
`freely distributed or is considered “shareware”, the configu-
`ration file 114 that is associated with such component may
`be copied and distributed to others, and thereby enable
`others to download and install the software upon accessing
`the configuration file 114.
`In one embodiment of the invention, before the configu-
`ration file 114 is transmitted from the configuration server
`112 to the client computer 104, the configuration server 112
`requests various items of information from the user for
`registration and demographic tracking purposes.
`The component server 116 manages information about
`each of the components 102 that are installable on the client
`computer 104. To facilitate management and access to the
`information, the component information may be stored in a
`component database 135. In one embodiment of the inven-
`tion, the components 102 are maintained on the component
`server 116. In another embodiment of the invention, the
`components 102 are maintained on one or more other
`component servers, such as the download server 118.
`The component server 116 includes at least two modules:
`a connection manager module 130 and an upgrade handler
`module 134. Similar to the modules describes above with
`reference to the client computer 104, the processes that are
`undergone by each of the modules 130 and 134 may be
`arbitrarily redistributed to one of the other modules, com-
`bined together in a single module, or made available in a
`shareable dynamic link library. In summary, the function of
`the modules is as follows. The connection manager 130
`handles communication with multiple client computers 104.
`The connection manager 130 packages requested informa-
`tion for transmission across the network 108. The upgrade
`handler 134 is in operable communication with the connec-
`tion manager module 130. The upgrade handler 134 iden-
`tifies components to be downloaded to the client computer
`104 based upon the contents of the client profile 128 and the
`contents of the configuration file 114.
`FIG. 2 is a block diagram illustrating the elements of one
`embodiment of the configuration file 114 (FIG. 1). The
`configuration file 114 identifies one or more components for
`downloading to the client computer 104 (FIG. 1). The
`configuration file 114 may be stored as any type of file, such
`as, for example: a text file, an HTML file, or a Java Archive
`(JAR) file. It will be appreciated by one of ordinary skill in
`the art that the configuration file 114 may contain other
`information or have a different format.
`The configuration file 114 includes a configuration file
`identifier 202. The configuration file identifier 202 identifies
`the format of the remainder of the configuration file 114. In
`one embodiment of the invention, at least two types of
`configuration files exist: a client readable configuration file
`(CR file) and a server configuration file (SR file). The CR file
`is configured to be read by the upgrade manager module 124
`(FIG. 1), which parses its contents, and subsequently
`requests the components from the component server 116.
`The SR file is not parsed by the client computer 104 (other
`than reading the configuration file identifier), but is instead
`forwarded unparsed to the component server 116. Advanta-
`geously, to be contrasted with the CR file, any changes in
`format of the SR file requires no corresponding change to the
`upgrade manager module 124 on each of the client comput-
`ers 104. This feature is especially advantageous when used
`in a system having thousands of client computers and
`wherein the upgrade manager module 124 of each of the
`client computers would otherwise have to be upgraded.
`The configuration file 114 also contains a number of
`components field 204 and one or more component identifiers
`208. The number of components field 204 identifies the total
`number of component
`identifiers 208 that are contained
`within the configuration file 114. Each of the component
`identifiers 208 identifies one or more of the components 102
`(FIG. 1). The configuration file 114 also includes an expi-
`ration time field 212. The expiration time field 212 contains
`a time by which the installation process must be completed,
`otherwise, the component server 116 refuses to complete the
`transaction. Since the configuration file 114 may be copied
`to other computers,
`the use of the expiration time can
`advantageously be used to limit the lifespan of the configu-
`ration file 114, and prevent others from hosting the configu-
`ration file 114.
`FIG. 3 is a block diagram illustrating the contents of the
`client profile 128. The client profile 128 identifies client
`conditions, such that when one of the components 102 (FIG.
`1) is designated for installation, a version of the component
`that is compatible with the client conditions may be selected.
`The client profile 128 includes a number of data field
`elements. The data field elements include: a product infor-
`mation field 304, an operating system information field 312,
`a distribution codes field 316, a user identification field 320,
`a last update field 324, a language identifier field 328, a
`country identifier field 332, and a state identifier field 336.
`is noted that the data fields of the client profile are
`presented for exemplary purposes, and that selected data
`fields of the client profile 128 can be removed and that other
`data fields may optionally be added.
`A description of each of the data fields in the client profile
`128 is as follows. The produ