`Bifano, Larissa; Trials
`ryan@etheridgelaw.com; brett@etheridgelaw.com; jim@etheridgelaw.com; jeff@etheridgelaw.com; Van Handel,
`Michael; Heintz, James M.
`RE: IPR2019-00056 Request for Rehearing
`Tuesday, June 4, 2019 3:22:05 PM
`Based on the facts presented, the Board excuses the late filing of Petitioner’s rehearing request.
`Andrew Kellogg,
`Supervisory Paralegal
`Patent Trial and Appeal Board
`Direct: 571-272-5366
`From: Bifano, Larissa <larissa.bifano@dlapiper.com>
`Sent: Friday, May 31, 2019 11:00 PM
`To: Trials <Trials@USPTO.GOV>
`Cc: ryan@etheridgelaw.com; brett@etheridgelaw.com; jim@etheridgelaw.com;
`jeff@etheridgelaw.com; Van Handel, Michael <michael.vanhandel@dlapiper.com>; Heintz, James M.
`Subject: IPR2019-00056 Request for Rehearing
`Your Honors:
`On May 29, 2019, Petitioner filed a Request for Rehearing of the Board’s April 29, 2019 Decision
`Denying Institution in IPR2019-00056. Petitioner uploaded the Request in the Patent Trial and
`Appeal Board’s End to End system, clicked to file the Request, and received an electronic receipt
`indicating the Request had been filed. That same day, Petitioner served copies of the Request on
`counsel for Patent Owner via e-mail and express mail.
`Yesterday evening, Petitioner noticed the Request for Rehearing had not appeared in the Patent
`Trial and Appeal Board’s End to End system. Petitioner called the PTAB today to discuss the issue
`and spoke with Eric Hawthorne. Mr. Hawthorne indicated the Request appears to have been filed
`without a document. Mr. Hawthorne stated the issue would be resolved by resubmitting the
`document today. Petitioner resubmitted the document today, and it now appears in the End to End
`Petitioner made every attempt to file the Request by the May 29, 2019 deadline, and served the
`Request by e-mail and express mail on Patent Owner after filing that day. Given Petitioner’s attempt
`to file by the deadline, and proper service of the Request on that date, Petitioner respectfully
`requests that the Board consider the Request as having been timely filed by the deadline of May 29,
`Larissa S. Bifano
`T +1 617.406.6013
`F +1 617.406.6160
`E larissa.bifano@dlapiper.com
`DLA Piper LLP (US)
`33 Arch Street, 26th Floor
`Boston, Massachusetts 02110-1447
`United States
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`all copies of the message. To contact us directly, send to postmaster@dlapiper.com. Thank you.