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`Internetworking With TCP/IP
`Vol I:
`Principles, Protocols, and Architecture
`Third Edition
`Department of ComputerSciences
`Purdue University
`West Lafayette, IN 47907
`EnglewoodCliffs, New Jersey 07632
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`Includes bibliographical references and index.
`Contents: v. 1. Principles, protocols, and architecture
`ISBN 0-13-216987-8 (v. 1)
`2. Client/server computing,
`1. TCP/IP (Computer network protocol)
`3. Intemetworking (Telecommunication)_I. Title.
`Acquisitions editor: ALAN APT
`Production editor:
`Cover designer: WENDY ALLING JUDY
`Editorial assistant: SHIRLEY MCGUIRE
`©1995 by Prentice-Hall, Inc
`A Simon & Schuster Company
`EnglewoodCliffs, New Jersey 07632
`All rights reserved. No part of this book may be
`reproduced, in any form or by any means,
`without permission in writing from the publisher.
`The author and publisher of this book have used their best efforts in preparing this book. These efforts include the
`development, research, andtesting of the theories and programsto determine their effectiveness. The author and
`publisher make no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, with regard to these programs or the documentation
`contained in this book. The author and publisher shall not be liable in any event for incidental or consequential damages
`in connection with, or arising out of, the furnishing, performance,or use ofthese programs.
`UNIXis a registered trademark of UNIX System Laboratories, Incorporated
`proNET-10 is a trademark of Proteon Corporation
`LST 11 is a trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation
`Microsoft Windowsis a trademark of Microsoft Corporation
`Printed in the United States of America
` ISBN O-13-216947-8
`Prentice-Hall! International (UK) Limited, London
`Prentice-Hall of Australia Pty. Limited, Sydney
`Prentice-Hall Canada Inc., Toronto
`Prentice-Hall Hispanoamericana, S.A., Mexico
`Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi
`Prentice-Hall of Japan, Inc,, Tokyo
`Simon & Schuster Asia Pte. Ltd., Singapore
`Editora Prentice-Hall do Brasil, Ltda., Rio de Janeiro
`Page 3 of 21
`Page 3 of 21


`Chapter 1
`Introduction And Overview
`The Motivation For Internetworking
`The TCPIIP Internet
`Internet Services
`History And Scope Of The Internet
`The Internet Architecture Board
`The [AB Reorganization
`The Internet Society
`Internet Request For Comments
`Internet Protocols And Standardization
`Future Growth And Technology
`Organization Of The Text
`Chapter 2 Review Of Underlying Network Technologies
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`2.1 Introduction=\7
`Two Approaches To Network Communication
`forking history.”
`Wide Area And Local Area Networks
`Ethernet Technology
`Fiber Distributed Data Interconnect (FDDI)
`Asynchronous Transfer Mode
`ARPANET Technology
`National Science Foundation Networking
`d the latest in-
`the wheat with
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`Page 4 of 21
`Page 4 of 21


`2.11 Other Technologies Over Which TCPUP Has Been Used
`Summary And Conclusion
`Chapter 3 Internetworking Concept And Architectural Model
`— hh
`Universal Identifiers
`Three Primary Classes Of IP Addresses
`Addresses Specify Network Connections
`Network And Broadcast Addresses
`Limited Broadcast
`Interpreting Zero To Mean “‘This’’
`Weaknesses In Internet Addressing
`Dotted Decimal Notation
`Loopback Address
`Summary Of Special Address Conventions
`Internet Addressing Authority
`An Example
`4.14 Network Byte Order
`Application-Level Interconnection
`Network-Level Interconnection
`Properties Of The Internet
`Internet Architecture
`Interconnection Through IP Routers
`The User's View
`All Networks Are Equal
`The Unanswered Questions
`Chapter 4 Internet Addresses
`Chapter 5 Mapping Internet Addresses To Physical Addresses (ARP)
`The Address Resolution Problem 73
`Two Types Of Physical Addresses
`Resolution Through Direct Mapping
`Page 5 of 21
`Page 5 of 21


`The Address Resolution Cache
`ARP Refinements
`Relationship Of ARP To Other Protocols
`ARP Implementation
`5.10 ARP Encapsulation And Identification
`ARP Protocol Format
`Chapter 6 Determining An Internet Address At Startup (RARP)
`Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP)
`Timing RARP Transactions
`Primary And Backup RARP Servers
`Chapter 7 Internet Protocol: Connectionless Datagram Delivery
`A Virtual Network
`Internet Architecture And Philosophy
`The Concept Of Unreliable Delivery
`Connectionless Delivery System 91
`Purpose Of The Internet Protocol
`The Internet Datagram 91
`Internet Datagram Options
`Chapter 8 Internet Protocol: Routing IP Datagrams
`Routing In An Internet
`Direct And Indirect Delivery
`Table-Driven IP Routing
`ses (ARP)
`&.5 Next-Hop Routing=113
`Default Routes
`Hoast-Specific Routes
`The IP Routing Algorithm 116
`Routing With IP Addresses
`8.10 Handling Incoming Datagrams
`|recom Oneyral
`Page 6 of 21


`Chapter 10 Subnet And Supernet Address Extensions
`ReviewOf Relevant Facts
`10.3 Minimizing Network Numbers
`Transparent Routers
`Proxy ARP
`Subnet Addressing
`Flexibility In Subnet Address Assignment
`10.8—Implementation Of Subnets With Masks—147
`Subnet Mask Representation
`10.10 Routing In The Presence Of Subnets
`10.11 The Subnet Routing Algorithm 150
`10.12 A Unified Routing Algorithm 151
`10.13 Maintenance Of Subnet Masks—152
`10.14 Broadcasting To Subnets
`10.15 Supernet Addressing
`1016 The Effect Of Supernetting On Routing
`10.17 Summary
`Chapter 9
`Internet Protocol: Error And Control Messages (ICMP)
`The Internet Control Message Protocol
`Error Reporting vs. Error Correction
`ICMP Message Delivery
`ICMP Message Format
`Testing Destination Reachability And Status (Ping)
`Echo Request And Reply Message Format
`Reports Of Unreachable Destinations
`Congestion And Datagram Flow Control
`Source Quench Format
`Route Change Requests From Routers
`9.12 Detecting Circular Or Excessively Long Routes
`913 Reporting Other Problems
`Clock Synchronization And Transit Time Estimation
`Information Request And Reply Messages
`916 Obtaining A Subnet Mask
`155 Panasonic-1015
`Page 7 of 21
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`Chapter 11 Protocol Layering
`The Need For Multiple Protocols
`The Conceptual Layers Of Protocol Software
`Functionality Of The Layers
`11.8 X.25 And Its Relation To The [SO Model
`11.6 Differences Between X.25 And Internet Layering
`The Protocol Layering Principle
`Layering In The Presence Of Network Substructure
`Two Important Boundaries In The TCP/IP Model
`11.10 The Disadvantage Of Layering
`11.11 The Basic Idea Behind Multiplexing And Demultiplexing
`11.142 Summary
`Chapter 12 User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
`Identifying The Ultimate Destination
`The User Datagram Protocol
`Format Of UDP Messages
`UDP Pseudo-Header
`UDP Encapsulation And Protocol Layering
`Layering And The UDP Checksum Computation
`12.8 UDP Multiplexing, Demultiplexing, And Ports
`12.9 Reserved And Available UDP Port Numbers
`12.10 Summary
`Chapter 13 Reliable Stream Transport Service (TCP)
`The Need For Stream Delivery
`Properties Of The Reliable Delivery Service
`Providing Reliability
`The Idea Behind Sliding Windows
`The Transmission Control Protocol
`Ports, Connections, And Endpoints
`13.8 Passive And Active Opens—201
`Segments, Streams, And Sequence Numbers
`13.10 Variable Window Size And Flow Control
`13.11 TCP Segment Format
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`13.13 Maximum Segment Size Option
`13.14 TCP Checksum Computation
`13.15 Acknowledgements And Retransmission
`13.16 Timeout And Retransmission
`13.17 Accurate Measurement Of Round Trip Samples
`13.18 Karn’s Algorithm And Timer Backoff
`13.19 Responding To High Variance In Delay
`13.20 Response To Congestion
`13.21 Establishing A TCP Connection
`13.22 Initial Sequence Numbers
`13.23 Closing aTCP Connection
`13.24 TCP Connection Reset
`13.25 TCP State Machine
`13.26 Forcing Data Delivery
`13.27 Reserved TCP Port Numbers
`13.28 TCP Performance
`13.29 Silly Window Syndrome And Small Packets
`13.30 Avoiding Silly Window Syndrome
`13.31 Summary
`Chapter 14 Routing: Cores, Peers, And Algorithms (GGP)
`The Origin Of Routing Tables
`14.3. Routing With Partial Information
`14.4 Original Internet Architecture And Cores
`Core Routers
`Beyond The Core Architecture To Peer Backbones
`14.7 Automatic Route Propagation
`14.8 Vector Distance (Bellman-Ford) Routing
`14.9 Gateway-To-Gateway Protocol (GGP)
`14.10 GGP Message Formats
`14.11 Link-State (SPF) Routing
`14.12 SPF Protocols
`14.13 Summary
`Chapter 15 Routing: Autonomous Systems (EGP)
`15.2— Adding Complexity To The Architectural Model
`A Fundamental Idea: Extra Hops
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`Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP)
`EGP Message Header
`EGP Neighbor Acquisition Messages
`EGP Neighbor Reachability Messages—257
`EGP Poll Request Messages
`EGP Routing Update Messages
`Measuring From The Receiver’s Perspective
`The Key Restriction Of EGP
`Technical Problems
`Decentralization Of Internet Architecture
`Beyond Autonomous Systems
`Chapter 16 Routing: In An Autonomous System (RIP, OSPF, HELLO)
`Static Vs. Dynamic Interior Routes
`Routing Information Protocol (RIP)
`The Hello Protocol
`16.5 Combining RIP, Hello, And EGP—278
`The Open SPF Protocol (OSPF)
`16.7 Routing With Partial Information
`Chapter 17 Internet Multicasting (IGMP)
`17.2. Hardware Broadcast
`17.3. Hardware Multicast
`IP Multicast
`IP Multicast Addresses
`17.6 Mapping IP Multicast To Ethernet Multicast
`Extending IP To Handle Multicasting
`Internet Group Management Protocol
`IGMP Implementation
`17.10 Group Membership State Transitions
`17.11 IGMP Message Format
`17.12 Multicast Address Assignment
`17.13 Propagating Routing Information
`17.14 The Mrouted Program 298
`1715 Summary
`Page 10 of 21
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`Chapter 18 TCP/IP Over ATM Networks
`ATM Hardware
`Large ATM Networks
`The Logical View Of An ATM Network
`18.5|The Two ATM Connection Paradigms 306
`Paths, Circuits, And Identifiers
`18.7 ATM Cell Transport
`18.8 ATM Adaptation Layers
`AALS Convergence, Segmentation, And Reassembly
`18.10 Datagram Encapsulation And IP MTU Size
`18.11 Packet Type And Multiplexing
`18.12 IP Address Binding In An ATM Network
`18.13 Logical IP Subnet Concept
`18.14 Connection Management
`18.15 Address Binding Within An LIS
`18.16 ATMARP Packet Format
`18.17 Using ATMARP Packets To Determine An Address
`18.18 Obtaining Entries For A Server Database
`18.19 Timing Out ATMARPInformation In A Server
`18.20 Timing Out ATMARP Information In A Host Or Router
`18.21 Summary
`The UNIX 1/0 Paradigm And Network HO 336
`20.3 Adding Network 1/0 to UNIX 336
`The Socket Abstraction
`Chapter 19 Client-Server ModelOf Interaction
`The Client-Server Model
`A Simple Example: UDP Echo Server
`Time And Date Service
`The Complexity of Servers
`RARP Server
`19.7 Alternatives To The Client-Server Model
`Chapter 20 The SocketInterface
`Page 11 of 21
`Page 11 of 21


`Socket Inheritance And Termination
`Specifying A Local Address
`Connecting Sockets To Destination Addresses
`Sending Data Through A Socket
`20.10 Receiving Data Through A Socket
`20.11 Obtaining Local And Remote Socket Addresses
`20.12 Obtaining And Setting Socket Options
`20.13 Specifying A Queue Length For A Server
`20.14 How A Server Accepts Connections
`20.15 Servers That Handle Multiple Services
`20.16 Obtaining And Setting Host Names
`20.17 Obtaining And Setting The Internal Host Domain
`2018 BSD UNIX Network Library Calls
`20.19 Network Byte Order Conversion Routines
`20.20 JP Address Manipulation Routines
`20.21 Accessing The Domain Name System—352
`20.22 Obtaining Information About Hosts
`20.23 Obtaining Information About Networks
`20.24 Obtaining Information About Protocols
`20.25 Obtaining Information About Network Services
`20.26 An Example Client
`20.27 An Example Server
`20.28 Summary
`Chapter 21 Bootstrap And Autoconfiguration (BOOTP, DHCP)
`The NeedForAnAlternative To RARP
`Using IP To Determine An IP Address
`The BOOTP Retransmission Policy
`The BOOTP Message Format
`The Two-Step Bootstrap Procedure
`21.7 Vendor-Specific Field
`The Need For Dynamic Configuration
`21.9 Dynamic Host Configuration
`21.10 Dynamic IP Address Assignment
`335 21.11 Obtaining Multiple Addresses—373
`21.12 Address Acquisition States
`21.13 Early Lease Termination
`21.14 Lease Renewal States
`21.15 DHCP Message Format
`21.16 DHCP Options And Message Type
`Page 12 of 21
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`Names For Machines
`Flat Namespace
`Hierarchical Names
`Delegation Of Authority For Names
`Subset Authority
`TCPIP Internet Domain Names
`Official And Unofficial Internet Domain Names
`Items Named And Syntax Of Names
`Mapping Domain Names To Addresses
`Domain Name Resolution
`Efficient Translation
`Caching: The Key To Efficiency
`Domain Server Message Format
`Compressed Name Format
`Abbreviation Of Domain Names
`Inverse Mappings
`Pointer Queries
`Object Types And Resource Record Contents
`Obtaining Authority For A Subdomain
`Chapter 23 Applications: Remote Login (TELNET, Rlogin)
`Remote Interactive Computing
`Accommodating Heterogeneity
`Passing Commands That Control The Remote Side
`Forcing The Server To Read A Control Function
`TELNET Options
`TELNET Option Negotiation
`Rlogin (BSD UNIX)
`Chapter 22 The Domain Name System (DNS)
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`Chapter 24 Applications: File Transfer And Access (FTP, TFTP, NFS)
`File Access And Transfer
`243 On-line Shared Access
`Sharing By File Transfer
`FIP: The Major TCP/IP File Transfer Protocol
`FTP Features
`FTP Process Model
`TCP Port Number Assignment
`The User’s View Of FTP
`24.10 An Example Anonymous FTP Session
`24.11 TFTP
`24.12 NFS
`24.13 NFS Implementation
`24.14 Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
`24.15 Summary
`Chapter 25 Applications: Electronic Mail (822, SMTP, MIME)
`Electronic Mail
`25.3 Mailbox Names And Aliases
`25.4 Alias Expansion And Mail Forwarding
`The Relationship Of Internetworking And Mail
`TCPIP Standards For Electronic Mail Service
`Electronic Mail Addresses
`Pseudo Domain Addresses
`Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
`25.10 The MIME Extension For Non-ASCI Data
`25.11 MIME Multipart Messages
`25.12 Summary
`' Chapter 26 Applications: Internet Management (SNMP, SNMPv2)
`The Level Of Management Protocols
`26.3. Architectural Model
`20.4—Protocol Architecture 450
`Examples of MIB Variables
`The Structure Of Management Information
`Page 14 of 21


`Simple Network ManagementProtocol
`26.10 SNMP Message Format
`26.11 Example Encoded SNMP Message
`26.12 Summary
`Chapter 27 Summary Of Protocol Dependencies
`Protocol Dependencies
`27.3 Application Program Access
`Protecting Resources
`The Need For An Information Policy
`Communication, Cooperation, And Mutual Mistrust
`28.5 Mechanisms ForInternet Security
`Firewalls And Internet Access
`28.7. Multiple Connections And Weakest Links
`Firewall Implementation And High-Speed Hardware
` Packet-Level Filters
`28.10 Security And Packet Filter Specification
`28.11 The Consequence Of Restricted Access For Clients
`28.12 Accessing Services Through A Firewall
`28.13 The Details Of Firewall Architecture
`28.14 Stub Network
`28.15 An Alternative Firewall Implementation
`28.16 Monitoring And Logging
`28.17 Summary
`Chapter 28 Internet Security And Firewall Design
`Chapter 29 The Future Of TCP/IP (IPng, IPv6)
`29.2. Why Change TCPIP And The Internet?
`29.3. Motivation For Changing [Pv4
`The Road To A NewVersion Of [P_
`The Name Of The Next IP
`Page 15 of 21
`Page 15 of 21


` IPv6 Base Header Format
`IPv6 Extension Headers
`29.10 Parsing AnIPv6 Datagram 497
`IPv6 Fragmentation And Reassembly
`29.12 The Consequence Of End-To-End Fragmentation
`29.13 IPv6 Source Routing
`29.14 IPv6 Options
`29.15 Size Of The IPv6 Address Space
`29.16 IPv6 Colon Hexadecimal Notation
`29.17. Three Basic IPv6 Address Types
`29.18 The Duality Of Broadcast And Multicast
`29.19 An Engineering Choice And Simulated Broadcast
`29.20 Proposed IPv6 Address Space Assignment
`29.21 [Pyv4 Address Encoding And Transition
`29.22 Providers, Subscribers, And Address Hierarchy
`29.23 Additional Hierarchy
`29.24 Summary
`Appendix 1 A Guide To RFCs
`Appendix 2 Glossary Of Internetworking Terms And Abbreviations
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`To handle automated address assignment, the IETF has designed a new protocol.
`Known as the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), the new protocol extends
`BOOTPin two ways. First, DHCP allows a computer to acquire all the configuration
`information it needs in a single message. For example, in addition to an IP address, a
`DHCP message can contain a subnet mask. Second, DHCP allows a computerto obtain
`an IP address quickly and dynamically. To use DHCP’s dynamic address allocation
`mechanism, a manager must configure a DHCP server by supplying a set of IP ad-
`dresses. Whenever a new computer connects to the network, the new computer contacts
`the server and requests an address. The server chooses one of the addresses the
`managerspecified, and allocates that address to the computer.
`To be completely general, DHCP allows three types of address assignment; a
`manager chooses how DHCPwill respond for each network or for each host. Like
`BOOTP, DHCP allows manual configuration in which a manager can configure a
`specific address for a specific computer. DHCP also permits automatic configuration in
`which a manager allows a DHCPserver to assign a permanent address when a computer
`first attaches to the network. Finally, DHCP permits completely dynamic configuration
`in which a server ‘‘loans’’ an address to a computerfor a limited time.
`Like BOOTP, DHCP uses the identity of the client to decide how to proceed.
`Whena client contacts a DHCPserver, the client sends an identifier, usually the client’s
`hardware address. The server uses the client’s identifier and the network to which the
`client has connected to determine how to assign the client and IP address. Thus, a
`manager has complete control over how addresses are assigned. A server can be con-
`figured to allocate addresses to specific computers statically (like BOOTP), while allow-
`ing other computers to obtain permanent or temporary addresses dynamically.
`21.10 Dynamic IP Address Assignment
`Dynamic address assignment is the most significant and novel aspect of DHCP.
`Unlike the static address assignment used in BOOTP, dynamic address assignmentis
`not a one-to-one mapping, and the server does not need to know the identity of a client
`a priori.
`In particular, a DHCP server can be configured to permit an arbitrary comput-
`er to obtain an IP address and begin communicating. Thus, DHCP makesit possible to
`design systems that autoconfigure. After such a computer has been attached to a net-
`work, the computer uses DHCPto obtain an IP address, and then configures its TCP/IP
`software to use the address. Of course, autoconfiguration is subject to administrative
`restrictions — a manager decides whether each DHCP server allows autoconfiguration.
`To summarize:
`Because it allows a host to obtain all the parameters needed for com-
`munication without manual
`intervention, DHCP permits autoconfi-
`guration. Autoconfiguration is, of course, subject to administrative
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`Page 17 of 21


`new protocol.
`otocol extends
`IP address, a
`puter to obtain
`ress allocation
`set of IP ad-
`iputer contacts
`addresses the
`assignment; a
`ch host. Like
`n configure a
`mnfiguration in
`en a computer
`w to proceed.
`lly the client’s
`< to which the
`lress. Thus, a
`=r can be con-
`), while allow-
`ect of DHCP.
`tity of a client
`trary comput-
`s it possible to
`ched to a net-
`res its TCP/IP
`specifies the rules by which the server operates. A DHCP client negotiates use of an
`address by exchanging messages with a server.
`In the exchange, the server provides an
`address for the client, and the client verifies that it accepts the address. Once a client
`has accepted an address, it can begin to use that address for communication.
`Unlike static address assignment, which permanently allocates each IP address to a
`specific host, dynamic address assignment is temporary. We say that a DHCP server
`leases an address to a client for a finite period of time. The server specifies the lease
`period when it allocates the address. During the lease period, the server will not lease
`the same address to another client. At the end of the lease period, however, the client
`must renew the lease or stop using the address.
`Howlong should a DHCPlease last? The optimal time for a lease depends on the
`particular network and the needsof a particular host. For example, to guarantee that ad-
`dresses can be recycled quickly, computers on a network used by students in a universi-
`ty laboratory might have a short lease period (e.g., one hour). By contrast, a corporate
`network might use a lease period of one day or one week. To accommodateall possible
`environments, DHCP does not specify a fixed constant for the lease period.
`Instead, the
`protocol allows a client to request a specific lease period, and allows a server to inform
`the client of the lease period it grants. Thus, a manager can decide how long each
`server should allocate an address to a client.
`In the extreme, DHCPreserves a value for
`infinity to permit a lease to last arbitrarily long like the permanent address assignments
`used in BOOTP.
`21.11 Obtaining Multiple Addresses
`A multi-homed computer connects to more than one network. When such a com-
`puter boots,
`it may need to obtain configuration information for each ofits interfaces.
`Like a BOOTP message, a DHCP message only provides information about one inter-
`face. A computer with multiple interfaces must handle each interface separately. Thus,
`although we will describe DHCP as if a computer needs only one address, the reader
`must remember that each interface of a multi-homed computer may be at a different
`point in the protocol.
`Both BOOTP and DHCPusethe notion of relay agent to permit a computer to
`contact a server on a nonlocal network. When a relay agent receives a broadcast re-
`. quest from a client, it forwards the request to a server and then returns the reply from
`the server to the host. Relay agents can complicate multi-homed configuration because
`a server may receive multiple requests from the same computer. However, although
`both BOOTP and DHCP usethe term client identifier, we assume that a multihomed
`client sends a value that
`identifies a particular interface (e.g., a unique hardware ad-
`dress). Thus, a server will always be able to distinguish among requests from a mullti-
`homed host, even whenthe server receives such requests via a relay agent.
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`When it uses DHCP to obtain an IP address, a client is in one of six states. The
`state transition diagram in Figure 21.4 shows events and messagesthat cause a client to
`Whena clientfirst boots, it enters the JN/TIALIZE state. To start acquiring an IP
`address, the client first contacts all DHCP servers in the local net. To do so, the client
`broadcasts a DHCPDISCOVER message and movestothe state labeled SELECT. Be-
`cause the protocol is an extension of BOOTP,the client sends the DHCPDISCOVER
`message in a UDP datagram with the destination port set to the BOOTPport(i.e., port
`67). All DHCPservers on the local net receive the message, and those servers that have
`been programmed to respond to the particular client send a DHCPOFFER message.
`Thus, a client may receive zero or more responses.
`While in state SELECT,
`the client collects DHCPOFFER responses from DHCP
`servers. Each offer contains configuration information for the client along with an IP
`address that the server is offering to lease to the client. The client must choose one of
`the responses(e.g., the first to arrive), and negotiate with the server for a lease. To do
`so, the client sends the server a DHCPREQUEST message, and enters the REQUEST
`state. To acknowledge receipt of the request and start the lease, the server responds by
`sending a DHCPACK. Arrival of the acknowledgement causes the client to move to the
`BOUNDstate, where the client proceeds to use the address. To summarize:
`To use DHCP, a host becomes a client by broadcasting a message to
`all servers on the local network. The host then collects offers from
`servers, selects one of the offers, and verifies acceptance with the
`21.13 Early Lease Termination
`Wethink of the BOUNDstate as the normal state of operation; a client typically
`remains in the BOUNDstate while it uses the IP address it has acquired.
`If a client has
`secondary storage (e.g., a local disk), the client can store the IP address it was assigned,
`and request the same address whenit restarts again.
`In somecases, however,a client in
`the BOUNDstate may discover it no longer needs an IP address. For example, suppose
`a user attaches a portable computer to a network, uses DHCPto acquire an IP address,
`and then uses TCP/IP to read electronic mail. The user may not know how long read-
`ing mail will require, or the portable computer may allow the server to choose a lease
`Jn any case, DHCPspecifies a minimum lease period of one hour.
`If after ob-
`taining an IP address, the user discovers that no e-mail messages are waiting to be read,
`the user may choose to shutdownthe portable computer and moveto anotherlocation.
`Whenit no longer needs a lease, DHCPallowsa client to terminate a lease without
`waiting for the lease to expire. Such termination is helpful in cases where neither the
`client nor the server can determine an appropriate lease duration at the time the lease is
`Page 19 of 21
`Page 19 of 21


`196, 582
`window size
`Winsock 335, 363, 589
`wireless network 47
`wiring 26
`working group 10, 589
`World Wide Web 12, 465, 589
`worm 37, 330
`write 226
`write request 428
`write system call 341
`writev system call 341
`WWw 589
`4 X
`X-Window System 590
`X.25 39, 45, 589
`X.400 165, 589
`X25NET 44, 589
`XDR_ 430, 467, 590
`Z z
`ero compression 502
`zone of authority 403, 590
`unicast address 290
`universal assignment 186
`universal communication service 59
`universal interconnection 5, 50
`universal time
`105, 328, 588
`unreachable destination 128
`unreliable 91
`unreliable packet delivery 90, 91
`urgent data 205, 414, 418, 588
`URL 588
`user datagram 179, 181, 365
`User Datagram Protocol 180
`user level process
`user process 326
`User to Network Interface 304
`UUCP 440, 588
`VANgateway 45
`vBNS 44, 588
`VCI 307
`vector-distance 240, 588
`very high speed Backbone Network Ser-
`vice 44, 588
`virtual circuit 45, 192, 588
`virtual circuit identifier 307
`virtual path identifier 307
`VPI 307
`VPI/VCI 307, 588
`WAN 19, 589
`weak authentication 475
`weakest link axiom 477
`well-known address 291
`well-known port
`186, 221, 589
`whole-file copying 420
`wide area network 19
`wildcard 346
`window 196, 589
`ol 191, 198
`| 427
`cast 298
`Panasonic-1015 Page 20 of 21
`Page 20 of 21


`Over 200,000 Copies Sold
`“THEclassic text for an introduction to TCP/IP.”
`—Jon Postel, RFC editor and former Deputy Internet Architect
`“Although others havetried, there is no better written or organized explanation of the core
`—Joel Snyder, Network Computing
`“As an introduction to the TCP/IP protocol suite and its underpinnings,this is an excellent
`It is also a good reference book to keep around for anyone whois working with
`—GeorgeV. Neville-Neil, USENIX ;login:
`Theall-time best-selling TCP/IP book, Internetworking with TCP/IP,is still THE reference
`for anyone who wantsto learn about or work with the TCP/IP protocol suite. Volume| of
`the series by Douglas Comer provides the most up-to-date conceptualintroduction to
`TCP/IP protocols and the latest developmentsin Internet technology.
`Renownedforits clarity and accessibility, this superb text covers wide area (WAN)Internet
`backbonesaswell as local area network (LAN) technologies tike Ethernet and FDDI. The
`text explains address binding (ARP), IP connectionless datagram delivery, error detection,
`multicasting, and routing.

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