Application NumberInformation
`Examiner Number: 76055 / JIOVALING, JOHN
`Application Number: 90/012149 Assignments
`Group Art Unit: 3992
`Filing or 371(c) Date: 02/17/2012 cDan
`Class/Subclass: 726/007.000
`Effective Date: 02/17/2012
`Lost Case: NO
`Application Received: 02/17/2012
`Interference Number:
`Patent Number:
`Unmatched Petition: NO
`Issue Date: 00/00/0000
`L&R Code; Secrecy Code:1
`Date of Abandonment: 00/00/0000
`Third Level Review: NO
`Attorney Docket Number: R1341006C
`Confirmation Number: 4719
`Oral Hearing: NO
`Secrecy Order: NO
`Status Date: 05/23/2012
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`- United States Patent and Trademark Office
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, Virginia 22313-1450
`Hershkovitz & Associates, LLC
`2845 DukeStreet
`Alexandtia, VA. 22314
`DATE MAILED: 07/18/2012
`Please find below and/or attached an Office communication concerning this application or proceeding.
`PTO-90C (Rev.10/03)
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`Commissioner for Patents
`United States Patents and Trademark Office
`P.O.Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`1803 BROADWAY,APT.301
`NASHVILLE, TN 37203-2761
`JUL 18 2012
`PATENT NO. : 6779118
`ART UNIT: 3993
`Enclosed is a copy of the latest communication from the United States Patent and Trademark
`Office in the above identified ex parte reexamination proceeding (37 CFR 1.550(f)).
`Where this copy is supplied after the reply by requester, 37 CFR 1.535, or the timefor filing a
`reply has passed, no submission on behalf of the ex parte reexamination requester will be
`acknowledged or considered (37 CFR 1.550(g)).
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`Commissioner for Patents
`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`Hershkovitz & Associates, LLC
`2845 Duke Street
`Alexandria, VA 22314
`1803 BROADWAY,APT.301
`NASHVILLE, TN 37203-2761
`In re: Ikudomeetal.
`Ex Parte Reexamination Proceeding
`Control No.: 90/012,149
`Deposited: February 17, 2012
`For: U.S. Patent No.: 6,779,118
`(For Patent Owner)
`(For Third Party
`JUL 18 2012
`UNDER37 CFR §§ 1.181 & 1.515(c)
`This is a decision onthe petition filed by the third party requester on April 19, 2012,entitled
`Petitioner seeks review of the Order Denying Request for Ex Parte Reexamination mailed March
`20, 2012.
`Thepetition is before the Director of the Central Reexamination Unit.
`The petition is denied.
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`Reexamination Control No. 90/012,149
`Page 2
`USS.Patent No. 6,779,118 [“the ‘118 patent”] issued on August 17, 2004.
`e A request for ex parte reexamination of claims 2-7, 9-14, 16-24 and 26-27 of the ‘118
`patent wasfiled February 17, 2012 and assigned control no. 90/012,149.
`e An order denying the request for reexamination was issued on March20, 2012.
`e On April 19, 2012,the third party requester timely filed the instant petition for
`reconsideration of the denial of the request.
`e The ‘118 patent was also the subject of now concluded reexamination proceeding
`90/009,301 [“the ‘9301 proceeding”]. Relevant prosecution will be discussed below.
`Standard of Review
`37 CFR § 1.515(c) provides for the filing of a petition under 37 CFR § 1.181 to review an
`examiner’s determination refusing to order ex parte reexamination. The CRUDirector’s review
`on petition is de novo. Therefore, the review will determine whether the examiner’s refusal to
`order reexamination wascorrect, and will not necessarily indicate agreement or disagreement
`with every aspect of the examiner’s rationale for denying the request.
`The Legal Standard for Ordering Reexamination
`A review of 35 U.S.C. §§ 302 and 303 reveals that, by statute, ex parte reexamination of a
`United States Patent is only authorized when a consideration ofprior art consisting of patents or
`printed publications establishes that a substantial new question of patentability exists with
`respect to one or moreclaims of that patent. 35 U.S.C. § 302 requires that a request for ex parte
`reexamination be based uponpriorart as set forth in 35 U.S.C. § 301, thatis, prior art consisting
`of patents or printed publications, while 37 CFR § 1.510(b)(1) requires that a request for ex parte
`reexamination include “a statement pointing out each substantial new question ofpatentability
`based on the cited patents and printed publications.” A substantial question of patentability
`(SNQ)is raised by a cited patent or printed publication when there is a substantial likelihood that
`a reasonable examiner would consider the prior art patent or printed publication importantin
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`Reexamination Control No. 90/012, 149
`Page 3
`deciding whetheror not the claim is patentable. If the prior art patents and printed publications
`relied upon in the request raise a substantial question of patentability, then a “substantial new
`question of patentability” is present, unless the same question ofpatentability has already been
`decided bya final court holding of invalidity after all appeals, or by the Office in an earlier
`examination or in a reexamination of a patent. If a substantial new question of patentability is
`foundto be raised, an order granting ex parte reexamination ofthe patentis issued.
`Summary of the Prior Prosecution with Respect to the ‘118 Patent
`The present request for reexamination is drawn to claims 2-7; 9-14, 16-24 and 26-27. The ‘118
`patent was previously the subject of reexamination proceeding 90/009,301. In that proceeding a
`final rejection was issued August 2, 2010 rejecting claims 1-31, 33-36, 38-41 and 43-46 as
`obvious over U.S. Patent No. 6,088,451 to Heetal. [“He’’] in view of U.S. Patent No. 6,233,686
`to Zenchelskyet al. [“Zenchelsky”]. Claims 32, 37, 42 and 47 were rejected as obvious over He
`in view of Zenchelsky, and further in view of admitted prior art [“APA”]. On appeal, the Board
`reversed the rejections of claims 1-31, 33-36, 38-41 and 43-46, affirmed the rejections of claims
`32, 37, 42 and 47, and issued new groundsofrejection of claims 1, 8, 15 and 25 as obvious over
`He, Zenchelsky and APA. Claims 32, 37, 42 and 47 depended from claims1, 8, 15 and 25,
`therefore the Board simply said that the independent claims would be rejected over He,
`Zenchelsky and APA for the same reasonsas the dependent claims. The Board did not issue new
`groundsofrejection for the other dependent claims.
`Uponreturn ofjurisdiction to the examiner, the patent owner made several amendments. It
`cancelled claims 1, 8, 15, 25, 32, 37, 42 and 47,all claimsstill under rejection after the Board
`decision. It kept as original the no-longer-rejected claims 2-7, 9-14 and 24. It amended claims
`16-23 and 26-27; these amendments were minor changesto correct typographicalerrors and to
`place someclaims in independent form. Other amendments were madethat are not relevant to
`the instant proceeding.
`The examinerissued a Notice of Intent to Issue the Reexamination Certificate [“NIRC”] on
`January 6, 2012, determiningthat all pending claims were confirmed or patentable. As to claims
`2-7, 9-14, 16-24 and 26-27, the examiner stated, in several sections:
`The Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences Decision of August 23, 2011 indicates the
`proposed rejection of these claims has been reversed (decision at page 10). No proposed
`' new groundsofrejection are indicated. The remainingprior art of record has been
`considered and not foundto raise further issues beyond those issues already addressed by
`the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences. Accordingly, claims [2-7, 9-14, 16-24 and
`26-27] are [confirmed/patentable].
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`Reexamination Control No. 90/012, 149
`Page 4
`NIRC mailed January 6, 2012 at pp. 2-3. The reexaminationcertificate issued March 27, 2012.
`In summary,the rejections based on He in view of Zenchelsky were reversed by the Board.
`Rejections based on He, Zenchelsky and APAwere affirmed, and new groundsofrejection of
`someclaims werealso instituted by the Board based on this combination. The Board did not
`apply this combination to other claims
`Analysis of the Request for Reexamination and the Denial of the Request
`The present request for reexamination proposesthat claims 2-7, 9-14, 16-24 and 26-27 are
`obvious over He in view of Zenchelsky, and further in view of APA. Asnoted, these claims
`were rejected in the previous proceeding as obvious over Hein view of Zenchelsky. The Board
`reversed that rejection, finding that the references lacked the “redirection server” of the
`independent claims. The Boardaffirmed rejections of other dependent claims where APA was
`added to the combination, finding that APA teachesa redirection server. The Board entered new
`groundsofrejection for the independent claimsonly, rejecting them over He, Zenchelsky and
`APA. The Board did not address the merits of claims 2-7, 9-14, 16-24 and 26-27individually;
`the rejections were reversed due to the reversal as to the independent claims, and the new
`grounds were notapplied to these claims. The requester argues that He, Zenchelsky and APA
`should now beapplied to these claimsas well.
`The reexamination examiner denied the present request seemingly for two reasons. Hestated
`that the request was premature because the claims, as amendedin the previous reexamination,
`had not yet published, therefore the request was drawn to these not-yet-existing claims rather
`than the claims in effect at the time of the determination, as required by MPEP § 2240(II). Order
`mailed March 20, 2012 at 2. He also stated that the request appears to allege an SNQ based on
`issues currently pending before the Office, and stated there was no SNQ overand above such
`issues. Id. at 2-3, This would apparently mean that the requester presented the same question of
`patentability as addressed in the previous examination.
`Petitioner argues that that the request sufficiently addresses the claims ofthe patent, the claims
`that were in effect at the time of the determination as required by 35 U.S.C. § 303 and 37 CFR §
`1.515(a), The Director agrees with petitioner. In this case the relevant claimsare those that
`originally issued in the ‘118 patent, as the 90/009,301 certificate did not issue until after the
`determination. Claims 2-7 and 9-14 have not been changed and remainasoriginally present in
`the ‘118 patent. The request addresses those claims, as originally patented, therefore the request
`is properly groundedin thestatute in that its proposed SNQs“affect[] any claim ofthe patent’ as
`required by 35 U.S.C. § 303(a).
`It likewise addresses “the claimsin effect at the time of the
`determination” as required by 37 CFR § 1.515(a). The Director therefore does not deny the
`request for this reason.
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`Reexamination Control No. 90/012,149
`Page 5
`The request also addresses other claims as they were amendedin the ‘9301 proceeding. As
`stated, the certificate had notyet issued at the time of the determination, so those claims were not
`yet in effect at that time. The MPEP, however, recognizesthis precise issue, and permits a
`requester to address proposed amendedclaims from other co-pending proceedings “to permit
`examination of the entire patent package”so long as the request is otherwise properly based in
`the claims in effect at that time. MPEP § 2240(II). The present request satisfies these
`requirements, as it is groundedat least on original claims 2-7 and 9-14, and as MPEP § 2240(II)
`tells us it would be a waste of resources to prevent the addressing of the proposed(at the time)
`amended claims and require the parties to wait for the actual issuance ofthe certificate.
`Accordingly, the request was not improper for being drawn to claimsnotin effect at the time of
`the determination.'
`The main issue now is whether the request has presented a substantial new question of
`patentability. There is little question the request has set forth a question of patentability, the only
`question is whetherit is new.
`A clear question of patentability has been raised in light of the prosecution of the ‘9301
`In that proceedingall of the claims at issue here were rejected as obvious over He in
`view of Zenchelsky. The Board addressed only the independentclaims, and reversed the
`rejections based on the references lacking a feature. The Board howeverreplaced those reversed
`rejections with a new rejection, adding APA to the combination. The Board, however never
`addressed the dependent claims, including 2-7, 9-14, 16-23 and 26-27. Given thatthe reversal
`wasonly based on the independentclaims, the reversed rejections were basically corrected by
`adding APA,and there wasnofinding oferror in the original application of He and Zenchelsky
`to the dependentclaims, a reasonable examiner would conclude that adding APA would also be
`important to the dependent claims. Thus, the requester’s application of He, Zenchelsky and APA
`to substantially the same claimsraises a question of patentability.
`The question then is whetherthe question of patentability is “new.” A first issue is whether this
`combination wasconsidered by the Board as to the dependent claims. The Director finds that
`there is no evidence that the Board considered the combination as to the dependent claims. 37
`CFR § 41.50(b) permits the Board to set forth a new groundofrejection, but the rule says the
`Board “may” include a new groundofrejection, and indeed MPEP § 1213.02 tells usthat “the
`exercise of authority under 37 CFR 41.50(b)is discretionary.” MPEP § 1213.02 furthertells us
`that becauseit is discretionary, “‘no inference should be drawn fromafailure to exercise that
`' This analysis was technically unnecessary in light of the de novo review andthe denial for other reasons. The
`issue was important to address, however, as it appeared to be a primary reason for the examiner denying the request
`and because it was the primary issue addressedin the petition.
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`Reexamination Control No. 90/012,149
`Page 6
`discretion.” That the Board declined to reject claims 2 et al. under the combination with APA
`therefore does nottell us whether the Board actually considered such a rejection.
`Thefinal issue is whether the examiner considered the combination. Again, the examiner
`explicitly recited in the NIRC,as to the claimsat issue here:
`The Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences Decision of August 23, 2011 indicate the
`proposedrejection of these claims has been reversed (decision at page 10). No proposed
`new groundsofrejection are indicated. The remainingprior art of record has been
`considered and not foundto raise further issues beyond those issues already addressed by
`the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences. Accordingly, claims [2-7, 9-14, 16-24 and
`26-27] are [confirmed/patentable].
`NIRC mailed January 6, 2012 at pp. 2-3. The examiner had the combination of He, Zenchelsky
`and APA before him; he himself rejected someclaims over this combination, and the Board
`rejected additional claims over this combination. The examinersaid that “[t]he remaining prior
`art has been considered and not foundto raise further issues beyond those issues already
`addressed by the” Board. The examiner wasspecifically aware of the combination, consideredit
`with respect to these claims, yet declined to makethe rejection. The issue was therefore squarely
`before the examiner during the previous examination,so it is not a new question of patentability.
`It is noted that the requester disagrees, arguing that the examinerdid not consider this question of
`patentability as to these claims in the NIRC. It suggests that the examiner was confused by the
`Board, and believed that the Board confirmedthe patentability of the dependent claims or
`mandated allowance of the claims overthe art mentioned in the decision. Request pp. 10-11.
`This is pure speculation andthereis nothing in the recordto indicate that the examiner wasnot
`aware that he could enter a newrejection after the Board decision. See 37 CFR §§ 41.50(b)(1)
`(discussing reopening of prosecution after new ground ofrejection); 1.198 (reopening of
`prosecution with Director approval); MPEP §§ 1214.06(IV); 1214.07.
`The requester also brushes aside the statement by the examiner from the block quote above,
`stating “the examinerdid not consider the patentability of the claims in view ofHeetal.,
`Zenchelsky and Admitted Prior Art. Rather, the Examiner only considered the remaining prior
`art of record prior to issuing the” NIRC. Request p. 11. The Director cannot agree. There is no
`evidence that “remaining” means “all of the art that was not mentioned by the Board.” If
`anything, the “remaining art” would meanthe art other than that ofthe reversed rejection, and
`therefore would include APA. The evidence does not show that the examinerfailed to consider
`this combination asto the claimsatissue.
`The purpose of reexamination is to address questions of patentability that were not before the
`Office previously, not to question the previous examiner’s judgment. See Jn re Swanson, 88
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`Reexamination Control No. 90/012,149
`Page 7
`USPQ2d 1196, 1201-02, 1204-05 (Fed. Cir. 2008) (discussing the legislative history and the use
`of old art in raising an SNQ). The request amounts to “we are applying the referencesin the
`same way, we just think the examiner missed that he could reject.” As the Federal Circuit has
`explained, the substantial new question requirement“guard[s] against simply repeating the prior
`examination on the same issues” and prevents “[a] second examination, on the identical ground
`that had previously been raised and overcome.” Jn re Recreative Technologies, 38 USPQ2d
`1776, 1777-78 (Fed. Cir. 1996). The Office has already had this combination of references
`before it and deemedall of the claims patentable. The Office will not reconsider that decision
`absent some newand different evidence, argument, interpretation, or the like. There is no
`indication that this old art is being viewedin a new light or a different way than it was
`previously, or with some newinterpretation of the references. There is no evidencethat the
`examinerfailed to appreciate that he was permitted to reject the claims. There is nothing to show
`that the questions of patentability are new and different than those from the previous
`Accordingly, because the combination was before the examiner during the previous examination,
`the requester has not raised a substantial new question of patentability. The petition filed April
`19, 2012 is denied and the request for reexamination is denied.
`1. Based on a de novo review ofthe record as a whole, the petition is denied.
`2. Accordingly, the request for ex parte reexamination of claims 2-7, 9-14, 16-24 and 26-27is
`3. This decisionis final and nonappealable. 35 U.S.C. § 303(c) & 37 CFR § 1.515(c). No
`further communication on this matter will be acknowledgedor considered.
`4. Telephone inquiries related to this decision should be directed to Alexander Kosowski,
`Supervisory Patent Examiner, at (571) 272-3744 or Mark Reinhart, Supervisory Patent
`Examiner, at (571) 272-1611...
`Trem pe
`Director, Central Reexamination Unit
`Page 11 of 307
`Page 11 of 307


`Patent No.
`Reexamination Control No.
`Art Unit
`Confirmation No.
`February 2, 2012
`John Hotaling
`Commissioner for Patents
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`Dear Sir:
`This authorization to charge Deposit Account No. 503550 accompaniesa Petition
`under 37 CFR §§ 1.515(c) AND 1.18 for Reconsideration of Denial of Request for
`Ex Parte Reexamination.
`Neither MPEP 2228 nor 37 CFR 1.515 nor 37 CFR 1.181 specifies a fee that
`must accompany the Petition. Accordingly, no fee is being submitted herewith.
`if any fee is required for the Petition, the Commissioner is authorized to
`charge the fee to the undersigned attorney's Deposit Account No. 503550 associated
`with Customer No. 51476.
`Date: April 19, 2012
`Respectfully submitted,
`/Jerry Turner Sewell/
`Jerry Turner Sewell
`Customer No. 51476
`Registration No. 31,567
`Requestor of Record
`Page 12 of 307
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`Electronic AcknowledgementReceipt
`Application Number:
`International Application Number:
`Confirmation Number:
`Title of Invention:
`User Specific Automatic Data Redirection System
`Reexam (Third Party)
`First Named Inventor/Applicant Name:
`Customer Number:
`Jerry T. Sewell
`Filer Authorized By:
`Attorney Docket Number:
`Receipt Date:
`Filing Date:
`Time Stamp:
`Application Type:
`Submitted with Payment
`File Listing:
`File Size(Bytes)/
`Number Message Digest|Part/.zip|P (if appl.)
`Petition for Review of Reexam Denial
`60862f49fe6a5852793 18972ch718f32223
`2200 Information:
`quest. pdf
`Page 13 of 307
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`Miscellaneous Incoming Letter
`_Charge_Deposit_Account.pdf 9253a3706a878e9ce49ae1cflea1 3874fc0}
`This AcknowledgementReceipt evidences receipt on the noted date by the USPTOofthe indicated documents,
`characterized by the applicant, and including page counts, where applicable. It serves as evidence of receipt similar to a
`Post Card, as described in MPEP 503.
`the application.
`New International Application Filed with the USPTO as a Receiving Office
`If a new international application is being filed and the international application includes the necessary components for
`an international filing date (see PCT Article 11 and MPEP 1810), a Notification of the International Application Number
`and of the International Filing Date (Form PCT/RO/105)will be issued in due course, subject to prescriptions concerning
`national security, and the date shownon this AcknowledgementReceiptwill establish the international filing date of
`New Applications Under 35 U.S.C. 111
`If a new application is being filed and the application includes the necessary componentsfora filing date (see 37 CFR
`1.53(b)-(d) and MPEP 506), a Filing Receipt (37 CFR 1.54) will be issued in due course and the date shownonthis
`AcknowledgementReceiptwill establish thefiling date of the application.
`National Stage of an International Application under 35 U.S.C. 371
`If a timely submission to enter the national stage of an international application is compliant with the conditions of 35
`U.S.C. 371 and other applicable requirements a Form PCT/DO/EO/903indicating acceptanceof the application as a
`national stage submission under 35 U.S.C. 371 will be issued in addition to the Filing Receipt, in due course.
`Page 14 of 307
`Page 14 of 307


`Patent No.
`Reexamination Control No.
`Art Unit
`Confirmation No.
`February 2, 2012
`John Hotaling
`Commissioner for Patents
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`Dear Sir:
`The Requestor of the above-identified ex parte reexamination hereby petitions for
`reconsideration of
`the March 20, 2012 Order Denying Ex Parte Reexamination
`Requestor filed a Request for Reexamination (the "Request") on February 2,
`2012, which identified Claims 2-7, 9-14, 16-24, and 26-27 of US Patent No. 6,779,118
`for reexamination. The Order found that the request was improper in view of the prior
`pending reexamination with Control No. 90/009,301 (the "prior reexamination"). As
`stated in the Order:
`The proposed [substantial new question] stems from a Board decision in a
`concurrent pending Reexamination proceeding 90/009301. The request
`appears to allege an SNQ based on issues currently pending before the
`office. While the claims in the pending reexamination appear to have
`been amended and a NIRC is pending,
`these claims have not yet
`published. Therefore the request appears to be premature and not clearly
`based on claims in effect at the time of the request as required by MPEP
`Order at 2 (emphasis in original).
`Page 15 of 307
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`Application No.:
`Filing Date:
`February 2, 2012
`Requestor respectfully disagrees. Although a second reexamination request
`must be based onthe claims in effect at the time of the determination’ and not claims
`amended during a concurrent reexamination,
`the Order failed to observe that the
`present Request for Reexamination is in fact based on the claims in effect at the
`time of the determination.
`Indeed, this must be so because Claims 2-7 and 9-14 were not amendedatall
`during the prior reexamination. Thus, at a minimum, the Request is based on Claims 2-
`7 and 9-14 as they were in effect at the time of the determination, so reexamination is
`proper on thoseclaims.
`Requestor’s arguments on Claims 16-24 and 26-27 are permitted as “information
`directed to a proposed new or amendedclaim in the pending reexamination” presented
`to “permit examination of the entire patent package.” MPEP § 2240(Il). Furthermore,
`Claims 16-24 and 26-27 were only amendedin insubstantial ways, so the claims in the
`prior reexamination are essentially identical
`to those in effect at
`the time of the
`determination. Thus, reexamination is also proper on Claims 16-24 and 26-27.
`Since Requestor applied the correct claims in the Request for Reexamination,
`the Request should be granted and a new reexamination should proceed. Since a
`Reexamination Certificate has already issued in
`the prior
`reexamination proceedings based on the present Request should apply the claims as
`issued in the Reexamination Certificate. However, Claims 2-7, 9-14, 16-24, and 26-27
`in the Reexamination Certificate are essentially identical to the corresponding claims of
`the original patent, so the arguments presented in the present Request apply equally to
`render the claims of the Reexamination Certificate unpatentable.
`Statement of Facts
`On August 17, 2004, US Patent No. 6,779,118 to Ikudome et al.
`(“the ‘118
`patent”) issued.
`The prior reexamination, with Control No. 90/009,301, was filed December 17,
`2008. A Notice of Intent to Issue a Reexamination Certificate was issued in that prior
`1 Although the Order refers to the “claims in effect at the time of the request,” the
`relevant rule refers to the “claims in effect at the time of the determination.” 37 CFR
`§ 1.515; MPEP § 2240(Il).
`Page 16 of 307
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`Application No.:
`Filing Date:
`February 2, 2012
`reexamination on January 6, 2012. Ex Parte Reexamination Certificate No. 8926 in that
`reexamination issued on March 27, 2012.
`Throughout the prior reexamination, Claims 2-7 and 9-14 were not amended at
`Claims 16-24 were dependent claims in the original patent.
`Independent base
`Claim 15 was cancelled in the reexamination. Claims 16-23 were each amended during
`reexamination to present each claim as an independent claim that included limitations
`from Claim 15. During the course of the reexamination, Claim 15 was amended to
`correct the misspelled word “programmed” to “programmed;” to revise the phrase “to
`control passing” to “control data passing;” to revise the phrase “to allow modification” to
`“allow automated modification;” and to revise the phrase “the user access” to “the user
`Claims 18, 21 and 22 were further amendedto correct the ungrammatical phrase
`“the user access”to “the user accesses” at a second location in each of the claims.
`Claim 24 depends from amended Claim 23 and was deemedto patentable
`becauseof the dependence from a patentable claim.
`Claim 26 was amendedto correct the ungrammatical phrase “the user access”to
`“the user accesses.”
`Claim 27 was amended to modify the phrase “the location or locations the user
`access”to “a location or locations the user accesses.”
`The Patent Owner stated that all of the amendments, other than the bodily
`incorporation of the text from Claim 15 into dependent Claims 16-24, were made “to
`correct minor typographical and grammatical errors,” as set forth on page 10 of the
`attached Exhibit A (November 14, 2009 Patent Owner’s “Response under 37 CFR
`1.111 and Proposed Amendment under 37 CFR 1.530” in Reexamination Proceeding
`90/009,301). The Patent Owner also stated that “the original patented claims 15, 18,
`21, 26, and 27 are merely ungrammatical,” as set forth on page 8 of attached Exhibit B
`(October 4, 2010 Patent Owner's “After Final Response under 37 CFR 1.116 and
`Proposed Amendment” The_bodilyin Reexamination Proceeding 90/009,301.
`incorporation of Claim 15 into Claims 16-24 did not change the scope of Claims 16-24.
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`Application No.:
`Filing Date:
`February 2, 2012
`Thus, except for correction of minor typographical and grammatical errors, amended
`Claims 16-24 do notdiffer from the claims in the original patent.
`The present Request for Reexamination was filed February 12, 2012. On March
`20, 2012, the present

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