High Performance Network and Channel-Based Storage
`Randy H. Katz
`Report No. UCB/CSD 91/650
`September 1991
`Computer Science Division (EECS)
`University of California, Berkeley
`Berkeley, California 94720
`Univ.) 42 p
`CSCL 098
`HPE 1039-0001
`HPE Co. v. ChriMar Sys., Inc.
`IPR Pet. - U.S. Patent No. 8,902,760


`High Performance Network and Channel-Based Storage
`Randy H. Katz
`Computer Science Division
`Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
`University of California
`Berkeley, California 94720
`Abstract: In the traditional mainframe-centered view of a computer system, storage devices are coupled to the system
`through complex hardware subsystems called I/O channels. With the dramatic shift towards workstation-based com-
`puting, and its associated client/server model of computation, storage facilities are now found attached to file servers
`and distributed throughout the network. In this paper, we discuss the underlying technology trends that are leading to
`high performance network-based storage, namely advances in networks, storage devices, and I/O controller and
`server architectures. We review several commercial systems and research prototypes that are leading to a new
`approach to high performance computing based on network-attached storage.
`Key Words and Phrases: High Performance Computing, Computer Networks, File and Storage Servers, Secondary
`and Tertiary Storage Device
`1. Introduction
`The traditional mainframe-centered model of computing can be characterized by small numbers
`of large-scale mainframe computers, with shared storage devices attached via I/O channel hard-
`ware. Today, we are experiencing a major paradigm shift away from centralized mainframes to a
`distributed model of computation based on workstations and file servers connected via high per-
`formance networks.
`What makes this new paradigm possible is the rapid development and acceptance of the cli-
`ent-server model of computation. The client/server model is a message-based protocol in which
`clients make requests of service providers, which are called servers. Perhaps the most successful
`application of this concept is the widespread use of file servers in networks of computer worksta-
`tions and personal computers. Even a high-end workstation has rather limited capabilities for data
`storage. A distinguished machine on the network, customized either by hardware, software, or
`both, provides a file service. It accepts network messages from client machines containing open/
`close/read/write file requests and processes these, transmitting the requested data back and forth
`across the network.
`This is in contrast to the pure distributed storage model, in which the files are dispersed
`among the storage on workstations rather than centralized in a server. The advantages of a distrib-
`uted organization are that resources are placed near where they are needed, leading to better per-
`formance, and that the environment can be more autonomous because individual machines
`continue to perform useful work even in the face of network failures. While this has been the
`more popular approach over the last few years, there has emerged a growing awareness of the
`advantages of the centralized view. That is, every user sees the same file system, independent of
`the machine they are currently using. The view of storage is pervasive and transparent. Further, it
`is much easier to administer a centralized system, to provide software updates and archival back-
`ups. The resulting organization combines distributed processing power with a centralized view of
`High Performance Network and Channel-Based Storage
`September 27.1991
`HPE 1039-0002


`Admittedly, centralized storage also has its weaknesses. A server or network failure renders
`the client workstations unusable and the network represents the critical performance bottleneck. A
`highly tuned remote file system on a 10 megabit (Mbit) per second Ethernet can provide perhaps
`500K bytes per second to remote client applications. Sixty 8K byte 1/Os per second would fully
`utilize this bandwidth. Obtaining the right balance of workstations to servers depends on their rel-
`ative processing power, the amount of memory dedicated to file caches on workstations and serv-
`ers, the available network bandwidth, and the I/O bandwidth of the server. It is interesting to note
`that today's servers are not I/O limited: the Ethernet bandwidth can be fully utilized by the I/O
`bandwidth of only two magnetic disks!
`Meanwhile, other technology developments in processors, networks, and storage systems
`are affecting the relationship between clients to servers. It is well known that processor perfor-
`mance, as measured in MIPS ratings, is increasing at an astonishing rate, doubling on the order of
`once every eighteen months to two years. The newest generation of RISC processors have perfor-
`mance in the 50 to 60 MIPS range. For example, a recent workstation announced by Hewlett-
`Packard Corporation, the HP 9000/730, has been rated at 72 SPECMarks (1 SPECMark is
`roughly the processing power of a single Digital Equipment Corporation VAX 11/780 on a partic-
`ular benchmark set). Powerful shared memory multiprocessor systems, now available from com-
`panies such as Silicon Graphics and Solbome, provide well over 100 MIPS performance. One of
`Amdahl's famous laws equated one MIPS of processing power with one megabit of I/O per sec-
`ond. Obviously such processing rates far exceed anything that can be delivered by existing server,
`network, or storage architectures.
`Unlike processor power, network technology evolves at a slower rate, but when it advances,
`it does so in order of magnitude steps. In the last decade we have advanced from 3 Mbit/second
`Ethernet to 10 Mbit/second Ethernet. We are now on the verge of a new generation of network
`technology, based on fiber optic interconnect, called FDDI. This technology promises 100 Mbits
`per second, and at least initially, it will move the server bottleneck from the network to the server
`CPU or its storage system. With more powerful processors available on the horizon, the perfor-
`mance challenge is very likely to be in the storage system, where a typical magnetic disk can ser-
`vice thirty 8K byte I/Os per second and can sustain a data rate in the range of 1 to 3 MBytes per
`second. And even faster networks and interconnects, in the gigabit range, are now commercially
`available and will become more widespread as their costs begin to drop [UltraNet 90].
`To keep up with the advances in processors and networks, storage systems are also experi-
`encing rapid improvements. Magnetic disks have been doubling in storage capacity once every
`three years. As disk form factors shrink from 14" to 3.5" and below, the disks can be made to spin
`faster, thus increasing the sequential transfer rate. Unfortunately, the random I/O rate is improving
`only very slowly, due to mechanically-limited positioning delays. Since I/O and data rates are pri-
`marily disk actuator limited, a new storage system approach called disk arrays addresses this
`problem by replacing a small number of large format disks by a very large number of small format
`disks. Disk arrays maintain the high capacity of the storage system, while enormously increasing
`the system's disk actuators and thus the aggregate I/O and data rate.
`The confluence of developments in processors, networks, and storage offers the possibility
`of extending the client-server model so effectively used in workstation environments to higher
`performance environments, which integrate supercomputer, near supercomputers, workstations,
`and storage services on a very high performance network. The technology is rapidly reaching the
`point where it is possible to think in terms of diskless supercomputers in much the same way as
`we think about diskless workstations. Thus, the network is emerging as the future "backplane" of
`high performance systems. The challenge is to develop the new hardware and software architec-
`High Performance Nawoik <nd Channel-B««ed Storage
`September 27,1991
`HPE 1039-0003


`tures that will be suitable for this world of network-based storage.
`The emphasis of this paper is on the integration of storage and network services, and the
`challenges of managing the complex storage hierarchy of the future: file caches, on-line disk stor-
`age, near-line data libraries, and off-line archives. We specifically ignore existing mainframe I/O
`architectures, as these are well described elsewhere (for example, in [Hennessy 90]. The rest of
`this paper is organized as follows. In the next three sections, we will review the recent advances in
`interconnect, storage devices, and distributed software, to better understand the underlying
`changes in network, storage, and software technologies. Section 5 contains detailed case studies
`of commercially available high performance networks, storage servers, and file servers, as well as
`a prototype high performance network-attached I/O controller being developed at the University
`of California, Berkeley. Our summary, conclusions, and suggestions for future research are found
`in Section 6.
`2. Interconnect TVends
`2.1. Networks, Channels, and Backplanes
`Interconnect is a generic term for the "glue" that interfaces the components of a computer system.
`Interconnect consist of high speed hardware interfaces and the associated logical protocols. The
`former consists of physical wires or control registers. The latter may be interpreted by either hard-
`ware or software. From the viewpoint of the storage system, interconnect can be classified as high
`speed networks, processor-to-storage channels, or system backplanes that provide ports to a mem-
`ory system through direct memory access techniques.
`Networks, channels, and backplanes differ in terms of the interconnection distances they can
`support, the bandwidth and latencies they can achieve, and the fundamental assumptions about
`the inherent unreliability of data transmission. While no statement we can make is universally
`true, in general, backplanes can be characterized by parallel wide data paths, centralized arbitra-
`tion, and are oriented towards read/write "memory mapped" operations. That is, access to control
`registers is treated identically to memory word access. Networks, on the other hand, provide serial
`data, distributed arbitration, and support more message-oriented protocols. The latter require a
`more complex handshake, usually involving the exchange of high-level request and acknowledg-
`ment messages. Channels fall between the two extremes, consisting of wide datapaths of medium
`distance and often incorporating simplified versions of network-like protocols.
`These considerations are summarized in Table 2.1. Networks typically span more than 1 km,
`sustain 10 Mbit/second (Ethernet) to 100 Mbit/second (FDDI) and beyond, experience latencies
`measured in several ms, and the network medium itself is considered to be inherently unreliable.
`Networks include extensive data integrity features within their protocols, including CRC check-
`sums at the packet and message levels, and the explicit acknowledgment of received packets.
`Channels span small 10's of meters, transmit at anywhere from 4.5 MBytes/s (IBM channel
`interfaces) to 100 MBytes/second (HiPPI channels), incur latencies of under 100 p.s per transfer,
`and have medium reliability. Byte parity at the individual transfer word is usually supported,
`although packet-level checksumming might also be supported.
`Backplanes are about 1 m in length, transfer from 40 (VME) to over 100 (FutureBus)
`MBytes/second, incur sub us latencies, and the interconnect is considered to be highly reliable.
`Backplanes typically support byte parity, although some backplanes (unfortunately) dispense with
`parity altogether.
`High Performance Network and Channel-Bated Storage
`September 27,1991
`HPE 1039-0004


`10 -100m
`10 - 100 Mb/s
`40 - 1000 Mb/s
`320 - 1000+ Mb/s
`high (>ms)
`low (<n.s)
`Extensive CRC
`Table 2.1: Comparison of Network, Channel, and Backplane Attributes
`The comparison is based upon the interconnection distance, transmission bandwidth, transmission latency, inher-
`ent reliability, and typical techniques for improving data integrity.
`In the remainder of this section, we will look at each of the three kinds of interconnect, net-
`work, channel, and backplane, in more detail.
`Byte Parity
`Byte Parity
`2.2. Communications Networks and Network Controllers
`An excellent overview of networking technology can be found in [Cerf 91]. For a futuristic view,
`see [Tesla 91] and [Negraponte 91]. The decade of the 1980's has seen a slow maturation of net-
`work technology, but the 1990's promise much more rapid developments. 10 Mbit/second Ether-
`nets are pervasive today, with many environments advancing to the next generation of 100 Mbit/
`second networks based on the FDDI (Fiber Distributed Data Interface) standard [Joshi 86]. FDDI
`provides higher bandwidth, longer distances, and reduced error rates, due largely to the introduc-
`tion of fiber optics for data transmission. Unfortunately cost, especially for replacing the existing
`copper wire network with fiber, coupled with disappointing transmission latencies, have slowed
`the acceptance of these higher speed networks. The latency problems have more to do with
`FDDI's protocols, which are based on a token passing arbitration scheme, than anything intrinsic
`in fiber optic technology.
`A network system is decomposed into multiple protocol layers, from the application inter-
`face down to the method of physical communication of bits on the network. Figure 2.1 summa-
`rizes the popular seven layer ISO protocol model. The physical and link levels are closely tied to
`the underlying transport medium, and deal with the physical attachment to the network and the
`method of acquiring access to it. The network, transport, and session levels focus on the detailed
`formats of communications packets and the methods for transmitting them from one program to
`another. The presentation and applications layers define the formats of the data embedded within
`the packets and the application-specific semantics of that data.
`A number of performance measurements of network transmission services all point out that
`the significant overhead is not protocol interpretation (approximately 10% of instructions are
`spent in interpreting the network headers). The culprits are memory system overheads due to data
`movement and operating system overheads related to context switches and data copying [Clark
`89, Heatly 89, Kanakia 90, Watson 87]. We will see this again and again in the sections to follow.
`The network controller is the collection of hardware and firmware that implements the inter-
`face between the network and the host processor. It is typically implemented on a small printed
`circuit board, and contains its own processor, memory mapped control registers, interface to the
`network, and small memory to hold messages being transmitted and received. The on-board pro-
`cessor, usually in conjunction with VLSI components within the network interface, implements
`High Performance Net woik and Channel-B»ied Storage
`September 27.1991
`HPE 1039-0005


`Detailed information about the data being exchanged
`Data representation
`Management of connections between programs
`Delivery of packet sequences
`Format of individual packets
`Access to and control of transmission medium
`Medium of transmission
`Figure 2.1: Seven Layer ISO Protocol Model
`The figure shows the seven layers of the ISO protocol model. The physical layer describes the actual trans-
`mission medium, be it coax cable, fiber optics, or a parallel backplane. The link layer describes how stations
`gain access to the medium. This layer deals with the protocols for arbitrating for and obtaining grant permis-
`sion to the media. The network layer defines the format of data packets to be transmitted over the media,
`including destination and sender information as well as any checksums. The transport layer is responsible
`for the reliable delivery of packets. The session layer establishes communications between the sending pro-
`gram and the receiving program. The presentation layer determines the detailed formats of the data embed-
`ded within packets. The application layer has the responsibility of understanding how this data should be
`interpreted within an applications context
`the physical and link level protocols of the network.
`The interaction between the network controller and the host's memory is depicted in Figure
`2.2. Lists of blocks containing packets to be sent and packets that have been received are main-
`tained in the host processor's memory. The locations of buffers for these blocks are made known
`to the network controller, and it will copy packets to and from the request/receive block areas
`using direct memory access (DMA) techniques. This means that the copy of data across the
`peripheral bus is under the control of the network controller, and does not require the intervention
`of the host processor. The controller will interrupt the host whenever a message has been received
`or sent.
`Network Controller
`Processor Memory
`- -Control-
`-Reg. I/F.
`Peripheral Backplane Bus
`Figure 2.2: Network Controller/Processor Memory Interaction
`The figure describes the interaction between the Network Controller and the memory of the network node. The
`controller contains an on-board microprocessor, various memory-mapped control registers through which service
`requests can be made and status checked, a physical interface to the network media, and a buffer memory to hold
`request and receive blocks. These contain network messages to be transmitted or which have been received respec-
`tively. A list of pending requests and messages already received reside in the host processor's memory. Direct
`memory operations (DMA), under the control of the node processor, copy these blocks to and from this memory.
`High Performance Net woik and Channel -Baaed Storage
`September 27,1991
`HPE 1039-0006


`While this presents a particularly clean interface between the network controller and the
`operating system, it points out some of the intrinsic memory system latencies that reduce network
`performance. Consider a message that will be transmitted to the network. First the contents of the
`message are created within a user application. A call to the operating system results in a process
`switch and a data copy from the user's address space to the operating system's area. A protocol-
`specific network header is then appended to the data to form a packaged network message. This
`must be copied one more time, to place the message into a request block that can be accessed by
`the network controller. The final copy is the DMA operation that moves the message within the
`request block to memory within the network controller.
`Data integrity is the aspect of system reliability concerned with the transmission of correct
`data and the explicit flagging of incorrect data. An overriding consideration of network protocols
`is their concern with reliable transmission. Because of the distances involved and the complexity
`of the transmission path, network transmission is inherently lossy. The solution is to append
`checksum protection bits to all network packets and to include explicit acknowledgment as part of
`the network protocols. For example, if the checksum computed at the receiving end does not
`match the transmitted checksum, the receiver sends a negative acknowledgment to the sender.
`23. Channel Architectures
`Channels provide the logical and physical pathways between I/O controllers and storage devices.
`They are medium distance interconnect that carry signals in parallel, usually with some parity
`technique to provide data integrity. In this section, we will describe two alternative channel orga-
`nizations that characterize the low end and high end respectively: SCSI (Small Computer System
`Interface) and HiPPI (High Performance Parallel Interface).
`2.3.1. Small Computer System Interface
`SCSI is the channel interface most frequently encountered in small formfactor (5.25" diameter
`and smaller) disk drives, as well as a wide variety of peripherals such as tape drives, optical disk
`readers, and image scanners. SCSI treats peripheral devices in a largely device-independent fash-
`ion. For example, a disk drive is viewed as a linear byte stream; its detailed structure in terms of
`sectors, tracks, and cylinders is not visible through the SCSI interface.
`A SCSI channel can support up to 8 devices sharing a common bus with an 8-bit wide data-
`path. In SCSI terminology, the I/O controller counts as one of these devices, and is called the host
`bus adapter (HBA). Burst transfers at 4 to 5 MBytes/second are widely available today. In SCSI
`terminology, a device that requests service from another device is called the master or the initia-
`tor. The device that is providing the service is called the slave or the target.
`SCSI provides a high-level message-based protocol for communications among initiators
`and targets. While this makes it possible to mix widely different kinds on devices on the same
`channel, it does lead to relatively high overheads. The protocol has been designed to allow initia-
`tors to manage multiple simultaneous operations. Targets are intelligent in the sense that they
`explicitly notify the initiator when they are ready to transmit data or when they need to throttle a
`It is worthwhile to examine the SCSI protocol in some detail, to clearly distinguish what it
`does from the kinds of messages exchanged on a computer network. The SCSI protocol proceeds
`in a series of phases, which we summarize below:
`Bus Free: No device currently has the bus allocated
`High Perfoimince Networic and Channel-Baled Storage
`September 27,1991
`HPE 1039-0007


`Arbitration: Initiators arbitrate for access to the bus. A device's physical address determines its
`Selection: The initiator informs the target that it will participate in an I/O operation.
`Reselection: The target informs the initiator that an outstanding operation is to be resumed. For
`example, an operation could have been previously suspended because the I/O device had
`to obtain more data.
`Command: Command bytes are written to the target by the initiator. The target begins executing
`the operation.
`Data Transfer: The protocol supports two forms of the data transfer phase, Data In and Data Out.
`The former refers to the movement of data from the target to the initiator. In the latter, data
`moves from the initiator to the target.
`Message: The message phase also comes in two forms, Message In and Message Out. Message In
`consists of several alternatives. Identify identifies the reselected target. Save Data Pointer
`saves the place in the current data transfer if the target is about to disconnect. Restore Data
`Pointer restores this pointer. Disconnect notifies the initiator that the target is about to give
`up the data bus. Command Complete occurs when the target tells the initiator that the oper-
`ation has completed. Message Out has just one form: Identify. This is used to identify the
`requesting initiator and its intended target.
`Status: Just before command completion, the target sends a status message to the initiator.
`To better understand the sequencing among the phases, see Figure 2.3. This illustrates the
`phase transitions for a typical SCSI read operation. The sequencing of an I/O operation actually
`begins when the host's operating system establishes data and status blocks within its memory.
`Next, it issues an I/O command to the HBA, passing it pointers to command, status, and data
`blocks, as well as the SCSI address of the target device. These are staged from host memory to
`device-specific queues within the HBA's memory using direct memory access techniques.
`Now the I/O operation can begin in ernest. The HBA arbitrates for and wins control of the
`SCSI bus. It then indicates the target device it wishes to communicate with during the selection
`phase. The target responds by identifying itself during a following message out phase. Now the
`actual command, such as "read a sequence of bytes," is transmitted to the device.
`We assume that the target device is a disk. If the disk must first seek before it can obtain the
`requested data, it will disconnect from the bus. It sends a disconnect message to the initiator,
`which in turn gives up the bus. Note that the HBA can communicate with other devices on the
`SCSI channel, initiating additional I/O operations. Now the device will seek to the appropriate
`track and will begin to fill its internal buffer with data. At this point, it needs to reestablish com-
`munications with the HBA. The device now arbitrates for and wins control of the bus. It next
`enters the reselection phase, and identifies itself to the initiator to reestablish communications.
`The data transfer phase can now begin. Data is transferred one byte at a time using a simple
`request/acknowledgment protocol between the target and the initiator. This continues until the
`need for a disconnect arises again, such as when the target's buffer is emptied, or perhaps the
`command has completed. If it is the first case, the data pointer must first be saved within the HBA,
`so we can restart the transfer at a later time. Once the data transfer pointer has been saved, the tar-
`get sequences through a disconnect, as described above.
`When the disk is once again ready to transfer, it rearbitrates for the bus and identifies the ini-
`tiator with which to reconnect. This is followed by a restore data pointer message to restablish the
`current position within the data transfer. The data transfer phase can now continue where it left
`High Performance Network and Channel-Baled Storage
`September 27.1991
`HPE 1039-0008


`Command Setup
`Message Out (Identify)
`Disconnect to seek/fill buffer
`Message In (Disconnect)
`- - Bus Free - -
`Message In (Identify)
`Disconnect to fill buffer
`Message In (Save Data Ptr)
`Message In (Disconnect)
`- - Bus Free - -
`Message In (Identify)
`Message In (Restore Data Ptr)
`If no disconnect is needed
`Data Transfer
`Data In
`Command Completion
`Message In (Command Complete)
`Figure 2.3: SCSI Phase Transitions on a Read
`The basic phase sequencing for a read (from disk) operation is shown. First the initiator sets up the read command
`and sends it to the I/O device. The target device disconnects from the SCSI bus to perform a seek and to begin to
`fill its internal buffer. It then transfers die data to the initiator. This may be interspersed with additional disconnects,
`as the transfer gets ahead of the internal buffering. A command complete message terminates the operation. This
`figure is adapted from [Chervenak90].
`The command completion phase is entered once the data transfer is finished. The target
`device sends a status message to the initiator, describing any errors that may have been encoun-
`tered during the operation. The final command completion message completes the I/O operation.
`The SCSI protocol specification is currently undergoing a major revision for higher perfor-
`mance. In the so-called "SCSI-1," the basic clock rate on the channel is 10 Mhz. In the new SCSI-
`2, "fast SCSI" increases the clock rate to 20 Mhz, doubling the channel's bandwidth from 5
`MByte/second to 10 MByte/second. Recently announced high performance disk drives, such as
`those from Fujitsu, support fast SCSI. The revised specification also supports an alternative
`method of doubling the channel bandwidth, called "wide SCSI." This provides a 16-bit data path
`on the channel rather than SCSI-1 's 8-bit width. By combining wide and fast SCSI-2, the channel
`bandwidth quadruples to 20 MByte/second. Some manufacturers of high performance disk con-
`trollers have begun to use SCSI-2 to interface their controllers to a computer host.
`High Performance Network and Channel-Bued Storage
`September 27,1991
`HPE 1039-0009


`2.32. High Performance Parallel Interface
`The High Performance Parallel Interface, HiPPI, was originally developed at the Los Alamos
`National Laboratory in the mid-1980s as a high speed unidirectional (simplex) point-to-point
`interface between supercomputers [Ohrenstein 90]. Thus, two-way communications requires two
`HiPPI channels, one for commands and write data (the write channel) and one for status and read
`data (the read channel). Data is transmitted at a nominal rate of 800 Mbits/second (32-bit wide
`datapath) or 1600 Mbit/second (64-bit wide datapath) in each direction.
`The physical interface of the HiPPI channel was standardized in the late 1980s. Its data
`transfer protocol was designed to be extremely simple and fast The source of the transfer must
`first assert a request signal to gain access to the channel. A connection signal grants the channel to
`the source. However, the source cannot send until the destination asserts ready. This provides a
`simple flow control mechanism.
`The minimum unit of data transfer is the burst. A burst consists of 1 to 256 words (the width
`is determined by the physical width of the channel; for a 32-bit channel, a burst is 1024 bytes),
`sent as a continuous stream of words, one per clock period. A burst is in progress as long as the
`channel's burst signal is asserted. When the burst signal goes unassorted, a CRC (cyclic redun-
`dancy check) word computed over the transmitted data words is sent down the channel. Because
`of the way the protocol is defined, when the destination asserts ready, it means that it must be able
`to accept a complete burst
`Unfortunately, the Upper Level Protocol (ULP) for performing operations over the channel
`is still under discussion within the standardization committees. To illustrate the concepts involved
`in using HiPPI as an interface to storage devices, we restrict our description to the proposal to
`layer the IPI-3 Device Generic Command Set on top of HiPPI, put forward by Maximum Strate-
`gies and IBM Corporation [Maximum Strategies 90].
`A logical unit of data, sent from a source to a destination, is called a packet. A packet is a
`sequence of bursts. A special channel signal delineates the start of a new packet. Packets consist
`of a header, a ULP (Upper Layer Protocol) data set, and fill. The ULP data consists of a com-
`mand/response field and read/write data field.
`Packets fall into three types: command, response, or data-only. A command packet can con-
`tain a header burst with an IPI-3 device command, such as read or write, followed by multiple
`data bursts if the command is a write. A response packet is similar. It contains an IPI-3 response
`within a header burst, followed by data bursts if the response is a read transfer notification. Data-
`only packets contain header bursts without command or response fields.
`Consider a read operation over a HiPPI channel using the IPI-3 protocol. On the write-chan-
`nel, the slave peripheral device receives a header burst containing a valid read command from the
`master host processor. This causes the slave to initiate its read operation. When data is available,
`the slave must gain access to the read-channel. When the master is ready to receive, the slave will
`transmit its response packet. If the response packet contains a transfer notification status, this indi-
`cates that the slave is ready to transmit a stream of data. The master will pulse a ready signal to
`receive subsequent data bursts.
`2.4. Backplane Architecture
`Backplanes are designed to interconnect processors, memory, and peripheral controllers (such as
`network and disk controllers). They are relatively wide, but short distance. The short distances
`make it possible to use fast, centralized arbitration techniques and to perform data transfers at a
`higher clock rate. Backplane protocols make use of addresses and read/write operations, rather
`High Performance Netwoik and Channel-Based Storage
`September 27,1991
`HPE 1039-0010


`Bus Width (signals)
`Address/Data Multiplexed?
`Data Width
`Xfer Size
`# of Bus Masters
`Split Transactions
`Bandwidth, Single Word (0 ns mem)
`Bandwidth, Single Word (150 ns mem)
`Bandwidth Multiple Word (0 ns mem)
`Bandwidth Multiple Word (150 ns mem)
`Max It of devices
`Max Bus Length
`IEEE 1014
`MultiBus n

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