The following paper was originally presented at the
`Ninth System Administration Conference (LISA ’95)
`Monterey, California, September 18-22, 1995
`Patch Control Mechanism for Large Scale Software
`Atsushi Futakata
`Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI)
`For more information about USENIX Association contact:
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`Juniper Ex. 1024-p. 1
`Juniper v Finjan


`Patch Control Mechanism for
`Large Scale Software
`Atsushi Futakata – Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI)
`Applying patches to large scale software is often difficult because unofficial patches and
`user modifications conflict with any ‘‘official’’ patches. Version control systems such as
`RCS[1], CVS[2], and configuration management[3,4,5] are useful solutions for this problem
`when the baseline of the software is fixed. However, an official patch that is developed
`externally changes the baseline and any local changes based on this become obsolete. Thus
`we must re-apply various unofficial patches and modifications, identify the causes of conflict,
`change or remove patches, and repeat the patch and unpatch operations.
`This paper presents a mechanism for (1) managing versions of a software package based
`on patches, (2) automating the application of unofficial patches and modifications by the user,
`and (3)
`rebuilding the package using file versions instead of
`timestamps. Using this
`mechanism, it becomes easy to apply patches and re-build software.
`We have spent a lot of time installing and
`patching large scale software packages such as the
`X11 Window System, TeX, etc.
`Installation of new
`software involves checking storage space, reading
`documentation and setting various configuration files
`correctly. This can be a non-trivial task even if the
`platform is officially supported.
`If the platform is
`not supported,
`installation becomes more compli-
`cated because changes to the source code may be
`required and tools such as Configure are not applica-
`ble. Thus software porting systems represented by
`the FreeBSD ports system[6] appear and become to
`support the installation task.
`Applying patches poses another difficult prob-
`If only official patches are applied to an
`officially supported platform, the task is usually easy
`because the patches are well managed and cause no
`conflict. However an unsupported platform requires
`source code changes which often conflict with an
`official patch. Furthermore,
`the user may require
`many useful, unofficial patches. These may be
`patches for emergency security,
`localization (e.g.,
`japanization), machine/OS-dependencies or various
`extensions, such as Tcl/Tk has. Those patches may
`also conflict with official ones. The reason for the
`conflict is a lack of version management facilities
`for distributed development. This conflict usually
`necessitates the following operation:
`(cid:0) Remove all unofficial patches and apply the
`official one,
`(cid:0) Re-apply the unofficial patches
`and user
`modifications. If reject files are generated, the
`unofficial patch must be fixed or removed,
`(cid:0) Rebuild the software. This can take a long
`time because the above operations may cause
`unnecessary changes to timestamps.
`such as
`Configuration management
`Aegis[7], CMS/MMS[8] are useful for version con-
`trol and building software for multi-user develop-
`ment. They target the continuous development of the
`software and manage products based on a current
`baseline, that is a reference version of software on
`which each member of developing team fixes bugs
`and develops new functions. After each task is com-
`all modifications
`integrated and the
`modified source code becomes a new baseline for
`succeeding development. This baseline approach is
`useful for inhouse development teams.
`However, an official patch is delivered outside
`of a user’s control and it only changes the baseline.
`All modifications based on the previous version of
`the software then become obsolete. Thus if the user
`wants to apply a new official patch, all other patches
`and modifications must be rearranged and re-applied
`after the official one is applied.
`In future,
`self-adaptive software agents or
`from very
`specifications may solve the problem but, for the
`present, we have no silver bullet. Thus, in order to
`solve the above problem and support patch applica-
`tion, this paper proposes a patch control mechanism
`which has the following features:
`(cid:0) version management of the whole package,
`including individual files and patches,
`(cid:0) management and control of patch application
`(cid:0) assistance with patch/unpatch operations and
`patch modification,
`(cid:0) software rebuilding according to an individual
`file version rather than a timestamp.
`1995 LISA IX – September 17-22, 1995 – Monterey, CA
`Juniper Ex. 1024-p. 2
`Juniper v Finjan


`location of the patches and the versions of individual
`files. The version tree records the application order
`for unofficial patches and modifications at each
`patchlevel. When a new patch arrives, the user adds
`the patch to the VDB using the VM.
`If the user
`wants to apply this, and the result is successful, the
`VM registers
`the sequence of patches actually
`applied, to the version tree.
`PM (Patch Manager)
`patch/unpatch operations and the building of
`software according to the version tree.
`In this sys-
`tem, all operations,
`including editing a patch file,
`applying a patch, and building a package, are per-
`formed via the PM, and the result of the operation is
`reflected in the VDB and the version tree.
`When a user applies a new official patch, the
`PM tries to apply unofficial patches which were
`applied to the last version of software.
`If one of the
`patches is rejected,
`the PM notifies the user. The
`user may then remove or edit this patch and continue
`the job. After the job finished, the PM returns the
`result of the patch application and the VM revises
`the VDB and the version tree.
`The BM (Building Manager) is an extended
`make command, invoked from the PM to build a tar-
`get according to the version of file instead of its
`timestamp. Because a new official patch forces
`patch/unpatch operations of unofficial patches and
`the timestamp of a file may change
`even if the contents is not altered. The VM registers
`the version of the newly generated target with the
`VDB and the version tree.
`This system manages several packages at once
`by referring to the pcm file. An entry of the pcm
`file has the following form:
`Application_name is an identifier
`to be used for
`selecting a package. Top_directory is the directory
`where official patches are applied. Patch_option
`species an option to the patch (1) command. For
`example, the entry for X11R5 (X11 Window System,
`Version 11, Release 5) becomes1:
`X11R5:/X11R5:-p -s
`This means that the following command is needed to
`apply the patch.
`% cd /X11R5
`% patch -p -s <foo.patch
`Version Management
`In this system, changes of source codes and the
`source code itself are managed separately to make
`1Because of the limitation of line width, we denote the
`location of
`the X11R5 package as /X11R5 in the
`/staff/src/X11R5 in our site.
`Version Tree
`Patch Control Mechanism for Large Scale Software
`Classification of patches
`Unofficial patches may be generated by dif-
`ferent people based on different baselines. Unified
`management of these patches can be difficult and
`confusing. In this paper, we classify patches into the
`following three types and treat each differently.
`official patch
`A patch that is authorized by and distributed
`from the software developer/maintainer. The
`latest official patch number
`is the official
`software version and we call it the patchlevel.
`unofficial patch
`is widely distributed
`A patch/extension that
`is not an official patch. An unofficial
`patch may be applied in various directories
`with various patch (1) options.
`A change made by the local user, which
`includes editing files, fixing bugs, changing
`configuration files, etc.
`System Overview
`This section presents an overview of the system
`which is an implementation of the patch control
`mechanism. This includes; (1) management of the
`three types of patch, (2) control of patch application,
`and (3) rebuilding of the software. The components
`VM (Version Manager), PM (Patch Manager), and
`BM (Build Manager) implement the three functions
`respectively. Figure 1 shows the components and
`the relation among them.
`get info.
`& register
`Figure 1: The components of this system
`The VM manages information in the VDB (Ver-
`sion Database) and the version tree, which records
`information about version control for updating and
`rebuilding of the software. The VDB records the
`1995 LISA IX – September 17-22, 1995 – Monterey, CA
`Juniper Ex. 1024-p. 3
`Juniper v Finjan


`Patch Control Mechanism for Large Scale Software
`patches independent of the baseline specified by an
`official patch. Thus each unofficial patch and
`modification has a separate version to avoid conflicts
`which may occur with any new official patch. The
`versions of these patches are managed using RCS.
`The VM manages
`the patch information,
`including the location of patches, versions of patches
`themselves and the history of patch application. The
`VM performs the following functions:
`(cid:0) generates the specified version of a software
`package or a file by applying patches automat-
`(cid:0) registers/deletes/updates a patch,
`(cid:0) creates/updates a modification from the differ-
`ences between a modified file and its original,
`(cid:0) maintains versions of files, which are deter-
`mined by the patches which actually cause
`Information managed by the VM is recorded in
`the VDB and the version tree. The VDB consists of
`the locations and the versions of patches and the ver-
`sions of
`the individual files. The version tree
`describes the order of patch application required to
`make the specified version of software, and which
`version of each patch should be applied.
`The version of the software package itself is
`represented by a path of the version tree. For exam-
`ple, #3:@1.2,@2.1,@3.2:$1.2 means that the
`version is generated by application of an official
`patch #3, unofficial patches @1.2, @2.1, and
`@3.2, and a modification $1.2 in order. The fol-
`lowing section describes the contents of the VDB
`and the version tree.
`Figure 2: A part of .official file for X11R5
`Version Database
`The VDB consists of the four files.
`.official contains the current patchlevel
`and the locations of official patches. The first line is
`the current patchlevel of the software. The follow-
`ing lines contain a patch identifier (which is used in
`the version tree), and a corresponding patch location.
`Figure 2 is a sample of a part of a .official file.
`#26 in line 1 means that the current patchlevel is
`26. The lines 2-5 specify the location of each official
`patch. For example, line 2 means that the location of
`the official patch #1 is /X11R5/fixes/fix-01.
`.unofficial contains
`unofficial patches and the information required to
`apply them. Each entry of this file has the following
`Id is the unofficial patch identifier which is used in
`the version tree. Location is the location of the
`unofficial patch. Place is the directory in which the
`patch is applied, and option is the patch (1) options.
`In general, there is no standard method for applying
`unofficial patches, and this is a reason for the place
`and option fields. Figure 3 shows a part of .unof-
`ficial for X11R5.
`Figure 3: A sample of .unofficial file for X11R5
`Versions of the patches are managed by RCS
`and the RCS file for each patch is located in direc-
`tory of location/RCS. A user can edit the patched
`files themselves instead of the patch because it is
`almost impossible to edit the patch directly. Changes
`to the files are reflected in the patch by the follow-
`ing process:
`(cid:0) choose the version of the software and the tar-
`get patch to be edited. For example, we
`assume that the patch is @3.1 which changes
`two files, foo.c and bar.c, and the version
`is #3:@1.2,@2.1,@3.1,
`(cid:0) apply the sequence of patches which should
`be applied in this version before applying the
`target patch. After that, make a copy of the
`patched file and apply the target patch.
`this example, first, the VM applies @1.2 and
`@2.1 to the software whose patchlevel is #3.
`Next, the VM makes copies of foo.c and
`bar.c with an extension .prev. Then,
`VM applies @3.1 to the software,
`(cid:0) after editing the patched files, make a new
`patch by running diff (1) against the files of
`which the VM made copies in the last step.
`In this example,
`the two diff files between
`catenated to a new patch, whose path name is
`the same as @3.1.
`(cid:0) check in the new patch using ci (1) . In this
`the VM runs the following com-
`% ci -r2.1 location of @3
`in which 2 of 2.1 is the new version number
`for the patch @3.
`The VM normally uses only the release number
`of RCS. Thus a patch with version N has a revision
`N.1 in the RCS file. For example, when applying
`the version 3 of the patch @1 in the Figure 5, the
`following commands are needed:
`1995 LISA IX – September 17-22, 1995 – Monterey, CA
`Juniper Ex. 1024-p. 4
`Juniper v Finjan


`Patch Control Mechanism for Large Scale Software
`% co -l -r3.1 /X11R5/fixes/Xaw-p1
`% cd /X11R5
`% patch -p0 </X11R5/fixes/Xaw-p1
`.modification contains the locations of
`user modifications.
`at most
`modification file per directory and the result of edit-
`ing the source is reflected in the modification file in
`the same way as unofficial patch files. Figure 4
`shows a part of .modification. The first field is
`identifier of modification and the
`specifies the location of the modification.
`Figure 4: A sample of .modification file for X11R5
`.f_ver contains the version history of the
`source and object files.
`In this system, a file has
`two different forms of version. One is the strict ver-
`sion which is indicated by the software version. The
`other is the historical version which indicates the
`history of changes by patches. The historical ver-
`sion is used instead of the file timestamp when the
`software is rebuilt. For example, the strict version
`of file foo is indicated as:
`is 3 and
`where #3 means the official patchlevel
`@N.M means
`the applied unofficial patch
`identifier is N and the version of the patch itself is
`M. $1.2 means that the version of a modification
`to foo. The historical version has the following
`This means that foo is changed by the official
`patches #1 and #3, unofficial patches @1.1 and
`@2.1, and user modifications with version $1.2.
`.f_ver must exist in all subdirectories of the
`software source tree. An source/object entry in this
`file is updated as follows:
`(cid:0) if a patch is applied to the file, the identifier
`of the patch is added to the entry,
`(cid:0) if the version of a source file differs from the
`object file, after making the object, the object
`is given the same version as the source.
`multiple sources exist, e.g., linking *.o files,
`the versions of the sources are merged and
`becomes the version of the object because it
`is made under the effect of patch applications
`to the sources. This method is described in
`the section Make Command,
`(cid:0) editing the file changes the version of the
`modification in the entry.
`If the file in the VDB is a symbolic link, the VM
`follows the link and updates the location of the file
`to be the real location.
`Version tree
`The version tree manages the software version
`and describes the application order of unofficial
`patches and modifications at each patchlevel. The
`version tree includes applied unofficial patches and
`modifications only. Figure 5 shows the concept of
`the version tree. #N is the patchlevel and @N.M
`and $N.M are the unofficial patch identifier and the
`modification identifier
`to be applied. A conflict
`between unofficial patches causes branching or
`modification of a patch.
`The .vtree, which is located in the top direc-
`tory of the software, records the version tree as the
`collection of the following form;
`For example, the path A in figure 5 is described as
`‘‘#1:@1.1,@2.1,@4.1:$1.1,...’’ and the path branched
`from @1.1 is
`@1.1 .......
`@1.2 .......
`@2.2 .......
`unofficial patch
`$1.1 A.......
`Figure 5: The concept of version tree
`Patch Control Mechanism
`mechanism based on the version tree. The PM stores
`source files
`to which only official patches are
`applied. The unofficial patches/modifications are
`applied on demand when editing the latest version
`sources, rebuilding the software, etc.
`The PM provides an asynchronous way to
`apply a patch or to rebuild a software package by
`exchanging information with the user via e-mail.
`Once the PM is invoked, the PM reports conflicts or
`compilation failure to the user via e-mail. After the
`user edits files or abandons the patch, the user only
`sends a simple command with the file contents if it
`is needed. The PM accept the following commands:
`(cid:0) edit [file | id] (ver)
`edit the file or a patch whose identifier is id in
`the software version ver.
`In the PM interface,
`1995 LISA IX – September 17-22, 1995 – Monterey, CA
`Juniper Ex. 1024-p. 5
`Juniper v Finjan


`Patch Control Mechanism for Large Scale Software
`a user can specify the ver in the form given in
`the version tree, or as the entry number in the
`version tree which the user can obtain by
`sending the command scan -v. This causes a
`(cid:0) add [-o |-u] patch_info
`register an official/unofficial patch with the
`patch_info. The patch_info has
`the same
`form as in .official or .unofficial
`without the identifier. The identifier is added
`by the VM.
`(cid:0) scan [-v |-o |-u |-m]
`show the contents of .vtree, .offi-
`cial, .unofficial, or .modifica-
`(cid:0) show id (ver)
`show the contents of patch whose identifier is
`id in the software version ver. If the ver is
`omitted, show shows the patch that has been
`applied in the current version of software, or
`the latest version of the patch if the current
`version of software does not include this.
`(cid:0) apply id (ver)
`If the
`apply a patch whose identifier is id.
`patch is an official patch, a user does not need
`to specify the ver. If the patch is an unofficial
`patch or
`a modification,
`the user must
`specifies the ver as the full path form. Pro-
`the apply function is described
`cessing of
`(cid:0) make [-T] (ver)
`rebuild a software package whose version is
`ver, or the current version if the ver is omit-
`ted. If a user wants to rebuild the package
`according to timestamps, -T option is neces-
`(cid:0) grep [-o |-u |-m |-a] string
`grep string from official patches, unofficial
`patches, modifications and all patches.
`When apply or make is
`the PM
`interacts with the user. When applying a new official
`patch, the PM performs the following actions:
`1. apply the official patch.
`2. make a sequence of unofficial patches to be
`applied. The PM extracts the last sequence
`from the version tree and notifies the user via
`e-mail. The user can remove several patches
`or change the application order. The user then
`replies by e-mail.
`3. apply unofficial patches and any modifications
`in order.
`If no reject files are generated by
`patch (1), step (3) is done. Otherwise the PM
`suspends the job and sends the patched file
`with the rejected part embedded at a suitable
`place to the user via e-mail. The user must
`decide either to edit and apply this patch or to
`abandon this.
`If the user decides to abandon,
`the PM strips this patch from other files to
`which the patch was applied and the PM
`applies a next patch. The user can edit
`before replying to the PM. In this operation,
`the user can refer to the whole patch by send-
`ing a command to the PM. When the all
`replies are gathered, the PM replaces the parts
`of the patch and reflects the change in the
`RCS file using ci (1). After that, the VM tries
`to apply the next patch.
`If user
`4. create a new entry in the version tree.
`wants to rebuild the software, the PM invokes
`the BM.
`the unofficial patches and the
`5. unpatch all
`the user
`When applying a new unofficial patch,
`should specify the version tree entry which includes
`the new patch. This new version tree entry is
`registered if the application process has terminated
`successfully. The other operations are similar to the
`above case for official patches.
`If reject files are generated, the PM sends e-
`mail to the user per reject file. Figure 6 is a sample
`the e-mail, which notifies that application of
`unofficial patch $1.1 has been failed in sun.cf2.
`The body of e-mail is the contents of and
`the rejected file is embedded in it.
`To: futakata
`Subject: REJECTION $1.1:
`From: PCM <>
`<Contents of continue.>
`Figure 6: A head of e-mail which notifies the rejec-
`After receiving the e-mail, the user can choose from
`the following three actions:
`(cid:0) replace: replaces a part of patch/modification
`by this file,
`(cid:0) delete: deletes this patch from the version tree
`(cid:0) abort: aborts the job, recovers the software
`and terminates the PM.
`If the user chooses replace, the user must reply the
`e-mail like Figure 7 to the PM after editing the file
`in the original e-mail. The first
`line of the mail
`body is the action that the user chosen, and the rest
`of the body is the file to be replaced.
`If the user
`chooses delete or abort, only the action is needed in
`the body. After receiving all replies from the user,
`the PM extracts a new patch from the replies by the
`same manner described in the
`explanation of
`.unofficial, and applies the new patch instead
`of the original patch and revises the version of the
`2We abridge the file name in the subject field of Figure
`6 for convenience of display. The subject of real e-mail
`contains the full path name of the file.
`1995 LISA IX – September 17-22, 1995 – Monterey, CA
`Juniper Ex. 1024-p. 6
`Juniper v Finjan


`Patch Control Mechanism for Large Scale Software
`Subject: RE: REJECTION $1.1:
`<Contents of new continue.>
`Figure 7: A head of reply mail with the action
`Make Command
`The PM often causes needless changes
`timestamps and confuses timestamp-based traditional
`make (1) commands. Thus we developed the BM,
`which is based on the GNU make command, to per-
`form actions according to the historical file version,
`i.e., when the historical versions of source files are
`not included in the version of the object, the BM
`rebuilds the object. After that, the BM revises the
`version of object by the merged version of sources
`because the object is made under the effect of all
`patches applied to the sources.
`To compare versions, the BM treats the version
`as an ordered sequence of patches. Thus a version A
`includes a version B if and only if all patches in the
`B is appeared in the A, and an unified version of A
`and B does not causes inconsistency of the applica-
`#1:$1.1,$2.1,$3.1 does
`After building objects, the BM sends the result
`to the VM and the VM updates the historical ver-
`sions of the objects.
`We have tested this
`system for applying
`patches to the X11R5.
`In this experiment,
`number of official patches is 26 and the number of
`unofficial ones is 12 including internationalization
`patches for libraries Xaw, Xsi and Xwchar. We also
`modify configuration files
`in the /X11R5/mit
`/X11R5/mit/lib/Xt. Figure 8 is a head part of
`the version tree of this experiment.
`the official patch #3 is applied, 3
`unofficial patches are issued and we apply them and
`rebuild the X11R5. There is no problem in this
`phase. When the #6 is applied, the internationaliza-
`tion mechanism of X11R5 is changed and @1.1 and
`@2.1 become obsolete. The PM then sends e-mail
`telling us that reject files are generated. We remove
`the patches and do not rebuild X11R5. After #8, a
`new unofficial patch @4.1 is issued and we rebuild
`after applying @4.1.
`This experiment shows that it is easy to control
`the patch/unpatch operations and to find conflicts
`between official patches and unofficial ones.
`Figure 8: A part of the version tree for X11R5
`In this paper, we presented a control mechan-
`ism for applying patches and confirmed that this sys-
`tem works well. However, even if the patches are
`successfully applied,
`rebuilding the software still
`takes a long time. In order to reduce the rebuilding
`time, we have tried to develop a mechanism for
`analyzing the dependency between makefiles and a
`distributed make mechanism based on it.
`The system which we presents in this paper
`will be available via WWW from http://www
`I would like to thank Paul Anderson at
`Univ. of Edinburgh for his useful advice on drafts of
`this paper. My thanks also go to Yasusi Sinohara
`and Shouichi Matsui at the CRIEPI for their sugges-
`tion in development of this system.
`Author Information
`Atsushi Futakata graduated from the Tokyo
`Institute of Technology at Tokyo in 1987. He has
`management of distributed information system in the
`Central Research Institute of Electric Power Indus-
`try. He is now working on the CSCW environment
`for researchers.
`Information Science
`Reach him via mail at:
`Research Laboratory, CRIEPI, 11-1 Iwado-kita 2-
`chome Komae-shi Tokyo 201, JAPAN
`His e-mail address is .
`[1] Tichy, W. F.: ‘‘RCS - A System for Version
`Control’’, Software-Practice & Experience, Vol.
`15, No. 7, 1985.
`[2] Berliner, B.: ‘‘CVS II: Parallelizing Software
`included in the CVS ver.1.3
`package, 1995.
`[3] Bersoff,
`Configuration Management’’, IEEE Transaction
`1995 LISA IX – September 17-22, 1995 – Monterey, CA
`Juniper Ex. 1024-p. 7
`Juniper v Finjan


`Patch Control Mechanism for Large Scale Software
`of Software Engineering, Vol. SE-10, No. 1,
`[4] Whitgift, D.: Methods and Tools for Software
`Configuration Management, John Wiley and
`Sons, 1991.
`‘‘ FAQ
`[5] Eaton, D.:
`software.config-mgmt, 1995.
`[6] Palmer, G. and Hubbard, J. K.: ‘‘The FreeBSD
`Ports FAQ file version 1.1’’,
`included in the
`FreeBSD rel.2.0.5 package, 1995.
`[7] Miller, P.: ‘‘Aegis: A project Change Supervi-
`sor User Guide’’, included in the aegis ver.2.1
`package, 1993.
`[8] DEC: CASE Environment of DEC: COHESION
`- COHESION handbook rev.1, DEC, 1991.
`1995 LISA IX – September 17-22, 1995 – Monterey, CA
`Juniper Ex. 1024-p. 8
`Juniper v Finjan


`1995 LISA IX – September 17-22, 1995 – Monterey, CA
`Juniper Ex. 1024-p. 9
`Juniper v Finjan

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