`Juniper Networks, Inc.,
`Finjan, Inc.,
`Patent Owner
`U.S. Patent No. 8,141,154
`Issued: March 20, 2012
`Named Inventors:
`David Gruzman and Yuval Ben-Itzhak
`Title: System And Method For
`Inspecting Dynamically Generated Executable Code
`OF U.S. PATENT NO. 8,141,154
`Juniper Ex. 1004-p. 1
`Juniper v Finjan


`I have been asked by Juniper Networks, Inc. (“Petitioner” or
`“Juniper”) to provide my expert opinion in support of this petition for inter partes
`review (IPR) of claim 1 of U.S. Patent No. 8,141,154 (“the ‘154 Patent,” Ex.
`I am a U.S. citizen over eighteen years of age. I am fully competent
`to testify as to the matters addressed in this declaration. I currently hold the
`opinions set forth in this declaration. It is my opinion that the prior art references
`in the associated petition for IPR render claim 1 of the ‘154 Patent obvious. My
`detailed opinion is set forth below.
`I am the founder and Chief Scientist of Crimson Vista, Inc., a
`computer security consulting company as well as the Director of Advanced
`Research Projects at Johns Hopkins University Information Security Institute. My
`curriculum vitae is attached to the associated petition for IPR as Exhibit 1003. I
`believe that my background and expertise qualify me as an expert in the technical
`issues in this matter.
`I am being compensated for my time by Petitioner at my standard rate
`of $475 per hour. This compensation is not contingent upon my performance, the
`outcome of this matter, or any issues involved in or related to this matter.
`Juniper Ex. 1004-p. 2
`Juniper v Finjan


`I have no direct personal, commercial, or financial interest in
`Petitioner or Patent Owner, or any other party related to this matter.
`I have considered all of the exhibits and documents referred to herein,
`as well as the complete prosecution history (including prior IPRs). Although not
`expressly cited in my analysis, I also considered Exhibits 1009, 1014, and 1018. I
`am also aware of information generally available to, and relied upon by, persons of
`ordinary skill in the art at the relevant times, including, for example, textbooks,
`manuals, technical papers, and articles.
`I understand that, due to procedural limitations for IPR proceedings,
`the grounds of invalidity that may be presented can be based solely on prior art
`patents and other printed publications. I understand that Petitioner reserves all
`rights to assert at a later time other grounds for invalidity not addressed herein.
`The absence of discussion of such matters here should not be interpreted as
`indicating that there are no such additional grounds for invalidity of the ‘154
`Patent. Similarly, absence of discussion of other printed prior art references here
`should not be interpreted as indicating that there are no other printed prior art
`references that either anticipate or render obvious the ‘154 Patent.
`I reserve the right to supplement my opinions to address any
`information obtained, or positions taken, based on any new information that comes
`to light.
`Juniper Ex. 1004-p. 3
`Juniper v Finjan


`I am not a lawyer and my opinions are limited to my technical
`training, experience, and what I believe a person of ordinary skill in the art would
`have understood. However, in order to reach my conclusions, I use the principles
`below that have been explained to me by Petitioner’s counsel as a guide in
`formulating my opinions.
`10. My understanding is that a primary step in determining the validity of
`patent claims is to properly construe the claims to determine claim scope and
`It is my understanding that a claim’s preamble has the import that the
`claim as a whole suggests for it. I further understand that, if the preamble, when
`read in the context of the entire claim, recites limitations of the claim, or, if the
`claim preamble is necessary to give life, meaning, and vitality to the claim, then
`the claim preamble should be construed as if in the balance of the claim. I further
`understand that if the body of a claim fully and intrinsically sets forth all of the
`limitations of the claimed invention, and the preamble merely states, for example,
`the purpose or intended use of the invention, rather than any distinct definition of
`any of the claimed invention’s limitations, then the preamble is not considered a
`limitation and is of no significance to claim construction.
`Juniper Ex. 1004-p. 4
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`In an IPR proceeding, I understand that claims are to be given their
`broadest reasonable construction in light of the patent’s specification. In other
`forums, such as in federal District Courts, different standards of claim
`interpretation control, which are not applied by the Patent Office for IPR.
`Accordingly, I reserve the right to argue for a different interpretation or
`construction of the challenged claims in other proceedings, as appropriate.
`It is my understanding that a claim is obvious, and therefore
`unpatentable, under 35 U.S.C. § 103 if the claimed subject matter as a whole
`would have been obvious to a person of ordinary skill in the art at the time of the
`alleged invention. I understand that obviousness is a question of law based on
`underlying factual issues. I also understand that an obviousness analysis takes into
`account the scope and content of the prior art, the differences between the claimed
`subject matter and the prior art, the level of ordinary skill in the art at the time of
`the invention, and the existence of secondary considerations such as commercial
`success or long-felt but unresolved needs.
`In determining the scope and content of the prior art, it is my
`understanding that a reference may be considered analogous prior art if it falls
`within the field of the inventor’s endeavor. In addition, I understand that a
`reference may also be considered analogous prior art if it is reasonably pertinent to
`the particular problem with which the inventor was involved. A reference is
`Juniper Ex. 1004-p. 5
`Juniper v Finjan


`reasonably pertinent if it logically would have commended itself to an inventor’s
`attention in considering his problem. If a reference relates to the same problem as
`the claimed invention, that supports the use of the reference as prior art in an
`obviousness analysis.
`15. To assess the differences between prior art and the claimed subject
`matter, it is my understanding that 35 U.S.C. § 103 requires the claimed invention
`to be considered as a whole. This “as a whole” assessment requires showing that
`one of ordinary skill in the art at the time of invention, confronted by the same
`problems as the inventor and with no knowledge of the claimed invention, would
`have selected the elements from the prior art and combined them in the claimed
`It is my further understanding that the Supreme Court has recognized
`several non-exhaustive rationales for combining references or modifying a
`reference to show obviousness of claimed subject matter. Some of these rationales
`include: combining prior art elements according to known methods to yield
`predictable results; simple substitution of one known element for another to obtain
`predictable results; use of a known technique to improve similar devices (methods
`or products) in the same way; applying a known technique to a known device
`(method or product) ready for improvement to yield predictable results; choosing
`from a finite number of identified, predictable solutions, with a reasonable
`Juniper Ex. 1004-p. 6
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`expectation of success; known work in one field of endeavor prompting variations
`of it for use in either the same field or a different one based on design incentives or
`other market forces if the variations are predictable to one of ordinary skill in the
`art; and some teaching, suggestion, or motivation in the prior art that would have
`led one of ordinary skill to modify the prior art reference or to combine prior art
`reference teachings to arrive at the claimed invention.
`It is further my understanding that a proper obviousness analysis
`focuses on what was known or obvious to a person of ordinary skill in the art.
`Accordingly, I understand that any need or problem known in the field of endeavor
`at the time of invention can provide a reason for combining the elements in the
`manner claimed.
`I understand that secondary indicia of non-obviousness may include:
`(1) a long felt but unmet need in the prior art that was satisfied by the invention of
`the patent; (2) commercial success of processes covered by or products made by
`the patent; (3) unexpected results achieved by the invention; (4) praise of the
`invention by others skilled in the art; (5) licensing of the patent by others; (6)
`deliberate copying of the invention; (7) failure of others to find a solution to the
`long felt need; and (8) skepticism by experts. I also understand that there must be
`a relationship between any such secondary considerations and the invention. I
`Juniper Ex. 1004-p. 7
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`further understand that contemporaneous and independent invention by others is a
`secondary consideration supporting an obviousness determination.
`In summary, my understanding is that prior art teachings are properly
`combined where a person of ordinary skill in the art having the understanding and
`knowledge reflected in the prior art and motivated by the general problem facing
`the inventor would have been led to make the combination of elements recited in
`the claims. Under this analysis, the prior art references themselves, or any need or
`problem known in the field of endeavor at the time of the invention, can provide a
`reason for combining the elements of multiple prior art references in the claimed
`20. The ‘154 Patent relates to protecting computers against malware.
`‘154 Patent (Ex. 1001) at 1:7-9. The specification differentiates a special class of
`malware that is “dynamically generated” or, in other words, parts of the malicious
`code are written dynamically at runtime to avoid detection. Id at 3:31-39. The
`‘154 Patent uses dynamically generated malware as the motivation for the alleged
`invention and some embodiments are directed to the same. Id generally. While
`Claim 1 itself, as explained in subsequent paragraphs, is broader and not limited to
`dynamically generated content, my description and explanation of the patent will
`be primarily directed toward this embodiment.
`Juniper Ex. 1004-p. 8
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`21. There are two pieces to the ‘154 Patent’s approach to computer
`security. The first piece addresses the question of where a code operation should
`be inspected to determine if it is potentially malicious. As background, Figure 1 of
`the ‘154 Patent shows that, in the prior art, code operations were either inspected at
`the network gateway or at the client computer or both; the “content inspector”
`where such analysis was performed is outlined below in red:
`Juniper Ex. 1004-p. 9
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`The ‘154 Patent alleged various drawbacks in the prior art. According to the
`specification, on the one hand, inspecting software at the client computer is
`vulnerable to hackers that can easily obtain copies of consumer (i.e., client-side)
`antivirus software and reverse engineer the software in order to design viruses
`Juniper Ex. 1004-p. 10
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`specifically to avoid those detection capabilities. Client-side software also requires
`more complicated administration. ‘154 Patent at 4:15-22. On the other hand, the
`‘154 Patent also asserts that inspecting software at the network gateway may not
`identify dynamically generated viruses that do not behave maliciously until they
`begin executing at the client computer. ‘154 Patent at 3:65-4:8. Accordingly, the
`‘154 Patent asserted “a need for a new form of behavioral analysis, which can
`shield computers from dynamically generated malicious code without running on
`the computer itself that is being shielded.” ‘154 Patent at 4:23-26.1 In other
`words, the ‘154 Patent proposes an approach for inspecting software for potential
`malware that it believes provides advantages over either pre-execution scanning at
`the network gateway or scanning at the client computer.
`22. The ‘154 Patent’s solution was to move the inspector to a (preferably)
`remote location that can be different from both the client computer and the network
`gateway. This solution is depicted in Figure 2, which shows the inspector
`(outlined in red again) deployed to a remote “Security Computer” that is connected
`to but separate from the client computer:
`1 All emphasis is added unless indicated otherwise.
`Juniper Ex. 1004-p. 11
`Juniper v Finjan


`23. The second piece to the ‘154 Patent’s approach to computer security
`was to leverage a well-known set of techniques referred to as “wrapping,”
`“hooking,” or “instrumenting.” These terms are often interrelated and sometimes
`interchanged, but they have technically distinct meanings.
`“Wrapping” is typically understood to be the process of taking one
`function within a program and replacing it in some way with an intermediary
`Juniper Ex. 1004-p. 12
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`function. When the intermediary function is called, it can subsequently call the
`original function after optional preprocessing. For example, using a framework
`called “SWIG” (Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator), I have worked on
`software projects that merged two different languages. A function in one language
`was wrapped into the function of another. This framework was described in a
`research paper in 1996. See generally Ex. 1019.
`“Hooking” typically means that some operation or function has been
`changed such that different or additional operations or functions can be called
`when the hooked function is called. Hooking is also one method for wrapping a
`function. By way of example, hooking was used in DOS as a way of modifying
`how signals from the operating system were processed. Ex. 1020 at 25.
`“Instrumenting” almost always refers to modifying computer code
`with additional instructions. Instrumenting is another way to wrap a function or to
`insert certain “hook” functions. Ex 1021 at 4-5. For purposes of my analysis, I
`will generally use the term “instrument” with the understanding that instrumenting
`code may be used to wrap or hook functions.
`27. The specification of the ‘154 Patent, describes substituting the original
`function with a different function that instructs the computer to first inspect the
`input to the original function to make sure that the input is not malicious before
`executing the original function. To illustrate, the ‘154 Patent provides the example
`Juniper Ex. 1004-p. 13
`Juniper v Finjan


`of receiving the following original function that would display the word “hello” on
`the screen of a web browser:
`‘154 Patent at 10:25. The ‘154 Patent teaches defining a different function with
`the name “Substitute_document.write()” that would be passed the input
`to the original document.write() function in order to check if the input is
`‘154 Patent at 10:48:54. Starting at the top of this excerpt, a substitute function is
`defined labeled “Substitute_document.write()” (everything between the
`{ } brackets serves to define the substitute function) and then, in the last line
`(after the closing } bracket), the newly defined substitute function is passed the
`“<h1>hello</h1>” input from the original function document.write() in
`order to check whether there is an issue with the <h1>hello</h1> input. In
`short, the solution substitutes the original function with a different function that
`Juniper Ex. 1004-p. 14
`Juniper v Finjan


`serves as a guard or monitor to ensure that the input to the original function is
`inspected. See, e.g., ‘154 Patent at 4:55-60 (“the present invention operates by
`replacing original function calls with substitute function calls within the content …
`prior to the content being received at the client computer.”).
` Putting the pieces of a remote security computer and instrumentation
`together, Figure 2 of the ‘154 Patent is now represented in annotated formatted to
`illustrate the process:
`The process begins when an original function with input comes in over a network.
`The network gateway then replaces the original function with a substitute function
`Juniper Ex. 1004-p. 15
`Juniper v Finjan


`that has the same input and then sends the substitute function to the content
`processor2 (e.g., a web browser on a client computer). When the content processor
`invokes the substitute function, it transmits the input to the security computer,
`which analyzes it and returns an indication of whether it is safe to execute the
`original function with the input.
`Claim 1 of the ‘154 Patent captures this setup and reads as follows:
`A system for protecting a computer from dynamically
`generated malicious content, comprising:
`a content processor (i) for processing content received
`over a network, the content including a call to a first function,
`and the call including an input, and (ii) for invoking a second
`function with the input, only if a security computer indicates that
`such invocation is safe;
`a transmitter for transmitting the input to the security
`computer for inspection, when the first function is invoked; and
`a receiver for receiving an indicator from the security
`computer whether it is safe to invoke the second function with
`the input.
`The claim as written, however, is worded a bit oddly because the claim only recites
`the client computer and security computer components of the setup illustrated
`2 As shown in Figure 2 of the ‘154 Patent, the “content processor” is actually a
`component within the client computer. The entire client computer has been
`outlined in blue in this diagram (in addition to the content processor therein) just to
`help illustrate the challenged claim.
`Juniper Ex. 1004-p. 16
`Juniper v Finjan


`above and skips the network gateway component, taking as a given that the
`function received by the content processor is already a substitute function. As a
`result, the “first” function that appears in the claim is the substituted function, and
`the “second” function recited in the claims is actually a reference to the original
`function received by the network gateway. The annotated diagram above is shown
`here with a dashed line encompassing the structural components actually recited in
`the claim:
`Claim 1 is now re-presented here, annotated to correspond to the diagram above:
`Juniper Ex. 1004-p. 17
`Juniper v Finjan


`A system for protecting a computer from dynamically
`generated malicious content, comprising:
`a content processor (i) for processing content received
`over a network, the content including a call to a first [i.e.,
`substitute] function, and the call including an input, and (ii) for
`invoking a second [i.e. original] function with the input, only if
`a security computer indicates that such invocation is safe;
`a transmitter for transmitting the input to the security
`computer for inspection, when the first [i.e., substitute] function
`is invoked; and
`a receiver for receiving an indicator from the security
`computer whether it is safe to invoke the second [i.e. original]
`function with the input.
`29. A person of ordinary skill in the art of the ‘154 Patent would have a
`bachelor’s degree in computer science or related field and either (1) two years of
`industry experience or (2) an advanced degree in computer science or related filed.
`See also IPR2015-01979, Ex. 2002 ¶ 35. This level of ordinary skill in the art is
`approximate and a higher level of education or skill might make up for less
`experience, and vice-versa. My analysis would not change if the level of ordinary
`skill in the art were deemed to be somewhat higher or lower.
`I was a person of ordinary skill in the art at the time of the filing of the
`‘154 Patent. Moreover, from my research and my education, I am familiar with the
`Juniper Ex. 1004-p. 18
`Juniper v Finjan


`evolution of the state of the art over time, and I therefore have additional
`understanding of the ordinary skill in the art at the time of the invention. In my
`research at Johns Hopkins, I also manage people that are persons of ordinary skill
`in the art and therefore have an understanding of their perspective and ordinary
`creativity. I therefore believe I am qualified to offer an opinion regarding what a
`person of ordinary skill in the art at the relevant time would have understood and
`31. The Board has previously construed two terms in the ‘154 Patent.
`The Board construed “content” as “data or information, which has been modified
`and is received over a network.” IPR2015-01979, Paper 62 at p. 14. The Board
`also construed “call to a first function” as “a statement or instruction in the content,
`the execution of which causes the function to provide a service.” Id. at 16; see also
`IPR2016-00151, Paper 51 at p. 9 (construing “call to a first function” as “a
`statement or instruction in a program requesting the services of a particular (i.e.,
`first) function”). I have applied these constructions in my analysis.
`32. As I mentioned, “content” has been construed as “data or information,
`which has been modified and is received over a network.” A person of ordinary
`skill would not recognize “content processor” specifically as the name for a
`structure that processes data or information that has been modified and is received
`Juniper Ex. 1004-p. 19
`Juniper v Finjan


`over a network. I also agree with Patent Owner that “a ‘processor’ by itself
`typically refers to a hardware component, such as an Intel Microprocessor.” Ex.
`1026 at 19. Thus, a person of ordinary skill would not understand, based on only
`the claim language itself, whether the claimed “content processor” could also be a
`physical hardware component or is limited to software. The only specific
`structures provided in the specification for a “content processor” are a web browser
`and Java virtual machine. See ‘154 Patent at 13:67-14:1 (“web browser or a Java
`virtual machine, that processes the modified content”); see also id. at 2:23-24,
`2:64-67, 3:62-63, 10:38-39, 10:61-62, 15:35-36 (web browser). Therefore, for
`purposes of my opinion, I have construed the term “content processor” to at least
`include web browsers and the Java virtual machine.
`33. Relatedly, since the claimed content processor must include web
`browsers and the Java virtual machine, both the “first function” and “second
`function” invoked by those content processors must be construed broadly enough
`to include functions that may be executed by those content processors, such as Java
`applet functions and Java library functions. See ‘154 Patent at, e.g., 13:49-52
`(“Such content may be in the form of … a Java applet….”). There is no support in
`the claims or specification to construe “first function” or “second function” as
`excluding any types of Java functions.
`Juniper Ex. 1004-p. 20
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`I understand that District Courts have construed other terms.
`Specifically, two District Courts construed the term “content processor.” Ex. 1028
`at 16-18; Dkt No. 267 at 15-18, Proofpoint, No. 4:13-cv-05808-HSG (N.D. Cal.
`Dec. 3, 2015). I understand one court also construed “inspection.” Ex. 1028 at 18-
`20. I further understand that two courts have construed first function / second
`function. Dkt. No. 134 at 35-39, Finjan, Inc. v. Cisco Systems, Inc., No. 5:17-cv-
`00072-BLF (N.D. Cal. July 23, 2018); Dkt. No. 267 at 13-14, Finjan, Inc. v.
`Proofpoint, Inc., No. 4:13-cv-05808-HSG (N.D. Cal. Dec. 3, 2015). I understand
`that those District Courts applied a different standard than is applicable in this
`I also understand that in the parallel litigation involving the parties to
`this IPR, the parties briefed the construction of three terms, but the Court has not
`yet issued a construction of those terms. See Dkt. No. 115 at 4, Case No. 3:17-cv-
`05659-WHA (N.D. Cal. Aug. 6, 2018).
`Ji (Ex. 1005)
`36. U.S. Patent No. 5,983,348 (“Ji”) teaches an insertion-based approach
`to instrumentation where it inserts safety-check function calls directly into the code
`of an application program such as a Java applet. Specifically, Ji teaches:
`The present
`thus uses
`instrumentation technology, that is, for Java applets it
`Juniper Ex. 1004-p. 21
`Juniper v Finjan


`alters the Java applet byte code sequence during
`downloading of the applet to the [network proxy] 32. …
`[S]tatic (pre-run time) scanning is performed on the applet
`by the scanner 26 [on the network proxy]. If an instruction
`(a suspicious instruction) that calls an insecure function …
`is found during this static scanning, a first instruction
`sequence (pre-filter) is inserted before that instruction….
`Ji at 5:15-27. Ji provides pseudo-code to show how this “pre-filter” (sometimes
`called “pre-monitor”) function is inserted into the byte code directly before the
`original function, and note that the pre-filter function includes the same
`“parameters to the [original] function”:
`Ji at 5:52-66.
`37. As shown in Figure 1, the insertion of this “pre-filter” function
`happens at the “scanner” at a network proxy:
`Juniper Ex. 1004-p. 22
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`Thus, by the time the (for example) Java applet arrives at the client machine’s web
`browser, it has already been instrumented to contain the pre-filter function that,
`during execution, performs a safety check before permitting the Java applet to call
`the original function. See also Ji at, e.g., 4:66-5:12 (“the HTTP proxy server
`32…then scans the applet and instruments it…. The scanned (instrumented)
`applet…is then downloaded to the web browser 22 in the client 14. The
`Juniper Ex. 1004-p. 23
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`applet…instructions are executed. The execution is monitored by the monitor
`package software, also downloaded from scanner 26, in the web browser 22.”).
`B. Chander (Ex. 1008)
`38. Some technical background is helpful to understand Ajay Chander et
`al., “Mobile Code Security by Java Bytecode Instrumentation”, DARPA
`Information Survivability Conference and Exposition II, June 12-14, 2001
`(“Chander”). A “class” is a feature of object-oriented programming and essentially
`represents a type of thing within the computer program. Illustrating by way of
`example, a programmer could define a class “car.” The programmer can then
`create many mini-components from the “car” class. These mini-components are
`called “objects” and all objects of class “car” have the characteristics, properties,
`and functions defined by the class—a motor, wheels, seats, drive forward, stop,
`etc. The programmer could also define a new class called “Electric car” that is a
`sub-class of class “car” and therefore inherits all of the characteristics, properties,
`and functions defined by class “car” but is further limited, namely with the
`characteristics of an electric motor, wheels, seats, etc. The functions associated
`with the classes are called “methods.”
`39. Chander teaches two methods of replacement-based instrumentation:
`class-level modification and method-level modification. Chander at 3. Class-level
`modification is more straightforward, where a “class such as Window can be
`Juniper Ex. 1004-p. 24
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`replaced with a subclass of Window (say Safe$Window) that restricts resource
`usage and functionality.” Chander at 3. Conceptually, Chander’s subclass is a
`safer version of the original. Method-level modification is similar to class-level
`modification in that a method is replaced with a safer version of the method; for
`example, “A method such as Threat.setPriority(I)V can be replaced with
`a safer version, say
`Safe$Thread:setpriority(Ljava/lang/Threat;I)V”. Chander at
`40. Chander teaches instrumenting a program (whether by class-level
`modification or by method-level modification) before it reaches the client
`computer, specifically at a network proxy. Chander describes its setup as follows:
`The basic architecture of our system is shown in Figure 5.
`When the web browser requests a web page or applet, this
`request goes through the network proxy. The proxy forwards
`the request to the web server and receives the desired display
`or executable content. When the web server sends a Java
`applet, the proxy will pass the applet code to the bytecode
`filter. The bytecode filter will examine the bytecode for
`potential risks and modify the bytecode before sending the
`code for execution to the web browser. In this way, the web
`browser only receives bytecode that has been screened. The
`proxy also has access to a repository of Java classes, including
`Juniper Ex. 1004-p. 25
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`secure safe classes that can be substituted for standard library
`Chander at 5.
`C. Gladstone (Ex. 1006)
`41. U.S. Patent No. 7,594,267 (“Gladstone”) at 1:11-14 incorporates by
`reference U.S. Patent App. No. 10/071,328 (Ex. 1007).
`42. Gladstone discloses a networked computer system comprised of
`multiple “nodes” in communication with a central “Event Processing Server.”
`Gladstone at Abstract, 6:35-42. A simplified diagram of such a system is
`illustrated at, for example, Figure 2 of Gladstone:
`Juniper Ex. 1004-p. 26
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`When an application “attempts to access system resources…, the attempt is
`intercepted by [the] Reference Monitor” sitting on each node. Gladstone at, e.g.,
`8:16-18. A “reference monitor” is a term of art; informally, it is a component that
`enforces conformance to a policy such as a security policy. Thus, in Gladstone, the
`Reference Monitor conveys that information to the Event Agent sitting on each
`node, which in turn communicates those events to the Server and subsequently
`receives directions back from the Server. Gladstone at, e.g., 7:30-59. The Server
`can detect attacks and direct responses. Gladstone at, e.g., 2:12-2:40, 4:28-35,
`Juniper Ex. 1004-p. 27
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`6:54-63 (“determining whether a notification indicates an [] attack...and
`determining steps to be taken”). Since the Server receives reports from multiple
`nodes, the “Server 100 is able to correlate events that may seem unrelated across
`the distributed system to recognize potential attacks.” Gladstone at 6:67-7:4. In
`other words, one of the key benefits of Gladstone is that while any individual node
`can only see one tree, a centralized Server can see the forest, thereby better
`protecting the system by spotting more complex attacks and by sharing information
`among computers in the network. See id.
`43. One of the key capabilities of the Server is its ability to decide
`whether to allow intercepted requests. As background, Reference Monitors detect
`events through use of software “interceptors” that “are inserted in the control or
`communication paths traversed by [the] events” within the local node. Gladstone
`at 5:57-64. By virtue of its location within the control or communications path, the
`interceptor has the ability to either allow or block a function from proceeding:
`For example, if a particular monitored event is a network
`access request, an Interceptor 26 may be inserted in the
`operating system at a point where the network access
`request is communicated from one portion of the
`operating system to another. Interceptor 26 may generate
`an event message for each event intercepted. Ev

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