Seth James Nielson’s Vita
`July 2018
`Academic Degrees
`Ph.D. Computer Science, Rice University, Houston, TX
`M.S. Computer Science, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT
`B.S. Computer Science, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT
`Current Appointments
`Founder and Chief Scientist
`Director of Advanced Research Projects
`Adjunct Associate Research Scientist
`Senior Professional Staff (Temp/On-Call)
`Crimson Vista, Inc.
`Johns Hopkins University Information Security Institute
`Johns Hopkins University Dept. of Computer Science
`Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab
`Subject Matter Expertise and Selected Projects
`Applied Cryptography
`“Crypto Done Right”, Cryptographic Knowledge Base (2017-2018): Co-investigator and co-
`maintainer of the “Crypto Done Right” project ( Cryptographic
`knowledge based derived from three-year research funded by Cisco. Investigating how to bridge
`the gap between cryptographers and cryptography users in terms of deployment and lifecycle
`management. Wrote the grant proposal and am managing day-to-day operations.
`Technical Training – U.S. Dpt. of Justice (Antitrust Division, Transportation, Energy & Agriculture)
`(2018): Provided technical guidance and training for cryptographic technologies involved in a
`potential merger.
`Cryptographic Protocol Analysis and Design – Confidential Client (2017-2018): Reviewed secure
`transport protocols for weaknesses and designed improvements. Built rapid prototypes for
`validation and testing.
`Anti-Collision Protocols – JHUISI/OnBoard Security (2017): Mentored a student group investigating
`exploitability of anti-collision protocols used in aircraft. Demonstrated the vulnerability and created a
`cryptographically secure version using drones.
`Lightweight Cryptographic Authentication Algorithms – Confidential Client (2016-2017): Analyzed
`cryptography in patent related to sequences of hash chains. Identified critical prior art and
`combinations of prior art.
`TLS Protocol Analysis – Confidential Client (2015): Evaluated the TLS protocol to determine
`differences between 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2 variants. Also assessed potential patent infringement and
`prior art relevancy.
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`Cryptographically Certified Physical Measurements Analysis – Client Confidential (2015):
`Evaluated a patent related to cryptographically signing a physical measurement, such as a
`temperature, before submission over a network. Evaluated the patent against other patents from
`the same time period or earlier. Submitted expert declarations for PTAB actions.
`Cryptographic Communication Library – Security First Corp. (2010-2011): Managed the project
`from start to finish. Collected the requirements from the client, created the design, implemented the
`prototype in Python, led the development team for the C++ version, and so forth. The technology
`used multiple SSL channels with different signing authorities to reduce the possibility of
`compromise from a rouge CA.
`Encryption Library – Security First Corp. (2005-2011): Designed and developed a wide range of
`features and extensions to an encryption library over a long period. Subprojects include:
`Prototyped algorithms from cryptographic specification
`Developed significant portions of the first release
`Designed and implemented a testing framework along with an initial suite of tests
`Assisted in creating features and performing testing necessary for FIPS certification
`Created a GPU-accelerated variant of the library
`Created a ZFS file system providing secure storage using the encryption library
`IoT Devices and IoT Security
`IoT Management Platform Assessments – JHUISI/JHUAPL (2018): Co-investigator on this
`research in collaboration with industry partner and the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab.
`Analyzing various threat models for information aggregation in IoT management and developing
`profiles for IoT behavioral identification. Mentoring related student capstones Summer and Fall
`IoT Physical Forensics – JHUISI (2017): Mentored a group of students exploring how IoT devices
`can be used for physical forensics including tracking a person’s movements through a building.
`Published results in peer-reviewed article.
`Network Security
`Curriculum Design – The Johns Hopkins University (2013-2018): Created a network security
`curriculum for graduate studies. Developed custom lab work that simulates protocol stack
`development and application security. Student teams explore attacking autonomous bots, financial
`institutions and military targets.
`Network Security Device Analysis – Blue Coat (2017-2018): Reviewed and analyzed the source
`code for Blue Coat as a technical expert in a patent-related litigation matter. Examined source
`code, design documentation, and other materials related to SSL visibility, automatic malware
`sandboxing analysis, automated threat identification, and content categorization. Testified in court.
`Telephony-based Security Analysis – TeleSign (2016-2018): Reviewed and analyzed the
`technologies behind various security technologies as a technical expert in multiple patent-related
`litigation matters. Searched and analyzed prior art, evaluated technical designs, and wrote multiple
`reports with my findings.
`Domain Name Anti-Abuse Technologies Analysis – Afilias (2015): Evaluated the design
`documents, technical specifications, and engineering tickets related to Afilias’ Anti-Abuse project.
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`Evaluated the design, patents, and source code of a competitor accused of misappropriating trade
`secrets. Submitted expert reports and testified at trial.
`Cloud Storage System Security Evaluation – Confidential Client (2015): Investigated attacks on the
`virtual machine appliance, attacks on the local network access, and attacks on the cloud data
`storage. Approach included analyzing the protocols for the data in motion and the data at rest.
`Used penetration testing tools including Metasploit.
`Secure Gateway Software Security Evaluation – SecurityFirst Corp (2015): Evaluated for regulatory
`compliance issues related to HIPAA, FISMA, SOX, GLBA, NERC, ISO 27002.
`High-speed Firewalls Analysis – Confidential Client (2012-2014): Evaluated a wide range of firewall
`designs and source code. Firewall code was written in highly-optimized C for devices meant to
`handle 10-100 Gbps traffic even while performing layer-7 content evaluation. Assessed code for
`infringement relevancy.
`Software Engineering Google Inc. (2005): Summer internship project created a work-around for
`incorrectly configured Internet web servers. Used heuristics to determine if pages should be
`removed from the cache even if the server reported that caching was acceptable.
`Malware and Viruses
`Malware Analysis – Confidential Client (2016): Analyzed suspicious executables for malicious
`behavior. Reverse-engineered binaries using IDA-PRO and also tested them dynamically.
`Anti-Key-Logging Software – Confidential Client (2015): Evaluated this software, written in C, C++,
`JavaScript, and other miscellaneous languages to determine changes in the product from 2007 to
`the present. Also assessed potential patent infringement and prior art relevancy.
`Anti-virus, Anti-malware, and Secure Gateways – Sophos (2014-2015): Reviewed the technologies
`between two competitors. Evaluated the code written in C, C++, Perl, Php, and other miscellaneous
`languages to determine infringement and prior art relevancy. Evaluated custom modification to the
`Linux kernel for multi-device clustering. Evaluated cloud-based anti-virus technologies. Evaluated
`patents from both sides. Submitted expert reports and provided a technology tutorial in court.
`Anti-virus Analysis – Confidential Client (2011-2012): Evaluated source code of two competitors
`written in C, C++, and other languages. Re-created virus-like signatures from the 1995 era to test
`against heuristic scanners from that time period. Re-created a gateway-like product for scanning for
`viruses in FTP transmissions using 1995 era scanners and Java. Assessed source code for
`infringement and prior art relevancy.
`Anonymization of Threat Indicators JHUISI/JHUAPL (2017): Mentored a student project in
`conjunction with APL to identify if threat indicators submitted to the AIS project could be de-
`anonymized. Identified various potential problems and proposed solutions.
`Anonymization of Health Records – Confidential Client (2014-2015): Evaluated the design
`documents, specifications, and code of two different competitors. The code, written in PL/SQL,
`shell scripts, Java, and other languages, remove personally identifying data from medical records.
`Assessed the code for infringement and prior art relevancy.
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`An Evaluation of the Mark Monitor Anti-Piracy System – Center for Copyright Information (2013-
`2014): Evaluated the design, implementation, and practices of Mark Monitor’s system for identifying
`online piracy. Our task was to determine to what extent an individual’s privacy was adequately
`protected in their investigation, analysis, and subsequent operations. We produced an internal
`report of which an executive summary was made publicly available
`Corporate Spyware Evaluation – Confidential Client (2013-2014): Evaluated images, keystrokes,
`and screenshots captured by corporate-installed spyware related to a class-action lawsuit.
`Assessed to what extent the data violated wiretapping laws.
`Miscellaneous Security Technologies
`Cyber-Physical Systems – JHUISI (2018): Mentored student group analyzing attacks on portable
`chemical systems (Continuous Flow Reactors). Discovered various vulnerabilities and published
`research findings in peer-reviewed article.
`Open-Source Contribution and Sponsorship – The PyPy Project (2018): Maintainer of the PyPy
`Sandbox for sandboxed execution of untrusted Python scripts. Modernized for Python 3 support
`and deployed to academic projects such as the JHU Network Security course.
`Blockchain and Smart Contract Design – Confidential Client (2018): Analyzed the suitability for a
`start-up’s technology to use the Blockchain and, in particular, Smart Contracts to provide greater
`visibility and transparency to customers.
`Medical Device System Security Valuation – Confidential Client (2015): Led consulting team that
`analyzed medical devices for potential vulnerabilities. Identified serious buffer-overflow attack.
`Reported identified issues and provided training to client.
`Corporate Patent Portfolio Review – Confidential Client (2014): Evaluated approximately 75 patents
`related to secure enclaves in a client’s portfolio. Assessed which patents were the strongest in
`terms of novelty, technical merit, etc.
`Network Architecture and Communications
`M2M Technologies Analysis - Telit (2014-2015): Evaluated the design of a “machine-to-machine”
`protocol. Submitted expert reports.
`Cross-Device Advertisement Tracking – Confidential Client (2014-2015): Reviewed the
`technologies behind cross-device tracking in ESPN and Adobe advertisement systems for a class
`action lawsuit. Submitted an expert declaration to the court.
`Mobile Phone Communications – Confidential Client (2014): Evaluated both iOS and Android
`phones to determine to what extent they can transmit data over cellular and Wi-Fi simultaneously.
`Conducted experiments by writing and deploying apps to a number of devices.
`Software Engineering and Software Analysis
`Cyber Insurance Investigation – Clyde & Co (2017): Reviewed claims regarding software costs and
`effort made to cyber-insurance underwriters for reasonableness and validity.
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`Mid 1990’s Screen Sharing Technology Resurrection – Client Confidential (2015): Reconstructed a
`working demonstration of screen sharing technology from the mid 90’s. Used 1990’s era machines,
`source code compilers, and utilities. Accessed incomplete CVS repository to extract code and
`figured out which parts were missing. Created small modifications to fill in gaps and get working C,
`C++, Java, and C# code.
`Financial Trading Software – Confidential Client (2016): Reviewed two different automatic financial
`trading systems, including source code, to assess potential misappropriation.
`Configuration Software – WTS Paradigm (2016): Reviewed two different software projects,
`including source code, that provide configuration/customization of products to customers.
`Evaluated the similarities and differences of the two and set forth my opinions in an expert report.
`Distributed Code Coverage Tool – Confidential Client (2011): Created a parallelized utility for
`applying gcov across a large software system. Designed and implemented all of the parallel
`mechanisms including failure handling, communication, and so forth.
`Software Engineering – Metrowerks Inc. (2001-2003, formerly Lineo Inc.): Maintained the source
`code for multiple components of the Embedix Software Development Kit (SDK) including the GUI
`and the package management system. Also ported the system from Linux to Windows and
`developed an automatic translation layer for Linux packaging scripts.
`Source Code Reviews – Various Clients (2016-2018): Reviewed and analyzed source code relating
`to the following technologies:
`Digital Mobile Radios (DMRs)
`Firewalls and Security Devices
`Commercial CAD software
`Robotic Vacuums
`Anti-phishing Technology
`Video Content Distribution
`Fitness Tracking Devices
`Secure Email
`Android/iOS code
`DRM systems
`Cloud-based Multimedia
`Document signing
`High Frequency Trading Platforms
`Mobile Device Network Protocol Stacks
`VoIP Systems
`Peer-to-Peer Communications
`PBX Telecommunications Software
`Academic Leadership
`Director of Advanced Research Projects at The Johns Hopkins University Information Security Institute
`Tasked with building collaborative bridges to external companies and institutions as well as the
`Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab. Wrote grant proposals, connected faculty with
`funding sources, and collaborated on various research initiatives.
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`Refereed Publications
`Joseph Kosturko, Eric Schlieber, Sean Futch, Seth James Nielson, Cracking a Continuous Flow
`Reactor: A Vulnerability Assessment for Chemical Additive Manufacturing Devices. In Proceedings
`of the 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security. (To Appear)
`Chanyang Shin, Prerit Chandok, Ran Liu, Seth James Nielson, Timothy Leschke, Potential
`Forensic Analysis of IoT Data: An Overview of Amazon Echo, Z-wave, and Home Router Data
`Extraction and Analysis. In Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Internet of
`Things (iThings), Exeter, UK, pp. 705-710 (June 2017).
`Seth James Nielson, PLAYGROUND: Preparing Students for the Cyber Battleground. Computer
`Science Education, volume 26, issue 4, pp. 255-276, (January 2017).
`Seth James Nielson and Charles D. Knutson, Design Dysphasia and the Design Patterns
`Maintenance Cycle. Information & Software Technology, volume 48, number 8, pp. 660- 675,
`(August 2006)
`Seth James Nielson, Scott S. Crosby, and Dan S. Wallach, A Taxonomy of Rational Attacks. In
`Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems (IPTPS ’05), Ithaca,
`New York, (February 2005)
`Seth J. Nielson and Charles D. Knutson. OO++: Exploring the Multiparadigm Shift. Proceedings of
`the Workshop on Multiparadigm Programming with Object-Oriented Languages (MPOOL 2004),
`Oslo, Norway, (June 2004)
`Rob Kunz, Seth Nielson, Mark Clement, Quinn Snell, Effective Bandwidth for Traffic Engineering,
`Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR 2001),
`Dallas, TX, (May 2001)
`Invited Talks and Technical Training
`Seth James Nielson, A Gentle Introduction to Blockchain. To be presented in the 2018 Data
`Architecture Summit, Chicago, IL (October 2018).
`Seth James Nielson, Detecting Malicious Sandboxes. To be presented in the Workshop on
`Defensive Deception and Trust in Autonomy, San Diego, CA (August 2018).
`Seth James Nielson and Debra Baker, Towards a Crowd-Sourced Cryptographic Knowledge Base.
`Presented in the International Cryptographic Knowledge Base 2018 (ICMC18), Ottawa, Canada
`(May 2018).
`Seth James Nielson, The PyPy Sandbox. Presented in the National Centers of Academic
`Excellence Tech Talk, Online (March 2018).
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`PhD Thesis: Designing Incentives for Peer-to-Peer Systems (defended 10/2009)
`Master’s Thesis: OO++ Design Patterns, GOF Revisited (defended 8/2004)
`Technical Reports
`Seth James Nielson and Dan S. Wallach, The BitTorrent Anonymity Marketplace, arXiv Technical
`Report 1108.2718, (August 2011)
`Seth James Nielson, Caleb E. Spare, and Dan S. Wallach, Building Better Incentives for
`Robustness in BitTorrent, arXiv Technical Report 1108.2716, (August 2011)
`Seth James Nielson, Seth J. Fogarty, and Dan S. Wallach, Attacks on Local Searching Tools, arXiv
`Technical Report 1108.2704 (Originally produced in December, 2004, available on arXiv as of
`August 2011)
`White Papers and Trade Publications
`Aviel D. Rubin, Seth J. Nielson, Christopher K. Monson, Evaluation of the MarkMonitor AntiPiracy
`System, Produced for the Center for Copyright Information (December 2013)
`Aviel D. Rubin, Seth J. Nielson, Sam Small, Christopher K. Monson, Guidelines for Source Code
`Review in Hi-Tech Litigation, Harbor Labs White Paper (September 2013)
`Graduate Advising
`Capstones for Masters of Science in Security Informatics (Johns Hopkins)
`Weike Chen, Harry Luo, Prashanth Venkateswaran, IoT Discovery (Expected August 2018)
`Joseph “Jay” Kosturko, Eric Schlieber, Sean Futch, Cracking a Continuous Flow Reactor: A
`Vulnerability Assessment for Chemical Additive Manufacturing Devices (May 2018)
`Chao Lei, Wenjun Li, Anti-Honeypot Detection in Advanced Botnet Attacks (December 2017)
`Ritvik Sachdev, Purushottam Kulkarni, Praveen Malhan, Securing ADS-B Based Airborne Collision
`Avoidance Systems (December 2017)
`Ningyuan Bao, Mengying Hu, Security-Testing-Orientated Internet of Things(IoT) Simulator
`(December 2017)
`Zehuan Li, Shanshan Yang, Liangjia Fu, AIS Data De-anonymization (December 2017)
`Chanyang Shin, Prerit Chandok, Aurin Chakravarty, Forensic Data Collection from IoT Devices
`(December 2017)
`Kevin Manzotti, Kashif Memon, Rahul Durgad, Replication of CryptoDrop (December 2016)
`Harshneel More, Jingmiao Wang, Yuanqi Zhu, Detecting XSS attacks using BRO IDS (December
`Juniper Ex. 1003-p. 7
`Juniper v Finjan


`Asmaa Aljohani, Gyan Namdhari, Yue Zhu, Feasibility, Security and Privacy Analysis of EMVCo
`Payment Tokenization Technology for Identity Enabled Transactions (December 2016)
`Richard Eaton, The Emperor Has No Friends: Identifying Botnet Customers and Mapping Out
`Botnets on Twitter (May 2015)
`Jingru Chen, Yaning Liu, Yifan Yu, Zhiyue Zu, Investigating the Heartbleed Vulnerability (2015)
`Kartik Thapar, Security Techniques for Developing iOS Applications (February 2015)
`Jie Feng, Jianxiang Peng, Likai Zhang, De-anonymizing BitCoin (January 2014)
`Johns Hopkins University
`Advanced Network Security (2017 - Present)
`Network Security (2014 – Present)
`Rice University
`Data Structures and Algorithms (Spring 2008 Co-instructor)
`Data Structures and Algorithms (2007 TA)
`Artificial Intelligence (2006 TA)
`Computer Systems Security (2005 TA)
`Brigham Young University
`Computer Ethics (2004 TA)
`Computer Networks (2000 TA)
`Intro to C (1999 TA)
`Intro to Assembly (1996 Head TA)
`Intro to Computer Programming (1995-1996 TA)
`Professional Service
`ICMC 2018 Program Committee
`Co-inventor: Orsini, R. 2014. Systems and methods for security data in motion. U.S. Patent
`8,745,372 filed November 24, 2010 and issued June 3, 2014.
`Co-inventor: Orsini, R. 2014. Systems and methods for security data in motion. U.S. Patent
`8,745,379 filed August 20, 2012 and issued June 3, 2014.
`Co-inventor: O’Hare, R. 2014. Systems and methods for security data. U.S. Patent 8,677,148 filed
`January 27, 2012 and issued March 18, 2014.
`In the News
`“Johns Hopkins Researchers and OnBoard Security Team Up to Protect Drones,” Robotics
`Tomorrow, 3/16/2018
`Juniper Ex. 1003-p. 8
`Juniper v Finjan


`Academic Awards
`Brown Fellowship
`John and Eileen Tietze Fellowship
`Founder and Chief Scientist
`Employment History
`Crimson Vista, Inc.
`Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab
`Senior Professional Staff (Temp/On-Call)
`Johns Hopkins University
`Harbor Labs, LLC
`Independent Security Evaluators
`Senior Security Analyst
`Security Analyst
`Google, Inc.
`Metrowerks (Formerly Lineo, Inc.)
`Software Engineer II
`Director of Advanced Research Projects
`Adjunct Associate Research Scientist
`Research Scientist
`Summer Intern
`Juniper Ex. 1003-p. 9
`Juniper v Finjan


`Seth James Nielson, Ph.D.
`4+ Year Testifying History as 22 August 2018
`(All cases with reports, declarations, depositions, or courtroom testimony)
`1. Disney Enterprises, Inc., LucasFilm Ltd, LLC, and MVL Film Finance LLC v. Redbox Automated Retail, LLC.
`Case No. 2:17-cv-08655-DDP (AGRx)
`(Central District of California, Wester Division)
`Submitted declaration in support of client Redbox
`2. Trend Micro, Inc. v. Security Profiling, LLC
`Inter Partes Review Case No. IPR2017-02191 and IPR2017-02192
`Submitted declarations in support of client Trend Micros
`Deposed June 2018 for client Trend
`3. Twilio Inc. v. TeleSign Corporation
`Inter Partes Review Case No. IPR2016-01688
`Inter Partes Review Case No. IPR2016-00360
`Submitted multiple declarations and reports in support of client TeleSign
`Deposed November 2016 for client TeleSign
`Deposed July 2017 for client TeleSign
`Deposed August 2017 for client TeleSign
`4. Finjan Inc. v. Blue Coat Systems LLC
`Case No. 15-cv-03295-BLF-SVK
`(Northern District of California)
`Submitted expert report in support of client Blue Coat Systems
`Deposed April 2017 for client Blue Coat Systems
`Testified November 2017 for client Blue Coat Systems
`5. Sedosoft Inc. v MARK BURCHETT LTD. and NFSx9, LLC,
`Case No. Civil Action No. 1:15-cv-10244-RGS
`Submitted expert report in support of client Sedosoft
`6. Asghari-Kamrani, et al. v. United Services Automobile Association, Inc.
`Inter Partes Review Case No. IPR2015-01842,
`And cases CBM2016-00063, CBM2016-00064
`Submitted expert declarations in support of client USAA
`Deposed March 2017 for client USAA
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`Juniper v Finjan


`Case No. 3:15-CV-330
`(Western District of Wisconsin)
`Deposed April 2016 for client WTS Paradigm
`8. Mr. Leon Stambler v Mastercard IPR,
`Submitted declaration in support of client Leon Stambler
`Deposed December 2015 for client Leon Stambler
`9. Trusted Knight Corporation v. International Business Machines Corporation and Trusteer, Inc.
`C.A. No. 14-1063 LPS-CJB
`(District of Deleware)
`Submitted declaration in support of client Trusteer/IBM
`10. Sensus USA, Inc. v. Certified Measurement, LLC
`Inter Partes Review Case No. IPR2015-01262
`Inter Partes Review Case No. IPR2015-01311
`Inter Partes Review Case No. IPR2015-01439
`Inter Partes Review Case No. IPR2015-01454
`Submitted declarations in support of client Sensus USA
`11. Chad Eichenberger v. ESPN, Case No. 2:14-cv-00463
`(Western District of Washington)
`Submitted declaration in support of client Chad Eichenberger
`12. Microsoft Corporation v. Optimum Content Protection LLC.
`Inter Partes Review No. IPR2015-00048
`Submitted report in support of client Optimum Content Protection LLC
`13. Fortinet v. Sophos, Michael Valentine, Jason Clark,
`Case No. 3:13-cv-05831-EMC
`(N.D. Cal.)
`Fortinet Inc. v. Sophos Inc.,
`Submitted multiple declarations and reports in support of client Fortinet
`Deposed October 2014 for client Fortinet
`Deposed October 2015 for client Fortinet
`14. Afilias PLC v Architelos Inc and Alexa Raad,
`Case No. 1:15-cv-00014-LMB-JFA
`Juniper Ex. 1003-p. 11
`Juniper v Finjan


`(Eastern District of Virginia)
`Submitted expert report in support of client Afilias PLC
`Deposed June 2015 for client Afilias PLC
`Testified August 2015 for client Afilias PLC
`15. M2M v. Motorola, Telit,
`Case No. 12-033-RGA
`(District of Delaware)
`Submitted expert declarations and reports in behalf of client Telit
`Deposed June 2015 for client Telit
`16. Rmail Limited, v., Inc., and Paypal,
`Civil Action No. 2:10-CV-258-JRG (Lead Case)
`Rmail Limited, Rpost Communications Limited, and Rpost Holdings Inc., v.Docusign, Inc.,
`Civil Action No. 2:11-CV-299-JRG (Member Case)
`(E.D. Texas)
`Submitted expert reports in support of client Rmail/Rpost
`Deposed May 2013 for client Rmail/Rpost
`Juniper Ex. 1003-p. 12
`Juniper v Finjan

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