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`PROOFPOINT, INC., et al.,
`Case No. 13-cv-05808-HSG
`Plaintiff Finjan, Inc. filed this patent infringement action against Defendants Proofpoint,
`Inc. and Armorize Technologies, Inc. The parties seek construction of seven claim terms found in
`six patents: Patent Nos. 6,154,844 (“the ’844 Patent”), 7,058,822 (“the ’822 Patent”), 7,647,633
`(“the ’633 Patent”), 7,975,305 (“the ’305 Patent”), 8,141,154 (“the ‘154 Patent”), and 8,225,408
`(“the ’408 Patent”). This order follows claim construction briefing, a technology tutorial, and a
`claim construction hearing.
`Claim construction is a question of law to be determined by the Court. See Markman v.
`Westview Instruments, Inc., 52 F.3d 967, 979 (Fed. Cir. 1995). “The purpose of claim
`construction is to determine the meaning and scope of the patent claims asserted to be infringed.”
`O2 Micro Int’l Ltd. v. Beyond Innovation Tech. Co., 521 F.3d 1351, 1360 (Fed. Cir. 2008)
`(internal quotation marks omitted).
`Generally, claim terms should be given their ordinary and customary meaning—i.e., the
`meaning that the terms would have to a person of ordinary skill in the art at the time of the
`invention. Phillips v. AWH Corp., 415 F.3d 1303, 1312-13 (Fed. Cir. 2005) (en banc). There are
`only two circumstances where a claim is not entitled to its plain and ordinary meaning: “1) when a
`patentee sets out a definition and acts as his own lexicographer, or 2) when the patentee disavows
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`the full scope of a claim term either in the specification or during prosecution.” Thorner v. Sony
`Computer Entm’t Am. LLC, 669 F.3d 1362, 1365 (Fed. Cir. 2012).
`When construing claim terms, the Federal Circuit emphasizes the importance of intrinsic
`evidence such as the language of the claims themselves, the specification, and the prosecution
`history. Phillips, 415 F.3d at 1312-17. The claim language can “provide substantial guidance as
`to the meaning of particular claim terms,” both through the context in which the claim terms are
`used and by considering other claims in the same patent. Id. at 1314. The specification is likewise
`a crucial source of information. Although it is improper to read limitations from the specification
`into the claims, the specification is “the single best guide to the meaning of a disputed term.”
`Id. at 1315 (“[T]he specification is always highly relevant to the claim construction analysis.
`Usually, it is dispositive.”) (internal quotation marks omitted); see also Merck & Co. v. Teva
`Pharms. USA, Inc., 347 F.3d 1367, 1371 (Fed. Cir. 2003) (“[C]laims must be construed so as to be
`consistent with the specification.”).
`Despite the importance of intrinsic evidence, courts may also consider extrinsic evidence—
`technical dictionaries, learned treatises, expert and inventor testimony, and the like—to help
`construe the claims. Phillips, 415 F.3d at 1317-18. For example, dictionaries may reveal what the
`ordinary and customary meaning of a term would have been to a person of ordinary skill in the art
`at the time of the invention. Frans Nooren Afdichtingssystemen B.V. v. Stopaq Amcorr Inc., 744
`F.3d 715, 722 (Fed. Cir. 2014) (“Terms generally carry their ordinary and customary meaning in
`the relevant field at the relevant time, as shown by reliable sources such as dictionaries, but they
`always must be understood in the context of the whole document—in particular, the specification
`(along with the prosecution history, if pertinent).”). Extrinsic evidence is, however, “less
`significant than the intrinsic record in determining the legally operative meaning of claim
`language.” Phillips, 415 F.3d at 1317 (internal quotation marks omitted).
`The parties have agreed to the construction of the following terms:
`Claim Term
`Agreed Claim Construction
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`Case 3:13-cv-05808-HSG Document 267 Filed 12/03/15 Page 3 of 23
`security context
`an executable application
`program, which is downloaded
`from a source computer and run
`on the destination computer
`an environment in which a
`software application is run,
`which may limit resources that
`the application is permitted to
`access or operations that the
`application is permitted to
`potentially malicious
`executable code
`executable wrapper code
`combined code
`See Dkt. No. 117. In light of the parties’ agreement on the construction of these terms, the Court
`adopts the parties’ constructions.
`’822 and ’633 Patents
`The ’822 and ’633 Patents share the same specification and are titled “Malicious Mobile
`Code Runtime Monitoring System and Methods.” The inventions provide protection from
`“undesirable downloadable operation.” ’822 Patent at 1:25-29; ’633 Patent at 1:30-33.
`Embodiments of the invention provide “for receiving downloadable-information and detecting
`whether the downloadable-information includes one or more instances of executable code.” ’822
`Patent at 5:34-39. Where there is executable code, the invention provides
`mobile protection code (“MPC”) and downloadable protection
`policies to be communicated to, installed and executed within one or
`more received information destinations in conjunction with a
`detected-Downloadable. Embodiments also provide, within an
`information-destination, for detecting malicious operations of the
`detected-Downloadable and causing responses thereto in accordance
`with the protection policies. . . .
`Id. at 5:44-51 (emphases added). The parties dispute the meaning of the two bolded phrases.
`1. “mobile protection code”
`Finjan’s Construction
`Proofpoint’s Construction
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`code capable of monitoring or intercepting
`potentially malicious code
`code communicated to at least one
`information-destination that, at runtime,
`monitors or intercepts actually or potentially
`malicious code operations
`The parties agree that “mobile protection code” is not a term known in the art. Dkt. No.
`142 at 5; Dkt. No. 170 at 57. Accordingly, the intrinsic record is the best evidence of the term’s
`meaning. Vitronics Corp. v. Conceptronic, Inc., 90 F.3d 1576, 1582 (Fed. Cir. 1996) (“[A]
`patentee may choose to be his own lexicographer and use terms in a manner other than their
`ordinary meaning, as long as the special definition of the term is clearly stated in the patent
`specification or file history.”).
`In support of its construction, Plaintiff directs the Court to a portion of the specification
`indicating that “[t]he sandboxed package includes mobile protection code (“MPC”) for causing
`one or more predetermined malicious operations or operation combinations of a Downloadable to
`be monitored or otherwise intercepted.” ’822 Patent at 3:6-10. Plaintiff argues that this passage
`provides an “explicit definition” of the term MPC, and demonstrates that MPC must merely be
`capable of monitoring or intercepting potentially malicious code. Dkt. No. 142 at 6.
`Defendants’ construction adds two limitations: (1) that MPC must monitor or intercept
`actually or potentially malicious code “at runtime” (i.e., that is, monitoring potentially malicious
`code as the code is being executed), Dkt. No. 143 at 1-3, and (2) that MPC is “code communicated
`to at least one information-destination,” id. at 4-5.
`“at runtime”
`The claims describe the execution of MPC as corresponding to “attempted operations” of
`the executable code at a downloadable-information destination. See ’822 Patent at 22:63-67
`(Claim 16); id. at 23:41-45 (Claim 27); ’633 Patent at 22:1-5 (Claim 14); id. at 22:17-22 (Claim
`20). Claim 28 of the ’633 Patent describes the MPC receiving “operations attempted by the
`Downloadable” and “initiating, by the MPC on the computer, a protection policy corresponding to
`the attempted operation.” ’633 Patent at 22:55-63. And Claim 41 of the ’633 Patent describes
`how the MPC initiates a “protection policy corresponding to the attempted operation.” Id. at
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`Case 3:13-cv-05808-HSG Document 267 Filed 12/03/15 Page 5 of 23
`24:30-34.1 The Court finds that the claims’ consistent description of correspondence with
`“attempted operations” by the downloadable indicates an “at runtime” limitation.
`The specifications support this “at runtime” construction. First, the title of the patents is
`“Malicious Mobile Code Runtime Monitoring Systems and Methods.” (emphasis added). The
`reference to “runtime” also is made in the first sentence of the “Detailed Description”: “In
`providing malicious mobile code runtime monitoring systems and methods, embodiments of the
`invention enable actually or potentially undesirable operations of even unknown malicious code to
`be efficiently and flexibly avoided.” ’822 Patent at 5:30-31; ’633 Patent at 5:30-31 (emphasis
`Second, the specifications’ description of when MPC is generated and initiated provides
`further support. The action generator generates MPC only when the protection engine determines
`that received downloadable information includes executable code, see ’822 Patent at 9:24-26, 30-
`34; 12:18-65; Figs. 3 and 4. Upon such a determination, the protection engine “causes [MPC] to
`be communicated to the Downloadable-destination” by way of the transfer engine. Id. at 9:63-67;
`14:38-43; 16:15-22. Figure 11 is instructive with regard to MPC’s protection method within the
`destination device. MPC installs its elements and policies in the device and “forms an access
`monitor or ‘interceptor’ for monitoring or ‘intercepting’ downloadable destination device access
`attempts within the destination device.” Id. at 20:21-30. When the monitored or intercepted
`information indicates that the downloadable is attempting to access the device in an undesirable
`way, MPC executes the protection policies. Id. at 20:33-40; see also id. at 20:54-56 (noting that
`MPC applies “suitable policies in accordance with an access attempt by a Downloadable”); id. at
`18:42-47 (discussing MPC’s resource access analyzer component “[d]uring downloadable
`The exemplary application of a sandbox package is further instructive:
`Upon receipt of sandboxed package by a compatible browser, email
`or other destination client and activating of the package by a user or
`1 See also ’822 Patent at 24:5-11 (Claim 28) (describing the execution of MPC as “such that one
`or more operations of the executable code at the destination, if attempted, will be processed by the
`[MPC].”); see also ’822 Patent at 24:39-43; ’633 Patent at 22:28-34, 46-51; Id. at 23:21-28.
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`the destination-client, the operating system (or a suitable
`responsively initiated distributed component host) will attempt to
`initiate sandboxed package 340 as a single Downloadable. Such
`processing will, however, result in initiating the MPC 341 and-in
`accordance with further aspects of the invention-the MPC will
`initiate the Downloadable in a protected manner, further in
`accordance with any applicable included or further downloaded
`protection policies 342.
`Id. at 11:26-38 (emphasis added). Thus, the destination-client’s receipt and activation of the
`sandboxed package causes MPC to initiate. Figure 7a also shows how the client’s “attempt” to
`initiate the sandbox package in fact corresponds to “the beginning of the MPC”—the client
`recognizes the package as an executable and initiates the mobile code installer. Id. at 17:34-44.
`The mobile code installer then initiates MPC (not the downloadable), allowing MPC to form a
`protection “sandbox” around the downloadable, monitor the downloadable, and intercept
`malicious code. Id. at 17:45-59. These passages describing an illustrative embodiment of the
`invention confirm the Court’s construction of the claim.
`The Patents’ references to MPC’s monitoring functions in the present or past tense are also
`persuasive. See id. at 20:33-38 (MPC monitors whether “the Downloadable is attempting or has
`attempted a destination device access” (emphasis added)). The Abstract states the invention
`provides for “initiating the Downloadable [and] enabling malicious Downloadable operation
`attempts to be received by the MPC.” Id. at Abstract (emphasis added). And the claims imply
`MPC only operates upon an “attempt” of the executable code. See id. at Claims 16, 28 (describing
`method whereby “operations of the executable code at the destination, if attempted, will be
`processed by the [MPC]” (emphasis added)); ’633 Patent at Claim 14 (same). Defendants contend
`that there would be references to the future tense (i.e., “will attempt”) if MPC could monitor
`executable code before runtime and that the language shows that the executable code being
`monitored or intercepted must actually run (i.e., make an attempt) to be received by the MPC. In
`light of the intrinsic evidence, the Court agrees.2
`Plaintiff responds to Defendants’ proposed construction by contending the specification
`2 Although not binding on this Court, Finjan, Inc. v. Blue Coat Sys., Inc.’s construction of MPC—
`that it operates “at runtime”—is further persuasive support for this Court’s conclusion. See No.
`13-CV-03999-BLF, 2014 WL 5361976, at *3 (N.D. Cal. Oct. 20, 2014).
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`Case 3:13-cv-05808-HSG Document 267 Filed 12/03/15 Page 7 of 23
`demonstrates that protection policies exist as part of the static code in MPC, citing the Patent’s
`“Summary of the Invention” in support:
`Embodiments also provide for delivering static, configurable and/or
`extensible remotely operable protection policies to a Downloadable-
`destination, more typically as a sandboxed package including the
`mobile protection code, downloadable policies and one or more
`received Downloadables.
`’822 Patent at 2:42-47 (emphasis added). But, the Court is required to construe the claim term “in
`a way that comports with the instrument as a whole.” See Markman, 517 U.S. at 389 (emphasis
`added). The invention’s “Detailed Description” clarifies that “static” refers to the linking engine’s
`formation of the sandboxed package, which includes initial and complete MPCs, other protection
`polices, and the downloadable. Id. at 13:31-36. The specification explains that the “[l]inking
`engine 405 is implementable in a static or configurable manner in accordance, for example, with
`characteristics of a particular user device/process stored intermittently or more persistently in
`storage 404.” Id. at 13:37-40. It goes on to explain that the linking engine is also configurable to
`form a protecting package that has more than one executable of the downloadable or to form
`an initial MPC, MPC-policy or sandboxed package (e.g. prior to
`upon receipt of a downloadable) or an additional MPC, MPC policy
`or sandboxed package (e.g. upon or following receipt of a
`downloadable), such that suitable MPCs/policies can be provided to
`a Downloadable-destination or other destination
`in a more
`distributed manner.
`Id. at 14:1-7. That the linking engine allows for such varying static and configurable packaging
`options does not negate the intrinsic evidence confirming that MPC operates “at runtime.”
`“code communicated to at least one information-destination”
`Defendants’ second limitation requires that MPC be construed as “code communicated to
`at least one information-destination.” Dkt. No. 142 at 4-5. Defendants argue the first word of the
`term MPC is “mobile,” which means MPC must move somewhere. Id. (“The Court should further
`conclude . . . that mobile protection code is mobile” (emphasis in original)). But the phrase
`“communicated to at least one information-destination” does not appear anywhere in the
`specification. Instead, it appears in some—but not all—of the patents’ claims. Compare ’633
`Patent at 21:48-55 (disclosing “[a] processor-based system . . . causing [MPC] to be
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`communicated to at least one information-destination . . . .”) with id. at 21:58-22:5 (“[a] computer
`program product . . . causing [MPC] to be executed by the mobile code executor at a
`downloadable-information destination . . .”). If MPC, by definition, needed to be communicated
`to at least one information-destination, the inclusion of that language in any of the claims would
`be redundant.
`Moreover, the Court is not persuaded by Defendants’ argument that Plaintiff expressly
`disclaimed its preferred construction during the prosecution of the ’633 Patent. Dkt. No. 142 at 5
`(quoting language from ’633 Patent’s prosecution history in which Plaintiff stated that “[t]he
`claimed invention provides a packaging of mobile protection code with a downloadable intended
`for a destination computer . . . . In distinction with the claimed invention, Golan does not describe
`the packaging of protection code. Instead, Golan discusses a situation whereby a security monitor
`is already resident on a client computer . . . .”). It is not clear and unambiguous that Plaintiff’s
`distinction between Golan’s invention and the’633 Patent’s invention was based on the
`“communication” of MPC to an information-destination. See Verizon Servs. Corp. v. Vonage
`Holdings Corp., 503 F.3d 1295, 1306 (Fed. Cir. 2007) (“To operate as a disclaimer, the statement
`in the prosecution history must be clear and unambiguous, and constitute a clear disavowal of
`scope.”). Because the disavowal is not unambiguous, the Court declines to adopt Defendants’
`second limitation.
`Accordingly, the Court construes “mobile protection code” as “code that, at runtime,
`monitors or intercepts actually or potentially malicious code operations.”
`2. “information-destination/downloadable-information destination”
`Finjan’s Construction
`no construction necessary—
`Plain and ordinary meaning
`Proofpoint’s Construction
`a user device that receives and
`initiates (or otherwise hosts)
`execution of the downloadable
`Plaintiff contends that these terms are explicitly defined in the ’822 Patent as “any server
`or computer where the information is communicated to, installed or executed.” Dkt. No. 142 at 23
`(citing ’822 Patent at 5:44-48). Contrary to Plaintiff’s description of the specification, the passage
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`it cites does not provide that an information destination is “any server or computer where the
`information is communicated to, installed, or executed.” Instead, the passage uses the conjunctive
`Embodiments further provide for causing mobile protection code
`(“MPC”) and downloadable protection policies to be communicated
`to, installed and executed within one or more received information
`destinations in conjunction with a detected-Downloadable.
`’822 Patent at 5:44-48 (emphasis added). At the claim construction hearing when questioned
`about the difference between the specification and the quoted passage, Plaintiff insisted that under
`its construction an information-destination “does not have to be a location where it has be
`executed.” Dkt. No. 170 at 49.
`Defendants argue that the specification defines the terms more narrowly, requiring a “user
`device . . . that [is] capable of receiving and initiating or otherwise hosting a mobile code
`execution.” Dkt. No. 143 at 7 (quoting ’822 Patent 7:60-65).
`The Court finds that the passages the parties cited mostly support Defendants’
`construction. The specification’s language is dispositive:
` A
` suitable information-destination or ‘user device’ can further
`include one or more devices or processes (such as email, browser or
`other clients) that are capable of receiving and initiating or
`otherwise hosting a mobile code execution.
`’822 Patent at 7:60-65. Vitronics, 90 F.3d at 1582 (“The specification acts as a dictionary when it
`expressly defines terms used in the claims or when it defines terms by implication.”).
`Thus, consistent with the intrinsic evidence, the Court construes “information-destination”
`and “downloadable-information destination” as “a device or process that is capable of receiving
`and initiating or otherwise hosting a mobile code execution.”
`’408 Patent
`The ’408 Patent, titled “Method and System For Adaptive Rule-Based Content Scanners,”
`covers “a method and system for scanning content that includes mobile code, to produce a diagnostic
`analysis of potential exploits within the content.” ’408 Patent at 1:59-61. The invention uses an
`adaptive rule-based content (“ARB”) scanner, which dynamically scans and diagnoses incoming
`Internet content. Id. at 1:65-2:24. The system generates a parse tree based on tokens and patterns of
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`tokens it identifies, then identifies exploits (the malicious portions of the code) within the parse tree.
`Id. at 2:25-57.
`3. “parse tree”
`Finjan’s Construction3
`Proofpoint’s Construction
`a way of organizing exploits in scanned
`content into a hierarchical structure
`with one root and several branches,
`much like a family tree or genealogy
`a set of nodes linked in a hierarchy that
`represents a sequence of words and
`symbols according to a given syntax.
`The claim term appears in claims 1, 2, 9, 11, and 22-35 of the ’408 Patent. Independent claim
`1 describes:
`A computer processor-based multi-lingual method for scanning
`incoming program code, comprising:
`receiving, by a computer, an incoming stream of program code;
`determining, by the computer, any specific one of a plurality of
`programming languages in which the incoming stream is written;
`instantiating, by the computer, a scanner for the specific programming
`language, in response to said determining, the scanner comprising
`parser rules and analyzer rules for the specific programming language,
`wherein the parser rules define certain patterns in terms of tokens,
`tokens being lexical constructs for the specific programming language,
`and wherein the analyzer rules identify certain combinations of tokens
`and patterns as being indicators of potential exploits, exploits being
`portions of program code that are malicious;
`identifying, by the computer, individual tokens within the incoming
`dynamically building, by the computer while said receiving receives
`the incoming stream, a parse tree whose nodes represent tokens and
`patterns in accordance with the parser rules;
`dynamically detecting, by the computer while said dynamically
`building builds the parse tree, combinations of nodes in the parse
`tree which are indicators of potential exploits, based on the analyzer
`and indicating, by the computer, the presence of potential exploits
`within the incoming stream, based on said dynamically detecting.
`3 Plaintiff’s initial construction was “a tree data structure representing exploits in scanned
`content.” Defendants’ initial construction was “a set of linked nodes whose nodes represent tokens
`and patterns in accordance with the parser rules.” Each party revised its proposed construction in
`supplemental briefing filed after the claim construction hearing.
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`Case 3:13-cv-05808-HSG Document 267 Filed 12/03/15 Page 11 of 23
`’408 Patent, 19:45-20:7 (emphases added).
`Plaintiff’s construction incorporates the limitation that a parse tree applies to “exploits in
`scanned content” whereas Defendants’ construction describes “a sequence of words and symbols
`according to a given syntax” without any mention of “scanned content” generally or exploits from
`the scanned content, specifically. The Court rejects both proposals.
`There are two problems with Plaintiff’s construction. First, although the parse tree can be
`used to identify exploits, it is not limited to this use. Parsing rules can be used to perform various
`actions, such as “setting internal variables; invoking a sub-scanner 270, . . . and searching the
`parse tree for nodes satisfying specific conditions.” Id. at 8:61-66. Second, while one action of
`the parse tree is to identify exploits, that action is not a requisite characteristic of a parse tree. The
`term’s construction does not need to include all of the parse tree’s uses; it only need describe what
`the parse tree is. At its core, the parse tree provides a means of organizing and presenting data—
`for example, each node preferably contains “data indicating inter alia an ID number, the token or
`rule that the node represents, a character string name as a value for the node, and a numerical list
`of attributes.” Id. at 8:38-41.
`Defendants’ construction is similarly flawed. The construction imports the limitation that
`nodes represent “a sequence of words and symbols according to a given syntax.” But, the
`definition of parse tree does not need to include an explanation of what the nodes represent. There
`is no evidence—intrinsic or extrinsic—that a parse tree stops being a parse tree if the nodes were
`to represent something other than a sequence of words and symbols.
`On the other hand, the claims impose three requirements that the Court concludes must be
`a part of the term’s construction. First, a parse tree is “built.” Claim 1 describes the actions of
`“dynamically building, by the computer while said receiving receives the incoming stream, a
`parse tree” and “dynamically detecting, by computer while said dynamically building builds the
`parse tree,” id. at 19:64-66; 20:1-3 (emphasis added); see id. at 20:8-9 (Claim 2) (describing a
`method “wherein said dynamically building a parse tree is based upon a shift-and-reduce
`algorithm”). Independent Claim 9 also describes the parser “dynamically building the parse tree.”
`Id. at 21:1-2. The specifications further confirm this construction—“the parse tree generated by
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`parser 220 is dynamically built using a shift-and-reduce algorithm,” id. at 8:29-30, and “[i]t may
`thus be appreciated that the analyzer is called repeatedly, while the parse tree is being dynamically
`built up,” id. at 14:53-55; see id. at 9:64-66.
`Second, a parse tree is built from “scanned content.” Claim 1 describes the parse tree as
`“identifying . . . individual tokens within the incoming stream; dynamically building, by the
`computer while said receiving receives the incoming stream, a parse tree whose nodes represent
`tokens,” id. at 19:62-66 (emphases added). Claim 9 describes “a parser, for dynamically building
`while said receiver is receiving the incoming stream, a parse tree,” id. at 9:64-66 (emphasis
`added). The specifications also confirm this construction—“[T]he present invention is able to
`diagnose incoming content.” Id. at 2:20-21. The “parser controls the process of scanning
`incoming content,” id. at 8:19-20, and the “parser 220 uses a parse tree data structure to represent
`scanned content,” id. at 8:24-25.
`Third, a parse tree is a “hierarchical structure of interconnected nodes.” Claims 24 and 30
`illustrate the “interconnected” nature of the nodes—that the “parser positions nodes of the parse
`tree corresponding to rules as parent nodes, the children of which correspond to tokens within the
`patterns that correspond to the rules.” Id. at 22:28-32; 23:22-25. Figure 2 from the written
`description is instructive. The block diagram is an embodiment of the ARB scanner and shows the
`parse tree as a hierarchical structure with connected nodes.
`Here, both parties agree that a parse tree must be hierarchical, see Dkt. No. 166 at 2-3
`(citing extrinsic evidence); Dkt. No. 168 at 2-3 (same). Their understanding is consistent with the
`Patent’s specification. The specification describes an embodiment that builds the parse tree using
`a “shift-and-reduce algorithm,” id. at 8:29-30, invoking the image of a hierarchical structure with
`nodes that are shifted over and moved down depending on their relationships to each other. The
`parser automatically performs “a reduce operation by creating a new node and moving token
`nodes underneath the new node” whenever a pattern is matched within the parser rule. Id. at 8:66-
`Moreover, the specification describes the tokens’ relationships to each other and the fact
`that they are built on each other. For instance, the parser’s method describes connecting the
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`tokens based on parent-child and sibling relationships—
`Successive tokens provided to parser 220 by tokenizer 210 are
`positioned as siblings. When parser 220 discovers that a parsing
`rule identifies a group of siblings as a single pattern, the siblings are
`reduced to a single parent node by positioning a new parent node,
`which represents the pattern, in their place, and moving them down
`one generation un

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