
`- 1 ~
`Express Mail Label No. EL844453103US
`Date of Deposit: June 14, 2002
`This application claims priority to provisional U.S. application Serial No.
`60/298,592 filed June 14, 2001 and entitled Stateful Distributed Event Processing and
`Adaptive Security, the disclosures of which are incorporated herein by reference.
`This application is also related to co-pending U.S. application Serial No.
`10/071,328 filed February 8, 2002 and entitled Stateful Reference Monitor, the
`disclosures of which are incorporated herein by reference.
`This invention relates to computer network security, and more particularly to
`methods and apparatus for securing one or more nodes on a computer network.
`Conventional network security systems can be said to provide either “active” or
`“passive” protection. Active security systems provide real~time barriers to intrusions, via
`software- or hardware—based pre—programmed intrusion detection measures. “Passive”
`systems provide the ability to detect and recover from previously observed security
`breaches, by examining data gathered about previous system access activity, so as to
`improve static access controls and policies over time. Active systems, then, function
`primarily to prevent intrusions, and passive systems function primarily to report on and
`examine data about previous intrusions to prevent future intrusions.
`Examples of conventional active security systems include access control tools,
`content filtering tools, and system auditing tools. Access control tools, such as network
`firewalls, can be deployed on dedicated machines, usually at a network perimeter, to
`control inbound and outbound access using pre—configured permission levels. Content
`filtering tools, like computer virus scanners, typically execute on either an e—mail server
`or a workstation, and function by screening incoming content, like e-mail and attached
`files, for potentially threatening matter, based on known signatures of previously
`observed attacks. System auditing tools, like reference monitors, may provide either
`stateless or state—based monitoring (such as the state—based monitoring provided by the
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2001, p.1
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2001, p.1


`stateful reference monitor described in US. Patent Application Serial No. 10/071,328
`and incorporated by reference herein) of individual workstations or servers, by
`identifying variations from either pre-determined settings or a dynamic machine state.
`Examples of conventional passive security systems include activity logging tools
`and auditing tools, which may be employed in conjunction with one another. Activity
`logging tools track the activity of one or more computers and transcribe observed system
`activity to a series of log files as individual entries. Auditing tools typically examine
`those log entries to discern breaches, attacks, or other potentially threatening activity,
`occurring either across machines or within individual machines.
`Both types of security systems provide useful intrusion detection and prevention
`functions. However, both generally rely on pre-programmed network administration
`policy, business rules, or other parameters, and so neither (particularly passive systems)
`provides the adaptation capability sometimes necessary to counter novel types of attacks
`as they occur. Also, conventional active systems are unable to observe and correlate
`seemingly innocuous activity as it occurs across nodes to determine that an intrusion is in
`progress. Given the growing ubiquity of computer networks and the value of electronic
`assets, commensurate growth of network security threats is to be expected. Therefore, a
`security system which provides adaptive countermeasures in real time to localized (i.e.,
`limited to one node) or non-localized intrusions would provide tremendous value to
`operators of computer networks.
`A first embodiment of the invention provides a method of maintaining a
`networked computer system including first and second nodes and an event processing
`server, comprising the first and second nodes detecting changes in state, the event
`processing server receiving notification of the changes in state from the first and second
`nodes, the event processing server correlating changes in state detected in the first and
`second nodes, and the event processing server executing a maintenance decision which
`affects the first and second nodes, wherein the detecting, transmitting, correlating, and
`executing occurs without human intervention.
`This embodnnent may be practiced wherein the changes in state are a result of at
`least one of an event and the absence of an event, wherein the changes in state are
`recognized by a reference monitor, and/or wherein the event processing server receiving
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2001, p.2
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2001, p.2


`the report is the result of one of the first and second nodes reporting to the event
`processing server and the event processing server polling the first and second nodes. The
`embodiment may further include the event processing server updating an operating
`policy on the network, and updating the operating policy may include at least one of
`requesting security policy changes on at least one node, requesting changes to privileges
`to access system resources on at least one node, tuning system parameters on at least one
`node, and modifying network firewall parameters. At least one node may further enact
`the updated operating policy. Also, the embodiment may further include notifying an
`external entity of actions taken, and the external entity may be a network administrator or
`a software application executing on the network.
`A second embodiment of the invention provides a method for maintaining a
`networked computer system including at least one node detecting a change in state, an
`event processing server on the network receiving notification of the at least one change
`in state from the at least one node, and the event processing server responding to the
`notification by executing a maintenance decision, wherein the detecting, receiving, and
`responding occurs without human intervention.
`This embodiment may be practiced wherein the change in state is a result of at
`least one of an event and the absence of an event, wherein the change in state is
`recognized by a reference monitor, wherein the event processing server receiving the
`report is the result of one of the node reporting to the event processing server and the
`event processing server polling the node, and may be practiced wherein the maintenance
`decision affects the at least one node detecting the change in state, and/or wherein the
`maintenance decision affects at least one node other than the node detecting the change
`in state. The embodiment may further include the event processing server updating an
`operating policy on the network, wherein updating the operating policy may include at
`least one of requesting security policy changes on at least one node, requesting changes
`to privileges to access system resources on at least one node, tuning system parameters
`on at least one node, and modifying network firewall parameters. The embodiment may
`still further include at least one node enacting the updated operating policy, and/or
`notifying an external entity of actions taken, wherein the external entity is a network
`administrator or a software application executing on the network.
`A third embodiment of the invention provides a method for maintaining a node
`on a networked computer system including at least one node detecting a change in state,
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - EX. 2001, p.3
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2001, p.3


`and the at least one node reacting to the change in state, wherein the at least one node
`detecting and reacting occurs without human intervention.
`The embodiment may be practiced wherein the change in state is a result of at
`least one of an event and the absence of an event, and/or wherein the change in state is
`recognized by a stateful reference monitor. The embodiment may further include at least
`one node notifying an event processing server on the network, the event processing
`server responding to the notification by updating an operating policy on the network,
`wherein updating the operating policy includes at least one of requesting updates to
`security policy on at least one node, requesting changes to privileges to access system
`resources on at least one node, tuning system parameters on at least one node, and
`modifying network firewall parameters. The embodiment may further include the at least
`one node enacting the updated operating policy, and/or notifying an external entity of
`actions taken, wherein the external entity is a network administrator and/or a software
`application executing on the network.
`A fourth embodiment of the invention provides a computer-readable medium
`having instructions recorded thereon, which instructions, when executed, enable at least
`one processor in a networked computer system to detect a change in state of a node, and
`process instructions defining reacting to the detected change in state.
`The embodiment may further include instructions defining communicating the
`change in state to an event processing server, instructions defining processing
`maintenance instructions received from the event processing server, and/or instructions
`defining transmitting notification to a network administrator of actions taken.
`A fifth embodiment of the invention provides a computer—readable medium
`having instructions recorded thereon, which instructions, when executed, enable at least
`one processor in a networked computer system to maintain an operating policy for the
`network, receive notification of a change in state from at least one node, and
`the operating policy based on the change in state.
`The embodiment may further include instructions defining storing received
`notifications of changes in state in memory, instructions defining correlating
`notifications received from a plurality of nodes, instructions defining storing received
`notifications in electronic file storage, and/or instructions defining notifying an external
`entity of actions taken, wherein the external entity is a network administrator or a
`software application executing on the network,
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2001, p.4
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2001, p.4


`A sixth embodiment of the invention provides a method for maintaining a
`networked computer system including at least one node detecting a change in state, an
`event processing server on the network receiving notification of the at least one change
`in state from the at least one node, and the event processing server responding to the
`notification by dispensing a maintenance decision.
`The embodiment may further comprise executing, by a human operator, the
`maintenance decision on at least one node on the networked computer system, or
`executing, without human intervention, the maintenance decision on at least one node on
`the networked computer system. A human operator may be prompted and allotted a
`predetermined period to execute the maintenance decision before it is executed Without
`human intervention.
`Figure l is a functional block diagram depicting the interaction of system components
`which define aspects of at least one embodiment of the invention;
`Figure 2 is a functional block diagram depicting the interaction of system components
`which define aspects of at least one other embodiment of the invention;
`Figure 3 is a functional block diagram depicting the interaction of system components
`which define aspects of at least a third embodiment of the invention;
`Figure 4 is a block diagram of an exemplary computer system on which aspects of
`embodiments of the invention may be implemented; and
`Figure 5 is a block diagram depicting exemplary computer system components with
`which aspects of embodiments of the invention may be implemented.
`Aspects of embodiments of the present invention provide methods and apparatus
`for securing a networked computer system through the coordinated execution of
`reference monitor and event agent software on individual nodes, and event processing
`server software on a network server, for achieving active security measures,
`administrative control, and the ability to correlate potentially threatening activity across
`multiple nodes in real time.
`Computer system 400, shown in Figure 4, with which aspects of these
`embodiments, either individually or in combination, may be implemented, may include
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2001, p.5
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2001, p.5


`at least one main unit connected to both one or more output devices 401 which store
`information, transmit information or display information to one or more users or
`machines, and one or more input devices 402 which receives input from one or more
`users or machines. The main unit may include one or more processors 403 connected to
`a memory system 404 Via one or more interconnection mechanisms 405, such as a bus or
`switch. Any input device 402 and/ or output device 401 are also connected to the
`processor 403 and memory system 404 via the interconnection mechanism 405. The
`computer system 400 may further include a storage system 406 in which information is
`held on or in a non—volatile medium. The medium may be fixed in the system or may be
`Alternatively, computer system 400 may be distributed, and therefore may not
`include a main unit. In particular, input devices 402, processors 403, memory systems
`404, interconnection mechanisms 405, and storage systems 406 may each comprise
`individual or multiple computer systems, and may be geographically disparate. For
`example, storage systems 406 may comprise a server farm residing in New York which
`communicates with a processor 403 residing in Pennsylvania, via the Internet, which
`serves as interconnection mechanism 405.
`Computer system 400 may be a general purpose computer system which is
`programmable using a computer programming language. Computer programming
`languages suitable for implementing such a system include procedural programming
`languages, obj ect-oriented programming languages, combinations of the two, or other
`languages. The computer system may also be specially programmed, special purpose
`hardware, or an application specific integrated circuit (ASIC).
`In a general purpose computer system, the processor is typically a commercially
`available processor which executes a program called an operating system, which controls
`the execution of other computer programs and provides scheduling, debugging,
`input/output control, accounting, compilation, storage assignment, data management,
`memory management, communication control and related services. The processor and
`operating system defines the platform for which application programs in other computer
`programming languages are written. The invention is not limited to any particular
`processor, operating system or programming language.
`Storage system 406, shown in greater detail in Figure 5, typically includes a
`computer—readable and computer—writeable non-volatile recording medium 501, in which
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - EX. 2001, p.6
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2001, p.6


`data is stored that define a program to be executed by the processor, or information
`stored to be processed by the program. The medium may, for example, be a disk or flash
`memory. Typically, in operation, the processor causes data to be read from the non-
`volatile recording medium 501 into another memory 502 that allows for faster access to
`the information by the processor than does the medium 501. This memory 502 is
`typically a volatile, random access memory such as a dynamic random access memory
`(DRAM) or static memory (SRAM). It may be located in storage system 406, as shown,
`or in memory system 404, not shown. The processor 403 generally manipulates the data
`within the integrated circuit memory 404, 502 and then copies the data to the medium
`501 after processing is completed. A variety of mechanisms are known for managing
`data movement between the medium 501 and the integrated circuit memory element 404,
`502, and the invention is not limited thereto. The invention is not limited to a particular
`memory system 404 or storage system 406.
`Aspects of embodiments of the invention may be implemented in software,
`hardware or firmware, or any combination thereof. The various elements of an
`embodiment, either individually or in combination, may be implemented as a computer
`program product including a computer—readable medium, e. g. storage 406, on which
`instructions are stored for access and execution by a processor, e.g. processor 403.
`When executed by the processor 403, the instructions instruct the processor 403 to
`perform the various steps of the process.
`Figure 1 is a functional block diagram depicting the relationship between system
`components, such as those described above, adapted to enable aspects of embodiments of
`the invention.
`Reference Monitor 25 executes on Node A, which may be a workstation, server,
`or other computer on the network. Reference Monitor 25 may be a software application,
`which may execute on Node A synchronously, asynchronously, or both, , providing
`continuous monitoring capability. Reference Monitor 25 may be adapted to execute on
`nodes running any commercially prevalent operating system such as UNIX, LINUX,
`Windows NT, and others. Reference Monitor 25 acts to detect and intercept local node
`operations and/or network—originated requests through which the operating system and/or
`user applications attempt to access system resources on the node. In some embodiments,
`in order to monitor system events, Reference Monitor 25 comprises Interceptors 26,
`which are inserted in the control or communication paths traversed by those events. For
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2001, p.7
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2001, p.7


`example, if an particular monitored event is a network access request, an Interceptor 26
`may be inserted in the operating system at a point where the network access request is
`communicated fiom one portion of the operating system to another. Interceptor 26 may
`generate an event message for each event intercepted. Event messages may then be
`communicated to Reference Monitor 25, which may return a policy message to
`Interceptor 26. The policy message may be an action for Interceptor 26 to take, such as
`allowing an access request event to continue along the control or communication path so
`that it has its intended effect, or not allowing the event to pass along the path. Reference
`Monitor 25 may instead, or also, construe the absence of an anticipated request for
`system resources as a harmfiil activity. In these embodiments, Reference Monitor 25
`may interpret an overall absence of event messages, of certain types of event messages,
`or of event messages received within a certain timeframe, for example, as cause to return
`a policy message to Interceptor 26, such as an instruction to not to allow an event to
`continue along its intended path.
`Event Agent 45 also executes on Node A, and in this embodiment is a software
`application which executes continuously in the background on Node A. Event Agent 45
`executes in conjunction with, and may be integrated with, Reference Monitor 25 and
`coordinates communication between Reference Monitor 25 and Event Processing Server
`100. Event Agent 45 may be adapted to execute on nodes running any commercially
`prevalent operating system such as UNIX, LINUX, Windows NT, and others. Event
`Agent 45 may execute on the same physical machine as Reference Monitor 25, or on a
`different physical machine (not shown) if the machines are networked. If Event Agent 45
`and Reference Monitor 25 execute on different physical machines, they will preferably
`communicate via any secure network protocol that supports message integrity and
`authentication, such as HTTPS and others. Secure network protocols are desirable so that
`Event Agent 45 and Reference Monitor 25 can validate the origin and content of
`communication received.
`Event Processing Server 100, in this embodiment, is a software application in
`communication with one or more Event Agents 45, and may execute on a workstation or
`server residing within the same sub-network as Event Agents 45, or on a different sub-
`network connected Via a router, gateway or other component. Data transport between
`Event Agent 45 and Event Processing Server 100 may be accomplished via such secure
`communication protocols as HTTPS and/or others. . In the embodiment depicted, Event
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2001, p.8
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2001, p.8


`Processing Server 100 consists of integrated software components Transceiver 115,
`Loader 125, Instruction Engine 135, Correlation Engine 145, and Electronic File Storage
`155. Transceiver 1 15 receives event notifications from Event Agent 45 and prepares
`them for processing. Data is passed to Loader 125, which prepares it for loading to
`Electronic File Storage 155. In a preferred embodiment, Electronic File Storage 155 is a
`database organized to provide a constantly updated representation of the status of Event
`Agents 45 in quickly accessible form. Instruction Engine 135 and Correlation Engine
`145 process data in Electronic File Storage 155. Instruction Engine 135 determines
`whether individual notifications received from nodes warrant policy updates —»for
`instance, determining whether a notification indicates an active attack (such as a buffer
`overrun attack) or a passive attack (such as a virus) — and determines steps to be taken,
`such as placing nodes in quarantine, defining system operations which may not be
`performed on any machine on which a Reference Monitor 25 executes, or tuning
`operating system, network, or firewall parameters. Instruction Engine 135 passes
`instructions to be issued to Transceiver 115, which then transmits them to Event Agent
`45. Correlation Engine 145 determines whether event notifications, when considered in
`combination, warrant policy updates. By continuously tracking and analyzing the activity
`reported by various event agents across one or more networks, Event Processing Server
`100 is able to correlate events that may seem unrelated across the distributed system to
`recognize potential attacks. Attacks may be defined by combinations of events, such as
`attempting to access a particular resource together with writing a particular file. Other
`relationships between time and machine resources accessed may also signify an attack.
`Reference Monitor 25, Event Agent 45, and Event Processing Server 100 may
`interact in various ways to provide local protection of individual nodes, remote adaptive
`protection of one or more nodes, and correlative protection for one or more nodes, as
`described in detail below.
`Local protection of individual nodes is provided by Reference Monitor 25. In the
`embodiment depicted in Figure I, an instruction arrives in 10 from Network 5 to
`Application 15, which may be an e-mail, browser, terminal server, or other software
`application running on Node A. This network-based instruction received in 10 causes
`Application 15 to issue a corresponding request in 20 for System Resources 35 (i.e.,
`access to disk or CPU), which is detected and routed through Reference Monitor 25. If
`the request does not violate pre—programmed administrative policies, which in the
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - EX. 2001, p.9
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2001, p.9


`embodiment shown are stored as coded instructions within the Reference Monitor or in a
`database on hard disk 35, the Reference Monitor allows Application 15 access to System
`Resources 35 in 30. If the request violates these policies, Reference Monitor 25 may
`prevent Application 15 from accessing System Resources 35 in 30.
`Reference Monitor 25 may work in conjunction with Event Agent 45 and Event
`Processing Server 100 to provide remote adaptive protection in addition to, or instead of,
`local protection. Also depicted in Figure 1, Reference Monitor 25 may perform basic
`analysis on the instruction arriving in 10 and communicate with Event Agent 45 in 40 as
`to its nature, as defined by current administrative policy. Event Agent 45 then sends a
`notification via Network 5 in 50 and 110 (which constitute transfer of the same
`notification) to Event Processing Server 100 as to the nature of the activity. Event
`Processing Server 100 receives the notification in 110 from Network 5. Transceiver 115
`receives the notification in 110 from Event Agent 45 and prepares it for processing. This
`data is then passed in 120 to Loader 125, which prepares it for loading, and in 130
`initiates the load of the data to Electronic File Storage 155. Once loaded, Instruction
`Engine 135 and Correlation Engine 145 process the data in Electronic File Storage 155
`in 140 and 150, respectively. Instruction Engine 135 determines whether an update to
`administrative policies is warranted, and determines other steps to be taken, including
`placing Node A in quarantine, defining system operations which may not be performed
`on Node A, tuning Node A’s operating system, or modifying network or firewall
`parameters. An update to administrative policies may be issued in response to a single
`request to access system resources, or a combination of requests to access system
`resources, reported by Reference Monitor 25. Instruction Engine 135 issues instructions
`to update policies on Node A in 160 to Transceiver 115, which transmits instructions in
`180 and 190 via Network 5 to Event Agent 45.
`In certain embodiments, in addition to notifying Event Processing Server 100
`software as to intercepted operations, Event Agent 45 application will periodically poll
`Event Processing Server 100 for administrative policy updates at a pre-prograrnmed
`frequency. It is preferable for Event Agent 45 software to poll Event Processing Server
`100, and not the opposite, for at least one reason. Specifically, the node on which Event
`Agent 45 executes usually knows the address of Event Processing Server 100, and the
`opposite may not be true, particularly if the node is a mobile laptop. However, in some
`cases, with sufficiently stringent security measures protecting Event Processing Server
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2001, p.10
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2001, p.10


`100, it might be safely programmed to poll or broadcast to Event Agents 45 to alert them
`to administrative policy updates.
`A second embodiment of remote adaptive protection is depicted in Figure 2,
`which illustrates an attack to a single node being diagnosed by Event Processing Server
`100, which then acts to prevent subsequent attacks on another node. In 10A, data —
`which may be a request, message, or other content - arrives at Application 15A running
`on Node A. Application 15A may, for instance, be an e-mail application or other
`application designed to receive data or requests from other nodes on this or other
`networks. As described in the foregoing, when Application 15A attempts to access
`system resources 35A in 20A, the attempt is intercepted by Reference Monitor 25A.
`Reference Monitor 25A decides whether the attempt to access resources is acceptable
`based on pre—programmed policies (in which case it allows resource access in 30A), and
`alerts Event Agent 45A in 40A as to the attempt. Event Agent 45A transmits a
`notification to Event Processing Server 100 in 50A.
`Event Processing Server 100 processes the notification, and determines after
`loading the data in 130 that the attempt to access resources on Node A should not have
`been allowed (for instance, by determining that the data arriving from the network was a
`virus not previously recognized by Reference Monitor 25A). In 190B, it transmits
`instructions to Event Agent 45B to update administrative policies, so as to restrict access
`to system resources 35B. System resources 35A, 35B may comprise multiple
`components, each of which may be accessed separately. For example, an e-mail virus
`may have attempted to access ten components comprising system resources 35A in
`sequence, and Event Agent 45B may attempt to restrict access to a subset of those ten
`components, all ten components, or those and other components within system resources
`35B. Event Agents 45A, 45B work in conjunction with Reference Monitor 25A to
`determine the components accessed. If Reference Monitor 25A is a stateful reference
`monitor, Reference Monitor 25A recognizes accessed components because it maintains
`Event Agent 45B passes instructions in 41B to Reference Monitor 25B, which
`updates its administrative policies to incorporate these instructions. When data arrives
`from the network in 10B to Application 16B, which need not be the same application as
`application 15A, a similar attempt to access system resources is initiated in ZOB.
`Reference Monitor 25B, having updated its administrative policies, denies this attempt
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2001, p.11
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 2001, p.11


`(denoted with an ‘X’ in Figure 2). In this manner, Event Processing Server 100 prevents
`potentially damaging activity from affecting more than one node on the network, by
`identifying possibly malicious instructions or requests and preventing them from being
`executed through updates to administrative policy, preferably in real time.
`An example of correlative protection is depicted in Figure 3, which depicts
`processing of notifications received from multiple nodes to determine that an attack is in
`progress, and preventing subsequent similar activity on other nodes. As in the foregoing
`embodiments, in 10A and IOB, data — which may be a request, message, or other content
`- arrives at Applications 15A and 16B, running on Nodes A and B, respectively.
`Applications 15A and 16B may, for instance, be e—mail applications or other application
`designed to receive data or requests from other nodes on this or other networks, but
`Applications 15A and 16B need not be the same application. As described in the
`foregoing, when Applications 15A and 16B attempt to access system resources 35A and
`3513, in 20A and 20B respectively, the attempts are intercepted by respective Reference
`15 Monitors 25A and 25B. The Reference Monitors verify that attempts to access resources
`are acceptable based on pre-programmed policies, and allow access in 30A and 30B.
`Reference Monitors 25A and 25B also alert Event Agents 45A and 45B, in 40A and 40B
`respectively, as to this activity. Event Agents 45A and 45B transmit notification of the
`activity to Event Processing Server 100, which loads it to Electronic File Storage 155 for
`Event Processing Server 100, which in this embodiment includes a Correlation
`Engine 145 component as depicted in Figure 1, processes data in Electronic File Storage
`155 to determine, by comparing monitored activity to pre—programmed combinations and
`timeframes, that the actions on Nodes A and B represents possibly harmful activity.
`Event Agents 45D and 45E running on Nodes D and E receive these notifications, and
`pass instructions to respective Reference Monitors 25D and 25E to update administrative
`policies in 41D and 41E respectively. In some embodiments Event Agents 45A and 45B
`receive these notifications as well, and pass instructions to Reference Monitors 25A and
`25B to update administrative policies in 41A and 41E, respectively. In alternative
`embodiments, instructions may include administrative policy changes specific to certain
`nodes, placing a particular node in quarantine, tuning network or firewall parameters, or
`other instructions. In the embodiment depicted, Reference Monitors 25D and 25E
`implement the updated administrative policy, so that when subsequent network requests
`Patent Owner Finjan, Inc. - Ex. 200

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