`US 6,118,449
`INVENTORS: Rosen, James Samuel
`Schmitter, Thomas A.
`Hall, Mark S.
`Server system and method for modifying a
`cursor image
`21 SEP 1999
`12 SEP 2000
`19 MAY 2017
`Ralph Lauren Corp., Exhibit 1012 Page 1


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`0 a) The term of this patent
`subsequent to ____ _
`has been disclaimed.

`L.:...::f DISCLAIMER · ·
`Figs. Drwg.
`Print Fig.
`· Print Ctaim for O.G .
`• Total Claims
`b) The term of this patent st-.all
`not extend bey9nd !.1Je exp at!on date
`\ 0 :> · "
`of u.s Patent. No.\, IC\
`ART UNtT.2773
`. "
`0 c) The termlnai _month:-. of
`this patent have bee1 disclaimed.
`ISrq;; NUMBE~ /
`The Information dlsclosed herein mRy be restricted. Unauthorized disclosure may be prohibited by the United State& Code Tiiie 35, Sections 122, 181 a~d 388.
`Possession outside the U.S. Patent l Trademal1< Office Is restricted to authorized employees and contractors only.

`Form PT0·438A
`(Rev. 10/97)
`Ralph Lauren Corp., Exhibit 1012 Page 2


`Transaction History
`Transaction Description
`09-21-1999 Preliminary Amendment
`Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
`Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
`Initial Exam Team nn
`IFW Scan & PACR Auto Security Review
`10-14-1999 Application Dispatched from OIPE
`12-06-1999 Case Docketed to Examiner in GAU
`12-13-1999 Terminal Disclaimer Filed
`12-17-1999 Terminal Disclaimer Approved in TC
`12-20-1999 Mail Notice of Allowance
`12-20-1999 Notice of Allowance Data Verification Completed
`12-20-1999 Mail Examiner's Amendment
`12-20-1999 Examiner's Amendment Communication
`01-21-2000 Workflow - File Sent to Contractor
`01-24-2000 Workflow - Incoming Correspondence - Begin
`01-24-2000 Workflow - Incoming Correspondence - Finish
`01-24-2000 UnMatched Papers in Pubs
`03-13-2000 Amendment after Notice of Allowance (Rule 312)
`03-17-2000 Date Forwarded to Examiner
`Issue Fee Payment Verified
`03-20-2000 Workflow - Drawings Finished
`03-20-2000 Workflow - Drawings Matched with File at Contractor
`Incoming Letter Pertaining to the Drawings
`03-20-2000 Workflow - Drawings Received at Contractor
`03-20-2000 Workflow - Drawings Sent to Contractor
`03-22-2000 Mail Response to 312 Amendment (PTO-271)
`03-22-2000 Response to Amendment under Rule 312
`04-18-2000 Application Is Considered Ready for Issue
`08-02-2000 Workflow - Complete WF Records for Drawings
`Issue Notification Mailed
`09-12-2000 Recordation of Patent Grant Mailed
`Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
`Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
`12-08-2015 File Marked Found
`01-14-2016 File Marked Found
`01-29-2016 File Marked Found
`02-03-2016 File Marked Found
`02-16-2016 File Marked Found
`02-17-2016 File Marked Found
`02-19-2016 File Marked Found
`02-19-2016 File Marked Found
`11-18-2016 File Marked Found

`Ralph Lauren Corp., Exhibit 1012 Page 3


`INITlALS· __ _
`Date received
`(Incl C. of M.)
`Date M"llad
`--.-. ~.
`. 1
`I .
`D940001s · .

`jcl1'7 u.·1. PTO':'
`. ''
`.. '
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`Date received ·
`(Incl.· C. of M.)
`Date Malled
`11. ________ - - -
`12. ________ - - -
`13. _ _______ - - -
`. . 14. -· - - - - - " " " - - - - - - - - - -
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`27 . - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - -
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`.. 32 . - - " - - - - - - - - - - - -
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`36 .. ________ ----"---
`37. ___ - - ' - - - - - - - -
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`43 •
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`Ralph Lauren Corp., Exhibit 1012 Page 4


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`If more th~n 150 claims or 10 actions
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`Ralph Lauren Corp., Exhibit 1012 Page 5


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`Ralph Lauren Corp., Exhibit 1012 Page 6


`United States Patent [19J
`Rosen. et al.
`Inventors: James Samuel Rosen, New York, N.Y.;
`Thomas A .. Sclunitter, Charlestown,
`Mass.; Mark S. Hall, Smith Orange,
`Assignee: C01i1et. Systems, Inc~,-New York, N.Y.
`[ * ] Notice: .
`. This patent' is subject to a terminal dis(cid:173)
`[21] Appl. No.: 09/400,038
`[22] Filed:
`Sep.21, 1999
`Related U.S. Application Data
`Continuation of application No. 08/882,580,-Jun. 25, 1997,
`Pat. No. 5,995,102.

`Int. Cl.7
`................................... ~ •.•... : ......... : .• ~ G06F 3/14
`U.S. Cl ........................... 345/339; 345/334; 345/145;
`[58] Field o.f Search ..................................... 345/145, 328,
`345/329, 302, 331, 334, 335, 339, 345,
`. 348; 799/203, 217~'218, 219; 707/513
`. [56]
`References Cited
`6/1987 Stephens ........ : .......... , ............. 364/900
`6/1989. Swix etal. : ............................. 340/725
`1/1991. Muller .......... ; ................... : ...... 364/200
`5,157,768 10/1992 Hoeber et al. ........................... 395/157
`1/1993 Lisle ....................................... ,. 395/159
`· 5,347,628
`· 9/1994 Brewer et al.· .......................... 395/159
`5,544,295 · 8/1996 Capps ...................... .' ............... 395/152
`9/1996 Cyr et al. ..................... ; .......... 395/155
`I lllll llllllll Ill lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll llllll Ill lllll llll
`[11] Patent" Number:
`*Sep.12, 2000 ·
`[45] Date of Patent:
`5,572,643 . 11/1996 Judson .................................... 395/793
`Capps ................ ,. ............... :.: ... 395/152
`Oron et :al: :._ ....................... ;.... 345/32(j_
`. 5,710,897
`Schneider ············~·······'··········· 395/334
`' . .5,737,619
`Judson ........................ : ........... 395/761
`Reilliet al. ...... ~ ..... : ................. 705/14
` 'al. .. :~ ...................... 345/347
`Walls ............ ~·.'.~ ...................... 345/145
`Rosen et al. .. :......................... 345/339
`* The Java Language Environment-May 1995, A White
`Paper, by James Gosling and Henry McGilton (65 pp.).
`* WWW ~lug-Ins Compiu:iion, Written by Mark R. Brown
`and Simeon M. Greene, Galen· Grimes, John -Jung,· Bernie
`Roehl, David Wall and Joe Weber, (21 pp.).
`Primary Examiner~aymond J. Ba'yerl
`Assistant Examine1~-Chadwick A Jackson
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Weingarten, Schurgin, Gagnebin
`- &. Hayes LLP
`A system for modifying a cursor image, as displayed on a
`video monitor of a remot~ terminal; to a specific image
`having a desired shape and appearance. The systeni stores
`cursor image data corresponding to the specific image, and
`a cursor display code. The cursor display code contains
`information in response to which_the cursor image is modi(cid:173)
`fied to the specific image. A· server computer trarismits· ·
`. specified information to the remote terminal.· The. informa(cid:173)
`tion includes at· least one cursor display instruction. The
`cursor display instruction is operable to modify, in conjunc- ·
`. tion with the cursor information and the cursor imag~ data,
`a cursor image displayed by a display of the remote terminal
`in the shape and appearance of the specific image: ..
`132.-Claims, 9 Drawing Sheets
`Try_ Fizzy Cola!
`Get Busy .With Fizzy
`,,_--=· =--i<.----~-==---~ ·
`I New Things
`ll Search
`I ~
`Power Search
`People Finder· Email Lookup· Yellow Pages • ~
`~tQ1:;~ Quot~ • ~ • New§ar2ugli • ~ ............
`I Travel with· ;
`Channel B~ Search it!
`Ms·& Ent~ctaiament
`M~ Chaoael
`.. .........................
`Busine§s & lave§ti!l9
`People & Cbat .
`Careers & Edycation
`Conmuters & I atsl[net
`Games ~
`t:Jealtb ~ SQience ~
`~ Travel & BegiQ!lSll
`Ralph Lauren Corp., Exhibit 1012 Page 7


`I aj°''
`14 1-·
`Internet Service
`16 .
`Internet ?ervice

`«::" ¥ ' j
`··Internet Service·
`Internet Service
`Internet ?erv~~e
`I ujc-•
`· Computer ,
`FIG. 1.
`e ...
`~· = .......
`~ =
`"O •· ..
`.... N
`8 Q
`·oo =(cid:173)(ti
`""""' 0
`~ .....
`-~ .QC .
`1~ 01~1
`==- LJ
`Ralph Lauren Corp., Exhibit 1012 Page 8


`· U.S. Patent
`Sheet 2 of 9.
`~.- - - - - - __ _: _ - ---:-·_.:._ __ ---- _. ____ - - - ---·- ---- -:-----------.;...1
`! . o· ...
`Client Terminal !

`· ·
`· 21 M
`. .
`· · 1sk
`23 .
`. ' . 28
`-. Operating
`· ..---.-
`Browser Extension· · 1
`or Plug-in
`Mouse Driver
`Display Driver·
`---------- · . Communication
`Audio Driver
`. Driver
`·Mouse Ada.pter · Display Adapter
`I ---...--------___.
`' . l -
`- -· -
`·- -
`--- -
`·Audio Adapter
`Corn mu nication
`: Adapter
`·- -- ..
`·- -
`:..... -
`...:.. -
`l Server Computer

`I .
`: 50
`48 l .
`Server Software
`Communication Port
`HTML Page
`containing Cursor .
`Display l~struct_ions
`· I
`. . 54
`56 ·
`FIG .. 2.
`Ralph Lauren Corp., Exhibit 1012 Page 9


`U.S. Patent
`Sheet 3 of 9
`Load file containing the Cursor Display
`Instructions from remote WWW server
`·Store c,urrent cursor display
`configuration in local memory
`Retrieve Cursor Display Code
`>----- Referenced in the Cursor Display
`Instructions from WWW server
`Store Cursor Display.Code
`in local memory
`Retrieve cursor
`information frorn
`WWW serverto ·
`local memory
`Retrieve cursor information
`·. from local memory .
`Change cursor in manner
`. consistant with retrieved
`Cursor, Display Instructions
`Send usage data to
`. statistic-gathering server
`Store info object
`. on local· non(cid:173)
`vbl atile storage
`Set timer for period specified
`in Cursor Display Instructions
`Revert to initial cursor state
`.·FIG. 3
`Ralph Lauren Corp., Exhibit 1012 Page 10


`U.S. ·Patent
`Sheet 4 of 9
`204. CLASSID="clsid :·cB005 660-DOC7- llcf-B7 F6-00AAOOA3F278 11
`2 05. CODEBASE="http: I I cometsystems. com/ controls I cc·. cab#ver=4, 70,
`206.<PARAM NAME="CursorType" VALUE="l"
`207.<PARAM NAME="Cursorimage"
`208. <PARAM NAME="Counter" VALUE="http.: //
`209.<PARAM.NAME="DisplayDuration" VALUE="S">
`210.<PARAM NAME="CacheCursor" VALUE="l">
`211 ~.<PARAM NAME="Serve.rSignature" VALUE.="54F5254~23BD988AB54 ">
`212 .. <PARAM NAME=:="DorirtantDelay" VALUE=" 600 ">
`213. <PARAM NAME="CursorTrajectoryMap" VALUE="http·: //
`214. <.PARAM NAME="CursorPositionMap" VALUE="http: //
`215.<PARAM NAME="CursorVelocityMap"
`VALUE= "http: I I comets ys terns. com/maps /velo_ci t y">
`216.<P,ARAM NAME="CursorPositionMap" VALUE="http://
`217. <PAKAM _NAME="CursorButtonMap" VALUE=''http: I I
`218.<PARAM NAME="ContentType" .VALUE="5">
`219. <.PARAM NAME="PriorityLevel" VALUE="l ">
`220 .<PARAM NAME="StreamBufferSize" VALUE=·"O">
`221.<PARAM NAME="Satelliteirnage"
`VALUE="http: //cometsystern~.· com/library/images/acrnesat. bmp">
`222.<PARAM NAME="SatelliteXDisplacernent" VALUE="-50">
`223. <PARAM NAME="SatelliteYDisplacernent". VALUE="SO "> ...
`224.·. <PARAM NAME="ExtraD~splayParameters"
`FIG. 4
`Ralph Lauren Corp., Exhibit 1012 Page 11


`U.S. Patent
`Sheet 5 of 9
`<script language="VBScript">
`< ! :......:\ l';
`302.Sub window onLoad()
`304. ·
`eel. SetNormalCursor ("
`images I acme. cur") ·
`305.end sub
`306.Sub window onUnload()
`· 308.end sub
`FIG. 5
`Ralph Lauren Corp., Exhibit 1012 Page 12


`. 422·
`. 420
`· Documenf
`My Briefcase
`: Program Files
`Shortcut to 3 112
`· Floppy (A) .
`CfEJ . Programs
`· ~ Do::uments
`~ Settings
`·~ -Find
`· ~ ·shut~n·
`0 CJ CJ ~ I•
`- Printers
`· Windows
`D ~ ~ Au!oexec.-ak
`Autoexec ·
`Shortcut to
`Control Panel
`II -
`l J
`:a 11
`di~blosw~exe --
`Frbrn 'down.loads' to 'Desktop'
`. fl I I I I I I I I .
`I I Cancel
`~ ·1p11~c (C:)
`-· iil) 2:16 PM .. -
`~-. .
`r:f.J. ..
`~ ·=. ~
`~·. = ~
`. \J'J.
`8 =
`\J). . =-·
`~ °'. 0
`~ ....
`~ oe.·
`Ralph Lauren Corp., Exhibit 1012 Page 13


`Welcome to SoortsNews
`file ~dit ~ew Go Favorites· Hel
`Back Forward Stop Re'rreSh
`.tmle Secrch · Favorites Print I Font I Mail
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`1s ere.
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`Monday, June 16 6:41 pm ET
`I Edit
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`· Soccer
`FIG .. 7
`Everybody's game:
`Wo_men hit big time
`The WNBA's debut
`Saturday ~II be
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`Mo Vaughn slated
`for knee surgury
`-~ = ......
`-~ =
`rJJ. =(cid:173)(t
`(t ...,..
`Ralph Lauren Corp., Exhibit 1012 Page 14


`~ = ~
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`Welcome to SoortsNews
`File Edit View· Go E?V_9rites Help·
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`Font ~ . Edit ·
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`. - I Enter
`/- 5oa
`· ·
`· .
`Try Fiz:Zy Cola! ~62
`.G~t Busy With Fizzy
`- ./. ~/ i-\\.l..
`~rcri it~ c:::s-=
`. ·
`. ~ · Weather
`· ·
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`Ralph Lauren Corp., Exhibit 1012 Page 15


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`00 =(cid:173)~
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`Ralph Lauren Corp., Exhibit 1012 Page 16


`This is a Contiriuation of application Ser. No. 08/882,580
`filed on Jun: 25, 1997 n'ow U.S. Pat. No. 5,99S,102.

`. This invention relates to computer networks and software,
`and more particularly, to a ser\rer system capable of modi-:
`fying a cursor image displayed on a remote client computer. 10
`placement of advertising frames on a web page generally
`results in cramping or decreasing the size of the main
`content frame which oftentimes renders the content in the·
`niain frame difficult to read. As a result, users have devel-
`5 oped ways to reduce the size or even eliminate frames from
`· the web page being viewed .
`Another type of online advertising involves the self(cid:173)
`appearing window which gerierally appears on its own as a
`user is using the Internet or browsing on the ·www. Such
`advertisements are relatively easy for a user to avoid as a
`use~ may simply re-size the window to make it smaller, drag
`another windo\.\1 or object in. front of it to obscure it from
`The World Wide Web ("WWW" or "web"). and online
`view, close the advertising window, or simply ignore it and
`continue with the task. being undertaken online. Recently,
`services such as America Online, in conjunction with faster
`anq more powerful personal computers,~ have rendered the. 15 online advertisers have begun using self-appearing screens
`Internet and other interactive onlirie computer networks
`which are delivered via dialog boxes which dominate the
`accessible to millions of people all over the world. Con-
`main part of the screen. Although these dialog boxes can be
`comitant with· the emergence of this. new communication
`removed when the user clicks on the appropriate place(s) on
`medium, qigital content providers have proliferated, provid-
`the dialog box, the self-appearing dialog boxes have a much
`ing online new~, entertainment, games· and all sorts of other 20 higher rate of being seen by users. This follows because the
`dialog boxes take control of the user's screen for a preset
`.. content: As .with other mass mediums, such 'as television,
`radio, and print publications; the entiti~s that create such
`amount of time and/or until the user clicks on the appropriate
`place(s) to ma~e the dialog box disappear. The recent
`content seek to offset their expenses by selling advertising.
`With reference to the WWW, online advertising has become
`prevalence in the use of self-appearing dialog box advertis-
`a multimillion· dollar business, to the· amount of approxi- 25 ing has resulted in a more intrusive method of advertising·
`mately $300 million dollars in 1996:, .
`which has resulted in resentment among users who are
`The most common type of online advertisement exists in
`accustomed to more passive online advertising . methods
`the form of "banner advert!sements" . . Users of online
`such as the frames and banner advertisements which are
`services routinely encounter banner ads on the top, sides, 30 more easiiy avoided and/or ignored.
`Accordingly, there is a need for ~simple means to deliver ·
`and/or bottom of their video monitor sc.reens when viewing
`a web page. Banner ads are generally square or rectangular
`advertisip.g elements, i.e. logos, animations, sound,
`impressions, text, etc., without the armo'yan~e of totally
`.boxes provided with some combination of graphics, .color
`and text directed to the product or service being advertised.
`interrupting and intrusive content delivery, and without the
`As such, the il).tention of these banner. advertisements is to
`·passiveness of ordinary banner and frame advertisements
`create impressions among online users and to convey some·
`whic.h can be easily ignored.

`advertising message and/or logo. Banner ads are usually
`·provided on a web page in the form of ·a "hyperlink", in
`which users who yield to the advertisement's solicitation to
`It is thus a general object .0 f the ·present invention to
`"Click Here'' are transported to the web site of the manu- 40
`facturer of the product or service being advertised, or to
`. provide a means for delivering online advertisements which
`·· ·1

`d b
`are uni·ntru·s1·ve and whi' h
`some other screen which provides. additional information
`c are no easi Y ignore Y a user.
`about the product or service.

`A more specific object of the present invention is to
`Unfortunately, banner ads occupy only a small portion of
`provide a server system for modifying a cursor image to a
`a web page. As the user scrolls down a page the banner ad 45 specific image displayed OQ a video monitor of a remote
`user's terminal.

`. disappears. Although online advertisers and content publish-
`ers have atte.mpted to optimize the· visibility . of banner
`advertisements by placing. them on a popular web page
`It is another object of the present invention to provide a
`server system for modifying a cursor image to a specific
`where they will have a greater c_hance of being seen, Internet


`image displayed on a video monitor of a remote. user's
`h 1
`users, nevert. e ess, can eas1 y ignore or find ways to remove 50
`terminal for the purposes of providing on-screen advertising.
`and eliminate from their view the banner ads which exist on
`the w·eb pages they are viewing. As such, the are
`It is a further object of the present invention to provide a
`means for providing on-screen advertising transmitted
`rendered ineffective in their. aim to provide 'information
`about a product or service. Additio~ally, money spent to
`online which does not interrupt the delivery of content and
`advertise a product may be wasted ifusers are able to ignore 55 which is aesthetically appealing and which affords the
`advertiser a great degree of unintrusive exposure.
`or remove the .advertisements from the web pages they are

`It is still ·a further object of. the present. invention to
`Another method of online advertising involves the use of
`provide a system and a method for causing a remote user
`"frames" on a web page. ~rames are a ·feature supported by
`terminal to display a cursor image as specified by a server
`the recent versions of leading web·. navigating programs 60 · terminal.
`It is a~so an object of the p~e~ent invention to provide a
`known as browsers, ·such as .Netscape Navigator® and
`Microsoft's Internet Explore~. Frames generally divide up
`system and method for causing a remote user terminal to
`a user's screen so that the user can, for example, indepen-
`display a cur.sor image as. specified by a server terminal,
`. dently scroll down each· of numerous frames which appear-
`wherein the cursor image corresponds to the content
`on the web page being viewed on the user's screen. Like· 65 retrieved by the user terminal.

`It is a further objec.t of the present in~ention to provide a
`banner advertisements, frames can be aesthetically unap-
`pealing . as well as confusing fo the user. Additionally,
`system and me.thod for causing a remote user terminal to
`Ralph Lauren Corp., Exhibit 1012 Page 17


`cursor or pointer may appear as a corporate or a brand l6go'
`·display a cursor image-such as a corporate name or logo, a
`which relates t9 advertising content within the web page
`brand logo, an .. advertising or mark~ting icon or slogan, an
`being transmitted and displayed. The cµrsor or pointer image
`animated 'advertising image, and a related audio clip, that
`may also appear in a specified shape or color that iS intended
`relate to an advertisement, such as a banner advertisement,
`to convey a message that _relates to the advertising, content
`tha_t is included in the information content being retrieved by
`within the web P'!-ge being transmitted and displayed.
`the user terminal.
`An exemplary embodiment of the present invention com(cid:173)
`Ii is an additional object of the present invention to
`prises a combination of hardware and enabling software
`provide a means for changing a cursor's appearance by
`residing on the transmitting (server)· coinputer or network
`sending data and control signals from a remote computer so
`10 server and/or on the receiving (client or user) computer or
`that the cursor or pointer's appear~nce is associated with 'a
`terminal which· brings about the stated effect of enabling a
`portion of, or the en_tire content being displayed on the user's
`computer's cursor or pointer to change appearance and in
`certain cases provide sound and animation which is linked
`. It is still an additional object of the present invention to
`and related to the content being transmitted to and displayed
`on the client computer or terminal. The transmitting com-
`- provide a means for changing the appearance of a comput-
`puter and -receiving computer or terminal advantageously
`er's cursor or pointer by sending data and control signals
`from a remote comput~r so that the cursor or pointer's
`include a processor, an operating system (OS) loaded
`thereon, a video monitor m;ed to display a graphical user
`appearance is associated with advertising messages.
`interface (GUI) and a Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
`These and other objects of the invention are realized in
`various embodiments _of the present inventimf by provid_ing 20 compliant web browser capable of loading and displaying
`a system for delivering advertising elements online without
`hypertext documents transmitted over the Internet, although
`the annoyance resulting from· the interruption of content
`the invention is· not limited in ·scope in that respect. For
`delivery and without the passiveness of ordinary banner and
`example, the receiving terminal may be any device that is-
`_frame advertisements which ·can be too easily ignored or
`able to communicate with a remote server, such. as a user
`bypassed or removed. An exemplary embodiment of the 25 computer terminal, a -user dumb terminal, or a television
`present invention is directed to a system that provides online
`based system, such as a Web TV® terminal and other
`advertising content' using the on-screen cursor which is
`generally controlled by an input of positioning device
`Preferably, coded information for bringing about· the
`known as a "mouse" or "mouse pointer". Nearly all online
`change in appearance· of the cursor are embedded within the
`computer interfaces utilize a wired or remote control posi- 30 web page being loaded and viewed. In one embodiment of
`tioning device such as a mopse or roller or track ball which
`the present inven

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