`June 4, 2019
`Original File 271254.txt
`Min-U-Script® with Word Index
`AKER EXHIBIT 2020 Page 1


` ------------------------------------------------x
` 4 Petitioner,
` 5 -vs.-
` 7 Patent Owner.
` 8 CASE NUMBER: IPR 2018-01730
` U.S. Patent No. 9,072,752
` 9 ------------------------------------------------x
`13 4 Century Drive
` Parsippany, New Jersey
` June 4, 2019
`15 8:54 a.m.
`18 taken by and before TAB PREWETT, a Registered
`19 Professional Reporter, a Certified LiveNote
`20 Reporter, Certified Shorthand Reporter and Notary
`21 Public.
` 126 East 56th Street, Fifth Floor
`24 New York, New York 10022
` 212-750-6434
`25 REF: 271254
`AKER EXHIBIT 2020 Page 2


` 1 A P P E A R A N C E S:
` 2
` 4 Attorneys for Rimfrost
` 5 4 Century Drive, Suite 300
` 6 Parsippany, New Jersey 07054-4606
` 8 Phone No. 1 973-331-1700
` 9
`13 Attorneys for Rimfrost
`14 6900 Jericho Turnpike
`15 Syosset, New York 11791-4407
`17 Phone No. 1 516-822-3550
`AKER EXHIBIT 2020 Page 3


` 1 A P P E A R A N C E S: (Cont'd)
` 2
` 4 Attorneys for Aker Biomarine Antarctic
` 5 2275 Deming Way, Suite 310
` 6 Middleton, Wisconsin 53562
` 8 Phone No. 1 606-662-1277
` 9
`AKER EXHIBIT 2020 Page 4


` 1 ------------------- I N D E X -------------------
` 5
` 6
` 7 ---------------- E X H I B I T S ----------------
` 9 Exhibit 1120 Document entitled: 50
`10 "Document made available
`11 under the Patent
`12 Cooperation Treaty (PCT)
`13 International Application
`14 Number PCT/NZ2007/000087,
`17 ----------- PREVIOUSLY MARKED EXHIBITS ----------
`19 Exhibit 1006 "Declaration of Dr. Stephen 5
`20 Tallon" for IPR 2018-01730
`21 Exhibit 1109 Catchpole Report 8
`22 Exhibit 1039 Grynbaum Declaration, Paper 18
`23 Exhibit 1048 Enzymotec GRAS Report 6
`AKER EXHIBIT 2020 Page 5


` 1 D R. S T E P H E N J. T A L L O N,
` 2 G9 Gracefield Road,
` 3 Lower Hutt, New Zealand,
` 4 having been duly sworn by the notary
` 5 public to testify to the truth,
` 6 testified as follows:
` 7
` 9 Q Good morning, Dr. Tallon.
`10 A Good morning.
`11 Q So we have done this a few times.
`12 We have been through kind of the -- kind of the
`13 rules on depositions several times?
`14 A Yes.
`15 Q Okay. Anything you don't
`16 understand?
`17 A No questions from me, no.
`18 Q Okay. Great. So let's start out
`19 with the -- I'll give you a copy of Exhibit 1006,
`20 which is "Declaration of Dr. Stephen Tallon" for
`21 IPR 2018-01730.
`22 (Previously Marked Exhibit No.
`23 1006, "Declaration of Dr. Stephen Tallon"
`24 for IPR 2018-01730, Document is introduced
`25 into the proceedings.)
`AKER EXHIBIT 2020 Page 6


` 2 Q That's a front and back copy; and
` 3 remember that, you know, there is a table of
` 4 contents up-front, and everything where things
` 5 are. And we will be referring to that several
` 6 times during the deposition today.
` 7 And feel free to -- when I am
` 8 questioning you about these other documents, you
` 9 know, feel free to refer back to that if you need
`10 to.
`11 A Okay.
`12 Q All right. And the next thing I am
`13 going to provide you with is Exhibit 1048. And
`14 this is referred to, I believe, in the filings as
`15 the Enzymotec GRAS report.
`16 A Okay.
`17 (Previously Marked Exhibit No.
`18 1048, Enzymotec GRAS Report, Document is
`19 introduced into the proceedings.)
`20 Q And if you want to take a moment or
`21 so to look at that and --
`22 MR. CHAKANSKY: Is there a question
`23 or something? He's been --
`24 MR. JONES: No, no, just -- I am
`25 just giving him a chance to look at it, and
`AKER EXHIBIT 2020 Page 7


` 2 I am going to start asking questions then.
` 3 MR. CHAKANSKY: All right. As long
` 4 as he has the opportunity to look at it
` 5 again.
` 6 MR. JONES: Yes.
` 7 MR. CHAKANSKY: This applies to
` 8 the -- for the report.
` 9 Q So do you recall providing an
`10 analysis of this for your expert report of the
`11 Enzymotec GRAS -- do you recall providing an
`12 analysis of the Enzymotec GRAS report as a part
`13 of your expert report?
`14 A As part of my declaration, yes.
`15 Q Okay. I would like to direct your
`16 attention to page 0017 of Exhibit 1048.
`17 A Okay.
`18 MR. CHAKANSKY: Yes, the one on the
`19 bottom.
`20 Q There are two. It's the number on
`21 the very bottom.
`22 A The 17.
`23 Q 0017. I would like to direct your
`24 attention to -- in the table B1 of Exhibit 1048,
`25 do you see a list:
`AKER EXHIBIT 2020 Page 8


` 2 "Concentrations of
` 3 phosphatidylinositol," or PI -- that's
` 4 p-h-o-s-p-h-a-t-i-d-y-l-i-n-o-s-i-t-o-l -- and we
` 5 will abbreviate that as "PI."
` 6 A Okay. Yes. I see the numbers in
` 7 the table.
` 8 Q And in your work with krill oil,
` 9 when you have done analyses of krill oil, have
`10 you generally found that phosphatidylinositol is
`11 present in krill oil?
`12 A Yes, that's my understanding there
`13 is some level of PI in krill oil.
`14 Q And would you normally see it at
`15 levels above 1 percent?
`16 A That would depend on how it was --
`17 how it was made. What material are you talking
`18 about?
`19 Q Krill oil.
`20 A Yes. Krill oils are -- can vary
`21 quite widely in the composition.
`22 Q Okay. I am going to provide you
`23 with Exhibit 1009. We generally refer to this as
`24 "Catchpole."
`25 (Previously Marked Exhibit No. 1109
`AKER EXHIBIT 2020 Page 9


` 2 Catchpole Report, Document is introduced
` 3 into the proceedings.)
` 4 Q I would like to direct your
` 5 attention to example 18 at the top of page 0024.
` 6 A Okay.
` 7 Q And then specifically to table 16.
` 8 A Yep.
` 9 Q And table 16 includes the
`10 percentages of a column labeled "PI." Do you see
`11 that?
`12 A I see that.
`13 Q And what is the percentage of PI
`14 listed in the "feed" material and extract
`15 obtained in table 16?
`16 A The entry for PI in the feed in
`17 table 16 is reported as 0.0 percent.
`18 Q Okay. Do you know why the
`19 Enzymotec krill oil described in table B-1 of
`20 Exhibit 1048 would include PI while the feed
`21 material in Exhibit 1009 would not contain PI?
`22 MR. CHAKANSKY: Objection to the
`23 form of the question.
`24 A The data in Enzymotec -- the data
`25 in Enzymotec is talking about a krill oil
`AKER EXHIBIT 2020 Page 10


` 2 extract, not a feed material. So they are not
` 3 directly comparable.
` 4 Q Okay. Then -- then what about
` 5 extract two listed in table 16 of Exhibit 1009?
` 6 Would that be comparable to the extract of the
` 7 Enzymotec -- in Enzymotec -- would that be
` 8 comparable to the extracts that are described in
` 9 table B-1 of Exhibit 1048?
`10 MR. CHAKANSKY: Objection to the
`11 form of the question.
`12 A Well, it depends on what you mean
`13 by "comparable" -- but, in general, no --
`14 different publications, different krill oils,
`15 different processes for extracting them.
`16 Q So the different processes might be
`17 an explanation for why extract two in
`18 Exhibit 1009 has 0.0 PI, and the Enzymotec
`19 extracts in table B-1 of Exhibit 1048 have
`20 varying levels of PI?
`21 MR. CHAKANSKY: Objection.
`22 Misstates -- mischaracterizes the
`23 testimony. Objection to the form. You can
`24 answer.
`25 A Well, a couple of comments:
`AKER EXHIBIT 2020 Page 11


` 2 The -- the levels of PI that you
` 3 are referring to in Enzymotec are relatively
` 4 small numbers; but, yet, one of the contributing
` 5 factors to a difference in reported PI levels
` 6 will be the extraction process.
` 7 Q Okay. With respect to the analyses
` 8 provided in table B-1 of Exhibit 1048, do you
` 9 know how the krill oils, the grade A and grade B
`10 krill oil was analyzed for lipid content?
`11 A I'll need to have a look through.
`12 MR. JONES: Yes.
`13 A I have had a quick look through,
`14 and, unless you want to indicate any specific
`15 parts, I don't see specifically how -- the
`16 description of how the phospholipid analysis was
`17 done -- some description of some of the other
`18 analyses.
`19 Q Is there a description for how the
`20 neutral lipids were analyzed?
`21 A I can't see a specific description
`22 of it.
`23 Q And so to summarize, is there any
`24 description in Exhibit 1048 of how the lipid
`25 content of the grade A and grade B krill extracts
`AKER EXHIBIT 2020 Page 12


` 2 was determined?
` 3 A I don't see a specific description
` 4 of which analysis method they used.
` 5 Q Have you prepared GRAS reports
` 6 before?
` 7 A I have, in fact, prepared a GRAS
` 8 report or contributed to one.
` 9 Q Would it be normal to include a
`10 description in a GRAS report of the analytical
`11 methods that are used to describe the GRAS
`12 material?
`13 MR. CHAKANSKY: Objection to the
`14 form.
`15 A What do you mean by "usual"?
`16 Q In --
`17 A There is an example here where it
`18 isn't.
`19 Q Yes.
`20 A But the GRAS report, in my -- in my
`21 single experience of contributing to draft one
`22 was -- was entirely about making a -- you know,
`23 compiling an expert opinion just about the safety
`24 of the product.
`25 MR. CHAKANSKY: And at this point,
`AKER EXHIBIT 2020 Page 13


` 2 if there is any confidential information
` 3 relating to that report, you know, the GRAS
` 4 is public -- if there's anything
` 5 confidential, just stay away from that.
` 6 A Yes. I won't give any specifics
` 7 about the GRAS application.
` 8 Q In example 18, "Fractionation of
` 9 krill lipids" from Exhibit 1009 --
`10 MR. CHAKANSKY: So we are changing
`11 the exhibit to Catchpole?
`12 MR. JONES: Yes.
`13 A Sorry. Which page?
`14 Q Page 0024.
`15 MR. CHAKANSKY: Example 18.
`16 A Okay.
`17 Q So the compositional data in table
`18 16, what method was used to provide the
`19 compositional data in table 16?
`20 A As a range of different components,
`21 analysis of them. But if you're referring
`22 specifically to the quantification of the
`23 phospholipid classes, then that was done by a
`24 phosphorous NMR method.
`25 Q And is NMR a preferred method to
`AKER EXHIBIT 2020 Page 14


` 2 determine phospholipid composition in a sample?
` 3 A NMR is a very effective method of
` 4 measuring composition.
` 5 Q And when you used NMR to determine
` 6 the composition of PI in the feed and extract two
` 7 listed in table 16, it indicated that the amount
` 8 of PI was 0.0; is that correct?
` 9 MR. CHAKANSKY: Objection to the
`10 form. You can answer.
`11 A The value that we reported in that
`12 table is 0.0.
`13 Q Okay. So going back to
`14 Exhibit 1048, and in table B-1 on page 0017.
`15 A Okay.
`16 Q Now, let's just leave it. That's
`17 fine.
`18 So if the analytical method is not
`19 provided in Exhibit 1048, as an expert, is it
`20 difficult to determine if discrepancies in the
`21 results could be due to the analytical method
`22 that was utilized?
`23 MR. CHAKANSKY: Objection. Lack of
`24 foundation. Objection to the form.
`25 A You know, that would depend
`AKER EXHIBIT 2020 Page 15


` 2 entirely on what sort of discrepancy you would
` 3 find to -- trying to observe.
` 4 Q What about discrepancies in
` 5 reported phospholipid content?
` 6 MR. CHAKANSKY: Objection. Lack of
` 7 foundation.
` 8 A Which discrepancies are you
` 9 referring to?
`10 Q For example, table B-1 of
`11 Exhibit 1048 listing the grade A and grade B
`12 krill extracts contain phosphatidylinositol, and
`13 extract two of example 18 of Exhibit 1009
`14 contains 0.0 percent phosphatidylinositol?
`15 MR. CHAKANSKY: Objection.
`16 Mischaracterizes his testimony.
`17 A I am still not sure which
`18 discrepancy you are talking about.
`19 Q Okay. So the grade A and grade B
`20 krill oil extracts described in table B-1 contain
`21 phosphatidylinositol; is that correct?
`22 MR. CHAKANSKY: Objection. Asked
`23 and answered.
`24 A Yes, it refers to levels of PI for
`25 a number of different batches, and has numbers
`AKER EXHIBIT 2020 Page 16


` 2 ranging from 0.8 to 4.1 for some of the grade B
` 3 materials.
` 4 Q And in example 18, table 16, of
` 5 Exhibit 1009, the amount of PI for the feed and
` 6 the extract is listed as 0.0, correct?
` 7 A That's correct.
` 8 Q And so you see that there's a
` 9 discrepancy in that Exhibit 1048 reports the
`10 presence of PI in krill extracts, and
`11 Exhibit 1009 reports that there is 0.0 PI in
`12 krill extracts?
`13 MR. CHAKANSKY: Objection to the
`14 form. Objection to lack of foundation.
`15 A I can see that the numbers are
`16 different -- whether it's different to a
`17 discrepancy.
`18 Q Could the reason that the numbers
`19 are different be that -- be due to the analytical
`20 technique that was utilized?
`21 A Again, there are a number of
`22 potentially contributing factors, but the --
`23 suggest that the fact that in the Catchpole
`24 patent, as the 1009 exhibit -- the fact that very
`25 low levels of PI were reported in the feed, that
`AKER EXHIBIT 2020 Page 17


` 2 would be a pretty good reason why there are also
` 3 relatively low levels in extract two. There
` 4 would be some consistency there.
` 5 Q Okay. Table B-1 of Exhibit 1048,
` 6 do you see the row labeled
` 7 "Phosphatidylethanolamine" or PE?
` 8 A I do.
` 9 Q And do you see that the fourth
`10 entry in that row is 0.0?
`11 A I can see that. Yes.
`12 Q In your experience, have you ever
`13 seen a krill extract that has 0.0 percent PE?
`14 A Given the breadth of possible krill
`15 extracts that one can make, yes, I have.
`16 Q So have you seen it in your own
`17 personal experience?
`18 A I would have to say, yes, it is
`19 quite likely that I have.
`20 Q Okay.
`21 A But I don't recall a specific
`22 instance.
`23 Q I provide you with Exhibit 1039
`24 this is referred to in the papers as the Grynbaum
`25 reference. That is G-r-y-n-b-a-u-m.
`AKER EXHIBIT 2020 Page 18


` 2 (Previously Marked Exhibit No.
` 3 1039, Grynbaum Declaration, Paper, Document
` 4 is introduced into the proceedings.)
` 5 Q And do you remember providing an
` 6 analysis of this in your expert report?
` 7 A It's part of the declaration, yes.
` 8 Q Or declaration. Yes. Sorry.
` 9 So on page 002 of Exhibit 1039,
`10 column two, they refer to "matrix solid phase
`11 dispersion" or MSPD. Are you familiar with that
`12 technique?
`13 A In broad terms, yes.
`14 Q Could you explain how it works?
`15 A My understanding of it is it's a
`16 process where you just light up a -- a sample
`17 that you are aiming to test; and you pass a
`18 solvent through it to separate out the -- in this
`19 case the lipid-rich or astaxanthin-containing
`20 fraction, so that that extracted fraction can be
`21 analyzed.
`22 Q Let's go to page 0003 of
`23 Exhibit 1039, column one, section 2.2.1,
`24 extraction?
`25 A Okay.
`AKER EXHIBIT 2020 Page 19


` 2 Q So there it says:
` 3 "The krill (0.5 grams) was ground
` 4 with 1.5 grams of C18 (end-capped) MSPD material
` 5 and butylated hydroxytoluene into a ... powder."
` 6 MR. CHAKANSKY: "... into a dried
` 7 homogeneous powder."
` 8 Q "... a dried homogeneous powder."
` 9 Yes.
`10 A I can see that, yes.
`11 Q What -- what's your understanding
`12 of what a "C18 (end-capped) MSPD material" would
`13 be?
`14 A My understanding is that there
`15 would be -- well, a granular kind of carrier
`16 material just to aid with the extraction process.
`17 Q Okay. The C18 MSPD material, is
`18 it -- would you understand that to be a material
`19 that would be used in column chromatography?
`20 MR. CHAKANSKY: Objection to the
`21 form of the question. You can answer.
`22 A In general terms, yes.
`23 Q And would you understand it to be
`24 an absorbent material?
`25 A In terms of chromatography, it
`AKER EXHIBIT 2020 Page 20


` 2 potentially has some interaction with the
` 3 analytes.
` 4 Q And do you know what analytes it
` 5 would interact with and what analytes it would
` 6 not interact with?
` 7 MR. CHAKANSKY: Objection to the
` 8 form of the question.
` 9 A Not off the top of my head. I'd
`10 need to review a bit of other information to make
`11 a useful comment on that.
`12 Q Okay. Let's go to page 004 of
`13 Exhibit 1039, the section labeled three, "Results
`14 and Discussion."
`15 A Okay.
`16 Q So the second sentence in that
`17 section says:
`18 "Polar compounds were eluted with
`19 water and the carotenoids were eluted with TBME."
`20 MR. CHAKANSKY: Can you read the
`21 whole section or just that one line?
`22 A Sorry. Can you tell me which part
`23 of the section three you are looking at.
`24 Q Section three, column two, the
`25 second sentence, and you can review the whole --
`AKER EXHIBIT 2020 Page 21


` 2 or that whole paragraph?
` 3 A Okay.
` 4 Q So it says:
` 5 "Polar compounds were eluted with
` 6 water."
` 7 Do you see that?
` 8 A I see where it says that.
` 9 Q Do you know what "polar compounds"
`10 those would be?
`11 A The water soluble ones.
`12 Q Okay. And you see it says
`13 "carotenoids were eluted with TBME"?
`14 A I do.
`15 Q Do you know if TBME is food safe?
`16 A What do you mean by "food safe"?
`17 Q Would it be safe to include a
`18 compound that's extracted with TBME in food?
`19 A Well, if it was not present in the
`20 food product afterwards.
`21 Q It would have to be removed?
`22 A Yeah, it wouldn't be my choice to
`23 consume a large amount of TBME.
`24 Q Okay.
`25 A It's a solvent used -- well, I
`AKER EXHIBIT 2020 Page 22


` 2 mean, it's not the -- not the food product
` 3 itself, so one would remove it.
` 4 Q And you see it says:
` 5 "The carotenoids were separated by
` 6 HPLC on a C30 column"?
` 7 MR. CHAKANSKY: Objection to the
` 8 form. Where are you?
` 9 Q Column two.
`10 MR. CHAKANSKY: Could you say the
`11 whole sentence as opposed to picking out
`12 phrases?
`13 Q Okay. It says:
`14 "The carotenoids were separated by
`15 HPLC on a C30 column (250 by 4.6 millimeters,
`16 3 micrometers, 120 angstroms), resulting in the
`17 chromatogram shown in figure two."
`18 A I can see where it says that.
`19 Q Could you explain what a "C30
`20 column" is?
`21 A It's just a type of HPLC column
`22 used for analysis.
`23 Q And what does the "C30" refer to?
`24 A I couldn't say offhand the specific
`25 properties of the C30 -- a C30 column without
`AKER EXHIBIT 2020 Page 23


` 2 referring to other information.
` 3 Q Okay. Let's go to -- okay. Let's
` 4 go to paragraph 348 of your declaration,
` 5 Exhibit 1006.
` 6 MR. CHAKANSKY: The big one.
` 7 Q And that's where you discuss
` 8 Grynbaum.
` 9 A Okay. What was the page number
`10 again?
`11 Q Paragraph 348 and page number 208.
`12 MR. CHAKANSKY: That's in the
`13 middle of the section, right?
`14 Q Yes, it is.
`15 MR. CHAKANSKY: You have the whole
`16 section on that.
`17 A Okay.
`18 Q Okay. So in paragraph 348 of your
`19 declaration, you state that:
`20 "Grynbaum describes the presence of
`21 trans-astaxanthin (all-E) and cis-astaxanthin and
`22 astaxanthin esters and gives quantification of
`23 the extracted krill astaxanthin ester content of
`24 3,921 micrograms per 0.5 grams krill extract,
`25 which is 7,842 milligrams per kilogram krill
`AKER EXHIBIT 2020 Page 24


` 2 extract, i.e. 7,842 milligrams per kilogram krill
` 3 oil."
` 4 Do you see that?
` 5 A That's what's written.
` 6 Q So my question is:
` 7 The numbers that are reported in
` 8 Grynbaum, are those for the astaxanthin content
` 9 of krill oil or the astaxanthin content of krill?
`10 A Can I refer back to Grynbaum?
`11 Q Yes.
`12 A Okay. So in my declaration I'm --
`13 MR. CHAKANSKY: What paragraph?
`14 A So this is the 348 paragraph, for
`15 example, where it was described and possibly in
`16 other places as well.
`17 I interpreted it as Grynbaum
`18 describing the astaxanthin content in the krill
`19 oil and in the context of what's on -- sort of
`20 drawing on Grynbaum as an example of it -- so
`21 that's a conservative estimation of the
`22 astaxanthin content that Grynbaum's describing in
`23 the -- in the krill.
`24 Q Is Grynbaum describing the
`25 astaxanthin ester content of a krill oil?
`AKER EXHIBIT 2020 Page 25


` 2 A Grynbaum is -- well, to remind us
` 3 what it is. Grynbaum has taken a krill material
` 4 and has performed an analysis on it by separating
` 5 out a -- a -- the lipophilic fraction containing
` 6 the astaxanthin and the krill and has used that
` 7 to perform an analysis on the -- on the extracted
` 8 material.
` 9 Q And is the amount of astaxanthin
`10 esters reported as being the content of that
`11 lipophilic material or of the krill organism as a
`12 whole?
`13 A In a sense, both. He's describing
`14 the analysis of the astaxanthin and the oil
`15 fraction separated out from it. And, presumably,
`16 one of the aims of what Grynbaum is describing as
`17 one of the purposes of the paper was to, you
`18 know, describe the properties of the krill itself
`19 as well.
`20 All I'm drawing on here is the fact
`21 that Grynbaum demonstrates that you can separate
`22 out an oil fraction and that the astaxanthin
`23 levels in the -- in that oil are going to be
`24 higher. If they're higher in the krill material,
`25 then they're going to be even higher in the --
`AKER EXHIBIT 2020 Page 26


` 2 the separated faction that they analyzed.
` 3 Q Does Grynbaum describe a krill oil,
` 4 for example, an oil containing the phospholipids,
` 5 triglycerides, and astaxanthin?
` 6 A Again, "krill oil" is a very broad
` 7 term. But within the definition of "krill oils,"
` 8 you have -- certainly, the processes that
` 9 Grynbaum is describing covers it.
`10 But, again, just drawing on
`11 Grynbaum, you know, partly to show that -- that
`12 achieving high levels of astaxanthin is nothing
`13 unusual in a -- in extracts from krill; but,
`14 also, lastly, just picking up on the fact that
`15 Grynbaum describes the -- just the different
`16 isomers of the astaxanthin.
`17 That's a large component of what
`18 I'm drawing on Grynbaum for in my declaration.
`19 In terms of astaxanthin content in an extract,
`20 there's plenty of other prior art as well that's
`21 consistent with my opinion in the declaration.
`22 Q Okay. So going back to paragraph
`23 348 of your declaration --
`24 A Okay.
`25 Q -- you state that:
`AKER EXHIBIT 2020 Page 27


` 2 "Grynbaum" -- I will paraphrase
` 3 here -- reports that the astaxanthin ester
` 4 content of krill oil is 7,842 milligrams per
` 5 kilogram krill oil; is that correct?
` 6 MR. CHAKANSKY: Objection to the
` 7 form.
` 8 A Well, what's written in paragraph
` 9 348 stands for itself.
`10 Q So 7,842 milligrams of kilogram
`11 astaxanthin esters in krill oil; is that correct?
`12 A That's the number, and I can --
`13 that's just drawn out in the values in Grynbaum
`14 itself.
`15 Q And let's go to page 0008 of
`16 Grynbaum Exhibit 1039.
`17 A Okay.
`18 Q And then in the last full -- I am
`19 going to ask questions about the last full
`20 paragraph in column one.
`21 MR. CHAKANSKY: The one starting
`22 with "Quantification"?
`23 Q "Quantification of astaxanthin
`24 isomers...."
`25 A Okay.
`AKER EXHIBIT 2020 Page 28


` 2 Q Okay. Do you see the second
` 3 sentence says:
` 4 "In 0.5 grams krill (mean of five
` 5 extracts), 35 micrograms (13-cis) astaxanthin,
` 6 271 micrograms (all-E) astaxanthin, 18 micrograms
` 7 unidentified astaxanthin isomer, 31 micrograms
` 8 (9-cis) astaxanthin, and 3,921 micrograms
` 9 astaxanthin fatty acid esters were found."
`10 A That's what it says.
`11 Q So that sentence is referring to
`12 the astaxanthin content of krill and not krill
`13 oil, correct?
`14 A If we read it again, it refers to
`15 both the -- it refers to krill. It refers to the
`16 extracts from the krill. That's an inherent
`17 part -- and that's an inherent part of the
`18 analysis process, is to extract out a fraction of
`19 this.
`20 Q Were they referring to the
`21 astaxanthin ester content for that fraction; or
`22 is the astaxanthin ester content of the starting
`23 0.5 grams of krill?
`24 A The calculation that I have in my
`25 declaration is based on that 0.5 grams referring
`AKER EXHIBIT 2020 Page 29


` 2 to the extract from the krill; and that is a
` 3 conservative calculation of the amount that will
` 4 be in the extract. If it was read as being on
` 5 the basis of the whole krill material, then those
` 6 numbers would be higher.
` 7 Q Does Grynbaum report the presence
` 8 of phospholipids and any fraction resulting from
` 9 the extraction procedures that were utilized?
`10 MR. GALLAGHER: Excuse me. Could
`11 you read that question back. I apologize.
`12 (Reporter read back pending
`13 questio

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