Exhibits: Patent Owner's Response Patent Owner's Updated Exhibit List Leinsing Deposition Exhibit 2100: Thomas van der Burg, Injection
Force of SoloSTAR¿¿ Compared with Other Disposable Insulin Pen
Devices at Constant Volume Flow Rates, J. of Diabetes Sci. and
Tech., Vol. 5, Issue 1, 150-155 (Jan. 2001) Leinsing Deposition Exhibit 2101: Estelle Davis, et. al., An
evaluation of prefilled insulin pens: a focuse on the Next
Generation FlexPen, Med. Devices: Evidence & Research, 41-
50 (2010:3) Leinsing Deposition Exhibit 2102: Hand drawings Leinsing Deposition Exhibit 2103: Annotations of Figures 6-15 of
Burroughs Leinsing Deposition Exhibit 2104: Annotations of Figures 5-8 of
the 486 Patent Leinsing Deposition Exhibit 2105: Hand drawings Leinsing Deposition exhibit 2106: Annotations of Figures 11 and
12 of Giambattista Declaration of Alexander Slocum, Ph.D. Part 1 Declaration of Alexander Slocum, Ph.D. Part 2 Curriculum Vitae of Alexander Slocum, Ph.D. EXPUNGED Curriculum Vitae of Henry R. Grabowski, Ph.D. Declaration of Dr. Robin S. Goland Declaration of Dr. Robin S. Goland Curriculum Vitae of Dr. Robin S. Goland Bradley M. Wright et al., A Review Of Insulin Pen Devices And
Use In The Elderly Diabetic Population, 3 Clinical Medicine
Insights: Endocrinology & Diabetes 54-63 (2010) Teresa L. Pearson, A-Practical-Review-of-Insulin-Pen-Devices,
EMJ Diabet., 58-64 (2014:2) Arthritis & Diabetes, What do diabetes and arthritis have in common? Plenty., https://www.arthritis.org/living-with-arthritis/comorbidities/diabetes-and-arthritis/ Andreas Bode, Development of the SoloSTAR insulin pen device design verification and validation, 6 Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery 103-112 (2008) Sanofi¿¿¿s Patented Pen animation John Carter, Usability, Participant Acceptance, and Safety of a Prefilled Insulin Injection Device in a 3-Month Observational Survey in Everyday Clinical Practice in Australia, J. Diabetes Sci & Tech., Vol. 3, Issue 6, 1425-1438 (Nov. 2009) Sherwyn Schwartz, Correct Use of a New Reusable Insulin Injection Pen by Patients with Diabetes: A Design Validation Study, 4 J. Diabetes Sci. and Tech. 1229-1235 (2010) Estelle Davis, et. al., An evaluation of prefilled insulin pens: a
focus on the Next Generation FlexPen¿¿, Med. Devices: Evidence
& Research, 41-50 (2010:3) DBA Design Effectiveness Awards 2009 SoloSTAR Disposable Pen Injector (The Grand Prix Oct. 22, 2009) Arnd Friedrichs et al., Dose Accuracy and Injection Force of Different Insulin Glargine Pens, 7 J. Diabetes Sci. and Tech. 1346-1353 (2013) Stacey A. Seggelke et al., Effect of Glargine Insulin Delivery Method (Pen Device Versus Vial/Syringe) on Glycemic Control and Patient Preferences in Patients with Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes, 20 ENDOCRINE PRACTICE, 536, 536, 538¿¿¿539 (2014) Julia Pfutzner et al., Evaluation of Dexterity in Insulin-Treated Patients with Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, 5 J. Diabetes Sci. and Tech. 158-165 (2011) Jerome S. Fischer et al., United States Patient Preference and Usability for the New Disposable Insulin Device Solostar¿¿ versus Other Disposable Pens, 2 JOURNAL OF DIABETES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 1157-1160 (2008) U.S. Provisional Patent Application 60/073820 Samita Garg et al., Insulin glargine and glulisine SoloSTAR pens for the treatment of diabetes, 5 Expert Rev. Med. Devices 113-123 (2008) Nicolae Hancu et al., A Pan-European and Canadian Prospective Survey to Evaluate Patient Satisfaction with the SoloSTAR Insulin Injection Device in Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes, 5 J. Diabetes Sci. and Tech. 1224-1234 (2011) Norbert Hermanns, Bernhard Kulzer & Thomas Haak, Dosing Accuracy with a Novel Pen Device (SoloSTAR) as Performed by Patients with Diabetes in a Clinical Setting, 10 Diabetes Tech. & Threapeutics 322-327 (2008) ISO 11608-1, Pen-injectors for medical use (1st Ed. Dec. 15, 2000) Meike Krzywon et al., Study on the Dosing Accuracy of Commonly Used Disposable Insulin Pens, 14 Diabetes Tech. & Therapeutics 804-809 (2012) Lantus SoloSTAR Pen Guide Arlan L. Rosenbloom, Limitation of Finger Joint Mobility in Diabetes Mellitus, 3 J. Diabetic Complications 77-87 (1989) Douglas Merritt et al., Dose Accuracy and Injection Force of Disposable Pens Delivering Pramlintide for the Treatment of Diabetes, 4 J. Diabetes Sci. and Tech. 1438-1446 (2010) Novo Nordisk Form 6-K (Feb. 9, 2009) Part 1 Novo Nordisk Form 6-K (Feb. 9, 2009) Part 2 Novo Nordisk History W. Schady et al, Observations on Severe Ulnar Neuropathy in Diabetes, 12 J Diabetes and Its Complications 128-132 (1998) Alfred Penfornis & Kristian Horvat, Dose Accuracy Compariosn Between SoloSTAR and FlexPen at Three Different Dose Levels, 10 Diabetes Tech. & Therapeutics 359-362 (2008) Riccardo Perfetti, Reusable and Disposable Insulin Pens for the Treatment of Diabetes: Understanding the Global Differences in User Preference and an Evaluation of Inpatient Insulin Pen Use, 12 Diabetes Tech. & Therapeutics 79-85 (2010) John Shelmet et al., Preference and resource utilization in elderly patients: InnoLet versus vial/syringe, 63 Diabetes Res. and Clinical Prac. 27-35 (2004) Prix Galien USA Announces 2009 Final Candidates (Prix Galien USA, August 7, 2009) Thomas Haak et al., Comparison of Usability and Patient
Preference for the New Disposable Insulin Device SoloStar Versus
FlexPen, Lilly Disposable Pen, and a Prototype Pen: An Open-
Label Study, 29 CLINICAL THERAPEUTICS, 650-660 (2007) Alastair Clarke & Geralyn Spollett, Dose accuracy and injection
force dynamics of a novel disposable insulin pen, 4 EXPERT
OPINION ON DRUG DELIVERY 165-174 (2007) US Lantus SoloSTAR Launch Book, 2007, PTX-0705, Document
bates stamped SANOFI_00232909-45 Lantus COMPASS Study Report (Nov. 29, 2007), PTX-0739,
Document bates stamped SANOFI3_90330807-1025 Part 1 Lantus COMPASS Study Report (Nov. 29, 2007), PTX-0739,
Document bates stamped SANOFI3_90330807-1025 Part 2 Steenfeldt-Jensen 5th Embodiment Animation Steenfeldt-Jensen 1st Embodiment Animation Steenfeldt-Jensen 2nd Embodiment Animation Steenfeldt-Jensen 5th Embodiment Thread and Slot Animation Steenfeldt-Jensen 5th Embodiment vs. Proposed Modification
Animation Steenfeldt-Jensen 5th Embodiment vs. Proposed Modification
Collar Friction Animation International Patent Application WO999038554A1 Geralyn Spollett, Insulin Devices, Addressing Barriers to Insulin
Therapy With the Ideal Pen, 957-967 (The Diabetes EDUCATOR) Serpil Savas et al., The effects of the diabetes related soft tissue
hand lesions and the reduced hand strength on functional disability
of hand in type 2 diabetic patients, 77 Diabetes Res. and Clinical
Prac. 77-83 (2007) Jean-Louis Selam, Evolution of Diabetes Insulin Delivery Devices,
4 J. Diabetes Sci. and Tech. 505-513 (2010) SoloSTAR Principles of Operation, PTX-0553, Document bates
stamped SANOFI_00406383-94 Sanofi Patent Drive Sleeve and Piston Rod Animation Deposition of Karl R. Leinsing, dated June 3, 2019 for IPR2018-
01675, -01676, -01678, -01680 Deposition of Karl R. Leinsing, dated June 4, 2019 for IPR2018-01675, -01676, -01678, -01680 Opinion and Order regarding Claim Construction, Sanofi-Aventis U.S. LLC v. Mylan, N.V., Civil Action No. 17-9105-SRC-SLW (D.N.J. May 9, 2019), Dkt. No. 319 Memorandum and Order regarding Claim Construction, Sanofi-Aventis U.S. LLC v. Merck, No. 16-812-RGA (D. Del. Jan. 12, 2018), Dkt. No. 192 Giambattista Animation (1) Giambattista Animation (2) U.S. Patent No. 4,648,872 U.S. Patent No. 4,747,824 U.S. Patent No. 6,248,093 Karl R. Leinsing Declaration in Hologic, Inc. v. Minerva Surgical, Inc., No. 15-1031 (D. Del. Jan. 26, 2018), Dkt. No. 309 Bruce A. Perkins, David Olaleye & Vera Bril, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Patients With Diabetic Polyneuropathy, 25 Diabetes Care 565-569 (2002) Jefferson Becker et al., An evaluation of gender, obesity, age and diabetes mellitus as risk factors for carpal tunnel syndrome, 113 Clinical Neurophysiology 1429-1434 (2002) A. Pfutzner et al., Prefilled insulin device with reduced injection force: patient perception and accuracy, 24 Current Med. Res. and Opinion 2545-2549 (2008) Ercan Cetinus et al., Hand grip strength in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, Diabetes Res. and Clinical Prac. 1-9 (2005) Ragnhild I. Cederlund et al., Hand disorders, hand function, and activities of daily living in elderly men with type 2 diabetes, 23 J. Diabetes and Its Complications 32-99 (2009) Shubha Gundmi et al., Hand dysfunction in type 2 diabetes mellitus: Systematic review with meta-analysis, 61 Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Med. 99-104 (2018) Joule J. Li et al., Muscle grip strength predicts incident type 2 diabetes: Population-based cohort study, 65 Metabolism Clinical and Experimental 883-892 (2016) Considering Insulin Pens for Routine Hospital Use - Consider This... (ISMP article), https://www.ismp.org/resources/considering-insulin-pens-routine-hospital-use-consider Trigger Finger Overview (Mayo Clinic), https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/trigger-finger/symptoms-causes/syc-20365100 Bone and joint problems associated with diabetes (Mayo Clinic), https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/diabetes/in-depth/diabetes/art-20049314 Peripheral Neuropathy (Mayo Clinic), https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/peripheral-neuropathy/symptoms-causes/syc-20352061 Charles E. Buban, A pen that seeks to improve diabetes care, INQUIRER.NET (2008), Document Bates stamped SANOFI_00006282-84 "Sanofi-aventis¿¿¿ SoloSTAR(R) Insulin Pen for Lantus and Apidra Receives the Prestigious GOOD DESIGN Award", (PR Newswire Feb. 14), Document Bates stamped SANOFI_00006299-301 Select Injectable Insulin Drugs Approved by the FDA in the U.S. U.S. Dollar Sales of Lantus SoloSTAR U.S. New Prescriptions of Lantus SoloSTAR U.S. Total Prescriptions of Lantus SoloSTAR U.S. Share of Sales by Drugs in the Lantus Franchise Formulary Placement of Long-Acting Insulin Pen Products: Commercial Plans Formulary Placement of Long-Acting Insulin Pen Products: Medicare Plans Formulary Placement of Long-Acting Insulin Pen Products: Medicaid Plans Formulary Placement of Long-Acting Insulin Pen Products in Healthcare Exchanges U.S. Share of Long-Acting Pens Among All Pens U.S. Dollar Sales of Long-Acting Pens U.S. New Prescriptions of Long-Acting Pens U.S. Total Prescriptions of Long-Acting Pens U.S. Share of Long-Acting Pen Products Yuzu Sato et al., Clinical Aspects of physical exercise for
diabetes/metabolic syndrome, 77S Diabetes Research and Clinical
Practice S87 (2007) 2007 Good Design Award from The Chicago Athenaeum: Museum
of Architecture and Design U.S. Total Marketing Expenditure of Long Acting Insulin
Franchises U.S. Total Marketing Expenditures of Long-Acting Insulin Pens U.S. Marketing-to-Sales Ratios of Select Injectable Insulin Drugs Moller First Embodiment Animation Moller Second Embodiment Animation Press Release, Lantus / Apdira SoloSTAR help to improve patient
satisfaction (June 27, 2011), Document bates stamped
SANOFI_00179886-88 Henry Grabowski, John Vernon & Joseph A. DiMasi, Returns on
Research and Development for 1990s New Drug Introductions, 20
Pharmacoeconomics 15 (2002) Julie M. Donohue, Marisa Cevasco & Meredith B. Rosenthal, A
Decade of Direct-to-Consumer Advertising of Prescription Drugs,
357 N. Engl. J. Med. 673 (2007) EXPUNGED Excerpts from Ernest Rabinowicz, Friction And Wear of Materials,
2nd Edition, 68-70 (John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1995) Excerpts from Alexander H. Slocum, Precision Machine Design,
706-709 (Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1992) Collar Friction Model Demonstration 1 Collar Friction Model Demonstration 2 Collar Friction Model Demonstration 3 SoloSTAR Dial Inject Video
IPR2018-01670, No. 2109 Exhibit - EXPUNGED (P.T.A.B. Jun. 25, 2019)
Exhibits: Patent Owner's Response Patent Owner's Updated Exhibit List Leinsing Deposition Exhibit 2100: Thomas van der Burg, Injection
Force of SoloSTAR¿¿ Compared with Other Disposable Insulin Pen
Devices at Constant Volume Flow Rates, J. of Diabetes Sci. and
Tech., Vol. 5, Issue 1, 150-155 (Jan. 2001) Leinsing Deposition Exhibit 2101: Estelle Davis, et. al., An
evaluation of prefilled insulin pens: a focuse on the Next
Generation FlexPen, Med. Devices: Evidence & Research, 41-
50 (2010:3) Leinsing Deposition Exhibit 2102: Hand drawings Leinsing Deposition Exhibit 2103: Annotations of Figures 6-15 of
Burroughs Leinsing Deposition Exhibit 2104: Annotations of Figures 5-8 of
the 486 Patent Leinsing Deposition Exhibit 2105: Hand drawings Leinsing Deposition exhibit 2106: Annotations of Figures 11 and
12 of Giambattista Declaration of Alexander Slocum, Ph.D. Part 1 Declaration of Alexander Slocum, Ph.D. Part 2 Curriculum Vitae of Alexander Slocum, Ph.D. EXPUNGED Curriculum Vitae of Henry R. Grabowski, Ph.D. Declaration of Dr. Robin S. Goland Declaration of Dr. Robin S. Goland Curriculum Vitae of Dr. Robin S. Goland Bradley M. Wright et al., A Review Of Insulin Pen Devices And
Use In The Elderly Diabetic Population, 3 Clinical Medicine
Insights: Endocrinology & Diabetes 54-63 (2010) Teresa L. Pearson, A-Practical-Review-of-Insulin-Pen-Devices,
EMJ Diabet., 58-64 (2014:2) Arthritis & Diabetes, What do diabetes and arthritis have in common? Plenty., https://www.arthritis.org/living-with-arthritis/comorbidities/diabetes-and-arthritis/ Andreas Bode, Development of the SoloSTAR insulin pen device design verification and validation, 6 Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery 103-112 (2008) Sanofi¿¿¿s Patented Pen animation John Carter, Usability, Participant Acceptance, and Safety of a Prefilled Insulin Injection Device in a 3-Month Observational Survey in Everyday Clinical Practice in Australia, J. Diabetes Sci & Tech., Vol. 3, Issue 6, 1425-1438 (Nov. 2009) Sherwyn Schwartz, Correct Use of a New Reusable Insulin Injection Pen by Patients with Diabetes: A Design Validation Study, 4 J. Diabetes Sci. and Tech. 1229-1235 (2010) Estelle Davis, et. al., An evaluation of prefilled insulin pens: a
focus on the Next Generation FlexPen¿¿, Med. Devices: Evidence
& Research, 41-50 (2010:3) DBA Design Effectiveness Awards 2009 SoloSTAR Disposable Pen Injector (The Grand Prix Oct. 22, 2009) Arnd Friedrichs et al., Dose Accuracy and Injection Force of Different Insulin Glargine Pens, 7 J. Diabetes Sci. and Tech. 1346-1353 (2013) Stacey A. Seggelke et al., Effect of Glargine Insulin Delivery Method (Pen Device Versus Vial/Syringe) on Glycemic Control and Patient Preferences in Patients with Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes, 20 ENDOCRINE PRACTICE, 536, 536, 538¿¿¿539 (2014) Julia Pfutzner et al., Evaluation of Dexterity in Insulin-Treated Patients with Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, 5 J. Diabetes Sci. and Tech. 158-165 (2011) Jerome S. Fischer et al., United States Patient Preference and Usability for the New Disposable Insulin Device Solostar¿¿ versus Other Disposable Pens, 2 JOURNAL OF DIABETES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 1157-1160 (2008) U.S. Provisional Patent Application 60/073820 Samita Garg et al., Insulin glargine and glulisine SoloSTAR pens for the treatment of diabetes, 5 Expert Rev. Med. Devices 113-123 (2008) Nicolae Hancu et al., A Pan-European and Canadian Prospective Survey to Evaluate Patient Satisfaction with the SoloSTAR Insulin Injection Device in Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes, 5 J. Diabetes Sci. and Tech. 1224-1234 (2011) Norbert Hermanns, Bernhard Kulzer & Thomas Haak, Dosing Accuracy with a Novel Pen Device (SoloSTAR) as Performed by Patients with Diabetes in a Clinical Setting, 10 Diabetes Tech. & Threapeutics 322-327 (2008) ISO 11608-1, Pen-injectors for medical use (1st Ed. Dec. 15, 2000) Meike Krzywon et al., Study on the Dosing Accuracy of Commonly Used Disposable Insulin Pens, 14 Diabetes Tech. & Therapeutics 804-809 (2012) Lantus SoloSTAR Pen Guide Arlan L. Rosenbloom, Limitation of Finger Joint Mobility in Diabetes Mellitus, 3 J. Diabetic Complications 77-87 (1989) Douglas Merritt et al., Dose Accuracy and Injection Force of Disposable Pens Delivering Pramlintide for the Treatment of Diabetes, 4 J. Diabetes Sci. and Tech. 1438-1446 (2010) Novo Nordisk Form 6-K (Feb. 9, 2009) Part 1 Novo Nordisk Form 6-K (Feb. 9, 2009) Part 2 Novo Nordisk History W. Schady et al, Observations on Severe Ulnar Neuropathy in Diabetes, 12 J Diabetes and Its Complications 128-132 (1998) Alfred Penfornis & Kristian Horvat, Dose Accuracy Compariosn Between SoloSTAR and FlexPen at Three Different Dose Levels, 10 Diabetes Tech. & Therapeutics 359-362 (2008) Riccardo Perfetti, Reusable and Disposable Insulin Pens for the Treatment of Diabetes: Understanding the Global Differences in User Preference and an Evaluation of Inpatient Insulin Pen Use, 12 Diabetes Tech. & Therapeutics 79-85 (2010) John Shelmet et al., Preference and resource utilization in elderly patients: InnoLet versus vial/syringe, 63 Diabetes Res. and Clinical Prac. 27-35 (2004) Prix Galien USA Announces 2009 Final Candidates (Prix Galien USA, August 7, 2009) Thomas Haak et al., Comparison of Usability and Patient
Preference for the New Disposable Insulin Device SoloStar Versus
FlexPen, Lilly Disposable Pen, and a Prototype Pen: An Open-
Label Study, 29 CLINICAL THERAPEUTICS, 650-660 (2007) Alastair Clarke & Geralyn Spollett, Dose accuracy and injection
force dynamics of a novel disposable insulin pen, 4 EXPERT
OPINION ON DRUG DELIVERY 165-174 (2007) US Lantus SoloSTAR Launch Book, 2007, PTX-0705, Document
bates stamped SANOFI_00232909-45 Lantus COMPASS Study Report (Nov. 29, 2007), PTX-0739,
Document bates stamped SANOFI3_90330807-1025 Part 1 Lantus COMPASS Study Report (Nov. 29, 2007), PTX-0739,
Document bates stamped SANOFI3_90330807-1025 Part 2 Steenfeldt-Jensen 5th Embodiment Animation Steenfeldt-Jensen 1st Embodiment Animation Steenfeldt-Jensen 2nd Embodiment Animation Steenfeldt-Jensen 5th Embodiment Thread and Slot Animation Steenfeldt-Jensen 5th Embodiment vs. Proposed Modification
Animation Steenfeldt-Jensen 5th Embodiment vs. Proposed Modification
Collar Friction Animation International Patent Application WO999038554A1 Geralyn Spollett, Insulin Devices, Addressing Barriers to Insulin
Therapy With the Ideal Pen, 957-967 (The Diabetes EDUCATOR) Serpil Savas et al., The effects of the diabetes related soft tissue
hand lesions and the reduced hand strength on functional disability
of hand in type 2 diabetic patients, 77 Diabetes Res. and Clinical
Prac. 77-83 (2007) Jean-Louis Selam, Evolution of Diabetes Insulin Delivery Devices,
4 J. Diabetes Sci. and Tech. 505-513 (2010) SoloSTAR Principles of Operation, PTX-0553, Document bates
stamped SANOFI_00406383-94 Sanofi Patent Drive Sleeve and Piston Rod Animation Deposition of Karl R. Leinsing, dated June 3, 2019 for IPR2018-
01675, -01676, -01678, -01680 Deposition of Karl R. Leinsing, dated June 4, 2019 for IPR2018-01675, -01676, -01678, -01680 Opinion and Order regarding Claim Construction, Sanofi-Aventis U.S. LLC v. Mylan, N.V., Civil Action No. 17-9105-SRC-SLW (D.N.J. May 9, 2019), Dkt. No. 319 Memorandum and Order regarding Claim Construction, Sanofi-Aventis U.S. LLC v. Merck, No. 16-812-RGA (D. Del. Jan. 12, 2018), Dkt. No. 192 Giambattista Animation (1) Giambattista Animation (2) U.S. Patent No. 4,648,872 U.S. Patent No. 4,747,824 U.S. Patent No. 6,248,093 Karl R. Leinsing Declaration in Hologic, Inc. v. Minerva Surgical, Inc., No. 15-1031 (D. Del. Jan. 26, 2018), Dkt. No. 309 Bruce A. Perkins, David Olaleye & Vera Bril, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Patients With Diabetic Polyneuropathy, 25 Diabetes Care 565-569 (2002) Jefferson Becker et al., An evaluation of gender, obesity, age and diabetes mellitus as risk factors for carpal tunnel syndrome, 113 Clinical Neurophysiology 1429-1434 (2002) A. Pfutzner et al., Prefilled insulin device with reduced injection force: patient perception and accuracy, 24 Current Med. Res. and Opinion 2545-2549 (2008) Ercan Cetinus et al., Hand grip strength in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, Diabetes Res. and Clinical Prac. 1-9 (2005) Ragnhild I. Cederlund et al., Hand disorders, hand function, and activities of daily living in elderly men with type 2 diabetes, 23 J. Diabetes and Its Complications 32-99 (2009) Shubha Gundmi et al., Hand dysfunction in type 2 diabetes mellitus: Systematic review with meta-analysis, 61 Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Med. 99-104 (2018) Joule J. Li et al., Muscle grip strength predicts incident type 2 diabetes: Population-based cohort study, 65 Metabolism Clinical and Experimental 883-892 (2016) Considering Insulin Pens for Routine Hospital Use - Consider This... (ISMP article), https://www.ismp.org/resources/considering-insulin-pens-routine-hospital-use-consider Trigger Finger Overview (Mayo Clinic), https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/trigger-finger/symptoms-causes/syc-20365100 Bone and joint problems associated with diabetes (Mayo Clinic), https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/diabetes/in-depth/diabetes/art-20049314 Peripheral Neuropathy (Mayo Clinic), https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/peripheral-neuropathy/symptoms-causes/syc-20352061 Charles E. Buban, A pen that seeks to improve diabetes care, INQUIRER.NET (2008), Document Bates stamped SANOFI_00006282-84 "Sanofi-aventis¿¿¿ SoloSTAR(R) Insulin Pen for Lantus and Apidra Receives the Prestigious GOOD DESIGN Award", (PR Newswire Feb. 14), Document Bates stamped SANOFI_00006299-301 Select Injectable Insulin Drugs Approved by the FDA in the U.S. U.S. Dollar Sales of Lantus SoloSTAR U.S. New Prescriptions of Lantus SoloSTAR U.S. Total Prescriptions of Lantus SoloSTAR U.S. Share of Sales by Drugs in the Lantus Franchise Formulary Placement of Long-Acting Insulin Pen Products: Commercial Plans Formulary Placement of Long-Acting Insulin Pen Products: Medicare Plans Formulary Placement of Long-Acting Insulin Pen Products: Medicaid Plans Formulary Placement of Long-Acting Insulin Pen Products in Healthcare Exchanges U.S. Share of Long-Acting Pens Among All Pens U.S. Dollar Sales of Long-Acting Pens U.S. New Prescriptions of Long-Acting Pens U.S. Total Prescriptions of Long-Acting Pens U.S. Share of Long-Acting Pen Products Yuzu Sato et al., Clinical Aspects of physical exercise for
diabetes/metabolic syndrome, 77S Diabetes Research and Clinical
Practice S87 (2007) 2007 Good Design Award from The Chicago Athenaeum: Museum
of Architecture and Design U.S. Total Marketing Expenditure of Long Acting Insulin
Franchises U.S. Total Marketing Expenditures of Long-Acting Insulin Pens U.S. Marketing-to-Sales Ratios of Select Injectable Insulin Drugs Moller First Embodiment Animation Moller Second Embodiment Animation Press Release, Lantus / Apdira SoloSTAR help to improve patient
satisfaction (June 27, 2011), Document bates stamped
SANOFI_00179886-88 Henry Grabowski, John Vernon & Joseph A. DiMasi, Returns on
Research and Development for 1990s New Drug Introductions, 20
Pharmacoeconomics 15 (2002) Julie M. Donohue, Marisa Cevasco & Meredith B. Rosenthal, A
Decade of Direct-to-Consumer Advertising of Prescription Drugs,
357 N. Engl. J. Med. 673 (2007) EXPUNGED Excerpts from Ernest Rabinowicz, Friction And Wear of Materials,
2nd Edition, 68-70 (John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1995) Excerpts from Alexander H. Slocum, Precision Machine Design,
706-709 (Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1992) Collar Friction Model Demonstration 1 Collar Friction Model Demonstration 2 Collar Friction Model Demonstration 3 SoloSTAR Dial Inject Video