Irfan Essa
`Distinguished Professor, School of Interactive Computing (IC),
`Director, Interdisciplinary Research Center for Machine Learning (ML@GT), &
`Associate Dean, College of Computing (CoC)
`Georgia Institute of Technology
`Atlanta, GA 30332-0320, USA
`Phones: 404 894 6856 (office) / 404 786 5929 (mobile)
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`(cid:4) Most entries in this CV are in listed in a Reverse Chronological order, with most recent items at the bottom.
`Additional details and papers available from the website (cid:4)
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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`Table of Contents
`Published Books, Parts of Books and Edited Volumes .
`Books .
`Refereed Book Chapters .
`Edited Proceedings and Collections .
`Thesis .
`Refereed Publications And Submitted Articles .
`Published Journal Papers (refereed) .
`Conference Presentations and Proceedings (Refereed and Archival Competitive Venues) .
`Conference Presentations with Proceedings (refereed) .
`Conference Presentations without Proceedings (abstract refereed)
`Submitted Journal Papers .
`Other Publications .
`Technical Reports .
`Software .
`Video .
`Presentations .
`Invited Keynote Addresses .
`Distinguished/Invited Lectures .
`Conference Presentations: Tutorial and Courses (Refereed) .
`Seminar Presentations (Invited Papers and Talks at Meetings and Symposia) .
`Grants and Contracts .
`Principal Investigator (PI)
`As Co-Principal Investigator (CoPI) .
`As a Senior Personnel or Contributor .
`Proposals Submitted but Not Funded (last two years) .
`Other Scholarly Accomplishments .
`Patents .
`Courses Taught .
`Individual Guidance .
`Visiting Scientists .
`Post-Doctoral Fellows / Research Scientists .
`Ph.D. Students Supervised .
`M.S. Students supervised .
`Undergraduate Research Students.
`Dissertation Committees .
`Visiting Researchers .
`Professional Contributions .
`Memberships and Activities in Professional Societies .
`Invited Study Panels and Planning Workshops .
`Conference Committee Activities
`Invited Conference Session Chair
`Editorial and Reviewer Work for Technical Journals and Publishers .
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`Invited Member of Study Panels .
`Reviewing for International Funding Agencies .
`Public Service .
`Community Service .
`Consulting and Technical Advisory Board Appointments .
`Other External Appointments .
`Expert Witness .
`Institute Committees .
`Irfan Essa, Short BIO
`Irfan Essa is a Professor in the School of Interactive Computing (iC) and Associate Dean in the College
`of Computing (CoC), at the Georgia Institute of Technology (GA Tech), in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. He is also
`serving as the Director of an Interdisciplinary Research Center on Machine Learning at GA Tech (ML@GT),
`which he founded in 2016 to develop a research and educational effort on Machine Learning at the Institute
`Professor Essa works in the areas of Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Computer Graphics, Com-
`putational Perception, Robotics and Computer Animation, Machine Learning, and Social Computing, with
`potential impact on Artificial Intelligence, Video Analysis and Production (e.g., Computational Photogra-
`phy & Video, Image-based Modeling and Rendering, etc.) Human Computer Interaction, Computational
`Behavioral/Social Sciences, and Computational Journalism research. He has published over 150 schol-
`arly articles in leading journals and conference venues on these topics and several of his papers have also
`won best paper awards. He has been awarded the NSF CAREER and was elected to the grade of IEEE Fellow.
`He has held extended research consulting positions with Disney Research and Google Research and also
`was an Adjunct Faculty Member at Carnegie Mellon’s Robotics Institute. He joined GA Tech Faculty in 1996
`after his earning his MS (1990), Ph.D. (1994), and holding research faculty position at the Massachusetts
`Institute of Technology (Media Lab) [1988-1996].
`Irfan Essa (
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`Degree Year University
`1995 Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
`Cambridge, MA., USA.
`1990 Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
`Cambridge, MA., USA.
`Illinois Institute of Technology,
`Chicago, IL., USA.
`Media Arts & Sciences
`(from the MIT Media Labs)
`Associate Dean
`School of Interactive Computing / College of Computing
`Georgia Institute of Technology,
`Atlanta, GA., USA
`Machine Learning Center @ Georgia Tech (ML@GT)
`College of Computing (CoC)
`School of Interactive Computing / College of Computing
`Georgia Institute of Technology,
`Atlanta, GA., USA
`School of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
`Georgia Institute of Technology,
`Atlanta, GA., USA
`Google Research
`Mountain View, CA, USA & Atlanta, GA, USA
`Robotics Institute
`Carnegie Mellon University,
`Pittsburgh, PA., USA
`Disney Research
`Pittsburgh, PA., USA
`School of Interactive Computing / College of Computing
`Georgia Institute of Technology,
`Atlanta, GA., USA
`College of Computing
`Georgia Institute of Technology,
`Atlanta, GA., USA
`Media Laboratory, Perceptual Computing Section,
`Scholar/Scientist Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
`Cambridge, MA., USA
`Media Laboratory, Perceptual Computing Section,
`Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
`Cambridge, MA., USA.
`Vision, Graphics and Visualization Group,
`Thinking Machines Corporation,
`Cambridge, MA., USA
`Irfan Essa (
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`Associate Dean
`Research and
`Space Planning
`Director (Founding)
`Georgia Tech College of Computing
`Represent the College’s Research Portfolio at the
`Institute and Externally. Responsible for Space Planning.
`On Leadership Team and Dean’s Cabinet.
`Machine Learning Center @ Georgia Tech (ML@GT)
`Directing a new Center for Machine Learning.
`Helped establish this new center 2014-2016.
`Now the Center serves as an Interdisciplinary
`Research Center (IRC) for all of Georgia Tech.
`Georgia Tech College of Computing
`Directing International, Distance Learning and Online
`Programs and other Special Initiatives for the College.
`On Leadership Team and Dean’s Cabinet.
`Georgia Tech College of Computing
`Off-Campus Initiatives Directing all International, Distance Learning and Online
`GVU Center at Georgia Tech
`Managed external and internal research initiatives.
`Georgia Tech, College of Computing’s
`Summer Internship Program for Underrepresented Minorities
`Associate Dean
`Off-Campus and
`Special Initiatives
`Associate Director
`Founding Director Computational Perception Laboratory at Georgia Tech
`Currently, Co-Directing this Research Lab with 5 other faculty
`Founding Director Computational Journalism Initiative at Georgia Tech
`Founded in 2008 to study Journalism in context of technology.
`Founding Member Aware Home Research Initiative at Georgia Tech
`Irfan Essa (
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`Research Honors and Awards
`Imlay Fellowship, 1996-98. Awarded as a Jr Faculty Chair by GA Tech.
`2. Edenfield Faculty Fellowship 1997. Awarded as a Project Seed Funding by GA Tech.
`3. National Science Foundation, CAREER Award, 2000.
`4. Georgia Tech. College of Computing, Outstanding Junior Faculty Research Award, 2000.
`5. Georgia Tech. College of Computing, Outstanding Senior Faculty Research Award, 2005.
`6. Georgia Tech. GVU Center, GVU Impact Award. One of 15 awards, given to individuals who have
`made significant contributions to GVU’s identity, community and influence at Georgia Tech and in
`the world, for “research and educational activities surrounding digital special effects and image-
`based computational expression.” 2007.
`7. Raytheon Faculty Fellowship 2009 (with Guy Lebanon). Awarded as a Project Seed Funding by GA
`8. Awarded Best Research Paper Award (2011) by Google Research for paper on Video Segmentation
`9. Elected to IEEE Fellow Grade 2011.
`10. Awarded Best Research Paper Award (2012) by Google Research for paper on Video Stabilization
`11. Awarded Best Paper in International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP) 2012 (B.2.82).
`12. Awarded Best Paper in ECCV 2012 Workshop on Web-scale Vision and Social Media 2012 (B.2.86).
`13. Awarded Best Paper (Honorable Mention) in MICCAI 2014 Workshop on Modeling and Monitoring
`of Computer Assisted Interventions (M2CAI) (B.2.100).
`14. Awared Best Paper in IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) 2015
`15. Best Short Paper Award in ACM Conference on Intelligence User Interfaces (IUI) 2015 (B.2.107).
`Teaching Honors and Awards
`1. Georgia Tech. Outstanding use of Innovative Technologies in Teaching Award, 2000.
`2. Georgia Tech. College of Computing’s William A. “gus” Baird Faculty Teaching Award, 2002.
`Service Honors and Awards
`1. 1999 Dean’s Award for Service to the College of Computing, GA Tech.
`2. 2011 Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award by the College of Computing, GA Tech.
`3. 2017 Dean’s Award for Service to the College of Computing, GA Tech.
`Irfan Essa (
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`(cid:4) All publications listed in reverse chronological order, with recent publications showing at the end. Advisee
`(Student, Post-Doc) and Professor Essa’s name highlighted in bold. (cid:4)
`A. Published Books, Parts of Books and Edited Volumes
`A.1. Books
`A.2. Refereed Book Chapters
`A.2.1 Essa, I., S. Sclaroff, and A. Pentland.
`(1993) “Physically-based Modeling for Graphics and Vi-
`sion.” Chapter in Directions in Geometric Computing, pp. 161–196, R. Martin (Editor), Information-
`Geometers, UK., 1993.
`A.2.2 Pentland, A., S. Sclaroff, B. Horowitz, and I. Essa. (1993) “Modal Descriptions for Modeling, Recog-
`nition and Tracking.” In Three-Dimensional Object Recognition Systems, Vol. I, A K. Jain and P. J.
`Flynn (Editors), pp. 423–445, Elsevier Science Publishers, 1993.
`A.2.3 Pentland, A., I. Essa, T. Darrell, A. Azarbayejani and S. Sclaroff. (1996) “Visually Guided Anima-
`tion.” In Interactive Computer Animation, N. Thalmann and D. Thalmann (Editors), pp. 143–164,
`Prentice-Hall, 1996
`A.2.4 Essa, I. and Alex Pentland. (1997) “Facial Expression Recognition Using Image Motion.” In Mo-
`tion Based Recognition, M. Shah and R. Jain (Editors), Chapter 12 , Kluwer Academic Publishers,
`Computational Imaging and Vision Series, 1997.
`A.2.5 Essa, I. (2004) “Facial Expressions.” In Encyclopedia on Human Computer Interaction , W. Bain-
`bridge (Editor) Berkshire Publishing.
`A.2.6 Essa, I. and Aaron Bobick. (2005) “Simulation Humans.” In Organizational Simulation, W. Rouse
`and K. Boff (Editors), Wiley Publishers.
`A.2.7 Thomaz, E., I. Essa and G. Abowd (2017), “Challenges and Opportunities in Automated Detection
`of Eating Activity,” Chapter in Mobile Health Sensors, Analytic Methods, and Application, J. M.
`Rehg, S, A. Murphy amd S. Kumar (Editors), Springer, 2017.
`A.3. Edited Proceedings and Collections
`A.3.1 Proceedings of Second International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition
`(Program Chair), Killington, VT., USA. IEEE Computer Society Press, October, 1996.
`A.3.2 Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Nonrigid and Articulated Motion, (Program Co-chair), San Juan,
`Puerto Rico, IEEE Computer Society Press, June 1997.
`A.3.3 Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, (Program Co-chair),
`Miami, FL, USA, IEEE Computer Society Press, June 2009.
`A.4. Thesis
`A.4.1 Essa, I. (1990), “Contact Detection, Collision Response and Friction for Physically-based Virtual
`World Modeling and Vision Systems.” S.M. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, June
`A.4.2 Essa, I. (1995), “Analysis, Interpretation, and Synthesis of Facial Expressions.” Ph.D. Thesis, Mas-
`sachusetts Institute of Technology, February 1995.
`Irfan Essa (
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`B. Refereed Publications And Submitted Articles
`B.1. Published Journal Papers (refereed)
`B.1.1 Pentland A., I. Essa, M. Friedmann, B. Horowitz, and T. Starner, (1990) “The ThingWorld Modeling
`System: Virtual Sculpting by Modal Forces”, In ACM Computer Graphics, 24(2), pp. 143-144, ACM
`Press, March 1990.
`B.1.2 Essa, I., S. Sclaroff, and A. Pentland. (1992) “A Unified Approach for Physical and Geometric Mod-
`eling for Graphics and Animation.” In Computer Graphics Forum, The International Journal of the
`Eurographics Association, Vol. 11 (3), C129-C138, C470–C471, Cambridge, England, September
`B.1.3 Darrell, T., I. Essa, and A. Pentland (1996). “Task-specific Gesture Modeling using Interpolated
`Views.” In IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Volume 18 (12), pp.
`1236–1242, IEEE Computer Society Press, December 1996.
`B.1.4 Essa, I., and A. Pentland. (1997) “Coding, Analysis, Interpretation and Recognition of Facial Ex-
`pressions.” In IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Volume 19 (7), pp.
`757–763, IEEE Computer Society Press, July, 1997.
`B.1.5 Essa, I. (2000) “Computers Seeing People”, in AI Magazine, Volume 20 (1), pp. 69–82, AAAI Press,
`Summer 1999.
`B.1.6 Essa, I. (2000) “Ubiquitous Sensing for Smart and Aware Environments”, In IEEE Personal Com-
`munications, Special Issue on Networking the Physical World, Volume 7(5), pp. 47–49, IEEE Press.
`October 2000..
`B.1.7 Schödl, A., R. Szeliski, D. Salesin, and I. Essa. (2000) “Video Textures”, In ACM SIGGRAPH 2000,
`pp. 489-498, ACM Press, New Orleans, LA, August 2000.
`B.1.8 Brostow, G., and I. Essa. (2001) “Image-based Motion Blur for Stop Motion Animation” In ACM
`SIGGRAPH 2001, Los Angeles, CA., USA. August 2001.
`B.1.9 Kwatra, V., Schödl, A., Essa, I., Turk, G., & Bobick, A. (2003).
`“Graphcut textures: Image and
`video synthesis using graph cuts.” ACM Transactions on Graphics, SIGGRAPH 2003 Special Issue,
`22(3), 277–286. ACM Press.
`B.1.10 Sukel, K.E., Catrambone, R., I. Essa and Brostow, G., (2003) “Presenting movement in a computer-
`based dance tutor.” International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, Volume 15(3), 433–
`B.1.11 Angelov, Y., Ramachandran, U., Mackenzie, K., Rehg, J. and Essa, I.(2005) “Optimizing Stream-
`Oriented Applications for Cluster Execution.” Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing.
`B.1.12 Kwatra, V., Essa, I., Bobick, A. and Kwatra, N. (2005) “Texture Optimization for Example-based
`Synthesis.” ACM Transactions on Graphics, SIGGRAPH 2005 Special Issue ACM Press.
`B.1.13 Rogers, W., I. Essa, A. Fisk, (2007) “Designing a Technology Coach” In Ergonomics in Design, Jour-
`nal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.October 2007
`B.1.14 Rusu. R., J. Bandouch, F. Meier, I. Essa and M. Beetz (2009) ÊHuman Action Recognition Using
`Global Point Feature Histograms and Action ShapesÃŞ, in Journal of Advanced Robotics, volume
`23, pages 1873ÃŘ1908, Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden and The Robotics Society of Japan, 2009.
`B.1.15 Hamid R., S. Maddi, A. Johnson, A. Bobick, I. Essa and C. Isbell (2009) “A Novel Sequence Repre-
`sentation for Unsupervised Analysis of Human Activities,” In Artificial Intelligence Journal, 2009.
`Irfan Essa (
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`B.1.16 Kwatra. N., C. Wojtan, M. Carlson, I. Essa, P. J. Mucha, G. Turk (2010) “Fluid Simulation with Artic-
`ulated Bodies,” In IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, January/February
`2010 (vol. 16 no. 1), pp 70–80, 2010.
`B.1.17 Yin, P., A. Criminisi, J. Winn, and I. Essa (2011) “Bilayer Segmentation of Webcam Videos Using
`Tree-based Classifiers”, In IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2011.
`B.1.18 Kim, K., S. Oh, J. Lee, and I. Essa (2011). “Augmenting aerial earth maps with dynamic informa-
`tion from videos”. In Virtual Reality Journal, Springer, March 2011.
`B.1.19 Hamid, R., R. Kumar, J. Hodgins, and I. Essa (2013), “A Visualization Framework for Team Sports
`Captured using Multiple Static Cameras,” In Journal of Computer Vision and Image Understand-
`ing p. -, 2013.
`B.1.20 Zia, A., Y. Sharma, V. Bettadapura, E. L. Sarin, T. Ploetz, M. A. Clements, and I. Essa (2016), “Auto-
`mated video-based assessment of surgical skills for training and evaluation in medical schools”
`in the International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, vol. 11, iss. 9, pp. 1623-
`1636, 2016.
`B.1.21 Zia, A., Y. Sharma, V. Bettadapura, E. L. Sarin, and I. Essa (2018), “Video and Accelerometer-
`Based Motion Analysis for Automated Surgical Skills Assessment” in the International Journal of
`Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 2018 (To Appear).
`(cid:4) ACM SIGGRAPH papers ([B.1.7] and [B.1.8]) are considered final archival journal publications. (cid:4)
`B.2. Conference Presentations and Proceedings (Refereed and Archival Competitive Venues)
`(cid:4) Refereed publications in respected conferences, with extensive reviewing, and appearing in archival proceedings.
`These are the most popular venues for publications in Dr. Essa’s fields of expertise. Additional Conference and
`Workshop papers with review are included in Section B.3. (cid:4)
`• 1994–1996 •
`B.2.1 Pentland, A., I. Essa, T. Darrell, and S. Sclaroff (1994)., “Visually Guided Animation.” , In Pro-
`ceedings of Computer Animation 1994 Conference, pp. 129–138, IEEE Computer Society Press,
`Geneva, Switzerland, May 1994.
`B.2.2 Essa, I.and A. Pentland (1994)., “A Vision System for Observing and Extracting Facial Action Pa-
`rameters” , In Proceedings of IEEE Computer Vision Pattern Recognition Conference 1994, pp.
`76–83, IEEE Computer Society Press, Seattle, WA., June 1994.
`B.2.3 Essa, I., T. Darrell, and A. Pentland (1994)., “Tracking Facial Motion”, In Proceedings of IEEE Non-
`rigid and Articulated Motion Workshop 1994, pp. 36–42, Austin, TX., IEEE Computer Society Press,
`November 1994.
`B.2.4 Darrell, T., I. Essa, and A. Pentland (1995)., “Correlation and Interpolation Networks for Real-time
`Expression Analysis/Synthesis”, In G. Tesauro, D. S. Touretzky, and T. K. Leen (Editors), pp. 909–
`916, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (Proceedings of NIPS) 7, Denver, CO.,
`MIT Press 1995.
`B.2.5 Essa, I.and A. Pentland (1995)., “Facial Expression Recognition using a Dynamic Model and Motion
`Energy”, In, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision 1995, pp. 360–
`367, IEEE Computer Society Press, Cambridge, MA., May 1995.
`B.2.6 Basu, S., I. Essa, and A. Pentland (1996)., “Motion Regularization for Model-based Head Tracking.”
`In Proceedings of International Conference on Pattern Recognition, pp. C8A.3, Vienna, Austria,
`August 1996.
`Irfan Essa (
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`B.2.7 Essa, I., S. Basu., T. Darrell, and A. Pentland (1996)., “Modeling, Tracking and Interactive Anima-
`tion of Facial Expressions and Head Movements using Input from Video”, In Proceedings of Com-
`puter Animation 1996 Conference, pp. 68–79, IEEE Computer Society Press, Geneva, Switzerland,
`June 1996.
`• 1997–2000 •
`B.2.8 Schödl, A., A. Haro, and I. Essa (1998)., “Head Tracking using a Textured Polygonal Model”, In
`Proceedings of Perceptual User Interfaces Workshop, (held in Conjunction with ACM UIST 1998),
`pp. 43–48, November 1998.
`B.2.9 Schödl, A., K. Schwan, and I. Essa, (1999) “Adaptive Parallelization of Model-based Head Track-
`ing”, In Proceedings of 1999 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing
`Techniques and Applications (PDPTA’99) (7 pages), Monte Carlo Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA,
`June 1999.
`B.2.10 Moore, D., I. Essa, and M. Hayes, (1999) “Exploiting Human Actions and Object Context for Recog-
`nition Tasks”, In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision 1999 (ICCV’99),
`pp. 80–86, IEEE Computer Society Press, Corfu, Greece, September 1999.
`B.2.11 Brostow, G., and I. Essa, (1999) “Motion-based Video Decompositing.” In Proceedings of IEEE
`International Conference on Computer Vision 1999 (ICCV’99), pp. 8–13, IEEE Computer Society
`Press, Corfu, Greece, September 1999.
`B.2.12 Kidd. C., G. Abowd, C. Atkeson, I. Essa, B. MacIntyre, E. Mynatt, T. Starner, (1999) “The Aware
`Home: A Living Laboratory for Ubiquitous Computing Research”, In Proceedings of Second In-
`ternational Workshop on Cooperative Buildings 1999, Editors, Streitz, J. Siegel, V. Hartkopf, S.
`Konomi, Pittsburgh. LNCS 1670. Springer: Heidelberg, 1999.
`B.2.13 Haro, A., M. Flickner and I. EssaI. Essa ( (2000)., “Detecting and Tracking Eyes by Using their
`Physiological Properties, Dynamics and Appearance”, In Proceedings of IEEE Computer Vision and
`Pattern Recognition 2000 Conference, pp. I163–I168. IEEE Computer Society Press, Hilton Head,
`SC, June 2000.
`• 2001 •
`B.2.14 Mynatt, E., I. Essa, and W. Rogers, (2001) “Increasing the Opportunities for Aging in Place”, In
`Proceedings of First ACM Universal Usability 2000 Conference (Inaugural Conference), pp. 65–
`71, Arlington, VA, November 2000.
`B.2.15 Schödl, A., and I. Essa.
`(2001) “Learning Methods for Video-based Animation”, In Advances
`Neural Information Processing Systems 13 (Proceedings of NIPS 2000 Conference), T. K. Leen,
`T. .G. Dietrterich, and V. Tresp (Editors), MIT Press, pp. 1002–1008, May 2001.
`B.2.16 Haro, A., B. Guenter, I. Essa. (2001) “Real-time, Photorealistic, Physically Based Rendering of
`Human Skin Microstructure” In Proceedings of Eurographics Rendering Workshop, pp. 53–62,
`London, England June 2001.
`B.2.17 Steedly, D., and I. Essa.
`(2001) “Propagation of Innovative Information in Non-Linear Least-
`Squares Structure from Motion” In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer
`Vision 2001 Conference, Volume II, pp. 223–229, IEEE Computer Society Press, Vancouver, BC,
`Canada, July 2001.
`B.2.18 Schödl, A. and I. Essa, (2001) “Depth Layers from Occlusions” In Proceedings of IEEE Confer-
`ence on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, IEEE Computer Society Press, Kauai, Hawaii,
`December 2001.
`Irfan Essa (
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`B.2.19 Stillman, S. and I. Essa, (2001) “Towards Reliable Multimodal Sensing in Aware Environments” In
`Perceptual User Interfaces (PUI 2001) Workshop held in Conjunction with ACM UIST 2001 Confer-
`ence, ACM Publishers, November 2001.
`B.2.20 Moore, D. and I. Essa, (2001) “Recognizing Multi-tasking Activities using Context-Free Stochastic
`Grammar” In Proceedings of Workshop on Models versus Exemplars in Computer Vision, (held
`in Conjunction with IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference),
`December 2001.
`B.2.21 Reveret, L. and I. Essa, (2001) “Visual Coding and Tracking of Speech Related Facial Motions” In
`Proceedings of Cues in Communications Workshop, (held in Conjunction with IEEE Conference on
`Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition), December 2001.
`• 2002 •
`B.2.22 Schödl, A. and I. Essa, (2002) “Controlled Animation of Video Sprites” In Proceedings First ACM
`Symposium on Computer Animation 2002, held in conjunction with ACM SIGGRAPH 2002 Confer-
`ence, San Antonio, TX, USA, July 2002.
`B.2.23 Moore, D. and I. Essa, (2002) “Recognizing Multitasked Activities from Video using Recogniz-
`ing Multitasked Activities from Video using Stochastic Context-Free Grammar” In Proceedings
`of American Association of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) Conference 2002, Alberta, Canada, July
`B.2.24 Abowd, G. A. Bobick, I. Essa, E. Mynatt, and W. Rogers. (2002), “The Aware Home: Developing
`Technologies for Successful Aging” In Proceedings of AAAI Workshop and Automation as a Care
`Giver, held in conjunction with American Association of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) Conference
`2002, Alberta, Canada, July 2002.
`B.2.25 Haro, A. and I. Essa. (2002) “Learning Video Processing by Example” In Proceedings of Interna-
`tional Conference on Pattern Recognition 2002, pp I:487–491, Quebec City, Canada, August 2002.
`• 2003 •
`B.2.26 Ruddarraju, R., A. Haro, and I. Essa, (2003) “Fast Multi Camera Head Pose Tracking,” In Proceed-
`ings of Visual Interface Conference 2003, Halifax, Canada, June 2003.
`B.2.27 Minnen, D., I. Essa, and T. Starner. (2003) “Expectation Grammars: Leveraging High-Level Expec-
`tations for Activity Recognition” In IEEE Proceedings of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
`Conference 2003, Madison, Wisconsin, June 2003.
`B.2.28 Hamid, M. R., Y. Huang, I. Essa. (2003) “ARGmode: Activity Recognition using Graphical Models”
`In Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Event Mining, Event Detection, and Recognition in Video, held
`in Conjunction with IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference 2003, Madison,
`Wisconsin, June 2003.
`B.2.29 Steedly, D., Essa, I., and Delleart, F. (2003) “Spectral Partitioning for Structure from Motion,” In
`Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Vision 2003, Nice, France, October 2003.
`B.2.30 Xu, J., R. Lipton, I. Essa, M. Sung and Y. Zhu. (2003) “Mandatory Human Participation: A New
`Authentication Scheme for Building Secure Systems,” In Proceedings of 12th International Con-
`ference on Computer Communications and Networks 2003, pp. 547–552, Dallas, Texas, October
`B.2.31 Parry, R. M., and I. Essa, (2003) “Rhythmic Similarity through Elaboration”, In Proceedings of the
`International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR 2003), Baltimore, MD, 251–252,
`Irfan Essa (
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`B.2.32 Ruddarraju, R., A. Haro, K. Nagel, Q. Tran, I. Essa, G. Abowd, E. Mynatt, (2003) “Perceptual User
`Interfaces Using Vision-based Eye Tracking.” In Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on
`Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI-PUI 2003), Vancouver, B.C. November 2003.
`B.2.33 Haro, A., and I. Essa, (2003) “Exemplar Based Surface Texture”, In Proceedings of Vision, Model-
`ing, and Visualization 2003 Conference, Munich, Germany November 2003.
`B.2.34 Yin, P., Essa, I., & Rehg, J. M. (2003) “Boosted Audio-Visual HMM for Speech Reading.” In Pro-
`ceedings of International Workshop on Analysis and Modeling of Faces and Gestures (AMFG) (pp.
`68–73). Nice, France. .
`• 2004 •
`B.2.35 Brostow, G., I. Essa, D. Steedly and V. Kwatra (2004) “Novel Skeletal Representation for Artic-
`ulated Creatures”, In Proceedings of European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), Prague,
`Czech Republic, May 2004.
`B.2.36 Hays, J., and I. Essa. (2004) “Image and Video Based Painterly Animation”, In Proceedings of the
`3rd International Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering (NPAR 2004), June
`B.2.37 Yin, P., I. Essa, & J. M. Rehg (2004). Asymmetrically boosted hmm for speech reading.
`Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2004) Volume
`I, (pp. 755-761). Washington DC, USA: IEEE Computer Society. .
`B.2.38 Shi, Y., Y. Huang, D. Minnen, A. Bobick, & Essa, I.(2004). “Propagation networks for recognition
`of partially ordered sequential action.” In Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision
`and Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR 2004) Volume I, (pp. 862-869). Washington, DC: IEEE
`Computer Society. .
`B.2.39 Diakopoulos, N., Essa, I., & Jain, R. (2004). “Content based image synthesis.” In Proceedings
`of Image and Video Retrieval: Third International Conference, (CIVR 2004), Dublin, Ireland, July
`21-23, 2004. Springer, Volume 3115, (pp. ).
`B.2.40 Covington, M., Ahamad, M., Essa, I., Venkateswaran, H. (2004) “Parameterized Authentic

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