`(12) Unlted States Patent
`(10) Patent No.:
`US 8,872,646 B2
`Kahn et al.
`(45) Date of Patent:
`Oct. 28, 2014
`Inventors: Phlllppe Hahn, Santa Cruz, CA (US),
`Arthur KlIlSOlVlng, Santa Cruz, CA
`(US); David Vogel, Santa Cruz, CA
`(US); Mark Andrew Christensen, Santa
`sz, CA (Us)
`(73) Ass1gnee: DP Technologles, Inc., Scotts Valley, CA
`) Notice.
`Subject. to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U30 154(1)) by 551 days
`(21) Appl. No.: 12/247,950
`Oct. 8, 2008
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`Ang, Wei Tech, et 31, “Zero Phase Filtering for Active Compensation
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`B60Q 1/00
`(52) US. Cl.
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`(58) Fleld 0f ClaSSIficatlon Search
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`A method comprises determining an idle sample value for a
`dominant axis of a device in an idle state. The method further
`comprises registering a motion of the device, and evaluating
`the motion. The method further comprises waking up the
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`the dominant axis of the device and/or a level of acceleration
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`22 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets
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`US. Patent
`Oct. 28, 2014
`Sheet 1 of7
`US 8,872,646 B2
`Figure 1
`Page 6 of 17
`Page 6 of 17


`US. Patent
`Oct. 28, 2014
`Sheet 2 of7
`US 8,872,646 B2
`System _2_Q
`Motion Sensor Logic gm
`rw—w— l
`_ i 2.15.
`Sample Period
`Glitch Correcting
`Glitch Notifier
`Long Average
`250 ry NW Logic
`Dominant Axis
`Configuration Logic 2__Q_
`Power Logic
`Device State
`Figure 2
`Page 7 of 17
`Page 7 of 17


`US. Patent
`Oct. 28, 2014
`Sheet 3 of7
`US 8,872,646 B2
`\ No
`< time to sample motion data?
`\ 53.1.9.
`Get sample motion data
`// _
`,/ Is the devnce idle? \
`> W ’
`\ __ /
`// Has \
`a motion been detected? %
`2.5. /
` is it \
`//afieai” motion. to war%\
`w k nin
`thed vi
`? //
`\\aa 8
`e Gel/
`i i
`Wake up the device
`Perform configuration of the device
`Figure 3
`Page 8 of 17
`Page 8 of 17


`US. Patent
`Oct. 28, 2014
`Sheet 4 of7
`US 8,872,646 B2
`Receive motion data over sampling period
`Add received motion data to long average(s) to
`update long average(s) along one or more axes
`Send long averages to Dominant Axis Logic to
`determine dominant axis
`Page 9 of 17
`Figure 4
`Page 9 of 17


`US. Patent
`Oct. 28, 2014
`Sheet 5 of7
`US 8,872,646 B2
`“my”. >
`Place device in idle state
`510 Y
`Get data for dominant axis (DA1) of
`idle device and accelerations along
`DA1 over sampling period
`idle Sample (IS) = long average along
`DA1 over sampling period;
`Save IS to memory
`Get new data for dominant axis (DA2)
`and new acceleration data along DAZ
`Current Sample (C8) = long average
`along DA2 updated with new
`acceleration data; Save C8 to memory
`Q DA2 same as DA1?
` Yes
`w——_<(\cs— 13) > Threshold Valli?
`Start up the device
`/ srob"”\
`Figure 5
`Page 10 of 17
`Page 10 of 17


`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 28, 2014
`Sheet 6 of 7
`US 8,872,646 B2
`Get motion data
`datum in aiiowable
`Send motion datum, as it
`passes verification, to long
`average logic
`Page 11 0f17
`Discard unacceptable
`motion datum
`/ \
`/Excessive numberfi_«H
`i No
`Figure 6
`Page 11 of 17


`US. Patent
`Oct. 28, 2014
`Sheet 7 of7
`US 8,872,646 B2
`765 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
`input Device
`_ Unit
`Cursor Control
`- Data
`Communications i
`Figure 7
`Page 12 0f17
`Page 12 of 17


`US 8,872,646 B2
`This invention relates to a method and system for waking
`up a device from an idle state.
`Technological progress has led to the proliferation of com-
`mercial electronic devices such as portable computers, game
`controllers, GPS devices, digital cameras, cellular tele-
`phones, and personal media players. Continuous improve-
`ments have allowed the users to enjoy many features and
`possible uses from a single mobile device. However, gener-
`ally, the more applications a mobile device has, the faster the
`battery of the mobile device depletes. Therefore, it can be
`difficult to maximize battery life and provide a great user
`experience at the same time.
`The present invention provides a method and system to
`wake up a device due to motion. The system determines a
`dominant axis ofa device. The device is placed in an idle state,
`after a period of inactivity or lack ofmotion. A sensor, such as
`an accelerometer, registers a motion of the device. A compu-
`tation logic analyzes the motion data to determine if the
`motion data indicates a real motion. If so, the device is woken
`The present invention is illustrated by way of example, and
`not by way of limitation, in the figures of the accompanying
`drawings and in which like reference numerals refer to similar
`elements and in which:
`FIG. 1 is an illustration of one embodiment of moving a
`device that may require waking up the device.
`FIG. 2 is a block diagram of one embodiment of a system.
`FIG. 3 is a flowchart of one embodiment of determining
`whether to wake up a device based on motion data.
`FIG. 4 is a flowchart of one embodiment of a process to
`create a long average of accelerations.
`FIG. 5 is a flowchart of one embodiment of a process for
`determining whether a device should be woken up from an
`idle state.
`FIG. 6 is a flowchart of one embodiment of a process to
`detect and correct glitches in motion data.
`FIG. 7 is a block diagram ofone embodiment of a computer
`system that may be used with the present invention.
`A method and system for waking up a device due to motion
`ofthe device is described. Embodiments of the present inven-
`tion are designed to determine if a device should be woken up
`from an idle state based on the analysis of motion data. In one
`embodiment, motion data for the dominant axis is analyzed
`and the device is woken up from idle state if the motion data
`analysis points to the motion being “real” motion as opposed
`to a mere jostle or glitch.
`The following detailed description of embodiments of the
`invention makes reference to the accompanying drawings in
`which like references indicate similar elements, showing by
`way of illustration specific embodiments of practicing the
`invention. Description of these embodiments is in sufficient
`detail to enable those skilled in the art to practice the inven-
`tion. One skilled in the art understands that other embodi-
`ments may be utilized and that logical, mechanical, electrical,
`functional and other changes may be made without departing
`from the scope of the present
`invention. The following
`detailed description is, therefore, not to be taken in a limiting
`sense, and the scope of the present invention is defined only
`by the appended claims.
`FIG. 1 is an illustration of one embodiment of moving an
`idle device that may result in waking up the device. The idle
`state is defined, in one embodiment, as a state in which the
`device is not moving, and there is no active application which
`includes user interaction/display. In one embodiment, there
`may be multiple levels of idle state, e.g. where various sub-
`systems are placed in a power-reduced state or not. When the
`device is in the idle state, the device is placed in low-power
`mode. In this state, there is sufficient power maintained to
`monitor at least one sensor. However, other elements and
`applications are turned off to extend the battery life of the
`device. In one embodiment, some applications may remain
`active. For example, the device may be in the idle state, but
`continue a download, utilizing a network and memory store.
`In one embodiment, if at least one subsystem is turned off due
`to lack of device motion, this may be considered an “idle
`In one embodiment, after a device 110 is placed on a
`horizontal surface 115 such as a desk or chair, after a period of
`inactivity the device 110 goes to the idle state to conserve the
`battery. In one embodiment, the device is placed into the
`pocket, purse, bag, or any other non-moving location, the
`device enters the idle state.
`The system, in one embodiment, is designed to ensure that
`when the device is picked up by a user, the device is moved
`from the idle state to an active state rapidly. By initiating the
`transition from the idle state to the active state without requir-
`ing user input, the user wait is reduced. For example, when a
`user 100 picks up the device 110 from its position on the
`horizontal surface 115, the device is designed to wake up. In
`one embodiment, the device 110 is woken up from idle state
`and the user is presented the last active state of the device. In
`one embodiment, this may be sufliciently rapid that by the
`time the device is being viewed by the user, the prior state has
`been restored. In contrast, if the table on which the device is
`resting is shaken, or the purse is jostled, the device should not
`wake up. This reduces power usage, because the device is not
`continuously being woken up from small motions which
`occur when someone walks near a table, sits down, or simi-
`larly causes small motions.
`FIG. 2 is a block diagram illustrating one embodiment of a
`system 200 of the present invention. In one embodiment, the
`system 200 is a portable electronic device. The system 200 in
`one embodiment comprises motion sensor logic 210, sample
`period logic 230, glitch correcting logic 235, long average
`logic 240, dominant axis logic 245, memory 250, computa-
`tion logic 255, and configuration logic 260.
`In one embodiment, the motion sensor logic 210 comprises

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