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`Andreas §panias
`Ted Painter
`Venkatraman Atti
`Page 3
`A John WIIey & Sons, Inc” Publication
`Page 3


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`Library of Congress Catalogiug-iii-Publication Data:
`Spanias, Andreas.
`Audio signal processing and coding/by Andreas Spanius, 'l‘ed Painter, Venkutraman Atti.
`p. cm.
`“\N’iley-lnterscicnce publication."
`Includes bibliographical references and index.
`ISBN: 978—0-471—79147—8
`t'rrding Iliuory. 2. Signal processing "lingual lt'L‘lmiquc‘s. 3 Round—Recording and
`reprntlmmi: - Digital techniques. I. Painter. Ted. tum-ll. Atti, \r‘ertkutrannm.
`'l‘KS l02.92.S73 2006
`62 l .382‘87dc22
`Printed in the United States of America.
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`Page 4
`Page 4


`Historical Perxpccrive
`A General Perceptual Audio Coding Architecture
`Audio Coder Attributes
`Audio Quality
`Bit Rates
`Codec Delay
`Error Robustness
`Types of Audio Coders ~ An Overview
`Organization 01' 11113 Book
`Notationnl Conventions
`Computer Exercises
`Spectra of Analog Signals
`Review of Convolution and Filtering
`Uniform Sampling
`Discrete—lime Signal Processuig
`Page 5
`Page 5


`Structured VQ
`Conjugate-Structure VQ
`Bit-Allocation Algorithms
`Entropy Coding
`Huffman Coding
`Rice Coding
`Golomb Coding
` - " nun-u amt-1H
`Page 6
`Transforms for I‘Discrete—Time Signals
`The Discrete and the Fast Fourier Transform
`The Discrete Cosine Transform
`The Short-Ti me Fourier Transform
`Difference Equations and Digital Filters
`The 'Il‘ransfer and the Frequency Response Functions
`Poles. Zeros. and Frequency Response
`J 3
`8 r
`Examples of Digital Filters for Audio Applications
`Review of Multirate Signal Processing
`Down—sampling by an Integer
`Up—sampling by an Integer
`Sampling Rate Changes by Noninteger Factors
`Quadrature Mirror Filter Banks
`Discrete—lime Random Signals
`Random Signals Processed by L'I‘l Digital Filters
`Autocorrelation Estimation from Finite—Length Data
`Computer Exercises
`The Quantization—Bit Allocation—Entropy Coding
`Density Functions and Quantization
`Scalar Quantization
`Uniform Quantization
`Nonuniform Quantization
`Differential PCM
`Vector Quantization
`Page 6


`Arithmetic Coding
`(.30mputer Exercises
`LPBased Source-System Modeling I‘or Speech
`Short—Term Linear Prediction
`Long-Term Prediction
`ADPCM Using Linear Prediction
`(')pen—l..oop Analysis-Synthesis Linear Prediction
`Aiialysis—by—Synt'liesis Linear Prediction
`Code-Excited Linear Prediction Algorithmx
`Linear Prediction in Wideband Coding
`4.6.1 Wideband Speech Coding
`4.6.2 Wideband Audio Coding
`Sn Inmary
`Computer Exercises
`Absolute ’I‘Ilrcsliold of Hearing
`Critical Bands
`Simultancoux Masking, Masking Asymmetry. and the Spread
`ol‘ Masking
`Asymmetry 01. Masking
`The Spread 01‘ Atlasking
`Nonsimultaneous IVIleklnil
`Perceptual Entropy
`[Example (‘nilt‘t' Perceptual l‘vhnl-cl'. [St HIEC 11172-3
`tMl’l‘iG .
`ll l’xyclioacottnin‘ Model
`Step 1: Spectral Allah-xix and SPL Normali/ation
`1 14
`Page 7
`Page 7


`Step 2: Identification of Tonal and Noise Maskers
`Step 3: Declination and Reorganization of Maskers
`Step 4: Calculation ol‘ Individual Masking "Thresholds
`Step 5: Calculation of Global Masking Thresholds
`Perceptual Bit Allocation
`Computer Exercises
`Analysis-Synthesis Framework for M—band Filter Banks
`Filter Banks for Audio ('lotling21)esign Considerations
`The Role of Time—Frequency Resolution in Masking
`Power 1556111216011
`The Role of Frequency Resolution in Perceptual Bit
`The Role ol~ Time. Resolution in Perceptual Bit
`Quadrature Mirror and Conjugate Quadrature Filters
`Tree—Structured QMF and CQF M»band Banks
`Cosine Modulated “Pseudo QMF" M —band Banks
`Cosine i'\/I(,)t:lulated Perfect Reconstruction (PR) M—band Banks
`and the Modified Discrete Cosine Transform (MDCT)
`Forward and Inverse MDCT
`6.7.2 MDCT Window Design
`Example MDCT Windows (Prototype FIR Filters)
`Discrete Fourier and Discrete Cosine 'l‘ransl‘orm
`Pre-echo Distortion
`Pre—echo Control Strategies
`Bit Reservoir
`6.10.2 Window Switching
`6.10.3 Hybrid. Switched Filter Banks
`6.10.4 Gain Modification
`6.1 1
`6.10.5 Temporal Noise. Shaping
`Computer Exercises
`....m _....
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`--—.-...m.r.. 1m
`Page 8
`Page 8


`Optimum Coding in the lircqucncy Domain
`Perceptual 'l‘ransform Coder
`Bratndenburgdolntston Hybrid Coder
`CNET Codcrfi
`CNET DF'I‘ Coder
`CNET MDC'I' Coder I
`CNET MDC’l' Coder 2
`Adaptive Spectral Entropy Coding
`Differential Perceptual Audio Coder
`DFT Noise Substitution
`DCT with Vector Quantization
`7.10 MDCT with Vector Quantization
`Computer Exercises
`21 t
`Page 9
`Subhand Algorithms
`DWT and Discrete, Wavelet Packet 'l‘ranslorln (DWP’l'I
`Adapted WP Algoritlnm
`DWPT Coder with Globally Adapted Daubcchics
`Analysis Wavelet
`Scalable DWPT Coder with Adaptive Trev. Structurc
`DWPT Coder with Globally Adapted General
`Analysis Wavelet
`DWPT Coder with Adaptivc 'l'rce Structurc and
`Locally Adapted Analysis Wavelet
`DWPT (.‘odcr with Perceptually Optimized Synthesis
`Adapted Nonunit'orm Filter Banks
`Switched Nonunit‘orm Filter Bank Cascade
`Frcqucncy—Varying Modulated Lappcd Transforms
`Hybrid WP and Adapted WP/Sinusoidal Algorithn‘ix
`Page 9


`Hybrid Sinusoidal/Classicrtl DWPT Coder
`Hybrid Sinusoidal/M-bzmd DWPT Coder
`Hybrid Sinusoidal/DWPT Coder with WP Tree
`Structure Adaptation (ARCO)
`Subbund Coding with Hybrid Filter Bank/CELP Algorithms
`Hybrid Subband/CELP Algorithm for Low-Delay
`Hybrid Subband/CELP Algorithm for
`Low—Complexity Applications
`Subbzind Coding with HR Filter Banks
`Computer Exercise
`The Sinusoidal Model
`Sinusoidal Analysis and Parameter Tracking
`Sinusoidal Synthesis and Parameter Interpolation
`Analysis/Synthesis Audio Codec (ASAC)
`ASAC Segmentation
`ASAC Sinusoidal Analysisiby—Synthesis
`ASAC Bit Allocation. Quantization, Encoding, and
`Harmonic and Individual Lines Plus Noise Coder (HUN)
`MIL-N Sinusoidal Analysis-by—Synthesis
`HILN Bit Allocation, Quantization. Encoding. and
`FM Synthesis
`Principles 0113M Synthesis
`Perceptual Audio Coding Using an FM Synthesis
`The Sines + Transients + Noise (S’I‘N) Model
`Hybrid Sinusoidal Coders
`Hybrid Sinusoidal—MDC'I‘ Algorithm
`Hybrid Sinusoidal-Vocodcr Algorithm
`S u mm ary
`Computer Exercises
`Page 10
`Page 10


`10.2 MIDI I‘larxux Digital Audio
`10.2.1 MIDI Synthesizer
`10.2.2 General MIDI (GM)
`10.2.3 MIDI Applications
`10.3 Multichannel Surround Sound
`10.3.1 The Evolution of Surround Sound
`10.3.2 The Mono. the Stereo. and the Surround Sound
`10.3.3 The ITIJ—R 138.775 5.1-Cliannel Configuration
`104 AMWIEAumoSumdmds
`10.4.1 MPEG—1 Audio (ISO/IEC .11 172—3)
`10.4.2 MPEG—2 BC/I..SF (lSO/IEC—13818-3)
`10.4.3 MPEG-2 NBC/AAC (ISO/11301381 8-7)
`10.4.4 MPEG-4 Audio (ISO/IEC 14496—3)
`10.4.5 MPEG—7 Audio (lSO/IEC 15938-4)
`10.4.6 M PEG-21 Framework (ISO/113021000)
`10.4.7 MPEG Surround and Spatial Audio Coding
`10.5 Adaptive 'I‘ransl’orm Acoustic Coding (A'I‘RAC)
`10.6 Lucent Technologies PAC, EPAC. and M PAC
`Perceptual Audio Coder (PAC)
`10.6.2 Enhanced PAC (EI’AC)
`10.6.3 Multichannel PAC (MPAC)
`10.7 Dolby Audio Coding Standards
`10.7.1 Dolby ACT—2, ACE—2A
`10.7.2 Dolby AC-3/Dolby Digital/Dolby SR - D
`10.8 Audio Processing Technology APT—x 100
`10.9 D'I‘S — Coherent Acoustics
`Framing and Subband Analysis
`Psychoacoustic Analysis
`10.9.3 ADPCM — Differential Suhband Coding
`10.9.4 Bit Allocation. Quantization. and Multiplexing
`10.9.5 DTS—CA Versus Dolby Digital
`Computer Exercise.
`Page 11
`Page 11


`11.2 Lossless Audio Coding (LEAC)
`1 .2.1
`IJ2AC Principles
`[.ZAC Algorithms
`11.3 DVD—Audio
`11.3.1 Meridian LossIess Packing (MLP)
`11.4 Super-Audio CD (SACD)
`1 1.4.1
`SACD Storage Format
`Sigma—Delta Modulators (SDM)
`11.4.3 Direct Stream Digital (DSD) Encoding
`11.5 Digital Audio Watermarking
`1 1.5.1 Background
`1 1.5.2 A Generic Architecture. for DAW
`11.5.3 DAW Schemes — Attributes
`1 1.6 Summary 01" Commercial Applications
`Computer Exercise
`12.2 Subjective Quality Measures
`12.3 Confounding Factors in Subjective Evaluations
`12.4 Subjective Evaluations of"1‘w0—('Zhanne1 Standardized Codecs
`Subjective Evaluations of 5.1—Channel Standardized Codecs
`Subjective EvaJuations Using Perceptual Measurement
`12.6.1 CIR Perceptual Measurement Schemes
`12.6.2 NSE Perceptual Measurement Schemes
`12.7 Algorithms for Perceptual Measurement
`Example: Perceptual Audio Quality Measure (PAQM)
`12.7.2 Example: Noise—to—Mask Ratio (NMR)
`12.7.3 Example: Objective. Audio Signal Evaluation (OASE)
`ITU—R 138.1387 and lTU—T P.861: Standards for Perceptual
`Quality Measurement
`12.9 Research Directions For Perceptual Codec Quality Measures
`-~-— II|UF n ' rum
`Page 12
`Page 12


`Audio coding or audio mmprns‘simi algorithms are used to obtain compact dig-
`ital representations of high—fidelity (wideband) audio signals for the purpose of
`efficient transmission or storage. The central objective in audio coding is to rep-
`resent the signal with a minimum number ol’ hits while achieving transparent
`signal reproduction,
`i.e._. generating output audio that cannot be distinguished
`from the original input, even by a sensitive listener (“golden ears"). This text
`gives an in-depth treatment of algorithms and standards for transparent coding
`of high—fidelity audio.
`The introduction ol‘ the compact disc (CD) in the early 19805 brought to the
`fore all of the advantages of digital audio representation,
`including true high—
`tidelity, dynamic range, and robustness. These advantages, however. came at
`the expense of high data rates. Conventional CD and digital audio tape (DAT)
`systems are typically sampled at either 44.1 or 48 kHz using pulse code mod-
`ulation (PCM) with a [6—bit sample resolution. This results in uncompressed
`data rates 01‘ 705.6/768 kb/s for a monaural channel, or .1.4l/l.54 Mb/s for a
`stereo—pair. Although these data rates were accommodated successfully in first—
`generation CD and DAT players. second-generation audio players and wirelessly
`connected systems are often subject to bandwidth constraints that are incompat-
`ible with high data rates. Because of the success enjoyed by the first-generation
`Ant-iris Signal Processing and (lilting, by Andreas Spanias. Ted Paintcit and Venkatraman Atti
`Copyright © 30W by John Wiley & Sons. Inc.
`Page 13
`Page 13


`systems, however, end users have come to expect “CD—quality” audio reproduc—
`tion from any digital system. Therefore. new network and wireless multimedia
`digital audio systems must reduce data rates without compromising reproduc-
`tion quality. Motivated by the need for compression algorithms that can satisfy
`simultaneously the conflicting demands of high compression ratios and trans—
`parent quality for high—fidelity audio signals, several coding methodologies have
`been established over the last two decades. Audio compression schemes, in gen—
`eral, employ design techniques that exploit both perceptual irrelevuac/es and
`Stan's/it'd! redundancies.
`PCM was the primary audio encoding scheme employed until the early 1980s.
`PCM does not provide any mechanisms for redundancy removal. Quantization
`methods that exploit the signal correlation, such as differential PCM (DPCM),
`delta modulation [Jaya76] [Jaya84]. and adaptive DPCM (ADPCM) were applied
`to audio compression later (cg, PC audio cards). Owing to the need for dras—
`tic reduction in bit rates, researchers began to pursue new approaches for audio
`coding based on the principles rlfpS)7(5IZOUC‘OMA‘I‘H‘S [Zwic90] [Moor03J. Psychoa—
`coustic notions in conjunction with the basic properties of signal quantization
`have led to the theory of perceptual wimpy lJohn88a] |John88b]. Perceptual
`entropy is a quantitative estimate 01" the fundamental limit of transparent audio
`signal compression. Another key contributirm to the field was the characterization
`of the auditory filter bank and particularly the time-frequency analysis capabili—
`ties of the inner ear [Moor83]. Over the years. severalfilter/yank structures that
`mimic the critical band structure of the auditory filter bank have been proposed.
`A filter bank is a parallel bank of bandpass filters covering the audio spectrum,
`which, when used in conjunction with a perceptual model, can play an important
`role in the identification of perceptual irrelevancies.
`During the early 1990s, several workgroups and organizations such as
`the International Organization for Standardization/Intemational Electro—technical
`Commission (lSO/lEC),
`the International Telecommunications Union (ITU).
`AT&T. Dolby Laboratories. Digital Theatre Systems (DTS), Lueent Technologies,
`Philips, and Sony were actively involved in developing perceptual audio coding
`algorithms and standards. Some of the popular commercial standards published
`in the early 1990s include Dolby’s Audio Coder—3 (AC3). the DTS Coherent
`Acoustics (DTS—CA), Lucent Technologies’ Perceptual Audio Coder (PAC),
`Philips’ Precision Adaptive Subband Coding (PASC). and Sony's Adaptive
`Transform Acoustic Coding (ATRAC). Table 1.]
`lists chronologically some of
`the prominent audio coding standards. The connnercial success enjoyed by
`these audio coding standards triggered the launch of several multimedia storage
`Table 1.2 lists some of the popular multimedia storage formats since the begin—
`ning of the CD era. lligit-performance stereo systems became quite common with
`the advent of CDs in the early l980s. A compactidisc—read only memory (CD-
`ROM) can store data up to 700—800 MB in digital form as "mieroscopic»pits"
`that. can be read by a laser beam off of a reflective surface or a medium. Three
`competing storage media — DAT. the digital compact cassette (DCC), and the
`_m._.._ “a...“ mm-g.
`l'I'1'"I'!I u mun I.
`----~mnr--ur : “I'm“.—
`Page 14
`Page 14


`Table 1.1. List of perceptual and lossless audio coding standards/algorithins.
`Standard/LII gori t hut
`Related references
`I. lSO/lEC MPEG—1 audio
`2. Philips” PASC (l'or DCC applications)
`3. AT&'l‘/1'.ucent PAC/.i-{PAC
`4i Dolby AC2
`5. AC—3/Dolby Digital
`0. ISO/1H7 MPEG—2 (BC/1.81") audio
`7. Sony's A'I‘RAC; (MiniDisc and SDDS)
`[.lohng6c] [Sinh96]
`['Davi92] [Fiel91j
`[Davi593l lr‘iel96]
`[Yosh94] l'l‘sut96]
`9. Audio processing technoliiigy — APT-XIOO
`[Smyt96] [Smyt99]
`ll. DTS coherent acoustics
`[ct-awe] [Crav97]
`[2. The DVD Algorithm
`l3. MUSICompress
`l4. l.i()ssless transform coding of audio (III‘AC)
`[HansQSh] [HansOl]
`i5. AudioPuK
`16. ISO/IEC MPEG—4 audio version 1
`l7. Meridian lossless packing (MLP)
`18. lSO/lEC MPEG—4 audio version '2
`lGeigOII [GeigOZl
`t9. Audio coding based on integer transforms
`lReefOla] [.lansOSJ
`2t). Direct—strewn digital t’DSD) technology
`Table 1.2. Some of the popular audio storage
`Related references
`Audio storage format
`Compact disc
`Di gita’l audio tape (DAT)
`Digital COITIP'dCi cassette (DCC)
`Digital versatile disc (DVD)
`6. DVD-audio (DVD-A)
`Super audio CD (SACD)
`icoszt [IECAH'H
`twniksst muse]
`[Lulx'llq l
`t [Lnl-tlt‘JI]
`trusimt i'rsuttim
`tot-Inn I
`Page 15
`MiniDisc (MD) — entered the commercial market during 1987—1992. intended
`mainly for back—up hi ghidensity storage (~ I .3 GB), the DAT became the primary
`source of mass data storage/transfer [Watk88] [Ttm89]. in 1991—1992. Sony pro—
`posed a storage medium called the MiniDisc. primarily for audio storage. MD
`employs the ATRAC algorithm for compression. In I991, Philips introduced the
`DCC, a successor of the analog compact cassette. Philips DCC employs a com—
`pression scheme called the PASC [Lokhgl] [Lok1192] [Hoog94]. The DCC began
`Page 15


`as a potential competitor for DA’I‘s but was discontinued in [996. The introduc—
`tion of the digital versatile disc (DVD) in 1996 enabled both video and audio
`recording/storage as well as text—message programming. The DVD became one
`of the most successful storage. media. With the improvements in the audio conr
`pression and DVD storage technologies. multichannel surround sound encoding
`formats gained interest |Bosi93] ll-lolrnQ9j [BosiOO].
`With the emergence of streaming audio applications. during the
`researchers pursued techniques such as combined speech and audio
`architectures, as well as joint sourceichannel coding algorithms that are optimized
`for the packet—switched Internet. The advent of ISO/IEC MPEG-4 standard
`(1996—2000) [180199] [lSOlOO] established new research goals for high—quality
`coding of audio at low bit rates. MPEG—4 audio encompasses more functionality
`than perceptual coding [KoenQB] [Koen99|. It comprises an integrated family of
`algorithms with provisions for scalable, object-based speech and audio coding at
`bit rates from as low as 200 b/s up to 64 kb/s per channel.
`The emergence of the DVD-audio and the super audio CD (SAC'D) pro-
`vided designers with additional storage capacity, which moti 'ated research in
`lossless audio coding [Crav96] ['Ger‘zQQ] [ReefOla]. A losslcss audio coding sys—
`tem is able to reconstruct perfectly a bit—for—bit representation of the original
`input audio. In contrast, a coding scheme incapable of perfect reconstruction is
`called lass): For most audio program material, lossy schemes offer the advair
`tagc of lower bit rates (cg. less than l bit per sample) relative to lossless
`schemes (cg, 10 bits per sample). Delivering real—time lossless audio content
`to the network browser at low bit rates is the next grand challenge for codec
`Over the last few years, researchers have proposed several efficient signal models
`(cg, transforn’t—based. subband-filtcr structures, wavelet—packet) and compression
`standards (Table H) for high—quality digital audio reproduction. Most of these
`algorithms are based on the generic architecture shown in Figure l.l.
`The coders typically segment input signals into quasi—stationary frames ranging
`from 2 to 50 ms. Then, a time—frequency analysis section estimates the temporal
`and spectral components of each frame. The time—frequency mapping is usually
`matched to the analysis properties of the human auditory system. Either way.
`the ultimate objective is to extract from the input audio a set of time—frequency
`parameters that is amenable to quantization according to a perceptual distortion
`metric. Depending on the overall design objectives. the time-frequency analysis
`section usaally contains one of the following:
`. Unitary transform
`- Time—invariant bank of critically sampled. uniform/nonuniforrn bandpass
`m,“ ,
`.. "mu.-.” .
`, m gun I'
`k urn-run mmu-
`Page 16
`Page 16


`Q antiz t'
`JP frequency —. arid encgdiirn _' *
`t |
`rates (<32 kb/s), with an acceptable
`r _
`analysis —r Bit allocation
`_ n; i
`- 9 -
`Figure 1.1. A generic perceptual audio encoder.
`. Timewarying (signal—adaptive) bank of critically sampled, uniform/nonunitl
`orm bandpass filters
`- Harmonic/sinusoidal analyzer
`. Source—system analysis (LPG and multipulse excitation)
`- Hybrid versions of the above.
`The choice of time—frequency analysis methodology always involves a fun-
`damental tradeotT between time and frequency resolution requirements. Percep-
`tual distortion control
`is achieved by a psychoacoustic signal analysis section
`that estimates signal masking power based on psychoacoustic principles. The
`psychoacoustic model delivers masking thresholds that quantify the maximum
`amount of distortion at each point in the limerfrequency plane such that quan-
`tization of the time-frequency parameters does not introduce audible artifacts.
`The psychoacoustic model therefore allows the quantization section to exploit
`irrelevancies. This section can also exploit statistical redundancies
`through classical techniques such as DPCM or ADPCM. Once a quantized corn—
`pact parametric set has been formed, the remaining redundancies are typically
`removed through noiseless runilcngth (RL) and entropy coding techniques, eg,
`Huffman [Covc9ll. arithmetic [Witt87], or Lempel-Ziv—Welch (LZW) ['Ziv77l
`[Welc84]. Since the output of the psychoacoustic distortion control model
`signal—dependent, most algorithms are inherently variable rate. Fixed channel
`rate requirements are usually satisfied through buffer feedback schemes, which
`often introduce encoding delays.
`Perceptual audio coders are typically evaluated based on the following attributes:
`audio reproduction quality. operating bit rates. computational complexity, codec
`delay. and channel error robustness. The objective is to attain a high—quality
`(transparent) audio output at
`low bit
`Page 17
`Page 17


`algorithmic delay (~5 to 20 ms). and with low computational complexity (~l to
`ID million instructions per second, or MIPS).
`1.3.1 Audio Quality
`importance when designing an audio coding
`Audio quality is of paramount
`algorithm. Successful strides have been made since the development of simi
`ple near—transparent perceptual coders. Typically, classical objective measures of
`signal fidelity such as the signal
`to noise ratio (SNR) and the total harmonic
`distortion (THD) are inadequate [Ryde96]. As the field of perceptual audio cod—
`ing matured rapidly and created greater demand for listening tests, there was a
`corresponding growth of interest in perceptual measurement schemes. Several
`subjective and objective quality measures have been proposed and standard—
`ized during the last decade. Some of these schemes include the noisc-to—mask
`the perceptual audio quality measure (PAQM,
`I987) [BranS7a]
`ratio (NMR.
`I991) [Beer9l], the perceptual evaluation (PERCFVAL, 1992) [PailQZ], the per—
`ceptual objective measure (POM. 1995) [C(ilo95], and the objective audio signal
`evaluation (OASE. I997) [Spor97]. We will address these and several other qual-
`ity assessment schemes in detail in Chapter l2.
`1.3.2 Bit Rates
`From a codec designer’s point of view. one of the key challenges is to rep—
`resent high-fidelity audio with a minimum number of bits. For instance.
`if a
`5-ms audio frame sampled at 48 kHz (240 samples per frame) is represented
`using 80 bits, then the encoding bit, rate would be 80 bits/5 ms = 16 kb/s. Low
`bit rates imply high compression ratios and generally low reproduction qual—
`ity. Early coders such as the ISO/113C MPEG—1 (32—448 kh/s). the Dolby AC—3
`(32—384 kb/s), the Sony ATRAC (256 kb/s), and the Philips PASC (193 kb/s)
`employ high bit rates for obtaining transparent audio reproduction. However. the
`development of several sophisticated audio coding tools te.g., MPEG—4 audio
`tools) created ways for efficient transmission or storage of audio at rates between
`8 and 32 kb/s. Future audio coding algorithms promise to offer reasonable qual-
`ity at low rates along with the ability to scale both rare and quality to match
`different requirements such as time 'a'rying channel capacity.
`1.3.3 Complexity
`Reduced computational complexity not only enables real—time implementation
`but may also decrease the power consumption and extend battery life. Corn
`putational complexity is usually measured in terms ol~ millions of instructions
`per second (MIPS). Complexity estimates are processor—dependent. For example,
`the complexity associated with Dolby’s AC—3 decoder was estimated at approxi—
`mately 27 MIPS using the Zoran ZR38001 general-ptn‘pose DSP core [.Vern95];
`for the Motorola DSPSGUOZ processor,
`the complexity was estimated at 45
`MIPS [Vet-1.195]. Usually. most of the audio codccs rely on the so—called asym—
`metric encoding principle. This means that the codec complexity is not evenly
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`Page 18
`Page 18


`Shared between the encoder and the decoder (typically, encoder 80% and decoder
`20% complexity). with more emphasis on reducing the decoder complexity.
`1.3.4 Codec Delay
`Many of the network applications for high—fidelity audio (streaming audio. audio—
`onidemandl are delay tolerant (up to 100—200 ms). providing the opportunity
`to exploit
`long—term signal properties in order to achieve high coding gain.
`in two-way real—time communication and voice—over lnternet proto
`col (VolP) applications, low-delay encoding (10720 ms) is important. Consider
`the example described before. i.c., an audio coder operating on frames of 5 ms
`at a 48 kHz sampling frequency. In an ideal encoding scenario, the minimum
`amount of delay should he 5. ms at the encoder and 5 ms at the decoder (same as
`the frame length). However, other factors such as analysis—synthesis filter bank
`the loolcahead. the bit—reservoir. and the channel delay contribute to
`additional delays. Employing shorter analysis—synthesis windows, avoiding look
`ahead, and re—structuring the bit—reservoir functions could result in low—delay
`encoding, nonetheless. with reduced coding efficiencies.
`1.3.5 Error Robustness
`The increasing popularity of streaming audio over packet—switched and wire-
`less networks such as the Internet implies that any algorithm intended for such
`applications must be able to deal with a noisy time—varying channel. In partic—
`ular, provisions for error robustness and error protection must be incorporated
`at the encoder in

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