
`Patent Owner.
`Case IPR2018-01630
`Patent No. 9,769,477


`Table of Contents
`The Reply fatally concedes that the Petition does not explain how a
`POSITA would combine Imai and Pauls, and thus cannot prevail ................. 1
`The claims’ recitation of “configured to” requires purposeful design ............ 4
`III. The Reply fails to show that the combination of Imai and Pauls renders
`obvious limitation 1[B] .................................................................................... 7
`IV. The Reply fails to demonstrate that the Petition established a motivation
`to combine Imai and Pauls .............................................................................15
`The Petition does not address the tradeoffs inherent in its motivation to
`modify Pauls’s encoders ................................................................................17
`VI. The Reply’s belated attempt to allege obviousness of Claim 20’s
`limitations must be rejected ...........................................................................21
`VII. The Reply confirms that the Petition does not explain how a POSITA
`would combine Dawson with Imai and Pauls ...............................................23
`VIII. Conclusion .....................................................................................................25
`- i -


`Exhibit List
`Exhibit No.
`Declaration of Kayvan B. Noroozi in Support of Motion for
`Admission Pro Hac Vice.
`Declaration of Kenneth A. Zeger, Ph.D.
`Transcript of Oral Deposition of James Storer, Ph.D, taken in
`IPR2018-01630 on May 8, 2019.
`Digital Compression and Coding of Continuous-Tone Still
`Images – Requirements and Guidelines (JPEG Standard)
`- ii -


`The Reply fatally concedes that the Petition does not explain how a
`POSITA would combine Imai and Pauls, and thus cannot prevail
`The Federal Circuit has held that obviousness based on a prior art
`combination cannot be reached absent a clear explanation or evidence “showing [ ]
`how the combination of the two references was supposed to work.” Personal Web
`Tech. v. Apple, 848 F.3d 987, 994 (Fed. Cir. 2017) (emphasis original). As the
`Federal Circuit explained in Personal Web, “such a clear, evidence-supported
`account of the contemplated workings of the combination is a prerequisite to
`adequately explaining and supporting a conclusion that a relevant skilled artisan
`would [1] have been motivated to make the combination and [2] reasonably expect
`success in doing so.” Id. (number and emphasis added).
`In particular, the Federal Circuit has held that a prima facie obviousness
`showing requires the challenger (1) “to explain how specific references could be
`combined,” (2) “which combination(s) of elements in specific references would
`yield a predictable result,” and (3) “how any specific combination would operate or
`read on” the claims. ActiveVideo Networks, Inc. v. Verizon Commc’ns, Inc., 694
`F.3d 1312, 1327-28 (Fed. Cir. 2012).
`The Board has repeatedly recognized those requirements, and has repeatedly
`rejected obviousness allegations that fail to explain how the prior art elements
`could have been combined to achieve predictable results and arrive at the claimed
`- 1 -


`invention. Dell, Inc. v. Realtime Data, LLC, IPR2016-01002, Paper 71 at 15; Dell,
`Inc. v. Realtime Data, LLC, IPR2016-00972, Paper 71 at 10-11, 15-16; Commvault
`Systems, Inc. v. Realtime Data LLC, IPR 2017-2007, Paper 11 at 13.
`In the POR, Patent Owner demonstrated that the Petition offers no
`explanation as to how a POSITA would combine Imai and Pauls because it does
`not explain what would be the “first” or “second” encoders recited by the claims,
`as is required to show obviousness. POR 35-46. Indeed, Petitioner’s expert failed
`to provide any explanation on cross-examination. Id. at 38-45.
`In its Reply, Petitioner fails to address that crucial and dispositive argument.
`The Reply simply offers no further explanation which encoders included in the
`combination would be the claimed “first” or “second” encoders. Petitioner thus
`confirms that no such explanation exists.
`Petitioner’s failure to address that issue is a dispositive concession.
`Accordingly, the Board cannot find any claims unpatentable based on the
`combination of Imai and Pauls on this record. See POR 35-46.
`Rather than address that crucial issue head on (which it cannot do), the
`Reply instead attempts to dodge the issue by stating: “Realtime cannot seriously
`contend that a POSITA would not know how to select or implement video or
`image compressor encoders that vary in their data compression rates or
`compression ratios . . . .” Rep. 2. But Patent Owner never so contended. And in any
`- 2 -


`case, that argument is simply a sleight of hand attempt at shifting the burden of
`proof in this proceeding: the Petition must show how the prior art would have been
`combined to arrive at the claims; Patent Owner need not prove otherwise. In order
`to meet its burden, Petitioner must explain “how any specific combination would
`operate or read on” the claims. ActiveVideo, 694 F.3d at 1327-28. Petitioner
`continues to refuse to do so here.
`Thus, simply asking the Board to dream up some combination of encoders
`that might meet the limitations cannot save Petitioner: it is Petitioner’s burden to
`show that the Petition demonstrated how the POSITA would have combined the
`prior art elements to arrive at the claimed invention, and Petitioner has not even
`attempted to make that showing.
`Finally, Petitioner asserts—without support or explanation—that “Petitioner
`has both demonstrated . . . how Pauls (and Dawson) would work with Imai.” Rep.
`20. On that basis, Petitioner attempts to distinguish Personal Web. Id. But
`Petitioner’s continued refusal to explain which encoders from the combination
`would constitute the “first” and “second” encoders recited in the claims belies its
`Petitioner also attempts to distinguish Personal Web on the grounds that the
`Petition’s combination is simpler than the combination in Personal Web and thus
`“is not the kind of ‘complexity or obscurity… mak[ing] more detailed explanations
`- 3 -


`necessary.’” Rep. 19. If true, Petitioner’s argument would only justify a “[less]
`detailed explanation.” It is no basis for providing no explanation whatsoever of
`how the “first” and “second” encoder limitations read on the combined system.
`Moreover, Petitioner conspicuously makes no attempt to distinguish
`ActiveVideo, or argue that the Petition satisfies ActiveVideo’s requirement to
`“explain … how any specific combination would operate or read on the asserted
`claims.” 694 F.3d at 1327-28.
`Accordingly, the Board should find that Petitioner has conceded that the
`Petition has not shown any claim to be unpatentable. See POR 35-46. The Board
`should uphold the patentability of all challenged claims on that basis.
`II. The claims’ recitation of “configured to” requires purposeful design
`In its Response, Patent Owner offered (1) numerous cases from the Federal
`Circuit and district courts interpreting “configured to” to require purposeful design,
`(2) examples from the ‘477 patent’s specification showing the same usage of
`“configured to,” and (3) an explanation of how the claimed invention relies on the
`predictable and purposeful configuration of the encoders’ compression rates. POR
`8-12. In its continued attempt to read “configured to” out of the clams, Petitioner
`addresses only one cited case, does not address the specification’s use of
`“configured to” at all, and misinterprets the POR’s exemplary description of the
`- 4 -


`claimed invention as “advocating for a limitation absent from the claims.” Rep. 7-
`First, the Reply argues that Aspex Eyewear does not support a purposeful
`design requirement because the claim term in that case was “adapted to.” Rep. 7-8.
`But, as the POR explained, the Federal Circuit in Aspex Eyewear equated “adapted
`to” with “configured to,” which it considered even narrower than “adapted to.”
`POR 8-9 (citing Aspex Eyewear v. Marchon Eyewear, 672 F.3d 1335, 1349 (Fed.
`Cir. 2012)). And it concluded that even “adapted to”—which the Court considered
`broader than “configured to”—required purposeful design and meant “configured
`to accomplish the specified objective” of the claims. Id. If the broader term,
`“adapted to,” requires purposeful design, then so too must the narrower term
`“configured to.” Indeed, the Federal Circuit used “configured to” to convey its
`narrower interpretation of “adapted to.” Id.
`The Reply also suggests that Aspex is inapplicable because that case relied
`on the “facts of the case and that patent.” Rep. 8. But here too, the claimed
`invention and the specification’s use of “configured to” support the requirement of
`intentional design, as the POR explained. POR 10-12.
` Next, the Reply suggests that “Realtime also advocates for a limitation
`absent from the claims – that a system must switch from an encoder with a
`relatively slow compression rate to an encoder having a faster rate of
`- 5 -


`compression.” Rep. 8. Realtime made no such argument. Rather, the POR offered
`the specification’s description of switching to a faster encoder to increase
`throughput as an example of how the claimed system uses the predictable
`relationships among the speeds of the encoders to increase throughput. POR 11-12.
`Similarly, Realtime did not argue that it would be “beneficial only to switch from a
`slower compression rate to a faster compression rate.” Rep. 8. Rather, the POR
`explained that switching to a slower compression would exacerbate the bottleneck
`in the situation where the speed of the encoder is causing the bottleneck. See POR
`3, 11-12. That is the situation in which the specification describes using a faster
`encoder to increase throughput. See, e.g., Ex. 1001 at 8:12-18, 14:14-24. The
`Board should reject the Reply’s attempt to erect a strawman.
`Finally, Petitioner contends that the definition of “configured to”—
`supported by caselaw and the specification’s usage of the term—is somehow
`“nebulous” because it “cannot be met by … a difference in compression rates
`arising as a side effect of some other design choice.” Rep. 7. But the Reply does
`not explain why the requirement of purposeful design with respect to the encoders’
`compression rates is too nebulous. To the contrary, the Federal Circuit has equated
`“adapted to” and “configured to” as meaning “configured to accomplish the
`specified objective” of the claim, which would likewise exclude any side effects
`from some other design choice. Aspex Eyewear, 672 F.3d at 1349.
`- 6 -


`Finally, Petitioner makes no attempt to address the additional Federal Circuit
`and district court cases presented by Patent Owner, which also interpret
`“configured to” to require purposeful design. See POR 8-10.
`Accordingly, the Board should reject Petitioner’s attempt to read
`“configured to” out of the claims.
`III. The Reply fails to show that the combination of Imai and Pauls renders
`obvious limitation 1[B]
`As explained in the POR, limitation 1[B] requires (1) “a first asymmetric
`data compression encoder” that is (2) designed to (3) compress more input data per
`unit of time than (4) “a second asymmetric data compression encoder.” POR 7-12.
`The Reply fails to show that those requirements are disclosed in the prior art.
`The Reply again points to Imai’s disclosure in paragraph [0067] of “a
`method which requires a larger amount of computation for decoding.” Rep. 3-4.
`But as Patent Owner’s response explained, compression rate is not defined by the
`speed or computation necessary for decoding. POR 18-19. Similarly, Petitioner
`cannot argue that Imai discloses that “ATRAC is given as an example of a faster
`compression rate encoder” based on Imai’s disclosure that ATRAC is an “example
`of the coding method, which requires not so large amount of computation for
`decoding.” Rep. 4 (emphasis added).
`- 7 -


`Dr. Zeger’s statement that “execution speed” is a measure of the speed of
`data processing is not to the contrary. Rep. 4 (“Realtime cannot dispute that this
`evidence teaches using encoders with different execution speeds because Dr. Zeger
`admitted that the plain and ordinary meaning of execution speed of a compression
`algorithm relates to measuring the amount of computation.”). Imai’s disclosure is
`that the system should include methods that differ in the amount of computation
`for “decoding” and thus the relevant execution speed is that of the decoder.
`“Compression rate” measures the speed of the encoder. POR 18-19.
`To the extent the Reply argues that Imai’s parenthetical reference, “(such a
`method usually also requires a larger amount of computation for coding)” discloses
`limitation 1[B], that argument should be disregarded because it was not included in
`the Petition. See Pet. 29-30 (arguing that Imai discloses “compression rate”
`limitation without relying on parenthetical reference to amount of computation for
`coding); 37 C.F.R. § 42.23(b) (“A reply may only respond to arguments raised in
`the corresponding opposition, patent owner preliminary response, or patent owner
`response.”); Office Patent Trial Practice Guide, 77 Fed. Reg. 48,756, 48,767 (Aug.
`14, 2102) (“[A] reply that raises a new issue or belatedly presents evidence will not
`be considered and may be returned.”).
`In any event, the parenthetical does not teach limitation 1[B]. First, the
`parenthetical’s equation of the amount of computation for encoding and decoding
`- 8 -


`suggests it is describing symmetric algorithms. Ex. 1005 at [0067] (“a method
`which requires a larger amount of computation for decoding (such a method
`usually also requires a larger amount of computation for coding)”). By contrast, the
`limitation 1[B] specifically requires “a first asymmetric data compression encoder .
`. . configured to compress . . . at a higher data compression rate than a second
`asymmetric data compression encoder.” And the Petition argues that the term
`“asymmetric data compression encoder” means “encoder(s) configured to utilize a
`compression algorithm in which the execution time for the compression and
`decompression routines differ significantly.” Pet. 7. Thus, Imai’s parenthetical is
`not describing an encoder that could meet the limitations of 1[B].
`Second, Imai does not disclose that the system should include encoders that
`differ in their “amount of computation for coding.” Rather, it discloses that the
`system should include encoders that differ in the “amount of computation for
`decoding” and that those encoders will often also differ in the amount of
`computation for coding. Ex. 1005 at [0067] (“a method which requires a larger
`amount of computation for decoding (such a method usually also requires a larger
`amount of computation for coding)”) (emphasis added). Thus, the parenthetical
`likewise fails to disclose a system with (1) “a first asymmetric data compression
`encoder” that is (2) designed to (3) compress more input data per unit of time than
`(4) “a second asymmetric data compression encoder” as limitation 1[B] requires.
`- 9 -


`The Reply further implies that Realtime has imposed a requirement that the
`“compression rate” limitations of 1[B] be disclosed “in haec verba.” Rep. 3
`(“Realtime cannot demand that the data compression rate limitations (1[b]) be
`shown in haec verba because its expert admits that ‘data compression rate’ is not a
`commonly-used term . . .”). But Realtime does not argue that the prior art fails to
`disclose the term, “compression rate,” but rather that it fails to disclose the claimed
`invention in any terms. See POR 7-32. In fact, the POR specifically faults the
`Petition for focusing on Imai’s usage of the term “compression rate” to refer to a
`concept different from how “compression rate” is used in the claims. POR 16-18.
`The Reply also argues Imai’s disclosure of “ATRAC2 encoders that operate
`at different bitrates” discloses limitation 1[B] because “Imai’s differing rates
`indicate that the different encoders are operating at different data compression
`rates.” Rep. 4-5. That is a new argument and should be disregarded. See 37 C.F.R.
`§ 42.23(b). The Petition argued that the disclosed bitrates themselves were the
`different compression rates: “Imai explains that ATRAC 2 can encode at various
`compression rates (e.g., ‘64 Kbps, 32K bps, [sic] 24 Kbps’).” Pet. 30 (emphasis
`added). The use of “e.g.” before the bitrates makes the nature of the argument
`clear. Now that Dr. Storer has contradicted the Petition’s argument, POR at 19-21,
`the Reply switches tack.
`- 10 -


`The Reply’s new argument is also incorrect because achieving different
`output bitrates by modifying an encoder’s compression rate would prevent Imai
`from achieving its stated goal: encoding in real time, as Dr. Zeger explained. Ex.
`2002 at ¶¶ 81-86. Thus, Dr. Storer’s suggestion in paragraph 159 of his declaration
`would break Imai because the transmitted information would not be reproduceable
`in real time. Id.
`The Reply also argues that Dr. Zeger’s statements about a “general
`relationship between data compression rate . . . and the output rate,” show that the
`compression rates of the various encoders would differ in Imai and Pauls. Rep. 5,
`6. However, as the quoted portion of Dr. Zeger’s testimony indicates, faster
`compression rates produce higher output rates “at a given compression ratio.” Ex.
`1029 at 148:13-24 (emphasis added). Where—as in Imai and Pauls—the system
`obtains varying output bitrates by modifying the compression ratio, POR 15-29,
`the differing output bitrates do not necessarily result from any difference in
`compression rate. Dr. Zeger’s statement is not to the contrary.
`Finally to the extent there exist any differences in the compression rates of
`the Imai’s or Pauls encoders, those would be chance side effects of the choice to
`include multiple encoders because of their different compression ratios, which
`would not meet limitation 1[B]. See POR 13-15. Petitioner points to no indication
`that any resulting differences in compression rates would be by design.
`- 11 -


`The Reply also argues that Pauls discloses limitation 1[B] because of its
`references to different encoders, compression ratios, and output bitrates. Rep. 6-7.
`As explained in the POR, none of those disclosures pertain to compression rate.
`POR 26-31.
`Next, the Reply relies on the Board previously crediting Dr. Storer’s
`testimony that POSITA’s knowledge of “concerning the performance of well-
`known H.263, MPEG, and MPEG2 encoders” would be sufficient to disclose
`limitation 1[B]. Rep. 6-7 (citing Ex. 1003 ¶¶169-70). But as the POR explained,
`Dr. Storer later contradicted his testimony in paragraphs ¶¶169-70 that a POSITA
`would know the relative compression rates of those encoders by refusing to state
`which of any of the encoders named in Imai or Pauls would be faster than any
`other. POR 38-45. In particular, while Dr. Storer’s ¶ 170 implies that H.263
`typically has a lower compression rate than MPEG because it has an “input video
`data rate appreciably lower than . . . used with an MPEG or MPEG 2 encoder,” he
`refused to say on cross examination whether H.263 or MPEG encoders were
`typically faster. Ex. 2003 at 96:19-97:5 (“[Y]ou could very well have a faster -- an
`H.263 coder that was faster than -- they worked faster on the same data as an
`MPEG coder and vice versa -- okay?”). The Reply makes no attempt to address Dr.
`Storer’s refusal to provide the relative compression rates of any encoder. The
`Board should not credit Dr. Storer’s testimony that a POSITA would know the
`- 12 -


`compression rates of any encoder when he refuses to provide the relative
`compression rates after repeated questioning.
`The Reply also relies on the Board’s reasoning that because “Imai
`specifically discloses that the encoders are constructed to encode the audio signal
`with different coding methods from each other” “the different rates of encoding
`would not be happenstance.” Rep. 10 (citing ID at 34). As the POR explains, any
`difference in compression rates arising from the choice to include multiple
`encoders because they have different compression ratios or output bitrates cannot
`satisfy limitation 1[B] because the resulting variation in compression rates is a
`chance side effect of the choice to include multiple encoders for some other
`reason—their compression ratios or output bitrates. POR 7-12, 25-26. Petitioner
`therefore cannot rely on prior art disclosures of including multiple encoders
`without regard to their compression rates.
`The Reply also quotes several paragraphs of Dr. Storer’s deposition
`testimony in order to argue that Imai “takes into consideration both speed and
`compression ratio and other factors.” Rep. 11-13. But Dr. Storer’s testimony is
`unsupported because he never points to anything in Imai that discloses taking
`compression rate into consideration. The Board should reject Dr. Storer’s attempt
`to argue that compression rate is an important consideration in Imai while failing to
`- 13 -


`point to anything from Imai describing or even mentioning the desirability of
`including encoders based on their compression rates.
`The Reply also criticizes the POR’s explanation of why Dr. Storer’s
`suggested modification is inconsistent with Imai’s purpose. It states, “the opinions
`Realtime points to describe one way of modifying the compression rate of an
`encoder, not Dr. Storer’s opinion for how Imai teaches switching between
`encoders.” Rep. 12. But Realtime’s argument is that Dr. Storer’s suggested
`modification—“adjusting the output rate of the compression encoder . . .
`particularly if the compression ratio of the encoder is fixed,” Pet. 31—is
`inconsistent with the way Imai teaches switching between encoders: Imai teaches
`compressing the data more not faster or slower. POR 21-26. The POR argued that
`any attempt to modify the compression rate of the encoder while keeping the
`compression ratio fixed would be ineffective—regardless of how that is done. Id.
`Notably, the Reply does not dispute the ineffectiveness of Dr. Storer’s suggested
`Finally, the Reply reiterates its argument that the prior art discloses
`limitation 1[B] merely because it teaches including multiple encoders, and it is
`“exceedingly unlikely” that those encoders will all have identical compression
`rates. Rep. 13-16. As explained in the POR, differences in compression rates that
`arise as a side effect of including multiple encoders to address multiple data types,
`- 14 -


`compression ratios, or output bitrates cannot meet limitation 1[B]. POR 7-15, 25-
`26, 30-31. As with the Petition, the Reply points to no indication from the prior art
`that Imai or Pauls would use encoders with different compression rates because
`they are designed to have different compression rates. Petitioner thus cannot show
`that the prior art discloses limitation 1[B].
`IV. The Reply fails to demonstrate that the Petition established a motivation
`to combine Imai and Pauls
`It is not sufficient to allege that the prior art could be combined; rather, the
`petition must show why it would be combined. Personal Web, 848 F.3d at 993-94
`(“Obviousness concerns whether a skilled artisan not only could have made but
`would have been motivated to make the combinations or modifications of prior art
`to arrive at the claimed invention.”) (emphasis original; internal citations and
`quotations omitted).
`In its Response, Patent Owner demonstrated that the Petition does not
`explain why a POSITA would use the particular encoders mentioned in Pauls when
`modifying Imai to compress video data. POR 49-58. The POR explained that the
`Petition’s purported motivation to combine—based on (1) Imai’s suggestion that
`its teachings could be combined with video encoders, (2) similarities between the
`references, and (3) the alleged simplicity of the modification—amounted only to a
`reasons why a POSITA would “look towards” Pauls and not any reason why a
`- 15 -


`POSITA would make the suggested combination: including Pauls’ particular
`encoders in Imai’s system. Id.
`Petitioner’s Reply does not address those criticisms, and instead only repeats
`that (1) Imai indicates that its teachings are applicable to video, (2) Pauls is similar
`to Imai, and (3) Pauls discloses video encoders. Rep. 16-17. The Board should thus
`conclude that the Petition does not provide any reason why a POSITA would make
`the proposed combination.
`Petitioner also attempts to distinguish Personal Web on the grounds that the
`combination there was more complicated than Petitioner’s. Rep. 19-20 (“Here, the
`combination simply substitutes one element from a similar technology . . . .”). But
`Personal Web’s holding pertains to the definition of the motivation to combine in
`the obviousness inquiry; it is not limited to only complex combinations. See 848
`F.3d at 993-94 (“Obviousness concerns whether a skilled artisan not only could
`have made but would have been motivated to make the combinations ….”)
`(emphasis original; internal citations and quotations omitted). Put simply, by
`alleging that a POSITA would only “look towards” Pauls, the Petition alleges only
`that a POSITA could have included Pauls’ encoders in Imai. A proper motivation
`to combine includes an explanation of why a POSITA would have done so. Id.
`Ground 1 therefore fails for the additional reason that it contains no reason a
`POSITA would make the combination it proposes.
`- 16 -


`V. The Petition does not address the tradeoffs inherent in its motivation to
`modify Pauls’s encoders
`A mere motivation to consider the possibility of a particular combination is
`not adequate evidence of a motivation to combine the prior art in the manner
`necessary to arrive at the claimed invention. Personal Web Tech. v. Apple, 848
`F.3d at 993-94 (“Obviousness concerns whether a skilled artisan not only could
`have made but would have been motivated to make the combinations or
`modifications of prior art to arrive at the claimed invention.”) (emphasis original;
`internal citations and quotations omitted).
`A motivation to combine cannot be established where the combination
`would result in tradeoffs, and the petition fails to consider—much less evaluate—
`the countervailing harms or losses from the proposed tradeoff. Winner Int'l Royalty
`Corp. v. Wang, 202 F.3d 1340, 1349 (Fed. Cir. 2000) (“Trade-offs often concern
`what is feasible, not what is, on balance, desirable. Motivation to combine requires
`the latter.”). Thus, “the benefits, both lost and gained, should be weighed against
`one another” before a motivation to combine can be found. Id. at 1349 n.8.
`The POR explained that modifying Pauls’ encoders to use an arithmetic
`mode or include an additional arithmetic encoder would entail costs in the form of
`reduced speed and compatibility, and that the Petition provides no explanation for
`why a POSITA would make the alleged modifications despite those disadvantages.
`- 17 -


`POR 60-61. The Reply provides no explanation of why a POSITA would make the
`modification in light of the costs. Instead, Petitioner argues that it has no burden to
`justify its motivation to combine because the caselaw cited in the POR is
`inapplicable. Rep. 18-19. Petitioner’s interpretation of the caselaw is again
`First, the Reply argues that “Winner was decided under the TSM test of yore
`. . . and its analysis pertains to an obsolete approach to the obviousness inquiry”
`and that it imposes “the same sort of ‘rigid rule’ that improperly limits the
`questions of obviousness that the Supreme Court rejected in KSR.” Rep. 18.
`However, KSR explicitly stated that it was not calling into question all Federal
`Circuit caselaw under the TSM test. 550 U.S. at 422. KSR specifically listed
`conceptions of the TSM test that allowed implicit teachings to constitute a
`motivation to combine as examples of “broader conceptions[s] of the TSM test”
`that were not called into question. Id. (listing as examples “Our suggestion test is
`in actuality quite flexible and not only permits, but requires, consideration of
`common knowledge and common sense” and “There is flexibility in our
`obviousness jurisprudence because a motivation may be found implicitly in the
`prior art. We do not have a rigid test that requires an actual teaching to combine . .
`. ”). And the Winner Court applied such a broad conception of the TSM test:
`“Evidence of a suggestion, teaching, or motivation to combine prior art references
`- 18 -


`may flow, inter alia, from the references themselves, the knowledge of one of
`ordinary skill in the art, or from the nature of the problem to be solved.” 202 F.3d
`at 1348. Thus, KSR does not limit Winner.
`Moreover Winner’s conclusion that a motivation to combine should address
`tradeoffs is based on the notion that “Trade-offs often concern what is feasible, not
`what is, on balance, desirable. Motivation to combine requires the latter.” Id. at
`1349. That understanding of motivation to combine is equivalent to the Federal
`Circuit’s post-KSR understanding. See, e.g., Personal, 848 F.3d at 993-94 (Fed.
`Cir. 2017) (“Obviousness concerns whether a skilled artisan not only could have
`made but would have been motivated to make the combinations or modifications of
`prior art to arrive at the claimed invention.”) (emphasis original; internal citations
`and quotations omitted). Thus, Winner is entirely consistent with KSR.
`Second, the Reply argues that “Realtime distorts [Winner]” because the
`Court’s “call for ‘benefits, both lost and gained, should be weighed against one
`another’ is a caution not to ignore the benefits of making a combination rather than
`dictating a rigid balancing test.” Rep. 18. But Realtime does not argue that the
`benefits should be ignored. Rather, the POR explained that the Petition ignores the
`costs. POR 60-61. Winner states that a proper motivation to combine should
`address “both.” 202 F.3d at 1349 n.8. (“Instead, the benefits, both lost and gained,
`- 19 -


`should be weighed against one another.”). The Petition does not address the
`admitted costs of its modification, and the Reply does not argue otherwise.
`The Reply also contends that Apple v. Realtime Data is inapplicable because
`the patent owner in that case “provided evidence . . . which contradicted the
`petitioner’s rationale for combination.” Rep. 19. But here too, Patent Owner has
`provided evidence—Petitioner’s own evidence—that contradicts its motivation to

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