Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1032, Cover 1


`Marine Biological Laboratory Library
`Woods Hole, Mass.
`Presented by
`Prentice-Hall, Inc.
`New York City
`ee |
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1032, Cover 2
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1032, Cover 2


`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1032, Cover 3
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1032, Cover 3


`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1032, Cover 4
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1032, Cover 4


`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1032, Cover 5
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1032, Cover 5


`WENDELL M. Latimer, Px.D., Editor
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1032, Cover 6
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1032, Cover 6


`Kmeritus Professor of Biochemistry
`University of Wisconsin, Madison
`Professor of Biochemistry
`University of Wisconsin, Madison
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1032, Cover 7
`New YornK
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1032, Cover 7


`Copyright, 1953, by Prentiee-Hall, Inc., 70 Fitth Avenue, New
`York. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be re-
`produced in any form, by mimeograph or any other means,
`without permission in writing from the publishers.
`Library of
`Congress Catalog Card Number: 53-8022.
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1032, Cover 8
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1032, Cover 8


`This book considers the ehemical activities not only of animals but
`also those of plants and mieroorganisms.
`It alms to be a complete,
`though brief,
`treatise on the whole field of biochemistry, stressing the
`most important features of the subject.
`Thefirst part deals with the materials of the eell, and the second with
`the funetions of the cell. Emphasis, however, has been placed on the
`dynamic aspects of biochemistry as well as on its material
`This purpose inevitably leads to a consideration of complex phenomena.
`Toinakesuch phenomena understandableis no easy task, but the attempt
`has been made.
`The subject matter is by no means bevond the comprehension of the
`reader with only a general chemistry background, though best appre-
`ciated and understood by the reader with a knowledge of organic chem-
`In view of
`the inereased coverage (chapters on Nueleic Acids,
`Hormones, and Biological Energeties) and the particular emphasis which
`has been placed on metabolic reactions (chapters on Plant Metabolism,
`Animal Metabolism, and Metabolism of Microorganisms),
`the present
`work is well suited to more advanced readers. By careful selection of
`chapters, the book should also prove useful
`to those interested in agri-
`eulture and home economics.
`The authors are indebted to their colleagues, Professors Casida, John-
`son, Lardy, Meyer, Plaut, Potter, Stahmann, and Williams for reading
`one or more chapters of the manuscript and making many valuable sug-
`gestions and criticisms of the book. They are doubly indebted to Pro-
`fessor Burris for his chapter on Plant Metabolism, and to Professor
`Plaut for the two chapters on Digestion and Enzymes. The authors are
`grateful to Dr. Mary Shine Peterson for the preparation of Tables 3-1,
`4-2, 5-1, A-1, A-2, and A-3, andfor eritical reading of many of the
`chapters in the book.
`the authors in no sense imply
`In making these acknowledgments,
`that errors of omission and commission are to be charged to those named.
`We apply to ourselves alone Byron’s apostrophe to the ocean, “Upon
`the watery plain, the wrecks are all thy deed.”
`W. H. Peterson
`F. MM. Strone
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1032, Preface v
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1032, Preface v


`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1032, Preface vi
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1032, Preface vi


`The authors gratefully acknowledge permissions granted to
`reproduce illustrations appearing im this book, as follows:
`Color plates I and IT and Figures 7-2, 8-1, 8-2, &-3, 544,
`8-5, 15-9, and 15-10 reproduced from Munger Signs
`Crops, revised edition, published hy the American Society
`of Agronomy and The National Fertilizer Association,
`Washington, D. C., 1949.
`Color plate III
`reproduced from Clinical Nutrition, by
`Jolliffe, Tisdall, and Cannon and published by Paul B.
`Hoeber, Inc., New York, 1950.
`Color plate IV reproduced from Crystalline Vitamin B,,
`U.S.P., published by Merck & Co.,
`Inc., Rahway, N. J.
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1032, Acknowledgments vii
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1032, Acknowledgments vii


`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1032, Acknowledgments viii
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1032, Acknowledgmentsviii


`Lipipes (Fars AND ReLarep SUBSTANCES)
`MerranouismM Or MicroorGANISMS
`PLrant MeraspouisM
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1032, ToC ivPetitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1032, ToC ix
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1032, ToC ix


`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1032, ToC x
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1032, ToC x


`Chapter 1
`The living world
`the name implies, means the chemistry of hving
`Biochemistry, as
`things. Obviously sueh a meaning includes the chemistry of plants and
`nicroorganisins, us well as animals. Thefirst two groups are indispensia-
`ble to a living world, but the third is not. Although a living world com-
`posed only of plaints and microorganisms would be unfamiliar to us, it
`would be adequate to maintain a balance between the synthetic processes
`of the plant and the degradative processes of microorganisms. Put
`other terms, the carbon and nitrogen eveles in nature could be kept
`balanee without the help of animals. Thelatter are superimposed upon
`the plants and microorganisms; and man, because of his dominant posi-
`tion in the living world, places himself at its center.
`The brief phrase, “chemistry of living things,” covers a vast field of
`subject matter.
`It ineludes, in the first place, the chemical make-upof all
`the individual substances of which living tissues are composed. These
`substances are extraordinarily numerous.
`<A single cell of the simplest
`type contains scores, probably hundreds, of different chemical substances
`—no one knows how many in any particular organism. Furthermore,
`manyof these substanees, or compounds as the chemist prefers to call
`them, are extremely complex. Whole classes of bioclogieal compounds
`are so involved that, even today,
`the exact structural
`formula of no
`single member is known; prime examples are the proteins and nucleic
`acids. Quantitatively, the most
`important single constituent
`is water.
`Everything else is classified as dry matter or solids, which consist mostly
`of organie compounds (substances containing carbon), although many
`inorganic substances are present in small amounts.
`Secondly, the “chemistry of living things” includes whatever chemical
`changes the above substances undergo as the organism grows, reproduces,
`absorbs and uses food, exeretes waste products, and in general carries
`the activities incidental
`to being and remaining alive. The sum
`total of all these chemical processes and the chemical compounds involved
`in them ts the living organism. The individual at any moment
`is a
`dynamie balance between opposing processes of building up and break-
`ing down, of taking in and throwing off, just as a lake is the resultant
`of the inflow andoutflowof its waters.
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1032, p. 1
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1032, p. 1


`Objectives and methods of biochemistry
`Theultimate objectives of the scienee of biochemistry are a complete
`knowledge of the structure and properties of all chemical compounds
`present in living things and a complete understanding of the chemical
`reactions they undergo both in health and disease. Usually, knowledge
`of materials must first be obtained before much can be learned about
`their funetion. At the present timethe chief types of organic substance
`in most biological materials are fairly well known. These major com-
`ponents are the carbohydrates, fats and proteins. However,
`it has be-
`come inereasinely elear during the last few decades that many compounds,
`eg. Vitamins and hormones, normally present
`in living cells in only
`very sinall amounts often play important plivsiological
`roles. An im-
`pressive number of these compounds is now known, but many more cer-
`tainly remain to be studied. The development of our knowledge of
`metabolism is even more recent and incomplete.
`Some of the processes
`involving food utilization and energy production are emerging into focus,
`but as yet only the barest beginning has been madein finding out what
`chemical reactions occur during the normal functioning of living things.
`Biochemical research is being intensively pursued in hundreds of labora-
`tories throughout the world. The methods of study are drawn mainly
`from the older sciences such as chemistry, physies, mathematics, biology,
`physiology, ete., of which biochemistry is an outgrowth and descendant.
`Isolation Methods. Efforts to asecrtain the chemical nature of bio-
`logical materials ordinarily start with an extraction or purification process
`by which one constituent is isolated,
`i.c., separated in pure form from
`the others. The isolation of a pure biological substance is often a
`feat because most biological materials are complex mixtures
`containing hundreds of different individual chemical substances, many
`of which frequently are closely similar in composition or properties and,
`therefore, difficult
`to separate.
`In addition,
`the particular substance
`sought may be present
`in very low concentrations, perhaps only one
`part in many million parts of the source material. For example, Doisy
`and co-workers extracted and processed the equivalent of four tons of
`sow ovaries to obtain about 10 mg. of the sex hormone,estradiol (p. 292).
`This small yield represented about half of the hormone originally present,
`since its normal coneentration in the ovary of the sowis only one part
`in 150,000,000! This isolation of estradiol represents an achievement
`on a par with the famous work of the Curies in obtaining radium from
`pitchblende andillustrates some of the difficulties whieh confront
`biochemical investigator studying the composition of living things.
`There are many kinds of procedure usedin isolating biochemical sub-
`stances, and only a brief indication of their nature can be attempted
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1032, p. 2
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1032, p. 2


`here. Frequently large classes of substanees can be separated from
`each other beeause of their different degrees of solubility.
`For example,
`a mixture of
`fat and sugar ean casily be separated by shaking with
`ether and water. These two solvents, being inuniseible, on standing form
`lavers, one of which contains the sugar and the other the fat.
`Two types
`of materials both dissolved in the same solvent may be separated hy
`causing one to precipitate. For example, a boiling water extract of a
`fresh fruit or vegetable will contain, among other things, both sugars
`and proteins. This mixture can be separated by adding a soluble salt
`of a heavy inetal such as lead acetate and filtering, since the proteins
`are thereby rendered insoluble. Again, some substances are held on
`the surface of adsorbents, ¢.g., activated charcoal, while others are not;
`certain substances ean be volatilized (distilled)
`leaving others behind.
`Byprogressively applying such fractionation procedures, a particular sub-
`stance can be gradually separated from the compounds whieh are origi-
`nally mixed with it
`in the living material, and thus brought nearer
`to a state of purity.
`it can be
`Once an individual chemical substanee has been isolated,
`analyzed by standard chemical methods, broken down into simpler frag-
`ments, whieh are also analyzed, and in general examined to see just how
`is constituted chemically.
`If the compound is not of too great com-
`plexity, e.g., has a molecular weight of a few hundredorless, its structure
`is usually established within a few vears. The results of this work are
`expressed as a structural fornada, which shows just what the substance
`is and howit may be expected to react with other substances. Sinec
`most compounds isolated from living things are organic (carbon) com-
`pounds, such studies fall into the realm of organic chemistry.
`Nutrition. A large part of biochemical research for the past fifty
`years has been concerned with the nutrition of animals, plants, and micro-
`organisms. The objectives of this work have been to find out just what
`chemical substances are neededin the food of living organisms to nourish
`them properly and to determine what purpose each nutrient serves.
`the earlier days of the twentieth century, attention was focused mainly
`on the energy-yielding and body-building materials which constitute the
`bulk of the food, namely the carbohydrates, fats and proteins. More
`recently, substances required in smaller amounts such as the mineral
`elements, vitamins, and other growth factors have been intensively studied.
`These remarks apply particularly to animals and microorganisins, as
`plants need only mineral elements besides carbon dioxide and water for
`The experimental methods of investigating these questions are similar
`in principle regardless of the type of organism being studied, and may
`be illustrated for the ease of animals. The general approach has been
`to feed animals a diet prepared from purified ingredients and to observe
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1032, p. 3
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1032, p. 3


`whether they grew normally and remained healthy. Usually growth
`declined, but by supplementing the purified diet with some natural food
`material, such as yeast, whole milk, or liver extract, growth was restored,
`Such experiments showed that the supplement must have contained some
`essential food factor lacking from the purified experimental (basal) diet.
`The next step was to isolate this substanee, determineits chemical strue-
`ture, and add it as a pure compound to the basal dict for further feeding
`trials. Whenever this was done, it usually was found that extra supple-
`ments were again needed, or in other words, that the supplement first
`used must have been contributing more than one essential food factor.
`By such methods it has now been shown that a long list of chemical
`substances is required to fulfill
`the dietary needs of animals.
`In the
`ease of rats and chickens most, if not all, of the essential food factors
`have been discovered, since rapid growth and apparently normal develop-
`ment ean be obtained on diets composed exclusively of pure chemicals.
`However, when such a “synthetic diet” is
`fed to other animals such
`as guinea pigs, they respond so poorly that other still-unknown food
`substances are obviously needed.
`In fact
`the use of many different
`species of animals for nutritional studies has been a fruitful source of
`information, for, although many requirements are similar, many differ-
`ences have also been found. Not only animals, but plants and micro-
`organisms have been extensively studied as to their nutritional require-
`ments, and the latter especially, because of their small size and rapid
`growth, have served as admirable test subjects.
`Study of Metabolic Reactions. The study of the chemical reactions
`that take place in living organisms is regarded by many biochemists as
`the most significant and fundamental aspect of the science. As pointed
`out above, relatively little progress along this line was made until recently,
`but since emphasis is now shifting strongly in this direction, the rate of
`discovery of new information has sharply inereased, and extensive addi-
`tions to our knowledge may be expected in the relatively near future.
`In studying metabolic reactions one approach has been to investigate
`the composition of the food consumed and the waste eliminated by an
`organism in order to attempt to deduce what must have happened inside
`the organism to convert the one into the other. This method has yielded
`some information, but obviously suffers from severe limitations.
`A more fruitful approach has been to transfer the reactions being
`studied from the organism to the test tube.
`In several instances it has
`been possible to duplicate cellular reactions in the absence of the cells
`themselves. For example, many of the intermediates, such as succinic
`involved in earbohydrate metabolism are oxidized by molecular
`oxygen to carbon dioxide and water when added to suitable tissue
`preparations. Finely ground suspensions of liver tissue in an aqueous
`buffer are suitable for this purpose. Similarly, eell-free yeast prepara-
`tions can ferment glucose to carbon dioxide and alcohol. Once such a
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1032, p. 4
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1032, p. 4


`system that is able to reproduce typical metabolic reaetions in vitro!
`is discovered, the way will be open for experimental study. The chemical
`compounds involved in each step of the process ean be isolated in pure
`form, and the effect of removing them from the svstem or replacing
`them at various econeentrations ean be observed. The catalysts (enzymes
`and eoenzymes) which make the whole process possible can similarly be
`studied one at a time, and,
`in general, cach step can be subjected to
`detailed examination.
`is in this way that much of our knowledge
`of metabolism has been acquired.
`A still newer technique, which promises to be of major significance in
`unraveling the chemistry of metabolism, is based on the use of isotopes.
`The widespread use of this method was made possible by the atomic
`energy development. Eventually,
`this may well prove to have been
`one of the most constructive and valuable results of that program.
` Iso-
`topes of the common elements—C, H, O, N, 8, P, and others—are used
`as metabolic “tracers” by incorporating gne or more of them into some
`substance normally involved in metabolism. The “labeled” metabolite
`is then administered to the test organism. After a suitable interval the
`distribution of the isotope in the various tissues or tissue components
`of the organism is determined. Thus if a rat is fed glycine containing
`N™ in the aminogroup, and the purine compounds in the animal’s tissues
`are later found to contain N'
`in comparable amounts, it may be con-
`eluded that glycine is concerned in the biosynthesis of purines, and
`specifically that one of the nitrogen atoms in the purine ring came from
`the amino group of glycine. Other examples of
`the use of
`will be encountered throughout the text.
`Information about metabolic processes can also be obtained by block-
`ing some particular process and then searching for a way to remove the
`block. The desired effect can be obtained, for example, with antimetab-
`olites, substances so similar to certain normal metabolites that
`get in the way of the latter but yet are unable to carry out their fune-
`tions. Again, it is often possible to produce mutants of lower organisms
`(e.g., the mold, Neurospora), which lack the power to carry out certain
`metabolie reactions.
`In such cases it has frequently been observed that
`the effect
`(e.g., growth failure) of
`the block may be removed by ad-
`ministering some apparently unrelated chemical. This indicates that
`the counteracting agent may be the substance normally formed by the
`bloeked reaction, As an illustration, suppose an organism needs substance
`A to serve as a catalyst for the transformation of 6 into C:
`ns 6
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1032, p. 5
`An antimetabolite of A would probably inhibit the growth of this organ-
`ism, but this inhibition would be counteracted by C,
`1J7n vitro means, literally, in glass and implics occurring outside any living thing.
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1032, p. 5


`Relation of biochemistry to biology
`Biologists have traditionally studied living organisms on the basis of
`the cell, as the smallest intact living unit. The cell occupies much the
`same relative position in biology as the molecule does in chemistry.
`The smaller components of living cells have come underscrutiny, as the
`biologist, equipped with ever more powerful microscopes, has probed
`deeper and deeper into the mysteries of living matter. The main parts
`of a typical cell are the cell wall, nucleus, and cytoplasm. The living
`material making up the nucleus and cytoplasm is termed protoplasm;
`it is a grayish, translucent, jelly-like material, which under the micro-
`scope can beseen to consist of a meshwork filled with fluid. The nucleus
`contains chromosomes, and these in turn, under very high magnification,
`reveal structural
`irregularities which may have functional significance.
`Thus the biologist studies and interprets life mostly in terms of
`smallest visible fragments.
`From the chemical viewpoint, protoplasm is an aqueous, colloidal
`solution containing protein as the chief solid ingredient, but with appre-
`ciable amounts of fatty substances, nucleic acids, and other compounds
`present. The metabolic reactions occurring in the eell
`take place in
`this solution, and are studied and interpreted by the biochemist in terms
`of melecules of the reacting substances. Most molecules are far too small
`to be seen in any microscope, and their actual existence can only be sur-
`mised from indirect evidence. However, the giant molecules of proteins
`and nucleie acids are large enough so that they can actually be “seen,”
`thatis, photographed, with the help of the electron microscope, an instru-
`ment that makes possible 50,000-100,000 fold magnification.
`It seems most probable that the merging of biochemistry and biology
`will continue in the future to an even greater extent, as the functional
`activities of living things come more to be studied and explained in
`chemical terms. However,it will not suffice to regard metabolism merely
`as a group of chemical processes occurring at random in the same solu-
`tion. Each living cell
`is a miniature “chemical factory” where food
`molecules pass in an orderly fashion through a long series of interrelated
`chemical reactions. A highly organized physical structure, with each
`catalyst (enzyme) in a definite position in relation to the others, must
`exist to accomplish this end. The study of such levels of organization
`can probably be more properly classified as biology rather than as bio-
`chemistry, although it must be obvious that the borderline is indefinite.
`Study of biochemistry
`The first task of the beginning student must be to learn something
`of the materials of the cell in order to provide a basis for subsequent
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1032, p. 6
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1032, p. 6


`least an elementary knowledge is
`study of metabolie processes. At
`needed, not only of the major cellular components (water, carbohydrates,
`fats, and protems), but also of
`the minerals, vitamins, hormones, and
`enzymes, which, although present in smaller amounts, are equally vital
`to the living organism.
`Relatively little time can be devoted, at first, fo diseussion of detailed
`evidence for various faets and how this evidence was obtained, since
`major cinphasis must be given to the facts themselves.
`In other words,
`the results rather than the methods of biochemical
`research form the
`chief subject matter of the beginning course.
`It is for this reason that
`the methods have been briefly outlined in this introductory chapter. As
`in all elementary studies, the student
`is asked to accept great masses
`of information more or less on faith, with the clear understanding, how-
`ever, that each fact is firmly supported by experimental evidence which
`he can review and assess for himself,
`if he so desires.
`Referenees and
`suggested readings are listed at the end of each chapter for this purpose.
`Green, D. E. (editor), Currents in Biochemical Research,
`Inc., New York, 1946.
`Haurowitz, F., Progress in Biochemistry,
`FE. A. “The Isolation of
`MacCorquodale, D. W., Thayer, 8. A., and Doisy,
`Principal Estrogenic Substance of Liquor Folliculi,” J. Biol. Chem., 115, 435 (1936).
`Needham, J. and Baldwin, E., Jophins and Biochemistry, W. Hefer and Sons, Ltel.,
`Cambridge, 1949.
`Interscience Publishers, Ine. New York,
`Interscience Publishers,
`OSs hee
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1032, p. 7
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1032, p. 7


`Chapter 2
`Occurrence and importance
`Water is the most abundant substance in living matter. The great
`physiologist, Claude Bernard, said, “All
`living matter lives in water.”
`In his Outline of History, Wells put it this way, “We talk of breathing
`air, but what all
`living beings really do is to breathe oxygen dissolved
`in water.”
`Table 2-1 gives the water content of some typical animal, plant, and
`microbial materials. The human bodyis about 65 per cent water, a corn
`plant about 75 per cent, and a bacterial cell about 80 per cent. The
`amount of water varies not only with the type of material but also with
`its period of development. Two examples, for which we have adequate
`data, will show the variation with age. The pig embryo at 15 days of
`development consists of 97 per cent water and 3 per cent solids, and
`at birth the young pig is made up of about 89 per cent water and 11
`per cent solids. The water content continues to decrease as the pig
`grows, being about 67 per cent at 100 Ibs. weight and 43 per cent for
`a very fat animal weighing 300 Ibs. The same relationship between
`water content and age holds for other farm animals and also for man.
`The water content of the corn plant remains practically constant, about
`88 per cent, during the actively growing period from the seedling to the
`tassel state, decreases rapidly to around 70 per cent at the time the
`kernels begin to glaze, and falls to about 52 per cent when the plant is
`mature and ready to harvest.
`A high water content is characteristic of youth and activity and a
`lowered figure is associated with old age andinactivity. The relation
`between water content and activity of tissues is further demonstrated by
`comparisonof differenttissues in the sameindividual. The metabolically
`active tissues of the body, e.g., brain and liver, contain much more water
`than the relatively inactive portions such as bones and fatty tissues.
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1032, p. 8
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1032, p. 8


`Table 2-1]
`Water content of some important biological nuterials
`[per cent]
`ta trae alate chs erevereennes noe 9
`ats aca
`Human body .
`eee <a.
`Brain, gray matter 2.0.0... cece cece eee
`a aaceva aie ocala
`ape eed
`stat eervecrratesri setts a? ere tear at GNu dia detail
`Muscle20.0000.000... Peay eee RE ieee svererete eae 73
`uva Gi
`ara CamiaiaraBeniale eiase wire ves Oeip sia alate aimshiie Gi. c.s wna
`Milk .. sifatertata[aia vascresrigtacnayalelNiay Ree Sima eae si‘ 87
`Saliva o..0....
`Sai enc nraneeate sinaeewidsace
`SCRE Tica ea
`tai TeaTata arene SO Cioee| loa ee =.
`Adipose tissue Gmininly G00)soceeesusenemesennnaereneeeesiian Ae haeHe 10-30
`Larvae of clothes moth et TTT ete tc iasierceht ar ceiere nse
`Pig embryo, 15 days old
`seve uMincashaese tin gh Nara gap ea asa
`Pig at birth
`et nea
`Pig at maturity, depending on fatness
`92.2.2... ee ee ae
`Corn plant, seedling to tassel period
`Corn plant, kernels glazed
`ccc cece cee se cee ees .
`Corn plant, maturity Sayer essahaed an Mata aN Wa a iinet 50-60
`Bacteria ewenatslawrar ciarave ere2.0 2) Ps Se 73-90
`Yeasts 2...
`z 5 es . — -
`It is all too common a fallacy to limit the meaning of “foods” to the
`energy-yielding materials—carbohydrates, fats, and protcins—with the
`inclusion perhaps of mineral elements.
`If the term food be considered
`to inelude all substances that are essential
`for the growth and repair
`of body tissue, as most certainly it should, then water likewise is truly
`a food. This error in thinking has arisen from the fact
`in the
`past most biologists have treated water as if it were an inert material
`and have looked upon the solids of plant and animal tissues as the im-
`portant part of the organism. Gortner has pointed out how mistaken
`is this view; he illustrates his argument by citing the composition of
`the tadpole, 95 per cent water and 5 per cent solids.
`“It would be
`ridiculous to speak of this organism as being composed of only 5 per
`eent of vital materials. The water is as much a part of the tadpole as
`are the fats, proteins, ete., which serve to form the gel structure, and the
`biochemical and biophysical reaetions which take place within the cells
`and tissues of the tadpole are determined probably more by the water
`which is present than by anyor all of the other constituents.”
`Free and bound water
`The term “bound water” has come into use to designate water that has
`been adsorbed bythe colloids of the living cell, in contrast to “free water,”
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1032, p. 9
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1032, p. 9


`which is not an integral part of the plant or animal tissue with which
`is associated. The major part of bound water is held probably by
`proteins, but other classes of compounds are knownto retain relatively
`large amounts of water.
`Thus adipose tissue contains considerable
`water, certain of the compound lipides, such as lecithin, emulsify readilyin
`water, and the polysaccharides of plant tissues are decidedly hydrophilic.
`It is not certain just how bound water is held by colloidal material.
`One explanation apphed to protems is that sharing of eleetrons between
`the protein molecule and the water molecule sets up a binding force that
`holds the water to the protein. Such a foree is called a hydrogen bond
`or bridge and consists of an eleetropositive hydrogen atom standing
`between two clectronegative atoms, e.g., N and O, thus —N : H : O—.
`The hydrogen shares its eleetron with both the N and O.
`Proteins contain many groups such as —NH», —COOH that can form
`a hydrogen bond with water. A protein molecule may contain several
`thousand binding groups. For example, gelatin, a rather small protein
`having a molecular weight of about 35,000,
`is calculated to have 960
`molecules of water bound to each molecule of gelatin when a gel
`formed. There is much difference of opinion as to the quantity of water
`held by proteins in solution, but 0.3 g. of water per gram of protein is
`a commonly suggested figure.
`Bound water, especially that bound by the protoplasm of the cell,
`appears to be one of the several important factors involved in frost and
`resistance. Plants that are exposed to low temperatures in
`winter increase the proportion of bound water and the concentration of
`water-soluble protein in the cell sap,
`thus developing what
`is called
`winter hardiness. Plants, such as eactus, that live under arid or semi-
`arid conditions hold their water largely in the bound state.
`Insects also
`increase the percentage of bound water under conditions of cold or
`the intimate association of
`Yeast cells furnish another example of
`residual water andlife processes. A commercial product known as active
`dry yeast contains only about 8 per cent moisture, but
`the cells are
`still alive and will survive for many months.
`If soaked in warm water
`for a few minutes, the yeast promptly starts producing carbon dioxide
`andean be used in place of baker’s press yeast for bread-making. How-
`ever, if the cells are dried to around 5 per cent moisture, they die, and
`will not revive when placed in water.
`On the other hand, c

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