' I
`I I
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`1c 1onar
`:of the
`~ English
`More than a Quarter Million Entries Based on the First Edition
`! of The Ran_dom House Dictionary of the English Language
`!; Over 2,000 Illustrations and Spot Maps
`r · Full Color World Atlas
`I, .. Plus 11 Specialized Dictionaries, Ref ere nee Books,
`Patent Owner Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe
`Ex. 2038, p. 1


`The "A Dictionary of the English La nguage" section of this book (Webster's Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary) is based on the
`edition of The Random House Dictionary of the English Language, the Unabridged .Edition, copyright © 1983.
`Atlas of the World, copyright© 1989 by John Bartholomew & Son Limited. Reprinted by arrangement with John Bartholomew
`Son Limited.
`A Manual of Style, copyright © 1986 by Crown Publishers, Inc. Excerpted and reprinted by arrangement with Crown Publishers, I
`Krevisky, Joseph and Jordan L Linfield-The Bad Speller's Dictionary, copyright© 1967, 1963 by Innovation Press. Reprinted b
`irrrangement wit)l Random House, Inc.
`Stein, Jess, Ed.-Rhyming Dictionary, copyright© 1960 by Random House, Inc. Reprinted by arrangement with Random House,\.
`Webster's Crossword Puzzle Dictionary, 1986 editio n, copyright @ 1963 by Fawcett Publications, Inc. and copyright © 19(>4 by
`Ottenheimer Publishers, Inc. Repri nted by arrnngement wit h O ttenheimer Publishers, Inc.
`Copyright © 1989 by dilithium Press, Ltd.
`All rights reserved.
`This 1989 edition is published by Gram~rcy J3ooks, a division of dilithium Press, Ltd., distributed by Outlet Book Company,
`Inc., a Random House Company. 40 Engelhnrd Avenue, Avenel, New Jersey 07001.
`Printed and Bound in the United States of America
`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Webster's encyclopedic unabridged dictionary of the English language.
`I. English language- Dictionnries.
`PE1625. W46 1989
`ISBN 0-517-68781-X
`15 14 13 12 Jl JO 9 8
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`Patent Owner Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe
`Ex. 2038, p. 2


`com,pro-mlae ( komlpr~ mizf), 11., •· • -mleed, -ml»•lnrt, mtllhmnntlc11J and lo11tcal opcrnLlon, nt hish speed l\ad being coneMonnwd; aonnoot.lon, ns ] I )
`roorller eond, Al)OCOJ>41.e<!_ vnr. or ME eondie, eondut <
`Jl'l•Pres•Blon (llilm pre@ 'ao), 11, l. 1ho net of com- or lnvotvlog compulsion: 11 eomp ulslu dl$lro to ct).
`ilUI!, 2. tho sl-L\t,o or being comproaoo. 3. tho b. governed l>y nn obseAlvo nood LO coororm. be scru1>u• io• eond(u)lr• < .L ,onducere w co><oUC'1']
`f"f1r; lntorolll-combuauon onglneis) 11Jo roducLlon ln
`pr"""t, result, or conllllQuenco or bolng comprllf!kod.
`- n, 3. P n•c/101. con• (k<,n), adj.,• .. conned, con,11lng, U.S. Slant. -(
`lous. 01.c.: tll• eo11111U1,lr• 11orsonaUty.
`• porsou who110 holmvla r Is goYornod by ll compulsion. 1. cou!ldonco: aeon som,; a co,1111an. -
`,.,. 2. 1oawlndlo,
`otumo nod lncrC<ISOOf prOll&Ul'O or lhOlllr or combuaublo
`(Obs. compUIH ( < L compuls(111), J)Lp. or c,;mptlltre;
`trick: Thal crook conntd m• out of all nl)I sa,,nas.
`!I. LO
`toe COM•ut.11101<) + -,va] - com,pullalve-ly, od,.
`J)CJ'llUndo by docopUoo, caJolory , oi.c. (cos (rrocNcE)]
`~xiuro Io Lho cylln<.lor prior lo Ignition . producod by
`con• (kon ), ,.1., eonnc,d , eon,nlng. Drll. Dial. 1. w
`bo motion or tho pls1nn Lownrtl. tho cyllmlcr ho.ul,r -com-pullalvo,ncu, n.
`t 111-ko. Al.'iC!, eom 0prc••8"-"" (kom pro~JJ'ar) (for doCs, com•pul•80•rY (kom pullao ril), adj. 1. using eompuJ-
`•trJko, !tit or ro.p (something or sontt,'OIHl). 2. to hnm•
`I[' 2),
`[ < L eomprru/11n- (a. ot compr,u/0), ~uh•. ~ ,ton: coml){l)llng;_ constraining: oom11utsory mt11wr,1 to mor (o 11ul1 ur pog). 3. to l)c,1t or thrl\Nh n. 11oraon wl1h
`d,rnpras(us)i pLp. of com11rlmtre W 11rlli!tl l()8UI or (seo C<>ntrol rlot/nt, "'· rcqulrod without o.,copllou: m.ondll•
`tho hnnds_ or o. weapon, (7 akin w F eo111tt ha1oebot. wo•
`o01o<•, l'llEll81 + -liln- -10:<] -com,pre11alon,al, adj,
`wry; obllgnMry: eompullory u;am/natfon,: a,mp1,lsory ntr w knock to. drl\'o (ll onll) bomo]
`[ < ML wm,l!uWtrHus), equiv. io L com- con• (koo) 11 Slant n coovtc1
`..,.111pre131B1on ign!t Uon,
`Ignition of engine ruol
`"i{;y l,ho !Jcat or l\lr comprCllll(l(I In Lhocyllndcrs 1?Lo which 1111l; (ua) (800 oaMPUL!!IOt</, + -orius -onv'J - com,pul1- con-
`vn~. ~r com• i.iaroro n (oxccp~ b, h, 1, p ,
`r, wf nod, by asslmllnlloo, bororo '" co"rOlle; ,011dont;
`rJ)o /oel lslnlroductld. - com•preo/alon -111•111 tJon, adJ,
`•o-rl-ly, od•. -com-pu.l •o•rl-na&1, "·
`111prestsi0n ra/ tto, .-11110. che ratlo or t.hocyllnder -Ant. l. 2. voluntary.
`l < L]
`000101110 encloecd by tho plst.on M Its ou1.ermoa1 p0e!Uon com,punc•tt.oo ( k3m puffllkl@on ). n. 1. n /eellng or con
`1 conrormlsl 2 Con,ut
`Y d,o volumo onclo11«l by IL lit !ta lnnorm011t 1l0l1Uon. unoru,ln088 or nnxloW or the conaclonr.e caullcd by regro1
`estslon wave, a shock wnvo thnt comprc"8Cli
`fnl' <lolng wrong or cnu81ng p11lu; contrlUor:u romorsc. con., 1. concel"to. , 2, conci on. s. connection.
`c0111P~um u,rou b whlcil It Is lrMSmlU«I. e r. es an- 2. noy unOMLnea or heolialloo nbouL tho rlghtnOSR o r lln 4. conaolldntcd. ~. con1ul. 8. continued. 7. ngnJnst.
`uio m ve
`I\Cllon. (<cccl. L compunclrl'in-<•. or,omp1mctro),oqulv.
`[ < Leontril].
`,ion... slve
`lo 1, a,mp(inct(us) PIP or comp11ntt,. W prick sovurol;y CO•na•kry (f r, kO DA km,1) . n.
`(~OqJ• COM•+ pa11cius; seo POINT) + -/Dll·•ION ; r . la LO JIU: Cllplllll OI OulnCA, ln NW Alrlc:1\. ll2,40 l with IUburbJI
`:t 11.'l\port In nnd tl10
`If )
`CO pre•!
`cOIDd•Pt~•comprC811. amcJ'[.i~,~~B + ~l\'llJ --c'::m,prc:J:
`compimu101111 < Ali'] ......,0 m-punolUon,lce1 , ad).
`too fng
`(1000). Alao, Konalcrl.
`com,punc,tlous (Imm pufiitk'§!l•9) adj W U8lng or con a•mo•re (It. kOn It 111111110 for J; kon o n11lr 1~.
`alvc-ly, ad•.
`[CO>IPUNCT(JO:<) + -m!lrlll, •mllr1~. - m6r1n. k<in fort). 1. ({lallcsJ Tta,lla11.
`c0111•r,re:~~1Dl~ :.~f\ "rnu!;loo~~r~~~r= loollnf compunction: rcgr_ollul.
`!fhlc I co L Pf t l ij bo<.ly 3 Surg nn lnatruroo.oL ror com
`-1ooe -com,puncltiou,,ly, oru,.
`with love, tender enthuslnsml or zc:>I. 2. l<m orly and
`sonic ~nr:i. 0 art1or tho body, "'· ,i pump or 01hor mnch.J.110 com,pur,ga•tion (komtpor git'~wn), 11.
`l<ll 011rly
`lovlogly (usod ru,"' mua!cal d rooUon),
`preu~~ctk Lbo v olumo nod Increasing Lbo preauro or commou-tnw m ot11od oC klnl lu which Is nc- Oo,nant (k!llnant), " · Jnmee Bry~nt, bom 1803, U.S.
`In w condonee lho -
`· drlvo pncuml\llcally q uill«! on lhe •worn endorsrunon1 or n snoollloo nu_mbrr cltomlat r,nd ooucn.tor: prcsldnno o/ -Hnrvll"l'<i UnlverslLy
`ti. 8/tctrontu. " iranaduccr or rrlenda or nelghboni. (< LL eo111pur1flt1rm- <•. or rom-
`~ o d mnchlnory, etc.
`If ,t produces un outpuo with "mngo or« whoRo purglltill), O(IUIY, \O L compurgl!l(u1) (ptp. o! ,ompur- CO•na,tton (kll nV~an), 71, Pa>·chol. tho p3rt or mcn14I
`• 'tio III am1dtor Lhno thntol t or tho Input •lgno.l. garc: soo OOM· ,2-•unom) +-m11--roN] -<:om,our,ga,t.o,ry nro ho.viog tt d!) with strlvlog, including desire lln<.l
`g'i o ,rpa11dcr (der. 2).
`( < L comprtU(llf) (IIOO co><-
`(kom 11Dr/Ka t,orfi!, -.tOrtu), com,purtga,tolrl,aJ, adj.
`l < . wn/1/IDn- (s. or cDailltD) llJJ erron, OQ.LtJv.
`pac••l + -oR']
`to r.Onll1(u1J (pip. or. cl!n/Iri to l<l"Yl + -ton- -10N]
`com,pur,ga•tor rko01t~r giVt.:>r), n. n pur110n who
`m,prlse (from prJzl"I, , .1 .. -prued, -pru,l.n1. 1. to vouches ror iho looOC(lIICO :rnd lruthlul l.lll\lmony ol con,a,ttve (kon1a Liv. k i,'o(I-), odj. l. Ply<!'ol. por(cid:173)
`~cludo or contnln: 1'h• So•IM Union oomprlsta •~••ral n.noihor, [< ML. ,lQu.lV. 1ocompurJl1l(u1) (sco CO"'P\fH•
`tnlolng to or or •he 11nturo o/ cooatlon. 2, Gram. ex-
`&i<lollrl Rcpub/lc,, 2. Informal. to conslu or; ix, <:oni- OATrot<) + -or -0112]
`~l"Ofllllng cndonvor o r orion: a co11nt1re ••rb.
`- n.
`• Gra.111. n conatlvn word, n.rrtx, 0 1· vorbat aspoot.
`p0flJ(I of : The a<Ul,ory bOard comprlu, st:,; mtmbtrs. com,pu,ta•tion
`(komlpyn Lll' @Oo), rt.
`J. a n 11.ct,
`(co>11,-r(10N) + -xva]
`3 Informal. to ronn or co11J11,llutc: Hu spttdltl com- proc-. or mothocl or computing, calc uli•tlon. 2. o.
`rlsrd th• doy'a act/rltlts. [lnta ME < MF' comprl• (ptp.
`(lllle co-na-tu s (kl! nlVias), n .. pl. •tu ,. 1. no ofron or ••riv•
`resulL or comJ)utlng.
`!I. Lho ,unount computed.
`gr GOIIIJ)rendre) < L comprch•n•u•: goo aOM J01ui111CNe1osJ Mm _< L c~mp11111t/D71· (11. or cnm11u11lt/ll), equiv. to com-
`log, 2. ~ rorco or t.nndoncy almulMlng ll bumlln otrort.
`11utli1(111) ( Pli!l. ol com1,w/1re; lltl<l co·,wuTll) +
`-<>0m•prlala,ble, adj. - com,p rlalal, n.
`- f~n- S . (In 1>hlluso11by o( Splnozn) tlio rorco In_ overy
`-Syn, 1. Seo Include.
`--coml pu,taltloo,al, adj. -comlpu,talllve,
`i,nlmatocroo.ture t:Qwnrd tho Pl'Dll8rVl\tlou ol ltaoxliltonco.
`[ < L: exerLloo, o. nso o/ clinlllus, ptp, or c:ilnllrl w nt-
`- U••I"· OoMrruH tu i;enao of compou or conatltule adj. -eomtpu-tal li,,e,ly, adr.
`18 r~nrded NI JlOOr u1111go: Water Is cblnpoud ( not. com- com,pute (k;im pywt.l) •·• ,put,ed, -pot-Ing n . - ,.1.
`tem11t.: see COKA1"10N]
`prl,ed) of hydros.,, anc/, o:cygen. 2'hc following ••lrcl/0113 1 . t0 <loiormlno l)y cnlculntlon ; ~ccko.n; calc ulnt.o: tu con brl•o (kon bre1!l, kuo; It. kOn bnntO), with vigor:
`oomput-. Ille perlad of J111111er's r<IIDlutlon. - o.t. 2. w vlvnclously (ullod as I\ mualcnl dlrooLlou) . C < It]
`oonll/lUltd (not compr/1td) tfl• tcentns • proiram,
`roc:kon; CAlculnt-0. - n. 3. CO"!JIUt.lllloo: outer , pact that cone., 1. conccotrnt.o. 2. ~-oucootml.Od. a. conccn-
`com,prtze (lr.>m prlzl), ,.1 .. -prized, -priz,lng, com-
`( < u eomput(llrt), oq11I\'. l-0 nnlloo. ◄. concerning.
`prbo. --com•prlx'••blc, adj. -com,prlzlaJ, n.
`ta cast beyond eomputt.
`COID•PfO•m18 (komt1iro ml!/), n ., pl. -mlou (-muv), com- cO>I• + putllro L<> think • """ VUTATn•,:] ---com- con•cat,e-nate (kon knv•nllV'), •·• -nat,ed, -nat-inrt,
`• unite l.11 a sorles or ehaln.
`111/ernot. Lu,o. o. rormtli <locumouv. oxoou1ud lo common puV n-hll11-ty, n, - eom,putlo.,bl.!!, ad/. - co m-put/-
`,., . 1, Lo link togothur1
`adj. -
`by aoUons submltt.lng 11 <.11.snu to to 11rbltr11Uon, that a-bly, ado. -com,put..iat (kam pyooltlst, komlpy:,.), " · _ ,d}. 2 . llukod t'oKOllrnr, ll8 n n. chnln. [ < LL conco(cid:173)
`t1nbe(u~) (PW, o/ concotlm!re), equiv. to con- co:<- + L
`doflo.- lbo mntw at. lllllo, il,o rules ol proccduro nnd --Syn. 1. estlmnw, couni.. /lgurc.
`l . ono who or tha, cDlln(o) C RAIN+ -4111J · ATE1] -con-catla-n a l tor, n.
`&ho !)OW-Ora or tho ArblLrnl lclbunol, 1md thoprlnclpl.., w com,put-er (ko111 pyiioltor/ · n .
`( < 11:
`lit.. wWcli computes. 2. an olec ronlc i,pparnlUM tho~ can con•cat-e•nll•tton (koo katl•ulVt!Jon), n. l, tho net.
`bo rollowo<.l ln <.lotorrnlnl11g 1ho :i.wnrd.
`rocclvo, proec&s, 8Loro, 1Lnd rotrlovo dnta cnn carry ou~ or concntouMlng, 2. tb(I s1ato or
`- n. l. lll50ttlomnotor dllrN·encesby mutui,lconc-1oos; dla]llny tho rtsu.lts1 nn<I can be r,rognunmcd. Cr. analog loo. chtl.ln. s. a serlot or lntercoo-
`an AKJ'OOlllOUL roocho<.l by MIJuBt.ment or conflicting or computer, diglln oomputc,r. (C0'1PU.,.., + -,:n1]
`noolOd or lntcrdopeodont. ~hioga
`opl)()81.0IJ ctl\lms, prlnclplos, otc .. l)y roclprocnl mOdlll- com,pu t,er•ese (kom pyijijlt;> ru%1 - r!il'), n. Lb.o or oven.ts. r < LL co11catlnat10n- cs.
`ca1lon o/ daman<ls. 2. Lbo rosutL of such n scttlorucn~. 11>ccl1Lllzo<l vocahulo.ry nn<I Jargon used. by pooplo who or co11ont! nllt111) , equiv. to co11ca1-
`3, 10mo1Jrlng tnterm,icllnte 1>1'1wocn di/Cereo, things: work wlLh compuLors. (co~11•UTlln + •]
`Th• 1plfl-l••tl 1, a eompromue bttu:un o rnn<h house and com-pu,ter-iZe (kam pyoll'~ thl), o.t., -bod, .lz,uig. con-cave (adJ .• , . koo k!tv', kon'•
`a thrtt-$10rltd 110111•. ◄. llD endl\Ogcrlos, Mp, Of roput:1.-
`l.O control, per/orm, proceta, or s tore (11 &)'Item, opera- kllv; n, kontkliv), adj., n., o ..
`-caved, -<:av,lng. --<1d}. 1. curvod
`lion; oxp08\trQ to dl\ngor, • usplolon, ei.o.: a eomproml•t
`tlon, or lnrorml\Llon) by mM n• or or In nn olectroolc
`111<0 n sogmano or tho lntorlor ol_ n A
`of ont's inteJr/f)I, - o.t. II. to aetllo by I\ compromlso. computer or com11ULol'8; . nutomiL!<l by n or
`II. LO make llnblo to do.ngw, •~felon, acnndnl, clC.: computora. (co'1 1•un1r+-1n]-com,pul ter•l•""'Uon,n. circlo or hollow sphoro: hollow i,rui
`A. Concave or
`lllld3118cr the reput.nUoo or. 7. to Involve or ~fleet. u-'!ra- com,pu-ter•lzed (Imm pyoolt<i rlwl) adj utlllzlog or curved. er. convn
`(de/. 1).
`1>lano<0nrue ten•:
`vornbly: Befnt '"" t11flh h(m tom prom lstd my repulallon. concerned With eloc1ronla compui,ers oi: their WM): a a,,n. 2 . Gtom. (or " polygon) .having M 8, ConcaYO•<ODC8VO
`8. Obi. a . to bind by bargain or ngroomo111. b. LO l>rl11g
`]f1<19t one Interior fLoglo grooter
`Im,; C, Concavo-
`l)uttrl·•,L off le•
`to tar1na. - o,/. 9. to nu1ko11 comgronllt!u: Thfco11fllctlng compu.lter Iant guage
`IUl nrUIICIAIIY dC\'llod khMt l SO•. S. Obs. hollow.
`convex Ions
`. bola
`• rds ' tc
`parlfu airetd to eompromlst. -i . w mnko a dlibonor-
`.( n. concnvo surrn.ce pru-L
`3blo or shamclul conccalon: Re II loo honorable 10 com- ~~~Lo ~ :f tor p~~ :"compu~r•
`r ew:. G • .J.fadl. a conc~ve ploco. aa ono 11gl\ln!l~ wblcll 11
`drum rotl\lOI. - u. e. to mako concllvc. ( < L eoncao-
`promUt U!ith Ills prlnrlplu. [la~ ME < l\lf? comprom/1 Comr
`· 0 nuo.lsal

`(us). soo CON•, a """'] - con,cavolly, nd•. --con-
`< L comprllm!a,cuml. ijco oo,i-, ~1toM1~1'l] -.,om/pro-
`· • d o(k
`Id k
`I o<.loer.
`, Id)
`1Dl1/e,r, n. --com lpro,m.ial ln,r•ly, ado, -com,prom• com•ra e
`8 11
`, um r
`. ,..,_
`om ra or, u p.
`r .. -r
`cavofneiu 11
`la·•••ry (ko m promll eortll) , Od/.
`1. ,. l,Mll'IOll who &bllrCS cloeely In ono·• actJvll.!118, occu- COD•CllV•t•ty" (kon k1wll '6) 11 pl -tie• 1
`lhO Bttlte
`'i! ,; cooco.vo aurfACA1 or
`comi promtse Jolntt Railroads. n Joint. tor 11.nldng pntlon, loweet■, Ole.: lnLlmato comp.inion, Maoclnt~. or or u~u, of bc1n concnve
`J,i:iio ~j-E eoncarllt < 1 L ton•
`J.Ogotfaor ra.llll ho.vlng dt/rcrent sooLlons
`rrhmrl. 2. n follow momoor or o. fr111,oroal group, political
`.Y,otto • -gvi•
`,11q •
`• ' D(I, n 11• w, ~-
`1mrty, etc. s. i, mombOr or tho Oommu1118t pllrtY or
`[ < )11.i' e1Jf/10'4dt Cllf/1(11· (s. pl COIICQlt/111$). 00 CO>!·, CAVll , •11'Y]
`comtpromise l'Blll , Ra.flroads. a rnll for linking 80Dl00UO With Slrongly lQ[tlsL vlOWH,
`<Sp comarada group or 110tdlors blllot.ed together, cq_ulv. con-ca,vo-con,cave (kon k!tlvll kon k!!.vt), adj. coo(cid:173)
`r"11s hn.vlng dll/eronl aoclloo•.
`Comp,,og,na-thw1 (komp q 1oo IJ).is), n. n gllll\1.8 wcifmnr (a) room (< L; SOOOA,U.:RA) +-ada < L./JIO, r~m. cavo on boLh aides. [ < L comno(ut) + -O· + CONCA VI>]
`of bl~~I carnivorous dinosnuni or tho Into Juntsslc or -Illus .u&'J -t:0mlredc,ihlpf, n.
`con•ca,vo-coo•vex (koo kll'vu koo vobl), adl.
`OOrlod, tu.wing n sl<mdqr bO<ly ~hilt rC! n length o( - S yn. 1. crony, rollow, mntc.
`coucnvo ou one sldo l\nd convex oo tho other. 2. Optics.
`30 h,cn,.., [ < NL < Gk kq,np10(1) olcg1mi + tnillho,, comtrade In arms, n /cllow aotdler.
`11n_ rcn.lninc l<> or no~h•K o. Jon• In whleh 1ho_ concnvn Cnco
`n I
`soo -ONATuouo]
`( < L wnca•(u,) + -o- + ooNv&x]
`,_!, "
`Id k
`hM " grca1cr <.logroo ol cu.rvn1uro thnn 1ho convox face.
`0111 •= r., or, t1p.
`compt (kouot.) ,.1 .. , .I .. n . Archaic. count.•.
`com•ra e•rY
`r , .. •r
`·, um •
`compte ren•du (kOi-a nli>< dvl), JI/. aompto• re.n-du• rid-), n. cat1111rodorle.
`con•ceal (k on, r.t. L to bide ; .. 1,hdr3w or remove
`(kGNt nliN d-ylJ, Fr,,ich. n roport. nccouut., or rocor<.l. CO~•stock (kumlsMk, kom'•l, ' 1• Anth0DY, !844-
`from pboorvMion ; co\'er or koop Crom al~bt: H• concealed
`1/i, au11 ·un(/er 1111 c~at. 2 . ~ kl)Op aoorot; L</ provont or
`l0La, U . S. nu Hior o.nd rolormcr..
`t1ll or ll trnnaacl!on, tho procoodlngs or a. mooting, otc.
`com•stock•er•Y (kum1stok/o r u, kom1 •), n.
`llVOfd dlllcloolng or divulging : Ji• ,o,.ual~d tl1• tm• source
`[llr.., nccouot roodcrod]
`Comp,tom -e_ -ter_ (komp wmll t.:,r), n. Trademark. "" uinloWI moral cen10niblp or tbo llne 11r1.s llD<.l lli.e.-a~ure. of th• told. (Into :UE conJtle, conule < AJ," eonctl•(r) < L
`Olten mistaking outapokonly_ bonN1t. works for aa.hlclous concl/llr~. equiv. to eon- CON• + cl/4,e w bl<lo: ICO oc(cid:173)
`orrtco maobJuo ror l\rhhmoelcal Cl\lculntloo,
`- con-coalla,ble , ailj, -.,on-oeal'ed,ly, adr.
`C'.omp,ton Ckomp'LO. u), 11• 1. Arthur Hol,ly (holli!), onoe. [nfl.llr Anohony C0Ms1001t; /ICC -1an]
`1802-1062, U.S. pbyslclat: Nobel prlzo J 027. 2 . his COmtstock Lodet,
`t ho most vi,tunblo depos l~ or - con,ce.nllttd •neea, 11. - con,eoaJler, 11.
`brolhor Karl Taylor (klirl) 1887-195'1 Us. phyalclst.
`tlh•er oro o"er NlCOrdild, <.llacovorl)(! l.n 1860 by B.enr>• T.
`- Syn. J.. Sea hide 1.
`3. Spc.icer, Earl or WUm~ston, 16737-i74.3. Drlt.lsh P. Oomswck nonr Vlrldolo. Clcy, Nevada. Al110 cnllod con•c_ eal•ment (kaoaullmant.), 71. 1. the net or coo-
`no~ m11J1: Primo mlnllltor 17<12-43. 4 . n. city In SW Com1 atook S lllvor Loclc/,
`cmllng. 2, the st.nto or bolog cooconled., 8. & means or
`u lncio or biding. CM.ill conulem"711 < A.~. Boo cosccu,,
`cornt-e (kGNL), 11., 111. comtoa (kONO). Frtncll. count'.
`Ontl/ornla. 71,S IZ ( 1000).
`Compiton eUectt, Physics. tho locro:uio lo w11vo- Comte (kllot; Fr. kONt). n, ([,al-dor e) Au,fu•t.o ( Ma-
`length of monochrot1111Uc, olecLrort1Ag11ollc radinlloo, as rle Fran,coi.a) (II zl! dllnt ll gntl mA nil' aNN , w,.t). con-cede ( &Ml), ~ .• -c,ed ,od, -ced,ln1. - o.t. 1, t.o
`a boom or phot.oos or x-raya, whe.n It. Is aci,nerod by 1708-1857 French rouodor ol ~ho pWloeopblCAl ay•l~ I\Cknowlodgo ll8 Lruu. JWlt, o r proper; odmlt: Ile finally
`P~rLlclOB wbososl1.o ls a0111II comp;u'od Lo tho wavolcuglh nr ~lth·lsm.
`- Com-tl•a11 (komltjl an, k01l'·J, adj. coneedtd that Jhe w,u right. Tht Mtl• [lnally roncedtd
`01 tho rndla~loo. AIIKI called Complton-Ue,byol c rrccV -Comt•l•m (komttlz om, kOn' -), 11. -Comtti,t, ,1.. dofeat, 2, to ncknowlodge (n-n opponong • vlc~ry, scoro,
`lkompltan do bJI), (onmed after Arlhur lL CoMPTo:<J od},
`OW,) beforo It Is ortlclnlly oetnbllshod: to co11ru:do an
`comp-troH er (lean 1ru/J~r), n. controller (d ef. I). Comte de Mon ,te-Crl,,to, Le (Pr. lo k(lst do
`tltd/011 btfore most of the rotts '!r• <011111,d. s. t.o
`[by conrW1lon with COMPT] - comp-trol'ler-ahlpf n.
`n,'ON tll kK" slll" $00 Count or Mo11lc Crl,to The grnnt as " right or prlvllego: ylold. 10 c:onud, ll lonicr
`Com t
`· ,.
`racalion for all omploytu.
`r. l. -'· t.o mllkO con-
`p rol/ler <se n /eraJ, p/, ComplraUer• Gan- co,n•tesse (kON tosl), n., pl. -tosuou (•tU11IJ, FroncJ,. cc,,alon: ylQl<.l ; IUlttll~: S lit um• ,o persistent 1/iat T conc:,,d,d
`at 111,1. l < L conelfdo(roJ . equiv. ro wn• CON•+ elder< to
`era I. U.S. a.n o/Ueltll lo Lho lodornl govorlltDont whoao counu,aa.
` runct.lon ls M aettlocla.lnur lor and a.galost Ulo U.S. (kuln:1111), n. a.o noclont R oman god o.l drinking wtt.hdmw, ylold, c"o&] - con,cedlod,ly, odo. -con•
`g byrnruaot a nd to , tbo OXPOlldiluree Of a.II
`llnd revelry, .repreeonted 1\8 ll wlngod young ml\O dr- 1 eedler , n. -con-ceol•l-blo, adJ.
`In wW1,o, [ < L < Gk 1'01110, rovclJ
`-Syn. 1. ylol<I, gmol, -Ant. 1. deny. !I. rcruso.
`cfu C lll!eD~lclll,
`~mrtrol/ le r Of tbe Ourtrency, U.S. an orrtcml CO•mUB (klllmas), n. o. muHQuo (1034) by J ohn Mllt-011. con,celt (kon Bii(/)f ti.
`.1. an oxaggcr"I.Od Ollllrnl\t.o or
`~ e Dspart.01ont or tho Tro.uur)' who rc,gulnlos tho Com Ver Common -Voralon (DI t ho Blblo)
`ona's own ublllty mpc,rnwco, wit. ot.c. 2. somothlng
`that Is coocclvod in Lho mlnd; n thought: Idell: U• jou ,d
`na ODIi! lilmk11Lnd :,,dmlnhltarstholsauancollDd redcmp.
`1 •
`!.Ion OI FedQrlll Roeervc ootee.
`(kon), od,. l . :tg:tlnat" prol)Oelllon, Olllniou, otc.. doum the a,11c«lls of hi• ldl• hour,. 3, lm031nlltlon· rancy.
`I •• eonJ{d$r,d lh• nrgumont, pro ,0nd eon. - n. 2 · th0 •· n taucy; whim: fnnclful notion.
`com•PUl•Blon (kom 11uJl@00) n. 1. tho act or com-
`11. i,n
`POlllng: COWl~rAlnt· coercion. 2. Ill.a slat.a or c_o11tllllon n.rs11mor~- J)(_)slUou, nrsuor. or voter Hl!tllnov 80m0thl111s,
`rnnclfu l DlOLI\J)hOr, 1)81). O[ n strnlood or rar,foliehed .tltl,-
`turo. 8. tile use or such m11La.pl1nrs u n. lltor11r;y chnr(cid:173)
`01 hnlog COm l)Olled. 3. Ps)'t/lol. a strong, usunlly Irr.., 0 / . pro • lllhor t ror L eomra In ol)l)()Slllon. IJ4!l'IU..I
`~ 1tlblo lmpul1111 t.o l)<lJ'form an 11ct. thnt la coot,rnry to the con • (kon), o,I., co11ned, coa-lllnl, 1. to lon.rn; al.udy; acl<ir lstlc. cap. In pootr;y. 7. n laocy . purely dllCOrlltlvo
`truae or llllAil1ino cnro/ully. 2. commit to memory. art icle. s. Jlrdlolc. 11. ravornblo onlnlon: esteem. b. pe<•
`~, I or ~ho eubJoct. [ ME < LL eompu~l~n- (s. o[
`0~><••&L (com- COM- + 111d• v. o. + _,.,, ptp. autrlx) +
`vnr, or CA:<1 In IM!nae beconto M:Quuluted wltb, loorn to BOOOI oplnJou or estlmMlnn. 9. Ob,. tho fncul~y of con-
`'°"'PUl&fci) , oc1utv. t.o).. r.om1rnlt(11r), ptp. or comptllort to
`c.olvjng; n:1,probeu11ou1 101 out or no11eelt with,
`,.1. 1. to dlsploawd. o~ diBsntllr od w Lb.
`- "· •ION]
`con• (kon), , ., co11no.d, ooo,nlnrt, n. Naut. -
`r.1. 11. In rln1tor
`COJn,pUl,slve (kom pultslv), adj. 1. compelllog: com- direct tho or (a llhlp). - n. 2. the Sl,(l\ion or tho c.-p. o nCICII). 12. , lrcl14/C. to t:lko n. rnncy to: h1wo "
`.JllllBOry, 2, P,ych,;I. "· pe.t:Ll\lnlng to, cbt1r11Ctcrliod by, porson who con.a. 9. tho act. or conning. Also, conn.. good oplnJoo ol. 13. Obs. a, to lma.gloo. b. W conceive;
`l:o:<c1~ie Pno..-u1<alA1'10>! 11:EY: llcl, libl~. d!lr,. llrt: ebb, Oqllal; If, let: ho/, !irtr. (lrdu, oll. &06~. on, •. out: up. Orie; <:l)IM: ,t~; woe: l)Jln, 1'1\ul: lW ns In mrasurc.
`11 1111 In atono, 0 a• In J)"Jltm. Io.a In toslty, o 8.11 In gallop, u na In drcu,: • 111 In bu/1011 (l,ut:/•11), fir• (fi•1·). cradlt (lcra<.11°1). Seo tho rull l<O>' lu!l.ldu l h o foon~ CO\'or.
`0 -
`Patent Owner Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe
`Ex. 2038, p. 3

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