in order to deliver high computational throughputs
`through parallelism detection, the data-flow approach has
`been demonstrated. While conventional explicit parallel-
`ism approaches can sometimes show high performance,
`they req uire afocused effort on the part ofthe programmer
`in order to understand and describe the parallelism of the
`programmed problem. On the other hand, the functional
`programming approach allows the implicit detection of
`parallelism at runtlme. At the same time, only a fraction of
`the programming effort needs to be expended. This shows
`that one of the main advantages brought by a data-flow
`architecture is its programmability which, intu rn,translates
`. into higher performance for a given amount of program-
`ming effort. In addition, the approach is completely scal-
`able and the configuration of the multiprocessor systems
`can be adapted to the size of the application. On the other
`hand, the runtime scheduling of instructions imposesover-
`head on regular operations and lowers the expectable per-
`formance. This expected loss of performance has been
`traced to the high level of resolution [small granularity}
`which has been adopted by many data-flow projects. in a
`signal processing application, the regularity ofthe low level
`of processing makes it more appropriate to design a system
`with multiple levels of resolution. indeed, we have dem-
`onstrated here an architecture with two hierarchy con-
`structs. The lowest consists in a layer of vector processors
`whilethe highest provides atrue data-flow approach. Future
`research will study how multiple layers could even include
`systolic arrays as leaf processorsfor dedicated applications.
`These would then be included into multiple hierarchy sys-
`In summary, it can be said that the data-driven principles
`ofexecution are a necessity inthe design 61‘ multiprocessor
`systems, be they incorporated at design, compile, or run-
`time. The granularity of the scheduling model often pre-
`sents a tradeoff between delivering maximum amounts of
`parallelism and reducing communication costs.
`The author would like to gratefully acknowledge the many
`helpful suggestions for improvement made by the anon-
`ymous referees.
`[1] W. B. Ackerman, "Data-flow languages," in Proc. 1979 Nat.
`ComputerConf.lNewYork,NY,June-l~7),vol.48. Arlington,
`VA: AFIPS Press, 1979, pp. 1057—1095.
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`ing," Tech. Rep. C5117, Comput. Sci. Dep., Stanford Univ.,
`Stanford, CA, Dec. 1968.
`J. Allen, “Computer architecture for digital signal process-
`ing,” Proc. lEEE, vol. 73, no. 5, pp. 852—873, May 1905.
`[4] Arvind and K. P. Gostelow, “The U-interpreter,” iEEE Com-
`puter, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 42-48, Feb. 1982.
`[5] Arvind and R. A. lannucci, “Two fundamental issues in mul-
`tiprocessing: The dataflow solutions,” MIT laboratory for
`Computer Science, Tech. Rep. MlTlLCSlTM-241, Sept. 1983.
`[6] Arvind, V. Kathil, and K. Pingali, “A processing element for
`a large multiprocessor dataflow machine,” In Proc. int. Conf.
`on Circuits and Computers {New York, NY, Oct. 1980). New
`York, NY: IEEE, 1980.
`[7] Arvind and R. E. Thomas, ”l—Structures: An efficient data type
`for functional languages," Rep. LCSfTM-178, Lab. for Corn-
`puter Science, MIT, June 1930.
`E. A. Ashcroft and W. W. Wadge, “LUClD, A nonprocedural
`11 4}
`language with iteration," Commun. ACM, vol. 20, no. 7, pp.
`519426, July 1977.
`J. Backus, “Can programming be liberated from the von Neu-
`r'nann style? A functional style and its algebra of programs,"
`Commun. ACM, vol. 21, no. 8, pp. 613-641, Aug. 19:18.
`5. D. Brookes, C. A. R. Hoare, and A. W. Roscoe, ”A theory
`of communicating sequential processes," J. Assoc. Comput.
`Mach, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 560-599, 1934.
`D. D. Chamberlin, ”Parallel implementation of a single
`assignment language,” PhD. dissertation, Stanford Univ.,
`Computer Science Dept., 1971.
`M. Chase, “A pipelined data flow architecture for digital sig-
`nal processing: The NEC pPD7231," in lEEE Workshop on Sig-
`nal Processing, Nov. 1984.
`J. B. Den nis, “Data-flow supercomputers,” Computer, pp. 48-
`56, Nov. 1930.
`-—, “Firstversion ofa data llow procedu re language," in Pro-
`gramming Symp: Proc. Colloque sur la Programmation (Paris.
`France, Apr. 1974), B. Robinet, Ed., Lecture Notes in Computer
`Science, vol. 19. New York, NY: Springer-Verlag, 1974, pp.
`{31 i
`J. 3. Dennis and K.—S. We ng, ”An abstract implementation for
`concurrent computation with streams,” in Proc. 19.79 int.
`Cor-if. on Parallel Processing, pp. 35-45, Aug. 1979.
`A. Di Cenzo, "Synthetic aperture radar and digital process-
`ing: An introduction." JPi. Publication 80-90, Feb. 15, 1981.
`D. D. Gaiski, D. A. Padua, D. J. Kuck, and R. H. Kuhn, “A sec-
`ond opinion on data-flow machines and languages," iEEE
`Computer, vol. 15, pp. 58-69, Feb. 1932.
`J. L. Gaudiot, "Structure handling in data—flow systems,“ iEEE
`Trans. Campus, vol. C-35, pp. 489-502, June 1986.
`J. L. Gaudiot, M. Dubois, L. T. Lee, and hi. Tohme, "The TX16:
`A highly programmable mold—microprocessor architecture,"
`lEEE Micro, vol. 6, pp. 13—31, Oct. 1986.
`l. L. Gaudiot and M. D Ercegovac, ”Performance evaluation
`of a simulated data-flow multicompuler with low resolution
`actors,“ J. Parallel and Distributed Comput. New York, NY:
`Academic Press, Dec. 1985.
`J. L. Gaudiot, R. W. Vedder, G. K. Tucker, D. Finn, and M. L.
`Campbell, "A distributed VLSI architecture for efficient sig-
`nal and data processing," lEEE Trans. Comput., vol. C-34, pp.
`10724087, Dec. 1935.
`K. P. Costelow and R. E. Thomas, "A view of dataflcnv," in Proc.
`Nat. Computer Cool. (New York, NY, June 4—7], vol. 48.
`Arlington, VA: AFiPS Fri-55,1979. pp. 629—636.
`J. R. Gurd, C. C. Kirkharn, and [. Watson, ”The Manchester
`data-flow computer,“ Commun. ACM, vol. 23. no. 1, pp. 34-
`52, Jan. 1985.
`l. Hartimo, K. Kronlof, 0. Simula, and J. Skytta, "DFSF: A data
`flow signal processor," iEEE Trans. Comput., vol. C-35, no. 1,
`pp. 23-33, Jan. 1956.
`K. Hiraki, T. Shimada, and K. Nishida, “A hardware design of
`the SIGMA-T—A data flow computer for scientific compu—
`tations," in Pro: 1984 int. Conf. on Parallel Processing, Aug.
`C. A. R. Hoare, ”Communicating sequential processes,"
`Commun. ACM, vol. 21, no. 3, Aug. 1973.
`R. W. Hockney and C. R. Jesshope, Parallel Computers. Bris-
`tol, UK: Adam Hiiger, Ltd., 1991.
`E. B. Hogenauer, R. F. Hewbold, and Y. J. Inn, ”DDSP—A data
`flow computer for signal processing," in Proc. 1982 int. Conf.
`on Parallel ProceSsing, Aug. 1982.
`K. Hwang and F. A. Briggs, ComputerArchitectureand Parallel
`Processing. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 1984.
`L H. Jamieson and E. A. Ashcroft, “Performance analysis of
`dataflow signal processing algorithms,“ in Proc. 1966 int.
`Conf. on Parallel Processing (St. Charles, IL, Aug. 1986), pp.
`D. Johnson et al., ”Automatic partitioning of programs in
`multiprocessor systems," in Proc. lEEE COMPCON 80 “ESE.
`New York, Feb. 1980).
`H. T. Kung, ”Why systolic archtectu resi”lEEE Computer, vol.
`15, pp. 37-46, Jan. 1902.
`5. Y. Kung, K. S. Arun, R. J. Gal~Ezer, and D. V. Bhaskar Rao,
`“Wavefront array processor: Language, architecture and
`applications,” liEEE Trans. Comput., vol. 031, no. 11, pp. 1054—
`1066, Nov. 1932.
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1066, p. 200
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1066, p. 200


`5. Y. Kung, R. E. Owen, and J. G. Nash, eds, VLSlSignalPro-
`cessing ll. New York, NY: [EEE PRESS, 1986.
`E. A. Lee and D. G. Messerschmitt, "Static scheduling of syn-
`chronous data flow programs for digital signal processing,"
`(1555 Trans. Comput, vol. 036, no. 1, pp. 24—35, Jan. 1987.
`P. Le Guernic, A. Benveniste, P. Bournai and T. Gautier, ”SIG-
`NAL—A data flow-oriented language for signal processing,"
`lEEE Trans. Acoust, Speech, Signal Processing, vol. ASSP—EH,
`pp. 362—374, April 1986.
`J. R. McGraw, “Data-flow computing: The VAL language,"
`ACM Trans. Programming Languages and Systems, vol. 4, pp.
`44-52. 1952.
`J. R. McGraw and S. K. Skedzielewski, “SISAL: Streams and
`iteration in a single assignment language, langu e reference
`manual. version 1.2, " Lawrence Livermore Nat. La .Tech. Rep.
`TR M446, Mar. 1985.
`D. C. Munson, J. D. O'Brien, and W. K. Jenkins, "A tomo-
`graphic formulation of spotlight-mode synthetic aperture
`radar,” Proc. lEEE, vol. 71, no. 3, pp. 91?—925, Aug. 1981.
`J. H. Patel and E. H. Davidson, "improving the throughput of
`a pipeline by insertion of delays,“ in Prac. 3rd Ann. Symp. on
`Computer Architecture, pp. 159-164, ian. 19%.
`B. R. Rau, C. D. Glaeser, and R. L. Picard, "Efficient code gen-
`eration tor horizontal architectu res: compiler techniques and
`architectural support," in Proc. 9th int. Symp. on Computer
`Architecture, June 1982.
`J. E. Requa and I. R. McGraw, ”The piecewise data flow archi-
`tecture: Architectural concepts," iEEE Trans. Comput, vol.
`032, pp. 415—433, May 1933.
`J. E. Rodriguez, "A graph model for parallel computation,”
`TR E5L-R-39B, MAC-TR-scl, Lab. for Computer Science, MIT,
`Sept. 1969.
`[44] D. A. Schwartz and T. P. Barnwell lll, ”Cycle-static solutions:
`Optimal multiprocessor
`realizations of
`recursive algo-
`rithms,” in VLSl Signal Processing ii. New York, NY:
`PRESS, 1936.
`[45] H. W. Sorenson, “Kalman filtering techniques," in Advances
`in ("ontrofSystemg C. T. Leondes, Ed., vol. 3, pp. 219—264, 1966.
`lean-Luc Gaodiot (Member, IEEE) was born
`in Nancy, France, in 1954. He received the
`Dipldme d’l ngénieur from the Ecole Super-
`ieure d'lngénleurs en Eiectrotechnlque et
`Electronique, Paris, France, in 1976, and the
`M.Sc. and Phi]. degrees in computer sci-
`ence from the University of California, Los
`Angeles, in 1977 and 1982, respectively.
`His experience includes microprocessor
`systems design at Teledyne Controls, Santa
`Monica, CA (19794980) and research in
`innovative architectu res for the TRW Tech nology Research Center,
`El Segundo, CA (1980—1982). Since graduating in 1962, he has been
`on the flaw lty ofthe Department of Electrical Engi neeri ng-Systems,
`University of Southern California, where he is currently an Assis-
`tant Professor. His research interests include data-flow architeo
`tu res, fault-tolerant multiprocessors, and parallel logic program-
`ming systems. In addition to his academic duties. he has consulted
`for several aerospace companies in the Southern California area.
`Dr. Gaudiot is a member of ACM.
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`journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing
`Volume 10, Issue 4. December 1990. Pages 33384-8
`Architectures for statically scheduled dataflow (Article)
`Ashford LeeI E., Bier,J.C.
`University ofCalifornia Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720, United States
`v VIEW references (52)
`When dataflow program graphs can be statically scheduled, little run-time overhead (software or hardware) is
`necessary. This paper describes a class ofparallel architectures consisting ofvon Neumann processors and one or
`more shared memories, where the order ofshared-mernory accesses is determined at compile time and enforced at
`run time. The architecture is extremely lean in hardware. vet fer a set of important applications it can perform as well
`as any shared~memory architecture. Dataflow graphs can be mapped onto it statically. Furthermore, itsupports shared
`data structures without the run—time overhead oft-structures. A software environment has been constructed that
`automatically maps signal processing applications onto a simulation ofsuch an architecture, where the architecture is
`Implemented using Motorola DSP96U02 microcomputers. Static(compilemme) scheduling Is possible for a subclass
`ofdatafiow program graphs where the firing pattern ofactors is data independent This model is suitable for digital
`signal processing and some other scientific computation. It supports recurrences. manifest iteration. and conditional
`assignment. However, it does not support true recursion, data-dependent iteration, or conditional evaluation. An
`effort is under way to weaken the constraints ofthe model to determine the implications for hardware design. ©
`iSSN: 07437315
`Source Type: Journal
`Original language: English
`DOI: 1G.1015f0743-7315(90}90034-M
`DocumentType: Article
`References (52)
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`Arvincl. Gostelow, K.P.
`The U-lnterpreter
`(1982) Computer, 15 (2), pp. 42-49. Cited 95 times.
`dol: 10.1109}MC.1982.1653940
`,.,',--,,,;1,!, L,,‘.,;,,,,Eg._
`View at Publisher
`Arvind. Nikhil, Pingali
`i-structures: Data structures for parallel computing
`(1987) Computation Structures Group Memo 269
`MIT, (revised Mar. 1989) ACM Trans. Programming Languages Systems, to appear
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