`Systolic Modular Multiplication
`Colin D. Walter
`Abstract—A systolic array [of modular multiplication is presented using
`the ideally suited algorithm of P. 1.. Montgomery. Throughput is one
`modular multiplication every clock cycle, with a latency of 211 + 2 cycles
`for multiplicands having n digits. Its main use would be where many
`consecutive multiplications are done, as in RSA crypbmiysiiems.
`Index Terms—Cryptography. digital arithmetic methods, last computer
`arithmetic. modular multiplication, BSA algorithm. systolic array.
`Among other reasons, security for an ever—increasing number of
`electronic banking transactions has fuelled research into crypto-
`graphic algorithms and eflicient implementations of them. Some of
`the main systems for encryption or key transfer, such as RSA [1'].
`require fast modular multiplication of numbers containing 500 or
`more bits. Here we describe a systolic array for performing this. It
`provides another alternative for the rapid encryption of built data.
`Two pieces of- related work have appeared during revision of this
`paper. One. by K0; and Hung [4]. is the only attempt so far at a
`systolic algorithm for modular multiplication. The other. by Shand,
`Bertin. and Vuillemin [8]. describes a pipeline similar to one row
`of the array presented here which the authors have programmed
`into their hardware array. The first of these suffers from excessive
`latency and a slow clock,
`the result of the unsuitability of the
`natural algorithm [1] which is based on Homer's nested multipli-
`cation method. It involves repeated additions of the multiplicand and
`repeated subtractions of the modulus. These are interleaved to keep
`register size down. For speed, just a few of the most significant digits
`of the partial product are used to decide the multiple required in the
`next modular subtraction. In a digit-level systolic array, this multiple
`must be pumped down the cells performing the subtraction from the
`cell for the most significant digit to that of the least. But. because
`carry propagation is in the opposite direction, a redundant number
`system has to be used to limit the influence of carries. However. a
`delay is still caused while the limited carries are accumulated at each
`cell. 80. overall. the first digit of the output in [4] appears after about
`131a I 2 clock cycles. where n is the maximum number of digits in any
`input. Moreover, the clock cycle needs to be slow enough to allow
`for calculating the multiple of the modulus.
`The clash in direction between the movement of the carries and
`that of the multiple of the modulus is resolved by using P. L.
`Montgomery’s algorithm [6] which restructures the operation so that
`the modular adjustment depends instead on the least significant digits.
`Like Shand er al. [8]. we make use of this and, like them. we can
`expect similarly impressive computation speeds. The result of this
`choice is a truly systolic algorithm with much reduced latency and a
`faster clock. Indeed the most complex cell is the most common one,
`which performs two digit multiplications and three digit additions,
`and the delay til]
`the first output digit appears is just 2:: + 2
`clock cycles. There is. unfortunately, a price to pay for the greater
`Manuscript received May l'i', 1991: revised October 25. [99! and March
`1, 1992.
`The author is with the Computation Department. U.M.I.S.T.. Manchester
`M60 10!). U.K.
`IEEE Log Number 9202845.
`efficiency. Some post-processing of the output is required, but
`cost of this is relatively slight if a number of modular multiplications
`with a common modulus are performed sequentially. as in the RSA
`ll. THE BASIC Amsrmst
`The ideas which are combined here are those of Montgomery
`[6] on modular arithmetic, and of McCanny and McWhitter IS] on
`systolic multiplication. Montgomery shows how to perform modular
`multiplication by a method which includes reversing the order of
`treating the digits of the multiplicand, shifting down instead of up.
`and adding rather than subtracting multiples of the modulus. A Pascal-
`like description of his algorithm for (Ax B} mod M is given below.
`and is followed by a short justification of how it works. Further detail
`is found also in [2]. First, however. we review the notation that is
`Numbers A are written with base 1' and digits .4[i], so that
`A = 23;; A[i]r‘ where it is the number of digits in A. The choice
`of digit range is unimportant, but we interpret modr as yielding a
`digit value. Let m and ll- be the number of digits in the inputs M and
`A, respectively. Normally, B has at most the same number of digits
`as M or, at worst, satisfies B < 2M. We assume the latter. so that B
`has at most m+1 digits. The radix r is chosen before implementation
`so that the operations div 1' and modr are trivial. In particular, here
`they are done by shifting or inspecting the lowest digit, respectively.
`The choice for r will probably be a small, fixed power of 2 to make
`translation to and from binary easy.
`there is no
`A precondition for the algorithm to work is that
`common factor between r and M. in the definition of Q[i] below.
`the multiplicative inverse (r — M [[l]l_1 mod r is required. This is
`the digit which, when multiplied by r — M[0]. gives a product with
`remainder 1 on division by r. The co-primeness of M and r ensures
`that such a number exists. inspection of the assignment to P shows
`that there is a multiple of r to be divided by 1". Hence no information
`is lost in the division, which is therefore exact.
`P := 0:
`:= Oton — 1 do
`QM :: ((P[t‘l]+A[i]xB[0]) x {r—rl'flOll—l) mod r:
`:= (P + AMXB + omxm div 7‘
`let P. be the value of the partial
`To see what this code does.
`product P at the start of the loop for which i is the value of the control
`variable. So Pa = D. Let A. = 22;; AMrJ and Q. = 2;; QUIr’
`be the lower parts of A and Q. So :19 = Q0 = 0. Then, by induction,
`r’P. = A.><B + thM'. Thus the final value Pu of P satisfies
`r"P = AXB+Q><M, so that P E {r""ABl mod .M. The systolic
`array described here produces output P with this extra power of r.
`but it may also be used to remove that factor. This is done by an
`extra application of the operation with inputs P and 1-2" mod M,
`the latter being precomputed once for all and stored with M. Further
`detail in the context of the RSA algorithm is provided in Section IV.
`Suppose the standard set of digits {0. l. -
`- . r — 1} is used for
`A and Q. Then the maximum value 8 of P satisfies tr = (h‘ +
`[r —1}B + [r — UM) div 1-. and so a: : M + B. Once the
`digits of A run out, subsequent values of P decrease, being bounded
`above by it. (i = 0, 1. ---] which satisfy so = s = M + B and
`s.+l = {s.+(r—1)M) div r. i.e.. n.- = Ill—HE div 1"}. These yield
`bounds on the number of digits needed to represent the intermediate
`0013~9340193$0100 © 1993 IEEE
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1063, p. 376
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1063, p. 376


`and final values of P. If initially B «C 2M then P of. 3M always.
`so that P requires up to two bits more than M. Furthermore, in the
`next iteration beyond the one using the last, most significant digit of
`A, the output satisfies P < M + (2M div 1'} 5 2M. This would be
`suitable for reuse as the B input of a further modular multiplication.
`Ill. The Svsrotlc ARRAY
`A key property of Montgomery’s algorithm is that the choice of
`modulus multiple is based on the lowest digit P[0] of the partial
`product. With this multiple Q[i] determined, the digits of the i + lst
`partial product P.+i can be computed in order staning with the
`lowest. Also, with Q[i] known, digits output from one addition cycle
`enable the corresponding digits for the next cycle to be found. This
`is done by the array illustrated in Fig. 1 where each row performs
`an iteration of the loop and columns compute successive values
`for a single digit position. The typical oell performs a single digit
`calculation of the assignment P := {P+A[-i] >< B+Q[i] x M) div r,
`and generates a carry in the normal way. So it is specified by
`R-i—lU ~1]+ er'nrryo... =
`Pelt] + A[i]xB[j] + Q[t']xMIj] + Curt-m".
`The i + 15: row down computes Qli] and PHI, whilst the j + Ist
`column from the right finds the digit with index j for each Pi. The
`input digits of M, A and B, and also those of Q, are just pumped
`through cells without change until a different modular multiplication
`is commenced. In the cases of .M and B the digits need delaying by
`an additional clock cycle (i.e., the operation time of a cell). so that
`they arrive when needed. This is achieved by the latches indicated
`between the cells.
`The cells also forward up the rows the carries from the additions.
`[f the digits of each number lie in the usual range {0,1.---, r—l}
`then the above definition of the cell shows that carries are bounded
`by 2ir—ll. Thus the carry needs one more bit than a digit for its
`the end of the previous section
`Suppose the setup described at
`is used so that B initially satisfies B < 2111. Then we wish to
`perform n + 1 addition cycles to obtain output satisfying P 4. 2M.
`For this there must be it + 1
`rows in the array and A must be
`padded at the top end with an extra zero digit, i.e., A[tt] = 0. The
`output we desire is P“. from the row with input A[n.]. It will equal
`{a-"“1 AB} mod M, or be M more than this because it is bounded
`by 2M. So, a further row might usefully be added to subtract the
`possible extra M. with the decision about whether to take PM“ or
`P...“ - it! being made when the sign of the latter is established.
`This is further discussed below.
`Intermediate values of P are bounded by 3M. This entails that
`there is no carry from the column in which each P,[m + 1]
`computed. So the array needs no column to the right of this and,
`since R-I-m + 2] = 0 always, this value can be input at the left side
`of the array. Along the top edge the inputs Pofj] are all {I because
`the initial value of P is 0. Also on this edge. the digits of M [J] and
`BU] are input 3' clock cycles after M10] and B [[1] so that they match
`the progress of the carries.
`The cells are all
`identical with the exception of the rightmost
`column. illustrated in Fig. 2. which has the burden of computing the
`digits of Q. Carries entering the array from the right are, of course,
`zero. Also, the digit A[i] is input 2i clock cycles after A10} since
`the shift down puts the calculation of each P. two cycles behind its
`predecessor. The digits of Q are defined as in the Pascal code by
`op] = (tmot + .~t[i]xB[tJ]) x {r — molt”) mod 1'.
`Fig. 2. The rightmost cells.
`Although the rightmost cells do not generate output digits 3+11— 1]
`because they are deleted by the div :- operation. nevertheless a carry
`may be generated when evaluating the 0th digit before the shift down:
`r x Carryout = Hi9] + Aiilelm + Qii]xi\f![fl].
`in [3] Eldridge and Walter describe how to simplify the calculation
`of in] by shifting B up to make Blfil = (I. This is possible
`here too, but at
`the cost of an extra row and an extra column to
`obtain an output less than 2M. The advantage is that it reduces the
`complexity of the rightmost cells. and hence their operation time, to
`at most that of the standard cells. Such a simplification maximizes
`the possible clock speed at very little cost. For this it is assumed that
`(t- — MM)" mod :- is pteoomputed once (a table look-up} and fed
`in like Mm]. There may also be a slight advantage in scaling M to
`31' = ((r — MIOIFl mod rlxM since then M'[0] E —1(modr)
`leads to the simple definition Q[i} = R-[U]. Computing would then
`be done modulo M" giving a result bounded by 2M' rather than 2M.
`So the penalty for that would be extra cleaning up afterwards.
`The first output digit of a modular multiplication appears after
`2n + 2 clock cycles, and successive digits over the next to clock
`cycles. Indeed, the output PU] appears 2n + 2 cycles after B [J]
`input and 2n. + 2 + 35 cycles tailor the very first input, namely B[01.
`The latency is thus 2n+2. However. since to +1 digits are output on
`each cycle. the throughput is equivalent to 1 modular multiplication
`per cycle.
`Comparison with the array of Ken; and Hung [4] is worthwhile. The
`logic of cells is simpler here because there is no need for a redundant
`number representation. Also the clock cycle time is shorter. In [4]. this
`is bounded below by the time to compute the equivalents of the digits
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1063, p. 377
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1063, p. 377


`Fig. 3. The typical cell for radix r = ‘2.
`Q[i] in their super cells Li's and LUS. For radix 2 and a technology
`using only 2-input gates and no buffering to enable outputs to drive
`more than one load,
`this requires a circuit similar to that given in
`[3] Fig. 2, with its critical path length of 13 XOR gates. Here a
`depth of 5 gates sud-ices for the general cell (see Fig. 3), and less
`for the rightmost cells, when the suggested simplifications are made.
`Allowing for register setup and hold times, the clock here should be
`about [13+3}f(5+3) :: 2 times faster. with the same speedup factor
`for the throughput. Since there are 2n -i- 2 clock cycles per operation
`instead of about l3nf2, the latency is reduced roughly sevenfold.
`Different technologies allow tradeoffs here between power, area, and
`IV. RSA Cavmomnv
`In practice the systolic array is likely to he of most use for
`RSA cryptography where modular exponentlatioo is needed. This
`is normally performed by repeated modular multiplication. It has
`already been observed that the array calculates (ABr"‘"} mod M
`rather than AB mod M, and an extra :1! may be present. The extra
`M makes no difl'erence to subsequent modular arithmetic, and so can
`be ignored until the final result of decryption is obtained. The extra
`factor of 1I-'"-I can be removed after each multiplication by using
`the array again to multiply (rifle—““11 mod M and 1'2"“ mod M.
`However. in exponentiation this also can be left till the end of the
`.5 and D,
`Encryption and decryption is done using two keys,
`respectively, with the property ADE E A mod M. Suppose the en—
`cryption of A is done using the systolic array to successively square .4
`modulo M and to multiply these 2-powers as necessary into a running
`total, retaining the unwanted powers of t. Then (.fili'fl“1 )5 mod M
`is produced rather than A5 mod M. Hence, using the array for an
`extra modular multiplication by rl"+lll5+” mod ill will provide
`A5 mod M. The cost of this extra multiplication is minor compared
`to the typical number of modular multiplications in the encryption
`process. Naturally, the owner of the key E only needs to compute
`”Milli-+1] modM once and store it for use until
`the key is
`changed. Decryption is similar. In fact, only the decrypter needs
`to adjust for the power of r, and the property of DE ensures that
`the scaling factor still depends only on his key. Another alternative
`strategy is described in [3].
`The main overhead might be in the over-large residue. Although
`this problem is shared by all
`implementations of modular
`multiplication (see [3]), it seems worse here because the top output
`digits are generated last of all. Apparently, they need to be known
`in order to decide whether a final subtraction of M is necessary or
`not. This is true in general but false under appropriate conditions!
`An easy solution is always to make the message for encryption into
`a multiple of 1-,
`thus ensuring that the lowest digit
`is 0. Then, at
`decryption. the output will have lowest digit M [0] if, and only if, the
`extra multiple of M is present. A bottom row of special cells can be
`added to the systolic array to remove ((P[{]] x M[0]_' ) mod r) ml!
`and produce the required answer. (The same formula works if up to
`(r — 1}!” needs subtracting, and there is an obvious generalization
`for higher multiples.)
`For RSA applications, typical inputs have about 103,! 2 bits. This
`means about 106,121 bit-processing cells, or about 4 x106 gates. As this
`may be beyond available technology for a single chip, suppose that as
`many rows as possible are put onto the chip. Theoretically, a number
`of chips could be used sequentially to construct
`the whole array,
`but in practice it would be impossible to transfer the required 103}?
`bits per cycle between the chips. Alternatively, it is clearly better to
`reroute the output back to the input within a single chip, repeatedly
`feeding it back in at the top digit by digit as it is calculated, until the
`required n + 1 partial products have been computed. If just 11' rows
`of cells are built, then at full capacity the array is simultaneously
`processing 2n’ diflerent modular multiplications.
`it takes 2:; + 2 clock cycles from the input of one digit to the
`output of the corresponding digit after the modular multiplication. it
`is only after such a delay that further progress on an exponentlation
`can take place. (Strictly speaking, for a nonzero exponent bit, there
`is a modular multiplication into a running total and a modular
`squaring which can be done simultaneously.) Hence the modular
`multiplications which the array is performing simultaneously must
`come from different exponentiations. This indicates that for use in
`RSA the messages for encrypting or decrypting should generally be
`numerous. Of course, one interesting choice is to reduce the array to
`a pipeline by just implementing 1 row. This would give a very cheap,
`simple modular multiplying chip for performing single encryptions.
`A systolic array for modular multiplication has been presented.
`Although there is an extra unwanted factor present because of the
`choice of algorithm. this can be dealt with at virtually no cost when
`the algorithm is used in RSA cryptography. Since in the simplest
`case a single digit is used to determine the multiple of the modulus
`to add during iterations of the algorithm,
`the clock can be made
`very fast. Neat solutions have been included to avoid finishing with
`output containing an extra unwanted multiple of the modulus, and to
`achieve the best possible clock speeds.
`[1] E. F. Brickell. "A fast modular multiplication algorithm with application
`to two-key cryptography." infld‘mncer in Cryptology-Prom afcnmc
`82. Chaurn et at. Eda. New York: Plenum, 1933, pp. 51—60.
`[2] S. E. Eldridge. “A faster modular multiplication algorithm," imam. J.
`Contact. Mark, vol, 40, pp. 63—68, 1991.
`[3} 5. E. Eldridge and C. D. Walter, "Hardware implementation of Mont‘
`gomery’s modular multiplication algorithm," IEEE Trans. Compare, to
`be published.
`[4] C. K. Koo and C. Y. Hung, “Bit-level systolic arrays for modular
`multiplication," J. W5! Signal Processing, vol. 3, pp. 215-223. 1991.
`I. V. McCanny and J. G. McWhirter, “Implementation of signal pro-
`cessing functions using 1-bit systolic arrays," Etecirm. Lett, vol. 18.
`pp. 241-243, 1982.
`[6] P. L. Montgomery, "Modular multiplication without trial division,"
`Momma biomass, vol. 44. pp. 519-521. 1935.
`[1'] R. L. Rivest, A. Shamir, and L. Adleman. “A method for obtaining
`digital signatures and public-trey cryptosystems," Commun. ACM, vol.
`21, pp. 120—126, 1978.
`[8] M. Strand. P. Berlin, and .l. Vuiilemin, “Hardware speedups in long
`integer multiplication.” ACM Sigerch, vol. 19, pp. 106413. 1991.
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1063, p. 378
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1063, p. 378

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