Security for Real-Time MPEG Compressed Video
`in Distributed Multimedia Applications
`George Anatassios Spanosi and Tracy Bradley Maplesi
`T The Aerospace Corporation
`3 California State University, long Beach
`Emerging computer network technologies promise to
`provide distributed multimedia
`in real—time. The
`security of real-time video, an important component of
`distributed multimedia applications,
`becoming one of the major concerns of the computer
`networking community. This study presents Aegis, a
`security system for Motion Picture Experts Group
`(MPEG) compressed video transmissions.
`the MPEG video
`the concepts of
`Aegis utilizes
`compression algorithm in order to provide an effective
`security mechanism. A prototype
`implementation is used to evaluate its effectiveness in
`securing video transmissions. Simulation results of
`Aegis in an Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)
`technology environment are also presentedin order to
`traditional encryptiontdecryption methods.
`the saying “A picture is worth a
`thousand words” has characterized the evolution of
`technologies. Great
`communication media
`inventions such as television, the VCR, and the video
`camera are clear examples of
`the human desire to
`interact with pictures, as well as with audio, and text.
`Computer hardware and software developers, realizing
`the effectiveness of multimedia in improving computer-
`to-human interaction, have strived to create a cemputer
`environment where video and sound can be combined
`with conventional data. The ability of computers to
`store, manipulate, and convey text, images, video, and
`audio has not only redefined the use of computers, but
`is now on the verge of revolutionizing human-to-
`human communications. The emergence of
`computer network technologies that promise almost
`unlimited bandwidth, will allow millions of people to
`share in real-time video, audio, and textual information
`regardless of
`and geographical
`0-7303-3255596 $5.00 © 1995 IEEE
`telemedicine, remote teaming,
`Video conferencing,
`concurrent engineering, and multimedia libraries are
`just a sampling of future multimedia applications.
`Corporations, which are expected to capitalize on the
`use of these new applications, are expecting to reduce
`increase productivity, and
`compete more
`effectively in a global economy. Due to the critical
`nature of most of these applications, ensuring that
`multimedia transmissions are kept strictly private is
`vital to their use.
`Data encryptionfdecryption has been the long-standing
`answer to security and authentication concerns.
`recent years, several algorithms and techniques have
`been used to secure data and voice communications.
`Most of those techniques, however, were aimed at
`securing transmissions with low bandwidth, and delay
`requirements. Both encryption and decryption are
`computationally intensive operations, and although
`microprocessor speeds have logarithmically increased
`in the recent years,
`they remain time consuming
`TV-quality video, which
`digitized, occupies about 8 Mbits per
`frame, and
`requires a bandwidth of 140-240 Mbps [1]. Advanced
`video compression techniques
`reduced these requirements. For example, for MPEG-2
`compressed video, a bandwidth of 5-30 Mbps and a
`delay of less than 150 ms can be achieved. Despite
`these improvements, it remains unknown if existing
`computationally fast
`enough for real—time video encryption.
`In this paper, we take an alternative approach to video
`encryption by focusing on the characteristics of the
`data being transmitted. Video compression is becoming
`a vital factor in most video transmissions, and the
`iossy nature of most compression algorithms resultsin
`high sensitivity to errors and data loss. By selecting the
`most sensitive portions of a compressed video stream,
`we can reduce the amount of data to be encrypted, and
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1049, p. 72
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1049, p. 72


`Fig. 1. MPEG "group of frames"
`improve the enciphering/deciphering throughput For
`the purposes of our study, we examine the Motion
`Experts Group
`algorithm, because of its popularity and acceptance in
`the research community as the upcoming commercial
`video compression standard. We then explore Aegis, a
`security scheme which uses
`the Data EncryptiOn
`Standard (DES) to selectively encrypt or decrypt all
`information necessary for the decompression of an
`MPEG compressed video stream.
`2. MPEG Compressed Video
`the International Organization for
`In the late-19803,
`Standardization (lSO), in View of the increasing need
`for a standard for the storage of digital video and the
`associated audio, undertook an effort
`to develop a
`standard for storing such data on digital storage media,
`as well as,
`transmission on telecommunications
`channels such as ISDNs, and LANs. This ISO effort
`started in 1988 by the Moving Pictures Experts Group
`(MPEG), currently part of the ISO-IECH’I‘CUSCZ.‘f
`WGI l.
`intraframe (stand-alone) and inter-frame coded frames
`(frames that contain picture changes in reference to a
`stand-alone frame). The intraframe coded “1” frames
`provide points for random access. High compression
`is maintained by use of predicted (“P”) and interpolated
`(“B”) interfi-ame coded frames, which are based on
`adjacent “1" frames.
`The MPEG video compression algorithm removes
`block-based motion
`compensation, and spatial redundancy using transform
`domain-(DCT) compression. Motion compensation, a
`technique also used in the CCI'IT standard H.261,
`applied in two modes: prediction or interpolation.
`the prediction mode, a current picture is modeled as a
`translation of a previous picture. Temporal redundancy
`is removed using motion compensated interpolation
`(also called bi—directional prediction), a unique feature
`of the MPEG algorithm.
`In interpolated pictures, a
`signal is obtained by adding a correction term to a
`combination of a past and a future reference. The
`resulting coded motion information is stored in 16x16
`blocks, called macroblocks.
`MPEG is a lossy compression technique which retains
`only enough information for recovering the most
`significant parts of a compressed video stream [2]. In
`order to meet random access requirements without
`compression, MPEG introduced the concept of a
`“group of frames” (Figure 1). This group of frames
`a well balanced combination of both
`The images compressed with the application of motion
`compensation techniques, contain a very high spatial
`MPEG chose
`redundancy using the Discrete Cosine Transformation
`(DCI') technique (this technique is also used in JPEG)
`with a combination of visually weighted scalar
`quantization and run length encoding.
`The 16x16
`blocks obtained during the motion compensation
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1049, p. 73
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1049, p. 73


`Table 1.--Syntax Layers of the MPEG video bit stream
`process are used as inputs for the Discrete Cosine
`Transform which further compresses
`produces a set of DCT coefficients. These coefficients
`are then quantized to achieve further compression by
`discarding information not visually significant.
`further increase the remaining redundancy, the DCT
`are compressed using
`In this lossless compression phase, tables
`(similar to Huffman tables) are used to code events
`corresponding to a pair of (run, amplitude}.
`events with high probability are coded using variable-
`length codes. while less-likely events are coded with
`an escape symbol followed by fixed length code in
`order to avoid long code words.
`The resulting MPEG video bit stream contains six
`layers: each layer supporting a distinct function (Table
`1). By defining the syntax of the compressed video
`stream, MPEG
`implementation of commercial encoders and decoders.
`In other words, MPEG considers a MPEG encoder to
`any encoder
`that produces
`a video stream
`specified MPEG syntax.
`Consequently, a MPEG decoder is any decoder that
`can decode a MPEG bit stream.
`3. Aegis: Security for MPEG Video
`3.1 Aegis Overview
`Aegis exploits the great sensitivity of cornpressed
`video. The approach used by Aegis is the encryption of
`“1” frames for all MPEG groups of frames in a MPEG
`video stream. The choice of encrypting the “I” frames
`is based on the great significance of the intraframe
`(stand-alone) “1” frames in the decompression of a
`MPEG stream. “B” and “P” frames represent only
`translations of the picture information found in adjacent
`“1” frames;
`the encryption of “ ’ frames
`renders them useless (Figure 2)-
`intentional “corruption” of the stream has a serious
`impact on the outputs of the inverse DCI‘ function
`during decoding. Recovery from such “corruption” is
`practically impossible.
`In addition to the encryption of ‘.‘1" frames, Aegis also
`encrypts the MPEG video sequence header.
`sequence header
`all of
`initialization parameters such as the picture width,
`frame rate, bit rate and buffer size.
`encryption of the sequence header, also conceals the
`MPEG identity of the stream and makes the MPEG
`video stream unrecognizable.
`In order
`to further
`conceal the MPEG identity of the stream, the ISO end
`code (last 32 bits of the MPEG video stream) is also
`Aegis‘ partial encryption of the MPEG video stream
`provides a high level of security because it presents
`two challenges to the ambitious network intruder.
`When portions of the MPEG stream are encrypted, the
`MPEG stream does not conform to the standard MPEG
`stream layered structure, and consequently,
`impossible to identify frames, groups of frames, or the
`encrypted “1” frames. The network intruder must first
`separate the encrypted portions of the stream, and then
`must still face the complexity of solving the encryption
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1049, p. 74
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1049, p. 74


`fl Encrypted frames
`Fig. 2. Encryption of the stand-alone "I" frames
`3.2 The Aegis Security Mechanism
`Aegis acts as a stream filter between the MPEG
`encoderfdecoder and the
`transmission mechanism.
`Although Aegis could be part of the MPEG encoder or
`as much independence
`as possible
`from the MPEG standard. Any direct
`relationship of
`security mechanism and the
`encoding or decoding process would lead to the need
`for continuous adaptations of the security mechanism
`to any future MPEG modifications. Given the current
`scheme, the only dependence of the Aegis mechanism
`to the MPEG standard is knowledge of the MPEG
`stream syntax. The MPEG standard has maintained the
`concept of the “group of frames” through both the
`MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 proposals; therefore, we do not
`anticipate any conceptual changes in future MPEG
`that would
`modifications to the Aegis security technique.
`The MPEG system specification for the Syntax of an
`MPEG stream, includes three coding layers (Figure 3):
`the ISO 11172 stream layer, the pack layer, and the
`packet layer. The ISO 11172 stream layer contains a
`sequence of packs followed by an end code. The pack
`layer includes a system synchronization clock reference
`(SCR), the multiplexing rate field, an optional header
`packet. and the packet layer. The packets that contain
`form the packet
`Although the
`individual coding elements of the elementary streams
`are not byte-aligned, the packet contents and all system
`layer coding are byte~aligned.
`As a result
`segments of “interest" can be easily distinguished by
`extracting groups of bytes, and comparing them
`against the start codes for sequence headers, groups of
`frames, and end codes.
`One issue which arises when sections of the MPEG
`stream are encripted is how the encrypted section will
`Encryption algorithms alter slightly the size of the
`encrypted segments, and after the Aegis encryption
`the MPEG stream does not conform to the
`syntax discussed above. To facilitate the identification
`of the encrypted segments, Aegis employs flag-bytes
`using the bit-oriented technique of bit-stuffing. A flag
`byte, which is also kept secret to further complicate
`any cryptanalysis of the secured video stream,
`inserted both at the beginning and at the end of each
`encrypted section. The bit stuffing technique ensures
`that the bit pattern chosen as the flag, does not appear
`between the starting and the ending flag by inserting a
`binary 0 digit following the first seven bits that
`corIeSpond to the flag if they appear between the
`starting and ending flags. At the receiving end, after
`the starting flag is received, the process is reversed.
`Aegis employs the DES encryption algorithm
`for the encryption process. Although a stream cipher
`may seem an attractive approach given the nature of the
`Aegis input, stream ciphers are considered weak and
`most have been successfully attacked. DES, on the
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1049, p. 75
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1049, p. 75


`ISO 111?2 Stream layer
`“a. “-q.
`-.._ 4-5 “-— --. -.. --..
`System clock MUX—rate
`reference (SCR)
`(40 bits)
`(24 '3'”)
`System header
`Zero or more packets
`/ P
`ack start
`(32 bits)
`Pack layer
`'_ ,, .— - ‘*
`Packet 5131‘t
`code (32 bits)
`Packet [3333“]
`(16 bits)
`Optional fields
`Packet information
`Packet layer
`Fig. 3. The MPEG stream layers
`other hand, is fast, flexible, easy to implement, and
`has been certified and validated. The block nature of
`the algorithm does not present any problems, since the
`data to be encrypted is extracted in groups of bytes.
`The extracted bytes can be arranged in groups of four,
`requirement of DES. DES is employed in the cipher
`block chaining mode (CBC). In this mode, a feedback
`mechanism feeds the results of the previous encryption
`to the current block. CBC is considered one of the
`most secure modes of DES, and it is the least afl'ected
`by bit errors. Its ability to self~rccover from bit-errors
`makes it very attractive for network applications.
`communication paths.
`4. Aegis Performance and Conclusions
`the Aegis
`In order to obtain empirical results for
`security scheme, a software implementation of Aegis
`was used. Aegis was coded using ANSI C on a 486-
`50 MHz personal computer. Segment and byte flag
`identification was performed at approximately 50
`Mbps, while
`exhibited a rate of approximately 2 Mbps.
`A Special MPEG video player was employed in order
`to empirically verify the security of MPEG video.
`Commercially available MPEG players exhibited fatal
`errors when they encountered the encrypted video
`stream segments. Our player, which employed an
`error-recovery mechanism that forced the display of
`frames that seemed corrupted, was successful
`decoding and diSplaying the entire video stream. All
`video image objects in motion were scrambled beyond
`recognition. Background images, as it was expected
`from the availability of backgde information in the
`un-encrypted portions of the MPEG stream, appeared
`to slightly improve with time, but they also seemed
`blurry and barely recognizable. Samples of a MPEG
`video frame and the corresponding Aegis, and fully
`encrypted video frames are presented for comparison
`in Figure 4. From this sample, and many others like it,
`it seems probable that Aegis can be successfully used
`as designed: to provide an acceptable level of security
`for a MPEG video stream.
`Since the Aegis mechanism was primarily conceived
`for use in integrated service networks, we also
`examined the benefits resulting from its use in an ATM
`computer simulation, we compared our pmposed
`scheme to the encryption of all
`transmitted video
`frames. Assuming DES encryption and decryption at
`10 Mbps, and using Studio TV traffic as input, Aegis
`was able to maintain a mean end-to—end delay on the
`order of a few milliseconds (Figure 5). In contrast, the
`full encryption scheme was unable to keep up with the
`input video stream. Its end-to-end delay never acheived
`a steady state, but rather increased throughout
`simulation rum. These simulation results demonstrate
`that the Aegis mechanism can provide security for
`video streams while
`significantly out-perfonning
`conventional encryption and decryption processing in a
`environment. A detailed
`discussion of our simulation results can be found in
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1049, p. 76
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1049, p. 76


`Iflanflol Help
`IEiIe Qantrol
`Fig. 4. Aegis encrypted versus fully encrypted video frame
`9, 100000000
`& 1000000 _.
`Time (ms)
`"""" No
`— “““ Full
`encryptionencryption encryption
`Fig. 5. End-to-end Deiay for Studio TV (one minute)
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1049, p. 77
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1049, p. 77


`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1049, p. 78
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1049, p. 78
`[1] Minoli, Daniel, and Robert Keinath. Disnjhuted
`(1994) Boston and London: Anech
`House, Inc.
` .
`[2] Le Gall, Didier. “MPEG: A Video Compression
`Commie-anew of the ACM, Vol. 34, No.4,
`J. “Cryptography = Privacy,” IEEE
`[3] Adam,
`Spectrum, No. 29: pp. 29-35, 1992.
`[4] Schneier, Bruce.W
`(1994) New
`York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
`[5] 0yaizou, Ikuro, Hiroyuki Matsumoto, and Shinji
`Ishii. “Single chip encryption processor for ISDN
`multimedia communications,” Proceedings of the
`Fourth Annual
`Intemanbnal ASIC
`Conference and Exhibit, 1991.
`[6] Spanos, George Anastassios and Tracy Bradley
`“Performance Study of a Selective
`Networked, Real-Time Video," Proceedings of
`the Fourth International Conference on Commer-
`Communications and Nemorking, Las Vegas,
`Nevada. October 1995.

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