`Quality assessment of the human genome
`Jeremy Schmutz, Jeremy Wheeler, Jane Grimwood, Mark Dickson, Joan Yang, Chenier Caoile, Eva Bajorek, Stacey Black, Yee Man Chan,
`Mirian Denys, Julio Escobar, Dave Flowers, Dea Fotopulos, Carmen Garcia, Maria Gomez, Eidelyn Gonzales, Lauren Haydu, Frederick Lopez,
`Lucia Ramirez, James Retterer, Alex Rodriguez, Stephanie Rogers, Angelica Salazar, Ming Tsai & Richard M. Myers
`Stanford Human Genome Center, Department of Genetics, Stanford University School of Medicine, 975 California Avenue, Palo Alto, California 94304, USA
`As the final sequencing of the human genome has now been completed, we present the results of the largest examination of the
`quality of the finished DNA sequence. The completed study covers the major contributing sequencing centres and is based on a
`rigorous combination of laboratory experiments and computational analysis.
`F rom the beginning, a primary objective of the Human
`Genome Project (HGP) was to generate a highly accurate
`reference sequence for the human genome. This sequence
`is now essentially complete and is available in its entirety
`as a reference for biomedical researchers. High-through-
`put genome sequencing has created a fundamental shift in the
`paradigm for biological research. Whereas gene discovery once
`drove DNA sequencing, now the sequencing of entire genomes
`drives gene discovery. As such, it is essential that the scientific
`community be informed about the accuracy of this reference
`sequence and of its fidelity to the biological templates from which
`it was derived.
`Box 1
`Large-scale sequencing terms for this study
`Accuracy The measure of how likely the base pairs in a consensus
`are to be the correct base call. For a 99.99% accurate DNA
`sequence, it must contain only one incorrect base per 10,000 bp.
`Accuracy is also sometimes referred to as the ‘quality’ of a base
`pair, because estimated base-pair qualities are assigned by the
`assembly software when it creates the consensus.
`Consensus The final reconstructed DNA sequence built by
`assembling the sequence reads and generating a consensus base
`call for each position in the assembly. In the case of a finished clone,
`there is only one consensus.
`Contiguity The measure of how many pieces are contained within
`the assembly. A contiguous assembly would typically have multiple
`overlapping sequence reads the entire length of the consensus.
`The finishing rules allow a consensus in more than one piece to be
`called contiguous (no gaps) in certain difficult situations if the break
`point is annotated in the database entry.
`Fidelity The fidelity of a consensus is how similar the consensus is
`to the underlying biological template from which the sequence
`reads were derived. Fidelity for a genome at the single base-pair
`level is difficult to measure without identifying and sequencing a
`different clone from the same position on the same chromosome
`and examining the difference between the sequences. In this study
`we evaluated the fidelity of a sequence in reference to the large-
`insert clone from which the sequence was derived, not the genomic
`Finishing The process of collecting data, performing
`computational manipulation to a data set to convert a shotgun
`assembly into a single high-quality contiguous DNA sequence, and
`verifying the fidelity of the consensus.
`World standards for sequence fidelity (known as the Bermuda
`Standards) were established at the meeting of HGP principal
`investigators in 1997 (
`htm). These standards stated that finished sequence should contain
`less than one error per 10,000 DNA bases (99.99% accuracy), and
`that the sequence should be contiguous (without gaps). Compliance
`with the base-pair (bp) accuracy standard was measured by error
`probability assessments generated by DNA base-calling software1–3
`and by examining discrepancies between overlapping clone
`sequences. Compliance with the contiguity standard was an internal
`measurement based on each centre’s complex sequence-finishing
`methodology. Over the course of the project, additional standards
`were created to ensure sequence fidelity (http://www.genome.wustl.
`Although more than 2.8 billion base pairs of unique finished
`sequence has been generated by the sequencing centres comprising
`the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium
`(IHGSC), until the present study was performed fewer than
`5,000,000 bp of this sequence has been verified independently for
`compliance with the finishing standard4. Finished chromosome
`sequence papers have now been published for 9 of the 24 human
`chromosomes5–13, with most of these papers estimating that the
`chromosomal sequence exceeds the 99.99% accuracy measure. To
`provide a more uniform picture of the finished sequence quality
`of the human genome, the National Human Genome Research
`Institute (NHGRI) solicited us to perform a detailed evaluation of
`the DNA sequence data that was generated for the HGP by seven
`of the IHGSC centres. We examined more than 34 megabases (Mb)
`of sequence data for accuracy, contiguity and fidelity (see Box 1),
`and participated in a computational data exchange with the
`Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute. This paper contains the results
`of our analysis of the quality of finished sequence data deposited by
`these centres in the public human genome databases from February
`2001 through to July 2002.
`Overview and procedure
`Our quality assessment of finished human bacterial artificial
`chromosome (BAC) sequences was conducted in two rounds. For
`the first round of analysis, we evaluated the finished sequence
`produced by the three largest NHGRI-funded sequencing centres:
`the Baylor Human Genome Sequencing Center, the Washington
`University Genome Sequencing Center and the Whitehead Institute
`Center for Genome Research. We selected 120 BAC clones (about
`6.7 Mb from each centre) from sequence submissions spanning the
`six-month period from 15 February 2001 through to 15 August
`2001. The second round of analysis evaluated the sequence pro-
`duced by the four smaller sequencing centres that individually
`NATURE | VOL 429 | 27 MAY 2004 |
`© 2004 Nature Publishing Group
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1044, p. 365


`than 1 bp error per 10 kb, with 59 of the clones having no identified
`errors. Twelve of the thirteen remaining clones exceed the 1 bp per
`10 kb standard owing to significant errors. Disregarding the signifi-
`cant errors, only 1 of the 197 clones exceeded the target error rate
`because of base-pair errors alone. Cumulative error results for each
`of the rounds are shown in Table 1. The individual centre base-pair
`error rates ranged from 1 in 25,420 bp to 1 in 154,479 bp, and
`significant error rates ranged from none found to 1 in 1.2 Mb
`(Supplementary Table S2).
`The vast majority of error events found in the finished human
`BAC sequences affected a single base pair in the consensus sequence
`(411 out of 466, 88.2%). Roughly half (48%) of these errors were
`single base-pair substitutions, with the remainder (52%) being
`single base-pair insertions or deletions. The substitution errors
`were primarily miscalled bases in regions of low quality. However,
`there are many positions where a miscalled base was incorporated
`into the consensus sequence despite the presence of multiple high-
`quality reads with the proper base calls; these are obvious finishing
`errors. Most of these errors occurred where a single discrepant
`subclone at that position was given a high-quality score by the base-
`calling algorithm and the miscalled base was incorporated into the
`consensus sequence. Additionally, we identified 42 (9% of error
`events) multiple base-pair insertions, deletions and substitutions of
`less than 20 bp, most of which were clone mutations in a single
`subclone that were erroneously included in the consensus.
`contributed more than 30 Mb to the human genome: the Genome
`Therapeutics Corporation, the French National Sequencing Center
`Genoscope, the University of Washington Genome Center and the
`RIKEN Genomic Sciences Center. We selected 80 BAC clones (about
`3.4 Mb from each centre) from these sequencing centres, spanning
`the 17-month period from 15 February 2001 through to 30 June
`2002 (Supplementary Fig. S1 and Table S1).
`We sampled clones throughout the two time periods, and
`adjusted the number of clones that we selected to be a percentage
`of clones finished by each centre in each month. The sequencing
`centres provided us with sequencing read data and glycerol stocks of
`the large-insert clone. In contrast to previous quality assessments4,
`we created a new subclone library for each clone and sequenced this
`library to 3–4 times coverage in high-quality base pairs. We
`generated these reads from both ends of sized plasmid subclones,
`which gave us the ability to evaluate independently the centre’s
`submission regardless of how the original data were generated. We
`combined our new reads with the original data and then finished the
`resulting assembly to a high degree of accuracy, performing directed
`sequencing reactions from the large-insert clone when necessary.
`These directed reads included reactions performed with alternative
`chemistries such as dGTP and Invitrogen sequencing enhancers. All
`finishing quality analysis was performed using the Phred/Phrap/
`Consed3 pipeline. We then compared our ‘gold standard’ consensus
`to the original submitted consensus and then verified and classified
`any discrepancies. For each discrepancy, we counted the number of
`error events and base-pair errors and as necessary classified the error
`as a significant error or misassembly (see Box 2). We counted an
`error only if original data generated by the submitting centre
`supported the correct consensus; in this way, we avoided classifying
`any large-insert clone growth variations as sequencing errors.
`Accuracy results and base-pair errors
`Our analysis indicates that all of the sequencing centres surveyed
`met the standards for 99.99% accuracy over the time period studied.
`Figure 1 shows the plot of the error events and the base-pair errors
`for each clone that we assessed. These are plotted as rates, normal-
`ized per 10 kilobases (kb) over the length of each clone, and include
`all incorrect base pairs. Most (184 out of 197) of the clones have less
`Box 2
`Analysis terms for this study
`Base-pair errors The number of base-pair changes between our
`‘gold standard’ consensus and the original submitted sequence.
`Error events A count of the number of positions of change in the
`consensus discovered in the quality assessment process; a
`contiguous insertion, deletion or erroneous run of multiple base
`pairs is counted as a single error event because the multiple base-
`pair errors probably arose from a single process error.
`Misassembly A rearrangement or deletion of the consensus
`caused by the incorrect joining of two similar pieces of sequence
`that are geographically separated in the true consensus.
`Significant error A single error that causes at least 50 contiguous
`base pairs to be incorrect in the submitted consensus versus our
`gold standard consensus.
`Figure 1 A plot of the error events per 10 kb versus the base-pair errors per 10 kb for
`the clones surveyed. Each green circle represents a different surveyed clone. A
`detailed view of the boxed area (less than one error event per 10 kb and less than 1-bp
`error per 10 kb) shows the diagonal distribution of all of the clones containing only
`single base-pair errors. The red circle indicates 59 clones with no errors.
`© 2004 Nature Publishing Group
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1044, p. 366
`NATURE | VOL 429 | 27 MAY 2004 |


`Table 1 Cumulative results of each of the quality assessment rounds
`Round 2
`Round 1
`Analysis results
`Sequence analysed (kb)
`Clones analysed
`Error events
`Substitution events
`Insertion/deletion events
`Error event rate (bp)
`Base-pair errors*
`Base-pair error rate
`Significant errors†
`Significant error rate (bp)
`* Does not include significant insertions, deletions or rearrangements of sequence.
`†Insertions or deletions of greater than 50 bp or significant rearrangements of sequence.
`Significant errors
`We found a significant error in 12 out of the 197 (6.1%) BAC clones
`that we analysed. There were 13 total significant errors in these
`clones (2.8% of the total error events). Most of these were ident-
`ifiable as potential problems from the initial assembly of only the
`contributing centre’s data set. We found large consensus deletions
`that were derived from deleted subclone templates or polymerase
`chain reaction (PCR) amplified products. Long stretches of
`sequence were also deleted as a result of incorrect joins made in
`repetitive regions, through which sequencing was difficult, and joins
`were based on minimal sequence overlap. The distribution of these
`sequence areas that were more difficult to sequence varies across the
`human genome12, and consequently, we did not survey difficult
`clones from every centre.
`Potential error-prone finishing techniques
`In the course of this quality assessment we identified finishing
`techniques that in some cases directly contributed to consensus
`errors that were not corrected before submission by the centre. A
`large number of the single base-pair-deletion errors were the result
`of G þ C compressions from dye-primer chemistry (now phased
`out of use in most centres) or dGTP chemistry (a chemistry for
`difficult-to-sequence regions), or from A or T base drop-out errors
`on the Megabace platform. Some of the larger deletions in simple
`sequence regions were from PCR-generated templates or from
`single subclones that had deleted a portion of the repeat copies.
`Clones consisting of mostly single-direction M13 reads had more
`serious assembly issues in repetitive areas. Higher assembly strin-
`gencies would have reduced greatly the number of incorrect joins
`and improved the overall accuracy for the identified misassembled
`repeat structures.
`Computational quality assessment of two contributors
`In addition to the quality assessments detailed in this paper, the
`Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and the Joint Genome Institute/
`Stanford Human Genome Center exchanged 38 finished clones over
`the same time period as round one in this study. These two centres
`examined only trace data and built new assemblies to compare to
`the submitted assemblies, and they did not add additional sequen-
`cing data. Suspected errors were verified by the original submitting
`centre. This study found that, for these two centres, there was on
`average 1 bp error per 651,000 bp and one potential significant error
`in 11.1 Mb. Together these centres contributed about 39% of the
`human genome sequence. Although this analysis is not directly
`comparable with our more detailed study—because computational
`analysis alone is unable to detect all of the errors found with
`additional sequencing (see Supplementary text)—this provides a
`reviewed estimate of error rates for these two centres.
`Quality of the finished human genome
`We believe that the quality evaluation methodology outlined in this
`paper provides a uniform framework to evaluate sequence pro-
`duced by the disparate finishing systems used by the IHGSC
`sequencing centres in relation to the standards for finished sequence
`quality. Of the 197 clones analysed, we found that 182 (92.4%)
`significantly exceed the 99.99% accuracy standard, on the basis of a
`calculation of base-pair errors per 10 kb (Fig. 1). If the sampled data
`set is applicable to the entire genome, we can conclude that the base-
`pair accuracy standards have been exceeded tenfold, as there is less
`than 1 bp error per 100,000 bp of finished sequence. If we normalize
`for the relative amounts of sequence contributed by each centre, we
`should expect to find on average seven error events with nine
`incorrect bases per 1 Mb and one significant error per 6 Mb.
`We believe that caution should be exercised in extrapolating our
`data beyond the specific regions of the genome that were surveyed in
`our study. This quality assessment is an evaluation of process, as it
`was based on a methodology of sampling sequence production over
`time, not sampling uniformly from the finished product. As such,
`our results are a reflection of the finishing methodologies used by
`the centres for the time period evaluated in our study, and these
`methodologies were subject to continuous improvement. For the
`centres investigated in round one, we sampled from a single
`production period, whereas clones submitted early and late in the
`HGP were not sampled; these clones are more likely to contain a
`higher error count. Along with improvements to knowledge and
`technology, the goals of the overall HGP changed over the course of
`the project, and the quality threshold used by the sequencing centres
`fluctuated in response to these production goals. In addition, our
`thorough quality evaluation methodology (which included
`additional shotgun sequencing) was applied only to sequencing
`centres contributing 55% of the total human sequence, with an
`additional 39% assessed by computational evaluation alone. No
`sequence was surveyed from the 6% of the genome finished by many
`smaller contributors.
`As a result of differences in the application of finishing method-
`ologies, the most significant factor correlated to sequence quality is
`centre-to-centre variation (Supplementary Table S2). The sequencing
`centres had different thresholds at which they determined a given
`region to be ‘finished’, and some centres intentionally exceeded the
`required quality levels (Table S2). The stringency of the contiguity
`threshold (the cause of most of the significant errors identified)
`applied by each group was the result of an admixture of production
`pressures, ‘regional’ complexity of their genomic territory, person-
`nel experience in addressing the variations in finishing difficulty,
`and degree of communication and standardization of the group
`with the larger HGP community. The nature of the HGP as a pilot
`project for large-scale genomic sequencing makes it difficult to
`describe the quality of the human genome sequence as a singular
`entity, although this evaluation has provided valuable insights into
`the process of producing a complete, complex, finished genome
`NATURE | VOL 429 | 27 MAY 2004 |
`© 2004 Nature Publishing Group
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1044, p. 367


`Applications to future projects
`Well-defined finishing standards specifying targets for accuracy,
`singular contiguity and fidelity—coupled with descriptions of
`processes that enable greater compliance with these standards—
`will enable future genome sequencing projects to generate a
`more uniform quality product. Continuous sampling of finished
`sequence for quality evaluation throughout
`the production
`process of
`future genome sequencing projects would better
`enable global quality statements to be made, and subsequent
`incorporation of quality assessment feedback into the process
`could further enhance the quality of the product. Standardizing
`or minimizing a number of variables—genome source, cloning
`and library construction platforms, hierarchical sequencing
`strategies, definitions of finished product—will help further.
`Such procedures will enhance not only verification ability on
`a clone or regional basis, but will also be tremendously helpful
`in solving recalcitrant problems such as the resolution of large
`duplicated genomic structures. As new genome-sequencing
`techniques emerge over the course of a sequencing project
`(for example, cloning vectors, sequence chemistries, detection
`platforms, finishing techniques), a centralized quality-control
`centre could serve as a resource for evaluating the technique’s
`relative ability to ensure fidelity with the genomic sequence,
`rather than each centre independently examining and evaluating
`all new technologies. In this capacity the quality-control centre
`would serve as a distributor of reviews and test performance
`reports for technological developments, which would allow
`all sequencing centres equal access to information about
`these techniques. A central trace data repository, such as the
`NCBI trace archive, is a positive step towards making all raw
`sequencing trace data available, but also storing the final
`assemblies would enable central coordination of gap-closing
`efforts and allow centres to concentrate on the finishing
`problems that they have developed pipelines to address, instead
`of expecting each centre to apply these complicated techniques
`to an equal standard.
`Received 24 October 2003; accepted 26 January 2004; doi:10.1038/nature02390.
`1. Ewing, B. & Green, P. Base-calling of automated sequencing traces using Phred. II. Error probabilities.
`Genome Res. 8, 186–194 (1998).
`2. Ewing, B., Hiller, L., Wendl, M. & Green, P. Base-calling of automated sequence traces using Phred.
`I. Accuracy assessment. Genome Res. 8, 175–185 (1998).
`3. Gordon, D., Abajian, C. & Green, P. Consed: A graphical tool for sequence finishing. Genome Res. 8,
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`4. Felsenfeld, A., Peterson, J., Schloss, J. & Guyer, M. Assessing the quality of the DNA sequence from the
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`5. Deloukas, P. et al. The DNA sequence and comparative analysis of human chromosome 20. Nature
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`6. Dunham, I. et al. The DNA sequence of human chromosome 22. Nature 402, 489–495 (1999).
`7. Hattori, M. et al. The DNA sequence of human chromosome 21. Nature 405, 311–319 (2000).
`8. Helig, R. et al. The DNA sequence and analysis of human chromosome 14. Nature 421, 601–607
`9. Hillier, L. et al. The DNA sequence of human chromosome 7. Nature 424, 157–164 (2003).
`10. Mungall, A. J. et al. The DNA sequence and analysis of human chromosome 6. Nature 425, 805–811
`11. Skaletsky, H. et al. The male-specific region of the human Y chromosome is a mosaic of discrete
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`12. International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium, Initial sequencing and analysis of the human
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`13. Dunham, A. et al. The DNA sequence and analysis of human chromosome 13. Nature 428, 493–521
`14. Grimwood, J. et al. The DNA sequence and biology of human chromosome 19. Nature 428, 529–535
`Supplementary Information accompanies the paper on
`Acknowledgements We thank the participating centres for providing clone stocks and sequence
`data sets, and for their feedback about our quality assessment process. We also thank C. Lloyd and
`C. Bagguley for their detailed computational assessment of our finished sequence.
`Competing interests statement The authors declare that they have no competing financial
`Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to J.S.
`( or R.M.M. (
`© 2004 Nature Publishing Group
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1044, p. 368
`NATURE | VOL 429 | 27 MAY 2004 |

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