`The Density
`Advantage of
`Institute of
`An examination of processors and FPGAs to characterize and compare
`their computational capacities reveals how FPGA-based machines
`achieve greater performance per unit of silicon area. If we can exploit
`this advantage across applications, configurable architectures can become
`an important part of general-purpose computer design.
`A large and growing community of re-
`searchers has successfully used field-
`programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) to
`accelerate computing applications. The
`absolute performance achieved by these
`configurable machines has been impressive—often
`one to two orders of magnitude greater than proces-
`sor-based alternatives. Configurable computers have
`proved themselves the fastest or most economical way
`to solve problems such as the following:
`(cid:129) Emulation. Chip designers use FPGA-based emu-
`lation systems to simulate modern microproces-
`(cid:129) Cryptographic attacks. Collections of FPGAs offer
`the highest-performance, most cost-effective pro-
`grammable approach to breaking difficult encryp-
`tion algorithms. For example, Berkeley students
`showed that an Altera FPGA can search 800,000
`keys per second, whereas a contemporary Pentium
`searches only 41,000 keys per second.3
`(cid:129) RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adelman) decryption. The
`programmable-active-memory (PAM) machine
`built at INRIA (Informatics and Automation
`Research Institute, Paris) and Digital Equipment
`Corporation’s Paris Research Lab achieved the
`fastest RSA decryption rate of any machine (600
`Kbps with 512-bit keys, and 185 Kbps with 970-
`bit keys).
`(cid:129) DNA sequence matching. The Supercomputer
`Research Center’s Splash and Splash-2 config-
`urable accelerators ran DNA-sequence-matching
`routines more than two orders of magnitude
`faster than contemporary MPPs (massively par-
`allel processors) and supercomputers (CM-2,
`Cray-2) and three orders of magnitude faster than
`the attached workstation (Sparcstation I).
`(cid:129) Signal processing. Filters implemented on Xilinx
`and Altera components outperform digital signal
`processors (DSPs) and other processors by an
`order of magnitude.1
`From an operational standpoint, what we see in these
`examples is a reconfigurable device (typically an FPGA)
`completing, in one cycle, computations that take
`processors tens to hundreds of cycles. Although these
`achievements are impressive, by themselves they do not
`tell us why FPGAs were so much more successful than
`their microprocessor and DSP counterparts. Do FPGA
`architectures have inherent advantages? Or are these
`examples just flukes of technology and market pricing?
`Can we expect the advantages to increase, decrease, or
`remain the same as technology advances? Can we gen-
`eralize the factors that account for the advantages in
`these cases?
`To attack these questions, we must quantify the den-
`sity advantage of configurable architectures over tem-
`poral architectures—both empirically and with a
`simple area model. We must also understand the trade-
`offs that configurable architectures make to achieve
`this density advantage. Once we understand the trade-
`offs involved in using general-purpose computing
`0018-9162/00/$10.00 © 2000 IEEE
`April 2000
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1041, p. 41


`Field-Programmable Gate Arrays
`An FPGA is an array of bit-processing units whose
`function and interconnection can be programmed
`after fabrication. Most traditional FPGAs use small
`lookup tables to serve as programmable computa-
`tional elements. The lookup tables are wired together
`with a programmable interconnect, which accounts
`for most of the area in each FPGA cell (Figure A).
`Many commercial devices use four-input lookup
`tables (4-LUTs) for the programmable processing ele-
`ments because they are area efficient.1 As their name
`implies, FPGAs were originally designed as user-pro-
`grammable alternatives to mask-configured gate
`arrays—the bit-processing elements implementing
`the logic gates, and the programmable interconnect
`replacing selective gate wiring.2 Increasingly, FPGAs
`have served as spatial computing devices.
`Most of the examples mentioned in the introduc-
`tion of this article use Xilinx XC4000 or Altera
`A8000 components as their main computational
`workhorses. These commercial architectures have
`several special-purpose features beyond the general
`model—for example, carry-chains for adders, mem-
`ory modes, shared bus lines—but they are basically
`4-LUT devices.
`1. J. Rose et al., “Architecture of Field-Programmable
`Gate Arrays: The Effect of Logic Block Functional-
`ity on Area Efficiency,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits,
`Oct. 1990, pp. 1217-1225.
`2. S. Trimberger, Field Programmable Gate Arrays,
`Kluwer Academic, Norwell, Mass., 1992.
`Figure A. A three-input lookup table (3-LUT)FPGA. A programmable interconnect wires the lookup tables together to
`serve as programmable computational elements.
`blocks, we can expand the comparison to include cus-
`tom hardware and functional units. Taking these
`effects together, we can see how configurable com-
`puting fits into the arsenal of structures we use to build
`general, programmable computing platforms.
`Computing with FPGAs is called configurable com-
`puting because the computation is defined by config-
`uration bits in the device that tell each gate and
`interconnect how to behave. Like processors, FPGAs
`are programmed after fabrication to solve virtually
`any computational task—that is, any task that fits in
`the device’s finite state and operational resources. This
`impermanent, postfabrication customizability distin-
`guishes processors and FPGAs from custom functional
`blocks, which are operationally set during fabrication
`and can implement only one function or a very small
`range of functions. (See the “Field-Programmable
`Gate Arrays” sidebar.)
`Unlike processors, the primitive computing and
`interconnect elements in an FPGA hold only a single
`device-wide instruction. (Here, the term instruction
`broadly refers to the set of bits that control one cycle
`of operation of the postfabrication programmable
`device.) Without undergoing a lengthy reconfigura-
`tion, FPGA resources can be reused only to perform
`the same operation from cycle to cycle. In these con-
`figurable devices, we implement tasks by spatially
`composing primitive operators—that is, by linking
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1041, p. 42






`Register for intermediate results
` x4←x3// x[i−3]
` x3←x2// x[i−2]
` x2←x1// x[i−1]
` Ax←Ax + 1
` x1←[Ax]// x[i]
` t1←w1 × x1
` t2←w2 × x2
` t1←t1 + t2
` t2←w3 × x3
` t1←t1 + t2
` t2←w4 × x4
` t1←t1 + t2
` Ay←Ay + 1
`Figure 1. (a) Spatial
`and (b) temporal com-
`putations for the
`expression y[i] = w1 •
`x[i] + w2 •x[i−1] +
`w3•x[i−2] + w4 •x[i
`−3]. These are imple-
`mentations of a 4-tap
`FIR filter.
`them together with wires. In contrast, in traditional
`processors, we temporally compose operations by
`sequencing them in time, using registers or memory
`to store intermediate results (see Figure 1). The
`single-instruction-per-active-computing-unit limita-
`tion in FPGAs provides an area advantage, at the cost
`of restricting the size of the computation described on
`the die at any point in time.
`As noted earlier, a single reconfigurable device often
`can compute, in a single cycle, a computation that
`takes a processor or DSP hundreds of cycles. We can
`place a simple filter, for example, spatially on a single
`FPGA, as in Figure 1a, so that it takes in a new sam-
`ple and computes a new result in a single cycle. In con-
`trast, a processor or DSP takes a few cycles to evaluate
`even one filter tap, easily running tens of cycles for even
`the simplest filter structures. The FPGA might require
`tens of cycles of latency to compute a result, but
`because it performs the computation as a spatial
`pipeline composed of many active computing elements,
`rather than sequentially reusing a small number of
`computing elements, it achieves higher throughput.
`FPGAs can complete more work per unit of time
`for two key reasons, both enabled by the computa-
`tion’s spatial organization:
`(cid:129) With less instruction overhead, the FPGA packs
`more active computations onto the same silicon
`die area as the processor; thus, the FPGA has the
`opportunity to exploit more parallelism per cycle.
`(cid:129) FPGAs can control operations at the bit level, but
`processors can control their operators only at the
`word level. As a result, processors often waste a
`portion of their computational capacity when
`operating on narrow-width data.
`As examples, consider the Alpha 21164 processor4
`and the Xilinx XC4085XL-09 FPGA. Both devices were
`built in 0.35-micron CMOS processes. The 21164 con-
`tains two 64-bit ALUs and runs at 433 MHz. As a result,
`it performs, at most, 2 × 64 single-bit ALU operations
`every 2.3 nanoseconds. This gives us a maximum theo-
`retical computational throughput of 128 bit operations
`per 2.3 ns, which equals 55.7 bit operations per ns.
`In contrast, the XC4085XL-09 consists of 3,136 con-
`figurable logic blocks and runs at a peak clock rate of 4.6
`ns per cycle. For a rough comparison, we can equate
`one CLB to one ALU bit operation. (One CLB consists
`of two 4-input lookup tables. In many cases, we can put
`more than one ALU bit operation in a CLB, but the con-
`servative estimate suffices for illustration.) The FPGA
`achieves a computational density of 3,136 bit opera-
`tions per 4.6 ns, or 682 bit operations per ns, easily an
`order of magnitude greater than the computational den-
`sity of the processor in the same process technology.
`This crude comparison does not tell the whole story
`of the useful computation these devices can perform
`or the factors that prevent them from achieving their
`maximum theoretical peak performance. Nonetheless,
`it does illustrate how it is possible for an FPGA to
`extract more computational capacity from a silicon
`die than a RISC processor can.
`There are challenges to making the FPGA run con-
`sistently at its peak rate, just as there are challenges to
`making the processor issue productive cycles at its
`peak rate. A big problem with the FPGA is the diffi-
`culty of adequately pipelining the design to consis-
`tently achieve such a high clock rate. Conventional
`FPGA architectures and tool methodologies make it
`difficult to contain interconnect delays and reliably
`target clock rates near the device’s peak capacity. Yet,
`as a recent reconfigurable design developed at UC
`Berkeley demonstrates, engineering FPGA designs and
`spatial computing arrays that reliably achieve high-
`clock-rate execution is possible.5
`Figure 2 compares the computational densities of a
`wide range of processor and FPGA implementations.
`It shows that the anecdotal density observation just
`discussed holds broadly across device implementa-
`tions. That is, FPGAs have an order of magnitude
`more raw computational power per unit of area than
`conventional processors. This trend has remained true
`for many process generations if we consider total
`device area. As the amount of silicon on the process-
`ing die has increased, both FPGAs and processors have
`turned the larger dies into commensurately greater
`raw computational power, but the gap between den-
`sities has remained.
`April 2000
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1041, p. 43


`processing power. Since FPGAs are controlled at the bit
`level, they do not suffer this problem. Consequently,
`when operating on narrow data items, FPGAs have the
`potential for a second order-of-magnitude advantage
`in computational density over processors.
`The peak densities also only tell us how much
`throughput these devices can achieve. They do not tell
`us how much latency a single data set incurs when tra-
`versing a complete computational sequence in any of
`these devices. In most cases, given comparable imple-
`mentation technologies, hardwired structures in the
`ALU enable processors to complete a single add oper-
`ation in much less time than a contemporary FPGA
`requires for an equally wide add.
`For example, if the add itself is not internally
`pipelined on the aforementioned XC4085XL-09, a
`single 64-bit add would take a little over 17 ns.
`Because we can get a maximum of 56 of these adders
`on the FPGA (using 60 percent of its raw resources),
`this gives a maximum throughput of 56/18 ns, or 3.1
`64-bit adds/ns, compared to the processor’s 2/2.3 ns,
`or 0.9 64-bit adds/ns. To illustrate the combination of
`these effects, Figure 3 shows the maximum theoreti-
`cal bit-level adder throughput available on the Alpha
`and the XC4085 when a single add latency sets the
`pipeline operating frequency.
`The preceding section suggested that FPGAs achieve
`their density advantage and fine-grained controllabil-
`ity by forgoing the deep instruction memories found
`in processors and DSPs. Simple area accounting is con-
`sistent with this view.
`Each FPGA bit operator, complete with lookup
`table, configuration bits, state, and programmable
`interconnect, requires an area of 500,000 to 1 million
`λ2 (see my thesis6). A RISC processor instruction is 32
`bits long and is usually stored on the processor die in
`static RAM cells whose bulk area is about 1,200 λ2
`per bit. Thus, one RISC instruction occupies roughly
`40,000 λ2. Assuming for the moment that the instruc-
`tion memory is all that takes up space on the proces-
`sor die, we can put 25 RISC instructions in the space
`of a single 1-million-λ2 FPGA bit operator. The RISC
`instruction typically controls a 32-bit, single-instruc-
`tion, multiple-data (SIMD) data path, so we can place
`32 × 25 = 800 RISC instructions in the space of 32
`FPGA bit-processing units.
`The processor also needs data memory to hold 32-
`bit intermediate results. Each intermediate result will
`occupy at least 40,000 λ2 in SRAM area. Assuming
`we keep one word of state for each instruction, the
`area per active computation bit reaches parity when
`the RISC processor holds instructions and state for
`400 operations. So, if we design the RISC processor to
`support 4,000 instruction words and 4,000 words of
`Technology (λ)
`RISC processors
`Peak computational density
`(ALU bit operations/λ2s)
`Figure 2. Comparison of processor and FPGA computational densities. These data are
`based on published clock rates, device organization, and published and measured die
`sizes.6ALU bit operations/λ2s (bit operations per λ2second) is the density of
`operations per unit of area-time (area ×time). Area is normalized by the technology
`feature size (λis half the minimum feature size). Time is given in seconds, an unnor-
`malized unit, since several small feature effects prevent delay scaling from being a
`simple function of feature size.
`Alpha 21164 SIMD segmented adds
`Alpha 21164 single add/ALU
`Adder width (bits)
`Theoretical peak throughput
`(adder bits/ns)
`Figure 3. Maximum adder throughput as a function of unpipelined adder word width.
`Here, we assume the FPGA must complete an entire add of the specified width within a
`cycle. The FPGA throughput varies because of combinational add latency, granularity
`issues associated with packing adds into a row, and overhead costs for starting and com-
`pleting each add. For the processor’s single add, we assume only one add of the specified
`width is performed in the ALU. For the segmented adds, we assume that a single guard
`bit is left between words, and that data are otherwise perfectly aligned for the operation.
`These peak densities only tell us what the architecture
`can provide when task requirements match architec-
`tural assumptions. If the task requires manipulation of
`small data words, but we are using a large-word CPU,
`our yield will be only a fraction of the CPU’s peak
`capacity. For example, a 64-bit architecture processing
`8-bit data items would realize only an eighth of its peak
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1041, p. 44


`Table 1. Comparison of 16 × 16 multipliers.
`Device style Design
`Isshiki and Dai8
`(88 CLBs × 1.25 Mλ2/CLB,
`7.5 ns/cycle × 16 cycles)
`Kaneko et al.9
`Yetter et al.10
`Magenheimer et al.11
`(66 ns/cycle × 44 cycles)
`Feature size 2λ (μm)
`Area (λ2)
`Time (ns)
`Area-time (λ2s)
`* From a survey of a large number of multiplier implementations,6 this example is the densest 16 × 16 multiplier and is implemented in a feature size
`most comparable to the other devices listed.
`state data to keep the 32-bit ALU busy, we require as
`much area as 320 FPGA bit-processing units. These
`FPGA processing units, if heavily pipelined, can pro-
`vide 10 times the per-cycle active computational
`capacity of the 32-bit RISC data path.
`Modern processor designs do allocate space for thou-
`sands of instructions and on-chip state data memory
`per active data path, making the last comparison most
`relevant. In practice, the RISC processor would require
`area for its actual data path, its high-speed intercon-
`nect paths, and its control. But this makes the FPGA
`look even better by lowering the actual parity point
`below 400 operations. This simple accounting clearly
`demonstrates the trade-off that differentiates proces-
`sors and FPGAs: Processor architectures make a large
`sacrifice in actual computational density to tightly pack
`the description of a larger computation onto the die.
`The last comparison also underscores the trade-off
`FPGAs make to achieve their high computational den-
`sity. By packing a single instruction and state element
`with each active bit operator, the FPGA stores the state
`and description of a computation much less densely
`than a processor. That is, an FPGA bit operator’s
`1 million λ2 of area is less dense than a RISC instruc-
`tion’s 40,000 λ2 by a factor of 25. Consequently, when
`performance or throughput is not important, the
`processor often can implement a large computation
`in less area than an FPGA.
`The comparison couples the two main organiza-
`tional differences between the processor and the
`FPGA—deep instruction memory and wide, SIMD-
`controlled data paths. To better understand their con-
`tributions, it is worthwhile to separate these factors.
`Let’s look at two intermediate designs: a 1-bit proces-
`sor data path and a multibit FPGA.
`If the RISC instruction controls only a single-bit ALU
`(and we retain our earlier assumption that instruction
`and data memory are the only things consuming space
`in the processor), we see that 25 instructions take the
`same space as one FPGA cell. Both devices offer one
`active computational bit operator per cycle in this
`space. Now, when we have only 250 instructions, the
`FPGA has more than 10 times the processor’s compu-
`tational density. This example underscores the fact that
`the processor is using its SIMD control to help mitigate
`the expense of deep instruction memory.
`Commercial FPGAs use approximately 200 bits to
`specify function, interconnect, and state storage for
`each 4-input lookup table (4-LUT). In practice, these
`configuration bits are highly decoded, so their infor-
`mation content is much smaller, perhaps closer to 64
`bits,6 but we can use the larger number here for illus-
`tration. Assuming the same 1,200 λ2 per SRAM bit as
`in the earlier example, we could save at most 240,000
`λ2 by sharing instructions in SIMD fashion among
`FPGA bit operators. This is an upper bound since shar-
`ing implies additional wiring between cells, and the
`bound very generously assumes that interconnect is
`completely identical between cells. A 32-bit SIMD
`FPGA data path would occupy 31 × 760,000 λ2 +
`1,000,000 λ2, which approximately equals 25 million
`λ2, or about the area of 25 bit-controlled FPGAs. Thus,
`in contrast with the processor, the FPGA, with its shal-
`low instruction memory, does not pay a large density
`penalty for its bit-level control.
`Previous sections focused on the use of generic pro-
`cessing elements such as ALUs and lookup tables. In
`practice, modern microprocessors regularly include
`specialized, hardwired functional units such as mul-
`tipliers, floating-point units, and graphic coproces-
`sors. These units provide a greater effective compu-
`tational density when called upon to perform their
`respective tasks but provide little or no computational
`density when different operations are needed. The
`area per bit operation in these specialized units is often
`100 times smaller than the amortized area of a bit
`operation in a generic data path. Therefore, includ-
`ing such functions is worthwhile if they will be used
`often enough.
`Example: hardware multiplier
`A hardwired multiplier is often one of the first spe-
`cialized units added to a processor architecture and is
`a primary architectural feature of a DSP. Given their
`regularity and importance, multipliers are among the
`most heavily optimized computational building blocks.
`Therefore, they serve as an extreme example of how a
`hardwired unit’s computational density compares with
`its configurable and programmable counterparts.
`Table 1 compares several 16-bit × 16-bit multiplier
`April 2000
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1041, p. 45


`Table 2. Area-time and ratio comparisons of various multipliers. Ratios
`are shown in parentheses.
`Area-time (λ2s) and ratio to custom device
`16 × 16-bit
`8 × 8-bit
`0.104 (1)
`0.104 (1)
`4.2 (41)
`0.69 (6.6)
`17.5 (170)
`17.5 (170)
`57.8 (560)
`Device style
`16 × 16
`0.104 (1)
`13.2 (130)
`17.5 (170)
`363 (3,500)
`8 × 8
`0.104 (1)
`17.5 (170)
`198 (1,900)
`Attempts to avoid these effects result in conflict. To
`make sure we can use a hardwired unit as much as
`possible, we tend to generalize it. But the more we
`generalize it, the less suited it is for solving a particu-
`lar problem, and the less advantage it offers over a
`configurable solution.
`Consider adding the 3-million-λ2 16 × 16 multiplier
`to the 125-million-λ2 processor in Table 1. If every oper-
`ation is a 16 × 16 multiply, computational density
`increases by a factor of 43 (125 million λ2 × 44/128 mil-
`lion λ2). If no operation is a multiply, computational
`density decreases by 2 percent (128 − 125 million λ2/125
`million λ2). Parity occurs when roughly 1,300 nonmul-
`tiply operations occur for each multiply operation.
`The 16 × 16 multiplier itself could be too general
`in several ways. For instance, an application could
`require a different-size multiplier (say, 8 × 12), could
`be multiplying by a constant value, or could require
`only a limited-precision result. Other publications
`describe such specialized multipliers on the PA-RISC
`processor11 and on the Xilinx 4000 FPGA.12
`Table 2 shows how limited data sizes and constant
`values reduce the hardwired multiplier’s computa-
`tional-density benefit. Looking at these examples, we
`see the density benefit drop by an order of magnitude.
`This is a factor of growing importance as embedded
`DSPs, adaptive algorithms, and multistandard com-
`patibility become more prevalent.
`Although specialized units boost computational
`density on specific tasks, the overhead of coupling a
`unit into a general-purpose flow and mismatches with
`application requirements quickly dilute the unit’s raw
`density. In many cases, configurable-computing archi-
`tectures can provide similar performance density
`increases over programmable architectures without
`requiring a priori decisions as to what specialized units
`to include.
`Example: FIR filter
`In the multiplier example, a 16 × 16 multiplier
`block is only half the size of the programmable inter-
`connect it requires. With a deep instruction memory,
`the block area becomes completely dominated by
`instruction and data storage. To avoid diluting the
`high density of special-purpose blocks, we could look
`at integrating larger specialized blocks. However, mis-
`match effects can play an even larger role in diluting
`their benefit.
`As an example, Table 3 compares several finite
`impulse response (FIR) filter implementations. (Figure
`1 shows spatial and temporal implementations of a
`4-tap FIR filter.) While the full-custom implementa-
`tions with programmable coefficients are 50 to 200
`times denser than the programmable-processor imple-
`mentations, they are only one to two times denser than
`the configurable designs based on constant coeffi-
`implementations. The hardwired multiplier is two
`orders of magnitude denser than the configurable
`(FPGA) implementation and three to four orders of
`magnitude denser than the programmed processor
`implementation. The DSP includes a hardwired mul-
`tiplier but achieves about the same multiplication den-
`sity as the FPGA.
`This computational density dilution, in the case of
`the DSP, is an issue whenever we couple a hardwired
`function into an otherwise general-purpose computa-
`tional element. The interconnect area that allows the
`multiply block to be flexibly allocated within a large
`computation is easily twice the area (Ainterconnect = 6
`million λ2) of the 3-million-λ2 multiply block (Ampy)
`itself. Thus, the overall density is one-third that of the
`multiplier alone. If we also add memory for 1,024
`instructions and 1,024 data registers, the instruction
`and data memories (Acmem and Admem) dominate even
`the multiplier and switching areas. We can summa-
`rize the area components as follows:
`Acmem = 16 bits/processor instruction × 1,024
`instructions × 1,200 λ2/bit ≈ 20 million λ2
`Admem = 16 bits/word × 1,024 data words × 1,200
`λ2 /bit ≈ 20 million λ2
`A = Acmem + Admem + Ampy + Ainterconnect = 49 million λ2
`The memories dilute the density by an additional fac-
`tor of five, leaving us with a programmable structure
`whose density is only 6 percent that of the hardwired
`multiplier in isolation. Nonetheless, if a hardwired unit
`is 1,000 times as dense as the programmed version and
`will be used frequently, including it can substantially
`increase the processor’s computational density.
`Two conditions undermine the increased perfor-
`mance density provided by a hardwired unit:
`(cid:129) Lack of use. An unneeded hardwired unit takes
`up space without providing any capacity; in the
`extreme case, its inclusion diminishes computa-
`tional density.
`(cid:129) Overgenerality. When a hardwired unit solves a
`more general problem than we need solved at a
`particular time, the density benefit decreases since
`a more customized unit would be considerably
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1041, p. 46


`Table 3. FIR survey: 8-bit samples, 8-bit coefficients (LE: logic element).
`Feature size
`32-bit RISC
`16-bit DSP
`32-bit RISC/DSP
`64-bit RISC
`Altera 8000
`Full custom
`Full custom
`(fixed coefficient)
`*16-bit samples
`Yetter et al.10
`et al.11
`Kaneko et al.9
`Nadehara et al.13
`Gronowski et al.4
`Golla et al.17
`Reuver and Klar18
`Laskowski and
`125 million λ2
`350 million λ2
`1.2 billion λ2
`6.8 billion λ2
`240 CLBs ×
`1.25 million λ2/CLB
`30 LEs × 0.92
`million λ2/LE
`400 million λ2
`140 million λ2
`82 million λ2
`114 million λ2
`66 ns/cycle ×
`6+ cycles/tap
`50 ns/tap
`40 ns/tap
`2.3 ns/tap
`14.3 ns/8 taps
`10 ns/tap
`45 ns/64 taps
`33 ns/16 taps
`50 ns/10 taps
`6.7 ns/43 taps*
`cients. Thus, when filter coefficients are constant for
`long periods, we can specialize the configurable
`designs. This narrows the 100-fold hardwired gap that
`the configurable design would incur if it had to imple-
`ment exactly the same architecture as the custom sil-
`icon, rather than simply the same computation.
`Notice that the fixed-coefficient custom filter exhibits
`a 15- to 30-fold advantage over the configurable imple-
`mentations, further demonstrating that it is this coeffi-
`cient specialization that allows FPGA implementations
`to narrow the performance density gap. An important
`goal in configurable design is to exploit this kind of spe-
`cialization by identifying any early-bound or slowly
`changing values in the computation.
`This example emphasizes that it is hard to achieve
`robust, widely applicable density improvements with
`a larger specialized block. The FIR itself is a rather
`specialized block even when the coefficients are pro-
`grammable, but programmability leaves it without a
`clear advantage over configurable solutions.
`In the mid-1980s, when we had dies of approxi-
`mately 50 million λ2, designers had two choices:
`instruction stores rich enough to support large sub-
`computations on the computational die, or larger
`numbers of active computation operators with finer-
`grained control. Primary examples of this trade-off
`were the MIPS-X, which offered a 32-bit ALU with
`512 on-chip instructions, and Xilinx’s XC2064, which
`offered 64 4-LUTs on a chip. At the time, few prob-
`lems had such small kernels that the entire computa-
`tion would fit spatially on the FPGA device. In
`contrast, many important computations would fit in
`the processor’s 512-instruction cache. Spatial com-
`puting suffered from latency and bandwidth penalties
`for die crossings and the high silicon area costs of real-
`izing any reasonable-size computation.
`By the end of 1999, the growth in silicon die capac-
`ity had changed the picture. Now we can put more
`than 50,000 4-LUTs on a 40- to 50-billion λ2 die.
`Computations and data that would fit in a single-chip
`implementation only by sequentially reusing a single
`CPU a decade ago can be fully implemented in spatial
`data flow on a single FPGA today. The advantage of
`these spatial implementations is the greater computa-
`tional density shown in Figure 2. As available silicon
`continues to grow, we can fit even more computational
`problems onto single dies using spatial data flow, thus
`increasing the range of feasible applications.
`This computational density advantage does come at
`the cost of dense program descriptions. Consequently,
`when applications require many, infrequently used
`computations, or very low computational throughput,
`processors often can solve the problem in less total area
`than FPGAs.
`The widely quoted “90/10 rule” states that 90 per-
`cent of program runtime is consumed by 10 percent of
`the code. The rule reflects the fact that only small por-
`tions of an application become the performance bot-
`tlenecks that contribute most to total computation
`time. The balance of the code is necessary for com-
`pleteness, but its execution speed does not limit per-
`formance. Consequently, an interesting hybrid
`approach couples a processor with a configurable
`computing array. The array computes the application’s
`performance-limiting portions (10 percent of the code,
`90 percent of the computations) with high parallelism
`on densely packed spatial operators. The processor
`packs the computation’s noncritical portions (90 per-
`cent of the code, 10 percent of the computation) into
`minimum space. This is the basic idea behind many
`April 2000
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1041, p. 47


`explore the implications of various designs. My thesis presents
`some examples.1
`We can further understand the architecture space by com-
`paring the areas required by particular designs to satisfy a set of
`application characteristics. Since we have a whole space full of
`architectures, we can identify those requiring minimum area.
`We can then use this area as a benchmark to understand the rel-
`ative efficiency of other architectures.
`For example, the best implementation of a high-throughput,
`fully pipelineable design requiring 10 eight-bit operators might be
`a spatial architecture with 10 instructions and 80 bit operators. If
`we assume that the roughly 800,000 λ2 required by the FPGA for
`active interconnect and computing logic is typical, as is 100,000 λ2
`for instruction and state storage, this implementation might take
`80 × 800,000 λ2 + 10 × 100,000 λ2 = 65 million λ2.
`If instead we implemented this on an FPGA-like device with
`bit-level control, we would need 80 × 800,000 λ2 + 80 × 100,000
`λ2 = 72 million λ2. The FPGA solution’s efficiency would then
`be 65/72, or about 90 percent, since the FPGA uses 7 million λ2
`that a better-matched architecture would avoid.
`Alternatively, if we had a similar design with 10 eight-bit oper-
`ators, but the design had a sequential (cyclic) dependency of
`length 10, preventing operator pipelining, the minimum-area
`design would be different. All the operators must exe

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