`Robert Jones
`Sequence comparison has become a standard tool in
`the analysis of newly determined protein sequences.
`As the database of known sequence grows not only
`does the cost of database searching increase but so
`too does the demand for that service. These factors
`conflict directly with the desire to use the most sensi-
`tive methods available. The use of massively parallel
`computers for database searching provides a solution
`to this problem and is helping in the development of
`new methods for both sequence and structure com-
`At the heart of computational molecular biology lie
`methods for comparing macromolecules. By compar-
`ing the sequences of regions of DNA one can locate
`potential genes and their regulatory signals. By com-
`paring the sequences of proteins, the function of a
`novel sequence can be suggested and domains that are
`important for structure and function can be discovered.
`The comparison of the three-dimensional structures of
`proteins can help identify common folding domains
`and may lead to improved methods of structure
`The power of these comparative methods is a direct
`result of the actions of natural selection. All the proteins
`that we observe today have evolved from ancestral
`forms, with natural selection favoring those most suited
`for the present environment. In the regions of a protein
`that perform a valuable function, evolution is tightly
`constrained with respect to the mutations that are ac-
`ceptable. Less important parts of the molecule are less
`strongly constrained, and related proteins are likely to
`exhibit diversity in these regions. Proteins that perform
`the same function but are from distantly related species
`often contain clearly delimited domains of conserved
`sequence that are a strong indication of functional
`A striking example of the power of the conserva-
`tion of sequence domains between distantly related pro-
`teins, and of the power of sequence comparison in es-
`tablishing such relationships, involves the gene involved
`in the disease cystic fibrosis. At the time of its isolation
`the function of this gene was unknown. After the DNA
`sequence was determined, the translated protein se-
`quence was compared with the database of all known
`proteins. Striking similarities were found to a large and
`diverse family of proteins involved in solute transport
`across cell membranes (Riordan et al., 1989). Figure 1
`shows part of the alignment of the protein sequence
`with three bacterial proteins. On the basis of sequence
`similarity it was proposed that the human protein was
`involved in membrane transport and contained a bind-
`ing site for ATP. Further work has revealed that the
`protein is involved in chloride ion transport, and that
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1040, p. 138


`knowledge is being used to develop therapies with
`which to treat the disease.
`Sequence Comparison
`Figure 1 also serves to illustrate one of the difficulties of
`sequence comparison in that the task is not simply one
`of string matching. Amino acids resemble each other to
`varying degrees according to the physical and chemical
`properties of their side chains. Based on some similarity
`metric that includes this information, sequence compar-
`ison algorithms must find the best alignment between
`two sequences, matching up positions to achieve the
`best alignment score and introducing gaps into the se-
`quences if this would improve the score. This task can
`be described as a problem in optimization, for which the
`most sensitive method available is based on the tech-
`nique of dynamic programming.
`The most versatile algorithm that has emerged in
`this area is that of Smith and Waterman (1981) which
`identifies the most conserved segments within a pair of
`sequences. If the two sequences are closely related, then
`these regions are likely to cover the entire length of the
`molecules. If they are only distantly related, then the
`algorithm will identify the best region within otherwise
`very different sequences. When one wants to find dis-
`tant relationships between proteins it is exactly this be-
`havior that is desired. There are many variants of the
`basic method that identify the best N suboptimal align-
`ments and produce alignments of multiple sequences
`(Taylor, 1987; Waterman and Eggert, 1987).
`For practical purposes the sensitivity and versatility
`of dynamic programming must be viewed in the con-
`text of its relatively high computational cost. The com-
`parison of two sequences can be accomplished by any
`workstation, but the thorough study of a sequence re-
`quires that it be compared with all other known se-
`quences. Release 67 of the GenBank DNA sequence
`database contains 43,903 sequences, representing
`55,169,276 nucleotides. Even with fast serial machines a
`database search using dynamic programming will take
`several hours. This problem is destined to get worse, as
`the size of the database is growing exponentially, as
`shown in Figure 2. With the initiation of projects to map
`Fir. 1. Sequence
`conservation between
`the protein involved in
`cystic fibrosis and three
`bacterial transport
`proteins By convention the 20
`possible amino acids are represented
`as characters of the alphabet Amino
`acids resemble each other to varying
`degrees as a result of the physical
`and chemical properties of their side
`chains. The most conserved positions
`in the alignment are shown in
`Fig. 2. Growth of the
`GenBank DNA sequence
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1040, p. 139


`and sequence a number of genomes, most notably the
`Human Genome Project, this pattern of growth is likely
`to be sustained.
`Several approaches have been followed to improve
`performance while attempting to retain the sensitivity
`of the original method. Software based on the search
`technique of hashing (FASTP) is widely used, and re-
`cently a faster method that employs a discrete state fi-
`nite automaton search (BLAST) has been developed
`(Pearson and Lipman, 1988; Altschul et al., 1990). Both
`approaches have contributed greatly to the field but fail
`to achieve the best possible sensitivity and may miss im-
`portant similarities between distantly related proteins.
`Very high performance may be possible with cus-
`tom VLSI devices that embody a specific algorithm,
`such as those commonly found in graphics worksta-
`tions. Special-purpose hardware for sequence compar-
`ison has been designed and is under active develop-
`ment (Lipton and Lopresti, 1985; T. Hunkapiller, M. S.
`Waterman, R. Jones, J. Peterson, and E. Chow, unpub-
`lished results). Such devices are inevitably less flexible,
`in terms of the underlying algorithm, than a piece of
`software that may be changed at will to reflect improve-
`ments in the method. Here is where general-purpose
`supercomputers can play a major role, achieving high
`performance but retaining the flexibility of software.
`Sequence Comparison on Massively
`Parallel Computers
`As described above, the method of choice for sequence
`comparison is based on dynamic programming (Smith
`and Waterman, 1981). In this algorithm, for two se-
`quences of length M and N, a matrix of M-by-N ele-
`ments must be computed using the recurrence relation
`shown in Figure 3. The term s(aj,bj) is the similarity
`between amino acid i of sequence a and amino acid j of
`sequence b. The term w is the cost of inserting a gap into
`one or the other of the sequences. The recurrence re-
`lation lays down the order in which elements of the
`matrix must be computed, in that the values for ele-
`ments (i - 1, j - 1), (i, j - 1), and (i - 1, J) must al-
`ready be known before element (ij) can be evaluated.
`The score of the best subalignment is simply the max-
`imum score H;,j over the entire matrix (Fig. 4). The
`alignment itself is found by tracing back from the loca-
`tion of that maximum until the score falls to zero.
`On massively parallel architectures the dependency
`that is inherent in the recurrence relation can be ex-
`ploited to allow many elements to be computed in par-
`allel. As shown in Figure 5, all elements that lie on an
`antidiagonal can be computed in parallel provided all
`those that lie above and to the left have already been
`computed. This is exploited in the implementation of
`this algorithm on the Connection Machine CM-2, a
`massively parallel computer with a SIMD architecture
`(Thinking Machines Corporation, 1991). In this partic-
`ular application the processors of the machine are con-
`figured as a one-dimensional array that computes an
`entire antidiagonal at a time. To compute the entire
`matrix of M-by-N elements an array of M processors
`must compute M + N - 1 consecutive antidiagonals.
`In the context of the matrix one can visualize the array
`of processors sweeping across the matrix from left to
`right. Each processor is responsible for computing one
`row of the matrix, as shown in Figure 6 (Lander,
`Mesirov, and Taylor, 1988; Jones et al., 1990).
`An alternative implementation of the algorithm on
`the AMT Distributed Array Processor (DAP) computes
`one row of the matrix in parallel, as opposed to an
`antidiagonal (Collins, Coulson, and Lyall, 1987; Collins
`and Reddaway, 1990). This has twice the processor uti-
`lization of the antidiagonal form and therefore achieves
`higher performance. Its disadvantage lies in its require-
`ment for a restricted form of gap penalty, in which a
`single cost is charged for a gap regardless of length.
`The antidiagonal form allows the cost to rise as the
`length of the gap increases. In particular, it permits
`the most general case of affine gap penalties that ap-
`pear to mimic most accurately the distribution of gaps
`in well-studied alignments.
`On a 65,536 processor Connection Machine CM-2,
`the &dquo;antidiagonal&dquo; implementation of the algorithm can
`compute approximately 100 million matrix entries per
`second whereas the &dquo;row&dquo; implementation can achieve
`approximately 150 million matrix entries per second.
`The difference in processor utilization between the two
`approaches and the type of communications operations
`involved account for the performance figures. Nicholas
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1040, p. 140


`and associates (1991) have used a Connection Machine
`CM-2 to compute the scoring matrices and a CRAY
`Y-MP, linked to the CM-2 via a high bandwidth com-
`munications channel, to perform the tracebacks and
`A very different approach is possible with coarse-
`grain parallel architectures such as the Intel iPSC/860
`and the Connection Machine CM-5. Each node has a
`considerable amount of local memory and can run a
`totally separate program from what its neighbors are
`running. This has been exploited for database search-
`ing by simply placing a different section of the database
`in the memory of every node. A separate comparison is
`performed in each node, with the results being merged
`on completion of the task. This approach involves little
`change to existing serial codes and hardly any interpro-
`cessor communications. It has yielded performance of
`12 million matrix entries per second on a 32-node Intel
`iPSC/860 (Deshpande, Richards, and Pearson, 1991)
`and 33 million matrix entries per second on a 32-node
`CM-5 (R. Jones, unpublished results).
`Sequence Comparison with
`Multiple Alignments
`There are numerous examples in which biologists have
`demonstrated a close structural or functional relation-
`ship between two proteins but the sequence compari-
`son, as described above, has failed to detect any signif-
`icant similarities. With further biological knowledge
`about the proteins involved, one might be able to bias
`the alignment process in some way such that the simi-
`larity was revealed. In the general case, however, no
`such information is available.
`Some information of this form is generated auto-
`matically whenever two related protein sequences are
`aligned. From examination of the alignment it is clear
`that some positions are conserved and some differ.
`Given that the proteins have been subject to evolution,
`it is reasonable to assume that the conserved positions
`are more important to structure and function than the
`variable ones. These positions should receive a higher
`weight in the alignment process. Multiple sequence
`alignments may be used in comparisons with individual
`sequences using a method known as &dquo;profile analysis&dquo;
`Fig. 3. The recurrence
`relation used in the
`algorithm M.i,}) is the score in
`element (il), s(aM is the similarity
`between two amino acids, and w is
`the cost of introducing a gap into the
`Fig. 4. Calculation of
`the scoring matrix
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1040, p. 141


`(Gribskov, MacLachlan, and Eisenberg, 1987). Implicit
`in this approach is that conserved positions receive a
`higher weight and play a greater role in the alignment
`The sequence comparison software on the CM-2
`has been adapted to use alignments in this manner. Eric
`Lander and the author have used this approach to re-
`peatedly search the sequence databases using a multiple
`sequence alignment (R. Jones, E. Lander, unpublished
`results). On every cycle the best matching database se-
`quence is added to the multiple alignment. This ap-
`proach shows promise in extending the sensitivity of
`database searches in those cases where an initial align-
`ment of at least two sequences can be established. Be-
`cause it involves repeated database searches this ap-
`proach is not feasible for serial computers. This high-
`lights the role of supercomputers in advancing not only
`the performance of existing software but also the
`sensitivity of these methods through more extensive
`Protein Structure Comparison
`The determination of the full three-dimensional struc-
`ture of a protein at atomic resolution provides biologists
`with a wealth of information. Such detailed knowledge,
`however, requires a great deal of work, and as a result
`there are approximately 600 structures known com-
`pared to approximately 30,000 protein sequences. Even
`with dramatic technological advances this disparity is
`not likely to change much in the near future. The ability
`to predict structure directly from sequence has there-
`fore become a major research goal for many groups,
`and the success of this effort would revolutionize the
`field of molecular biology. The basic approach of struc-
`ture prediction is to examine known structures, identify
`conserved structural motifs, and attempt to find se-
`quence patterns that correlate with them. The compar-
`ison of three-dimensional structures is fundamental to
`these efforts, but until recently such comparisons have
`been performed using simple techniques that lack sen-
`sitivity and are not suited for database searching.
`Most of these methods rely on the rotation and
`translation of one structure to minimize the root mean
`square difference between atomic coordinates (Mat-
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1040, p. 142
`Fig. 5. All elements of
`a given antidiagonal can
`be computed in parallel
`Fig. 6. On each
`iteration an entire
`antidiagonal is
`computed in parallel


`hews and Rossman, 1985). Extensions that performed
`this on limited regions of the two structures allowed
`weaker matches to be found, but these lack the ability to
`introduce gaps into the alignment (Rossman and Argos,
`1976; Remington and Matthews, 1978). In the context
`of two structures a gap may represent two loops of dif-
`ferent length such that one or more alpha carbon atoms
`have no equivalent atoms in the other structure.
`The algorithms of sequence comparison have sev-
`eral properties that are desirable in the alignment of
`structures. They involve a measure of how similar two
`positions are, and they include a penalty for introduc-
`ing gaps into an alignment. On the basis of these pa-
`rameters the algorithms will produce the best subalign-
`ment of the two sequences, Sequence comparison uses a
`measure of the physical and chemical similarity of
`amino acids to identify equivalent positions in the two
`sequences. Within a three-dimensional structure each
`amino acid is represented by a number of atoms. This is
`simplified by considering only the a-carbon atom of
`each amino acid that contributes to the peptide back-
`bone. To compare structures in the same manner as
`sequences it is necessary to develop a concise measure
`of the structural similarity of two a-carbon atoms. An
`elegant similarity measure of this form has been devel-
`oped by Taylor and Orengo (1989a, 1989b). Other
`groups have developed related approaches based in
`part on sequence comparison algorithms (Zuker and
`Somorjai, 1989; Sati and Blundell, 1990).
`The approach of Taylor and Orengo is to &dquo;view&dquo;
`the rest of the protein from the local frame of reference
`of a single- a-carbon atom. This view can be represented
`as a set of vectors through space to all the other a-car-
`bon3, as shown in Figure 7. To compare two a-carbon
`äWffi8, one then compares two arrays of the interatomic
`vectors. These arrays may themselves be thought of as
`two sequences of three element vectors, and one can
`apply conventional sequence comparison algorithms to
`find the highest scoring alignment of the two arrays. At
`this level, the similarity measure used is the reciprocal
`of the difference between two vectors. The score be-
`tween two atoms is the sum of this measure over the
`best matching region of the vector arrays.
`Clearly this procedure involves a large amount of
`&dquo;On every cycle the best matching
`database sequence is added to the
`multiple alignment This approach
`shows promise in extending the
`sensitivity of database searches in
`those cases where an initial align-
`ment of at least two sequences can
`be established Because it involves
`repeated database searches this
`approach is not feasible for serial
`Fig. 7. The structural
`environment of an atom
`is described by the set
`of vectors between it
`and all other atoms in
`the same protein
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1040, p. 143


`-Often the more distant relationships
`provide the most interesting biologi-
`cal insight but it is precisely these
`that may be missed by an approxi-
`mate method. The performance of
`massively parallel computers makes
`the use of our most sensitive meth-
`ods feasible once again.&dquo;
`Fig. 8. The most similar
`substructure between
`the proteases of virus
`HIV1 and bread mold
`Fig. 9 The sequence
`segments that
`correspond to the
`structural alignment This
`includes the conserved sequence
`DTG that plays an important role in
`the active sites of aspartic proteases.
`computation. Not only do we compute a &dquo;top-level&dquo;
`structure comparison matrix to produce the final align-
`ment, but for every element (2*, 1) in that matrix we com-
`pute an additional comparison matrix of the same di-
`mensions. As the top-level matrix is of order N2, the
`overall procedure becomes a substantial task of order
`N4. This effectively precludes searching structural da-
`tabases on serial machines. Approaches that speed up
`this computation by avoiding substantial parts of the
`computation have been developed, but these inevitably
`sacrifice sensitivity to some degree (Orengo and Taylor,
`By using the massively parallel implementations of
`sequence comparison described above, Nomi Harris
`and the author have been able to achieve performance
`with the full algorithm that is of order N3 on the CM-2
`(R. Jones and N. Harris, unpublished results). As with
`sequence comparison, the use of a massively parallel
`machine enables high performance while retaining use
`of the most sensitive method available. Computing the
`similarity between all pairs of a-carbon atoms takes
`most of the time. With appropriate layout of the data on
`the CM-2, we are able to compute the similarity between
`a single a-carbon atom in one protein and all atoms in
`the other protein in parallel. Once all the pairwise sim-
`ilarities have been calculated, it becomes a simple matter
`to perform the top-level comparison and generate the
`The output of the program is in the form of a se-
`quence alignment that indicates which a-carbon atoms
`in the two structures are equivalent. For purposes of
`visualization the alignment is used to perform a least
`squares fit of one structure onto the other. Although
`the rotations and translations are applied to the entire
`protein, only atoms that are included in the alignment
`are used in the evaluation of the least squared fit. In
`addition, the similarity between individual pairs of at-
`oms is used to weight the more similar positions more
`heavily. Although this form of display becomes confus-
`ing for alignments that contain large gaps, the ap-
`proach serves very well in most cases. Figure 8 shows an
`alignment of two protease structures from the virus
`HIV 1 and from common bread mold (R/Mze~y chinen-
`sis). The most similar substructure is outlined here in
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1040, p. 144


`boldface. Figure 9 shows the sequences of the two sub-
`structures. The most similar substructure is found to
`contain the active sites of both enzymes, including the
`conserved sequence DTG. Examples like this provide
`strong support for the basic tenet of comparative meth-
`ods, namely that functionally important domains within
`proteins are conserved through evolution.
`As described above, sequence comparison tools are
`available for a variety of purposes. We are currently
`developing an analogous set of tools for structure com-
`parison that will permit database searching and multi-
`ple alignment. A major use for these tools will be to
`identify conserved structural motifs in a more rigorous
`manner than has yet been possible and to study rela-
`tionships between their sequence and structure.
`A variety of sensitive sequence comparison tools exist
`on serial computers for studying small numbers of se-
`quences, but many of these become impractical when
`the task is scaled up to involve thousands of sequences.
`The development of fast approximate methods for se-
`rial machines allows the tasks to be achieved, but at the
`cost of some sensitivity. Often the more distant relation-
`ships provide the most interesting biological insight, but
`it is precisely these that may be missed by an approxi-
`mate method. The performance of massively parallel
`computers makes the use of our most sensitive methods
`feasible once again. Given the exponential increase in
`the size of sequence databases it is critical that compu-
`tational biology should exploit the leading edge of com-
`puter hardware and software in order to keep pace with
`the data.
`In particular, over the next few years a need will
`arise for a substantial coordinated effort to support da-
`tabases of the relationships between sequences in addi-
`tion to the sequences themselves. New sequences will be
`entering the databases at the rate of perhaps thousands
`each day, and every one will have to be compared to
`existing sequence families to determine its relation-
`ships. These tasks pose substantial challenges both in
`terms of the algorithms we use for comparisons and in
`terms of the computing infrastructure we develop in
`support of molecular biologists.
`Perhaps the most exciting prospect for the next few
`years is that the distinction between sequence and struc-
`ture as two separate fields of study is beginning to blur.
`The new algorithms for structure comparison have
`united the methodology of the two areas, and their use
`should assist in the accurate prediction of structure
`from sequence.
`Connection Machine
`Model CM-2 and CM-5
`are registered trademarks
`of Thinking Machines
`Corporation. Distributed
`Array Processor (DAP) is
`a registered trademark of
`Active Memory Technolo-
`gies. Intel iPSC/860 is a
`registered trademark of
`Intel Supercomputing
`Systems Division. Gen-
`Bank is a registered
`trademark of the U.S.
`Department of Health
`and Human Services.
`Robert Jones received his
`B.A. from Pembroke Col-
`lege, Oxford, in 1981 and
`his D.Phil. from the Uni-
`versity of Sussex in 1985.
`He has held postdoctoral
`research associate posi-
`tions in the Department
`of Molecular Genetics and
`Cell Biology at the Uni-
`versity of Chicago and in
`the Department of Math-
`ematics at the University
`of Southern California.
`He is currently a scientist
`with Thinking Machines
`Corporation in Cam-
`bridge, Massachusetts,
`where he works on a
`number of problems in
`computational molecular
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`Riordan, J. R., Rommens,
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`Grzelczak, Z., Zielenski, J.,
`Lok, S., Plavsic, N., Chou,
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`F. S., and Tsui, L-C.
`1989. Identification of the
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`Identification of common
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`Waterman, M. S., and
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`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1040, p. 146

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