`United States Patent
`[11] Patent Number:
`[45] Date of Patent: Dec. 28, 1993
`[s4] svsrouc ARRAY FOR
`Emdadur R. Khan, San Jose. Calif.
`[73] Assignee: National Semiconductor Corporation,
`Santa Clara. Calif.
`[21] App]. No.: 592,954
`[22] Filed:
`Oct. 4, 1990
`Int. Cl.5 ............................................ cosF 15/347
`[1.8. CI. ............. 395/800; 364/271.2;
`364/258; 364/2582; 364/2768; 364/DIG. 1;
`[58] Field of Search ................... 364/754. 845,728.05,
`364/841; 395/800
`References Cited
`1/1985 Kung
`.. 364/845
`7/1986 Bocker ......
`4,701,876 10/1987 McCanny ......
`4/1992 Karmarkar
`9/1992 Vassiliadis ............................. 395/27
`S. Y. Kung & J. N. Hwang, “Parallel Architecture for
`Artificial Neural Nets,” lJCNN, 1989, pp. 11—165—11-
`N. Ling & M. A. Bayoumi, “Algorithms for High Speed
`Mum-Dimensional Arithmetic and DSP Systolic Ar-
`rays," Proceedings of the 1988 International Confer-
`ence on Parallel Processing. pp. 367-374.
`S. Y. Kung & J. N. Hwang, “A Unifying Algorith-
`m/Architecture for Aritificial Neural Networks,"
`IEEE Magazine, Feb. 1989, pp. 2505-2508.
`Primary Examiner—Eric Coleman
`Attorney. Agent, or Firm—Limbach & Limbach
`A multidimensional systolic array processor uses a mul-
`tidimensional array of systolically coupled processing
`elements to perform matrix-vector multiplication of
`matrix and vector signal sets. A two-dimensional array
`uses a PxQ matrix (P rows and Q columns) of process-
`ing elements which are coupled to systolically process
`the signals, e.g. via multiplication and accumulation.
`The processing elements are coupled both row-to-row
`and column-to—column for pipeline processing within
`each row and each column, i.e. multidimensional pipe-
`thereby increasing processing parallelism and
`speed. Interconnectivity of the processing elements is
`minimized by forming separate column and row signal
`subsets of the vector signal set which are coupled simul-
`taneously to each processing element in the first row
`and first column, respectively. Size of the processing
`elements is minimized by reducing local storage of ma-
`trix signal subsets within each processing element. Sepa-
`rate column and row signal subsets of the matrix signal
`set are formed and coupled into each processing ele-
`ment of the first row and first column, respectively. As
`the matrix column and row signal subsets are systoli-
`cally processed and transferred row-to-row and co-
`lumn-to-column, respectively, each signal subset is re-
`duced in size by one signal, thereby requiring the trans-
`fer and temporary local storage of successively smaller
`matrix signal subsets. A three-dimensional processor
`uses a PXQXT array (T planes of P rows and Q col-
`umns) of processing elements which are coupled plane-
`45 Claims, 18 Drawing Sheets
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1020, p. 1
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1020, p. 1


`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 28, 1993
`Sheet 1 of 18
`Wu '
`° "W
`' .
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`"1.3 V3
`"1,J'VJ mp.
`"”6VA 2 "2’“
`® .
`an O
`FIG. 2
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1020, p. 2
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1020, p. 2


`US. Patent
`Dec. 28, 1993
`Sheet 2 of 18
`E o
`B 3” x
`; .
`. ;
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1020, p. 3
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1020, p. 3


`US. Patent
`Dec. 28, 1993
`Sheet 3 of 13
`00.000 ; :;000:
`cums 01
`o o o
`:3- 3 3000:.
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1020, p. 4
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1020, p. 4


`US. Patent
`Dec. 28, 1993
`Sheet 4 of 18
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1020, p. 5
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1020, p. 5


`US. Patent
`Dec. 28, 1993
`Sheet 5 of 18
`w“n+2 '
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1020, p. 6
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1020, p. 6
`. “
`V1 W1"
`V2 0
`. “
`Vo+1 w1.0+1 WM 0


`US. Patent
`Dec. 23, 1993
`Sheet 6 of 18
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1020, p. 7
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1020, p. 7


`US. Patent
`Dec. 28, 1993
`Sheet 7 of 13
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1020, p. 8
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1020, p. 8


`US. Patent
`Dec. 28, 1993
`Sheet 8 of 18
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1020, p. 9
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1020, p. 9


`US. Patent
`Dec.28, 1993
`Sheet 9 of 18
`V0+1""1,c;+1"q+2w °
`w ‘
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1020, p. 10
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1020, p. 10


`US. Patent
`Dec. 28, 1993
`Sheet 10 of 18
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1020, p. 11
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1020, p. 11


`US. Patent
`Dec. 28, 1993
`Sheet 11 of 18
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1020, p. 12
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1020, p. 12


`US. Patent
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1020, p. 13
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1020, p. 13


`US. Patent
`Dec. 28, 1993
`Sheet 13 of 18
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1020, p. 14
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1020, p. 14


`US. Patent
`Dec. 28, 1993
`Sheet 14 of 18
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1020, p. 15
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1020, p. 15


`US. Patent
`Dec. 28, 1993
`Sheet 15 of 18
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1020, p. 16
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1020, p. 16


`. US. Patent
`Dec. 28, 1993
`Sheet 16 of 18
`_ P

`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1020, p. 17
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1020, p. 17


`US. Patent
`Dec. 28, 1993
`Sheet 17 of 18
`O m
`\ 1
`I -"13
`FIG. 17
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1020, p. 18
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1020, p. 18


`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1020, p. 19


`1. Field of the invention
`The present invention relates to array processors, and
`in particular, to systolic array processors which process
`multiple signals in parallel in multiple dimensions.
`2. Description of the Related Art
`Systolic processors, i.e. processors which systolically
`“pump," or transfer, data from one processing element
`to another, are well known in the art. Systolic arrays
`have been used to increase the pipelined computing
`capability, and therefore the computing speed, of vari-
`ous types of signal processors.
`Systolic array processors are particularly useful for
`processing, e.g. multiplying, two signal sets, where the
`first signal set represents a matrix parameter set and the
`second signal set represents a vector parameter set. In
`other words, the first signal set represents a matrix pa-
`rameter set which can be represented as an M-by-K
`("MXK") matrix having M rows and K columns of
`parameters, and the second signal set represents a le
`vector having K rows and 1 column of parameters.
`Referring to FIG. 1, a representation of the matrix-
`vector multiplication of two such signal sets can be
`seen. The matrix signal set W has matrix signals W;J
`and the vector signal set V has vector signals VJ, where
`l is an element of the set {l,2,3, .
`,M} and J is an
`element of the set {1,2,3, .
`. ,K}. This can be expressed
`mathematically by the following formula:
`Such signal sets are also found in many artificial neu-
`ral network models, including the Hopfield neural net-
`work model. Referring to FIG. 2, a simple artificial
`neural network with its associated signal sets can be
`seen. The first layer of neurons nu. or nodes, receives
`some form of input signals lJ, and based thereon, gener-
`ates a number of voltage signals VJ, which can be repre-
`sented as a voltage vector V.
`Coupling the respective voltage signals VJ to the
`second layer of neurons nu are a number of scaling
`elements (e.g. “adaptive weights”), which introduce
`scaling, or “weigh,” signals Wu for
`scaling or
`“weighting” the voltage signals VJ prior to their being
`received by the second layer neurons nu. It will be
`understood that, with respect to the subscripted nota-
`tion for representing the scaling or weighting signals
`Wu, the first subscripted character “I” represents the
`destination neuron an in the second layer, and the sec-
`ond subscripted character “J” represents the source
`neuron nu of the voltage signal VJ in the first layer.
`The simplest form of systolic processing array used
`for performing the matrix-vector multiplication of sig-
`nal sets, as discussed above,
`is one-dimensional. One
`type of one-dimensional systolic array is a "ring“ sys-
`tolic array, shown in FIG. 3.
`The systolically coupled processing elements NJ are
`interconnected as shown, with signal flow represented
`by the arrows. First, the corresponding voltage signals
`VJ are initially coupled into their corresponding pro-
`cessing elements NJ. Then, following the application of
`each clock pulse (not shown, but common to each pro-
`cessing element NJ), the matrix signals WJJ are sequen-
`tially inputted to their corresponding processing ele-
`ment NJ, as shown. Therein, each matrix signal WIIJ is
`multiplied by its corresponding voltage signal VJ and
`accumulated, i.e. stored, within the processing element
`the foregoing is
`Following the next clock signal.
`repeated, with the voltage signals VJ being transferred
`to subsequent processing elements NJ to be multiplied
`by the corresponding matrix signal Wu therein. For
`example, the voltage signals V] which are transferred
`between the processing elements NJ are shown in paren-
`theses. This is repeated K—l times, i.e. for a total of K
`times, to produce the final matrix-vector product out-
`puts 01. The “ring" configuration facilitates multiple
`iterations of the matrix-vector products, a desirable
`feature used in the learning phase of an artificial neural
`network. Further discussions of the ring systolic array
`can be found in “Parallel Architectures for Artificial
`Neural Nets," by S. Y. Kung and J. N. Hwang, UCNN
`1989, pp. 11-165 through Il-l72.
`A second type of one-dimensional systolic array re-
`lies on a configuration in accordance with the
`“STAMS” (Systematic Transformation of Algorithms
`for Multidimensional Systolic arrays) technique. The
`STAMS technique is discussed in detail in “Algorithms
`for High Speed Multidimensional Arithmetic and DSP
`Systolic Arrays,” by N. Ling and M. A. Bayoumi, Pro-
`ceedings of the 1988 lntemational Conference on Paral-
`lel Processing, Vol. I, pp. 367—374. An example of a
`one-dimensional STAMS systolic array is shown in
`FIG. 4. dimensional arrays is shorter and more process-
`ing is done in parallel. This three-dimensional configu-
`ration requires only T+K—1 clock cycles.
`Even though the two-dimensional and three-dimen-
`sional STAMS systolic array configurations discussed
`above provide improvements with respect to processing
`speed, minimal if any improvement is provided with
`respect to the number and complexity of the local or
`global interconnections required for inputting the ma—
`trix W and vector V signals. Furthermore, even though
`the one—dimensional ring systolic array already provides
`reasonable processing speed, its requisite global inter-
`connections are complex and impractical. Moreover, no
`improvements are provided by any of the foregoing
`arrays with respect to matrix signal Wu storage re-
`Moreover, the two- and three-dimensional STAMS
`systolic array configurations described above are not
`truly two- or three-dimensional, respectively. The two-
`dimensional array, as well as each two-dimensional
`array plane within the three-dimensional array, have
`their processing elements NAB interconnected along
`one dimension only, e.g. left to right. Therefore, the
`systolic processing actually occurs in one dimension
`only. Thus, full multidimensional parallelism or pipelin-
`ing is not achieved and maximum processing speed, i.e.
`minimum processing time, cannot be achieved.
`It would be desirable to have a true multidimensional
`systolic array configuration providing true multidimen-
`sional pipeline operation to maximize processing speed.
`It would be further desirable to have such a multidimen-
`sional systolic processing array in which minimal global
`or local interconnects are required for inputting the
`First, just as in the ring systolic array of FIG, 3. the
`voltage signals VJ are initially inputted into their re-
`spective processing elements NJ. Then, the matrix sig-
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1020, p. 20
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1020, p. 20


`nals W]J are inputted into the processing elements NJ,
`with each respective processing element NJ receiving
`one column of the matrix of matrix signals W“, as
`shown. The weight-voltage products are summed with
`the corresponding weight-voltage products from the
`preceding processing element NJ_1 and then systoli-
`cally transferred to the next processing element NJ+],
`and the process continues.
`The inputting of the matrix signals Wu into each
`successive processing element NJ is delayed by one
`additional clock pulse per processing element stage to
`allow for the delays associated with the systolic trans-
`ferring of the accumulated products. This delay can be
`accomplished by inputting zeros to a processing ele.
`ment NJ until the systolically transferred accumulated
`products begin to arrive. However, this delay adversely
`affects the processing speed. As compared to the ring
`systolic array of FIG. 3 which requires K clock cycles,
`the STAMS systolic array requires ZK-l clock cycles
`to obtain the product outputs O] of this matrix-vector
`A number of problems are associated with using these
`one—dimensional systolic arrays. One problem involves
`the inputting of the voltage signals VJ. If the voltages
`VJ are to be loaded simultaneously in parallel, global
`interconnects are required to accomplish this. If they
`are to be loaded sequentially in serial, numerous local
`interconnects are required, as well as K clock cycles.
`Another problem involves the inputting of the matrix
`signals Wu. If the matrix signals Wu are stored locally
`within each processing element NJ, the processing ele-
`ments NJ must be large enough to provide sufficient
`storage, i.e. memory, therefor. On the other hand, if the
`matrix signals Wu are not stored locally within each
`processing element NJ, but instead inputted as needed,
`the global interconnections necessary to do this become
`complex and impractical. Either many parallel
`lines, e. g. a wide signal bus structure, or a large number
`of clock cycles must be provided.
`A third problem involves the amount of time required
`to perform the matrix-vector multiplication, i.e. ZK—l
`clock cycles for the STAMS systolic array. Although
`the ring systolic array requires only K clock cycles, the
`problem remains, as discussed immediately above, of
`providing either sufficient local matrix signal storage or
`complex global interconnections.
`One approach to addressing these problems of inter-
`connects, storage area and processing time involves the
`use of multidimensional systolic processing arrays. For
`example, parallelism,
`i.e. parallel processing, can be
`introduced by subdividing the matrix signals WU and
`vector signals VJ. This can be diagrammatically visual-
`ized as seen in FIGS. SA—sB. This can be expressed
`mathematically by the following formula:
`0 = 2
`2 W
`l E=0F=0 LQE+F+I QE+F+I
`Each row I of the matrix W is divided into P groups
`of Q signals Wu. In other words, the first of the P
`groups of Q signals Wu contains the matrix signals
`W1'|~W1,Q. Similarly, the vector V is divided into P
`groups of Q voltages VJ. For example, the first of the P
`groups of Q voltages VJ includes the voltages VPVQ.
`This can be visualized in even simpler form as shown in
`The processing of these P groups of Q signals W;J,
`VJ can be accomplished by using several one-
`dimensional STAMS systolic arrays, such as that shown
`in FIG. 4, in parallel, as shown in FIG. 6A. The opera-
`tion of each separate systolic array is in accordance
`with that described for the one-dimensional STAMS
`systolic array of FIG. 4 above, with the exception that
`only Q, rather than K, processing (i.e. clock) cycles are
`required for each systolic array to complete one sub-
`product. The subproducts of each array are then
`summed together to provide the final product outputs
`01. Visualizing this systolic array configuration as two-
`dimensional is perhaps more easily done by referring to
`FIG. 6B.
`This two-dimensional systolic array configuration is
`an improvement over the one-dimensional STAMS
`configuration, with respect to processing time. Process-
`ing time is reduced since each one-dimensional array,
`i.e. each pipeline of processors, within the two-dimen-
`sional array is shorter and more processing is done in
`parallel. This configuration requires only K+Q—l
`clock cycles to obtain the product outputs 01 of the
`matrix-vector multiplication.
`Further improvement has been achieved by extend-
`ing the twoodimensional STAMS systolic array of FIG.
`6A to a three-dimensional systolic array. This can be
`done by further subdividing the matrix W and vector V
`signals into T groups of P groups of Q signals W1,J, VJ.
`This can be visualized diagrammatically by referring to
`FIGS. 7A—7B. This can be expressed mathematically by
`the following formula:
`6:0 E=D F=0 WI.PQG+ DE+F+ l VPQG+QE+F+1
`As seen in FIG. 7A, each row I of the matrix W and
`the vector V is divided into T groups, which in turn are
`divided into P groups of Q signals Wu. VJ. For exam-
`ple, the first of the P groups within the first of the T
`groups contain the matrix signals W1,i-W1,Q and the
`vector signals Vl-VQ. FIG. 78 represents a more sim-
`plified depiction of this multiple subdivision of the ma-
`trix W and vector V signals.
`Referring to FIG. 8A, a realization of such a three-di-
`mensional systolic array is illustrated. Two-dimensional
`systolic arrays, similar to that illustrated in FIG. 6A, are
`disposed as if on T parallel planes. The operation of
`each of the T two-dimensional systolic arrays is similar
`to that as s described above for FIG. 6A. The sub-
`product outputs of each of the T two-dimensional ar-
`rays are summed together to produce the full product
`outputs 01. The threedimensional nature of this array
`can perhaps be better visualized by referring to FIG.
`This three-dimensional STAMS systolic array con-
`figuration is an improvement over the two-dimensional
`configuration inasmuch as fewer processing, i.e. clock,
`cycles are required to complete each product output 0].
`Processing time is reduced since each one-dimensional
`i.e. each and vector signals. It would be still
`further desirable to have such a multidimensional sys-
`tolic processing array with minimal matrix signal stor-
`age requirements for each processing element.
`A multidimensional systolic array processor in accor-
`dance with the present invention has an architecture
`which maximizes processing parallelism and minimizes
`global interconnections. Funher, the present invention
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1020, p. 21
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1020, p. 21


`minimizes local matrix signal storage requirements
`within each processing element.
`The present invention maximizes processing parallel-
`ism by interconnecting its processing elements along
`multiple dimensions. Therefore,
`systolic processing
`occurs along multiple dimensions. For example, a two-
`dimensional systolic array processor in accordance with
`the present invention includes a PxQ matrix having P
`rows and Q columns of processing elements, each of
`which is systolically coupled row-to-row and column-
`to-column for full pipeline processing within each row
`and each column. A three-dimensional systolic array
`processor has a PxQxT array with T planes of P rows
`and Q columns of processing elements, each of which is
`systolically coupled plane-to-plane-to-plane for
`pipeline processing.
`The present invention minimizes global interconnec-
`tions of the processing elements. For the two-dimen-
`sional case, appropriate matrix and vector signal subsets
`are inputted to only one row and one column of the
`two-dimensional processing array. These matrix and
`vector signal subsets are specifically formed so that they
`need to be inputted to only one row and one column,
`and yet still be properly processed systolically along all
`dimensions within the array.
`For the three-dimensional case, appropriate matrix
`and vector signal subsets are inputted to three perpen-
`dicular planes of the three-dimensional processing ar-
`ray. For higher-dimensional cases, appropriate matrix
`and vector signal subsets are similarly inputted to the
`higher-dimensional processing arrays.
`The present invention minimizes local matrix signal
`storage requirements by inputting specifically formed
`matrix signal subsets to only one row and one column of
`the two-dimensional processing array, and to three
`perpendicular planes of the three-dimensional process-
`ing array. These matrix signal subsets are formed to
`allow the sizes of the matrix signal subsets to be reduced
`as they are systolically transferred to subsequent pro-
`cessing elements along each dimension within the array.
`As the matrix signal subsets decrease in size through the
`array, the local storage, e.g. memory, needed for tempo-
`rarily storing each matrix signal subset within each
`processing element is successively reduced. Processing
`speed is not sacrificed since the matrix signal subsets are
`transferred to the subsequent processing element at a
`clock rate higher than that used for systolically transfer-
`ring the vector signal subsets.
`These and other objectives, features and advantages
`of the present invention will be understood upon con-
`sideration of the following detailed description of the
`invention and the accompanying drawings.
`1 illustrates diagrammatically a conventional
`matrix-vector multiplication.
`FIG. 2 illustrate a simple conventional
`artificial neural network.
`FIG. 3 illustrates a conventional one-dimensional
`“ring" systolic array.
`FIG. 4 illustrates an alternative conventional one-
`dimensional systolic array.
`FIGS. SA-SB illustrate diagrammatically a conven»
`tional matrix-vector multiplication, wherein the matrix
`and vector are subdivided into matrix and
`FIGS. 6A-68 illustrate a conventional quasi two-di-
`mensional systolic array.
`FIGS. 7A—7B illustrate diagrammatically a conven-
`tional matrix-vector multiplication. wherein the matrix
`and vector of FIGS. SA—SB are further subdivided into
`matrix and vector subsets, respectively.
`FIGS. 8A—88 illustrate a conventional quasi three-di-
`mensional systolic array.
`FIG. 9 illustrates the Layer 1 and 2 neurons of FIG.
`2 reconfigured as two-dimensional neural arrays in ac-
`cordance with the present invention.
`FIG. 10 illustrates diagrammatically the reconfigura-
`tion of the one—dimensional vector signal set of FIG. 1
`into a two-dimensional vector signal set in accordance
`with the present invention.
`FIG. 11 illustrates diagrammatically the matrix-vec-
`tor multiplication of the matrix and vector column sig-
`nal subsets in accordance with the present invention.
`FIG. 12 illustrates diagrammatically the matrix~vec-
`tor multiplication of the matrix and vector row signal
`subsets in accordance with the present invention.
`FIG. 13 illustrates a block diagram of a two-dimen-
`sional systolic array processor in accordance with the
`present invention.
`FIG. 14 illustrates a single processing element of the
`two-dimensional processor of FIG. 13.
`FIG. 15 illustrates a functional block diagram of a
`single processing element of the two-dimensional pro-
`cessor of FIG. 13.
`FIG. 16 illustrates the reduced local matrix signal
`storage requirements of the two-dimensional processor
`of FIG. 13.
`FIG. 17 further illustrates the reduced local matrix
`signal storage requirements of the two-dimensional
`processor of FIG. 13.
`FIG. 18 illustrates a block diagram of a three~dimen-
`sional systolic array processor in accordance with the
`present invention.
`Referring to FIG. 9, the Layer 1 and 2 neurons n1. it:
`of an artificial neural network (as shown in FIG. 1) are
`reconfigured into two-dimensional neural arrays. The
`original input signals 1; now have double subscripted
`notation to reflect
`the two-dimensional set of input
`signals Ixz. Similarly, the original voltage signals VJ
`now have double subscripted notation to reflect
`two—dimensionality of the set of voltage signals sz.
`Indicated in brackets for some of the Layer 1 neurons in
`FIG. 9 are the original Layer 1 neuron and voltage
`identifiers (the remaining identifiers being left out for
`The Layer 2 neurons also now have double sub-
`scripted notation to reflect the new two-dimensionality
`of the set of Layer 2 neurons n43. Indicated in brackets
`for some of the Layer 2 neurons are the original Layer
`2 neuron identifiers (the remaining identifiers being left
`out for clarity).
`The original matrix, e.g. “weight.” signals Wu now
`have quadruple subscripted notation to reflect their new
`multidimensionality, i.e. WM; “2. The first subscripted
`pair of characters “AB" represents the destination neu-
`ron n,“ in the second layer. The second subscripted
`pair of characters “Y,Z" represents the source of the
`voltage signal ng in the first layer. Indicated in brack-
`ets for some of the matrix signals W43; Y.Z are the origi-
`nal matrix signal identifiers Wu (the remaining identi-
`fiers being left out for clarity).
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1020, p. 22
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX.1020,p.22


`= Y + l, for odd Y.
`It should be understood that the representations of
`the Layer 1 and 2 neurons, along with their subscripted
`notations, were selected arbitrarily. They can be recon-
`figured as desired. provided that
`the resulting sub-
`scripted notation for the matrix signals be consistent
`It should be further understood that it has been as-
`sumed for the sake of simplicity that M=K for the
`reconfigured array of Layer 2 neurons as represented in
`FIG. 9. However, this is not necessary to the present
`invention. Ideally, the numbers of rows and columns
`should be equal, i.e. P=Q. This is to maximize the im-
`provements in processing speed and to minimize the
`local matrix signal storage requirements in accordance
`with the present invention. However,
`if K cannot be expressed as a square, i.e. if P¢Q, then
`the numbers of neurons in both Layers 1 and 2 can be
`approximated to the nearest square. Extra processing
`cycles would be required because of such an approxima-
`tion, but significant improvements in processing speed
`and local matrix signal storage requirements would still
`be realized.
`Referring to FIG. 10, the reconfiguration of the one-
`dimensional vector signal set VJOf FIG. 1 into a two-di—
`mensional vector signal set ng can be understood.
`The one-dimensional vector signal set V] is initially
`mapped into a two-dimensional vector signal set with
`the original subscripted notation left intact. This two-di-
`mensional vector signal set is then given new double
`subscripted notation to reflect the two—dimensionality
`of the reconfigured vector signal set Vy,z.
`Also indicated in FIG. 10 (with dashed lines within
`the two-dimensional vector signal sets) are two vector
`signal subsets. One is referred to as the vector column
`signal subset Vcand the other is referred to as the vec-
`tor row signal subset VR. These vector signal subsets
`V5. V}; are multiplied by the matrix signals W431)»; as
`represented in FIG. 9. The matrix signals wA.B;Y.Z are
`separated into corresponding matrix column WC and
`row W}; signal subsets. The vector column Vc and row
`VR signal subsets are multiplied by the matrix column
`WC and row WR signal subsets, respectively, as shown
`in FIGS. 11 and 12. Therefore, the matrix—vector prod-
`ucts 01 are identified according to the following formu—
`01: Oc+ OR
`E W .
`2:] Y=X A.B,Y,Z J
`J=Y—Z—P+ 2 (P—Z+2)
`=Z+ l,foreven Z;
`O =

`X = Y. for even Y
`Based upon the foregoing. the vector Vc, VR and
`matrix WC, W3 signal subsets can be identified accord-
`ing to the following formulas:
`J=Y—Z—P+ I (P—Z+2)
`X = Z. for odd Z
`= Z + l. for even Z;
`VR = Vy'z = V]
`WR = WA.B,Y.Z
`X: Y.foreven Y
`= Y+ l,foroddY.
`Referring to FIG. 13, a two-dimensional systolic
`processing array 100 in accordance with the present
`invention includes K processing elements 102, desig—
`nated by NAB where A is an element of the set {l,2,3, .
`. ,P}, B is an element of the set {l,2,3. .
`,Q} and
`K=PQ. The processing elements 102 are intercon—
`nected in a two-dimensional matrix 100 having P rows
`and Q columns.
`The processing elements 102 are mutually coupled
`column-to-column via matrix row subset signal lines 104
`and vector row subset signal
`lines 106. These signal
`lines 104, 106 provide the means by which the matrix
`W); and vector VR row signal subsets are systolically
`transferred column-to—column among the processing
`elements 102. The processing elements 102 are further
`mutually coupled row-to-row via matrix column subset
`signal lines 108 and vector column subset signal lines
`110. It is by these signal lines 108, 110 that the matrix
`WC and vector Vc signal subsets are systolically trans-
`ferred row-to-row among the processing elements 102.
`All processing elements 102 in the first row 112 re-
`ceive a vector signal input 114 which is a vector column
`signal subset Vc of the vector signal set V. All process-
`ing elements 102 in the first row 112 further receive a
`matrix signal input 116 which is a matrix column signal
`subset We of the matrix signal set W.
`All processing elements 102 in the first column 118
`receive a vector signal input 120 which is a vector row
`signal subset VR of the vector signal set V. All process-
`ing elements 102 in the first column 118 further receive
`a matrix signal input 122 which is a matrix row signal
`subset WR of the matrix signal set W.
`All processing elements 102 within the matrix 100
`further receive two clock signals. The

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