` ______________________
` ______________________
` Petitioner,
` V.
` Patent Owner.
` _______________________
` IPR2018-01594 (Patent No. 6,434,687)
` IPR2018-01599 (Patent No. 6,076,152)
` IPR2018-01600 (Patent No. 6,247,110)
` IPR2018-01601, -01602, -01603 (Patent No. 7,225,324)
` IPR2018-01604 (Patent No. 7,421,524)
` IPR2018-01605, -01606, -01607 (Patent No. 7,620,800)
` __________________________
` October 22, 2019
`ASSIGNMENT #3606215
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`Page 1
`5 6
`EX. 2177, p. 1


`1 JUDGE ARBES: Okay. Great. Please file
`2 a copy of the transcript as soon as you can after the
`3 call as an exhibit.
`4 Okay. I believe there is an issue
`5 regarding scheduling that has come up with respect to
`6 the deposition of one of the witnesses. Why don't we
`7 begin with counsel for Patent Owner. Would you like to
`8 explain the situation?
`9 And actually before we do, we would like
`10 to remind -- we received the parties' emails, and we
`11 would just like to remind the parties again to please
`12 follow the board's instructions. We did request a
`13 single email. In the future it would be helpful in
`14 those circumstances where we request a joint email from
`15 the parties, please confer with each other a draft email
`16 and both parties sign off on it before sending so that
`17 we don't have the situation of multiple emails in the
`18 future.
`19 Counsel for Patent Owner go first and
`20 explain the situation.
`21 MR. EVANS: Sure, Your Honor. This is
`22 Chris Evans. So Dr. Mian is one of our key expert
`23 witnesses in all of these IPR's. His mother was
`24 diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer about a month ago. She is
`25 located in Dubai. So in September he went over there to
`Page 4
`1 spend time, and I guess within the last week or so, he's
`2 been told that she only had days to live. This was last
`3 week.
`4 As a result of that, we talked to -- I
`5 talked to Microsoft's lawyers, and they agreed to cancel
`6 the deposition that was scheduled to occur at the end of
`7 this week. And so basically the situation is -- I mean,
`8 I don't think in good conscience we can't ask him to
`9 come do a deposition under these circumstances, and
`10 we're just not sure how long it's going to take, you
`11 know, for the situation to resolve. And the way the
`12 schedule is currently set up, there's not a whole lot of
`13 wiggle room to reschedule his deposition, so we think --
`14 or I think under these circumstances that there's
`15 sufficient good cause for the board to extend the
`16 schedule in this case beyond potentially the one-year
`17 mark.
`18 Specifically, we would just like to
`19 request to move back the oral argument date and the
`20 other dates that we can't stipulate to by approximately
`21 six to eight weeks. That will hopefully give us enough
`22 time to let this situation resolve and be able to
`23 schedule Dr. Mian's deposition in a reasonable time.
`24 JUDGE ARBES: Okay. And the proposal that
`25 we have -- it looks like from the emails we have a
`Page 2
`1 A P P E A R A N C E S
`2 Telephonic proceedings, held before Administrative
`3 Patent Judges Kalyan K. Deshpande, Christa P. Zado, and
`4 Justin T. Arbes, before Christine M. Young, A Certified
`5 Shorthand Reporter for the State of Texas.
`8 Mr. Scott Border
` Mr. Joseph Micallef
`9 Sidley Austin, LLP
` 1501 K Street, NW
`10 Washington,DC 20005
` Phone: 202-736-8000
`14 Mr. Christopher Evans
` Shore Chan DePumpo, LLP
`15 901 Main Street
` Suite 3300
`16 Dallas, Texas 72202
` Phone: 214-593-9110
`19 Mr. Donald Puckett
` Janik Vinnakota, LLP
`20 8111 Lyndon B. Johnson Freeway
` Suite 790
`21 Dallas, Texas 75251
` 214-390-9999
`1 P R O C E E D I N G S
`2 JUDGE ARBES: Let's begin. IPR2018-1594.
`3 This is Judge Arbes. We have Judge Deshpande and Judge
`4 Zado on the line. We have counsel for Petitioner?
`5 MR. MICALLEF: Yes, Your Honor, this is
`6 Joe Micallef with Sidley Austin for Petitioner,
`7 Microsoft. And with me is my partner, Scott Border.
`8 JUDGE ARBES: And counsel for Patent
`9 Owner?
`10 MR. EVANS: Yes, Your Honor, this is
`11 Chris Evans from Shore Chan DePumpo, and also Don
`12 Puckett representing the Patent Owner.
`13 JUDGE ARBES: And do we have a court
`14 reporter on the line?
`15 THE COURT REPORTER: Yes, we do. My name
`16 is Tina Young. I am the court reporter, and I can hear
`17 everybody just fine. I just ask that everybody please
`18 speak one at a time and clearly to make sure that I can
`19 take down all the testimony, and if you could also
`20 identify yourself when you are speaking so I know who is
`21 speaking.
`22 JUDGE ARBES: Sure. This is Judge Arbes.
`23 Which party retained the court reporter today?
`24 MR. EVANS: The Patent Owner did, Your
`25 Honor. This is Chris Evans.
`Page 3
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`Page 5
`2 (Pages 2 - 5)
`EX. 2177, p. 2


`1 couple of proposals. One, assuming that the one-year
`2 deadline would be extended, and one that would not be.
`3 The latter proposal, is that from the Patent Owner or
`4 Petitioner, just to be clear?
`5 MR. EVANS: So, Your Honor, again, this is
`6 Chris Evans. The only proposal that's agreed to is the
`7 proposal that would extend past the one year. The other
`8 proposal just moves around dates that we could stipulate
`9 to, but we haven't actually agreed to or even really
`10 discussed that proposal.
`11 JUDGE ARBES: Okay. Well, I think we can
`12 start off by saying that the six-month extension
`13 obviously is extremely rare and is not something that
`14 the panel is even able to do, so I think we should
`15 proceed for now on the basis that that would not be
`16 available and try to work out a schedule to accommodate
`17 the situation as best we can.
`18 We certainly are sympathetic to the
`19 situation and scheduling needs. It would be requesting,
`20 as you said, a six-to-eight-week extension of all
`21 deadlines, I take it?
`22 MR. EVANS: Yes, Your Honor, that's what
`23 the schedule we proposed -- the first schedule that we
`24 proposed to you would be.
`25 JUDGE ARBES: Okay. Why don't we hear from
`Page 6
`1 THE COURT REPORTER: Mr. Micallef, was that
`2 you speaking?
`3 MR. MICALLEF: I'm sorry. It was.
`5 JUDGE ARBES: Okay. What else for the call
`6 today at least? I think we should proceed under the
`7 assumption that the one-year deadline is in effect and
`8 there is no extensions, so let's try to come up with a
`9 schedule that might work, if that is a possibility. Let
`10 me ask the parties -- and this is all assuming the
`11 availability of hearing rooms and staff at the board.
`12 What is the parties' availability for a potential oral
`13 hearing later in January or the first week of February,
`14 if you have your calendars in front of you? Why don't
`15 we start with counsel for Patent Owner.
`16 MR. EVANS: Your Honor, I think we can make
`17 that work.
`18 JUDGE ARBES: Are there any dates that
`19 definitively do not work in that time period?
`20 MR. EVANS: I can only speak for myself and
`21 not my colleagues, but I don't have an issue with it,
`22 but I don't have all my colleagues' calendars in front
`23 of me either, but I'm sure we can work around it.
`24 THE COURT REPORTER: Mr. Evans, was that
`25 you speaking?
`Page 8
`1 our Petitioner. Would you like to respond?
`2 MR. MICALLEF: Yeah. Our view is we
`3 certainly agree we can't expect Dr. Mian to come back
`4 while his mother is on her death bed, and we don't know
`5 how that's going to play out or when, so that's a big
`6 caveat.
`7 The schedule that the Patent Owner
`8 proposed, it presupposes the panel -- I think it
`9 presupposes the panel moving the -- adopting the
`10 six-month extension; otherwise, I'll just point out it
`11 puts the oral argument date about a month before the
`12 final decision is due, and I guess we didn't really
`13 discuss this, but I think we probably just both assumed
`14 that that was not workable for the panel.
`15 But if it is, I mean, I can -- we can deal
`16 with the schedule that the Patent Owner has proposed.
`17 If not, the one we put there sort of makes -- I think
`18 it's workable. It's a little aggressive, but it's
`19 workable at least and keeps the same oral hearing date
`20 that's already ordered.
`21 I guess if you give us a different oral
`22 hearing date in between what's on the schedule now and
`23 what's in Mr. Evans' proposal, maybe we can go back and
`24 sharpen our pencils and, you know, move the other dates
`25 around too, but we're flexible generally.
`Page 7
`1 MR. EVANS: Yes.
`2 MR. PUCKETT: This is Don Puckett. Let me
`3 chime in as well about the Patent Owner. I think that
`4 we can make any dates that are convenient for the board
`5 work within that time frame.
`6 JUDGE ARBES: Okay. Counsel for
`7 Petitioner?
`8 MR. MICALLEF: Your Honor, I think
`9 February 6th and 7th might be an issue for us, but
`10 otherwise in late, late January or early February, I
`11 think we can make it work.
`12 JUDGE ARBES: Okay. Let me propose -- and
`13 again, this is something that we will need to go back
`14 and check on availability, but January 28th and 29th, a
`15 Tuesday and Wednesday, the last week of January, is
`16 there any objection at this point for those dates?
`17 MR. EVANS: Your Honor, this is Chris Evans
`18 for the Patent Owner, no objection. Just -- my only
`19 concern is just whether that's going to be an adequate
`20 amount of time to let the situation resolve.
`21 JUDGE ARBES: Yes, okay. Why don't the
`22 parties hold on for one minute. You can both stay on
`23 the line. We will go in there while the panel confers,
`24 and then we'll be back and we can discuss further.
`25 (Discussion off the record.)
`Page 9
`3 (Pages 6 - 9)
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`EX. 2177, p. 3


`3 4
` I, Christine M. Young, Certified Shorthand
`5 Reporter in and for State of Texas, do hereby certify
`6 that the above and foregoing contains a true and correct
`7 transcription of all portions of evidence and other
`8 proceedings requested in writing by counsel for the
`9 parties to be included in this volume of the Reporter's
`10 Record, in the above-styled and numbered cause, all of
`11 which occurred via telephone conference and were
`12 reported by me.
`13 I further certify that this Reporter's Record
`14 of the proceedings truly and correctly reflects the
`15 exhibits, if any, admitted by the respective parties.
`16 WITNESS MY OFFICIAL HAND this the 30th day of
`17 October, 2019.
`19 <%22275,Signature%>
` Christine M. Young,Texas CSR 2596
`20 Expiration Date: 12/2019
`21 Firm Registration No. 571
` 300 Throckmorton Street, Suite 1600
`22 Fort Worth, Texas 76102
` (817) 336-3042
`1 JUDGE ARBES: This is Judge Arbes. We will
`2 confer with the hearing staff at the board as to other
`3 potential dates that are available a few weeks after the
`4 currently scheduled hearing date and get back to the
`5 parties by email. So what we will do is send you both
`6 an email with other proposed dates for the hearing.
`7 What we would like the parties to do in
`8 response to that is confer with each other and come up
`9 with a proposed schedule for Due Dates 2 through 7,
`10 taking into account the new hearing dates. So if we
`11 extend the dates for the hearing that's Due Date 8, we
`12 would like the parties to come up with a proposed
`13 schedule that hopefully works for both for Due Dates 2
`14 through 7.
`15 We will allow the parties to compress those
`16 dates however you would like. Due Date 7 only needs to
`17 be a few days before the hearing, so if you need to
`18 compress those to further retain, that's fine. The one
`19 thing that we ask is that Due Date 4, the date to
`20 request oral argument, not be changed.
`21 So feel free to modify any of the other
`22 dates other than Due Date 4 and get back to us. We will
`23 send that email as soon as we can. The parties can
`24 confer after that and provide a proposed schedule given
`25 the new dates. Hopefully that should resolve any
`Page 10
`Page 12
`1 issues. Any questions from either parties?
`2 MR. EVANS: None from Patent Owner, Your
`3 Honor.
`4 MR. MICALLEF: None from Petitioner, Your
`5 Honor.
`6 JUDGE ARBES: Thank you both. And if
`7 anything changes regarding the situation with the Patent
`8 Owner's clearance or any other matters for scheduling,
`9 please let us know and we can have another call.
`10 MR. EVANS: Thank you, Your Honor.
`11 MR. MICALLEF: Thank you, very much.
`12 JUDGE ARBES: Thank you both.
`13 (End of Proceedings.)
`Page 11
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`4 (Pages 10 - 12)
`EX. 2177, p. 4


`[01602 - couple]
`01602 1:16
`01603 1:16
`01606 1:18
`01607 1:18
`12/2019 12:20
`1501 2:9
`1600 12:21
`2 10:9,13
`20005 2:10
`2019 1:22 12:17
`202-736-8000 2:10
`214-390-9999 2:21
`214-593-9110 2:16
`22 1:22
`22275 12:19
`2596 1:24 12:19
`28th 9:14
`29th 9:14
`300 12:21
`30th 12:16
`3300 2:15
`336-3042 12:22
`3606215 1:25
`4 4:24 10:19,22
`571 12:21
`6,076,152 1:14
`6,247,110 1:15
`6,434,687 1:13
`6th 9:9
`7 10:9,14,16
`7,225,324 1:16
`7,421,524 1:17
`7,620,800 1:18
`72202 2:16
`75251 2:21
`76102 12:22
`790 2:20
`7th 9:9
`8 10:11
`8111 2:20
`817 12:22
`901 2:15
`able 5:22 6:14
`account 10:10
`adequate 9:19
`administrative 2:2
`admitted 12:15
`adopting 7:9
`aggressive 7:18
`ago 4:24
`agree 7:3
`agreed 5:5 6:6,9
`allow 10:15
`amount 9:20
`appeal 1:3
`arbes 2:4 3:2,3,8
`3:13,22,22 4:1
`5:24 6:11,25 8:5
`8:18 9:6,12,21
`10:1,1 11:6,12
`argument 5:19
`7:11 10:20
`assignment 1:25
`assumed 7:13
`assuming 6:1 8:10
`assumption 8:7
`austin 2:9 3:6
`availability 8:11
`8:12 9:14
`available 6:16
`b 2:20
`back 5:19 7:3,23
`9:13,24 10:4,22
`basically 5:7
`basis 6:15
`bed 7:4
`believe 4:4
`best 6:17
`beyond 5:16
`big 7:5
`board 1:3 5:15
`8:11 9:4 10:2
`board's 4:12
`border 2:8 3:7
`c 2:1 3:1
`calendars 8:14,22
`call 1:21 4:3 8:5
`cancel 5:5
`cancer 4:24
`case 5:16
`cause 5:15 12:10
`caveat 7:6
`certainly 6:18 7:3
`certificate 12:1
`certified 2:4 12:4
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`certify 12:5,13
`cevans 2:17
`chan 2:14 3:11
`changed 10:20
`changes 11:7
`check 9:14
`chime 9:3
`chris 3:11,25 4:22
`6:6 9:17
`christa 2:3
`christine 1:24 2:4
`christopher 2:14
`4:14 5:9,14
`clear 6:4
`clearance 11:8
`clearly 3:18
`colleagues 8:21,22
`come 4:5 5:9 7:3
`8:8 10:8,12
`compress 10:15,18
`concern 9:19
`confer 4:15 10:2,8
`conference 1:21
`confers 9:23
`conscience 5:8
`contains 12:6
`convenient 9:4
`copy 4:2
`corporation 1:6
`correct 12:6
`correctly 12:14
`counsel 3:4,8 4:7
`4:19 8:15 9:6 12:8
`county 12:2
`couple 6:1
`Page 1
`EX. 2177, p. 5


`[court -]
`court 3:13,15,16
`3:23 8:1,4,24
`csr 1:24 12:19
`currently 5:12
`d 3:1
`dallas 2:16,21 12:2
`date 5:19 7:11,19
`7:22 10:4,11,16,19
`10:19,22 12:20
`dates 5:20 6:8 7:24
`8:18 9:4,16 10:3,6
`day 12:16
`days 5:2 10:17
`dc 2:10
`deadline 6:2 8:7
`deadlines 6:21
`deal 7:15
`death 7:4
`decision 7:12
`definitively 8:19
`deposition 4:6 5:6
`depumpo 2:14
`deshpande 2:3 3:3
`diagnosed 4:24
`different 7:21
`directstream 1:9
`discuss 7:13 9:24
`discussed 6:10
`discussion 9:25
`don 3:11 9:2
`donald 2:19
`dpuckett 2:22
`dr 4:22 5:23 7:3
`draft 4:15
`dubai 4:25
`due 7:12 10:9,11
`e 2:1,1 3:1,1
`early 9:10
`effect 8:7
`eight 5:21 6:20
`either 8:23 11:1
`email 4:13,14,15
`emails 4:10,17
`evans 2:14 3:10,11
`3:24,25 4:21,22
`6:5,6,22 7:23 8:16
`8:20,24 9:1,17,17
`everybody 3:17,17
`evidence 12:7
`exhibit 4:3
`exhibits 12:15
`expect 7:3
`expert 4:22
`expiration 12:20
`explain 4:8,20
`extend 5:15 6:7
`extended 6:2
`extension 6:12,20
`extensions 8:8
`extremely 6:13
`february 8:13 9:9
`feel 10:21
`file 4:1
`final 7:12
`fine 3:17 10:18
`firm 12:21
`first 4:19 6:23
`flexible 7:25
`follow 4:12
`foregoing 12:6
`fort 12:22
`frame 9:5
`free 10:21
`freeway 2:20
`front 8:14,22
`further 9:24 10:18
`future 4:13,18
`g 3:1
`generally 7:25
`give 5:21 7:21
`given 10:24
`go 4:19 7:23 9:13
`going 5:10 7:5
`good 5:8,15
`great 4:1
`guess 5:1 7:12,21
`hand 12:16
`hear 3:16 6:25
`hearing 7:19,22
`8:11,13 10:2,4,6
`held 2:2
`helpful 4:13
`hold 9:22
`honor 3:5,10,25
`4:21 6:5,22 8:16
`9:8,17 11:3,5,10
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`hopefully 5:21
`identify 3:20
`included 12:9
`instructions 4:12
`ipr's 4:23
`ipr2018-1594 3:2
`issue 4:4 8:21 9:9
`issues 11:1
`janik 2:19
`january 8:13 9:10
`jmicallef 2:11
`joe 3:6
`johnson 2:20
`joint 4:14
`joseph 2:8
`judge 3:2,3,3,3,8
`3:13,22,22 4:1
`5:24 6:11,25 8:5
`8:18 9:6,12,21
`10:1,1 11:6,12
`judges 2:3
`justin 2:4
` 2:22
`Page 2
`EX. 2177, p. 6


`[k - rooms]
`k 2:3,9
`kalyan 2:3
`keeps 7:19
`key 4:22
`know 3:20 5:11
`7:4,24 11:9
`late 9:10,10
`lawyers 5:5
`legal 12:20
`line 3:4,14 9:23
`little 7:18
`live 5:2
`llc 1:9 2:13
`llp 2:9,14,19
`located 4:25
`long 5:10
`looks 5:25
`lot 5:12
`lyndon 2:20
`m 1:24 2:4 12:4,19
`main 2:15
`mark 5:17
`matters 11:8
`mean 5:7 7:15
`mian 4:22 7:3
`mian's 5:23
`micallef 2:8 3:5,6
`7:2 8:1,3 9:8 11:4
`microsoft 1:6 2:7
`microsoft's 5:5
`minute 9:22
`modify 10:21
`month 4:24 6:12
`mother 4:23 7:4
`move 5:19 7:24
`moves 6:8
`moving 7:9
`multiple 4:17
`n 2:1 3:1
`name 3:15
`need 9:13 10:17
`needs 6:19 10:16
`new 10:10,25
`numbered 12:10
`nw 2:9
`o 3:1
`objection 9:16,18
`obviously 6:13
`occur 5:6
`occurred 12:11
`october 1:22 12:17
`office 1:1
`official 12:16
`okay 4:1,4 5:24
`6:11,25 8:5 9:6,12
`oral 5:19 7:11,19
`7:21 8:12 10:20
`ordered 7:20
`owner 1:10 2:13
`3:9,12,24 4:7,19
`6:3 7:7,16 8:15
`9:3,18 11:2
`owner's 11:8
`p 2:1,1,3 3:1
`panel 6:14 7:8,9
`7:14 9:23
`parties 4:10,11,15
`4:16 8:10,12 9:22
`11:1 12:9,15
`partner 3:7
`party 3:23
`patent 1:1,3,10,13
`2:3,13 3:8,12,24
`4:7,19 6:3 7:7,16
`8:15 9:3,18 11:2,7
`pencils 7:24
`period 8:19
`petitioner 1:7 2:7
`3:4,6 6:4 7:1 9:7
`phone 2:10,16
`play 7:5
`please 3:17 4:1,11
`4:15 11:9
`point 7:10 9:16
`portions 12:7
`possibility 8:9
`potential 8:12
`potentially 5:16
`presupposes 7:8,9
`probably 7:13
`proceed 6:15 8:6
`proceedings 2:2
`11:13 12:8,14
`proposal 5:24 6:3
`6:6,7,8,10 7:23
`proposals 6:1
`propose 9:12
`proposed 6:23,24
`7:8,16 10:6,9,12
`provide 10:24
`ptab 1:21
`puckett 2:19 3:12
`put 7:17
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`puts 7:11
`questions 11:1
`r 2:1 3:1
`rare 6:13
`really 6:9 7:12
`reasonable 5:23
`received 4:10
`record 9:25 12:10
`reflects 12:14
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`remind 4:10,11
`reported 1:24
`reporter 2:5 3:14
`3:15,16,23 8:1,4
`8:24 12:5
`reporter's 12:1,9
`representing 3:12
`request 4:12,14
`5:19 10:20
`requested 12:8
`requesting 6:19
`reschedule 5:13
`resolve 5:11,22
`9:20 10:25
`respect 4:5
`respective 12:15
`respond 7:1
`response 10:8
`result 5:4
`retain 10:18
`retained 3:23
`room 5:13
`rooms 8:11
`Page 3
`EX. 2177, p. 7


`zado 2:3 3:4
`[s - zado]
`s 2:1 3:1
`saying 6:12
`sborder 2:11
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`5:23 6:16,23,23
`7:7,16,22 8:9 10:9
`scheduled 5:6 10:4
`scheduling 4:5
`6:19 11:8
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`send 10:5,23
`sending 4:16
`september 4:25
`set 5:12
`sharpen 7:24
`shore 2:14 3:11
`shorthand 2:5
`sidley 2:9 3:6
` 2:11,11
`sign 4:16
`signature 12:19
`single 4:13
`situation 4:8,17,20
`5:7,11,22 6:17,19
`9:20 11:7
`six 5:21 6:12,20
`solutions 12:20
`soon 4:2 10:23
`sorry 8:3
`sort 7:17
`speak 3:18 8:20
`speaking 3:20,21
`specifically 5:18
`spend 5:1
`staff 8:11 10:2
`stage 4:24
`start 6:12 8:15
`state 2:5 12:2,5
`states 1:1
`stay 9:22
`stipulate 5:20 6:8
`street 2:9,15 12:21
`styled 12:10
`sufficient 5:15
`suite 2:15,20 12:21
`sure 3:18,22 4:21
`5:10 8:23
`sympathetic 6:18
`t 2:4
`take 3:19 5:10
`talked 5:4,5
`telephone 12:11
`telephonic 2:2
`testimony 3:19
`texas 2:5,16,21
`thank 8:4 11:6,10
`thing 10:19
`think 5:8,13,14
`6:11,14 7:8,13,17
`8:6,16 9:3,8,11
`time 3:18 5:1,22
`5:23 8:19 9:5,20
`tina 1:24 3:16
`today 3:23 8:6
`told 5:2
`trademark 1:1
`transcript 4:2
`transcription 12:7
`trial 1:3
`true 12:6
`truly 12:14
`try 6:16 8:8
`tuesday 9:15
`united 1:1
`v 1:8
`veritext 12:20
`view 7:2
`vinnakota 2:19
`volume 12:9
`washington 2:10
`way 5:11
`wednesday 9:15
`week 5:1,3,7 6:20
`8:13 9:15
`weeks 5:21 10:3
`went 4:25
`wiggle 5:13
`witness 12:16
`witnesses 4:6,23
`work 6:16 8:9,17
`8:19,23 9:5,11
`workable 7:14,18
`works 10:13
`worth 12:22
`writing 12:8
`yeah 7:2
`year 5:16 6:1,7 8:7
`young 1:24 2:4
`3:16 12:4,19
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`Page 4
`EX. 2177, p. 8

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