`- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x
`Case IPR2018-01594
`: Patent 6,434,687
`: Case IPR 2018-01599
`Patent 6,076,152
`: Patent 6,247,110
`: Cases IPR2018-01601,
`Case IPR 2018-01600
`-01602, -01603
`: Patent 7,225,324
`Patent Owner.
`: Case IPR2018-01604
`Patent 7,421,524
`Cases IPR 2018-01605,
`: -01606, -01607
`Patent 7,620,800
`13 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x
`Friday, October 4, 2019
`Washington, D.C.
`16 Videotaped Deposition of:
`18 Called for oral examination by counsel for the Petitioner,
`pursuant to notice, at the offices of Veritext Legal
`19 Solutions, 1250 I Street, Northwest, Washington,
`D.C. 20005, before Christina S. Hotsko, RPR, CRR, of
`20 Veritext Legal Solutions, a Notary Public in and for the
`District of Columbia, beginning at 9:02 a.m., when were
`21 present on behalf of the respective parties:
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`Microsoft Corp. v. Directstream, IPR2018-01605, -01606, -01607
`Petitioner Microsoft Corp. - Ex. 1078, p. 1


`A P P E A R A N C E S
`O n b e h a l f o f P e t i t i o n e r :
` J O S E P H M I C A L L E F , E S Q U I R E
` S C O T T M . B O R D E R , E S Q U I R E
` L A U R A H A R R I S , E S Q U I R E
` S i d l e y A u s t i n , L L P
` 1 5 0 1 K S t r e e t , N o r t h w e s t
` W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . 2 0 0 0 5
`( 2 0 2 ) 7 3 6 - 8 4 9 2
`j m i c a l l e f @ s i d l e y . c o m
`s b o r d e r @ s i d l e y . c o m
`O n b e h a l f o f P a t e n t O w n e r :
` R A J K U M A R V I N N A K O T A , E S Q U I R E
` D O N A L D P U C K E T T , E S Q U I R E ( V i a T e l e p h o n e )
` J a n i k V i n n a k o t a , L L P
` 8 1 1 1 L B J F r e e w a y , S u i t e 7 9 0
` D a l l a s , T e x a s 7 5 2 5 1
`( 2 1 4 ) 3 9 0 - 9 9 9 9
`k v i n n a k o t a @ j v l l p . c o m
`A l s o P r e s e n t :
` O r s o n B r a i t h w a i t e , V i d e o T e c h n i c i a n
`7 8
`1 0
`1 1
`1 2
`1 3
`1 4
`1 5
`1 6
`1 7
`1 8
`1 9
`2 0
`2 1
`2 2
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`C O N T E N T S
` Counsel for Petitioner
`4 5 6 7 8 9
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`Petitioner Microsoft Corp. - Ex. 1078, p. 3


` P R O C E E D I N G S
` VIDEO TECHNICIAN: Good morning. We are
`going on the record at 9:02 a.m. on October 4th,
` Please note that the microphones are
`sensitive and may pick up whispering, private
`conversations, and cellular interference. Please
`turn off all cell phones or place them away from
`the microphones as they can interfere with the
`deposition audio.
` Audio and video recording will continue
`to take place unless all parties agree to go off
`the record.
` This is media unit 1 of the
`video-recorded deposition of Dr. Tarek El-Ghazawi
`in the matter of Microsoft Corporation versus
`DirectStream, LLC, filed in the United States
`Patent and Trademark Office, case IPR2018-01599.
` This deposition is being held at Veritext
`Legal Solutions, located at 1250 I Street,
`Northwest, Washington, D.C.
` My name is Orson Braithwaite from the
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`firm Veritext Legal Solutions, and I'm the
`videographer. The court reporter is Christina
`Hotsko from the firm Veritext Legal Solutions.
` Counsel and all present in the room will
`now state their appearances and affiliations for
`the record.
` MR. MICALLEF: This is Joe Micallef with
`Sidley Austin for petitioner Microsoft
` MR. BORDER: Scott Border, Sidley Austin,
`for Microsoft.
` MS. HARRIS: Laura Harris, Sidley Austin,
`for Microsoft.
` MR. VINNAKOTA: Rajkumar Vinnakota for
`patent owner DirectStream. And also appearing
`telephonically, Donald Puckett for patent owner
`DirectStream. Both of us from Janik Vinnakota.
` VIDEO TECHNICIAN: Thank you. Will the
`court reporter please swear in the witness.
`being first duly sworn or affirmed to testify to
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`the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the
`truth, was examined and testified as follows:
` MR. MICALLEF: Just to be clear, Counsel,
`he called out one IPR proceeding, but I think this
`is relevant to all of them, between our respective
`clients, so --
` MR. VINNAKOTA: Correct.
` MR. MICALLEF: -- just on the record,
`this testimony is coming in on the following IPR
`proceedings: IPR2018-01594, 01599, 01600, 01601,
`01602, 01603, 01604, 01605, 01606, and 01607.
` MR. VINNAKOTA: That is correct.
` MR. MICALLEF: Great. Thank you.
` Q. Good morning, Dr. El-Ghazawi.
` A. Good morning.
` Q. I have placed in front of you a document
`entitled, "Declaration of Dr. Tarek El-Ghazawi."
`It has been entered as Exhibit 2164 in the IPR
`proceeding IPR2018-01601.
` And I want to ask you first, do you
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`recognize this document?
` A. I do.
` Q. Okay. And this is your declaration that
`you've submitted in these proceedings, correct?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. Okay. And you've been asked to submit
`this declaration by the patent owner?
` A. I was.
` Q. Okay. And you are being paid to -- or
`have been paid to submit this --
` A. Yes.
` Q. -- or will be paid to submit this?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Yes, Okay. And your signature appears at
`the back, just before your CV; is that right?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And that's on page 19 of Exhibit 2164?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. And you read this document
`carefully before signing it?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. Now, you heard me just call out a
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`number of different numbers that identify a number
`of different IPR proceedings?
` A. Correct.
` Q. And you are submitting the exact same
`opinions in all of those proceedings; is that
` A. Let's clarify this question a little bit.
` Q. Yeah. Is there another declaration that
`you have prepared for any of these proceedings
`other than the one that's in front of you?
` A. This is the only, you know, actually,
`declaration that I have for the matter of the
` Q. Okay. Great.
` You have different ones in the parallel
`district court litigation, though?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay.
` A. That's a different -- yeah.
` Q. But for the IPRs, this is the only one?
` A. This is the only one, yes.
` Q. Okay. Thank you.
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` And in all of those IPR proceedings that
`I called out, you understand that there are a
`number of different patents at issue?
` A. I do. That this is the baseline. But I
`was having very specific thing to address here,
`not necessarily the patents, per se.
` Q. Okay. Have you reviewed all of the
`patents that are at issue in those IPR
` A. I would say a long time ago, a year ago
`or something like that.
` Q. Okay. But you've reviewed all six of
` A. A year ago I reviewed the majority of
`them. I can't remember now which is what.
` Q. Okay. Have you reviewed the petitions in
`all of the proceedings I mentioned?
` MR. VINNAKOTA: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: Proceedings?
` Q. IPR proceedings that I mentioned.
` A. The IPR -- I did not review -- I did not
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`see those, no.
`Did you see any of the petitions at all?
`Okay. Have you reviewed any of the
`declarations that Microsoft submitted in any of
`these IPR proceedings?
`Did you review any of the prior art that
`Microsoft's IPR petitions rely on?
`I was provided, as -- I believe per
`Exhibit B or something like that here, two pieces
`of documents that, to my understanding, were
`perhaps submitted by Microsoft --
`-- pertaining to the, I believe, FMC and
`Splash 2.
`Have you reviewed any other, other than
`those two you just mentioned, prior art?
`No. By Microsoft? No.
`Okay. And when you say FMC, are you
`referring to the Halverson thesis?
`The Halverson thesis, yeah.
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` Q. Had you seen that before your --
` A. No.
` Q. -- involvement here?
` A. No.
` Q. Okay. Doctor, you're going to have to
`let me finish my question.
` A. Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you finished.
` Q. That's okay. I'll --
` A. Yeah.
` Q. -- try to be succinct.
` A. It was a complete sentence, so, you know,
`I thought it was done.
` Q. Okay. You have not seen the Halverson
`thesis before your involvement in these
` A. No.
` Q. Okay. And had you seen the Splash 2 book
`before your involvement in these IRP proceedings?
` A. I was aware of the Splash 2. I'm not
`sure which particular documents I have looked at,
`you know, because I looked at it in, like, 2007,
`2008. And prior to that, maybe mid-'90s,
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`something like that.
` Q. Okay. And when you say you were aware of
`the Splash 2, do you mean you were aware of the
`Splash 2 machine?
` A. Yeah. The project. The machine.
` Q. But were you aware of the book, was the
` A. No, I have not read the book before. But
`I believe I've read papers that pertain to that
`book. And I really cannot remember because,
`again, that would have been, at minimum, more than
`ten years ago.
` Q. Okay. Okay.
` A. So actually, I'm citing it -- or I'm
`citing one of the Splash works in some of the
`exhibits that I've attached here as well, but I
`just can't remember right now because that was
`from 2007, 2008.
` Q. Right.
` So Dr. El-Ghazawi, do you know Harold
` A. I met him before. I know of him. Yes.
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` Q. You wrote a paper with him once, didn't
` A. That also would have been -- you know, I
`mean, I wrote more than 300 papers, so that
`probably would be, I would say, also more than ten
`years ago.
` Q. When you wrote the paper with --
` A. Something like that. More or less,
`something like that.
` Q. You agree he's a very smart man?
` A. He's a smart man.
` Q. You agree he knows a lot about computer
` A. He does. Dr. Stone, of course, is --
`work in that domain has been, I would say, a while
`back. He worked in -- you know, so I don't know
`anything about his work, for example, that
`pertains to FPGE or reconfigurable computing, for
` Q. You don't know anything one way or the
`other about his experience in that area?
` A. I know that he has authored an
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`architecture book, but he, you know, does work in
`many areas. So he does work in image processing
`as well.
` Q. He knows an awful lot about electrical
`engineering, doesn't he?
` MR. VINNAKOTA: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: Sure. I mean, he has a
`Ph.D. in electrical engineering from a very good
` Q. Do you know Steve Trimberger?
` A. So I know also of Steve. I don't
`think -- I don't know if we have met even before.
`I know that I met Dr. Stone multiple times a while
`back, but I don't know if I met Steve before.
` Q. But you've heard of him?
` A. Of course, yes.
` Q. And you heard of him before your
`involvement with these patents?
` A. I did. Yeah. But again, I was not -- we
`did not really interact like I -- in any project,
`for example, for me to know him.
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` Q. What were the circumstances under which
`you heard of him?
` A. So there's nothing in particular I can
`point right now in exact terms. I know that he
`works in the field. But we have not, again,
`interacted or worked on any joint project.
` Q. Do you agree he's been well known in the
`field of reconfigurable computing for a while?
` MR. VINNAKOTA: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: There are lots of people
`who are actually very well known in that field.
` Q. And Mr. Trimberger would be one of them.
`Agree to --
` A. Sure.
` Q. And he's been one of them for a couple of
`decades or so?
` MR. VINNAKOTA: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: Sure. There are many of us
`who are designated IEEE fellows for that, like in
`my case, for example.
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` Q. You are designated a fellow in what?
` A. In reconfigurable computing.
` Q. In reconfigurable computing. Okay.
` When did that --
` A. And high-performance computing, actually,
`as well.
` Q. And high-performance -- go ahead. Finish
`your -- would you just state your answer again so
`we get it on the record.
` A. Right. So, you know, IEEE fellow in --
`you know, for my work in reconfigurable computing
`and high-performance computing as well.
` Q. And are those two different awards?
` A. Well, it's a citation that tries to, you
`know, sort of bring up what have you contributed
`to the field. You know.
` Q. Okay.
` A. Or in which areas you have contributed in
` Q. But, I mean, is it two citations or --
` A. It's one citation that grabs -- I can't
`even remember the exact citation. I remember
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`reconfigurable and parallel programming or
`high-performance computing, something like that,
`which are all parts of the same thing.
` Q. Okay.
` THE REPORTER: Doctor, I need to ask you
`to slow down a little bit.
` THE REPORTER: Just so I can make sure I
`can get you.
` Q. And how long have you been working in
`that field?
` A. Well, I mean, if you look back at my
`publications, it will be from the '90s, 1990s.
` Q. Okay. Mid-1990s?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. Do you know Scott Hauck?
` A. I also know of Scot Hauck, yeah.
` Q. Have you ever met him personally?
` A. I don't think we have met also
`personally, but I know of him, yes.
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`He is also well known in the field of
`reconfigurable --
`He is also well known --
`-- computing?
`-- in the field, yes.
`Okay. Do you know Peter Athanas.
`I know Peter. Yes.
`You've met him a number of times?
`I know Peter well, yeah.
`He is a scientist at Virginia Tech
`He's a professor at Virginia Tech, yes.
`Been there a while?
`He has.
`And a smart guy?
`MR. VINNAKOTA: Objection. Form.
`THE WITNESS: Everybody in this field is
`smart. It's a difficult field.
`And he's been working in reconfigurable
`computing for some time?
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` Q. He's been working in high-performance
`computing, too? Do you agree with that?
` MR. VINNAKOTA: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: This is a difficult
`question to answer because that characterization
`is not really very accurate, if you will, because
`there's an "as well," okay, that you added.
` So there are people who have contributed
`to reconfigurable computing, contributed to
`high-performance computing, and contributed to the
`two jointly when they join together. I can think
`of these people as -- as well. Okay? But other
`than that, I would probably say somebody
`contributed to reconfigurable computing.
` Like, for example, Dr. Athanas does not
`publish his work in high-performance computing
`conferences, for example.
` Q. Okay.
` A. He publishes mainly in reconfigurable
` Q. He knows --
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` A. Very well known in that area.
` Q. He knows a lot about, for example,
`programming FPGAs?
` A. Programming FPGAs? Yes.
` Q. Is it appropriate to say programming
`FPGAs or configuring FPGAs or is either okay?
` MR. VINNAKOTA: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: You have to define the term
`if you want to really use, it to be concise. So
`you could use it to -- interchangeably, if you
`would like to, but you could actually mean
`programming as literally writing code. Okay? So
`the term in FPGA is actually, when it comes to
`programming, it does not necessarily -- it could
`in one context mean something; in another context,
`mean the other.
` So programming could mean that you could
`change what it does. Programming could mean the
`act of writing code and translating that code to
`make that FPGA work.
` Q. Okay. Either way, Mr. Athanas -- or
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`Dr. Athanas is knowledgeable about all of it?
` A. Of course.
` MR. VINNAKOTA: Objection. Form.
` Q. He's a recognized expert in the field,
`isn't he?
` A. He is a recognized expert. Sure.
` Q. So you use this phrase high-performance
`computing. If we could go back to the mid-1990s,
`who was out there working in the field of
`high-performance computing in the mid-1990s?
` MR. VINNAKOTA: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: There are lots of people,
`really. It's a -- you know, it's a big field.
` Q. Can you name some?
` A. So if you take high-performance computing
`only, okay, you will find people like Thomas
`Sterling, Jack Dongarra. There are lots of people
`really that are working just strict in
`high-performance computing.
` I, personally, work in both fields, so I
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`have contributions to each one of the fields, with
`well-established specifics that we have
`contributed. Like, for example, when you asked me
`about -- the reason I was actually objecting to
`"as well," that for instance I have developed a
`parallel programming for high-performance
`computers only. And there is a textbook and
`there's a language and there are phrases that I
`have invented and things of that sort. And that
`did not involve, for instance, actually, FPGAs.
`And then I did things that involved FPGAs as well.
` Q. Were you aware of anybody else in the
`mid-1990s who were -- who was working in both
`high-performance computing and reconfigurable
` MR. VINNAKOTA: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: So this is -- I mean,
`people see what they are doing really in the way
`they want to see it. Okay? So I don't want to
`start naming people. But there are definitely
`lots of people that, you know, work on the two.
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` Q. In the mid-1990s?
` MR. VINNAKOTA: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: In the mid-1990s I would
`say -- the only people would be, you know, people
`like, for example -- I would say, like, Dr. Buell,
`who is actually one of my coauthors in the two
`documents that I have actually attached, and also
`the program manager for Splash 2. So there are
`some of the people in that group that were also
`working on both, in the intersection between the
` Q. And by "that group," do you mean the
`Splash 2 group?
` A. I mean, yes, the Splash 2 group.
` Q. Would you agree a Splash 2 computer was a
`high-performance computer?
` MR. VINNAKOTA: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: So if you really look at
`the two exhibits that I have attached -- and
`Dr. Buell actually was the coauthor -- we termed
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`the Splash 2 as an attached machine or, in other
`words, a -- you know, very much a -- the simplest
`form, if you will, of a core processor or a -- you
`know, you can think of it that way, but again,
`that would be the most kind of basic, you know,
` And we actually intentionally even say in
`those articles that we do not cover these types;
`we go more to the more contemporary
`high-performance computers, and will specify which
`ones in those articles.
` Q. Splash 2 had very high performance, at
`least in some applications. Do you agree --
` A. Yeah. Sure. I mean --
` MR. VINNAKOTA: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: -- see -- you know, I
`respect all research -- serious research efforts.
`Splash 2 was a serious research effort. And every
`research effort contributes something. The
`question is, you know, any -- you know, does it
`contribute something new, different? And all --
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`they all contribute different things.
` So yes, it was definitely a good piece of
`work and it does contribute. You know, there's no
` Q. Came out of the Supercomputer Research
`Center? Agree with --
` A. It came out of that group, yes.
` Q. You call it a supercomputer?
` A. So that's -- I mean, nobody has a good
`definition of what a supercomputer is. I actually
`defined that personally in my classes as, like, a
`moving target, because that would -- would change,
`you know, every day.
` So the performance of it can be seen as a
`supercomputer in certain applications, I would
`imagine. But definitely it cannot accommodate at
`the time, I believe -- for me to be able to term
`it that, I would be able to take a supercomputing
`application from legacy codes and try to transport
`that there; it would work and it would give me a
`supercomputing, you know, performance.
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`So let's see if we can -- if you would
`tell me some of the organizations that were
`working on high-performance computing in the
`MR. VINNAKOTA: Objection. Form.
`We just mentioned the Supercomputer
`Research Center. I guess that would be one.
`Agree to that?
`Well, basi- -- yeah. Sure. I mean,
`there are lots, actually. I mean, NASA Goddard --
`you know, if you're talking about organizations,
`not industry. You know, so NASA Goddard was --
`actually was working on that. You know, lots of
`different NASA locations actually were working on
`that. You know, definitely, you know, other
`defense, you know, I would say security types of
`installations in the Beltway here are as well.
`Okay. What about universities?
`Well, universities -- a lot of
`universities, you know, definitely. So the -- the
`field is really full of universities. Illinois is
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`one, you know. So many universities, actually.
` Q. So I'm talking about the mid- to late
`1990s, though, not today.
` MR. VINNAKOTA: Objection. Form.
` Q. Yeah. Okay. Was GW University working
`on high-performance computing back then?
` A. Yeah. We actually -- in fact, you know,
`we -- NASA Goddard would show around 1996 a map of
`the entire country that would show you, actually,
`which are the universities that have the first
`computer clusters, and GW would be there, you
`know. So we were funded at the time from NASA
`Goddard in many actual, you know, instances to do
`work with them and -- particularly in remote
`sensing and the like. And we built actually for
`them a computer cluster and applications as well.
` Q. And at the time, GW was also working on
`using reconfigurable computing with high --
` A. In the -- also, actually, in the late
`1990s, yes, we did.
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` Q. Were there other universities that were
`doing that?
` MR. VINNAKOTA: Objection.
` THE WITNESS: Sure. There are other
`universities, yes.
` Q. At the time?
` A. Yeah.
` Q. Okay. What about industry, as you put
`it? Who were the -- who were the high-performance
`computing players in the industrial world in the
`mid-to late 1990s?
` MR. VINNAKOTA: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: The high-performance
`computing players in -- actually in industry would
`be -- in the 1990s, actually, Intel was still a
`player. You know, HP. You know, and you had Cray
`actually has been from even way before them.
` You had, you know, even companies that
`came and left, like Kendall Square, you know.
`Kendall -- these are some of the companies that
`came in -- you know. MasPar. These are some of
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`Microsoft Corp. v. Directstream, IPR2018-01605, -01606, -01607
`Petitioner Microsoft Corp. - Ex. 1078, p. 28


`the companies actually that even came and left,
`you know, things of that sort. Thinking Machines
`was one of the ones that came and left, could not
` So there were lots of players.
` Q. IBM?
` A. And IBM, of course. Yeah.
` Q. Are you aware --
` A. Actually, in that -- if I remember
`correctly, in that period of time, we even had
`some of the IBM supercomputers in GW.
` Q. And did they include reconfigurable
`computing elements?
` A. No.
` Q. Are you aware of any of those
`organizations you just mentioned augmenting their
`systems with some kind of reconfigurable computing
` MR. VINNAKOTA: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: I was --
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`Petitioner Microsoft Corp. - Ex. 1078, p. 29


` Q. Excuse me, I just want to make sure, in
`the mid-to late 1990s.
` A. Right.
` MR. VINNAKOTA: Same objection.
` THE WITNESS: I was aware of an attempt
`by -- from -- actually, from vendors that, you
`know, we knew. I was aware that -- you know,
`actually, there was an Oak Ridge machine that was
`actually done by SRC.
` Q. And anybody else?
` A. I was aware -- again, as reconfigurable
`computers -- only reconfigurable computers, I was
`aware of, you know, the Splash 2 and the -- you
`know, the fact that it was actually about to be --
`and actually a commercialization, actually, effort
`of it. I was aware of some DARPA, you know,
`actually, initiatives and, you know, universities
`and -- and government labs and perhaps also some
`industry participating in some of that.
` But the DARPA effort was not necessarily
`high performance at the time. It was just
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`Petitioner Microsoft Corp. - Ex. 1078, p. 30


`reconfigurable computing.
` Q. Any others that you're aware of?
` MR. VINNAKOTA: Objection. Form.

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