`Patent Owner.
`IPR2018-01601 (Patent 7,225,324 B2)
`IPR2018-01602 (Patent 7,225,324 B2)
`IPR2018-01603 (Patent 7,225,324 B2)
`IPR2018-01605 (Patent 7,620,800 B2)
`IPR2018-01606 (Patent 7,620,800 B2)
`IPR2018-01607 (Patent 7,620,800 B2)
`Reported by:
`Anrae Wimberley
`CSR No. 7778
`Job No. 3619092A
`Veritext Legal Solutions
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`Microsoft Corp. v. Directstream, LLC, IPR2018-01605, -01606, -01607
`Petitioner Microsoft Corp. - Ex. 1075, p. 1


`Patent Owner.
`IPR2018-01601 (Patent 7,225,324 B2)
`IPR2018-01602 (Patent 7,225,324 B2)
`IPR2018-01603 (Patent 7,225,324 B2)
`IPR2018-01605 (Patent 7,620,800 B2)
`IPR2018-01606 (Patent 7,620,800 B2)
`IPR2018-01607 (Patent 7,620,800 B2)
`Transcript of video-recorded deposition of
`HOUMAN HOMAYOUN, Ph.D., taken at Hilton - San
`Francisco, Union Square, 333 O'Farrell Street,
`Conference Center, San Francisco, California 94102,
`beginning at 9:15 a.m. and ending at 11:12 a.m. on
`Thursday, November 14, 2019, before Anrae Wimberley,
`Certified Shorthand Reporter No. 7778.
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`Microsoft Corp. v. Directstream, LLC, IPR2018-01605, -01606, -01607
`Petitioner Microsoft Corp. - Ex. 1075, p. 2


`On behalf of Petitioner, Microsoft Corporation:
`1501 K Street Northwest
`Washington, D.C. 20005
`(202) 736-8492
`On behalf of Patent Owner, DirectStream:
`8111 LBJ Freeway, Suite 790
`Dallas, Texas 75251
`(214) 390-9999
`Also Present:
`(415) 274-9977
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`Petitioner Microsoft Corp. - Ex. 1075, p. 3


`I N D E X
`E X H I B I T S
`(None marked.)
`5 6
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`Petitioner Microsoft Corp. - Ex. 1075, p. 4


`9:15 A.M.
`- - -
`THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Good morning.
`We're on video record on November 14th,
`2019, and the time is 9:15 a.m.
`This is the beginning of Disk 1 for the
`deposition of Dr. Houman Homayoun --
`THE VIDEOGRAPHER: -- in the matter of
`Microsoft Corporation versus DirectStream.
`It's filed in the U.S. Patent and
`Trademark Office before the Patent Trial and Appeal
`We are located today at the Hilton Union
`Square in San Francisco, California.
`My name is Cyril Suszchiewics and I'm the
`videographer. And the court reporter is Anrae
`Wimberley. We're here both representing Veritext
`Legal Solutions.
`Counsel, would you please identify
`yourself for the record.
`MR. MICALLEF: Joe Micallef with Sidley Austin
`for Petitioner Microsoft.
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`MR. BORDER: Scott Border, Sidley Austin,
`Petitioner Microsoft.
`MR. HSU: This is Sean Hsu with Janik Vinnakota
`for the patent owner, DirectStream.
`MR. PUCKETT: Donald Puckett with Janik
`Vinnakota for the patent owner.
`THE VIDEOGRAPHER: And the court reporter may
`swear in the witness.
`(Witness sworn.)
`THE VIDEOGRAPHER: I'm sorry. There's a
`microphone there, and you'll want to clip that on
`THE WITNESS: Here is good?
`MR. MICALLEF: For the record, this testimony
`relates to the following proceedings in the PTO:
`IPR2018-1601, 1602, 1603, 1605, 1606 and 1607.
`sworn as a witness by the Certified
`Shorthand Reporter, testified as follows:
`Good morning.
`Good morning.
`I'm going to hand you a copy of a document
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`that has previously been marked as Exhibit 1007.
`This is the Splash 2 book, and I'm going to ask you
`just to confirm that you have seen that again -- or
`Yes, I've seen this.
`And have you read that whole book?
`The whole book is very long. I skimmed
`through the entire book as well as focused on the
`majority part of the architecture as well as the
`Did you read Chapter 8 of that book?
`I need to look at the Chapter 8 to just
`refresh my mind what is Chapter 8.
`Go ahead.
`(Witness reviews document.)
`Yes, I did.
`Okay. And you agree that Chapter 8 was
`the basic disclosure relied on by the petitions in
`these proceedings? Would you agree with that?
`MR. HSU: Object to form.
`THE WITNESS: Can you repeat your question.
`Do you agree that Chapter 8 of Splash 2
`was the basic disclosure relied on in the petitions
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`in these proceedings?
`MR. HSU: Same objections.
`THE WITNESS: I'm not sure -- don't understand.
`What do you mean by "the basic"? Can you clarify.
`You understand that the focus of the
`petitions was on the genetic sequence comparison
`application that's described here in Chapter 8.
`In the document that I was provided
`including the various declaration, yes, I saw
`references to Chapter 8 as well as search algorithm.
`What search algorithm are you referring
`The DNA search algorithm.
`That's described in Chapter 8.
`And so on page 98 of Exhibit 1007 -- if
`you would like to unclip it, you can do that. It
`might be easier.
`Yes, I think that might be easier.
`Just let me know when you get to page 98.
`Okay. At the top of page 98, there is a
`subsection entitled, "Edit Distance."
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`Do you see that?
`I see that.
`And what is your understanding of the edit
`distance calculation described there?
`I have some memory of what this algorithm
`was about, but I definitely need to read this whole
`section to refresh my mind and give you then an
`answer. But holistically what I remember, this was
`to compare two DNA sequences, the distance between
`the two.
`And what do you mean by "distance between
`the two"?
`For those questions -- because they are
`not in my field, they're more in biology field -- I
`need to read this document and then refresh my mind
`and give you the answer.
`Did you do anything to prepare for
`testifying today?
`Yes, I did.
`What did you do?
`I looked at my deposition -- my
`declaration. I look at several related and prior
`works. I look at document Exhibit B, Exhibit C,
`some document that the attorney provided to me,
`including the deposition, various declaration and as
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`well as my own.
`But you didn't read Chapter 8 of
`Exhibit 1007?
`MR. HSU: Objection to form.
`THE WITNESS: This is a very lengthy book,
`about few hundred pages. I definitely read several
`part of it and -- just to prepare, but I definitely
`need to -- for a specific question about a specific
`part of this book, because I haven't written that
`book, I need to refresh my mind and read this --
`each part that you're asking me question.
`So you're saying you need to read the two
`paragraphs at the top of page 98 to give me your
`understanding of what the edit distance calculation
`MR. HSU: Objection to form; mischaracterizes.
`THE WITNESS: If I find the answer in those two
`paragraph, then I'll be definitely happy to give you
`an answer, but it might require reading more.
`Okay. About the -- on page 98 of
`Exhibit 1007, there's a sentence -- about the sixth
`sentence down in that first paragraph, it says, "The
`edit distance between two sequences is defined as
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`the minimum cost of transforming one sequence to the
`other with a sequence of the following operations
`deletion of a character, insertion of a character
`and substitution of one character for another."
` Do you see that sentence I just read?
` A. I do, yes.
` Q. Does that refresh your recollection at all
`about what edit distance is?
` A. It does, yes.
` Q. Can you in your own words tell me what you
`think the edit distance calculation does?
` MR. HSU: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: I think it's clear just to find
`the distance between two DNA sequencing when we want
`to transform one of them to the other.
` Q. On the next page, page 99, of
`Exhibit 1007 --
` A. 99. It's marked 92, but I think --
` Q. On the bottom right-hand corner.
` A. 98 and then 92.
` Q. Bottom right-hand corner.
` A. 92.
` Q. Is it different?
` A. Yes, this is 98 and then 92.
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` Q. May I see the exhibit?
` A. Yes.
` MR. HSU: It's correct on this one. Do you
`want me to swap it out?
` MR. MICALLEF: Yes. The pages are all out of
` THE WITNESS: Yes, this is 99.
` Q. So you have another copy of Exhibit 1007
`before you.
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. Legal assistants strike again.
` A. Okay.
` Q. So now do you have page 99 of
`Exhibit 1007?
` A. I do.
` Q. And at the bottom there, there is a
`Figure 8.2.
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes, I see that.
` Q. Can you tell me what your understanding is
`of what is depicted in Figure 8.2?
` A. This is dynamic programming, as the figure
`caption explain, to compute a distance algorithm
`between two DNA sequences.
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` Q. And would the two DNA sequences be on the
`horizontal and vertical axes, respectively?
` A. One of them is TCTAGACC, on the vertical;
`and on the horizontal axis is GCATAAGC.
` Q. And what is your understanding of what the
`numbers are that are in that -- sort of the inside
`of the box?
` A. This is just perform the dynamic
`programming to compute the distance between the two.
` Q. Okay. And so just as an example, the top
`T on the vertical axis and the leftmost G on the
`horizontal axis, if you intersect them in the middle
`of the box there, there's a 2.
` Do you see that?
` A. Top T and then leftmost G; right?
` Q. Yes.
` A. Yes, I see that.
` Q. So would that 2 there represent the
`distance between those two characters, T and G?
` A. To answer that question, I need to look at
`the algorithm -- refresh my mind on what the
`algorithm is doing. This is really complicated
`algorithm. And it require me to go through the
`algorithm in detail.
` Q. Okay. If you could turn to page 100 of
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`Exhibit 1007.
` A. Yes.
` Q. So at the bottom there, there is a
`Figure 8.4.
` A. Um-hum.
` Q. Can you tell me your understanding of what
`is depicted there.
` A. This is -- as the figure explain, it's a
`parallel computation. It start from the top right
`on the vertical axis -- the top on the vertical axis
`and then left on the horizontal axis. And it
`continue and it essentially converge on the
`horizontal on the rightmost, on the vertical on the
` Q. And would you agree that in this figure,
`the anti-diagonals are the lines that go from top
`right to bottom left?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. Now, this particular section of Chapter 8
`is 8.2.1 entitled, "Bidirectional Array"; correct?
` A. Umbrella.
` Q. And that describes a bidirectional
`systolic array for processing edit distances;
` A. Yes.
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`And on page 101, there's a Figure 8.5.
`Do you see that?
`I see that.
`And that's a depiction of the data flow of
`the bidirectional systolic array?
`And it's bidirectional because, in the
`data flow, the source sequences flow through the
`array in one direction while the target sequences
`flow through the array in the other; is that fair?
`That is fair.
`MR. HSU: Objection to form.
`And as that flow is occurring, the
`sequences are -- strike that.
`During that flow, a comparison is
`performed between a particular source character and
`a target character within each processing element of
`the array; is that right?
`MR. HSU: Objection to form.
`THE WITNESS: So just one thing about the
`definition of the word "flow," I'm not sure how
`you're using it in this context, but what I
`understand is that the two DNA sequence are coming
`from two different direction, and then we're being
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`compared with individual elements and that will
`Okay. But in each processing element in
`each step, there will be a comparison of a source
`character to a target character; is that fair?
`MR. HSU: Objection to form.
`THE WITNESS: In each processing element, there
`is a comparison of the source and the target. I
`think so, yeah, that's --
`And that would be in one step, and then
`another step occurs and the sequences go one further
`step in the flow and another comparison occurs; am I
`getting this right?
`MR. HSU: Objection to form.
`THE WITNESS: Holistically right, but, again,
`we need to look at the algorithm in detail.
`And so can we just focus on one of those
`It's a comparison not of an entire
`sequence, but of one character in the source
`sequence against one character in the target
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`sequence; is that correct?
` A. I believe that is correct, yes.
` Q. And so would you agree that the figure --
`the code depicted in Figure 8.7 on page 101 on
`Exhibit 1007 reflects the comparison that occurs?
` MR. HSU: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: The comparison of the source and
`the destination, you mean; right?
` Q. I believe it's source and target, is --
` A. The source and target.
` As I'm looking at this pseudocode, it does
`some sort of a comparison, yes, but, again, the
`comparison is not just simple as comparing it using
`an algorithm for the comparison.
` Q. And that algorithm is reflected in the
`code in Figure 8.7?
` MR. HSU: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: Yes, the pseudocode of that
`comparison -- I can see some code here.
` Q. Okay. And then in the next time step in
`that particular processing element, this pseudocode,
`as you call it -- there would be another comparison
`consistent with this code, but it would be a
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`comparison of two different characters; is that
` MR. HSU: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: Based on what I see in this loop,
` Q. No?
` A. Because I don't see any next step here.
`It's just one single step, one single shot, as
`described in the pseudocode.
` Q. And so in the bidirectional systolic
`array, after the first source and target characters
`meet in a processing element and are compared, what
`do you think happens next?
` MR. HSU: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: What I think or what this one is
`reflecting, what the Splash 2 is teaching? Because
`there are --
` Q. What do you think Splash 2 is teaching?
` A. Looking at this code, Splash 2 is not
`really teaching what is happening in the next step.
`It's just based on looking at this pseudocode,
`Splash work architecture as shown in Figure 8.5.
` Q. So you're interpreting this to mean only
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`one comparison occurs of one character against one
`character and then that's it?
` MR. HSU: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: Based on what I see in
`Figure 8.7, this is just one essentially run.
` Q. Don't you think it's a more reasonable
`interpretation of this disclosure to say, since
`they're streaming these source and target sequences
`through in different directions, that at each time a
`source character and a target character meet in a
`processing element, the code in Figure 8.7 is
` MR. HSU: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: When you say "they," can you
`clarify what you mean by "they are streaming," what
`do you mean by "they"?
` Q. When the source sequence and the target
`sequence are streaming through the processing
`elements of the array, don't you think it's a more
`reasonable interpretation of this disclosure that
`when a source character and a target character meet
`in a processing element, the code in Figure 8.7 is
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` MR. HSU: Same objection.
` (Reporter interruption.)
` THE WITNESS: So when we phrase it this way,
`it's easy to say, but I don't really see it in how
`Splash 2 is really doing it. And when we say the
`data are streaming -- are being streamed, something
`has to stream those data.
` And there has to be some information in
`Figure 8.7 that provide who's streaming that data,
`for how long, when is it stopped. I really don't
`see those information.
` What I'm trying to say is that when we
`phrase it, it's easy to say, but a lot of these
`things, when we program it, when we design hardware,
`they're not easy to implement and the detail has to
`be there.
` Q. Why do you think the detail to implement
`this has to be in this book?
` A. Again, I'm a computer engineering person.
`I need to see the detail if I want to reproduce
`something. Without the detail, I won't be able to
`reproduce or even, in many case, understand how
`things are really done in real hardware.
` Q. But this book isn't a design
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`specification; isn't that right?
`MR. HSU: Objection to form.
`THE WITNESS: This is -- I believe it's
`educational book, and it has a lot of information
`about the Splash 2 design. That's my understanding.
`So it's not telling you everything you
`need to know to build the Splash 2 system; isn't
`that right?
`Actually, I don't know how to answer that
`question. When I read this book, I see a lot of
`details, but the particular question you ask me
`about, I didn't find that detail about -- to answer
`your question.
`I just want to understand where you're
`coming from here so the Board understands.
`You are saying that you expect this book
`to include every detail that would be required to
`implement a Splash 2 system; is that your point of
`MR. HSU: Objection to form.
`THE WITNESS: I didn't use the word "every,"
`but as a computer engineer, we need enough
`information to be able to reproduce some design and
`implementation. And the particular question you ask
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`me I didn't find enough detail to answer your
`question to convince myself that, yes, the data is
`just streaming every cycle and Splash is taking care
`of everything.
` Q. So do you have any doubt that the target
`and source sequences are being streamed through this
`array in two different directions?
` MR. HSU: Objection to form; vague.
` THE WITNESS: Do I have any doubt -- can you
`repeat your question. I just want to understand.
` Q. Do you have any doubt that the target and
`source sequences are streamed through this array in
`two different directions?
` MR. HSU: Objection to form; vague.
` THE WITNESS: Again, the question -- I'm not
`sure it's clear because when something is -- the
`data is coming from two different direction, the big
`question is who's really governing it, who is really
`managing it? So from the figure, I see that two
`data are coming from two different direction. From
`a teaching, I see the data are coming from two
`different direction.
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` Q. Okay. And you just don't know who's
`managing it?
` MR. HSU: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: That's actually one detail that I
`didn't find here.
` Q. So you don't know one way or the other
`who's managing it?
` A. I know actually from the -- from what book
`explain and also from other references, but that is
`being managed by a third party.
` Q. So you cannot -- so you think you do know
`who is managing it; is that what you're saying?
` MR. HSU: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: From -- I haven't really build
`this Splash 2 chip. From everything I see in this
`book as well as other related literature, all of
`them are pointing to one essentially governing
` Q. And can you -- have you ever seen another
`piece of literature that describes the genetic
`sequence comparison application that's in Chapter 8?
` MR. HSU: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: Not with all of this information,
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`but there's other related work that they cited
`Splash 2. And when they site it, they describe the
`DNA sequencing and how essentially the data is
`being -- move in and move out.
`So you're saying -- let me ask this: You
`don't know one way or the other how many times the
`loop instructions of Figure 8.7 would be executed in
`the context of the bidirectional systolic array; is
`that fair?
`MR. HSU: Objection to form.
`THE WITNESS: Looking at Figure 8.7 as well as
`the text, there's -- to me there's no really limit
`of how this will continue and for how long.
`Did you look for some kind of limit?
`I was hoping actually to find a limit, and
`that's why I looked at the text to see if Figure 8.7
`and other related references are -- explained this
`more clearly.
`I just want to make sure.
`Did you specifically look in Chapter 8 of
`Exhibit 1007 for anything that told you how many
`times the loop code in Figure 8.7 would be executed?
`MR. HSU: Objection to form.
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` THE WITNESS: I didn't look at this particular
`question, but I rather try to understand what
`Figure 8.7 is doing. And the first question that
`comes to my mind as a computer architect or computer
`engineering person is whether this is just one piece
`of -- a one-shot execution or what is the start,
`what is the end.
` Because, again, in computer system, a lot
`of thing that we express we take it as granted, but
`when we build a chip, we have to specify all of
`those and also implement all of those specificity.
` Q. You know what an infinite loop is;
` A. I know what an infinite loop is, yes.
` Q. Anybody who's begun learning about coding
`knows what an infinite loop is; correct?
` A. Of course.
` Q. And people know how to avoid infinite
`loops; correct?
` MR. HSU: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: Within what context?
` Q. Any competent software coder would know
`how to avoid an infinite loop?
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` A. Software coder, I agree. But hardware
`programmer, I don't agree. And, actually, this is a
`common problem that we -- when we write code, we
`issue a verilog. In many cases, we don't specify a
`lot of entry. Because, again, in software
`everything is easily taken care of. But when it
`comes to hardware, we have to take care of all of
`these minor details.
` Q. You agree that the system that is
`described in Chapter 8 was actually built?
` MR. HSU: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: From what I read in various
`article, yes, but I haven't seen the system.
` Q. You agree that as of, let's say, 2002, a
`person of ordinary skill in the art could have built
`this system that's described in Chapter 8?
` MR. HSU: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: You mean could reproduce the same
`with the same knowledge?
` Q. Yes. Let me make sure you understand the
` You know what a hypothetical person of
`ordinary skill in the art is; right?
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` A. Within the context of the information that
`was provided, all the related work, yes, I
` Q. You understand that that person is
`presumed to be aware of the content of the prior
` MR. HSU: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: Prior relevant art. I would
`essentially correct it that way. Because "prior
`art" is open-ended, could be anything. But "prior
`relevant art" is what is relevant to essentially
`what all of these work are trying to describe.
` Q. Well, I want you to assume that a person
`of ordinary skill in the art is presumptively aware
`of the content of the prior art, okay, for my
` A. Can you repeat this.
` Q. Yeah.
` I want you to assume that a person of
`ordinary skill in the art is presumptively aware of
`the prior art.
` A. I need more clarification. Because if you
`mean prior art, then, very similar to this loop,
`there is no beginning, there's no end. Do you mean
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`Page 27
`Microsoft Corp. v. Directstream, LLC, IPR2018-01605, -01606, -01607
`Petitioner Microsoft Corp. - Ex. 1075, p. 27


`the universe of every knowledge in the world or
`related to the contents?
`Do you have an understanding of what the
`prior art is?
`MR. HSU: Objection to form.
`THE WITNESS: Of course, yes.
`What is it?
`Prior art is any work that has been
`published and -- prior to that particular date of
`that particular publication. But prior relevant art
`is anything that is relevant to that art as well.
`Well, let's just start with prior art.
`You agree a person of ordinary skill in
`the art by 2002 could build the system in Chapter 8,
`understanding that that person had all that
`MR. HSU: Objection to form; foundation.
`THE WITNESS: So I need more clarification of
`what you define as a person of ordinary skills, in
`what context. In the context of chip design? In
`the context of just computer engineer? I need more
`clarification on that.
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`Page 28
`Microsoft Corp. v. Directstream, LLC, IPR2018-01605, -01606, -01607
`Petitioner Microsoft Corp.

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