A Reconfigurable Data-Driven ALU for Xputers
`Reiner W. Hartenstein, Rainer Kress, Helmut Reinig
`University of Kaiserslautern
`Erwin-Schrodinger-Strafie, D-67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany
`Fax: ++49 631 205 2640, email:
`A reconfigurable data-driven datapath architecture for
`ALUs is presented which may be usedfor custom comput-
`ing machines (CCMs), Xputers (a class of CCMs) and
`other adaptable computer systems as well as for rapid
`prototyping of high speed datapaths. Fine grained paral-
`lelism is achieved by using simple reconfigurable process-
`ing elements which are called datapath units (DPUs). The
`word-oriented datapath simplifies the mapping ofapplica-
`tions onto the architecture. Pipelining is supported by the
`architecture. The programming environment allows auto—
`matic mapping of the operators from high level descrip-
`tions. Two implementations, one by FPGAs and one with
`standard cells are shown.
`1. Introduction
`For numerical computations with custom computing
`machines, word-oriented datapaths are necessary. A recent
`trend in FPGA architectures moves toward support of effi-
`cient implementation of datapath circuits. Xilinx XC4000
`series [11] provides fast 2-bit addition at each logic cell by
`a special carry circuit. AT&T's ORCA [6] supports larger
`data manipulations For example a 16 bit adder requires
`only four function blocks. Word-oriented datapaths are not
`directly supported by FPGAs currently available, since
`these circuits are evaluated for both random logic control
`and datapath applications. Word-oriented datapaths in
`reconfigurable circuits have the additional advantage of
`operators being mapped more efficiently. Thus they sup-
`port programming environments for custom computing
`Hardware designers usually have no problem in using
`custom computing machines, since most of the program-
`ming models these machines provide are at hardware
`level. Algorithms have to be expressed by a hardware
`description language; Then they have to be synthesized to
`the dedicated hardware, or the application has to be edited
`via a schematic editor and mapped by an FPGA vendor
`tool [2], [1]. People coming from the software side are
`more used to program with a procedural high level lan—
`guage. To make custom computing machines more inter-
`esting to such people, a procedural model for high level
`is needed. Some
`custom computing
`machines, consisting of an accelerator board and a host,
`support function calls from high level languages to be exe—
`cuted on the accelerator board, but they are not able to
`configure the board from this level, e. g.
`[3]. Some
`researchers start to evaluate compilers for their boards to
`compile a high level input language directly. Gokhale and
`Minnich [4] for example present such a compiler to pro-
`gram an array of FPGA chips in a high level parallel C
`using a SIMD prograrrnning model. However still prob—
`lems are the automatic mapping of loops, arithmetic and
`logic operators.
`This paper introduces an Xputer [8] based methodology
`solving these problems which strongly supports arithmetic
`applications. The Xputer provides a hardware and a soft-
`ware environment for a reconfigurable ALU (rALU). The
`rALU has to compute a user defined compound operator
`only. A compiler for the Xputer supports the high level
`language C as input. The rALU programming environ-
`ment has to compile arithmetic and logic expressions as
`well as conditions into the rALU. The machine paradigm
`of the Xputer is described in [7].
`The reconfigurable data—driven ALU proposed here,
`consists of the rALU control and the reconfigurable
`datapath architecture (rDPA). The rDPA is a word-oriented
`scalable regular array of simple processing elements called
`datapath units (DPUs). The DPUs provide a higher granu-
`larity of the basic function units than usual FPGAs. This
`supports automatic mapping of arithmetic and logic opera-
`tors to the rDPA. Using the Xputer with the data-driven
`rALU allows the programming from a high level
`guage. The architecture does not only fit as a reconfigura-
`ble ALU for Xputers, it may also be used for any other
`0-8186—5490-2/94 $03.00 © 1994 IEEE
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1034, p. 139
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1034, p. 139


`h 3
`Scan Vlfindow
`rALU Subnet
`E Instr. Sequencer
`rALU Subnet
`rALU Subnet
`‘ Bus
`Figure 1. The Xputer prototype Map-oriented
`Machine 3 (MOM-3)
`via the MoMbus from the main memory. The MoMbus has
`an asynchronous bus protocol. The datapath architecture is
`designed for the asynchronous bus protocol of the MoM-
`bus, but it can also be used by a synchronous bus with
`minor modifications. Figure 1 shows our prototype MoM—
`3. Reconfigurable datapath architecture
`The benefit of using the reconfigurable datapath archi—
`tecture (rDPA) within the Xputer paradigm stems from the
`development environment available. The programmer can
`benefit from the performance boost of custom operators to
`match the requirements of the application. He need not
`know much about hardware description languages or tradi-
`tional input descriptions for FPGA synthesis tools. Instead
`the problem is formulated in a familiar procedural pro-
`grarruning language and a compiler converts the loops of
`the application to GAG scan patterns. The statements con-
`sisting of expressions and conditions have to be mapped to
`the rALU only. Section 5 shows the automatic mapping
`onto the rDPA architecture.
`The rDPA is the data manipulator of the data-driven
`rALU. The rDPA was designed to evaluate any arithmetic
`and logic expression from a high level description. There-
`fore the granularity of the basic operation is increased
`from the bitwise level to wordlevel with possible opera-
`tions such as addition or multiplication. This greatly sim-
`plifies the automatic mapping onto the architecture. A
`regular structure like in systolic arrays is required for the
`scalability, also across chip boundaries. Systolic array
`structures combine intensive local communication and
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1034, p. 140
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1034, p. 140
`kind of adaptable computer system as well as a universal
`accelerator coprocessor or for rapid prototyping of high
`speed datapaths.
`First, this paper gives a short introduction to the hard-
`ware environment. Section 3 introduces the rDPA. An
`implementation with commercial FPGA chips and one
`with standard cells is shown and both are compared to
`each other. The usage as a rALU for Xputers is explained
`in section 4. The programming environment allows the
`mapping of operands and conditions to the rDPA automat-
`ically (section 5). The final sections present an example
`and conclude the paper.
`2. Hardware environment
`Many applications require the same data manipulations
`to be performed on a large amount of data, e. g. statement
`blocks in nested loops. Xputers are especially designed to
`reduce the von-Neumann bottleneck of repetitive decoding
`and interpreting address and data computations. High per-
`formance improvements have been achieved for the class
`of regular, scientific computations [7], [8].
`the data
`An Xputer consists of three major parts:
`sequencer, the data memory and the rALU including mul-
`tiple scan windows and operator subnets. Scan windows
`are a kind of window to the data memory. They contain all
`the data, which are accessed or modified within the body
`of a loop. The data manipulations are done by the rALU
`subnets, which have parallel access to the scan windows.
`The scan windows are updated by their corresponding
`generic address generators, which are the most essential
`part of the data sequencer. Each generic address generator
`can produce address sequences which correspond to up to
`three nested loops under hardware control. The term data
`sequencing derives from the fact that the sequence of data
`triggers the operations in the rALU, instead of a von-Neu-
`mann instruction sequence. Pipelining across loop bound-
`aries is supported. Generally, for each nesting level of
`nesred loops a separate rALU subnet is required to per-
`form the computations associated with that nesting level.
`For most algorithms, only three nested loops are necessary
`for the computation, this means that in the worst case three
`rALU subnets are sufficient. The rALU subnets perform
`all computations on the data in the scan windows by
`applying a user—configured complex operator to that data.
`The subnets need not to be of the same type. Subnets can
`be configured for arithmetic or hit level operations. The
`data-driven reconfigurable datapath architecture proposed
`here is well suited for arithmetic, and in the FPGA version
`also for bit level operations.
`The Xputer prototype, Map-oriented Machine 3 (MoM-
`3), has direct access to the host's main memory. The rALU
`subnets receive their data directly from a local memory or


`computation with decentralized parallelism in a compact
`package. The basic cell of the rDPA is called datapath unit
`(DPU), see figure 2a. Each DPU has two input and two
`output registers which may form some part of the scan
`window of the Xputer paradigm. The dataflow direction is
`only from west and/or north to east and/or south. The com-
`munication between the neighbouring DPUs is synchro-
`nized by a handshake. This avoids problems of clock skew
`and each DPU can have a different computation time for
`its operator. The operation in the DPU is data—driven, this
`means that the operation is evaluated when the required
`operands are available. After completion of the operation,
`the result in the output register of the DPU is declared to
`be valid. As soon as the input registers of the succeeding
`DPU are free, the data will be transferred and the next
`computation starts. In systolic architectures the high I/O
`requirements often make the integration into chips a prob-
`lem. To reduce the number of input and output pins, a
`serial link is used for data transfer between neighbour
`DPUs (32 bits are converted into a series of 2 bit nibbles),
`as shown in figure 2b.
`parallel to serial converter
`serial to parallel converter
`a) datapath unit (DPU), b) the scalable
`Figure 2.
`rDPA architecture between chip boundaries
`A global 110 bus has been implemented into the rDPA
`permitting the DPUs to write from the output registers
`directly outside the array and to read directly from the out-
`side. This means input data to expressions mapped into the
`rDPA do not need to be routed through the DPUs. Princi-
`pally, the global I/O bus is used for reading and writing the
`scan window contents to the array. A single bus is suffi-
`cient for our Xputer prototype MOM-3 since the data from
`the main memory of the host is made available by the bus
`also. For other systems it may be better to have a dedicated
`input and output bus. The communication between the
`outside control unit and the DPUs is synchronized by a
`handshake like the internal communications.
`Each DPU which has to communicate using the global
`I/O bus gets an address for its input and/or output register
`during configuration. The rDPA control unit can address a
`DPU register directly using the bus. The DPU where the
`address matches performs the handshake with the outside
`conu'ol unit and receives or sends the data. The propaga-
`tirm of interim results, which accounts for the largest
`bunch of communication, is handled through the internal
`communication paths, and therefore fully parallel.
`An extensible set of operators for each DPU is provided
`by a library. The set includes the operators of the program-
`ming language C. Other operators such as the parallel pre—
`fix operator are provided. The parallel prefix operator [5]
`has an internal feedback. For example a queue of scan-
`max operators can be used for easy implementation of a
`hardware bubble sort [10]. The scan-max computes the
`maximum from the input variable and the internal feed-
`back variable and gives the maximum as result and stores
`the other value internally. Operators can also be used for
`routing, even mixed with other operations, e. g. first multi—
`ply a with b and write the result to the south, then route
`variable a to the east.
`Conditions are implemented in the rDPA in the follow-
`ing way. Each communication channel has an additional
`condition bit. If this bit is true, the operation is computed,
`otherwise not. In each case the condition bit is routed with
`the data using the same handshake. The condition operator
`sends to one neighbouring DPU a true condition bit, to the
`other one a false bit. The 'false' path is evaluated very
`quick, because the condition bit is routed only. With this
`technique also nested i f_then_e lse statements can be
`evaluated. An example is shown in figure 3. The then
`and the el se path can be merged at the end with a merge
`if (a < b)
`if (a > C)
`x = u + V * w;
`X = u ~ 5
`* w;
`Figure 3. Example of a nested ifflthen_else
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1034, p. 141
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1034, p. 141


`operator (in). This operator routes the value with the valid
`condition bit to its output.
`With the proposed scalable model for the rDPA, the
`array can be expanded also across printed circuit board
`boundaries, e. g. with connectors and flexible cable. This
`makes it possible to connect the outputs of the east array
`boundary with the west one, to build a toms. The same is
`possible for the south and the north. With the data-driven
`concept, the user need not worry about synchronization.
`For the implementation of the rDPA two possibilities
`are presented. The first is based on FPGAs and the second
`one is the based on standard cells.
`3.1 FPGA implementation of the rDPA
`The communication model of the DPU can be imple
`mented into SRAM based FPGAs. A large reconfigurable
`datapath architecture can be implemented into multiple
`FPGA chips. The FPGA chips are arranged in an array
`with a single bus and configuration lines to each chip. All
`other wiring is local,
`therefore no field programmable
`interconnect component
`is required. 011 each
`FPGA, an array of DPUs is implemented depending on the
`size of the FPGA and the complexity of the operators. If a
`complex operator like a multiplication is implemented into
`an FPGA, the other DPUs can only be used for routing or
`simple operators in this chip. The rDPA programming
`environment, presented in section 5 takes this fact into
`The implementation of the DPUs using FPGAs has the
`advantage that speed critical operators can be imple-
`mented fully or partly in parallel if necessary. Also the
`operations itself can be pipelined. The programming envi-
`ronment detects the critical path with the critical opera-
`tions. Slow ripple carry adders can be substituted by
`conditional sum adders or other faster adders. A library of
`operators, which can be extended, is available in the rDPA
`programming environment. The communication channels
`are all the same for each DPU. The programmer has to put
`the macros for the operators and the communication
`together in a schematic editor. Then the DPUs are mapped
`with a vendor tool to the FPGA structure. This is done for
`each FPGA, no partitioning is necessary. Especially bit
`level operators are well suited for FPGA implementation.
`The DPUs are smaller, faster and a larger number can be
`implemented on a chip. Different widths of the datapath
`can be used also.
`3.2 Standard cell implementation of the rDPA
`The rDPA implemented with standard cells has a 32 bit
`datapath. The operators of the DPUs are configurable with
`a fixed ALU and a microprograrnrned control. This means
`operators such as addition, subtraction or logical operators
`can be evaluated directly, whereas multiplication or divi-
`sion are implemented sequentially. A library of operators
`is available and new operators can be build with a micro-
`assembler. The standard cell implementation of the pro-
`posed model has a higher density of the arithmetic
`operations and the delay times are known for each opera-
`tion. The time for synthesis of the rALU board is reduced
`because the operators in the DPUs are microprogrammed.
`As mentioned before the array is scalable by using sev-
`eral chips of the same type. The DPU registers have no
`address before configuration. The only identification of the
`DPUs is their location in the rDPA array. Each DPU has an
`x- and a y-address like the elements in a matrix. A config-
`uration word consists of a configuration bit which distin-
`guish the configuration data from computational data.
`Further it consists of the x— and the y—address, the address
`of the DPU's configuration memory and the data for this
`Each time a configuration word is transferred to a DPU,
`the DPU checks the x- and the y-address. If the y-address
`is larger than zero, the address will be decreased by one
`and the configuration word will be transferred to the next
`DPU in y-direction. If the y-address is zero and the x-
`address is larger than zero, the x-address will be decreased
`by one and the configuration word will be transferred in x-
`direction. If both addresses are zero, the target DPU is
`reached and the address of the DPU's configuration mem-
`ory shows the place where the data will be written.
`One serial link at the array boundary is sufficient to
`configure the complete array, but multiple ports can be
`used to save time. The physical chip boundaries are com-
`pletely transparent to the user. The communication struc-
`ture allows dynamic in-circuit reconfiguration of the
`rDPA. This
`implies partial
`reconfigurability during
`runtime [9]. Filter coefficients,
`for example, can be
`changed during runtime to build adaptive filters. Further,
`the configuration technique allows to migrate designs
`from a smaller array to a larger array without modification.
`Even newer generation rDPA chips with more DPUs inte-
`grated do not need a recompilation of the configuration
`4. Reconfigurable data-driven ALU
`A subnet of the reconfigurable data-driven ALU con-
`sists of two main parts: the control for the rALU and the
`reconfigurable datapath architecture, as shown in figure 4.
`Subnets can run in parallel. Here the connection to the
`MoMbus is shown only.
`The register file is necessary for optimizing memory
`cycles when the generic address generator runs with over-
`lapping scan windows. This means that data of the actual
`scan window position is required in the consecutive posi-
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1034, p. 142
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1034, p. 142


` MoMbus to GAGs, Host, Main Memory
` rD PA
`Figure 4. One subnet of the reconfigurable data-
`driven ALU
`tion. This data can be stored in the register file and written
`back to main memory when its not needed any more. If
`there are flow dependencies between the variables in the
`scan window, the register file can also be used for storing
`the values. Additionally, the register file is used to store
`auxiliary variables. If a large statement has to be broken
`down because it does not fit into the current size of the
`rDPA, the auxiliary variable can be stored in the register
`file and read back over the global [/0 bus, to the place
`where the computation of the statement is finished. The
`register file makes it possible to use each DPU in the rDPA
`for operations by using the bus for routing. If different
`expressions have a common subexpression,
`this subex-
`pression has to be computed only once. If the rDPA does
`not provide the routing capacity for this reduction, 6. g. if
`three or more subexpressions are in common, the interim
`result can be routed through the register file.
`The address generation unit delivers the address for the
`DPU registers before each data is written into the rDPA
`over the bus. Normally the address is only increased by
`one, but it can also be loaded directly from the rDPA con-
`trol unit.
`The rDPA control unit holds a program to control the
`different units of the data driven rALU. The instruction set
`consists of instructions for loading data into the rDPA to a
`specific DPU from the MoMbus or the register file, for
`receiving data from a specific DPU, or branches on a spe-
`cial control signal from the generic address generators.
`The rDPA control supports context switches between three
`control programs which allows to use three independent
`virtual rALU subnets. The control program is loaded dur-
`ing configuration. The reconfigurable data-driven ALU
`allows also pipelined operation as shown in the example in
`section 6.
`A status can be reported to the generic address genera—
`tors (GAG) to inform on overflows or to force the GAGs
`to compute data dependent addresses. The input FIFO is
`currently only one word deep for each direction. This is
`sufficient because the data flow is regular to the main
`memory. Normally the rALU does not have to wait for
`5. Programming environment
`Statements which can be mapped to the rDPA array are
`arithmetic and logic expressions as well as conditions.
`loops are handled by the generic address generators. The
`input language for programming the rALU is the rALU
`programming language. The syntax of the statements fol—
`lows the C programming language syntax (see also
`figure 3). In addition, the language provides the size of the
`used scan windows and the next handle position (relative
`to the actual position). The handle position is the lower left
`corner of the boundary of the scan window. By providing
`the handle position the rALU gets the necessary informa-
`tion for pipelining the complete statement block.
`The rALU programming language file is parsed and a
`data structure like an abstract program tree is computed.
`Common subexpressions are taken into consideration. The
`operators of each statement are allocated with a straight
`forward algorithm. The number of DPUs used is opti-
`mized. Each allocated operator is then associated to a DPU
`in the rALU array. To recognize possible parallelization
`and to find data dependencies between the statements, a
`data dependency analysis is performed. Due to the global
`l/O bus of the rDPA array, the loading of the data and the
`storing are restricted to one operation per time. For best
`performance, an optimal sequence of these I/O operations
`has to be determined. Comparing an ‘as soon as possible’
`(ASAP) with an ‘as late as possible’ (ALAP) schedule, the
`time critical path is detected. Apriority function is devel-
`oped from these schedules which gives the range of the
`I/O operations of the operands. With a list based schedul-
`ing method the optimal sequence of the 1/0 operations is
`found. Memory cycles can be optimized using the register
`file when the scan pattern of the GAGs works with over-
`lapping scan windows.
`The rDPA configuration file is computed from the map-
`ping information of the DPUs and a library with the code
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1034, p. 143
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1034, p. 143


`Conliouration File
`Archltectu re
` Generator
`Code Generation for
`rALU and GAG Control
`Configuration Code
`rALU Control File
`GAG Control File
`Figure 5. The rALU programming environment
`of the operators. The configuration file for the rALU con-
`trol unit and the configuration file for the GAGs is
`extracted from the final schedule of the I/O operators. For
`the FPGA implementation, the macros for the necessary
`operations are provided. The user has to put them together
`with a template of the communication in a schematic edi-
`tor. The mapping is done by a vendor tool e g. from Xil-
`inx. Alternatively the environment provides a hardware
`description language file which has to be synthesized with
`a synthesis tool, e. g. Synopsys. The programming envi-
`ronment of the rALU is shown in figure 5.
`6. Example: two dimensional FIR filter
`The two dimensional FIR (finite impulse response) fil-
`ter is one whose impulse response processes only a finite
`number of nonzero samples. The equation for a general
`two dimensional FIR filter is
`yum = Ezkij‘xn—t,m—j~
`In this example a two dimensional filtering of second
`order is shown. Since the focus on this paper is only on the
`rALU for Xputers, the address generation for the data is
`not explained, please refer to [8]. Suppose the processed
`data is written into the same memory from which the data
`is read, one scan window is sufficient. It is of the size 3 by
`Library of
`rALU Pro-crammin Lan-ouae
`APT, Data Structure
`A location 0
`the Operators
`I ate I epen ency
`0 eduling .‘
`Memory Optimization
`3 as shown in figure 6c. All 9 scan window positions are
`for reading and the middle is also for writing. The window
`scans over the data map with a video scan, step width one.
`After each step it performs the equation:
`wllnew = W22k22+ W121‘12+ Wozkoz
`+W21k21 +W111(11J'W01k01
`+ Wzokzo + W101‘10 + Wookoo
`The kij are the coefficients of the filter and the wij con-
`tain the data at the corresponding scan window positions.
`Figure 6a shows equation (2) mapped into the rDPA. The
`input registers of the DPUs named with wij represent the
`scan window positions. The input registers named with kij
`represent the registers with coefficients of the FIR filter
`loaded at configuration.
`At each step of the scan window three new data words
`are loaded, three old ones are removed and one output.
`word is written back. Figure 6c shows the loading of the
`data. At the beginning, data word a0 is loaded across the
`bus directly to Woo, ho to wm, co to W02, a] to W10 and so
`on. As soon as data words arrive in the input registers of
`the DPUs the operation will be performed (data-driven).
`As shown in figure 6b the multiply-route operation evalu-
`ates the multiplication and routes the input data from west
`to the next DPU east. So the data required in the next step
`need not to be loaded again across the bus. The pipeline is
`filled by loading the first nine input data words over the
`bus, then the internal routing resources are used. Only the
`three new data words have to be routed by the bus. The
`execution is shown in figure 7. The first line shows the
`Figure 6.
`a) Two dimensional FIR filter mapped
`into the rDPA, b) equivalent operation of the
`multiply-route operation, c) the corresponding
`scan window
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1034, p. 144
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1034, p. 144


`IIEflllmllmléEI: :
`57 5
` 37 38 39 40
`s 7733; 101112?§1415161-7¢ie1920212223242526272829303132333435
`Figure 7. Pipelined execution of the two dimensional FIR filter
`read and write operations using the global I/O bus of the
`rDPA. The following lines describe the operation of the
`routing units and adders. Each column
`belongs to one time step. A11 boxes in one column are
`evaluated in parallel.
`The prototype implementation of the rDPA works with
`32 bit fixed-point and integer input words. Currently the
`host computer's memory is very slow. The clock frequency
`of the system is 25 MHz. In many applications the coeffi-
`cients are set up in such a way that shift operations are suf-
`ficient and multiplications are not necessary.
`If high
`throughput is needed, DPUs can be linked together to
`implement a pipelined multiplier. Benchmark results are
`given in table 1. The performance figures are a worst case
`estimation of our prototype. The speed of the examples 2
`to 5 depend not on the order of the filter as long as the nec-
`essary hardware (# of DPUs) is provided, The same is
`applies for example 6.
`fl Bubblesort length n
`Table 1. Benchmark results
` 4.2 MHz
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1034, p. 145
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1034, p. 145


`7. Conclusions
`A programming model for an FPGA based hardware
`platform for a data—driven reconfigurable datapath archi-
`tecture (rDPA) has been presented which strongly supports
`numerical applications. It may be used as a reconfigurable
`ALU (rALU) for custom computing machines (CCMs),
`Xputers (a class of CCMs) and other adaptable computer
`systems as well as for rapid prototyping of high speed
`datapaths. Together with the Xputer hardware and soft—
`ware environment a system has been implemented which
`is programmable in a high level language. The word-ori-
`entation of the datapath and the increase of the fine granu—
`larity of the basic operations greatly simplifies
`automatic mapping onto the architecture. The scalable
`rDPA provides parallel and pipelined evaluation of the
`compound operators. An implementation with FPGA
`chips and one with standard cells is shown. The FPGA
`implementation supports variable width of datapaths, also
`for bit level operations. The standard cell version of the
`implementation of the rDPA is microprogrammable. It
`provides a higher density of the operators. The architec-
`ture is
`in~circuit dynamically reconfigurable, which
`implies also partial reconfigurability at runtime.
`A prototype chip with standard cells has been com-
`pletely specified in the hardware description Verilog and
`will be submitted for fabrication to the Eurochipl organi-
`zation soon. It has 32 bit datapaths and provides arithmetic
`resources for integer and fixed-point numbers. The FPGA
`version is being implemented by using Xilinx software
`tools. The programming environment is specified and is
`being implemented on Sun SPARCstations.
`l. Eurochip is a microelectronics project of the CEC.
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`for Reconfigurable Architectures;
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`FCCM'93, IEEE Computer Society Press, Napa, CA, pp.
`79-87, April 1993
`D. Hill, B. Britton, B. Oswald, N.-S. Woo, S. Singh, C.—T.
`Chen, B. Krambeck: ORCA: ANew Architecture for High-
`Performance FPGAs; in H. Grfinbacher, R. W. Hartenstein
`(Eds): Field-Programmable Gate Arrays, Lecture Notes in
`Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1993
`R. W. Hartenstein, A, G. Hirschbiel, M. Riedmiiller, K.
`Schmidt, M. Weber: A Novel ASIC Design Approach
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`R. W. Hartenstein, A. G. Hirschbiel, K. Schmidt M.
`Weber: A Novel Paradigm of Parallel Computation and its
`Use to Implement Simple High-Performance Hardware;
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`vier Science Publishers, North—Holland, 1992
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`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1034, p. 146
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1034, p. 146

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