May 1998
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`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1012, Cover 1
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1012, Cover 1


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`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1012, Cover 2
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1012, Cover 2


`Journal of
`Volume 19lNumber flimsy 1998
`Development of a Parallel Molecular Dynamics Code on SIMD Computers:
`Algorithm for Use of Fair List Criterion
`D. Rocmtnnn, R. Bizzarrl, G. Clnllenn', N. Senna, and A. Di Nola
`Multivariate Analysis of a Data Matrix Containing A—DNA and B-DNA
`Dinucleoside Monophosphate Steps: Multidimensional Ramachandran
`Plots for Nucleic Acids
`M. L. M. Backers and L. M. C. Bnydens
`Ab lnilio Prediction of 15N-NMR Chemical Shift in d-Boron Nitride
`Based on an Analysis of Connectivities
`Marcus Gnsn‘eicn and Christel M. Marian
`The Flying Ice Cube: Velocity Rescaling in Molecular Dynamics
`Leads to Violation of Energy Equipartition
`Stephen C. Harvey, Robert K.-Z. Tan, and Tltonms E. Clientlnnn Ill
`Systematic Prediction of the Products and Intermediates of Isot0pic
`Labeling in Reaction Pathway Studies
`Andrew V. Zeignrnilc and anil E. Millie’s-Perez
`Electrostatic Model for Infrared Intensities in a Spectroscopically
`Determined Molecular Mechanics Force Field.
`Kim Palm) and Samuel Krinnn
`Solvation Free Energies Calculated Using the GB/ SA Model: Sensitivity
`of Results on Charge Sets, Protocols, and Force Fields
`M. Rmni Reality, Mark D. Brion, Alnl Agnrwnl, Vt‘llrn‘kntl N. lf'iswnnndlmn
`D. Quentin McDonald, and W. Clark Still
`Volume 19. Number 7 was mailed llieiveel; of April [3.
`rCtmtinncn‘ on next page)
`Visit Wiley Journals Onllne
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1012, ToC i
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1012, ToC i


`Method of Calculating Band Shape for Molecular Electronic Spectra
`(311137 M. Pearl, Mr C. Zrmcr, Andcrs Bron, and [aim A/lclx’t‘lvqi;
`Neighbor-List Reduction: Optimization for Cmnputation of Molecular
`van der Waals and Solvent-Accessible Surface Areas
`[iii-g Wefsw', Armin A. Weiss}; Prter S. Shenkiu, mm‘ W. Clark Still
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1012, ToC ii
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1012, ToC ii


`Development of a Parallel Molecular
`Dynamics Code on SIMD COmputers:
`Algorithm for Use of Pair List Criterion
`Jli).",iriri'iii.=ii'iifo iii Cliiiiiica, tlnitr'i‘sih‘i ”Li? Siillii'iiiil,“ Pie Aldo More '5, 001'85 Rome, Italy
`JCz-lSPLiR Consortia per lr i’lppiiriijoni iii Siiprrcrilcolo per Lliiioersilr‘r e Riceror, r/o Um'errsih‘i “ Ln
`fiopii'iira," Rona: ital};
`’Dipiirtiiiieiilo di Fisica, Linierrsitii ”in Sapiriim,” Rome. Holy
`Received 24 April 1996; accepted 24 October 1‘99?
`ABSTRACT: In recenl years several
`implementations of molecular dynamics
`t'MDl codes have been reported on multiple instruction multiple data (NHMQJ‘Q? 3,“.
`machines. However, very few implementations of MD codes on single instruction?-
`multiple data (SIMD) machines have been reported. The difficulty in using pair
`lists of nonbonded interactions is the maior problem with MD codes for SIMD
`machines, such that, generally, the full connectivity computation has been used.
`We present an algorithm, the global cut-off algorithm (GCA), which permits the
`use of pair lists on SIMD machines. GCA is based on a probabilistic approach
`and requires the cut-off condition to be simultaneously verified on all nodes of
`the machine. The MD code used was taken from the GROMOS package: only
`the routines involved in the pair lists and in the computation of nonbonded
`interactions were rewritten for a parallel architecture. The remaining calculations
`Were performed on the host computer. The algorithm has been tested on
`Quadrics computers for configurations of 32, 128, and 512 processors and for
`systems of 4000, 8000, 15,000, and 30,000 particles. Quadrics was developed by
`lstituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) and marketed by Alenia Spazio.
`(03: 1998101111 Wiley 8: Sons, Inc.
`I Comput Chem 19: 685—694, 1998
`Keywords: molecular dynamics; domain decomposition algorithm; parallel
`con-iputers,‘ pair list for molecular dynamics code on SIMD machines; array
`processor elaborator {APE}
`Cortes;minivan“ to: A. Di Nola
`C(‘Inl'l'act/grant sponsors: Elite per le Nuove 'l'ecnologie,
`l’Energia e |'.-3inihiente; Alenia Spazio
`Journal of Computational Chemistry. Vol. 19, No. 7, 685—694 (1998}
`'9. 1993 John Wiley 3, Sons. Inc.
`000 0192-8651 198i070685~10
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1012, p. 685
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1012, p. 685


`int reduction
`C lassical molecular dynamics (MD) is used to
`study the properties of liquids, solids, and
`molecules.L2 The Net-yton equation of motion for
`each particle of the system is solved by numerical
`integration and its trajectory is obtained. From this
`microscopic point of view, many microscopic and
`macroscopic properties can be obtained. The need
`for numerical
`integration limits the time step to
`the femtosecond scale and makes MD simulation a
`very time consuming task. Therefore, considerable
`efforts have been concentrated on optimizing MD
`codes on parallel computers of different architecw
`Parallel computers are frequently described as
`belonging to one of two types: single instruction
`stream multiple data stream (SIMD), or multiple
`instruction stream multiple data stream (MIMD).
`in general, SIMD machines have a simpler archi-
`tecture, but
`they have hardware.
`limitations be—
`cause the same instruction is executed in parallel
`on every SIMD processor and, furthermore, some
`‘51th machines do not have local addressing; that
`is, the processors are not able to access their own
`memory using different local addresses. In recent
`years, several MD codes have been implemented
`on MIMD architectures with a few dozen of
`processors“; and, more recently, also on 100- to
`lUOO—processor MIMD machines.""S Parallel imple~
`mentations of biological MD programs such as
`CHARMM“ and GROMOSI" on MIMD machines
`have been discussed in the lite1'ature.”'”"3
`Less work has been done using SIMD
`systems.”"7 In general, they make use of the full
`connectivity computation;
`is, all atom pair
`interactions are calculated, and are useful
`long-range force systems. This is due to the diffi-
`culty of using pair lists of nonbonded atoms on
`SIMD machines with no local addressing.
`In the present study we propose an algorithm
`that permits the use of pair lists in a MD code for a
`SIMD machine with no local addressing. The algo—
`rithm requires simultaneous use of multiple time
`step”) and geometric decomposition” methods. In
`the systolic loop‘“ method is used to
`further reduce computation time.
`The method was tested on Quadrics com-
`puters,'”'31 a class of SIMD machines developed
`by INFN and Alenia Spazio, for configurations of
`32, 128, and 512 processors. Quadrics is the only
`massive parallel computer dueloiiaed with fully
`[European technology.
`the Europorlls'I’AL‘L‘
`project‘1 has shown,
`the scalability for a MD
`code on MIMD architecture, for complex systems
`such as a protein in solution, is generally satisfac-
`tory only up to 12—15 nodes.
`there are interesting projects being
`undertaken on mixed architecture MlMDl/SlMD
`machines that could supply the computational
`power of a SlMD machine, together with the flexi-
`bility of a MIMD.
`is therefore wortln-vhile to
`determine whether these machines are able to per-
`form such calculations.
`The following molecular systems have been
`used as tests:
`'i: Box of 1536 water molecules {4608
`System 2: Box with a BPTI (bovine pancreatic
`trypsin inhibitor) molecule and 2712 water
`molecules (8704 atoms).
`System 3: Box with a SOD {super-oxide dis-
`mutase) dimer and 42% water molecules
`(15,360 atoms).
`Sysfriii at: Box with a SOD (superoxide dis—
`mutase) dimer and 93—16 water molecules
`(30,720 atoms).
`It should be noted that system 4 is nearly the same
`as test case 13, used as the industrial benchmark in
`the framework of the EurosportZ/PACC project”
`(system 4 has 9346 water molecules whereas test
`case I3 has 9436 water molecules). The results
`show that the speed—up of the algorithm is compa-
`rable to those obtained with MIMD machines.
`We tested the method on a Quadrics machine,
`Alenia Spazio’s supercomputer derived from the
`APElOO (Array Processor Elaboratorl project, de—
`veloped by INFNJQ'll These computers are a fam-
`ily of massively parallel SIMD machines with im—
`plementations from 8
`to 2048 processors. The
`biggest implementation allows a peak computing
`power of 100 GFlops in single precision {32—bit
`The processors are arranged in a three—dimen-
`l3D) cubic mesh and can exchange data
`with the six neighboring nodes, with periodic
`boundaries. Each processor board contains eight
`processors (floating point units) with their own
`VOL. 19. NO. 7
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1012, p. 686
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1012, p. 686


`memory [4 megabytes). Up to lo boards can be put
`into a crate. Configurations with more than 128
`processors are made up connecting crates of 8 ::<
`—l X 4 ('l28) nodes.
`The Quadrics controller board contains one inte-
`ger CPU lZ~CPU), which controls the flux of the
`program and the integer arithmetic. The language
`used is called Tao, a Fortran—like high—level paral~
`lel language, which can be modified and extended
`through a dynamic ZZ parser. The Quadrics ma-
`chine is connected to a host computer (a Sun
`Spare-10 or -20). A host interface based on a HlPPl
`standard, which allows an l/O speed between the
`host and Quadrics of 20 MB/s, has recently been
`developed. The tests on the sequential machine
`have been run on a DEC—alpha 3000/3100 machine.
`Barone et al.22 compared the accuracy of Quadrics
`in the field of molecular dynamics with that of a
`com-‘entional computer to assess the limits of the
`single precision.
`Molecular Dynamics
`In a molecular dynamics simulation, the classi—
`cal equations of motion for the system of interest
`are integrated numerically by solving Newton's
`equations of motion:
`tin-E3— = —‘Tl.-lr’{ r1, rpm, r”)
`The solution gives the atomic positions and veloci-
`ties as a function of time. The knowledge of the
`trajectory of each atom permits study of the dy-
`namic or statistical properties of the system. The
`form of the interaction potential is complex and it
`includes energy terms that represent bonded and
`nonbonded (van der Waals and Coulombic) inter—
`= Z —i<,,[ii—ii,_,r+ 2 —K,le—ri..]-
`bonds 2
`angles 2
`'l‘ E EKglf— gull
`d i hed rals
`+ E qul + cosine — 8}]
`cl Elledrals
`+ Z
`pairsli', f]
`s- a
`' 7T6” in
`the bonded poten—
`The first four terms represent
`l',,, and K}, are the cIEQth'll-ljlll’lt'l
`lenelli, its
`reference value, and the bond stretchiru; force con--
`stant, respectively. H, H“, and l<,, are the actual
`bond angle,
`reference value, and the angle
`bending force constant, respectively; 5, {5d, and K,
`are the actual
`improper dihedral angle,
`its refer-
`ence value, and the improper dihedral angle bend—
`ing force constant,- respectively (c, K,_,
`ll, and Bi
`are the actual dihedral angle, its force constant, the
`multiplicity, and the phase, respectively. The last
`term in the equation includes the nonlmndecl, van
`der Waals, and Coulombic terms. a” and o},- are
`the dispersion well depth and the Lennard—Jones
`i},- and ii,- are the electrostatic atomic
`charges, r“-
`is the distance between them, and i:
`the dielectric constant.
`The time step used for the numerical integration
`is in the femtosecond scale. The highest frequency
`of bond Vibrations would require a time step 3 0.5
`is; however, it the simulation is performed with
`constant bond lengths, the time step can be 3‘ 2 is.
`For this reason, many MD codes perform simula-
`tions with constant bond lengths.
`The most frequently used algorithm to perform
`MD simulation at constant bond lengths is
`SHAKE algorithm based
`Computational .-\Ig0rillun for
`Nonlmmled interactions
`In a MD program, the calculation of the non-
`bonded forces is the most time-consuming task—in
`fact, it takes about 900? of the computational time,
`depending on the protocol used.
`One of the most frequently used techniques to
`reduce the number of nonbonded forces is the
`cut-oil" criterion. With this method the interactions
`between atoms beyond a cut-off distance are ne-
`glected. If the cut-off radius is appropriate the lost
`energy contribution to the global potential is small.
`During a small number of steps the pairs of inter-
`acting atoms are considered to remain the same so
`that it is possible to create a list of these interac-
`tions, the nonboncled pair list, which will be up-v
`dated every ii steps in is generally equal to 10).
`The number of nonbonded interactions is NlN —
`ll/2 (N is the number of atoms), so that
`proportional to N1. The use of the cut-off criterion
`reduces this number to icN (k is a constant}.
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1012, p. 687
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1012, p. 687


`the cut—off criterion is not di-
`rectly applicable to SIMD architecture, as the same
`instruction is executed at each time on each pro-
`cessor and, consequently, it is not possible to have
`a local branch (the cut-off condition) in the pro—
`gram flow. Morem'er, on Quadrics it is not possi-
`ble to have a local pair list on each node because
`local addressing of arrays is not possible. This
`explains the lower level of efficiency of a MD code
`on a SIMD machine with respect to a MIMD one.
`We have recently developed an algorithm,
`global cut—off algorithm (CGA), based on a proba-
`bilistic approach, which allows the use of the cut—
`off condition on a SIMD machine with no local
`Because the calculation of bonded interactions
`and the integration of the trajectory take a small
`amount of the total calculation time, in the present
`version we have chosen to carry them out on the
`front-end computer and to perform only the calcu-
`lations of the pair list and of the nonbonded forces
`using the SiMD machine. It is, of course, possible
`to perform all force calculations and integration in
`the parallel machine using, for instance, the repli-
`cated data method.“
`The assignment of the atoms to the nodes is
`obtained by a dynamically geometric decomposi~
`tion” in such a way that
`the same number of
`atoms is assigned to each node. In what folltn-vs,
`We discuss a decomposition for a bidimensional
`case; the extension to a third dimension is straight-
`forward: given the bidimensional box of Figure la
`and a 2D parallel topology of ii = a, X it” proces~
`sors, with it‘. = il,, == 2,
`the box is first divided
`into Jr, boxes along the .r—axis, as shown in Figure
`1b, each containing the same number of atoms.
`Each box is successively divided into ll” boxes
`along the jraxis in such a way that each one of the
`H". X n” boxes contains the same number of atoms
`(Fig. 1c}. When, as in a real case, a third dimension
`exists, a successive division along the :—axis has to
`be performed.
`It is obvious that, before performing any divi—
`sion along a given axis, it is necessary to sort the
`atoms of each box along that axis.
`The density of a molecular system, such as a
`is not uniform;
`the boxes do not
`have the same axis lengths. However, these differ-
`ences do not significantly reduce the efficiency of
`the GCA described in what follows.
`FIGURE 1. Domain decomposition of the molecular
`system in boxes with the same number of atoms, for a
`bicllmensional case.
`Fit} "I‘D ”(J LOOP lll‘i'l‘l l0!)
`Quadrics topology makes it possible to use
`a systolic loop to calculate the nonbonded inter—
`actions between the atoms assigned to the dif-
`ferent nodes. The systolic loop method is one of
`the most efficient algorithms for calculation of
`on MIMD and ESIMD
`machines.”- 1'" “'3'; The systolic loop algorithm
`passes the coordinates of all atoms around a ring
`of P processors in [3/2 steps, such that half of the
`coordinates passes every processor exactly once
`(transient atoms). Each node also stores the coordi—
`nates of a group of atoms of the overall system
`(resident atoms}. During the systolic cycle each
`processor evaluates and accumulates the interac—
`tions of the resident atoms with the transient ones.
`Only half of the atoms have to pass in each com-
`putational node as a consequence of the reciprocity
`of the interactions.
`The systolic loop path for a 32-node Quadrics
`machine is shown in Figure 2. This machine has
`two nodes along the y and : directions and eight
`along the .r direction.
`The geometric decomposition of the system per—
`mits limitation of the search for nonbonded inter—
`actions only to the neighboring processors nearer
`than the cut-off radius, so that, depending on the
`number of nodes and on the system size,
`generally not necessary to perform the complete
`systolic loop. The computed forces are passed back
`to the m-vning processor to accumulate the full
`liliflllui (IVY-0P1" ALGORI'I‘IHI
`On a SlMD machine, all nodes simultaneously
`evaluate an interaction, but the atom pairs in each
`node are different. Figure 3 shows, as an example,
` 638
`VOL. 19, NO. 7
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1012, p. 688
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1012, p. 688


`\ RiGHT (x)
`FIGURE 2- SYStOHC 100i? path for node {Oporol 0* a
`32'”°d9 Wadi?“ maChine- The ‘rflnsjent groups of
`atoms visit only four neighboring y—z pianes, based on
`Newton's third law,
`the case with four nodes: suppose that each node
`is evaluating the interaction in;
`in this case, all a,
`interactions fall within the cut-off radius. When
`the interactions are of the ii, type all the distances
`fall outside the cutoff radius and the interactions
`it, are skipped. in the case of interactions of type. c,-
`the interaction is outside the cutoff radius in nodes
`'1, 2, and 3, but it is inside the cut—off radius in
`node i, so that all nodes have to calculate this
`interaction and oni_\' will be sated in the forays
`calculation. If the atoms in each node are ordered
`the interactions of type c,
`being the most frequent.
`The. basis idea of the global cut-off algorithm
`(GCAJ is to maximize the occurrence of interac-
`tions of type a, and i1,- and, conversely, reduce the
`occurrence of interactions of type t',. To this end, it
`is necessary that the atoms in all nodes are sorted
`with the same criterion. Different types of sorting
`give comparable results. We have chosen the one
`shot-en in Figure 4. After this sorting procedure, a
`list of the interactions of type a, and rI
`is created
`in the integer CPU (Z~CPU) of the SIMD machine.
`This l'st
`is e Liv'al’nt, but not iientical,
`to the
`q I
`L L
`nonbonded pair list used in most MD programs
`and will be referred as the nniibomied pair iist.
`The ordering procedures for the domain decom-
`position and the sorting procedure previiaushr dcw
`scribed are time consuming and have to be per-
`formed on the host serial machine; however, as
`will be shown, they have to be performed every
`100 to 200 steps so that they do not significantly
`affect the global computation time.
`The global cutoff condition is based on a proba—
`bilistic approach, so that the number of pair inter-
`actions to be calculated is larger than the actual
`number of pairs included within the r,ut distance.
`Depending on the molecular system and on the
`number of nodes, the ratio between the number of
`the calculated interactions and the number of in-
`teractions actually included within the cut—oil" dis—
`FIGURE 3. Different types of interactions in a case of
`four nodes. 5-,, all the interactions fall within the cutoff
`distance; b,, ail the interactions fall outside the cut-off
`distance; 0,, one interaction falls within the cut-oft.
`whereas three fall outside the cut-off. P.U.= processor
`FIGURE 4. Sorting of atoms in each node for a
`bidimensionei case. The atoms are represented as full
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1012, p. 689
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1012, p. 689


`tance varies from the three to five. in this sense,
`the GCA is not vet)" efficient. l—lt'1\\-'E\-‘el‘,
`it must he
`noted that almost all pair interactions within a
`distance rm, < r E, rm, + Ar, with Ar a 0.2 nm,
`are calculated. As an example, given rm,
`=—- 06 run,
`949}- of the interactions in the range 0.6 < r <_: 0.8
`nm are calculated and only 69?. of pairs in this
`range are lost. This suggests'adoption of a cut-
`off value of in“, to be used in the global cut—off
`condition, somewhat shorter than the actual cut—off,
`rm, desired for the simulation.
`in the previous
`example, with the». = 0.6 and rt,th = 0.8 ran,
`number of pairs to be calculated is roughly two-
`to—threefolcl larger than the actual number of pairs
`within the run distance. The remaining 60? of
`interactions in the range 0.6 < r g 0.6 n1n have to
`be calculated separately.
`is well known that nonbonded forces vary
`more slowly than the bonded ones. Moreover, non—
`bonded forces at large distances vary slower than
`nonbonded forces at short distances. This suggests
`updatingr of the forces at different steps, according
`to their nature (bonded and nonbonded) and to the
`distance of the interaction. The short—range in terac—
`tions can be evaluated every step, and long-range
`interactions every in steps. Accordingly,
`the few
`interactions in the range 0.6 c r g 0.8 run that
`i-vere lost using "cca = 0.6 nm can be updated
`every in steps. As these interactions are calculated
`while evaluating the ironlJemimi pair list
`ti.e., up-
`dated every n steps}, we have chosen in = u = 10.
`It must be noted that there are now two shells:
`an inner shell (r g 0.6 um) and an outer shell
`(0.6 < r s 0.8 um). All interactions are evaluated
`every in steps, whereas only those interactions
`corresponding to the inner shell are evaluated ev—
`ery step. It is therefore not necessary to have a skin
`distance and to store a list of atom pairs outside
`the outer shell.
`t)» seen that most illit’l'm'.
`in the present study it
`tions in the range 0.h to 0.8 nm are a.:-valuatcd every
`step and only a few of them are evaluah-irl every in
`steps. According to all of the MTS algorithms, this
`choice does not affect the numerical accuracy; in
`fact, the same accuracy is obtained when an inter—
`action, within the outer shell,
`is evaluated every
`short time step or e\-'er_v long time step. i-iou’ever,
`as every long time step all interactions within the
`outer shell are evaluated, it is possible to perform
`the MTS according to the classical procedure; that
`is, by collection all
`the interactions within the
`outer shell at every long time step and collecting
`only the interactions within the inner shell at every
`time step. Among several algorithms pro—
`posed for the multiple time step (NtTSlLi5‘3l‘ we
`have chosen the one developed by Scully and
`it must be noted that all nonbonded interactions
`(van der Waals and Coulombic) between bonded
`and nonbonded atoms are calculated in this step,
`but the interactions between bonded atoms are not
`saved. This is obtained by attaching to each atom a
`list of the atoms bonded to itself. This procedure is
`certainly not efficient, but
`the time required to
`perform it is negligible. In the following tests, the
`values of foot and rm, are fixed at 0.6 and 0.8 nm,
`Table I shows the number of interactions within
`the cut-off radius rm, compared with the number
`of interactions to be evaluated with the GCA. It
`can be noted that the number of interactions for
`calculation is two to three times the actual number
`of interactions within the cut-off radius. The time
` Number of Actual Interactions, N, within a Cut-0ft Radius (rcul) = 0.8 nm Compared with the Number of
`Interactions Calculated Using GCA on 32-, 128- and 512-Node Ouadrios Machines.
`32 nodes
`128 nodes
`512 nodes
`System i
`(4608 atoms)
`System 2
`1 1312.864
`(8704 atoms)
`System 3
`{15.360 atoms)
`System 4
`{30,720 atoms)
`VOL. 19, NO. 7
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1012, p. 690
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - EX. 1012, p. 690


`required for performing the MD simulation with
`the present code is the sum of the followingr steps:
`1. Ordering procedure (performed everv it
`steps by the host computer}.
`2. Calculation of the “outmoded pair list
`formed everv H steps by Quadrics).
`3. Calculation of the nonbonded forces {per—
`formed every step by Quadricsl.
`3a. Calculation of the bonded forces by the host
`computer while performing step 3.
`4. I/O host H Quadrics.
`SHAKE and integration {performed by the
`The ordering procedure is a time-consuming
`task and, due to the diffusion of the system, it has
`to be periodically repeated every It steps. If no
`reordering is performed the iroirlioiitled pair list will
`include an increasing number of interactions, thus
`increasing the computational time. Figure 5 shows
`R N
`umberofinteractions:4T0" 53'

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