`Reference 40
`EX. 2152, p. 1


`2015 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing in Emerging Markets
`Benchmarking Bare Metal Cloud Servers for
`HPC Applications
`P. Rad1, A T Chronopoulos2, P. Lama2, P. Madduri2, C. Loader2
`1Department of Computer Engineering, University of Texas at San Antonio
`2Department of Computer Science, University of Texas at San Antonio
`1 UTSA Circle, San Antonio, Texas 78249, U.S.A.
`Abstract—Cloud Computing is an ever-growing paradigm shift
`in computing allowing user’s commodity access to compute
`and storage services. As such cloud computing is an emerging
`promising approach for High Performance Computing (HPC)
`application development. Automation of resource provision
`offered by Cloud computing
`the eScience
`programmer usage of computing and storage resources.
`Currently, there are many commercial services for compute,
`storage, network and many others from big name companies.
`However, these services typically do not have performance
`guarantees associated with them. This results in unexpected
`performance degradation of user’s applications that can be
`somewhat random to the user. In order to overcome this, a
`user must be well versed in the tools and technologies that
`drive Cloud Computing. One of the state of the art cloud
`systems, is a cloud system that provides bare metal server
`instances on demand. Unlike traditional cloud servers, bare
`metal cloud servers are free from virtualization overheads, and
`thus promise to be more suitable for HPC applications. In this
`paper, we present our study on the performance and scalability
`of Openstack based bare metal cloud servers, using a popular
`HPC benchmark suite. Our experiments conducted at UTSA
`Open Cloud Institute’s cloud system with 200 cores
`demonstrate excellent scaling performance of bare metal cloud
`Keywords- Bare Metal, Cloud computing, MPI, HPC
`Today there are growing interests among the academic and
`commercial HPC users to utilize cloud computing as a cost
`effective alternative for their computing needs. Cloud
`computing offers the potential of reducing some of heavy
`financial commitments associated with high
`performance computing infrastructure, while yielding to
`faster turnaround times [1]. HPC applications in the cloud
`can mainly benefit from on-demand elasticity of computing
`resources, and the pay-per-usage cost model. On the other
`hand, previous studies have shown that that commodity
`interconnects and the overhead of virtualization on compute,
`network and storage performance are major performance
`barriers to the adoption of cloud for HPC [2,3,4].
`Recent efforts towards HPC-optimized clouds, such as
`Magellan [5] and Amazon’s EC2 Cluster Compute [6], are
`promising steps
`towards overcoming
`the performance
`978-1-4673-8566-4/16 $31.00 © 2016 IEEE
`DOI 10.1109/CCEM.2015.13
`barriers in the cloud environment. However, these solutions
`still involve the use of traditional virtualization softwares
`such as Xen, KVM, etc., which introduce significant
`performance overheads to HPC applications. In this paper,
`we present an extensive performance evaluation of a new
`Cloud technology that offers bare metal servers on demand.
`The idea of bare metal cloud servers is to give the end users
`full processing power of the physical server without using a
`virtual layer. Bare metal cloud servers are single-tenant
`systems that can be provisioned in minutes, and that allow
`users to pay by the minute. Subsequently, some of the
`obstacles of the basic cloud computing approach due to
`technology are resolved.
` First of all,
`computation intensive applications can request a certain
`type of server, thus the Service Level Agreement (SLA) is
`very clear from the providers point. Secondly, users know
`about the servers they are using and can tune the BIOS and
`system configurations in order to obtain the highest level of
`performance. And last but not least, since the server is not
`shared among multiple tenants, no one can interfere with the
`performance of the machine [22]. This technology removes
`the overheads of virtualization, while providing the high
`availability and elasticity of the cloud.
`Figure 1. Bare Metal vs. Virtual Machine Compute in Openstack
`resource provisioning
`There are many bare metal
`frameworks available in market today [23, 24, 25]. These
`frameworks automate the deployment of operating systems
`in a datacenter. One of the key challenges of bare-metal
`provisioning algorithm lies in scheduling the appropriate
`servers from the datacenter. It is very challenging to
`optimize the scheduling of heterogeneous resources mainly
`due to the number of variables involved in making a
`EX. 2152, p. 2


`decision. In general, it is considered to be a NP hard
`problem [23]. In this paper, we have evaluated Openstack’s
`new approach of cloud integrated bare-metal provisioning
`framework plug-in [26]. It is best thought of as a bare metal
`hypervisor API and a set of plugins which interact with the
`bare metal hypervisors similar to virtual machines. The
`main rational behind this approach is to make the cloud
`Application Programming Interface (API) self-sufficient and
`enable a single cloud platform that can launch both bare
`metal and virtual machines. Figure 1
`difference between bare metal and virtual machine
`in a cloud environment managed by
`Openstack. By default, the bare metal provisioning uses
`PXE and IPMI in concert to provision and turn on/off
`machines, but it also supports vendor-specific plugins which
`may implement additional functionality.
`To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper that
`evaluates the performance of HPC benchmarks on a bare-
`metal cloud platform. For performance evaluation, we used
`UTSA Open Cloud Institute’s bare metal cloud servers to
`run the HPCC (High Performance Computing Challenge)
`[7] benchmark suite. Bare metal provisioning is enabled by
`OpenStack Ironic, an integrated OpenStack program which
`provisions bare metal machines, forked from the Nova
`baremetal driver. Our results demonstrate excellent scaling
`performance of bare metal cloud servers with 200 cores.
`The remainder of the paper is organized as follows.
`Sections II and III provide the background, an overview of
`related work and our approach for cloud-based bare-metal
`provisioning. Section IV describes our methodology of
`automating HPC testbed setup in the cloud. Sections V, and
`VI present a brief introduction to the benchmarks we used
`and the results of our evaluations. Section VII concludes the
`paper with directions for future work.
`High performance computing in the cloud has gained
`[8,9,10,11,18,19,20]. Marathe et al. [10] evaluated the cloud
`traditional high performance clusters along
`turnaround time and cost. Walker [2], followed by several
`others [3,10,12], conducted the study on HPC in cloud by
`benchmarking Amazon EC2
`[13]. He et al.
`experimented with three public clouds and compared the
`results with dedicated HPC systems. These studies show
`that interconnect latency and virtualization overheads in the
`cloud environment impose major performance barriers to
`HPC applications.
`In a recent study, Gupta et al. [15] evaluated HPC
`benchmarks using two lightweight virtualization techniques,
`thin VMs configured with PCI pass-through for I/O, and
`containers, that is OS-level virtualization. Lightweight
`virtualization reduces the latency overhead of network
`virtualization by granting virtual machines native accesses
`to physical network. On the other hand, Containers such as
`LXC [16] share the physical network interface with its
`sibling containers and its host. This study showed that thin
`VM and containers
`impose a
`communication overhead.
`With the advent of state-of-the art cloud technology such as
`bare metal server provisioning, the performance of HPC
`applications in the cloud environment is expected to
`improve further with respect to both computation and
`communication workloads. Unlike traditional cloud servers,
`bare metal cloud servers are free from virtualization
`overheads. However, these emerging cloud platforms have
`so far not been evaluated extensively for HPC applications.
`A. Overview of Bare-Metal Provisioning Frameworks
`This section will briefly discuss the bare-metal frameworks
`prior to our cloud-based bare-metal provisioning.
`1) Cobbler is an open source server provisioning
`system that allows for rapid setup of network
`installation environments. The cobblerproject was
`by RedHat
`independently [24].
`2) Canonical MaaS is an open source bare metal
`provisioning helps
`in deploying Ubuntu onto
`multiple bare-metal machines using (Intelligent
`Platform Management Interface) IPMI [23].
`3) Razor is a bare metal provisioning framework built
`by Puppet Labs to deploy and configure multiple
`machines simultaneously [25].
`4) Emulab is a network testbed which provides an
`environment to carry out research in computer
`networks and distributed systems. To provision
`bare hardware systems, Emulab takes a user
`defined network topology in a Network Simulator
`file and configures the topology.
`B. Bare Metal Cloud
`Figure 2. shows the architecture of Bare Metal Cloud used
`in this paper. The main rational behind our approach is to
`make the cloud scheduler and the cloud Application
`Programming Interface (API) self-sufficient and make it a
`single platform that can launch bare metal and virtual
`We use cloud based bare-metal provisioning operated by the
`Open Cloud Institute (OCI) at the University of Texas at
`San Antonio. It offers significant capacity and similar
`EX. 2152, p. 3


`design features found in Cloud Computing providers,
`infrastructure design.
`As an example, the complete deployment flow using the
`PXE driver is shown in Figure 3.
`In order to setup a large scale HPC testbed in the cloud,
`we developed automation
`installation, and configuration of OpenMPI and other related
`software. For this purpose, we used Ansible, an automation
`engine that automates cloud provisioning, configuration
`management, application deployment [29]. Ansible allows
`us to write playbooks and then put a script containing
`commands to run the playbooks onto the proxy server to
`distribute the commands to each of the cloud servers as
`shown in Figure 4.
`Figure 2. Bare Metal Cloud Architecture
`Figure 3. Bare metal provisioning state diagram [28]
`As shown in Figure 2, the required steps to boot a bare
`metal compute node are as follows:
`1) Authenticate with keystone
`2) Send boot request to Nova API
`3) Send boot request to Nova Scheduler to select the
`host for bare metal deployment
`4) Send boot request to the bare metal host
`Ironic Conductor gets the image from Glance
`6) Configure network using Neutron
`7) Set deploy request to Ironic API
`8) Deploy host – the deployment flow is based on the
`Ironic driver used.
`Figure 4. Cloud Automation with Ansible
`the HPC benchmarking
`to run
`In future, we plan
`experiments on NSFCloud (Chameleon [30]) using compute
`nodes with faster processors (intel haswell) and memory
`The examples of Ansible playbooks that we developed are
`as follows.
`Playbook for configuring SSH-keys
`- name: configure SSH on servers
` hosts: servers
` sudo: true
` vars:
` remote_user: root
` tasks:
` - name: Installing required essentials
` apt: name=build-essential state=installed
` - name: Generating SSH Keys
` user: name=root generate_ssh_key=yes
` - name: Obtaining Keys
` fetch:
` - name: Copying SSH keys to Machines
` copy: src=~/.ssh/ dest=~/.ssh/ directory_mode
` - name: Adding
`list of authorized_keys
`EX. 2152, p. 4


`The first part of the playbook configures the SSH-keys and
`the communication between machines. We did this by first
`generating a SSH-key on each machine, then fetched them
`to the host machine then we copied the contents of each
`machines public key file to each individual machines
`authorized_keys file. This ensured that each machine could
`communicate with each other without a password.
`After SSH-keys are configured, we installed the OpenMPI
`required packages. We used the apt module in Ansible to
`make sure those packages were installed.
`Playbook for installing OpenMPI
`- name: configure OpenMPI on servers
` hosts: servers
` sudo: true
` vars:
` remote_user: root
` tasks:
` - name: install the required packages for OpenMPI
` action: apt package={{item}} state=installed
` with_items:
` - openmpi-bin
` - openmpi-checkpoint
` - openmpi-common
` - openmpi-doc
` - libopenmpi-dev
`Playbook for modifying and creating mpi_hosts
`- name: configure mpi_hosts file on host
` hosts: host
` sudo: true
` vars:
` remote_user: root
` tasks:
` - name: moving inventory to host file
` action: copy src=inventory dest=/root/
` - name: renaming inventory to mpi_hosts
` command: mv inventory mpi_hosts
` - name: editing mpi_hosts file
` command: sed -i '1,2d' mpi_hosts
` - name: continuing editing
` command: sed -i '/[servers]/d' mpi_hosts
`The final step was to generate a mpi_hosts file (which tells
`which machines to use). This step was merely copy the
`inventory file and use sed commands to modify the file.
`This has allowed for easy configuration of a large number of
`machines, much faster than a batch script.
`For performance evaluation, we ran various compute
`intensive and communication intensive benchmarks from
`the HPCC (High Performance Computing Challenge)
`benchmark suite. The HPC Challenge benchmark consists at
`this time of benchmarks such as HPL, Random Access,
`PTRANS, FFT, DGEMM and Latency Bandwidth. HPL is
`the Linpack TPP benchmark.
`the ATLAS
`the HPCC workload with
`We built
`(Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software) math
`library. ATLAS provides highly optimized Linear Algebra
`kernels for arbitrary cache-based architectures [17]. ATLAS
`provides ANSI C and Fortran77 interfaces for the entire
`BLAS API, and a small portion of the LAPACK API.
`The HPL benchmark measures the ability of a system to
`deliver fast floating point execution while solving a system
`linear equations [32]. Performance of
`the HPL
`benchmark is measured in GFLOP/s.
`The HPC Challenge Random Access benchmark evaluates
`the rate at which a parallel system can apply updates to
`randomly indexed entries in a distributed table. Performance
`of the Random Access benchmark is measured in Giga
`Updates per second (GUP/s). GUPS (Giga Updates per
`Second) is a measurement that profiles the memory
`architecture of a system, and is a measure of performance
`similar to MFLOPS. The HPCS HPC challenge Random
`Access benchmark is intended to exercise the GUPS
`capability of a system, much like the LINPACK benchmark
`is intended to exercise the MFLOPS capability of a
`computer. In each case, we would expect these benchmarks
`to achieve close to the "peak" capability of the memory
`system. The extent of the similarities between Random
`Access and LINPACK are limited to both benchmarks
`attempting to calculate a peak system capability.
`PTRANS (parallel matrix transpose)
`PTRANS measures the rate of transfer for large arrays of
`data from multiprocessor’s memory. PTRANS exercises the
`communications where pairs of processors communicate
`with each other simultaneously. It is a useful test of the total
`communications capacity of the network.
`(Fast Fourier Transform)
`The HPC Challenge FFT
`benchmark measures the ability of a system to overlap
`computation and communication while calculating a very
`large Discrete Fourier Transform of size m with input vector
`z and output vector Z [31]. Performance of the FFT
`benchmark is measured in GFLOP/s. FFT measures the
`floating point rate of execution of double precision complex
`one-dimensional Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT).
`A set of tests to measure latency and bandwidth of a number
`Latency/Bandwidth measures latency (time required to send
`an 8-byte message from one node to another) and bandwidth
`EX. 2152, p. 5


`determined as follows. For 1 core the dimension N value
`used is 14000, for 20 cores it is 80000, and for 40, 80, 120,
`160 and 200 cores the dimension used is 100000. Figure 5
`shows the speedups for HPL and PTRANS benchmarks with
`increasing number of cores. The results shown in Table 1,
`and Figure 5 demonstrate that bare metal cloud servers scale
`well for both compute-intensive and communication-
`intensive benchmarks. It is mainly due to the fact that the
`bare-metal servers are single tenant, and they avoid the
`virtualization overheads by
`virtualization layer.
`remaining HPCC
`results of
`The performance
`benchmarks are show in Tables 2, 3, and 4. The benchmarks
`in Table 2 and Table 3 are not parallel. Still, we ran them to
`see if there is any change in performance by using multiple
`cores. Table 4 contains bandwidth benchmarks.
`Table 2. Results of DEGMM, Random Access, and FFT for single CPU for
`Bare Metal Machines
`Star FFT
`Table 3. Results of Star Random Access and Star FFT for Bare Metal
`Star Random
`(message size divided by the time it takes to transmit a
`2,000,000 byte message) of network communication using
`basic MPI routines. The measurement is done during non-
`simultaneous (ping-pong benchmark) and simultaneous
`communication (random and natural ring pattern) and
`therefore it covers two extreme levels of contention (no
`contention and contention caused by each process
`communicates with a randomly chosen neighbor in parallel)
`that might occur in real application.
`Measures the floating point rate of execution of double
`precision real matrix-matrix multiplication.
`A. Benchmarking Bare Metal Cloud
`The bare metal cloud platform used in this paper was built
`on a cluster of machines equipped with 10 core
`Intel® Xeon® E5-2680 v2 2.8Ghz processor, and 32GB
`RAM. Redundant 10Gbps network connectivity was used to
`provide high performance access between all nodes.
`Table 1. Results of HPL, PTRANS, MPI FFT, and MPI Random Access for
`Bare Metal Machines
`MPI Random
`Figure 5. Speedups for HPL and PTRANS for Bare metal machines
`As shown in Table 1, the performance of HPL, PTRANS,
`MPI FFT, and MPI Random Access improve steadily with
`increasing number of CPU cores used in the bare metal
`server cluster. The problem size of the benchmarks were
`Table 4. Results of Bandwidth for Bare Metal Machines
`EX. 2152, p. 6


`Bandwidth (MB/s)
`Ping Pong Min
`echo "#Updating with the appropriate values"
`sed -i "/BLLIB =/ s:/.*:$HOME/BLAS/blas_LINUX.a:"
`echo "--- Bulding CBLAS ---"
`make all
`echo "--- Downloading HPCC --- "
`echo "--- Extracting HPCC ---"
`tar -zxvf hpcc-1.4.3.tar.gz
`We gratefully acknowledge the following:
`(i) Support by NSF grant CNS-1419165 to the University of
`Texas at San Antonio; and (ii) time grants to access the
`Facilities of the Open Cloud Institute of University of Texas
`at San Antonio.
`Both virtualized and bare metal platforms have different
`advantages and disadvantages
`support of HPC
`applications. In this paper we evaluated the performance of
`bare metal cloud
`for a
`set of computation and
`communication benchmarks. Our experimental results show
`that bare metal cloud system deliver excellent scaling
`It can provide cloud providers with
`unprecedented flexibility and capability in building hyper-
`scale high performance cloud infrastructure required for
`scientific applications. In future, we plan to set up, and
`benchmark an HPC cluster with high end nodes from
`Chameleon Cloud infrastructure (256 GB memory and
`Haswell Processors). We will also compare the performance
`of baremetal cloud with equivalent Amazon public cloud
`servers. Furthermore, we will investigate the performance of
`storage services combined with computations for the system.
`Shell scripting for installing pre-requisites of ATLAS:
`sudo apt-get update
`sudo apt-get install build-essential -y
`sudo apt-get
`install openmpi-bin openmpi-checkpoint
`openmpi-common openmpi-doc libopenmpi-dev -y
`sudo apt-get update
`echo "--- Installing gfortran Compiler ---"
`sudo apt-get install gfortran
`echo "--- Downloading BLAS ---"
`echo "--- Extracting BLAS ---"
`tar -xvzf blas.tgz
`cd BLAS
`echo "--- BLAS Compilation Started ---"
`echo " "
`make all
`echo " "
`echo "--- BLAS Compilation Finished ---"
`echo "--- Downloading CBLAS ---"
`echo "--- Extracting CBLAS ---"
`tar -xvzf cblas.tgz
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