`Reference 12
`EX. 2124, p. 1


`2017 IEEE 35th International Conference on Computer Design


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`1063-6404/17 $31.00 © 2017 IEEE
`DOI 10.1109/ICCD.2017.28
`EX. 2124, p. 2


`Prior Work
`/  0 1
`0 Thread Count: [5, 9, 21, 22]
`   &'$$$($'$"##%
`Core Type: [4,8,11,17,18,19,22]
)   "##%
`0 Thread Count & Core Type: [9,22]
` )   #*%
`Voltage/Frequency & Core Type: [2,3]
 ,-  #*&!"$$...%
`0 Application Behavior: [2, 3,4, 5, 9, 11, ...]
`This Work
`  0 1
)  )
`0 Thread Count & Core Type &
` )+
`. O Voltage/Frequency & Application Behavior
`Multithreaded applications are comprised of number of
`  2
`parallel regions which are separated by serial regions. In this
`  1  
` 2 
` + , 
`work, we refer to these parallel regions as Region of Interest
`0 1
`   .   ,
`In a homogenous multi-core architecture and for
`E./,C+ ,    

`conventional scheduling, all of these regions are processed on
`the same core type, same voltage and fiequency, and number
`@   2
`of threads,
`though not all
`regions may have the same
`preferences. Some of these ROIs may benefit fiom different
` +    ./,  2 
`configurations than the others to obtain the maximized energy-

`efficiency. As mentioned earlier,
`the main challenge for
`  +   
`scheduling is to effectively tune system, architecture and
`application level parameters in CCA for the entire application
`as well as
`the intermediate parallel
`to achieve
` 1   
`maximum energy-efficiency. In this work, similar to [1,2], we
`are assuming that big cores (composed) are constructed by
`    2  
` E C 
`  2
`composing multiple little (base) cores.
`  E2C 
`Fig. 2 illustrates an overview of optimal configurations for
`$ +9
` 1  
`application selected fiom SPLASH-2 multithreaded
`benchmark suite with three parallel regions. In each ROI the
`0  1 
` + ,   ./, 
`best possible configuration for core type, operating fiequency
`2 2  
`and thread counts that results in maximized energy-efficiency
`  %3 
`is specified. As can be seen, R011 needs to be run on the base
` + 2./,52
`core with 2.4GHz fiequency and 8 threads, whereas for R012
`@ ?
`in order to achieve the best energy-efficiency, we need to
`      2 
`compose two small cores to make a big core. Moreover, the
`  1  
`  0  2  
`optimal operating frequency increases to 2.8GHz. The ability
`  9+?"3+ - 2
`to accurately predict the optimal application, system and even
`microarchitecture parameters and adapt them to achieve the
`maximum energy-efficiency within different parallel regions of
`an application is the main motivation for this work. We
`  1
`0+ A
`develop several machine leaming-based approaches which are
` 1 
`able to predict the optimal setting of tuning parameters and
`change them to suit the specific requirement of each parallel
`region within the multithreaded application.
` 1
` +
`Fig. 3 depicts our three-stage approach for predicting
`$ + (   
`the right core type and application configuration when running
`a multithreaded application on composite cores architecture.
`Our machine leaming-based approach begins fiom extracting
`  2  
` %
`microarchitectural data (referred as feature extraction), fiom
`  E
` %
` C 
`different parallel regions of application to characterize the
`multithreaded workload. These data (or features) include the
` 1
`0+ -  E
`hardware performance counter data, which are representative
`  1  
`of application behavior at run-time. Next, a machine leaming-
` 2 

`based predictor (that is built ofi-line) takes in these features
` E  2 
C 0   
`and predicts the best configuration settings for a given parallel
` 2  
`region. For this purpose, we have implemented five well-
` + $
` 1      1

`known machine learning algorithms and compare them in
`terms of accuracy, power and area overhead to find to the most
` 1
`effective learning model which yields in optimized energy-
`   1    3 

`efficiency. Finally, we configure the processor and schedule
`  + $ 1  
`the application to run on the predicted configuration. In this
`+ , 
`work, the metric that we use to characterize energy-efficiency
` 1 
`is the Energy Delay Product (EDP) which aims to balance
`  ! 
`  E!C 1    2 
`performance and power consumption. We construct and
`   1
` + A 
`0 i 0

`Processor Carrjl'g.


`Feature Values

`(Core Type, Freq, #Threads)
`Fig. 3. An overview ofour approach for predicting the optimal configuration
`$ +(+ 
` 1
`and scheduling the multithreaded application
`EX. 2124, p. 3
`voltage/fiequency [2,3], or core type [4,8,11,17,18,19,22] and
`  B
`@  49(6 
`  47?555:5?58996 
`they have ignored the interplay among all these parameters.
`This study indicates that these parameters individually, while
`   1
`important, do not make a truly optimum configuration to
`   0  
`achieve the best energy-efficiency on a CCA. The best
`    2 
     + - 2
`configuration for a multithreaded application can be effectively
`  2  
`found, only when these parameters are jointly optimized. Fig. 1
`D3+$ +5
`illustrates the tuning parameters influencing in scheduling
`decision in a CCA. Also, recent prior works as well as the
`    + 
` 1
`0  1  
`contribution of our work is shown in this figure.
`In this paper, through methodical investigation of power
`        1
`and performance, and comprehensive system and micro-

`architectural level analysis, we first characterize multithreaded
` 1
`applications on CCA to understand the power and performance
`trade-ofis offered by various configuration parameters and to
` 2 
`find how the interplay of these parameters affects the energy-

`efficiency. Our study is focused on a CCA where many little
`  + /
`        1
`cores (base) can be configured into few big cores (composed)
`E2C 2  
`E C
`and vice versa. The experimental results support that there is
`+ - %
`no unique solution for the best configuration for different
` @  
`  2  
`applications. Given the
`dispersed pattern of optimum
` + " 
`configuration, we develop various machine learning models to
`predict the energy-efficiency of parallel regions, and guide
`scheduling and fine-tuning parameters to maximize the energy-

`efficiency. As behavior of applications changes at run-time, we
`  +2 
`applied our prediction and tuning method at a fine-grained

`level of individual parallel region within an application.
` 1 +
`We use five well-known machine learning models to build
`A 1
` 2
`predictors based on the knowledge extracted fiom an extensive
`201 %
`set of hardware performance data which are
`a good
`   1  
`representative of application behavior for each parallel region
`     2 
`within the training phase. The models are then used at run-time
` +-

`to predict the optimal processor configuration for each parallel
`region of a multithreaded workload to maximize the energy-
` 1
`0  %3  

`efficiency. We analyze the proposed machine leaming-based
`  + A 3  
`models in terms of their prediction accuracy, power overhead
`  1
`and implementation cost to understand their cost effectiveness.
`   +
`,,+ /-,&-,/!/&.&,A/$/#../
`Optimal Configurations
`_ _ _
`_ — _ 1
`— _ _ _
`l Base Core
`l Composed Core I
`l Composed Core I
`l_ 8threads
`— 7 z- —
`— F —
`— 7/ ,_ —
` ’“w4—) 4—} 4—)
`m l/
`Fig. 2. Optimal configurations in different parallel regions ofan application
`$ +9+/  

`CE,” me

`'3’ '

`Behavior (l/O,
`,- 2
`CPU, ...)
`Fig.1. Tuning parameters influencing energy-efficiency in composite cores
`$ +5+- 
`architecture Prior work on scheduling using these tuning parameters
`EX. 2124, p. 3


`Big (Composed)
` .,--#. ,$,-,/
`- ,+
`Mieroareh. Parameter


`lssue-Commit width
`lNT instruction queue
`16 entries
`32 entries
` @
`FP instruction queue
`16 entries
`32 entries
`Reorder buffer
`32 entries
`64 entries
` @
`Branch penalty
`iLl-dLl Cache
` 5
`5=M B7
`(9M B7
`L2 Cache
` 9 
`7 B?
`7 B?
`Little (Base)
`, 7 
`Fig. 4. Conceptual structure of a four-core composite architecture
`$ +7+ 

`compare five predictors using the machine learning algorithms
`described in the section V to guide the scheduling in a CCA.
`2 &   +
`,,,+ F., - -#! -/!/ /"G
`This section provides the details of our experimental setup.
` - 
`We use Sniper [13] version 6.1, a parallel, high speed and
` 45(6 
` =+5  
`cycle-accurate x86 simulator for multi-core systems. McPAT
` %?= 

` + -
`[15] is integrated with Sniper and is used to obtain power
` 1 
`     2 1
`consumption results. We study SPLASH-2 [14] and PARSEC
`[26] multithreaded benchmark suites
`for simulation. For
` 2 
` + $
`simulation, we modeled a
`  1   
`composite cores architecture based on the recently proposed
` 2  
`work in [17, 18]. Our study is focusing on a CCA where two
`  1
`little cores
`(base) can be configured into one big core
` E2C  2  
`   2  
`(composed) and vice versa. Fig. 4 provides a conceptual
`E C    
`+ $ + 7 
`overview of a four-core CCA. In this paper, we investigate two
` 1

`1  1
`baseline heterogeneous CCAs which consist of multiple base
`   1     2
`and composed cores: 1) 8base/4comp, and 2) 4base/2comp. It
`H 5C?2B7  9C 72B9 + ,
`is also important to note that for benchmark simulation we
` 2 
`0  1
`applied the binding (one-thread—per—core) model with #threads
`2 E



`= #cores to maximize the performance of multithreaded
`JJ I 
`  %3  
`applications [4, 5].
` 47;6+
`Table I shows the microarchitectural configuration of base
` -2,1
`(little) and composed (big) core of CCA in our experiment. We
`EC E2 C 
`collect performance counters data on each architecture for
`characterization and drive
`scheduling and mapping
`algorithms. We use these data to extract and evaluate the actual
`behavior of applications (I/O, CPU or memory intensive) for
`    E,B/ # 
`  C 
`predicting energy-efficiency and assisting scheduling decision.
`,&+ .-.,K-,/.# -
`In this section, we evaluate the application performance and
`, 1  
`energy-efficiency sensitivity to the tuning parameters of
`operating fiequency, number of running threads, and the choice
`@ 2
`of microarchitectures (base vs. composed) in heterogeneous
` E2 + C  
`composite cores architecture. Note that
`the entire set of
`benchmark analysis results is quite extensive. Therefore, due to
`@% +-
`space limitation we only present the results for a limited
`   1  
`number of representative benchmarks shown in Fig. 5. This
`  2 
`0 1  $ + ;+ -
`figure depicts the overall performance in terms of execution
`  % 
`time (represented as a bar graph) and EDP results (represented
`as a line graph) for four different multithreaded benchmarks
` 2 
`across different core types, fiequencies and number of threads.
`@ 2
`A. Frequency Sensitivity
`For this analysis, all benchmarks were simulated using a
`    2 
`0 1
`baseline composed core running with only a single thread. The
` 1 
`operating fiequency is swept fi'om 1.6 GHz to 2.8GHz with a
`@ 1
`step of 400MHz and the voltage is changed between 0.7, 0.8,
`  7LL 3        21L+: L+?
`0.9, and 1V, respectively. As can be seen in Fig. 5, some
`L+8  5&
`  +   2   $ + ; 
`benchmarks are very sensitive to changing the fiequency. For
`@ + $
`   !!  

`instance, in finm and cholesky reducing the fiequency almost
`linearly reduces the overall performance. Overall, as expected,
` +/ 
`fiequency increases,
`the performance
`accordingly. The EDP results show that a higher fiequency
` + - !
` 1    
`results in higher EDP.
`Increasing the number of threads
` !+ ,
`   2
`interestingly reduces the sensitivity to fi'equency. In other
`@ + , 
`words, increasing the number of running threads increases the
` 2
`performance gain due to parallelization. Consequently,
`3+ @ 
`overall performance as the number of threads increases is more
` 2
`influenced by the speedup gain as a results of parallelism rather
` 2 
`than operating at higher fi'equency. Moreover, the results show
`@ + 
`that the base core is more sensitive to fiequency scaling than
`  2 
`the composed cores. This is also an interesting observation as
` 2
`the composed core has a large pipeline, allowing it to tolerate
` 1 
`performance cost due to alterations in access latency to cache
`subsystem as a result of fi'equency scaling. Note that changing
`@   +   
`clock fiequency changes the number of cycles it takes for the
`  0
`@   2
`  0
`processor to communicate with the cache.
`  1  +
`B. Core Type Sensitivity
`In this section,
`the results are reported for a baseline
`  2
`configuration with a core running a single thread at the highest
`fiequency of 2.8 GHz and operating voltage of IV. The
`@   9+? "3  
`     5&+ -
`changing parameter is the core type, which varies between a
`  1  
` 21 
`base (little) core and a composed (big) core architecture. Core
` E2 C 
`type demonstrates constant behavior with regards to EDP. As
`  2 
` 1
`  !+ 
`shown in Fig. 5, there is a clear gap between the big composed
`1$ +;
` 212  
`and little base cores (in Threadl and F28), with composed
`  2 
` E -
`5  $9+?C 1 
`core having lower EDP.
`In these cases,
`the performance
`    1
` !+ ,    
`benefits of the composed core outweigh the energy savings of
`the base core.
`C. Thread Count Sensitivity
`Finally, each benchmark is simulated with varying the
`$   2 
`0   1 
`numbers of threads.
`In this
`step, each simulation was
`+ ,      1
`performed at the same fi'equency of 2.8 GHz and operating
`@   9+? "3  
`voltage of 1V, when changing the number of threads fiom 1 to
`  5&1   2
`8. As shown in Fig. 5, increasing the thread counts leads to
`?+  1  $ + ; 
`better performance at the cost of higher power. Moreover, there
`is a large gap between the EDP values of base and composed
`  21! 2 
`core in lower number of threads. In particular, we observe that
`by increasing the application thread counts, the corresponding
`gap between different core types diminishes and makes the
`  21 
`    0 
`base core competitive to the composed core in terms of EDP.
`$ %

`D. Joint Analysis (Core Type, Frequency, Thread Count)
`To understand the
`interplay among various
`parameters and find the optimum configuration for maximizing
`the energy-efiiciency, in this section all permutations of the
`parameters were simulated. We test four voltage/fiequency
` 1
` + A  
`  B
`settings on two core types and execute each multithreaded
`   1 
`   %   

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