`Reference 10
`EX. 2122, p. 1


`C O V E R F E A T U R E
`Heterogeneous Chip
`Heterogeneous (or asymmetric) chip multiprocessors present unique
`opportunities for improving system throughput, reducing processor power,
`and mitigating Amdahl’s law. On-chip heterogeneity allows the processor
`to better match execution resources to each application’s needs and to
`address a much wider spectrum of system loads—from low to high thread
`parallelism—with high efficiency.
`Dean M.
`University of
`San Diego
`Norman P.
`HP Labs
`W ith the announcement of multicore
`microprocessors from Intel, AMD,
`IBM, and Sun Microsystems, chip
`multiprocessors have recently ex-
`panded from an active area of
`research to a hot product area. If Moore’s law con-
`tinues to apply in the chip multiprocessor (CMP)
`era, we can expect to see a geometrically increasing
`number of cores with each advance in feature size.
`A critical question in CMPs is the size and strength
`of the replicated core. Many server applications
`focus primarily on throughput per cost and power.
`Ideally, a CMP targeted for these applications would
`use a large number of small low-power cores. Much
`of the initial research in CMPs focused on these
`types of applications.1,2 However, desktop users are
`more interested in the performance of a single appli-
`cation or a few applications at a given time. A CMP
`designed for desktop users would more likely be
`focused on a smaller number of larger, higher-power
`cores with better single-thread performance. How
`should designers choose between these conflicting
`requirements in core complexity?
`Table 1. Power and relative performance of Alpha cores scaled to
`0.10 µm. Performance is expressed normalized to EV4 performance.
`Peak power
`Average power
`(norm. IPC)
`In reality, application needs are not always so
`simply characterized, and many types of applica-
`tions can benefit from either the speed of a large
`core or the efficiency of a small core at various
`points in their execution. Further, the best fit of
`application to processor can also be dependent on
`the system context—for example, whether a laptop
`is running off a battery or off wall power.
`Thus, we believe the best choice in core com-
`plexity is “all of the above”— a heterogeneous chip
`microprocessor with both high- and low-complex-
`ity cores. Recent research in heterogeneous, or asym-
`metric, CMPs has identified significant advantages
`over homogeneous CMPs in terms of power and
`throughput and in addressing the effects of Amdahl’s
`law on the performance of parallel applications.
`Table 1 shows the power dissipation and perfor-
`mance of four generations of Alpha microproces-
`sor cores scaled to the same 0.10 µm feature size
`and assumed to run at the same clock frequency.
`Figure 1 shows the relative sizes of these cores. All
`cores put together comprise less than 15 percent
`more area than EV8—the largest core—by itself.
`This data is representative of the past 20 years of
`microprocessor evolution, and similar data exists
`for x86 processors.3
`Although the number of transistors per micro-
`processor core has increased greatly—with attendant
`increases in area, power, and design complexity—
`this complexity has caused only a modest increase in
`application performance, as opposed to performance
`due to faster clock rates from technology scaling.
`Thus, while the more complex cores provide higher
`P u b l i s h e d b y t h e I E E E C o m p u t e r S o c i e t y
`0018-9162/05/$20.00 © 2005 IEEE
`EX. 2122, p. 2


`Figure 1. Relative sizes of the Alpha cores scaled to 0.10 µm. EV8 is 80 times
`bigger but provides only two to three times more single-threaded performance.
`Committed instructions (millions)
`IPS (millions)
`for energy
`for ED
`Figure 2. Applu benchmark resource requirements. (a) Performance of applu on
`the four cores; (b) Oracle switching for energy; and (c) Oracle switching for
`energy-delay product. Switchings are infrequent, hence total switching overhead
`is minimal.
`single-thread performance, this comes with a loss of
`area and power efficiency.
`Further, in addition to varying in their resource
`requirements, applications can have significantly
`different resource requirements during different
`phases of their execution. This is illustrated for the
`applu benchmark in Figure 2.
`Some application phases might have a large
`amount of instruction-level parallelism (ILP),
`which can be exploited by a core that can issue
`many instructions per cycle, that is, a wide-issue
`superscalar CPU. The same core, however, might
`be very inefficient for an application phase with lit-
`tle ILP, consuming significantly more power (even
`after the application of gating- or voltage/frequency-
`scaling-based techniques) than a simpler core that is
`better matched to the application’s characteristics.
`Therefore, in addition to changes in performance
`over time, significant changes occur in the relative
`performance of the candidate cores.
`In Figure 2, sometimes the difference in perfor-
`mance between the biggest and smallest core is less
`than a factor of two, sometimes more than a factor
`of 10. Thus, the best core for executing an appli-
`cation phase can vary considerably during a pro-
`gram’s execution. Fortunately, much of the benefit
`of heterogeneous execution can be obtained with
`relatively infrequent switching between cores, on
`the order of context-switch intervals. This greatly
`reduces the overhead of switching between cores
`to support heterogeneous execution.
`Heterogeneous multicore architectures have been
`around for a while, in the form of system-on-chip
`designs, for example. However, in such systems,
`each core performs a distinct task. More recently,
`researchers have proposed multi-ISA multicore
`architectures.4 Such processors have cores that exe-
`cute instructions belonging to different ISAs, and
`they typically address vector/data-level parallelism
`and instruction-level parallelism simultaneously.
`Not all cores can execute any given instruction. In
`contrast, in single-ISA heterogeneous CMPs, each
`core executes the same ISA, hence each application
`or application phase can be mapped to any of the
`cores. Single-ISA heterogeneous CMPs are an exam-
`ple of a multicore-aware processor architecture. The
`“Multicore-Aware Processor Architecture” sidebar
`provides additional information about this type of
`Using single-ISA heterogeneous CMPs can sig-
`nificantly reduce processor power dissipation. As
`processors continue to increase in performance and
`speed, processor power consumption and heat dis-
`sipation have become key challenges in the design of
`future high-performance systems. Increased power
`consumption and heat dissipation typically lead to
`November 2005
`EX. 2122, p. 3


`Multicore-Aware Processor Architecture
`As we move from a world dominated by uniprocessors to one
`likely to be dominated by multiprocessors on a chip, we have
`the opportunity to approach the architecture of these systems
`in new ways. Developers need to architect each piece of the sys-
`tem not to stand alone, but to be a part of the whole. In many
`cases, this requires very different thinking than what prevailed
`for uniprocessor architectures.
`Heterogeneous CMP design is just one example of multicore-
`aware architecture. In the uniprocessor era, we designed one
`architecture for the universe of applications. Thus, for applica-
`tions that demand high instruction throughput, applications
`with variable control flow and latencies, applications that access
`large data sets, or applications with heavy floating-point
`throughput, the best processor is superscalar and dynamically
`scheduled, with large caches and multiple floating-point units,
`and so on. However, few, if any, applications actually need all
`those resources. Thus, such an architecture is highly overprovi-
`sioned for any single application.
`In a chip multiprocessor, however, no single core need be ideal
`for the universe of applications. Employing heterogeneity
`exploits this principle. Conversely, a homogeneous design actu-
`ally exacerbates the overprovisioning problem by creating a sin-
`gle universal design, then replicating that overprovisioned design
`across the chip.
`Heterogeneous CMP design, however, is not the only exam-
`ple of multicore-aware architecture: Two other examples are a
`conjoined core architecture and CMP/interconnect codesign.
`Blurring the lines between cores
`Some level of processor overprovisioning is necessary for mar-
`ket and other considerations, whether on homogeneous or het-
`erogeneous CMPs, because it increases each core’s flexibility.
`What we really want, though, is to have the same level of over-
`provisioning available to any single thread without multiplying
`the cost with the number of cores. In conjoined-core chip mul-
`tiprocessing,1 for example, adjacent cores share overprovisioned
`structures by requiring only minor modifications to the floor
`In the uniprocessor era, the lines between cores were always
`distinct, and the cores could share only very remote resources.
`With conjoined cores, those lines aren’t necessary on a CMP.
`Figure A shows the floorplan of two adjacent cores of a CMP
`sharing a floating-point unit and level-1 caches. Each core can
`access the shared structures either in turn during fixed allocated
`cycles—for example, one core gets access to the shared struc-
`ture every odd cycle while the other core gets access every even
`cycle—or sharing can be based on certain dynamic conditions
`visible to both the cores. Sharing should occur without com-
`munication between cores, which is expensive.
`Conjoining reduces the number of overprovisioned structures
`by half. In the Figure A example, conjoining results in having
`only four floating-point units on an eight-core CMP—one per
`conjoined-core pair. Each core gets full access to the floating-
`point unit unless the other core needs access to it at the same
`time. Applying intelligent, complexity-effective sharing mecha-
`nisms can minimize the performance impact of reduced band-
`width between the shared structure and a core.
`The chief advantage of having conjoined cores is a significant
`reduction in per-core real estate with minimal impact on per-
`core performance, providing a higher computational capability
`per unit area. Conjoining can result in reducing the area devoted
`to cores by half, with no more than a 10 to 12 percent degra-
`dation in single-thread performance.1 This can be used either to
`decrease the area of the entire die, increase the yield, or support
`more cores for a given fixed die size. Ancillary benefits include
`a reduction in leakage power from fewer transistors for a given
`computational capability.
`CMP/interconnect codesign
`In the uniprocessor era, high-performance processors con-
`nected by high-performance interconnects yielded high-perfor-
`mance systems. On a CMP, the design issues are more complex
`because the cores, caches, and interconnect all reside on the same
`chip and compete for the same area and power budget. Thus,
`the design choices for the cores, caches, and interconnects can
`interact to a much greater degree. For example, an aggressive
`higher costs for thermal packaging, fans, electricity,
`and even air conditioning. Higher-power systems
`can also have a greater incidence of failures.
`Industry currently uses two broad classes of tech-
`niques for power reduction: gating-based and volt-
`age/frequency-scaling-based. Both of these tech-
`niques exploit program behavior for power reduc-
`tion and are applied at a single-core level. However,
`any technique applied at this level suffers from lim-
`itations. For example, consider clock gating. Gating
`circuitry itself has power and area overhead, hence
`it typically cannot be applied at the lowest granu-
`larity. Thus, some dynamic power is still dissipated
`even for inactive blocks. In addition, data must still
`be transmitted long distances over unused portions
`of the chip that have been gated off, which con-
`sumes a substantial amount of power. Also, gating
`helps reduce only the dynamic power. Large unused
`portions of the chip still dissipate leakage power.
`Voltage/frequency scaling-based techniques suffer
`from similar limitations.
`Given the ability to dynamically switch between
`cores and power down unused cores to eliminate
`leakage, recent work has shown reductions in
`processor energy delay product as high as 84 per-
`cent (a sixfold improvement) for individual appli-
`cations and 63 percent overall.5 Energy-delay2—the
`product of energy and the square of the delay—
`reductions are as high as 75 percent (a fourfold
`improvement), 50 percent overall.
`Ed Grochowski and colleagues3 found that using
`asymmetric cores could easily improve energy per
`EX. 2122, p. 4


`interconnect design consumes power and area resources that
`can then constrain the number, size, and design of cores and
`caches. Similarly, the number and type of cores, as well as on-
`chip memory, can also dictate requirements on the interconnect.
`Increasing the number of cores places conflicting demands on
`the interconnect, requiring higher bandwidth while decreasing
`available real estate.
`A recent study shows how critical the interconnect can be for
`multicore design.2 On an eight-core processor, for example, even
`under conservative assumptions, the interconnect can consume
`the power equivalent of one core, take the area equivalent of
`three cores, and add delay that accounts for over half the L2
`access latency.
`Such high overheads imply that it isn’t possible to design a
`good interconnect in isolation from the design of the CPU cores
`and memory. Cores, caches, and interconnect should all be co-
`designed for the best performance or energy efficiency. A good
`example of the need for codesign is that decreasing intercon-
`nection bandwidth can sometimes improve performance due to
`the constrained window on total resources—for example, if it
`enables larger caches that decrease interconnect pressure. In the
`same way, excessively large caches can also decrease perfor-
`mance when they constrain the interconnect to too small an area.
`Hence, designing a CMP architecture is a system-level opti-
`mization problem. Some common architectural beliefs do not hold
`when interconnection overheads are properly accounted for. For
`example, shared caches are not as desirable compared to private
`caches if the cost of the associated crossbar is carefully factored in.2
`Any new CMP architecture proposal should consider inter-
`connect as a first-class citizen, and all CMP research proposals
`should include careful interconnect modeling for correct and
`meaningful results and analysis.
`1. R. Kumar, N.P. Jouppi, and D. Tullsen, “Conjoined-Core Chip Mul-
`tiprocessing,” Proc. Int’l Symp. Microarchitecture, IEEE CS Press,
`2004, pp. 195-206.
`2. R. Kumar, V. Zyuban, and D. Tullsen, “Interconnection in Multi-
`core Architectures: Understanding Mechanisms, Overheads, and
`Scaling,” Proc. Int’l Symp. Computer Architecture, IEEE CS Press,
`2005, pp. 408-419.
`L1 I-cache
`Int DP
`Int RF
`L1 D-cache
`L1 I-cache
` I-box
`Int DP
`Int RF
`Int DP
`Int RF
`L1 D-cache
`Figure A. CMP floorplan. (1) The original core and (2) a conjoined-
`core pair, both showing floating-point unit routing. Routing and
`register files are schematic and not drawn to scale.
`instruction by four to six times. In comparison,
`given today’s already low core voltages of around
`1 volt, voltage scaling could provide at most a two
`to four times improvement in energy per instruc-
`tion. Various types of gating could provide up to
`two times improvement in energy per instruction,
`while controlling speculation could reduce energy
`per instruction by up to 40 percent. These tech-
`niques are not mutually exclusive, and voltage scal-
`ing is largely orthogonal to heterogeneity. However,
`heterogeneity provided the single largest potential
`improvement in energy efficiency per instruction.
`For two reasons, given a fixed circuit area, using
`heterogeneous multicore architectures instead of
`homogeneous CMPs can provide significant per-
`formance advantages for a multiprogrammed
`workload.6 First, a heterogeneous multicore archi-
`tecture can match each application to the core best
`suited to meet its performance demands. Second,
`it can provide improved area-efficient coverage of
`the entire spectrum of workload demands seen in
`a real machine, from low thread-level parallelism
`that provides low latency for few applications on
`powerful cores to high thread-level parallelism in
`which simple cores can host a large number of
`applications simultaneously.
`So, for example, in a homogeneous architecture
`with four large cores, it would be possible to
`replace one large core with five smaller cores, for a
`total of eight cores. In the best case, intelligently
`November 2005
`EX. 2122, p. 5


`sampling policies are used to choose good assign-
`ments from the reduced assignment space.
`We observed that learning policies that assume
`the current configuration has merit and that the
`next configuration will perform particularly well.6
`The graph in Figure 3 also demonstrates the pri-
`mary benefit of heterogeneity. Using four big cores
`yields good few-threads performance, and using
`many small cores (more than 20) yields high peak
`throughput. Only the heterogeneous architecture
`provides high performance across all levels of
`thread parallelism.
`With these policies, this architecture provides
`even better coverage of a spectrum of load levels. It
`provides the low latency of powerful processors at
`low threading levels, but is also comparable to a
`larger array of small processors at high-thread
`These thread assignment heuristics can be quite
`useful even for homogeneous CMPs in which each
`core is multithreaded. Such CMPs face many of the
`same problems regarding explosion of assignment
`space. In some sense, such CMPs can be thought
`of as heterogeneous CMPs for scheduling purposes
`where the heterogeneity stems from different mar-
`ginal performance and power characteristics for
`each SMT context.
`As computing objectives keep switching back
`and forth between single-thread performance and
`throughput, we believe that single-ISA heteroge-
`neous multicore architectures provide a convenient
`and seamless way to address both concerns simul-
`Amdahl’s law7 states that the speedup of a par-
`allel application is limited by the fraction of the
`application that is serial. In modern CMPs, the
`overall power dissipation is an important limit.
`Murali Annavaram and coauthors8 point out a use-
`ful application for heterogeneous CMPs in power-
`constrained environments.
`During serial portions of execution, the chip’s
`power budget is applied toward using a single large
`core to allow the serial portion to execute as quickly
`as possible. During the parallel portions, the chip’s
`power budget is used more efficiently by running
`the parallel portion on a large number of small
`area- and power-efficient cores. Thus, executing
`serial portions of an application on a fast but rela-
`tively inefficient core and executing parallel por-
`tions of an algorithm on many small cores can
`maximize the ratio of performance to power dissi-
`3EV6+ & 5EV5 (pref-core)
`3EV6+ & 5EV5 (pref-similar)
`Number of threads
`Weighted speedup
`Figure 3. Performance of heuristics for equal-area heterogeneous architectures
`with multithreaded cores. EV6+ is an SMT variant of EV6. Pref-core biases sam-
`pling toward a new core over a new SMT context. Pref-similar biases sampling
`toward the last good configuration.
`scheduling jobs on the smaller cores that would
`have seen no significant benefit from the larger core
`would yield the performance of eight large cores in
`the space of four.
`Overall, a representative heterogeneous processor
`using two core types achieves as much as a 63 percent
`performance improvement over an equivalent-area
`homogeneous processor. Over a range of moderate
`load levels—five to eight threads, for example—the
`heterogeneous CMP has an average gain of 29 per-
`cent. For an open system with random job arrivals,
`the heterogeneous architecture has a much lower
`average response time and remains stable for arrival
`rates 43 percent higher than for a homogeneous
`architecture. Dynamic thread-to-core assignment
`policies have also been demonstrated that realize
`most of the potential performance gain. One simple
`assignment policy outperformed naive core assign-
`ment by 31 percent.6
`Heterogeneity also can be beneficial in systems
`with multithreaded cores. Despite the additional
`scheduling complexity that simultaneous multi-
`threading cores pose due to an explosion in the pos-
`sible assignment permutations, effective assignment
`policies can be formulated that do derive signifi-
`cant benefit from heterogeneity.6
`Figure 3 shows the performance of several heuris-
`tics for heterogeneous systems with multithreaded
`cores. These heuristics prune the assignment space
`by making assumptions regarding the relative ben-
`efits of running on a simpler core versus running
`on a simultaneous multithreaded core. Various
`EX. 2122, p. 6


`Using a simple prototype built from a discrete
`four-way multiprocessor, Annavaram and col-
`leagues show a 38 percent wall clock speedup for
`a parallel application given a fixed power budget.
`Single-chip heterogeneous multiprocessors with
`larger numbers of processors should be able to
`obtain even larger improvements in speed/power
`product on parallel applications.
`of software to tolerate heterogeneity need
`more investigation. As future systems include
`support for greater virtualization, similar
`issues must be addressed at the virtual
`machine layer as well.
`These software changes will likely enhance
`the already demonstrated advantages of het-
`erogeneous CMPs.
`To take full advantage of heterogeneous CMPs,
`the system software must use the execution char-
`acteristics of each application to predict its future
`processing needs and then schedule it to a core that
`matches those needs if one is available. The pre-
`dictions can minimize the performance loss to
`the system as a whole rather than that of a single
`Recent work has shown that effective schedulers
`for heterogeneous architectures can be implemented
`and integrated with current commercial operating
`systems.9 An experimental platform running Gentoo
`Linux with a 2.6.7 kernel modified to support het-
`erogeneity-aware scheduling resulted in a 40 percent
`power savings, for a performance loss of less than 1
`percent for memory-bound applications. Less than
`a 3.5 percent performance degradation was observed
`even for CPU-intensive applications.
`To achieve the best performance, it might be nec-
`essary to compile programs for heterogeneous CMPs
`slightly differently. Compiling single-threaded appli-
`cations might involve either compiling for the low-
`est common denominator or compiling for the
`simplest core. For example, for heterogeneous CMPs
`in which one core is statically scheduled and one is
`dynamically scheduled, the compiler should sched-
`ule the code for the statically scheduled core because
`it is more sensitive to the exact instruction order than
`is a dynamically scheduled core. Having multiple
`statically scheduled cores with different levels of
`resources would present a more interesting problem.
`Programming or compiling parallel applications
`might require more awareness of the heterogeneity.
`Application developers typically assume that com-
`putational cores provide equal performance; het-
`erogeneity breaks this assumption. As a result,
`shared-memory workloads that are compiled assum-
`ing symmetric cores might have less predictable per-
`formance on heterogeneous CMPs.10 For such
`workloads, either the operating system kernel or the
`application must be heterogeneity-aware.
`Mechanisms for communicating the complete
`processor information to software and the design
`Many areas of future research remain for
`heterogeneous CMPs. For example, research
`to date has been performed using off-the-
`shelf cores or models of existing off-the-shelf cores.
`If designers are given the flexibility to design asym-
`metric CMP cores from scratch instead of select-
`ing from predetermined cores, how should they
`design them to complement each other best in a
`heterogeneous CMP? How do the benefits of het-
`erogeneity vary with the number of core types as a
`function of the available die area and the total
`power budget?
`In previous studies, simple cores were a strict sub-
`set of the more complex cores.5,6 What benefits are
`possible if all the resources in the cores are not
`monotonically increasing? Further, as workloads in
`enterprise environments evolve toward a model that
`consolidates multiple services on the same hardware
`infrastructure,11 heterogeneous architectures offer
`the potential to match core diversity to the diver-
`sity in the varying service-level agreements for the
`different services. What implications does this have
`on the choice and design of the individual cores?
`These are just some of the open research questions.
`However, we believe answering these and similar
`questions could show that heterogeneity is even more
`advantageous than has already been demonstrated.
`Future work should also address the impact of
`heterogeneity on the cost of design and verification.
`Processor design and verification costs are already
`high. Designing and integrating more than one type
`of core on the die would aggravate this problem.
`However, the magnitude of the power savings and
`the throughput advantages that heterogeneous
`CMPs provide might justify these costs, at least for
`limited on-chip heterogeneity.
`What is the sensitivity of heterogeneous CMP per-
`formance to the number of distinct core types? Are
`two types enough? How do these costs compare
`with the cost for other contemporary approaches
`such as different voltage levels? The answers to these
`questions might ultimately determine both the fea-
`sibility and the extent of on-chip diversity for het-
`erogeneous CMPs.
`Effective schedulers
`for heterogeneous
`can be implemented
`and integrated with
`current commercial
`operating systems.
`November 2005
`EX. 2122, p. 7


`I ncreasing transistor counts constrained by power
`limits point to the fact that many of the current
`processor directions are inadequate. Monolithic
`processors consume too much power, but they do
`not provide enough marginal performance.
`Replicating existing processors results in a linear
`increase in power, but only a sublinear increase in
`performance. In addition to suffering from the same
`limitations, replicating smaller processors cannot
`handle high-demand and high-priority applications.
`Single-ISA heterogeneous (or asymmetric) multi-
`core architectures address all these concerns, result-
`ing in significant power and performance benefits.
`The potential benefits from heterogeneity have
`already been shown to be greater than the potential
`benefits from the individual techniques of further
`voltage scaling, clock gating, or speculation control.
`Much research remains to be done on the best
`types and degrees of heterogeneity. However, the
`advantages of heterogeneous CMPs for both
`throughput and power have been demonstrated
`conclusively. We believe that once homogeneous
`CMPs reach a total of four cores, the benefits of
`heterogeneity will outweigh the benefits of addi-
`tional homogeneous cores in many applications. I
`1. K. Olukotun et al., “The Case for a Single-Chip Mul-
`tiprocessor,” Proc. 7th Int’l Conf. Architectural Sup-
`port for Programming Languages and Operating
`Systems (ASPLOS VII), ACM Press, 1996, pp. 2-11.
`2. L. Barroso et al., “Piranha: A Scalable Architecture
`Based on Single-Chip Multiprocessing,” Proc. 27th
`Ann. Int’l Symp. Computer Architecture, IEEE CS
`Press, 2000, pp. 282-293.
`3. E. Grochowski et al., “Best of Both Latency and
`Throughput,” Proc. Int’l Conf. Computer Design,
`IEEE CS Press, 2004, pp. 236-243.
`4. D. Pham et al., “The Design and Implementation of
`a First-Generation Cell Processor,” Proc. Int’l Symp.
`Solid-State Circuits and Systems, IEEE CS Press,
`2005, pp. 184-186.
`5. R. Kumar et al., “Single-ISA Heterogeneous Multi-
`core Architectures: The Potential for Processor Power
`Reduction,” Proc. Int’l Symp. Microarchitecture,
`IEEE CS Press, 2003, pp. 81-92.
`6. R. Kumar et al., “Single-ISA Heterogeneous Multi-
`core Architectures for Multithreaded Workload Per-
`formance,” Proc. Int’l Symp. Computer Architecture,
`IEEE CS Press, 2004, pp. 64-75.
`7. G. Amdahl, “Validity of the Single Processor
`Approach to Achieving Large-Scale Computing
`Capabilities,” Readings in Computer Architecture,
`M.D. Hill, N.P. Jouppi, and G.S. Sohi, eds., Morgan
`Kaufmann, 2000, pp. 79-81.
`8. M. Annavaram, E. Grochowski, and J. Shen, “Miti-
`gating Amdahl’s Law through EPI Throttling,” Proc.
`Int’l Symp. Computer Architecture, IEEE CS Press,
`2005, pp. 298-309.
`9. S. Ghiasi, T. Keller, and F. Rawson, “Scheduling for
`Heterogeneous Processors in Server Systems,” Proc.
`Computing Frontiers, ACM Press, 2005, pp. 199-210.
`10. S. Balakrishnan et al., “The Impact of Performance
`Asymmetry in Emerging Multicore Architectures,”
`Proc. Int’l Symp. Computer Architecture, IEEE CS
`Press, 2005, pp. 506-517.
`11. P. Ranganathan and N.P. Jouppi, “Enterprise IT
`Trends and Implications on System Architecture
`Research,” Proc. Int’l Conf. High-Performance Com-
`puter Architecture, IEEE CS Press, 2005, pp. 253-256.
`Rakesh Kumar is a PhD student in the Department
`of Computer Science and Engineering at the Uni-
`versity of California, San Diego. His research inter-
`ests include multicore and multithreaded archi-
`tectures, low-power architectures, and on-chip
`interconnects. Kumar received a BS in computer
`science and engineering from the Indian Institute
`of Technology, Kharagpur. He is a member of the
`ACM. Contact him at
`Dean M. Tullsen is an associate professor in the
`Department of Computer Science and Engineering
`at the University of California, San Diego. His
`research interests include instruction- and thread-
`level parallelism and multithreaded and multicore
`architectures. Tullsen received a PhD in computer
`science and engineering from the University of
`Washington. He is a member of the IEEE and the
`ACM. Contact him at
`Norman P. Jouppi is a Fellow at HP Labs in Palo
`Alto, Calif. His research interests include multicore
`architectures, memory systems, and cluster inter-
`connects. Jouppi received a PhD in electrical engi-
`neering from Stanford University. He is a Fellow of
`the IEEE and currently serves as chair of ACM
`SIGARCH. Contact him at
`Parthasarathy Ranganathan is a principal research
`scientist at HP Labs in Palo Alto, Calif. His
`research interests include power-efficient design,
`computer architectures, and system evaluation.
`Ranganathan received a PhD in electrical and com-
`puter engineering from Rice University. He is a
`member of the IEEE and the ACM. Contact him
`EX. 2122, p. 8

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