`Reference 7
`EX. 2119, p. 1


`AsyMOS .. An Asymmetric Multiprocessor
`Operating System
`Steve Muir and Jonathan Smith
`As the role of the computer as a communications
`dnke increases, we must reuamine the role an
`operating system plays in managing resources to
`support usen. In support of general purpose
`computation, symmetric multiprocessing has generally
`proven better than attached processors, master/slave,
`or other configurations.
`In this paper, we examine a different approach, an
`Asymmetric Multiprocnsor Operating System
`(AsyMOS), which applies a subset of available
`processor, toward supporting an abstraction of a
`virtual 'smart device~ As a software solution, AsyMOS
`is able to exploit the costlperfomumce advantages of
`sharing memory and packaging that accrue to small
`scale SMPs, while tracking proc,ssor performance
`much more tightly than front-end processors can.
`The ability to move OS functionality into the 'smart'
`dnice is demonstrated in the context of a network
`subsystem. Application-specific resource management
`is facilitated by the exporting of interfaces directly to
`A prototype implementation of the architecture
`running on commodity hardware thmonstrates
`quantitative advantages over a traditionally structured
`SMP operating system and provide& a framework/or
`further research into functional thv9lution.
`Keywords : AsyMOS, Asymmetric, Multiprocessor,
`Operating System, Architecture, Network, Device
`A recurrent theme in computer systems research is the
`bottleneck presented by I/0 devices in modem systems.
`One approach which has met with a degree of success
`Both authors are affiliated with the Distributed Systems
`Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania, CIS
`Department, 200S 33rd Street, Philadelphia, PA 19/04.
`6389, (sjmuir, jms)
`has been to make the device itself 'smarter', transferring
`some of the OS functionality onto the device itself in
`order to increase parallelism in the system.
`While such approaches often provide short-term
`benefits to system performance, their use of custom
`hardware to provide the device with 'smarts' often
`proves to be their undoing as they fall behind the rapidly
`increasing power of general purpose CPUs and new
`system architectures.
`We propose a new architecture for an asymmetric
`multiprocessor operating sysa,m, AsyMOS, which
`logically attaches general purpose CPUs to devices as a
`means of making those devices 'smarter'. AsyMOS runs
`on commodity (initially Intel multi-processor PCs, but
`the architecture is portable to any SMP system) SMP
`systems without being tied to specific hardware devices,
`thus advances in the architecture of these systems and
`the c.omponent CPUs will be passed on directly.
`Additionally, these systems have a much more
`favourable price/performance ratio than more specialist
`e.g. workstation, architectures, leading to the gradual
`replacement of the latter in many environments.
`A different approach to increasing the performance
`(performance heie covers a variety of metrics, including
`throughput, latency, and QoS) of devices has been
`driven by the realisation that the interfaces presented by
`traditional operating systems often hide too much of the
`device functionality behind high-level abstract
`interfaces e.g. BSD Unix's sockets model, the standard
`filesystem read ( ) and write ( ) interfaces. Although
`fine for general purpose use, these interfaces are
`unsuitable for applications with strict performance
`requirements e.g. audio/video playback.
`Thus it has become popular to give applications a
`degree of control over their own resource usage.
`Operating systems instead provide only some minimal
`level of functionality necessary to share devices among
`multiple applications. The remaining functions which
`would normally be provided by the operating system
`e.g. filesystem implementation, network protocol stack,
`must be provided by the applications or shared libraries.
`An alternative mechanism for providing application(cid:173)
`specific resource management is extensibility. This
`allows applications to extend the functionality of the
`operating system with their own fragments of code. The
`operating system uses various mechanisms to guarantee
`0-7803-4783·8/98/$10.00 C 1998 IEEE
`EX. 2119, p. 2


`that different applications' extensions cannot affect each
`other except in authorised ways.
`[13] the processors can also send inter-processor
`interrupts via a dedicated bus.
`The AsyMOS architecture provides both of these
`mechanisms so that devices niay be used most
`efficiently. Instead of devices. being accessed through
`device-specific drivers, AsyMOS presents a variety of
`functional interfaces to the operating system which
`allow the OS to access the dl}vice in the most
`appropriate manner. This is somewhat similar to
`hardware devices which provide both PIO and DMA
`interfaces to the operating system.
`These functional interfaces are also exposed to
`applications so that they may directly access the 'smart'
`devices. Both applications and the OS are able to
`download extensions onto the device processors, thus
`allowing for dynamic partitioning offunctionality
`between the device and the OS.
`The structure of a traditional SMP operating system is
`shown in Figure 1.
`,'l,ppHcation CPLJg
`The operating system, usually a standard uniprocessor
`OS modified to support multiple CPUs, views each
`CPU as functionally equivalent. Any application can be
`executed on any CPU, although for reasons of

`efficiency the OS may pin ap. application to a given
`processor. Any processor .can initiate I/0, but usually
`only a single processor handles interrupts

`Whilst this approach potentially provides the .most
`efficient use of the processors for computational tasks; it
`has two main drawbacks:
`• The OS. kernel must implement some form of
`concurrency control to protect shared data
`structures. A finecgrained approach is complex,
`particularly to retr.ofit to a uniprocessor OS, so '
`many systems implementa very coarse-grained
`protection mechanism, reducing parallelism
`between CPUs.
`• When an application accesses a device via,the OS
`the application's code may be forced out of the
`CPU's primary cache by the nece·ssity to reference a
`large amount of device drlver·code.
`The AsyMOS architecture addresses these problems and·
`provides other enhancements by partitioning the set of
`CPUs into functional groups (Figure 2).
`,!,pplication · Cf'Us
`----·- ---
`Figure 1 Traditional SMP OS structure
`A group of CPUs, in this case 4, share access to a
`number of I/0 devices ( disk, Ethernet) over the system
`bus (the system may contain multiple system busses, but
`for our purposes we consider all devices to be connected
`to a single•bus). The CPUs access a single.region of
`shared physical memory via. a memory bus which is
`usually both faster (clock spred) and wider (in bits) than
`the system bus. In the Intel Multiprocessor Architecture
`---~1 __ "'"'
`........................... · .............................. .:
`Figure 2 AsyMOS structure
`EX. 2119, p. 3


`A. Overview of AsyMOS
`As shown conceptually in Figure 2, AsyMOS partitions
`the system's processors into functional groups. Here two
`processors are used as application processors, APs,
`and two as device processors, DPs. The two DPs are
`further subdivided into a network processor and a disk
`Each DP is associated with one or more devices, usually
`all of the same class e.g. network, disk. The
`combination of device and processor is seen by the
`native OS as logically a single 'smart' device. Although
`the device is still physically connected to the system
`bus, and hence accessible by the application processors,
`the OS only accesses the device through the associated
`processor (on a system with multiple busses it may be
`possible to physically isolate devices from the
`application processors).
`A functional group may contain multiple processors
`and/or be associated with multiple devices e.g. a single
`network processor may control multiple Ethernet cards,
`or two disk processors may control a large array of
`disks. In order to simplify the device processor
`architecture, a processor assigned to a functional group
`becomes dedicated to that task. Hence only application
`processors run user-level applications.
`Whilst this reduces the number of CPUs available for
`computational applications, if the system workload has
`a high enough proportion of I/0 then the overall
`performance will be the same, possibly even higher,
`depending on the impact of the AsyMOS enhancements.
`The legitimacy of this point is further discussed in
`Section V.
`Application processors and device processors
`communicate via two mechanisms--inter-processor
`interrupts and shared memory.
`Inter-processor interrupts provide a relatively low
`latency means of communications, particularly from DP
`to AP where the AP may be executing arbitrary code.
`Since the processors all access memory over the high(cid:173)
`speed memory bus, and the hardware guarantees cache
`consistency, shared memory provides both lower(cid:173)
`latency and higher throughput communication. The
`device processor polls shared memory when idle so as
`to provide the lowest latency means of communication
`with the APs. This mechanism also allows applications
`to communicate directly with the AP without having to
`enter the native OS.
`B. Benefits of the AsyMOS architecture
`1. Since device processors only interact with devices
`and the native OS and never run user-level
`applications they do not need access to the majority
`of the OS functions. Instead, they run the AsyMOS
`lightweight device kernel, LDK (see Section II.C).
`2. All device-specific code is moved out of the native
`OS and into the LDK. This reduces both the
`working set of the native OS, thus lowering cache
`contention, and the coordination required between
`devices and the OS.
`3. The device processor handles all interrupts raised
`by its associated devices. By coalescing interrupts
`(see Section IV.A) the application processor need
`be interrupted much less frequently.
`4. Parts of the native OS functionality can be
`offloaded onto the device processor (see Section
`5. Applications can dynamically download functions
`onto the device processor. In contrast to the transfer
`of OS functionality, which is a static division
`performed when the native OS and LDK are
`compiled, applications can also download
`fragments of code onto the DP at run-time.
`C. The lightweight device kernel
`AsyMOS gains many of its performance benefits over
`standard operating systems from the nature of the LDK.
`The LDK serves two purposes--handling interrupts from
`its associated devices, and communicating with the
`native OS.
`Since it only has to handle devices of a certain class
`and communicate with the native OS, the LDK has
`no need for file system, terminal, scheduling, or
`process management functions.
`• By virtue of being a single task which always runs
`on a fixed processor it never has to be context
`switched, thus eliminating the (typically large)
`overhead which other kernels incur when switching
`between tasks.
`The LDK always runs at the most privileged level,
`significantly reducing the overhead of invoking an
`interrupt handler on some architectures e.g. Intel
`EX. 2119, p. 4


`It is not part of the native OS, thus removing the
`need for much of the concurrency control which
`impedes parallelism in the native OS. Data
`structures common to both LDK and native OS are
`modified to support safo and efficient concurrent
`accesses by both.
`These last two items combine to reduce the overhead of
`handling an intenu~ thus reducing device interrupt
`All four of these points ta.ken together result in a much
`smaller code footprint for the LDK, reducing cache
`contention on the device :processor and hence increasing
`Whilst the sttucture-0f the WK 1eads to many
`perforinance .advantages over the native OS, the biggest
`benefit's :are pemaps to be gamed by the transferral of
`functions from the native OS onto the device processor.
`D. Functional devolution
`As shown in the Jetstream ad Osiris projects, one way
`to increase the application-to-application throughput of
`a network device is to perfonn common data-path
`manipulations in the device itself. This idea lies al the
`heart of the AsyMOS architecture.
`Although AsyMOS is a general operating system
`architecture and thus not specific to any particular type
`of device, consideration of a concrete example will help
`to :show the ad'VaRtages ofthis functional devolution.
`Since network perl'ormance is one of the most studied
`examples let us considec which functions could be
`moved from the native OS onto the device processor.
`L Checksumming. It is well-known that one of the
`bottlenecks in network prorocol stacb is
`checksumming of data, but that performing the
`checksum while copying the data or on the device
`itself can alleviate the problem. It would therefore
`seem like a good candidate fur moving onto the DP.
`2. Demultiplexmg. One of the conclusions that both
`the Jetstream and Osiris projects ,came to was that
`low-level demultiplexing of packets is highly
`advan1ageous. As well as increasing network
`throughput it also allows the operaling :system to
`more accurately account fur network usage by
`Bodi these projects used hardware assistance to
`provide efficient low-level demultiplexing, an
`option not available to AsyMOS. However, the
`power of the DP coupled with the efficiency of
`packet-filtering technology [Engler, 1996] means
`that packets can be demultiplexed to end-points
`sufficiently rapidly that demultiplexingghoukl also
`be considered for implementation on the DP.
`3. Reassembly of fragmented packets, As one way
`of coalescing interrupts this is immediately
`attractive for provision on the DP. It is also
`attractive from: the native OS viewpoint as the
`native OS then only receives complete packets and
`so can be unaware of network fragmentation.
`4. ARP processing. The whole of ARP's functionality
`could be offloaded onto the DP, including the
`sending and receiving of requests, and maintenance
`of the ARP tables.
`5. Device level bridging and routing. An AsyMOS
`system configured as :a bridge or routec could
`perform either of these functions on packets
`without service from the application processors.
`One of the major advantages of the AsyMOS
`architecture is that it is completely flexible, allowing all
`of these possibilities and more to be implemented and
`tested quantitatively in a purely software environment
`This offers a much shorter development cycle than
`hardware .alternatives such as FPGAs, and is not
`restricted to expensive custom hardware with complete
`computing engines onboaro.
`An implementation of AsyMOS is currently being
`developed and has sufficient functionality to allow some
`of the key assertions about the .architecture to be
`quantitatively tested (see Section IV).
`Although the prototype-0ffers only a very limited subset
`of the functionality de$cribed pr~ously, it provides a
`starting point and much of the basic technology
`necessary fur :a full& implementation.
`This initial implementation is based upon version 2.0.30
`of the Lin{Q( kernel and runs on a dual-processor
`166MHz Pentium PC. The device processor controls
`only a single Ethernet card, a3Com 3c905 100.BaseTX
`Fast Ethernet adapter. The pseudo-device consisting of
`the device processor and this card is known as NetP.
`The structure of this pseudo-device llS seen by Linux is
`shown in Figure 3.

`EX. 2119, p. 5


`~ation Processor
`Device Proeffaor
`executed by the LOK in response to the appropriate AP(cid:173)
`·to-DP message.
`Whilst the current implementation of AsyMOS is still
`very much a prototype, it has nevertheless been possible
`to perform some preliminary experiments to determine
`the effectiveness of the architecture.
`Both tests were conducted on a dual-processor 166MHz
`Pentium PC from Xi Corporation, running RedHat
`Linux 4.1 with either version 2.0.30 of the Linux kernel
`or the prototype AsyMOS implementation. The Pentium
`processor has split I- and D-caches, each 8k in size, 2-
`way set-associative with 32-byte line size (14].
`A. Interrupts delivered to application processor
`One of the ways in which AsyMOS aims to make
`devices seemingly smarter is by delivering fewer
`interrupts to the application processor(s). This can be
`done in two ways:
`• Coalescing of interrupts so that multiple interrupts
`to the device(s) only cause a single event
`notification to be sent to the application processor.
`• Processing of packets purely at the device level.
`This is possible in two common cases: if the driver
`can determine that the 'OS will discard the packet,
`or if the packet is of a type which can be handled
`entirely by the device e.g. ARP, ICMP ping.
`Of these possibilities, the current implementation only
`performs early discard of 'uninteresting'packets. To this
`end the driver has been equipped with a garbage mter
`which discards all IPX (A protocol used by Microsoft
`Windows and Novell Netware) packets and ARP
`requests for other hosts (both of which are broadcast on
`the Ethernet).
`The experiment measured the number of interrupts
`taken by the application processor due to background
`traffic only on the Distributed Systems Lab lOOBaseTX
`LAN. The measuring host was idle, running only the
`normal Unix daemons, and the number of interrupts
`taken was measured over 5 periods, each of 5 minute
`duration, then averaged. The results are shown in Table
`Figure 3 The NetP pseudo-device as seen by Linux
`Linux's somewhat rudimentary SMP support has been
`extended in the following ways to support AsyMOS:
`• Multiprocessor interrupt distribution has been
`added, utilising the Intel 1/0 Advanced
`Programmable Interrupt Controller (APIC) to route
`interrupts to processors other than the boot
`processor (the normal Linux mode of operation).
`• A message-passing mechanism is provided to
`support communication between the DP and AP. It
`uses inter-processor interrupts and allows for
`simple cross-processor procedure calls.
`• The scheduler is extended to allow certain
`processors to be designated as non-schedulable.
`This facility is used to prevent the Linux scheduler
`from attempting to schedule user-level processes on
`the device processor.
`These modifications provide a framework upon which
`to implement the lightweight device kernel and the NetP
`pseudo-device(s). The LDK is currently implemented as
`a Linux kernel thread which handles device interrupts
`and communicates with the application processor(s).
`A modified version of the 3c905 device driver is used
`by the LOK to control the Ethernet card. Calls to
`functions which are logically part of the Linux kernel
`i.e. those functions which read and/or write kernel state,
`are translated into DP-to-AP messages.
`A Linux interface to the NetP pseudo-device has been
`implemented which translates device-specific calls to
`the pseudo-device into the appropriate invocations of
`device processor functions. These functions are
`EX. 2119, p. 6


`AsyMOS w/ garbage
`Table 1 Interrupts taken by application processor in
`a 5-minute period (average)
`These results clearly show that a very simple filter ( 4
`header field comparisons) at the device level can reduce
`the riumber of interrupts delivered to the application
`processor by about 80%. Obviously this figure is
`dependent on the characteristics of background traffic
`on the LAN, but the DSL network does not seem to be
`particularly unusual in its. configuration (mostly Unix
`machines, a few PCs for word-processing, not
`particularly heavily loaded).
`As expected the rates.for Linux and AsyMOS are
`essentially the same due to the structure of the Linux
`networking code (every 'packet received' interrupt from
`the card results in a message being sent to the OS to
`process that packet; every 'transmit completed' interrupt
`causes another message to be sent to the OS to indicate
`that transmission has finished).
`This technique can be extended to more complex
`garbage filtering, including (e.g.) sending ICMP error
`messages in response to TCP and UDP packets sent to
`ports without listeners. In way, AsyMOS presents
`an effective mechanism for tackling the problems of
`receive livelock [18] arid many denial of service attacks.
`B. Cache contention due to device driver code
`As stated earlier, another goal of the AsyMOS
`architecture is to reduce cache contention on the
`application processor. This can be measured in a
`number of ways, but one valid metric is the number ofI(cid:173)
`cache misses taken in order to send a packet and receive
`a reply.
`The disparity between Ll cache performance and
`system memory is well known [10], and, additionally,
`inefficient I-cache utilisation has been shown to be a
`major cause of poor performance in protocol stack
`implementations [3].
`To reduce the amount of common (device independent)
`code referenced by the OS, this measurement was taken
`between two code locations inside the kernel. The I(cid:173)
`cache miss counter [15] was reset just before the OS
`calls the device driver's hard_s tar t_xrni t ( )
`function (which forces the driver to send a packet) and
`then read just after the device driver calls the
`netif_rx ().function (the upcall used to process a
`received packet). The code in between these locations
`represents the following sequence of actions:
`• Device driver sends packet. On the 3Com 3c905
`card used in our implementation this merely
`initiates a DMA transfer--completion of packet
`transmission is signalled by an interrupt.
`• OS returns to running application code.
`'Transmit complete' interrupt is handled by OS.
`• Reply packet arrives, causing another interrupt. The
`device driver reads the packet, then calls the
`neti f_rx () upcall to process it.
`The packets to be sent were generated using the
`standard 'ping' program in two configurations. First,
`packets were generated at a:rate of one per second, with
`a total of 50 packets being sent. The system is idle in
`between a reply arriving and the next packet being sent.
`Second, 100 packets were sent in the. 'flood' mode,
`which causes a packet to ·be sent as soon as a reply is
`received for the previous packet sent. This prevents the
`system returning to the idle state in between packet
`transmissions, though not in between sending and
`receiving a reply.
`In both cases the measurements were averaged over all
`but the first two packets (to discount discrepancies
`caused by the initial ARP packet) i.e. 48 packets in the
`first test, 98 in the second. Each test was repeated 5
`times and the results averaged, as shown in Table 2.
`Slow ping
`Flood ping
`Table 2 Application processor I-cache misses per
`send-rec.eive pair (average)
`These figures show that AsyMOS does indeed reduce
`cache contention on the Application Pr.ocessor by abOut
`20-30% in this test. Since micro-benchmarks are often
`(rightly) treated with some scepticism [11], [17], we
`need to look into the reasqn for the reduction. In fact,.it
`is wholly due to the replac.ement of complex device(cid:173)
`specific code with the more compact AsyMOS stub
`functions. It is thus reasonable to.conclude that
`EX. 2119, p. 7


`AsyMOS is likely to show some degree of performance
`increase over Linux.
`Measurements of a traditional multiprocessor UNIX OS
`[l] show that the system typically spends about 30-60%
`of the time executing inside the operating system, a
`large proportion of which is performing J/0.
`Furthermore, computers are more frequently being used
`in environments where J/0 is more important than
`computation e.g. network computers, Web surfing.
`These two facts combined lead to the conclusion that
`the J/0 proportion of a modern system's workload is
`sufficiently high to make AsyMOS a viable architecture.
`The architecture is particularly well-suited to the
`management of network devices, which are usually
`relatively dumb and require a large amount of care and
`attention. By dedicating a fraction of the computing
`resources to looking after these devices we remove the
`responsibility from the operating system, increasing
`both overall system and network performance.
`The preliminary measurements detailed show that the
`AsyMOS architecture does provide quantitative benefits
`over a traditional operating system, even thougb the
`implementation used to gather these results was very
`much a prototype. Despite these tests being relatively
`low-level, we believe that the benefits they demonstrate
`will be conferred onto communications applications
`running on an AsyMOS system.
`It migbt be argued that the extra processor(s) used for
`communications support in AsyMOS would be more
`'effectively' used as general purpose processors. The
`definition of 'effective' must be accompanied by a
`workload definition and metrics, and for us, effective
`means that communications-oriented applications must
`be supported efficiently. However, we are investigating
`a mechanism to support adaptive re-partitioning of the
`processors between functional groups.
`With the AsyMOS architecture, we are able to cost(cid:173)
`effectively offload many tasks of such applications. This
`architecture negates many of the key weaknesses
`(complexity, resource contention, etc.) ofa uniprocessor
`OS e.g. Linux, running on SMP hardware, and also
`provides for greater resource accountability and control.
`This combination of benefits, we believe, will allow
`communications-oriented applications to be more
`effectively supported by AsyMOS than by a symmetric
`As the number of processors in a multiprocessor system
`increases, the problems of resource contention and
`concurrency control become ever more significant.
`AsyMOS is therefore even more attractive on those
`systems, where reduction of these effects provides
`increased performance relative to the uniprocessor case.
`Additionally, a greater degree of flexibility is possible
`when adjusting the device versus applications processor
`balance to the workload.
`The architecture provides a great deal of flexibility to
`the operating system designer in order that devices can
`be utilised most efficiently. Whilst previous approaches
`to this have often required expensive custom hardware,
`AsyMOS runs on commodity systems. By not tying the
`device intelligence to a specific custom device the
`architecture will not be left behind by advances in CPU
`As such, we believe that AsyMOS has two important
`roles to play: as a testbed for the investigation of new
`system architectures, particularly networking
`subsystems, and as an operating system suitable for
`deployment on network-intensive systems.
`A. Further work
`Since the current implementation of AsyMOS is still in
`a very basic form, the most pressing task is to refine the
`implementation to provide the functionality detailed in
`The first step of this process will be the development of
`the lightweight device kernel, which is central to the
`architecture and will provide many advantages over the
`current implementation's execution of a modified Linux
`kernel on the device processor.
`Once the lightweight device kernel is in place it is
`expected that the next area of attention will be the
`interfaces between the device processor and the general(cid:173)
`purpose operating system. It is hoped that by providing
`a suitable user-level interface much of the networking
`subsystem can be moved into user-space, thus allowing
`easier experimentation with the partitioning of
`functionality between user-space libraries, operating
`system and device processor.
`At the same time the capability to dynamically
`download application code onto the device processor(s)
`will be investigated to see bow this flexibility can be
`safely provided to applications.
`Looking into the longer term, AsyMOS may prove to be
`an ideal platform for Active Network nodes. In an
`environment where network throughput is more
`EX. 2119, p. 8


`important than general computational power the
`AsyMOS architecture should prove to be ideal and
`provide most benefit over other MP operating systems. •
`allowing us to ride the tidal wave of processor advances
`and not be left to drift on the gentle ripples of YO board
`. Finally, it should be emphasised once again that
`although the focus of this paper has been on the
`relevance of AsyMOS to networking systems we hope
`to be able to apply many of the ideas presented in a
`more general manner. The key concept of utilising
`, CPUs to provide intelligence for devices may prove to
`be applicable to other classes of device. For example, a
`device processor associated with an array of disks could
`be used to process data being read from and written to
`the array, providing on-the-fly encryption and
`Both smart devices and application-level resource
`management are topics which have recently been
`investigated by a number of researchers. Vertical and
`extensible operating systems· in particular are currently
`hot topics in OS research.
`A. Shifting the burden of UO
`Mainframe comp\lters have for a long time used channel
`controllers as a means of removing the burden of
`controlling a relatively slow device from a much faster
`CPU [12]. These channel controllers usually take the
`form of smaller computers attached directly to the
`devices they are responsible for; they are somewhat
`analogous to AsyMOS's device processors.
`More recently, the adverit of higq~bandwidth physical
`networks e.g, ATM, has forced the networking
`community to look into ways of overcoming the
`bottlenecks of current workstation architectures in order
`to provide that bandwidth to applications. Two
`interesting approaches were Hewlett-Packard's
`Jetstream/Afterburner project [21] and Bellcore's Osiris
`ATM adapter [5], [6].
`The former opted to provide common data-path
`operations (checksumming and low-level
`demultiplexing) in hardware without any
`programmability; the latter project offered a completely
`programmable processing engine (CPU and memory) on
`the adapter card which could be programmed as desired
`by the OS.
`Whilst offering some of the functionality of the HP
`offering, AsyMOS is more closely related to the Osiris
`project. However, an important difference is AsyMOS's
`use of a general-purpose CPU as the device processor,
`B. User-level resource .management
`The benefits of application-specific resource
`management have been demonstrated in a number of
`contexts e.g. filesystem hints [19], .the differing
`requirements of continuous media (audio and video) and
`batch traffic (FTP, NFS, etc.) in the face of lost and
`misordered data [4}.
`Three projects which are based around this notion are
`the University of Cambridge1s Nemesis project[l6],
`MIT's Exokemel [7], and the University of
`Washington's SPIN project [2].
`Nemesis and Exokemel both adhere to the vertical
`operating system model whereby the OS provides only
`the minimal functionality neces$ary to share devices.
`However, they differ in their perceptions- of what this
`minimal level of functionality .is--whilst Nemesis
`implements what are put forward as the three key
`functions of protection, translation_ and multiplexing, the
`Exokemel only performs multiplexing of hardware
`between tasks (which logically includes some degree of
`SPIN is perhaps the best example of an extensible OS. It
`allows applications to extend the operating system
`kernel with functions written in a type-safe-language
`C. Asymmetric software on symmetric hardware
`The Softnet project [9], an early packet radio network
`developed at the University of Linkoping, Sweden,

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