`Hayden Kwok-Hay So, Robert W. Brodersen
`Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
`University of California, Berkeley
`email: {skhay, rb}
`Advances in FPGA-based reconfigurable computers have ma-
`de them a viable computing platform for a vast variety of
`computation demanding areas such as bioinformatics, speech
`recognition, and high-end digital signal processing. The
`lack of common, intuitive operating system support, how-
`ever, hinders their wide deployment.
`This paper presents BORPH, an operating system frame-
`work for FPGA-based reconfigurable computers with a goal
`to ease and accelerate development of high-level applica-
`tions to run on these computers. It provides kernel support
`for FPGA resources by extending a standard Linux operat-
`ing system. Users therefore compile and execute hardware
`processes on FPGA resources the same way they run soft-
`ware processes on conventional processor-based systems.
`The operating system offers run-time general file system
`support to hardware processes as if they were software. Fur-
`thermore, a virtual file system is built to allow access to
`memories and registers defined in the FPGA, which pro-
`vides communication links with running hardware processes.
`Increased productivities have been observed for high-level
`application developers, who have few previous experiences
`in hardware design, to implement complex mixed software/
`hardware designs on a FPGA-based reconfigurable computer
`running BORPH.
`Advances in FPGA technologies have made FPGA-based
`reconfigurable computers (RC) a promising architecture to
`meet the increasing computational demand in research ar-
`eas such as bioinformatics[1], speech recognition[2], and
`high-end digital signal processing[3]. However, despite the
`promising computing power, many high level application
`developers remain disinclined to develop their applications
`on these machines because of the substantial difficulties in-
`This work was funded in part by C2S2, the MARCO Focus Center for
`Circuit & System Solutions, under MARCO contract 2003-CT-888.
`Many high-level application developers are not experi-
`enced FPGA hardware designers themselves.
`In addition
`to the inherent different computational model between soft-
`ware and hardware, we have observed the following three
`categories of difficulties commonly faced by them while de-
`veloping applications on reconfigurable computers:
`1. The lack of a high level design language and develop-
`ment environment that is both easy to learn and use,
`yet is able to retain high performance and high con-
`2. The lack of a common and intuitive communication
`interface to and from FPGA fabrics.
`3. The lack of a central management scheme that man-
`ages and coordinates among concurrent users and ap-
`plications on a running RC system.
`The need for a high level design language and methodol-
`ogy for RC is a well acknowledged issue that have drawn nu-
`merous research interests[4, 5, 6]. In this paper, we present
`BORPH, the Berkeley Operating system for ReProgrammable
`Hardware. The primary goal of this work is to improve
`usability of high performance FPGA-based reconfigurable
`computers by systematically addressing the remaining two
`issues through a common and intuitive OS framework.
`The issue with data I/O capability includes a wide range
`of problems, from simply sending a single byte to a running
`FPGA, to transfer and synchronize data between software-
`hardware components, to capture and transfer gigabytes of
`sampled data for offline analyses. Most RC’s have their own
`ad hoc mechanisms for transferring data in and out of FPGA,
`such as through a shared memory, or serial terminal connec-
`tion. However, because of this ad hoc nature, each newly
`built RC must reengineer these I/O interfaces, wasting pre-
`cious engineering resources. BORPH abstracts data I/O in
`standardized OS interfaces that are portable across multi-
`ple platforms. Consequently, application designers and RC
`users need not to readjust to different interfaces when exper-
`imenting with different RC’s.
`EX. 2070, p. 1


`The lack of a central management unit in RC is a subtle
`but significant problem that deserves attention. As simple
`as it might seem, tasks such as querying the availability of
`FPGA resources, reserving FPGA resources atomically, and
`relocating designs to any available FPGA resource, are crit-
`ical for mass deployment of RC in a concurrent multi-user
`environment. BORPH addresses these issues through cen-
`tralized OS management of all FPGA resources of a system.
`Most early FPGA systems use FPGA as a coprocessor
`to a host processing system[7]. In these systems, “operating
`system” took the role of a FPGA configuration loader. None
`of the run-time I/O support proposed in this paper was pres-
`ence. While recent systems use the term operating system
`to describe a load-time configuration modifier[8], or a run-
`time dynamic resource scheduler[9, 10], BORPH differenti-
`ates itself by focusing on improving usability of RC’s. We
`believe a common and intuitive OS framework is essential
`to warrant wide deployment of RC and foster collaborative
`community involvements in RC researches.
`We will give an overview of BORPH in Sect. 2.
`Sect. 3, we present key features of BORPH, with emphasis
`on how BORPH increases usability of our RC system. The
`implementation detail of BORPH is presented in Sect. 4.
`We report our experiences in using BORPH to facilitate a
`software-hardware codesign process in Sect. 5. Finally, we
`conclude this paper in Sect. 6.
`BORPH is an operating system that extends a standard Linux
`system with integrated kernel support for FPGA resources.
`It treats FPGA resources as first-class computing resource
`in the same way a traditional OS treats a CPU. As a result, a
`user may spawn a process either as a software program run-
`ning on a CPU, or as a hardware design running on a FPGA,
`or both. BORPH provides services to FPGA processes as if
`they were software, such as access to the general file system,
`stdin and stdout support. With the help of stdout, for
`example, a FPGA process can easily be debugged by per-
`forming “printf” to the console.
`BORPH uses regions of FPGA fabric as computation
`unit to spawn hardware processes, similar to the way soft-
`ware processes are spawned to a processor. Each reconfig-
`urable region is defined as a hardware region (hwr). Log-
`ically, it is the smallest unit of a RC that is managed by
`BORPH. Physically, it can be implemented as an entire FPGA
`in a multi-FPGA system, or a partially reconfigurable region
`within a FPGA.
`Because of its close tie to the Linux OS, all Linux soft-
`ware can run in a BORPH system unmodified. Further-
`more, since BORPH treats software and hardware processes
`equally, the two can communicate with each other naturally
`under BORPH via standard Linux services such as file pipe,
`socket, or signals with helps of standard library functions.
`Users can interact with FPGA fabric the same way they in-
`teract with software processes, which has shown to have
`made our FPGA-based reconfigurable computer more ac-
`cessible to novel users.
`Some of the system service semantics are changed slightly
`from standard Linux implementations to accommodate the
`added FPGA support. For example, in standard Linux, the
`command “./prog1 | ./prog2” creates a software pipe
`that connects stdout of prog1 to stdin of prog2, pass-
`ing byte stream between them through system memory. In
`BORPH, if one of the two programs is a hardware process,
`the byte stream is buffered by the kernel and sent to the cor-
`rect FPGA through a predefined packet network. If both pro-
`grams are hardware processes, BORPH will attempt to cre-
`ate a direct connection between the two in hardware, such
`that no further OS intervention is needed for data transfer,
`thus eliminating the slowness of a processor.
`In general, all OS services that cross user-kernel bound-
`ary for hardware processes are implemented by passing mes-
`sages on this predefined packet network. As part of BORPH
`OS, this packet network is abstracted entirely from the user.
`As long as this message format is preserved, it is possible to
`extend BORPH, or port BORPH to another platform. This
`message passing system can be thought as a hardware sys-
`tem call interface.
`In this section, we will describe key features of BORPH
`from a user perspective to illustrate how BORPH improves
`usability of FPGA-based RC’s.
`3.1. High-Level Design Flow
`As previously reported[5], we have developed a high level
`design capturing system based on Simulink [11] and Xil-
`inx System Generator [12]. Together with a rich in-house
`library and wrapper scripts, most detail about the hardware
`platform is abstracted from the user. For example, we have
`created a register block, sw register, that users can incor-
`porate in their Simulink designs. This block allows simple
`single word transfer to and from a user design the same way
`traditional memory mapped I/O registers behave on a pro-
`cessor system.
`We have further enhanced this design flow to integrate
`with BORPH. We have extended our wrapper scripts to pro-
`duce a BORPH Object File (BOF) instead of the usual FPGA
`configuration .bit file as final output. BOF files can be ex-
`ecuted by users directly in BORPH. Besides FPGA config-
`uration information, a BOF file encapsulates high level in-
`formation about a user design such as locations and names
`of user defined registers or memory blocks. This informa-
`tion is used by the kernel when the BOF file is executed.
`EX. 2070, p. 2


`1:bash% ./counter.bof &
`[1] 2458
`2:bash% ps
`00:00:00 bash
`2456 pts/4
`00:00:00 counter.bof
`2458 pts/4
`00:00:00 ps
`2507 pts/4
`3:bash% cat /proc/2458/hw/ioreg/cntval
`4:bash% cat /proc/2458/hw/ioreg/cntval
`5:bash% kill -9 2458
`Fig. 1.
`From high-level Simulink design to a running
`BORPH process.
`Fig. 2.
`Executing a BOF file containing a free run-
`ning counter in BORPH. FPGA hardware is configured at
`prompt 1 and is unconfigured at prompt 5.
`Through OS support, such as theioreg interface described
`later, users can access these blocks at run time with mini-
`mum effort.
`This integration between high-level design flow and the
`run time OS provides an environment that hides most hard-
`ware implementation details, leaving users focus in their
`high-level hardware/software designs. Fig. 1 shows the three
`major steps of getting a simple hardware design to run on a
`3.2. FPGA Design as a User Hardware Process
`One of the key concept introduced by BORPH is its treat-
`ment of running FPGA designs as normal Linux processes.
`A user starts a hardware process by executing a BOF file
`as if it is any other Linux executable, such as ELF. When
`a BOF file is run, the kernel examines hardware configura-
`tions encapsulated in that file. Based on this information, the
`kernel chooses and configures one or more suitable hwr’s in
`the system for this BOF file. Updating necessary bookkeep-
`ing information, such as the kernel process table, and popu-
`lating the ioreg file system is then performed. Finally, the
`user FPGA system is allowed to start running.
`A running hardware process behaves almost identically
`to any other software process in a Linux system. Users can,
`for example, check the status of hardware processes using
`command such as ps. A hardware process can be terminated
`by command like kill or by simply pressing Ctrl-C. Fig. 2
`shows a simple session of executing a BOF file, checking
`the value of an ioreg, and terminating the process.
`With kernel support, hardware processes can be started
`by standard fork and exec system calls by software pro-
`cesses. Similarly, hardware processes can spawn software
`processes by passing messages to the kernel. To implement
`conventional software-centric designs, hardware accelera-
`tors can thus be started as needed by software. Moreover,
`BORPH allows hardware-centric designs, which launch soft-
`ware processes to handle exceptional conditions as needed.
`Alternatively, software and hardware can communicate in a
`client-server mode: A hardware process may process real-
`time signal continuously while software queries its result
`occasionally as needed.
`In our experience, this simple hardware process abstrac-
`tion has significantly lower the entry barrier for novel RC
`3.3. Communicating with a Running FPGA Process
`BORPH extends the /proc directory of Linux to include
`information about hardware processes. A directory called
`/proc/<pid>/hw is populated for each running hardware
`process with pid <pid>. There are currently two files and
`one subdirectory in this directory:
`• hw region — a file containing information about phys-
`ical hwr locations a hardware process uses.
`• ioreg mode — a file containing the operating mode
`for ioreg, which can be binary or ASCII.
`• ioreg — a subdirectory containing one virtual file for
`each I/O register (sw register in Simulink), mem-
`ory block (BRAM), off-chip memory or FIFO defined
`in a user design.
`Reads and writes to virtual files in the ioreg directory are
`translated by the OS into actual readings and writings to the
`corresponding components in user designs. Each ioreg is
`defined with 4 properties: name, access mode, size and a
`physical location identifier. Access mode is a flag that spec-
`ifies if it is readable, writable and/or seekable.
`The design of this virtual file system shares a similar
`concept of [13] as a way for a user to interact with the run-
`ning hardware design. For example, a simple command
`echo 0 > /proc/1234/hw/ioreg/cnt_en
`bash% ./counter.bof &
`[1] 1234
`bash% cd /proc/1234/hw/ioreg
`bash% ls
`cnt_en cnt_val
`bash% echo 1 > cnt_en
`bash% cat cnt_val
`bash% kill 1234
`EX. 2070, p. 3


`On/Off Chip Memory
`FIFO (from user)
`FIFO (to user)
`read only
`write only
`4 bytes
`Table 1. Different types of ioreg
`is adequate to disable the counter in Fig. 1. Besides sin-
`gle word registers, memories, both on-chip (BRAM) and
`off-chip (DRAM), are also supported through this interface.
`Virtual ioreg files map the entire content of their corre-
`sponding memories. It serves as a mechanism to share mem-
`ory between software and hardware. User defined FIFO’s
`are represented by virtual files that map all possible FIFO
`locations. They are not seekable, forcing each access to be
`from the beginning of the file, which corresponds to the head
`of FIFO’s. Table 1 shows a summary of supported ioreg.
`3.4. Access to Standard Input and Output
`Conventional software programmer enjoys the ease of in-
`teracting with a computer user or other running processes
`through the system standard input (stdin) and output (std-
`out) file streams. BORPH extends this feature to allow hard-
`ware processes to have the same access to stdin and stdout
`by defining a standard message passing system between a
`user FPGA design and the main kernel. A hardware process
`can therefore perform simple, yet effective, debugging by
`printing messages to the screen. Also, user can effectively
`interact with the FPGA process through typing in the shell
`or piping from a file.
`This support for standard I/O is our first step towards
`providing full general file system support for hardware pro-
`cesses, such that hardware processes can use standard Linux
`file system for general data input and storage.
`Currently, we utilize this feature to implement a sim-
`ple shell interface for all our hardware designs generated
`through our design flow. It complements the generic ioreg
`interface described in previous subsection by offering direct
`and application specific access to a running hardware pro-
`cess from within the FPGA.
`Currently, the BORPH system is implemented on a BEE2
`hardware platform[14]. Briefly, each BEE2 board consists
`of 5 Xilinx Virtex-II pro xc2vp70 FPGA’s. The center con-
`trol FPGA, is connected to the 4 user FPGA’s via both a
`shared 8-bit SelectMap bus and individually through a 50-
`bits direct connection. The 4 user FPGA’s are connected in
`a ring with a 120-bits direct connection to its neighbor.
`Fig. 3. BOF file format
`4.1. The BORPH software kernel
`The software kernel of BORPH is a modified version of
`Linux 2.4.30 kernel running on the left PowerPC core in the
`control FPGA. A standard Debian PowerPC root file system
`provides familiar Linux applications to the user. To provide
`kernel support for FPGA fabric, there are currently 4 major
`modifications made to the standard Linux kernel:
`BOF file support. In order to encapsulate hardware configu-
`ration information in an executable file, we have developed a
`new Linux binary file format kernel module, binfmt bof,
`to support BORPH Object Files (BOF). When a BOF file
`is executed, information in the file is parsed by this kernel
`module. This information is used for task such as config-
`uring FPGA and populating ioreg interface. Fig. 3 shows
`basic definition of a BOF file.
`Hardware Region (hwr). We have defined a set of kernel
`API to allow different hardware region types be loaded to
`BORPH as kernel modules. For example, each hwr kernel
`modules must implement a configure function that han-
`dles detail about configuring a particular hwr type. The rest
`of the kernel will then call the corresponding configure
`function based on hwr requirements embedded in a BOF
`file. This abstract hwr definition and the extensible kernel
`API allows BORPH to be ported to different RC relatively
`easily. In our first implementation, we have defined a hwr
`type, b2fpga, that corresponds to a user FPGA on BEE2.
`We are currently developing another type, b2prmod, that al-
`lows partial reconfiguration of a user FPGA.
`Hardware Configuration and Resource Allocation. A new
`kernel thread bkexecd is defined to handle all hwr config-
`urations. It is responsible for performing simple resource
`allocation by bookkeeping hwr usages. When a new BOF
`file is executed by the user, as long as the BOF file is relo-
`catable, as in the case for b2fpga, it will only be spawned
`to a free FPGA. A user can override the behavior by pre-
`placing a BOF to only be run on a specific FPGA. In case
`the requested FPGA is not available, a device busy error is
`returned to the user with standard Linux semantics.
`Software/Hardware Communication. All communications
`between software and hardware are handled by the BORPH
`BOF Header
`Embedded ELF file data
`ELF Header
`Hardware Region 0
`Hardware Region 1
`Hardware Region Header
`ioreg Definition
`Open File Descriptor
`FPGA Configuration Data
`EX. 2070, p. 4


`Resource Type
`User OS/Avail
`Table 2. User FPGA resource used by OS vs. user.
`Fig. 4. Block diagram of a user FPGA. The processor sys-
`tem on the left of dotted line is inserted automatically by our
`design flow.
`kernel through a standardized message passing network. Data
`transfers are initiated when (1) processes read/write virtual
`ioreg files; and (2) when hardware processes read/write
`standard I/O file streams. A kernel thread (mkd) is respon-
`sible for handling all read/write messages from hardware
`processes. These hardware requests are translated into ker-
`nel file reads/writes to the corresponding files. Similarly,
`user read/write requests to virtual ioreg files are translated
`automatically into packet messages that communicate with
`hardware processes.
`4.2. The BORPH Hardware Kernel
`In BEE2, the control FPGA and the parts of user FPGA’s
`that communicate with the control FPGA are solely respon-
`sible for infrastructural support. They can thus be thought
`as part of BORPH’s hardware kernel. The part of BORPH
`that runs on control FPGA is called mk, while the part that
`runs on user FPGA is called uk.
`Fig. 4 illustrates our current implementation of a user
`FPGA. The processor system, uk, on the left hand side of
`the figure, is automatically inserted by our design flow when
`generating the corresponding BOF file from Simulink de-
`sign sources. All user defined ioreg’s are connected to uk
`through standard bus connections. The software running in
`this processor system then coordinates the communication
`between mk and the user FPGA.
`In this first implementation, since the entire user FPGA
`is reconfigured for each loaded user hardware process, uk
`is compiled with the user design statically into a BOF file.
`In the future, with help of dynamic reconfiguration, uk may
`be implemented as static module within user FPGA’s, while
`new user designs are reconfigured as partial reconfigurable
`modules. This will eliminates the need for recompiling BOF
`files when the OS is updated.
`Fig. 5. Latency of accessing BRAM on a user FPGA via
`ioreg interface. Latency for each access size is measured
`by averaging 1000 standard C library read and write func-
`tion calls from the control FPGA to a 8192 bytes BRAM
`located on a user FPGA.
`4.3. Resource Utilization and Performance
`Incorporating BORPH into our system inevitably consumes
`precious FPGA resources on user FPGAs. Table 2 shows
`the current utilization of uk on a user FPGA. On average,
`BORPH consumes only 10% of FPGA slices and RAMB16
`blocks. With positive feedback from our users, this kind of
`utilization is acceptable as a first implementation.
`Fig. 5 shows the latency of accessing an on-chip BRAM
`via BORPH’s ioreg interface. When the access size is
`smaller than 128 bytes, read/write time is level at around
`160 µs, which is a result of OS kernel crossing overhead. As
`read/write size increases beyond 128 bytes, the access time
`increases linearly accordingly as a result of packetization.
`In our current implementation, user FPGA’s communicate
`with control FPGA via a shared 8-bit bus running at 50MHz,
`which provides a theoretical bandwidth of 50 MB/s. The
`current ioreg performance of about 1.5 MB/s is using only
`a fraction of this theoretical maximum bandwidth.
`This section describes our experience with implementing
`and testing a software-defined radio testbed design on BEE2
`that runs BORPH. Like most FPGA system designs, this
`system consist of a hardware and software component. In
`OS Kernel Space
`User Space
`SelectMap FIFO
`To Control FPGA
`time (seconds)
`transfer size
`EX. 2070, p. 5


`our case, our software team is physically located remotely in
`Germany, while the hardware team is located in the United
`States which presents unique challenges to us. Our sw/hw
`codesign methodology takes advantage of BORPH in the
`following ways:
`• Independent software and hardware testing. The soft-
`ware and hardware components of the design commu-
`nicate via ioreg interface of BORPH. Before sw/hw
`integration, we take advantage of the Linux file ab-
`straction layer such that our software team can em-
`ulate responses from hardware by using “fifo files”.
`Our software team can therefore test their designs in-
`dependently on their own Linux machines.
`• Remote log in. To start the sw/hw integration process,
`our software team needs to access physical hardware
`on BEE2 remotely. The fact that BORPH is backward
`compatible with Linux allows it to run all standard
`Linux networking software. It allows simple ssh lo-
`gin through internet from Germany.
`• Seamless integration between sw/hw components. The
`use of ioreg service as a standardized I/O interface
`eliminates the need for our software team to develop
`additional device drivers for sake of integration. The
`software code developed can start communicating with
`our hardware by simply changing ioreg file names in
`the code.
`• In-system debugging. Software bugs that only show
`up during the sw/hw integration are difficult to locate
`and fix independently by either team. Since BORPH
`supports running standard software development tools
`such as gdb and gcc, we can debug the software with
`actual running hardware in-system.
`The synergy between software and hardware in BORPH has
`shown to be invaluable in our experiences.
`In this paper, we have presented BORPH, an operating sys-
`tem framework for FPGA-based reconfigurable computers.
`It increases usability of RC by providing a systematic and
`intuitive OS interface for running and communicating with
`FPGA fabrics. The kernel level synergies between hardware
`and software processes have provided natural semantics for
`sw/hw codesign. Early feedback from users have indicated
`encouraging prospect of this abstraction.
`Currently we are incorporating the use of dynamic re-
`configuration in BORPH, which provides a natural kernel/user
`partition on user FPGA’s. A more elaborated general file
`system support is being developed. We are also investigating
`the possibility of incorporating hardware process switching
`into BORPH. Finally, we are trying to improve performance
`by using direct connections among user and control FPGA’s.
`This work cannot be completed without the endless effort
`by Pierre Droz and Andrew Schultz in developing many
`fundamental building blocks and infrastructures on BEE2
`that BORPH is built upon. Also, many thanks go to Artem
`Tkachenko for his patient and hard work debugging and giv-
`ing feedback on early versions of BORPH.
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`put., vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 114–125, Mar. 2005.
`EX. 2070, p. 6

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