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`Authorized licensed use limited to: IEEE Customer Ops and Contact Center Staff. Downloaded on May 25,2018 at 16:47:16 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
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`IEEE Standards for
`Local and Metropolitan Area Networks:
`Supplement to Carrier Sense Multiple Access with
`Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) Access Method and
`Physical Layer Specifications
`System Considerations for Multisegment
`10 Mb/s Baseband Networks (Section 13)
`Twisted-Pair Medium Attachment Unit
`(MAU) and Baseband Medium, Type
`lOBASE-T (Section 14)
`~ Published by
`~ , : The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
`Authorized licensed use limited to: IEEE Customer Ops and Contact Center Staff. Downloaded on May 25,2018 at 16:47:16 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
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`Abstract: This Local Area Network (LAN) standard, IEEE Std 802.3i-1990 (supplement to ISO/IEC
`8802-3:1990 [ANSI/IEEE Std 802.3-1990 Edition]), specifies the Type lOBASE-T Medium Attach(cid:173)
`ment Unit (MAU) and one specific unshielded twisted-pair medium for use with the MAU. This
`MAU is specified for use in a 10 Mb/s baseband CSMA/CD LAN. Guidelines for its application in
`a repeatered multisegment heterogeneous CSMA/CD network are included.
`ISBN 1-55937-070-X
`© Copyright 1990 by
`The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
`345 East 47th. Street, New York, NY10017-2394, USA
`No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form,
`in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise,
`without the prior written permission of the publisher.
`December 31, 1990
`Authorized licensed use limited to: IEEE Customer Ops and Contact Center Staff. Downloaded on May 25,2018 at 16:47:16 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
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`(This Foreword is not a part of IEEE Std 802.3i-1990.)
`This supplement is part of a family of standards for Local and Metropolitan
`Area Networks. The relationship between this standard and ot.her members of
`the family is shown below. (The numbers in the figure refer to IEEE standard
`I I 80-2.41180-2~ I PHYSICAL LAYER
`This family of standards deals with the Physical and Data Link Layers as
`defined by the ISO Open Systems Interconnection Basic Reference Model (ISO
`7498:1984). The access standards define three types of medium access tech(cid:173)
`nologies and associated physical media, each appropriate for particular appli(cid:173)
`cations or system objectives. The standards defining these technologies are as

`(1) ISO/I EC 8802-3 [ANSI/IEEE Std 802 .3-1990 Edition], a bus utilizing
`CSMA/CD as the access method;
`(2) ISO/IEC 8802-4 [ANSI/IEEE Std 802.4-1990], a bus utilizing token(cid:173)
`passing as the access method;
`(3) ANSI/IEEE Std 802.5-1989, a ring utilizing token-passing as the access
`Other access methods (for example, metropolitan area networks and inte(cid:173)
`grated voice-data networks) are under investigation.
`ISO 8802-2 [ANSI/IEEE Std 802.2-1989], the logical link control (LLC) stan(cid:173)
`dard, is used in conjunction with the medium access standards.
`IEEE Std 802-1990"' describes the relationship among the family of 802 stan(cid:173)
`dards and their relationship to the ISO Open Systems Interconnection Basic
`Reference Model in more detail. IEEE Std 802.1 D-1990 deals with media ac-
`• The 802 Architecture and Overview Specification, originally known as IEEE Std 802.lA, has
`been renumbered as IEEE Std 802. This has been done to accommodate r ecognition of the base
`standard in a family of standards. References to IEEE Std 802.lA should be considered as refer(cid:173)
`ences to IEEE Std 802.
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`cess control (MAC) bridging and IEEE Std 802.lE-1990 specifies a protocol for
`loading end systems (both to be published in early 1991). Other projects in the
`802.1 series are currently .under development.
`The reader of this standard is urged to become familiar with the complete
`family of standards.
`The local area network access mechanism specified by this standard may
`include patented matter. The IEEE Standards Office calls attention to the fact
`that it is claimed that the process of the local area network access mechanism
`described throughout this standard is the subject of United States patent num(cid:173)
`bers 4 063 220 and 4 099 024 and corresponding patents of foreign countries
`owned by the Xerox Corporation. Although these patents appear to cover the ac(cid:173)
`cess mechanism subject in this standard, the IEEE takes no position with re(cid:173)
`spect to patent validity. The Xerox Corporation has assured the IEEE that it is
`willing to grant a license under these patents on reasonable and nondiscrim(cid:173)
`inatory terms and conditions to anyone wishing to obtain such a license. The
`Xerox Corporation's undertakings in this respect are on file with the IEEE
`Standards Office and the license details may be obtained from the Office of
`General Counsel of Xerox Corporation, whose address is Post Office Box 1600,
`Stamford, Connecticut 06904, USA
`This standard contains state-of-the-art material. The area covered by this
`standard is undergoing evolution. Revisions are anticipated to this standard
`within the next few years to clarify existing material, to correct possible er(cid:173)
`rors, and to incorporate new related material.
`Readers wishing to know the state of revisions should contact
`Secretary, IEEE Standards Board
`445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331
`Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331
`When the IEEE 802.3 Working Group approved IEEE Std 802.3i-1990
`(Sections 13 and 14), it had the following membership:
`Donald C. Loughry, Chair*
`Patricia Thaler, Chair, Type lOBASE-T Task Forcet
`Menachem Abraham
`Luc Adriaenssens
`John R. Agee
`Keith Amundsen
`Richard Anderson
`Stephen J. Anderson
`Ekkehard Antz
`Susie Armstrong
`R. V. Balakrishnan
`Roberto Bertoldi
`Dave Bethune
`Mark Bohrer
`Andreas Gulle
`Richard Gumpertz
`Clive Hallatt
`Benny Hanigal
`W. B. Hatfield
`Stephen Haughey
`Carl G. Hayssen
`Ernie Jensen
`Clarence Joh
`Donald C. Johnson
`Mize Johnson
`Imra Juhaisz
`* Patricia Thaler, Current Chair
`t Richard Anderson, Current Chair
`Chris Oliver
`Lloyd Oliver
`Keith Onodera
`Kazuyuki Ozawa
`Charles Palanza
`Tony Peatfield
`Peter Rautenberg
`Bill Reysen
`Gary Robinson
`Steven Robinson
`Paul F. Russo
`Mani Samaan
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`CISCO 1020
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`IEEE Std 802.3i-1990
`(Supplement t.o ISO/IEC 880'2-3:1990 [ANSI/IEEE Std 802.3-1990 Edition])
`IEEE Standards for
`Local and Metropolitan Area Networks:
`Supplement to Carrier Sense Multiple Access with
`Collision Detection (CSMNCD) Access Method and
`Physical Layer Specifications
`System Considerations for Multisegment
`10 Mb/s Baseband Networks (Section 13)
`Twisted-Pair Medium Attachment Unit
`(MAU) and Baseband Medium, Type
`lOBASE-T (Section 14)
`Technical Committee on Computer Communications
`IEEE Computer Society
`Approved September 28, 1990
`IEEE Standards Board
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`IEEE Standards documents are developed within the Technical Committees
`of the IEEE Societies and the Standards Coordinating Committees of the IEEE
`Standards Board. Members of the committees serve voluntarily and without
`compensation. They are not necessarily members of the Institute. The stan(cid:173)
`dards developed within IEEE represent a consensus of the broad expertise on
`the subject within the Institute as well as those activities outside ofIEEE which
`have expressed an interest in participating in the development of the stan(cid:173)
`Use Of an IEEE Standard is wholly voluntar:y. The existence of an IEEE
`Standard does not imply that there are no other ways to produce, test, measure,
`purchase, market, or provide other goods and services related to the scope of the
`IEEE Standard. Furthermore, the viewpoint expressed at the time a standard
`is approved and issued is subject to change brought about through develop(cid:173)
`ments in the state of the art and comments received from users of the stan(cid:173)
`dard. Every IEEE Standard is subjected to review at least once every five
`years for revision or reaffirmation. When a document is more than five
`years old, and has not been reaffirmed, it is reasonable to conclude that its
`contents, although still of some value, do not wholly reflect the present state of
`the art. Users are cautioned to check to determine that they have the latest edi(cid:173)
`tion of any IEEE Standard.
`Comments for revision of IEEE Standards are welcome from any interested
`party, regardless of membership affiliation with IEEE. Suggestions for
`changes in documents should be in the form of a proposed change of text, to(cid:173)
`gether with appropriate supporting comments.
`Interpretations: Occasionally questions may arise regarding the meaning
`of portions of standards as they relate to specific applications. When the need
`for interpretations is brought to the attention of IEEE, the Institute will initiate
`action to prepare appropriate responses. Since IEEE Standards represent a
`consensus of all concerned interests, it is important to ensure that any
`interpretation has also received the concurrence of a balance of interests. For
`this reason IEEE and the members of its technical committees are not able to
`provide an instant response to interpretation requests except in those cases
`where the matter has previously received formal consideration.
`Comments on standards and requests for interpretations should be ad(cid:173)
`dressed to:
`Secretary, IEEE Standards Board
`445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331
`Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331
`IEEE Standards documents are adopted by the Institute of Electrical and
`Electronics Engineers without regard to whether their adoption may involve
`patents on articles, materials, or processes. Such adoptions does not assume
`any liability to any patent owner, nor does it assume any obligation whatever
`to parties adopting the standards documents.
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`Revisions to ISO/IEC 8802-3:1990 [ANSI/IEEE Std 802.3-1990 Edition] ........ 11
`13. System Considerations for Multisegment 10 Mb/s Baseband Networks. 15
`13.1 Overview ................................................................... 15
`13.2 Definitions ................................................................ 15
`13.3 Transmission System Model ........................................... 15
`14. Twisted-Pair Medium Attachment Unit (MAU) and Baseband Medium,
`Type lOBASE-T ................................................................. 21
`14.1 Scope
`..................................................................... 21
`14.1.1 Overview .......................................................... 21
`14.1.2 Definitions ....................................................... 22
`14.1.3 Application Perspective ......................................... 23
`14.1.4 Relationship to PLS and AUI ................................... 25
`14.2 MAU Functional Specifications ........................................ 25
`14.2.1 MAU Functions .................................................. 26
`14.2.2 PMA Interface Messages ....................................... 29
`14.2.3 MAU State Diagrams ............................................ 30
`14.3 MAU Electrical Specifications .......................................... 36
`14.3.1 MAU-to-MDI Interface Characteristics ....................... 36
`14.3.2 MAU-to-AUI Specification ...................................... 47
`14.4 Characteristics of the Simplex Link Segment ......................... 49
`14.4.1 Overview .......................................................... 49
`14.4.2 Transmission Parameters ..................................... 49
`14.4.3 Coupling Parameters ............................................ 50
`14.4.4 Noise Environment ............................................. 51
`14.5 MDI Specification ......................................................... 51
`14.5.1 MDI Connectors .................................................. 51
`14.5.2 Crossover Function .............................................. 52
`14.6 System Considerations ................................................... 53
`14.7 Environmental Specifications ....................................... .' .. 53
`14. 7.1 General Safety ................................................... 53
`14.7.2 Network Safety ................................................... 53
`14.7.3 Environment ..................................................... 5.5
`14.8 MAU Labeling ............................................................ 56
`14.9 Timing Summary ........................................................ 56
`Fig 13-1
`Fig 13-2
`Maximum Transmission Path with Three Coax Segments ...... 17
`Example of Maximum Transmission Path Using Coax
`Segments, lOBASE-T Link Segments, and Fiber Optic Link
`Segments ................................................................ 18
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`Example of Maximum Transmission Path with Three Repeater
`Sets, Four Link Segments (Two are 100 m 1 OBASE-T and Two
`are 1 km Fiber) ......................................................... 19
`1 OBASE-T Relationship to OSI and CSMNCD LAN ............... 22
`Twisted-Pair Link ..................................................... 24
`MAU Transmit, Receive, Loopback, and Collision Presence
`Functions State Diagram ............................................. 31
`signal_quality _error Message Test Function State Diagram ... 32
`Jabber Function State Diagram .................................. : ... 33
`Link Integrity Test Function State Diagram ....................... 35
`Twisted-Pair Model ................................................... 37
`Differential Output Voltage Test ..................................... 39
`Voltage Template ...................................................... 39
`Transmitter Waveform for Start of TP _IDL ....................... 41
`Start-of-TP _IDL Test Load ........................................... 41
`Transmitter Waveform for Link Test Pulse ....................... 42
`Transmitter Impedance Balance and Common-Mode Rejection
`Test Circuit ............................................................. 44
`Common-Mode Output Voltage Test Circuit ........................ 45
`Transmitter Fault Tolerance Test Circuit .......................... 45
`Receiver Differential Input Voltage-Narrow Pulse .............. 46
`Receiver Differential Input Voltage-Wide Pulse ................. 46
`Receiver Common-Mode Rejection Test Circuit ................... 48
`Common-Mode Impulse Test Circuit ................................ 48
`MAU MDI Connector .................................................. 52
`Twisted-Pair Link Segment Connector ............................. 52
`Crossover Function (a) External Crossover Function
`(b) MAU-embedded Crossover Function ............................ 54
`Fig 13-3
`Fig 14-1
`Fig 14-2
`Fig 14-3
`Fig 14-4
`Fig 14-5
`Fig 14-6
`Fig 14-7
`Fig 14-8
`Fig 14-9
`Fig 14-10
`Fig 14-12
`Fig 14-13
`Fig 14-14
`Fig 14-15
`Fig 14-16
`Fig 14-17
`Fig 14-18
`Fig 14-19
`Fig 14-20
`Fig 14-21
`Fig 14-22
`Table 14-1 Voltage Template Values for Fig 14-9 ............................... 40
`Table 14-2 Maximum Timing Parameters ...................................... 57
`A System Guidelines
`A4. lOBASE-T .................................................................. 59
`A4.1 System Jitter Budget .............................................. 59
`A4.2 Filter Characteristics ............................................ 59
`A4.3 Notes for Conformance Testing ................................ 59
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`Richard Brand
`Thomas Butler
`Luca Cafiero
`Robert R. Campbell
`Luigi Canavess
`Michael Coden
`Kevin Cone
`Robert Conte
`Neil Coote
`Ian Crayford
`Bill Cronin
`Peter Cross
`Joe Curcio
`Nabil Damouny
`Mark Darby
`John DeCramer
`Tazio M. Denicolo
`Sanjay Dhawan
`Paul (Skip) Ely
`Richard Ely
`Norman Erbacher
`Steve Evitts
`Eldon Feist
`Alan V. Flatman
`Ingrid Fromm
`Mel Gable
`Robert Galin
`Mark Gerhold
`Rich Graham
`Dieter W. Junkers
`Joel S. Kalman
`Rainer Kaps
`Bob Kilgore
`Yongbum Kim
`John Kincaid
`Bill Kind
`Tadayoshi Kitayama
`Steven Koller
`Paul Kopera
`Leonid Koshevoy
`Ted Kummert
`David Kung
`Michael Lehar
`Michael Lee
`Richard Lefkowitz
`Richard Lena
`Yoseph Linde
`T. D. Lockyer
`Andy J. Luque
`Kenneth MacLeod
`Luciano Marchitto
`Charles Marsh
`Steven Moustakas
`Narayan Murthy
`Darcy Nelson
`Bob Norton
`Mike O'Connor
`F. Sarles
`Stan Sassowcr
`Ronald Schmidt
`Tom Schmitt
`Frederick Scholl
`Ron Shani
`Joseph Skorupa
`David A. Smith
`Bob Smith
`Steve Smith
`. Robert Snyder
`Graham Starkins
`David E. Stein
`Peter Tarrant
`Mark Taylor
`Douglas Thomson
`Geoffrey Thompson
`Nathan Tobol
`Carlos Tomaszewski
`Herbert Uhl
`John Visser
`William Wager
`Joseph Wiencko, Jr.
`Richard Williams
`Roger Wilmarth
`Mike Winon
`Mark Wingrove
`Nobushige Yokota
`The following persons were on the balloting committee that approved this
`document for submission to the IEEE Standards Board:
`Bandula W. Abeysundara
`William B. Adams
`Don Aelmore
`Hasan S. Alkhatib
`Jonathan Allan
`Sule Arslander
`Michael Atkinson
`William E. Ayen
`Yong Myung Baeg
`Subhash Bhatia
`Asa 0. Bishop
`Alan L. Bridges
`Richard Cassi
`Mehmet U. Caglayan
`Anthony L. Carrato
`George S. Carson
`Brian J. Casey
`George C. Chachis
`Chih-Tsai Chen
`Gerald W. Cichanowski
`Michael H. Coden
`Keith Collins
`Rodney A. Conser
`Robert Crowder
`Bob Jacobsen
`Raj Jain
`Gerrit K. Janssen
`Jack R. Johnson
`Reijo Juvonen
`Richard H. Karpinski
`Julian Kateley
`Gary C. Kessler
`Samuel Kho
`Jens Kolind
`Vijaya Konangi
`Peter Korneru p
`Jon Kramp
`Stephen B. Kruger
`Thomas M. Kurihara
`Anthony B. Lake
`Lak Ming Lam
`Glen Langdon
`Mike Lawler
`Lanse M. Leach
`John E. Lecky
`Jaiyong Lee
`Michael E. Lee
`Lewis E. Leinenweber
`Kin Fun Le
`Hardy J. Pottinger
`Andris Putnins
`Thad L. D. Regulinski
`Francisco J. Retivo
`John R. Riganati
`Saber Rizk
`Philip T. Robinson
`Gary S. Robinson
`Robert Rosenthal
`Daniel Rosich
`Floyd E. Ross
`Victor Rozentouler
`Chiseki Sagawa
`Mark S. Sanders
`Ravi Sankar
`Julio Gonzalez Sanz
`Ambatipudi Sastry
`Vidyadhar S. Savant
`Manoj Kunar Saxena
`Lorne Schachter
`Norman Schneidewind
`Jeffrey R. Schwab
`A. D. Sheppard
`Glen Sherwood
`William T. Smith
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`Jose A. Cueto
`F. Deravi
`Ashwani K. Dhawan
`Siyi Terry Dong
`Mitchell G. Duncan
`Andrew M. Dunn
`Sourav Dutta
`Ted Dzik
`Hans Eklund
`John E. Emrich
`Richard G. Estock
`Changxin Fan
`John W. Fendrich
`John N. Ferguson
`Samuel Fineberg
`Ernest L. Fogle
`Harold C. Folts
`Sandra J. Forney
`Harvey A. Freeman
`Ingrid Fromm
`Eithan Froumine
`Robert Gagliano
`Isaac Ghansah
`Patrick Gonia
`Michael D. Graebner
`Maris Graube
`Abraham Grund
`Crag Guarnieri
`Sandor V. Halasz
`Joseph L. Hammond
`Clark M. Hay
`Lee A. Hollaar
`Marsha D. Hopwood
`Anne B. Horton
`Genesio L. Hubscher
`Wing Huen
`F. C. Lim
`Ping Lin
`Randolph S. Little
`William D. Livingston
`Mauro Lolli
`Wayne M. Loucks
`Donald Loughry
`Nam C. Low
`Andy J. Luque
`Carl R. Manson
`Eduardo G. Marmol
`Gerald M. Masson
`Richard McBride
`Kelly C. McDonald
`William McDonald
`Darrell B. Mclndoe
`Richard H. Miller
`David S. Millman
`C. B. M. Mishra
`Wen Hsien Lim Moh
`John E. Montague
`Kinji Mori
`Gerald Moseley
`H. H. T. Mouftah
`K. R. S. Murthy
`Charles E. Neblock
`Ruth Nelson
`Arne A. Nilsson
`Donal O'Mahony
`Frederic Oakland
`Charles Oestereicher
`Attila Ozgit
`Richard J. Paro line
`Thomas E. Phillips
`Art J. Pina
`Rafat Pirzada
`Udo W. Pooch
`I. A. Soceanu
`Robert K. Southard
`Charles Spurgeon
`Michael Stephenson
`Fred J. Strauss
`Efstathios D. Sykas
`Roy S. Syler
`Gregory M. Sylvain
`Daniel Sze
`Nhi P. Ta
`Hassan Tabaie
`Hao Tang
`Ahmed N. ·Tantawi
`Steven R. Taylor
`James N. Thomas
`Geoffrey 0. Thompson
`Nathal Tobol
`Robert Tripi
`L. David Umbaugh
`Thomas A. Varetoni
`James T. Vorhies
`Barry Vornbrock
`Clarence M. Weaver
`Donald F. Weir
`Alan J. Weissberger
`Raymond Wenig
`William J. Wenker
`Earl J. Whitaker
`Thomas P. Wiggen
`Michael Willett
`Paul A. Willis
`George B. Wright
`Jen-Kun Yang
`Oren Yuen
`William H. Yundt
`Zhao Wei
`When the IEEE Standards Board approved this standard on September 28,
`1990, it had the following membership:
`James M. Daly, Vice Chairman
`Marco W. Migliaro, Chairman
`Andrew G. Salem, Secretary
`Dennis Bodson
`Paul L. Borrill
`Fletcher J. Buckley
`Allen L. Clapp
`Stephen R. Dillon
`Donald C. Fleckenstein
`Jay Forster*
`Thomas L. Hannan
`*Member Emeritus
`Kenneth D. Hendrix
`John W. Horch
`Joseph L. Koepfinger*
`Irving Kolodny
`Michael A. Lawler
`Donald J. Loughry
`John E. May, Jr.
`Lawrence V. McCall
`L. Bruce McClung
`Donald T. Michael*
`Stig Nilsson
`Roy T. Oishi
`Gary S. Robinson
`Terrance R. Whittemore
`Donald W. Zipse
`Authorized licensed use limited to: IEEE Customer Ops and Contact Center Staff. Downloaded on May 25,2018 at 16:47:16 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
`CISCO 1020
`Cisco v. ChriMar


`IEEE Standards for
`Local and Metropolitan Area Networks:
`Supplement ro Carrier Sense Multiple Access with
`Collision Detection (CSMNCD) Access Method and
`Physical Layer Specifications
`System Considerations for Multisegment
`10 Mb/s Baseband Networks (Section 13)
`Twisted-Pair Medium Attachment Unit
`(MAU) and Baseband Medium, Type
`IOBASE-T (Section 14)
`Revisions to ISO/IEC 8802-3:1990 [ANSJ/IEEE Std 802.3-1990 Edition]
`(These changes and additions are part of IEEE Std 802.Si-1990.)
`The following changes add references to lOBASE-T and specifications for
`1 OBASE-T to the appropriate places in ISO/IEC 8802-3:1990 [ANSI/IEEE Std
`802.3-1990 Edition]. The changes do not alter the specifications for existing
`1.3 References
`Add this reference to list of references:
`[16] ISO 8877:1987, Information processing systems-Interface connector and
`contact assignments for ISDN basic access interface located at reference
`points S and T.
` Parameterized Values
`In first sentence, delete "(type 10BASE5)".
`8.6.1 Transmission System Model
`Replace current item (2) with the following:
`"(2) A point-to-point link constitutes a link segment. A link segment may
`contain a maximum end-to-end propagation delay of 2570 ns."
`9.1 Overview
`In the first sentence, change "10BASE5 and 10BASE2" to "10BASE5, 10BASE2,
`and lOBASE-T".
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`Std 802.3i-1990
`Change the second paragraph to read as follows:
`"A repeater set connects segments of network medium together, thus allow(cid:173)
`ing larger topologies and a larger MAU base than are allowed by rules gov(cid:173)
`erning individual segments (that is, for 10BASE5, 500 m and 100 stations; for
`10BASE2, 185 m and 30 stations; for lOBASE-T, nominal 100 m link seg(cid:173)
`At the end of the third paragraph, replace "IRLs" with "link segments".
`9.2 Definitions
`Add the following definition:
`"link segment. The point-to-point full duplex medium connection between two
`and only two Medium-Dependent Interfaces (MDis)."
`9.4.1 Alli Compatibility
`Add this paragraph to the end of 9.4.1:
`"MAU s associated with the repeater unit shall be as specified in Section 14
`for type lOBASE-T with the restriction that the MAU shall not perform the
`signal_quality_error message Test function as defined in"
`9.4.2 Direct Cable Compatibility
`Change title of subsection to read as follows:
`"Direct Coax Cable Compatibility"
`9.4.3 IBL Compatibility
`Change entire subsection, including title, to read as follows:
`"9.4.3 Link Segment Compatibility. The compatibility interfaces for link ·
`segments including IRL segments are either vendor-dependent, as specified
`in, or are vendor-independent MDI, as defined in the remainder of this
`Add the following subsection:
`" Twisted-Pair Jack Compatibility. The repeater set shall be
`compatible at its 8-pin modular jack (if so equipped), as specified in 14.5. The
`MAUs associated with the repeater set that are connected in this manner shall
`be subject to the restrictions of MAU s, as specified in 9.4.1."
`9.5.2 Signal Amplification
`Change the first sentence to read:
`"The repeater set (including its associated or integral MAUs) shall ensure
`that the amplitude characteristics of the signals at the MDI outputs of the
`repeater set are within the tolerance of the specification for the appropriate
`MAU type."
`Authorized licensed use limited to: IEEE Customer Ops and Contact Center Staff. Downloaded on May 25,2018 at 16:47:16 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
`CISCO 1020
`Cisco v. ChriMar


`Std 802.Si-1990
`9.5.3 Signal Symmetry
`Change entire subsection to read as follows:
`''The repeater set shall ensure that the symmetry characteristics of the sig(cid:173)
`nals at the MDI outputs of a repeater set are within the tolerance of the specifi(cid:173)
`cation for the appropriate MAU type. Therefore, any loss of symmetry due to
`MAU sand media distortion is regained at the output of the repeater set."
` Start of Packet Propagation Delays
`In third paragraph, change "internal MAUs" to "internal FOMAUs, 10BASE2,
`or 10BASE5 MAUs".
`Add this paragraph following the third paragraph:
`"For a repeater set with internal lOBASE-T MAUs on input and output ports,
`an additional 8 BT delay for an input port MAU and 5 BT delay for an output
`port MAU shall be allowed."
` Collision-Jam Propagation Delays
`In third paragraph, change "internal MAUs" to "internal FOMAUs, 10BASE2,
`or 1 OBASE5 MAU s".
`Add this paragraph following the third paragraph:
`"For a repeater set with internal lOBASE-T MAUs on input and output ports,
`an additional 9 BT delay for an input port MAU and 5 BT delay for an output
`port MAU shall be allowed."
`In the sixth paragraph, change "internal MAUs" to "internal FOMAUs,
`10BASE2, and 10BASE5 MAUs" in two instances.
`Add this paragraph following the sixth paragraph:
`"For a repeater set with internal lOBASE-T MAUs on its input ports, an
`additional 2 BT delay for DI and 9 BT for signal_quality _error deassertion
`shall be allowed. For a repeater set with internal MAUs on its output ports, an
`additional 2 BT delay shall be allowed."
` Detailed Auto-Partition/Reconnection Algorithm State Diagram
`Add the following as the first sentence of the first paragraph:
`"Repeater sets with lOBASE-T MAUs shall implement an auto-partition/
`reconnection algorithm on those ports."
`9.7.1 Environment A Requirements
`In the second paragraph, change "(See and" to "(See,
`, and".
`Authorized licensed use limited to: IEEE Customer Ops and Contact Center Staff. Downloaded on May 25,2018 at 16:47:16 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
`CISCO 1020
`Cisco v. ChriMar


`Std 802.3i-1990
` Overview
`Change (d) and (e) to read as follows:
`"(d) Operates indistinguishably from a repeater set MAU, as defined in
`Section 8, 10, or 14 when viewed from the AU Interface.
`(e) Supports 10BASE2, 10BASE5, and lOBASE-T system configurations as
`defined in Sections 8, 10, and 13 of this standard."
`Add this paragraph to the end of Appendix A3 (in the collection of supplements
`to 802.3: IEEE Std 802.3b, c, d, and e-1989 Edition):
`"The calculation method of this Appendix, though not the numeric values,
`applies to lOBASE-T."
`Authorized licensed use limited to: IEEE Customer Ops and Contact Center Staff. Downloaded on May 25,2018 at 16:47:16 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
`CISCO 1020
`Cisco v. ChriMar


`Std 802.3i-1990
`13. System Considerations for
`Multi.segment 10 Mb/s Baseband Networks
`13.1 Overview. This section provides information on building multisegment
`10 Mb/s baseband networks within a single collision domain. The proper op(cid:173)
`eration of a CSMA/CD network requires network size to be limited to control
`round-trip propagation delay to meet the requirements of and,
`and the number of repeaters between any two Data Terminal Equipments
`(DTEs) to be limited in order to limit the shrinkage of the interpacket gap as it
`travels through the network. This section applies to networks that contain
`lOBASE-T segments.
`NOTE: Information on lOBASE-T is included to begin the process of developing this section. It is
`intended that 8.6.l and 10.7.1 be merged into this section in the future and that any new lOBASE
`segments be added to this section.
`13.2 Definitions. Terminology used in Section 13, and not previously defined,
`is defined here:
`collision domain. A single CSMA/CD network. If two or more Media Access
`Control (MAC) sublayers are within the same collision domain and both
`transmit at the same time, a collision will occur. MAC sublayers separated by
`a repeater are within the same collision domain. MAC sublayers separated by
`a bridge are within different collision domains.
`link segment. The point-to-point full duplex medium connection between two
`and only two Medium-Dependent Interfaces (MDis).
`segment. The medium connection, including connectors, between MDis in a
`13.3 Transmission System Model. The physical size of a lOBASE-T network,
`or mixed-media network containing 1 OBASE-T link segments, is con(cid:173)
`strained by the limits of individual network components. These limits in(cid:173)
`clude the following:
`(1) Cable length and its associated propagation time delay.
`(2) Delay of repeater units (start-up and steady-state).
`(3) Delay of MAUs (start-up and steady-state).
`(4) Interpacket gap shrinkage.
`(5) Delays within the DTE associated with the CSMA/CD access method.
`Authorized licensed use limited to: IEEE Customer Ops and Contact Center Staff. Downloaded on May 25,2018 at 16:47:16 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
`CISCO 1020
`Cisco v. ChriMar


`Std 802.3i-1990
`The following table summarizes the delays for the various network media
`Maximum Maximum Minimum
`Number of
`MAUs per
`0.77 C
`0.65 C
`0.66 C
`0.59 C
`0.65 C
`Delay per
`( ns)
`* C = 3 X 108 m/s
`t Actual maximum segment length depends on cable characteristics; see
` .
`AUI is not a segment.
`In addition, Table 14-1 summarizes the delays for the lOBASE-T MAU; Sec(cid:173)
`tion 8, the delays for the 10BASE5 MAU; Section 10, the delays for the 10BASE2
`MAU; and Section 9, the delays of the fiber optic inter-repeater link (FOIRL)
`and the repeater.
`The following network topology constraints apply for lOBASE-T networks
`as well as mixed-media networks containing 1 OBASE-T link seg

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