Proc. Nati. Acad. Sci. USA
`Vol. 91, pp. 4082-4085, April 1994
`Medical Sciences
`Thalidomide is an inhibitor of angiogenesis
`(fibroblast growth factor/rabbit cornea)
`Department of Surgery, Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02115
`Communicated by John A. Glomset, January 3, 1994
`Thalidomide is a potent teratogen causing
`dysmelia (stunted limb growth) in humans. We have demon-
`strated that orally administered thalidomide is an inhibitor of
`aniogenesis induced by basic fibroblast growth factor in a
`rabbit cornea micropocket assay. Experiments including the
`analysis of thalidomide analogs revealed that the antanio-
`genic activity correlated with the teratogenicity but not with the
`sedative or the mild immunosuppressive properties of tha-
`lidomide. Electron microscopic examination of the corneal
`neovascularization ofthafidomide-treated rabbits revealed spe-
`cific ultrastructural changes similar to those seen in the de-
`formed limb bud vasculature of thalidomide-treated embryos.
`These experiments shed light on the mechanism of tha-
`lidomide's teratogenicity and hold promise for the potential use
`of thalidomide as an orally adminsered drug for the treatment
`of many diverse dease dependent on angiogenesis.
`Thalidomide is a potent teratogen. It was developed by
`Chemie Grunenthal in the 1950s as a sedative that appeared
`so nontoxic in rodent models that a LD50 could not be
`established. In 1961, McBride (1) and Lenz (2) described the
`association between limb defects in babies and maternal
`thalidomide usage. Although humans are exquisitely sensi-
`tive to the teratogenic effects of thalidomide, experiments in
`rodents failed to reveal similar effects (3, 4). Teratogenic
`effects could be experimentally reproduced by the adminis-
`tration of thalidomide to pregnant rabbits at an oral dose of
`100-300 mg per kg per day (5, 6). Over the past 30 years, the
`mechanism of thalidomide's teratogenicity has been exten-
`sively studied but has remained unsolved (7).
`We now postulate that the limb defects seen with thali-
`domide were secondary to an inhibition of blood vessel
`growth in the developing fetal limb bud. The limb bud is
`unique in requiring a complex interaction of both angiogen-
`esis and vasculogenesis during development (8). Vasculo-
`genesis is the formation of a capillary bed from endothelial
`cells that have differentiated from mesenchymal precursors.
`Angiogenesis is the formation of new blood vessels from
`sprouts ofpreexisting vessels. Therefore, the limb bud would
`be a particularly vulnerable target to a teratogen that inhib-
`ited endothelial cell function. We chose to examine the effect
`of thalidomide on growing vasculature in the chicken chori-
`oallantoic membrane and in the rabbit cornea.
`Chicken chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) assays were per-
`formed as described (9, 10) and the effects on the developing
`vasculature were recorded at 48 h after implantation of the
`0.5% carboxymethylcellulose pellet containing various
`drugs. Corneal neovascularization was induced by an im-
`planted pellet of poly(hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (Hydron;
`Interferon Sciences, New Brunswick, NJ) containing 650 ng
`The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge
`payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement"
`in accordance with 18 U.S.C. §1734 solely to indicate this fact.
`ofthe potent angiogenic protein basic fibroblast growth factor
`(bFGF) bound to sucralfate (sucrose aluminum sulfate; Bukh
`Meditec, Copenhagen) (11). The addition of sucralfate to the
`pellet protects the bFGF from degradation (12) and provides
`for its slow release, thus producing consistent aggressive
`angiogenesis that is more pronounced than that induced by
`bFGF/Hydron alone. Release of bFGF from pellets contain-
`ing sucralfate/Hydron could be detected in vitro for up to 4
`days after the pellets were formed compared tojust 1 day for
`pellets with Hydron alone (11). Pellets were made by mixing
`110 pI of saline containing 12 Mg of recombinant bFGF
`(Takeda, Osaka) with 40 mg of sucralfate; this suspension
`was added to 80 pI of 12% (wt/vol) Hydron in ethanol.
`Aliquots (10 Al) of this mixture were then pipetted onto
`Teflon pegs and allowed to dry producing approximately 17
`pellets. A pellet was implanted into corneal micropockets of
`each eye of an anesthetized female New Zealand White
`rabbit, 2 mm from the limbus, followed by a single topical
`application of erythromycin ointment on the surface of the
`cornea. Histologic examination on consecutive days demon-
`strated progressive blood vessel growth into the cornea
`toward the pellet with only rare inflammatory cells seen. This
`angiogenic response was not altered by severe immune
`suppression with total body irradiation, and pellets with
`sucralfate alone did not induce angiogenesis (data not
`shown). Unlike other models of corneal angiogenesis that
`utilize inflammation to stimulate neovascularization, the new
`vessels are primarily induced by the bFGF. The animals were
`fed daily from 2 days after implantation by gastric lavage with
`either drug suspended in 0.5% carboxymethylcellulose or
`vehicle alone. Thalidomide was purchased from Andrulus
`Pharmaceutical (Beltsville, MD) and EM-12 and Supidimide
`were kindly provided by Grunenthal (Stolberg, F.R.G.).
`Immunosuppressed animals received total body radiation of
`6 Gy for 6 min immediately prior to implantation of the
`pellets. This dose of radiation resulted in a marked leukocy-
`topenia with >80%o reduction in the leukocyte count by day
`2 and >90o reduction by day 3, results that are consistent
`with previous reports (13, 14).
`The animals were examined with a slit lamp every other
`day in a masked manner by the same corneal specialist
`(M.S.L.). The area of corneal neovascularization was deter-
`mined by measuring with a reticule the vessel length (L) from
`the limbus and the number of clock hours (C) of limbus
`involved. A formula was used to determine the area of a
`circular band segment: C/12 x 3.1416 [r2 - (r - L)2], where
`r = 6 mm, the measured radius of the rabbit cornea. We have
`utilized various mathematical models to determine the
`amount of vascularized cornea and have found that this
`formula provides the most accurate approximation ofthe area
`of the band of neovascularization that grows toward the
`pellet. Only the uniform contiguous band of neovasculariza-
`Abbreviations: bFGF, basic fibroblast growth factor; CAM, chicken
`chorioallantoic membrane; PGA, phthaloylglutamic anhydride; PG
`acid, phthaloylglutamic acid; TNF-a, tumor necrosis factor a.
`*To whom reprint requests should be addressed.


`Medical Sciences: D'Amato et al.
`Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91 (1994)
`genic dose (200 mg/kg) of thalidomide resulted in an inhibi-
`tion of the area of vascularized cornea that ranged from 30 to
`51% in three experiments with a median inhibition of 36%
`(Figs. 2A and 3) (n = 30 eyes; P = 0.0001, two-way ANOVA
`with ranked data). The inhibition of angiogenesis by tha-
`lidomide was seen after only two doses (Fig. 2B). The rabbits
`did not demonstrate obvious sedation and there were no signs
`of toxicity or weight loss. The teratogenic analog EM-12,
`which shares the other properties of thalidomide, was also
`inhibitory, with a median inhibition of 42% (n = 10 eyes; P
`= 0.002, one-way ANOVA with ranked data). Supidimide, a
`nonteratogenic analog that retains the sedative properties of
`thalidomide, exhibited no activity (area 107% of control; n =
`10 eyes; not statistically different from control). Other ana-
`logs, PGA and PG acid, displayed weaker inhibitory effects
`M Supidimide
`o Thalidomide
`El EM12
`0 Thalidomide-irradiated
`Animal treatment groups
`Days post-implantation
`o 100-
`N ,
`40 -
`E c.
`° 30-
`N C
`0a 20-
`0 .
`: 0'-
`(A) Inhibition of bFGF-induced corneal neovasculariza-
`FIG. 2.
`tion by thalidomide and related analogs expressed as percent of
`median control on day 8. Pellets containing bFGF and sucralfate
`were implanted into micropockets of both corneas of rabbits (18).
`Vessel ingrowth into the clear cornea from the limbus was first noted
`on day 2 and treatments (200 mg/kg orally) were begun on this day.
`The area of corneal neovascularization was measured from day 4
`through day 12. Day 8 measurements were used for comparison
`between groups. No regression of vessels and near maximal neovas-
`cularization was seen at this time point. Statistical analysis was
`performed with ANOVA with ranked data to account for interex-
`perimental variation and to guard against a nonnormal distribution of
`data (i.e., outliers) by utilizing a nonparametric method. (b) Time
`course of inhibition of neovascularization with thalidomide. Mean
`areas of corneal neovascularization with standard error bars are
`presented from one experiment that is representative of the three
`experiments performed with thalidomide on nonirradiated animals.
`Data presented from the first time point after administration of the
`drug through the completion of the study are statistically different (n
`= 10 eyes; P < 0.005 for all time points, one-way ANOVA with
`ranked data).
`tion adjacent to the pellet was measured. The noncontiguous
`neovascularization, which can be seen superiorly, was not
`quantified due to its irregular shape. These vessels that often
`grow concurrently toward the pellet from the superior limbus
`arise from vessels ofthe superior rectus supplying the limbus,
`are directly induced by the bFGF/sucralfate pellet, and are
`histologically identical to the inferior limbal vessels. How-
`ever, it should be noted that this superior neovascularization
`was commonly seen in control animals and was never seen in
`thalidomide-treated animals. Thus, the total inhibition of
`neovascularization is conservatively underestimated.
`Our initial investigations were performed on the CAM.
`Neither thalidomide nor EM-12, a related teratogenic analog
`(15), exhibited any inhibitory activity on blood vessel growth.
`This result was expected as it has been proposed that
`thalidomide must be metabolized by the liver to form an
`epoxide that may be the active teratogenic metabolite (16).
`Other thalidomide analogs that have been shown to be
`teratogenic in rodents (17), including phthaloylglutamic an-
`hydride (PGA) and phthaloylglutamic acid (PG acid), were
`also analyzed (Fig. 1). Interestingly, weak antiangiogenic
`activity of the developing vasculature was seen with both PG
`acid and PGA when 100 jig of either compound was placed
`on the CAM in a pellet of 0.5% carboxymethylcellulose.
`Despite frequent mild scarring, avascular zones were pro-
`duced in 15% of the CAMs with PGA compared to control
`0.5% carboxymethylcellulose pellets in which no avascular
`zones were seen (data not shown).
`Based on these initial findings, we decided to test tha-
`lidomide's effect on angiogenesis induced by bFGF in the
`rabbit corneal micropocket model. Treatment with a terato-
`1 C
`0 0
`Phthaloyl Glutamic
`Anhydride (PGA)
`ll, 0 / b
`Glutamic Acid
`(PG Acid)
`0 C
`1 C c
`FIG. 1.
`Structure of thalidomide and related analogs.


`Medical Sciences: D'Amato et al.
`Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91 (1994)
`than thalidomide (data not shown). The density of vessel
`ingrowth in thalidomide-treated animals was also markedly
`reduced. Due to the lack of an objective grading scale, these
`results are not presented.
`Thalidomide has immunosuppressive properties that might
`have indirectly affected angiogenesis. Recently, thalidomide
`has been used for its immunosuppressive properties in the
`treatment of leproma reactions (19) and chronic graft versus
`host disease (18, 20-23). However, in humans its immuno-
`suppressive properties are weak and delayed with little effect
`in acute graft versus host disease (24). Because the effect of
`thalidomide on the immune system is similar but weaker than
`that of cyclosporin A (25), we tested cyclosporin A at the
`highest tolerated dose of 25 mg/kg. No statistically signifi-
`cant effect was observed compared to control. To investigate
`further the immune interactions, we pretreated the rabbits
`with the maximally tolerated immunosuppressive dose of
`total body irradiation. Immunosuppressed animals re-
`sponded equally well to thalidomide, with a median inhibition
`of neovascularization of 52% (n = 12; P = 0.0001, one-way
`ANOVA with ranked data) as compared to irradiated place-
`bo-treated controls (Fig. 2A).
`Electron microscopic examination of corneas from tha-
`lidomide-treated and control animals revealed ultrastructural
`differences. Vessels in the thalidomide-treated group dem-
`I.- 1 '4
`f..... ;7 .1
`-..;z ebi,r,4
`Representative corneas at 8 days after implantation of
`FIG. 3.
`bFGF pellets from control (A) and thalidomide-treated (B) rabbits.
`There is prominent corneal neovascularization (arrows) in the con-
`trol with associated corneal clouding, which was demonstrated
`histologically to be stromal edema without inflammation. The tha-
`lidomide-treated animal has markedly less neovascularization with
`minimal corneal edema.
`Electron micrographs of corneal neovascularization ob-
`FIG. 4.
`served in a thalidomide-treated rabbit 10 days after implntation of
`a pellet containing bFGF. (A) High-magnification (x40,000) view of
`typical fenestrations (arrow) in an endothelial cell from corneal
`neovascularization in thalidomide-treated rabbit. (B) High-
`magnification (x60,000) view of an area of cell thinning (asterisk)
`adjacent to a cell junction in thalidomide-treated corneal neovascu-
`larization. These changes were not seen in control day 10 corneal
`neovascularization. (Bars = 0.1 amn.)


`Medical Sciences: D'Amato et al.
`Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91 (1994)
`onstrated fenestrations not seen in control animals (Fig. 4A).
`Fenestrations have been previously reported to be specific to
`regressing corneal blood vessels after removal of the angio-
`genic stimulus (26). However, in that model, endothelial cell
`regression was associated with platelet plugging and cellular
`hypoxic changes such as swollen mitochondria, which were
`not seen in the thalidomide-treated animals. Interestingly,
`histologic changes previously described in the vasculature of
`the limb buds from chicken embryos treated with thalidomide
`(27) were also seen in the corneal neovascularization of our
`thalidomide-treated rabbits including vesicular projections
`into the lumen and extreme thinning of cell processes (Fig.
`4B). In general, the corneal neovascularization from thali-
`domide-treated rabbits appeared more immature than that
`observed in control animals with poorly formed cell junc-
`tions, incomplete basement membrane, and fewer associated
`pericytes. These findings support the hypothesis that tha-
`lidomide has a direct effect on the growing vasculature.
`Orally administered thalidomide is an inhibitor of angiogen-
`esis induced by bFGF in the rabbit cornea micropocket
`assay. The mechanism by which thalidomide inhibits angio-
`genesis is unknown. Thalidomide has shown no effect on
`bFGF-induced proliferation of endothelial cells in culture
`(data not shown). Current studies are focused on the identi-
`fication of the most active thalidomide metabolite. The
`formation of an active metabolite by the liver in vivo provides
`an explanation of the observation that the effect of tha-
`lidomide on growing vessels is seen only when given sys-
`Thalidomide has been shown to suppress tumor necrosis
`factor a (TNF-a) production from macrophages (28). How-
`ever, macrophages were rarely seen in histologic examina-
`tions of our model of corneal neovascularization. Further-
`more, studies examining the role of TNF-a in corneal angio-
`genesis have failed to detect TNF-a production in a model of
`inflammatory corneal angiogenesis in which macrophages
`were prominent (29). TNF-a is only weakly angiogenic in
`vivo. It acts by inducing secondary inflammation in contrast
`to bFGF, which stimulates angiogenesis without inflamma-
`tion (30). Thus, the ability of thalidomide to inhibit angio-
`genesis induced by pharmacologic doses of bFGF supports
`the hypothesis that thalidomide directly inhibits an essential
`component of angiogenesis and does not operate through
`effects on TNF-a production.
`In conclusion, thalidomide is a potent angiogenesis inhib-
`itor in vivo. In this model of corneal angiogenesis, we have
`tested many putative angiogenesis inhibitors (including an-
`timitotic agents, cis-retinoic acid, tamoxifen, and others).
`Thalidomide was the only agent capable of inhibiting angio-
`genesis after oral administration. Evaluation of thalidomide
`analogs demonstrated a correlation between teratogenicity
`and antiangiogenic potential. The weak and delayed immu-
`nosuppressive action of thalidomide when used clinically, its
`inhibition of angiogenesis in radiation-immunosuppressed
`animals, and the lack of effect of the functionally related
`immunosuppressive agent cyclosporin A argue for a direct
`effect of thalidomide on angiogenesis. Further support for
`this hypothesis is derived from the ultrastructural changes
`seen in thalidomide-treated animals. There are clear impli-
`cations for the use of this drug in the treatment of pathologic
`angiogenesis that occurs in diabetic retinopathy, macular
`degeneration, and solid tumors. Because antiangiogenic ther-
`apy is likely to be long-term, there is a need for an orally
`efficacious inhibitor.
`Special thanks to Klio Chatzistefanou, Geri Jackson, Evelyn
`Gonzalez, Pat D'Amore, Helene Sage, Michael O'Reilly, Michael
`Kaplan, Tony Adamis, Elizabeth N. Allred, Ramzi Cotran, and
`Dianna Ausprunk for their assistance and advice. We also thank E.
`Frankus and K. Zwingenberger of Grunenthal GMBH for providing
`technical information, EM-12, and supidimide. R.J.D. is a Howard
`Hughes Medical Institute physician research fellow. M.S.L. is partly
`supported by the Ruth Rae Davidson corneal fellowship endowment.
`Animal studies were reviewed and approved by the animal care and
`use committee of Children's Hospital and are in accordance with the
`guidelines of the Department of Health and Human Services.
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