
`LGE Exhibit-1018/Page 1 of 10
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`LGE Exhibit-1018/Page 2 of 10


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`LGEExhibit-1018/Page 3 of 10


`0 URN A
`_L_ |g
`by Pai Flanigan andJawed Karim
`NCSA Symera is a distributed-object andcluster-management system with application support libraries
`buili on Microsoft’s Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM), Our authors examine Syment,
`convert a stand-alone Windowsprograminto a Symera application that uses distributed resources.
`by David Holding
`David presents a framework based on the JavaBeans Standard that provides a layer of abstraction over
`CORBA— and,
`in particular, the CORBA Dynamic Invocation Interface (DI)— toencapsulate its
`complexity andfacilitate visual rapid application development.
`by Arno Pider
`MICO is afreely available CORBA implementation that supports IDL-to-C++ mapping, Dynamic
`Invocation Interface (DID, IOP as native protocol, nested method invacations, and more,
`by Ming Fan, Jan Stallaert, and AndrewB. Whinston
`Ourauthors describe a web-based Financial Bundle ‘Tracing Systemthat lets you access financial
`markets using Java applets embedded in web browsers.
`by Bruce W, Bigby
`GEFis a general exception-handling and contract-programmingfacility for C programmers. With GEF,
`its special control macros, and other support functions, you can separate the main. purpose of a
`function fromits exception-handling, contract-validation, and resource-reclamation code,
`by James Y. Wilson
`In the secondinstallment of this wo-partarticle, Jim identifies the basic skills you needto develop
`Windows CE device drivers, and implements a driver for an onboard peripheral device.
`byLee R. Copp
`When it comes 10 automotivedata acquisition, the files generated while a vehicle is being tested
`are as different and varied as the vehicles themselves. Lee presents atoolthat enables viewing.
`filtering, or analysis of this disparate data.
`by Lynn Monson
`The WebInterface Definition Language (WIDL) is an XML file format for describing
`progrummatic interfaces to the Web. Borrowing fromthe object community's ORB ideas, WIDL
`describes an abstract interface to a “service” existing on the Web.
`Dr. Dobb'sJournal, November 1998
`LGE Exhibit-1018/Page 4 of 10


`by Michael Swaine
`Michael examinesJini, Sun's system architecture for distributed computing.Jini
`embodies a model for howdevices and software connect on a network and how
`distributed systems can operate.
`byAl Stevens
`Al updates a C++ class template library that implements undo operations of
`interactive programs. Thelibrary assumesthat the user modifies a documentclass
`object and might want to undo those modifications in reverse order.
`byJason W. Purdy
`Jason examines the drag-and-drop (DnD) capabilities of both JavaSoft's Java
`Foundation Classes (JFC) and Microsoft's Windows Foundation Classes (WFC),
`byJon Bentley and Robert Sedgewick
`Jon and Robert describe a new algorithmfor sorting strings that combines the best
`of quicksort andradix sort.
`by Dennis E. Shasha
`Dr. Ecco andLiane use “directed evolution" to cure the ills that ail some.
`by Gregory V. Wilson
`Greg examines a bevy of books this month, including Web Site Usability: A
`Designer's Guide, Information Architecturefor the World Wide Web, Official
`Guideto Programming with, Jesse Liberty's Clouds to Code, Advanced
`Programming Language Design, and Practical Software Configuration
`byJonathan Erickson
`by you
`bythe DD]staff
`by Eugene Eric Kim
`by Michael Swaine
`As 2 service to Our readers, source code (and related
`files, back-referencedarticles, and relevant links
`areavailableelectronicallyat hitp://
`ladividual articles can be purchased electronically
`as ZIPfiles, also at hitp://www.ddj.conv. Source
`codeis also available via anonymous FTP from
`ftp,ddj,com (199.125,85.76), the DD] Forum on
`CompuServe (type GO DD)}), and DD) Online (650-
`358-8857, 14.4 kbps, 8-N-1). Letters to the editor
`and article proposals/submissions should be
`mailed or faxed to the DD/ office or sent
`electronicallyto editors®ddj. com. Author guidelines
`are available at hetp:// Sendinquiries
`or requests to Dr: Dobb'sJournal, 411 Borel Ave
`San Mateo, CA 94402, For subscription questions
`(including change of adclress), call 800-456-1215
`(U.S. and Canada); other countries, call 303-678-
`0439 or fax 303-661-1985. E-mail subscription
`questions (o ddj@neodata comor write 10 Dr. Dobb's
`Journal, ?:0. Box 56188, Boulder, CO 80322-6188
`In December, we'll be examiningthe latesi
`2ing tested
`as, WIDL
`byFritz Lowrey
`The Win32 Debug APIis a set of functions that provides a numberofuseful tools
`for both the debugger and the debugged.Since these functions are supported by
`the operating system,it doesn’t matter whether the program being debugged has
`been compiled or optimized in Debug or Release mode, nor does it make any
`difference what languageor tool you opttouse.
`by Wes Faler
`The company Wes works for has refinedits development process to produce well-
`structured, clean source code. Wes presents this process, along with notes on the
`tools theyuse.
`in cryptography and computer security.
`ember 199°
`Dr. Dobb'sJournal, November 1998
`LGE Exhibit-1018/Page 5 of 10


`Sun Dreams ofJini
`Michael Swaine
`Ithough next month | expect to be
`all over the paradigmatic map with
`my annual stocking stuffers colutnn,
`this month I'm focusing on a single
`It's Sun’s Jini, a newsystem architec-
`ture for distributed computing and im-
`proved device connection,
`| think that’s
`an :iccurate description, but it certainly
`doesn’t do Jini justice. Jini is so revolu-
`tionary a technologythat it has appeared
`on the cover of Wired magazine. Oh, sor-
`| forgot to tum on mycynicismfilter.
`And I do need to hold my cynicism in
`abeyance, even thoughJini is a Sun tech-
`nology and starts with the letter j andis
`therefore fated to be hyped to the heav-
`ens. Because technologically speaking, Jini
`is clearly important, clever, impressive, and
`worthyof serious attention.
`Ofcourse technological menit is seldom
`the deciding factor in the success orfail-
`ure of technologies in certain strata of soft-
`Ware development...
`The Vision
`Jini is part of a four-year research project
`carried on at Bill Joy’s Sun Aspen Small-
`works R&Dlab in the Rockies. Java was
`also a part of that project, but only a part.
`Therelease of information onJini this sum-
`mer is the soundof the other shoe drop-
`ping. Jini expands onthe Write Once, Run
`Anywhere concept of Java and articulates
`a more ambitious and more complete vi-
`sion for the future of computing. Oneel-
`ementof that visionis a radical simplifica-
`tion of the way hardware is connectedanc
`In the Jini model, every de-
`vice— computer, disk drive, telephone,
`Camera, or coffeepot— hasjust two cords
`coming out the back— one for power and
`anotherfor the network. (Or just one: The
`Network cord might be replaced by a wire-
`Michaelis editor-at-large for DD), He can
`be contacted at
`Dr, Dobb’s Journal, Noveniber 1998
`it announces it-
`less link.) You plug it in,
`self to the network, and it's all connected
`and configured and jumpered and regis-
`tered and immediately usable.
`Sounds nifty, but talk is cheap and
`hardwareis expensive. Wouldn't such a
`scheme require all new hardware? Yes,
`although it would be possible for the
`smarts that let the device be a playerin
`a Jini system to reside on another de-
`vice. In this way, old devices couldjoin
`a Jini system,
`Another clementofthe vision is a mod-
`el for distributed computing, It's also an
`ambitious model—in a way, In the Jini
`model, anything can be a service, avail-
`able to clients on the network, A service
`might be the printing capability of a print-
`er somewhere on the network, or a math
`routine, or a search engine, or a slice of
`processing power of a mainframe made
`available to underpowered PCs doing
`heavy but decomposable computations.
`In anothersense, the Jini model is very
`modest, The core software is 48 KB of
`binaries. Andit is intended to run on top
`of any OS (although currently has been
`implemented only for Solaris and NT).
`On the less modest hand, while living
`in apparent harmony with any operating
`system, it quietly usurps all the interest-
`ing networking functions, And it attempts
`to promote the network to a level of im-
`portance and control currently occupied
`by the operating system, In this respect,
`Jini is clearly another Sun attempt to do
`a technological end run aroundMicrosoft's
`Maybe wecouldcall it Sun’s version of
`“Embrace and extend.” Anyway, that’s the
`vision. Oh, and Joy's boys want you to be
`able to walk up to any device, not just
`any computer but any device connected
`to a Jini system, and have all of the sys-
`tem’s services as available to youas they
`would be if you were sitting in front of
`your own PC; and they wantal] this to be
`LGE Exhibit-1018/Page 6 of 10
`so automatic and transparent to the user
`thatit is in effect a network dialtone.
`Sure, why not. All this sounds like net-
`work heaven, but is there any reason to
`believe that Sun has the keys to the king-
`dom? That’s the 64-euro question, of
`course, I'll just spell out some of the de-
`tails of the Jini model and you can decide
`that for yourself.
`Joining Jini
`Jini embodies a model for howdevices and
`software connect on a network and how
`distributed systems can operate. Sun de-
`scribes the technology underlying this mod-
`el in terms of two areas of software— the
`infrastructure that defines the connections,
`and the distributed programming model.
`In addition to these, there is the con-
`cept of a network service, a conceptthat
`runs throughout the entire Jini model.
`A service is, according to Sun's Jini Ar-
`chitecture Overview white paper Chttp://
`architectureoverview.pdf), “an entity that
`can be used by a person, a program, or
`another service.” It can be “a computa-
`tion, storage, a communication channel
`to another user, a software filter, a hard-
`ware device, or another user,”
`The infrastructure consists of two com-
`ponents that, between them, make it pos-
`sible for devices to be hot-plugged into
`the network, manage the process of de-
`vices identifying themselves to the network
`and vice-versa, and allow clients to access
`services anywhere on the network. These
`are “Discovery andJoin” (that's one com-
`ponent with two names) and “Lookup”
`(also referred to as “Boot and Join” and
`“Install”). Discovery andJoin is the mech-
`anism by which a device or application
`identifies itself to the network. When a
`Jini-enabled device is plugged intoa Jini-
`enabled network, the device broadcasts
`a small Discovery packet to the net. This
`512-byte packet contains sufficient


`Beyond Java
`‘The distributed programming model it
`Jini brings thice technologies to the pig.
`ture — leasing, distributed transac lions,
`anddistributed events. In leasing, an ob:
`ject negotiates ffor the use of a service for
`a period of time. This is the bitsis for,
`among other things, the system's dis.
`tributed garbagecollection, Leases can je
`exdlisive or nonexclusive, nonexclusive
`leases allowing for simultaneous resource
`sharing. Java APIs provide the bisic dis.
`tributedtransaction capability, called “two,
`phase commit.” This allows an object to
`fire up a transaction manager. Every ob.
`ject that will take part in the transaction
`has to register with the transaction man-
`ager, andit runs the transaction, holding
`up objects or causing them to backtiack
`or move ahead as needed to ensurethat
`the steps of the transaction are propei
`synchronized, Jini also provides for clis-
`tributed events. Specifically, an object can
`allow other objects to register an interest
`in an event that resides in the first object,
`and provide notification to them ofthe
`occurrence ofthe event.
`Underlying all communication between
`services in Jini is Java Remote Method In-
`vocation (RMI). Althoughit might seem
`morelike part of the programming mwd-
`is regarded as part of theinfrastiuc-
`ture. Wherever it falls in the architecture
`of Jini,
`its role is to allow complete ob-
`including code, to be passed among
`objects over the network.
`Network services is an open-ended col-
`lection ofservices that bear somewhat the
`same relationship to the infrastructureind
`distributed programming model as appli-
`cations do to an operiting system, fin-
`ning on top of these lower-level elements,
`The most important of these is Jiva-
`Spaces, a model for facilitating distribut-
`ed programming. The JavaSpaces model
`is drawn from work by David Gelernter
`that simplifies the challenge of distribut-
`ing tusks among multiple processors, Gel-
`ernter’s project, named Linda, creates 4
`shared memory space called a TupleSp.ace
`where results of a computer's processes
`or the processes themselves are stored
`and can be accessed by multiple CPUs.
`Contents of « TupleSpace are taggedwith
`self descriptive tags, and effectively pusl-
`pinnedtoa bulletin board.
`Jini is Not a Dictatorship
`Jim Waldo, authorof the Jini Architecture
`Overview white paper, characterizes «t [ini
`system as a federation. Members ofui fed-
`eration are peers andare assumed To agree
`on certain basic issues. Trust, identilica-
`tion, policy, things like that.
`“AJini federation should not bethi rat
`of as sets of clients and servers, or sels
`(continued on page 117)
`Ir. Dobb'sJournal, November 1998
`oug Carlston was a computer hack-
`er in college in the 1970s, and even
`when he started his law practice he
`continued to play with computers. When
`Radio Shack introduced its TRS-80, he
`bought one immediately and stayed
`glued to it all weekend.
`So did others, including the author of
`this column, but something actually came
`of Doug Carlston’s Trashed weekend, He
`wrote a game called Galactic Saga, and
`with his brothers Gary and Don started
`a companythat became a leader in a half-
`billion dollar segmentof the software in-
`dustry—Broderbund (Swedish for broth-
`It wasn't immediate, This was early
`1980, before Windows, before DOS, be-
`fore the IBM PC, and the brothers were
`down to $24 before Doug took to the
`toad, selling copies of Galactic Saga out
`of his car to early computer stores. The
`big breakthrough, though, came when
`a Japanese entrepreneur sold Doug some
`microcomputer versions of popular
`video arcade games.
`It's not clear that there wasn’t some
`infringement of copyright, but the com-
`puter game industry was free and fast-
`moving in the early '80s, and nobody
`cared. Among Broderbund and Sierra
`On-Line andSirius, the main game com-
`panies ofthe early '80s, there was much
`sharing of technology, muchflouting of
`the usual rules of business, muchspirit
`of brotherhood.
`It has been called the hacker ethic.
`Broderbund was built on it, and cid well.
`In recent years, its stars included Rand
`and Robyn Miller, with their intensely
`popular game Myst. Gradually, Broder-
`bundadded educational and productiv-
`ity software titles, ultimately becoming
`an educational software companythat
`also did games.
`Recently, though, Broderbund has
`been losing money, and this summerit
`agreed to be acquired by The Learning
`Company. But it would be a mistake to
`connect Broderbund's fall with the hack-
`er ethic it still, to some extent, embod-
`ies. Broderbund was the only one of the
`early game companies to survive into
`the late ‘90s, and it was the gentlest, mast
`generous of those companies. As the
`other game companies ran into hard
`times,they got tougher, refusing to share
`ideas and technology with competitors,
`giving less credit to the actual game de-
`velopers, negotiating stingier cleals. But
`although Broderbund changed, too, it
`kept some of that spirit. And as the oth-
`er companies failed, Broderbundpros-
`pered— until quite recently.
`If Broderbund has remaineda differ-
`ent kind of company, it is probably be-
`cause,like Microsoft, it has been led for
`nearly 20 years by one person, Earlyin-
`dications are that Doug Carlston will re-
`main in charge of the operation and
`there won't be many jobs lost. And a
`consolidation that will give the combined
`companies 40 percentof the educational
`software market can’t exactly be bad
`news for either company. That's all true,
`butit’s also true that one of the pioneer
`software companies is no more. We
`should mark its passing.
`Thanks to Steven Levy's book Hack-
`ers for refreshing my memory about
`Broderbund's early days.
`LGE Exhibit-1018/Page 7 of 10
`information to allow the net to start a di-
`alog with the device, whichit does, on en-
`countering the packet on a known port,
`by sending the device a packet that de-
`scribes the network's characteristics. (The
`device doesn't need to know anything
`about the network in advance.) That’s Dis-
`covery. Nowthe device can Join the net-
`work, which it does by sending a more
`comprehensive message back, containing
`all its own characteristics (I print in color,
`T respondto the following voice com-
`mands, I chop small vegetables), This mes-
`sage can contain more than just device
`characteristics: it can also include code o1
`code pointers, as for example a printer
`driver, an interface to a printerdriver, o1
`a help wizard. The medium of communi-
`cation here is a Java interface. Jini is per-
`fectly willing to work with C code at some
`levels, but hereit's built firmly on Java,
`Lookup is the component that does
`what [ have loosely attributed to the net
`in previous paragraphs. It
`is a small bul-
`letin board for the net, dynamicallystor-
`ing pointers to services, and also code or
`pointers {6 code provided by services,
`Clients for these services talk to Lookup
`to get, for example, the driverfor a print-
`er downloaded when needed, Lookupis
`the main point of contact between the sys-
`tem andits users, What it does is to map
`Java interfaces that identify offered fune-
`tionality to a set of objects that provide
`that functionality (that is, that service).
`A twist on this Lookup capability is Peer
`Lookup, in which a client can masquer-
`ade as a Lookupif no Lookup is avail-
`able. Theclient itself then engages in the
`Discovery and Join conversation with the
`service providers, who register with the
`client just as if it were a Lookup.
`Paradigms Past: The End of the Brotherhood


`{continuedfrom page 114)
`chance of coming toreality. Microsoft
`tion of companiesthat al] buyinto Bill Joy's
`dream, Hardware companies will have to_isn’t about to endorse it, can in fact be
`and progrims, Or even programs a nd files,”
`Waldo says. Insteacl, you shouldthink ofit
`rework their equipment, and software com-
`counted on to embraceit about the same
`as an open-ended, dynamically changing
`panies will have to rework their minds if way they embraced Java. And other
`collection of independentservices that can
`theyare to buy into this thing.
`companies are being asked, at minimum,
`be composedtogether to performa task,
`to make an investment in an unproven
`But some companies have, to one ex-
`Services communicate with one anoth-
`technology, and at max, to rethink their
`tent or another, bought into the Jini vi-
`ey vid a service protocol, which is a Java
`sion, including Canon, Computer Asso-
`entire business and software develop-
`ment models.
`interface. There can be any numberof
`ciates, Epson, Ericsson, FedEx, Mitsubishi,
`Novell, Oki, Salomon Brothers, Seagate,
`Against that imposing challenge, there
`such protocols; theyare, like the services,
`is this small thought: Something likethis is
`Siemens, and Toshiba. Sun says that the
`an open-ended collection
`going to happen someday. Why not now?
`source code will be open as in the Mozil-
`Security in Jini follows a provider/access
`And whynot from the guy whohas been
`la model andthat they will enforce com-
`control list model. The principal is whomey-
`er or Whateverthe service is accessed for—
`patibility in some way, probably through—thinking about it for all his adult life, Mr.
`an authorized label for Sun-certified com-
`“The network is the computer” himself? It's
`ultimately it will probably be some user
`patible commercial products.
`somewhere, but the immediate principal
`Bill Joy’s dream. Andit might come true.
`It would be easy to dismiss the Jini
`maybe another object. The access control
`list is associated with and controlled bythe
`effort as a dream that has verylittle
`object that implements theservice. In short,
`the ownerof the service gets to decide who
`does what with it when. Jini is designed to
`be decoupleable, so that it
`is possible to
`implement parts of the system andstill get
`many ofits benefits. I haven’t dug deeply
`enough to knowwhat parts and what ben-
`efits, but the idea is to allowlegacy code
`to play a (perhapslimited) role in a Jini
`federation with only minor modification,
`That legacy code would probably be C
`code. Jini itself is built on Java, though,
`and Java underlies all the components of
`Jini, When you lump in that Java infra-
`infrastructure, those components looklike
`Table 1.
`CopyProtection and
`Software Licensing with No
`Distribute your softwarevia Internet,
`CD or floppy with full security.
`CrypKey provides solid copy protection with a
`broad range of features to contro! all aspects of
`your product's operation. You can offer free,
`automatic one-timetrials, turn demosinto full multi-
`user network versions, or sell specific options by
`phone, fax or email. Sell usage by time, runs,
`features - the controlis all there - easy to implement,
`and even easier to support.
`CrypKeyalso offers choices - integrate our SDK
`into your software, or use CrypKey Instant to
`protect your compiled exe in 5 minutes; no coding.
`Try it free from our website to see why we're
`rated #1 by professional programmers who seek
`the best combination of security, features, ease
`of use, reliability & price,
`Whatif Means
`This is a powerful vision, but it doesn’t add
`up to a product
`that Sun can sell
`shrinkwrappedform to consumers with a
`marketing blitz featuring Larry Hagmanand
`Barbara Eden.Jiniis really an appeal to the
`industry to join Sun in forming a federa-
`Java VM*
`Java security model*
`Discovery and Join
`Distributed security
`Java APIs*
`Two-phase commit
`Enterprise Beans*
`Two-phase commit manager
`Other services
`enh _—__——————
`100% Satisfaction Guaranteed!
`Table 1:JiniJava infra- infrastructure.
`(a) Jini infrastructure; (b) Jini
`Progranuning model; (c) Jini services.
`(lava-supplied elements).
`Dr. Dobb'sJournal, November 1998
`LGE Exhibit-1018/Page 8 of 10
`Hardware Key or Disk Key


`, CID

`LGE Exhibit-1018/Page 9 of 10



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