Jini technology, out of the box - JavaWorld - December 1998
`December 1998
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`By Bill Venners
`hroughout the day at the Sun Theater on the convention floor of Java Business
`Expo conference, two Sun consultants give demos of Jini technology, a new
`network-centric architecture from Sun that allows clients and services to easily
`connect and interact over the network.
`As the demo begins, one of these fellows breaks into a fair impersonation of Woody
`Allen while the other guy holds up a small beige box and says, "This is the lookup
`server." They then turn their attention to a nearby laptop. "This is a Jini technology-
`enabled laptop," one of them informs us. With a few key presses on the laptop, a
`screen shot appears on the large screen hanging above the stage. The screen is filled
`with what looks like a Web browser displaying a page that is split into two frames,
`both blank. "This is a Jini technology browser," we are told.
`The two consultants then proceed to demonstrate the way in which Jini technology
`eases network administration by simplifying the addition and subtraction of devices
`to and from the network. They plug a Jini technology-enabled disk drive into the
`network. A few seconds later, a disk-drive icon labeled "Quantum Storage" appears
`in one of the browser frames. They then convince an audience member to plug a
`printer into the network. A few seconds later an icon labeled "Printer" appears in the
`browser. Next, they convince another audience member to plug a digital camera into
`the network. As expected, an icon for the camera appears.
`The pair then demonstrate how Jini technology makes it easy for computers and
`devices hooked to the network to interact with each other. The Woody Allen
`impersonator clicks on the camera icon, which causes the camera's user interface to
`appear in the other frame of the browser. Through this user interface, Woody
`instructs the camera to take pictures of an unsuspecting audience member. One of
`these pictures is then sent to the printer, which prints it out slowly.
`Throughout the demonstration, the presenters attempt to whip up the enthusiasm of
`the audience by dangling free baseball caps with the Java logo on them in front of
`the audience, promising them to the audience members most willing to yell out Sun's
`new marketing mantra: "Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime, on Anything." Jini
`technology looks really cool, but as the Woody Allen impersonator observes, "No
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`Jini technology, out of the box - JavaWorld - December 1998
`technology will ever be as exciting as a free baseball cap."
`Well, that depends on who you ask. Chief Jini technology architect Jim Waldo, who
`gave a talk Tuesday night at the NYJavaSIG meeting in the Jacob K. Javitz
`Convention Center, was very enthusiastic -- you might even say evangelistic -- about
`Jini technology. In his talk, Mr. Waldo explained why he thinks Jini software is a
`revolutionary, not evolutionary, technology. As he put it, "Jini technology is an
`attempt to change things very significantly. It's not just trying to wrap something
`around what already exists. It is trying to change fundamentally the architecture of
`computing systems."
`What is Jini technology?
`Jini technology enables the building and deployment of distributed systems that are organized as "federations
`of services." A federation is a set of services that can work together to perform a task. A service, the
`fundamental unit of a federation, is an entity that sits on the network ready to perform some kind of useful
`function. A service can be anything -- a hardware device, a piece of software, a communications channel, or
`even a human user. A Jini technology-enabled disk drive, for example, could offer a "storage service." Once a
`service becomes part of a federation, it then can be used by client programs, other services, or users.
`To perform a task, a Jini technology-enabled client (a program, service, or user) enlists the help of services.
`For example, a client program might upload pictures from the "image storage service" in a digital camera,
`download the pictures to a "persistent storage service" offered by a disk drive, and send a page of thumbnail-
`sized versions of the images to a "printing service" of a color printer. In this example, the client program
`builds a federation consisting of itself, the image storage service, the persistent storage service, and the color
`printing service. The client and services of this federation worked together to perform the task: to offload and
`store images from a digital camera and print out a page of thumbnails.
`Jini technology consists of a programming model and a runtime infrastructure. The programming model helps
`you build a distributed system organized in the Jini technology way: as a federation of services and client
`programs. The runtime infrastructure resides on the network and provides mechanisms for adding,
`subtracting, locating, and accessing services as the system is used. Services use the runtime infrastructure to
`make themselves available when they join the network. A client uses the runtime infrastructure to locate and
`contact desired services. Once the services have been contacted, the client can use the programming model to
`enlist the help of the services in achieving the client's goals.
`Jini technology's runtime infrastructure
`The runtime infrastructure of Jini technology resides in two places: in lookup services that sit on the network,
`and in the Jini software-enabled devices themselves. Lookup services are the central organizing mechanism
`for Jini technology-based systems. When devices are plugged into the network, they register themselves with
`a lookup service and become part of a federation. When clients wish to locate a service to assist with some
`task, they consult a lookup service.
`Lookup services organize the services they contain into groups. A group is simply a set of registered services
`identified by a string. For example, the "Printers" group could be populated by the printing services offered
`by all the printers on the local network. The "East Conference Room" group could be populated by the
`services offered by all the devices in the East Conference Room (including, potentially, one or more members
`of the "Printers" group). As shown by this example, in which printing services could belong to both
`"Printers" and "East Conference Room" groups, a service can be a member of multiple groups. Moreover,
`multiple lookup services can maintain the same group (can store the group name and its services). This kind
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`Jini technology, out of the box - JavaWorld - December 1998
`of redundancy can help make the Jini technology system more fault tolerant.
`If the "Printers" group is maintained by multiple lookup services, for example, and one of those lookup
`services goes off the network, clients will still be able to locate the "Printers"" group via a different lookup
`The runtime infrastructure enables services to register with lookup services through a process called discovery
`and join. Discovery is the process by which a Jini technology-enabled device locates lookup vservices on the
`network and obtains references to them. Join is the process by which a device registers the services it offers
`with lookup services.
`The discovery process
`Discovery works like this: Imagine you have a Jini technology-enabled disk drive capable of offering the
`service of "persistent storage" to a Jini federation. As soon as you connect the drive to the network, it
`broadcasts a "presence announcement" by dropping a multicast packet onto a well-known port. Embedded in
`the presence announcement are two important pieces of information: the IP address and port number where
`the disk drive can be contacted by a lookup service, and a list of names of groups the device is interested in
`joining. Assume, for example, that the drive you just plugged into the network declares in its presence
`announcement packet that it dreams of joining the "Way Cool Storage Devices" group.
`Lookup services monitor the well-known port for presence announcement packets. When a lookup service
`receives a presence announcement, it inspects the list of group names contained in the packet. If the lookup
`service maintains any of those groups, it contacts the sender of the packet directly (using the IP address and
`port number from the packet) and sends it an RMI stub that will allow it to interact with the lookup service.
`Thus, in the disk drive example, assume a lookup service that maintains a group named "Way Cool Storage
`Devices" receives the disk drive's announcement packet. Because the announcement packet mentions the disk
`drive's ambition to become part of the "Way Cool Storage Devices" group, the lookup service will contact
`the originator of the announcement packet -- the disk drive -- directly at the specified IP address and port
`number. The lookup service will send to the disk drive an object that implements an interface through which
`the disk drive can register itself, via the join process, as a member of the "Way Cool Storage Devices"
`The join process
`Once a device has discovered a lookup service, it can register its own services on that lookup service via the
`join process. The join process begins when a service connects to a lookup service via the object it received
`from that lookup service during the discovery process. Through the stub, the service sends information about
`itself to the lookup service. The lookup service stores the information uploaded from the service and
`associates that service with the requested group. At that point, the service has joined the group on that lookup
`The information sent includes an instance of a class that implements a "service interface." It can also include
`other attributes, including applets that provide graphical user interfaces through which users can directly
`interact with the service.
`The service is identified by the type of the "service interface" uploaded to the lookup service via the join
`process. Each kind of service is associated with one such Java technology-based interface. The lookup service
`stores and locates a service based on the type of that interface; clients interact with the service by invoking
`methods on an object that implements that interface. Thus, a storage service, for example, would upload
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`Jini technology, out of the box - JavaWorld - December 1998
`during the join process an interface that enables clients to interact with the storage service.
`The lookup process
`Once a service has joined at least one group in a particular lookup service, that service is available for use by
`clients who query that lookup service. To build a federation of services that will work together to perform
`some task, a client must locate and enlist the help of the individual services. To find a service, clients interact
`with lookup servers via a process called lookup.
`The lookup process begins when a client contacts a lookup service and requests services of a particular type.
`The type specified in this request is a Java technology-based interface that defines the way in which clients
`interact with the service being requested. This is the "service interface" that is uploaded from the service to
`the lookup service during the join process.
`The lookup service returns to the client zero to many objects that match the type (that implement the service
`interface) specified in the client's request. Once a client has an object, it can interact with the service
`represented by that object. A client interacts with a service by invoking methods on the downloaded object
`that implements the service interface.
`For example, a client program may endeavor to look up a printer service in a lookup service. The client
`program initiates the lookup process by invoking a method in the object received from the lookup service
`during the discovery process. In one of the parameters of this method, the client specifies the type (the service
`interface) by which the desired printer service is known. The lookup server reaches deep within itself, and
`finds a printer service that matches the request. It sends the object that represents this printer service back to
`the client, as the return value to the remote method invoked by the client. The client now has an object that
`implements the Java technology-based interface it requested, an object that serves as a representative of the
`printer service. With this object, the client can interact directly with the printer service simply by invoking
`methods on the object.
`client/service interaction
`The client can interact with a service by invoking methods declared in the service interface on the object that
`represents the service. In addition, a client can use reflection to look for other interesting methods declared by
`that object. If the client finds methods that it understands how to use, it can interact with the service by
`invoking those methods as well, even though those methods aren't part of the service interface.
`The object that represents the service can grant the client access to the service in several ways. For example,
`the object can actually represent the complete service, which is downloaded to the client during lookup and
`then executed locally. Alternatively, the object can merely serve as a proxy to a remote service. When the
`client invokes methods on the proxy object, the proxy sends the requests across the network to the service,
`which does the real work. An in-between approach is also possible. In this case, the local object and a remote
`service each do part of the work. Proxies that fully or partially implement the service itself are called smart
`Note that the protocol used to communicate between a proxy object and the remote service does not need to
`be understood by the client. This service protocol is a private matter decided upon by the service itself. The
`client can communicate with the service via this private protocol because the service has in effect injected
`some of its own code (the object that represents the service) into the client's address space. The injected object
`could be an RMI stub that enables the client to invoke remote methods on an object that exists in the address
`space of the remote service. Or the injected object could communicate with the service via CORBA, DCOM,
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`Jini technology, out of the box - JavaWorld - December 1998
`or some home-brewed protocol.
`Different implementations of the same service interface can use completely different approaches and
`completely different protocols. A service may use specialized hardware to fulfill client requests, or it may do
`all its work in software. To the client, a service just looks like a service, regardless of how it is implemented.
`The Jini technology programming model
`Building a reliable distributed system is difficult because the network is inherently unreliable: servers can
`crash, traffic can get clogged, wires can be cut. The Jini technology programming model offers a small set of
`APIs that can help you create reliable distributed systems. Much of the interaction between clients and
`services during the processes of discover, join, and lookup is built around these APIs, so clients and services
`will use the Jini technology programming model during those processes at least. But clients and services can
`also make use of the programming model to do the work for which the federation was assembled in the first
`The Jini technology programming model consists of three parts: leasing, transactions, and distributed events.
`Leasing provides a way to manage the lifetimes of distributed objects that can't be managed by the usual rules
`of garbage collection. In a single address space, the garbage collector can free an object when there are no
`references to it. But a garbage collector doesn't know if there are any remote references to an object. A lease is
`a grant of guaranteed access to a remote resource, such as an object, for a specified period of time. It is a
`guarantee that during the period of the lease, the resource won't be garbage collected away.
`For example, if a client wishes to make use of an object in a service, the client can make a lease request to the
`service that includes a desired lease period. The service can, at its discretion, award a lease to the client. The
`service gets to decide the duration of the lease, presumably taking the requested time period into account, and
`communicates that duration back to the client. If the client does not renew the lease before the time period
`decided upon by the service elapses, the service can assume the object is no longer needed by the client and
`can discard the object. But so long as the client keeps renewing the lease before it expires (and the service
`continues to allow the renewal), the service will not garbage collect the object and the object will remain
`available to the client.
`Another aspect of the Jini technology programming model that can help you build reliable distributed systems
`is transactions. The API that supports transactions enables operations that involve multiple clients and
`services to either succeed or fail as a unit. If some aspect of the operation managed by a transaction fails, for
`example, if one of the involved services disappears from the network, the participating parties can be
`instructed to "roll back" to a known good state.
`PvThe third aspect of the programming model that facilitates the building of reliable distributed systems is the
`distributed event model. This model extends the 1.1 JavaBeans/AWT/Swing event model, which works in a
`single address space, to distributed systems. Using the Jini technology event model, an object can register
`itself as a listener interested in events generated by a remote source. When the remote source fires an event,
`the event will travel across the network to the registered listeners.
`Availability of Jini technology
`Jini technology is currently available in Development Complete form. You can already download the binaries
`and the source code from An FCS release is expected soon. The first release
`does not include any security mechanisms beyond what is provided by RMI or the Java platform itself. The
`next release will contain Access Control Lists.
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`Jini technology, out of the box - JavaWorld - December 1998
`This article covering the 1998 Java Business Expo is provided by JavaWorld under contract to Sun Microsystems Inc.
`JavaWorld ( is IDG's monthly Web-only publication for Java developers and enterprise managers.
`About the author
`Bill Venners has been writing software professionally for 12 years. Based in Silicon Valley, he provides
`software consulting and training services under the name Artima Software Company. Over the years he has
`developed software for the consumer electronics, education, semiconductor, and life insurance industries. He
`has programmed in many languages on many platforms: assembly language on various microprocessors, C on
`Unix, C++ on Windows, Java on the Web. He is author of the book: Inside the Java Virtual Machine,
`published by McGraw-Hill. Reach Bill at
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`Last modified: Wednesday, January 20, 1999
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