`e Overview
`A Jini system is a Java(cid:212)
`-centric distributed system designed for simplicity,
`flexibility, and federation. The Jini architecture provides mechanisms for machines
`or programs to enter into a federation where each machine or program offers
`resources to other members of the federation and uses resources as needed. The
`design of the Jini architecture exploits the ability to move Java language code from
`machine to machine and unifies under the notion of a service everything from the
`user of a Jini system to the software available on the machines to the hardware
`components of the machines themselves.
`LGE Exhibit-1010/Page 1 of 18
`LGE v. Uniloc


` 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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`Sun, the Sun logo, Sun Microsystems, JavaSoft, JavaBeans, JDK, Java, HotJava, HotJava Views, Visual Java,
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`Jini(cid:212) Architecture Overview
`LGE Exhibit-1010/Page 2 of 18


`This document describes the high level architecture of a Jini software system,
`defines the different components that make up the system, characterizes the
`use of those components, and discusses some of the component interactions.
`This document identifies those parts of the system that are necessary
`infrastructure, those that are part of the programming model, and those that
`are optional services which can live within the system. This document also
`discusses the reasons behind particular design choices.
`1.1 Goals of the System
`A Jini system is a distributed system based on the idea of federating groups of
`users and the resources required by those users. The overall goal is to turn the
`network into a flexible, easily administered tool on which resources can be
`found by human and computational clients. Resources can be implemented as
`either hardware devices, software programs, or a combination of the two. The
`focus of the system is to make the network a more dynamic entity that better
`reflects the dynamic nature of the workgroup by enabling the ability to add
`and delete services flexibly.
`A Jini system consists of the following parts:
`• a set of components that provide an infrastructure for federating services in
`a distributed system
`• a programming model that supports and encourages the production of
`reliable distributed services
`The technology disclosed herein may be covered by patents or patents pending
`Page 3
`LGE Exhibit-1010/Page 3 of 18


`• services that can be made part of a Jini federation and which offer
`functionality to any other member of the federation
`While these pieces are separable and distinct, they are interrelated, which can
`blur the distinction in practice. The components that make up the Jini
`infrastructure make use of the Jini programming model; services that reside
`within the infrastructure also use that model; and the programming model is
`well supported by components in the infrastructure.
`The end goals of the system span a number of different audiences; these goals
`include the following:
`• enabling users to share services and resources over a network
`• providing users easy access to resources anywhere on the network while
`allowing the network location of the user to change
`• providing programmers with tools and programming patterns which allow
`the development of robust and secure distributed systems
`• simplifying the task of building, maintaining, and altering a network of
`devices, software, and users.
`The Jini system extends the Java application environment from a single virtual
`machine to a network of machines. The Java application environment provides
`a good computing platform for distributed computing because both code and
`data can move from machine to machine. The environment has built-in
`security that allows the confidence to run code downloaded from another
`machine. Strong typing in the Java application environment enables
`identifying the class of an object to be run on a virtual machine even when the
`object did not originate on that machine. The result is a system in which the
`network supports a fluid configuration of objects which can move from place
`to place as needed and can call any part of the network to perform operations.
`The Jini architecture exploits these characteristics of the Java application
`environment to simplify the construction of a distributed system. The Jini
`architecture adds mechanisms that allow fluidity of all components in a
`distributed system, extending the easy movement of objects to the entire
`networked system.
`Page 4
`Jini(cid:212) Architecture Overview
`The technology disclosed herein may be covered by patents or patents pending
`LGE Exhibit-1010/Page 4 of 18


`The Jini infrastructure provides mechanisms for devices, services, and users to
`join and detach from a network. Joining into and leaving a Jini grouping is an
`easy and natural, often automatic, occurrence. Jini groups are far more
`dynamic than is currently possible in networked groups where configuring a
`network is a centralized function done by hand.
`1.2 Environmental Assumptions
`The Jini system federates computers and computing devices into what appears
`to the user as a single system. It relies on the existence of a network of
`reasonable speed connecting those computers and devices—10mbps in the
`general case. Some devices require much higher bandwidth and others can do
`with much less—displays and printers are examples of extreme points. We
`assume the latency of the network is reasonable, measured, at most, in seconds
`rather than minutes.
`We assume that each Jini-connected device has some memory and processing
`power. Devices without processing power or memory may be connected to a
`Jini system, but those devices are controlled by another piece of hardware
`and/or software, called a proxy, that presents the device to the Jini system and
`which itself contains both processing power and memory. The architecture for
`devices not equipped with a Java virtual machine is discussed more fully in a
`separate document.
`The Jini system is Java-technology centered. The Jini architecture gains much of
`its simplicity from assuming that the Java programming language is the
`implementation language for components. The ability to dynamically
`download and run code is central to a number of the features of the Jini
`architecture. However, the Java-centric nature of the Jini architecture depends
`on the Java application environment rather than on the Java programming
`language. Any programming language can be supported by a Jini system if it
`has a compiler that produces compliant bytecodes for the Java programming
`1.3 Related Documents
`This document does not provide a full specification of the Jini system. Each of
`the Jini components is specified in a companion document. In particular, the
`reader is directed to the following documents (note: Please check
` for availability):
`The technology disclosed herein may be covered by patents or patents pending
`Page 5
`LGE Exhibit-1010/Page 5 of 18


`• The Java Remote Method Invocation Specification
`• The Java Object Serialization Specification
`• The Jini Discovery and Join Specification
`• The Distributed Event Specification
`• The Distributed Leasing Specification
`• The Transaction Specification
`• The JavaSpaces™ Specification
`• The Jini Lookup Service Specification
`• The Jini Device Architecture Specification
`Page 6
`Jini(cid:212) Architecture Overview
`The technology disclosed herein may be covered by patents or patents pending
`LGE Exhibit-1010/Page 6 of 18


`System Overview
`2.1 Key Concepts
`The purpose of the Jini architecture is to federate groups of devices and
`software components into a single, dynamic distributed system. The resulting
`federation provides the simplicity of access, ease of administration, and
`support for sharing that are provided by a large monolithic system while
`retaining the flexibility, uniform response, and control provided by a personal
`computer or workstation.
`The architecture of a single Jini system is targeted to the workgroup, which can
`range in size from two or three users in small offices or homes to groups of up
`to 1,000. Members of the federation are assumed to agree on basic notions of
`trust, administration, identification, and policy. It is possible to federate Jini
`systems themselves for larger organizations.
`2.1.1 Services
`The most important concept within the Jini architecture is that of a service. A
`service is an entity that can be used by a person, a program, or another service.
`A service may be a computation, storage, a communication channel to another
`user, a software filter, a hardware device, or another user. A service may be
`The technology disclosed herein may be covered by patents or patents pending
`Page 7
`LGE Exhibit-1010/Page 7 of 18


`more specific than this, for example providing a translation from one word-
`processor format to some other or translating a document from one language
`to some other.
`Members of a Jini system federate in order to share access to services. A Jini
`federation should not be thought of as sets of clients and servers, or users and
`programs, or even programs and files. Instead, a Jini federation consists of
`services that can be composed together for the performance of a particular
`task. Services may make use of other services, and a client of one service may
`itself be a service with clients of its own. The dynamic nature of a Jini system
`allows services to be added or withdrawn from a federation at any time
`according to demand, need, or the changing requirements of the workgroup
`using it.
`Jini systems provide mechanisms for service construction, lookup,
`communication, and use in a distributed system. Examples of services include
`devices such as printers, displays, or disks; software such as applications or
`utilities; information such as databases and files; and users of the system.
`Services in a Jini system communicate with each other by using a service
`protocol, which is a set of Java interfaces. The set of such protocols is open
`ended. The base Jini system defines a small number of such protocols which
`define critical service interactions. For some of these protocols we will provide
`example implementations of services that use them.
`2.1.2 Lookup Service
`Services are found and resolved by a lookup service. The lookup service is the
`central bootstrapping mechanism for the system and provides the major point
`of contact between the system and users of the system. In precise terms, a
`lookup service maps interfaces indicating the functionality provided by a
`service to sets of objects that implement the service. In addition, descriptive
`entries associated with a service allow more fine-grained selection of services
`based on properties understandable to people.
`Objects in a lookup service may include other lookup services; this provides
`hierarchical lookup. Further, a lookup service may contain objects that
`encapsulate other naming or directory services, providing a way for bridges to
`be built between a Jini lookup service and other forms of lookup service. Of
`Page 8
`Jini(cid:212) Architecture Overview
`The technology disclosed herein may be covered by patents or patents pending
`LGE Exhibit-1010/Page 8 of 18


`course, references to a Jini lookup service may be placed in these other naming
`and directory services, providing a means for clients of those services to gain
`access to a Jini federation.
`A service is added to a lookup service by a process called discovery, indicating
`that the presence of the service is discovered by the Jini system.
`2.1.3 Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI(cid:212))
`Communication between services is accomplished using Java Remote Method
`Invocation (RMI(cid:212)
`). The infrastructure to support communication between
`services is not itself a service that is discovered and used but is, rather, a part
`of the Jini infrastructure. RMI provides mechanisms to find, activate, and
`garbage collect object groups. RMI also provides the infrastructure for
`multicast, replication, and the mechanisms for basic security and
`Fundamentally, RMI is a Java-programming-language-enabled extension to
`traditional remote procedure call mechanisms. RMI allows not only data to be
`passed from object to object around the network but full objects, including
`code. Much of the simplicity of the Jini system is enabled by this ability to
`move code around the network in a form that is encapsulated as an object.
`2.1.4 Security
`The Jini security model is built on the twin notions of a principal and an access
`control list. Jini services are accessed on behalf of some entity—the principal—
`which generally traces back to a particular user of the system. Services
`themselves may request access to other services based on the identity of the
`object that implements the service. Whether access to a service is allowed
`depends on the contents of an access control list that is associated with the
`2.1.5 Leasing
`Access to many of the services in the Jini environment is lease based. A lease is
`a grant of guaranteed access over a time period. Each lease is negotiated
`between the user of the service and the provider of the service as part of the
`service protocol: A service is requested for some period; access is granted for
`some period, presumably taking the request period into account. If a lease is
`The technology disclosed herein may be covered by patents or patents pending
`Page 9
`LGE Exhibit-1010/Page 9 of 18


`not renewed before it is freed—either because the resource is no longer needed,
`the client or network fails, or the lease is not permitted to be renewed—then
`both the user and the provider of the resource can conclude the resource can be
`Leases are either exclusive or non-exclusive. Exclusive leases insure that no one
`else may access the resource during the period of the lease; non-exclusive
`leases allow multiple users to share a resource.
`2.1.6 Transactions
`A series of operations, either within a single service or spanning multiple
`services, can be wrapped in a transaction. The Jini transaction interfaces supply
`a service protocol needed to coordinate a two-phase commit. How transactions
`are implemented—and indeed, the very semantics of the notion of a
`transaction—is left up to the service using the interfaces.
`2.1.7 Events
`The Jini architecture supports distributed events. An object may allow other
`objects to register interest in events in the object and receive a notification of
`the occurrence of such an event. This enables distributed event-based
`programs to be written with a variety of reliability and scalability guarantees.
`2.2 Component Overview
`The components of the Jini system can be segmented into three categories:
`infrastructure, programming model, and services. The infrastructure is the set of
`components that enable building a Jini federation, while the services are the
`entities within the federation. The programming model is a set of interfaces
`that enable the construction of reliable services, including those that are part of
`the infrastructure and those that join into the federation.
`These three categories, though distinct and separable, are entangled to such an
`extent that the distinction between them can seem blurred. Moreover, it is
`possible to build Jini-like systems with variants on the categories or without all
`three of them. But a Jini system gains its full power because it is a system built
`with the particular infrastructure and programming models described, based
`on the notion of a service. Decoupling the segments within the architecture
`Page 10
`Jini(cid:212) Architecture Overview
`The technology disclosed herein may be covered by patents or patents pending
`LGE Exhibit-1010/Page 10 of 18


`allows legacy code to be changed minimally to take part in a Jini federation.
`Nevertheless, the full power of a Jini system will be available only to new
`services that are constructed using the integrated model.
`A Jini system can be seen as a network extension of the infrastructure,
`programming model, and services that made Java technology successful in the
`single-machine case. These categories along with the corresponding
`components in the familiar Java application environment are shown in
`Figure 1.
` +
`Programming Model
`Java VM
`Java Security Model
`Java APIs
`Enterprise Beans
`Extended RMI
`Distributed Security
`Two Phase Commit
`Two Phase Commit Manager
`Figure 1: Jini Architecture Segmentation
`2.2.1 Infrastructure
`The Jini infrastructure defines the minimal Jini core. The infrastructure
`includes the following:
`• an extended version of the Java Remote Method Invocation system
`(RMI)—this is the basic mechanism of communication between components
`in a Jini system
`• a distributed security system, integrated into RMI, which extends the Java
`platform’s security model to the world of distributed systems
`• the discovery protocol, a service protocol that allows services (both
`hardware and software) to discover, become part of, and advertise supplied
`services to the other members of the federation
`The technology disclosed herein may be covered by patents or patents pending
`Page 11
`LGE Exhibit-1010/Page 11 of 18


`• the lookup service, which serves as a repository of services. Entries in the
`lookup service are objects in the Java programming language; these objects
`can be downloaded as part of a lookup operation and act as local proxies to
`the service that placed the code into the lookup service
`The discovery protocol defines the way a service of any kind becomes part of a
`Jini federation; extended RMI defines the base language within which the Jini
`components communicate; the distributed security model and its
`implementation define how entities are identified and how they get the rights
`to perform actions on their own behalf and on the behalf of others; and the
`lookup service reflects the current members of the federation and acts as the
`central marketplace for offering and finding services by members of the
`2.2.2 Programming Model
`The infrastructure both enables the programming model and makes use of it.
`Entries in the lookup service are leased, allowing the lookup service to reflect
`accurately the set of available services currently. When services join or leave a
`lookup service, events are signaled, and objects that have registered interest in
`such events get notifications when new services become available or old
`services cease to be active. The programming model rests on the ability to
`move code, which is supported by the base infrastructure.
`Both the infrastructure and the services that use that infrastructure are
`computational entities that exist in the physical environment of the Jini system.
`However, services also constitute a set of interfaces which define
`communication protocols that can be used by the services and the
`infrastructure to communicate between themselves.
`These interfaces, taken together, make up the distributed extension of the
`standard Java programming language model that constitute the Jini
`programming model. Among the interfaces that make up the Jini programming
`model are the following:
`• the leasing interface, which defines a way of allocating and freeing resources
`using a renewable, duration-based model
`• the event and notification interface, which is an extension of the
`JavaBeans™ event model to the distributed environment that enables event-
`based communication between Jini services
`Page 12
`Jini(cid:212) Architecture Overview
`The technology disclosed herein may be covered by patents or patents pending
`LGE Exhibit-1010/Page 12 of 18


`• the two-phase commit (or transaction) interfaces, which enable entities to
`cooperate in such a way that either all of the changes made to the group
`occur atomically or none of them occur
`The lease interface extends the Java programming language model by adding
`time to the notion of holding a reference to a resource, enabling references to
`be reclaimed safely in the face of network failures.
`The event and notification interfaces extend the JavaBeans™ and standard Java
`event model to the distributed case, enabling events to be handled by third
`party objects while making various delivery and timeliness guarantees. The
`model also recognizes that the delivery of a distributed notification may be
`The two-phase commit interfaces introduce a light-weight, object-oriented
`protocol enabling Jini objects to coordinate state changes. The protocol differs
`from most transaction interfaces in that it does not assume that the transactions
`occur in a transaction processing system. Such systems define mechanisms and
`programming requirements that guarantee the correct implementation of a
`particular transaction semantics. The Jini two-phase commit protocol takes a
`more traditional object-oriented view, leaving the correct implementation of
`the desired transaction semantics up to the implementor of the particular
`objects that are involved in the transaction. The goal of the two-phase commit
`protocol is to define the interactions that such objects must have to coordinate
`such groups of operations.
`The interfaces that define the Jini programming model are used by the
`infrastructure components where appropriate and by the initial Jini services.
`For example, the lookup service makes use of the leasing and event interfaces:
`Leasing insures that services registered continue to be available, and events
`help administrators discover problems and devices needing configuration.
`JavaSpaces utilize leasing and events, and also support the two phase commit
`protocol. The two-phase commit manager can be used to coordinate the voting
`phase of a transaction for those objects that support the two-phase commit
`It is not required that the implementation of a service use the Jini
`programming model, but such services need to use that model for their
`interaction with the Jini infrastructure. For example, every service interacts
`with the Jini lookup service by using the programming model; and whether a
`service offers resources on a leased basis or not, the service’s registration with
`the lookup service will be leased and will need to be periodically renewed.
`The technology disclosed herein may be covered by patents or patents pending
`Page 13
`LGE Exhibit-1010/Page 13 of 18


`The binding of the programming model to the services and the infrastructure is
`what makes a Jini federation a system as opposed to a collection of services
`and protocols. The combination of infrastructure, service, and programming
`model, all designed to work together and constructed using each other,
`simplifies the overall system and unifies it in a way that makes it easier to
`2.2.3 Services
`The Jini infrastructure and programming model are built to enable services to
`be offered and found in the network federation. These services make use of the
`infrastructure to make calls to each other, to discover each other, and to
`announce their presence to other services and users.
`Services appear programmatically as objects written in the Java programming
`language, perhaps made up of other objects. A service has an interface which
`defines the operations that can be requested of that service. Some of these
`interfaces are intended to be used by programs, while others are intended to be
`run by the receiver so that the service can interact with a user. The type of the
`service determines the interfaces that make up that service and also define the
`set of methods that can be used to access the service. A single service may be
`implemented by using other services.
`The initial Jini services include the following:
`• JavaSpaces, which can be used for simple communication and for storage of
`related groups of Java objects
`• a two-phase commit manager, which enables groups of objects to participate
`in the two phase commit protocol defined by the programming model
`2.3 Service Architecture
`Services form the interactive basis for a Jini system, both at the programming
`and user interface levels. The details of the service architecture are best
`understood once the discovery and lookup protocols are presented.
`Page 14
`Jini(cid:212) Architecture Overview
`The technology disclosed herein may be covered by patents or patents pending
`LGE Exhibit-1010/Page 14 of 18


`2.3.1 Discovery and Lookup Protocols
`The heart of the Jini system is a pair protocols called discovery and lookup,
`which occur at different times. Discovery occurs when a service joins a Jini
`lookup service, for example, when a device is plugged in; lookup occurs when
`a client or user needs to locate and invoke a service described by its attributes
`and possibly, other attributes. The following diagram outlines the discovery
`A service provider registers
`with a lookup service, placing
`proxy code in the service
`Figure 2: Discovery
`Discovery is the process of adding a service to a Jini system. A service provider
`is the originator of the service—a device or software, for example. First, the
`service provider locates a lookup service by broadcasting a presence
`announcement. Then, a proxy for the service is loaded into the lookup service.
`This proxy contains the interface for the service along with any other
`The technology disclosed herein may be covered by patents or patents pending
`Page 15
`LGE Exhibit-1010/Page 15 of 18


`descriptive attributes. Services must be able to find a lookup service; however,
`this requirement may be delegated to a third party. The service is now ready to
`be looked up and used, as shown in the following diagram.
`A client requests a service
`by Java type and, perhaps,
`other service attr butes
`Figure 3: First Stage of Lookup
`A client locates an appropriate service by its type—that is, by its Java
`interface—along with descriptive attributes which are used in a user interface
`for the lookup service.
`The final stage is to invoke the service, as shown in the following diagram.
`A copy of the proxy is moved to
`the client and used by the client
`to talk to the service
`Figure 4: Invoking a service
`The proxy code is loaded into the client. The proxy code may implement a
`private protocol between itself and the original service provider. Different
`implementations of the same service interface can use completely different
`interaction protocols.
`Page 16
`Jini(cid:212) Architecture Overview
`The technology disclosed herein may be covered by patents or patents pending
`LGE Exhibit-1010/Page 16 of 18


`The ability to move code from the service provider to the lookup service and
`from there to the client of the service gives the service provider great freedom
`in the communication patterns between the service and its clients. This code
`movement also ensures that the proxy held by the client and the service for
`which it is a proxy are always synchronized, because the proxy is supplied by
`the service itself. The client only knows that it is dealing with an
`implementation of an interface written in the Java programming language, so
`the code that implements the interface can do whatever is needed to provide
`the service. Because this code came originally from the service itself, the code
`can take advantage of implementation details of the service known only to the
`The client interacts with a service via a set of well-defined interfaces written in
`the Java programming language. These interfaces define the set of methods
`that can be used to interact with the service. At a rough level, these interfaces
`can be broken down into two distinct types:
`• programmatic interfaces, which allow other software to interact with the
`service by making direct method calls on the service
`• user interfaces, which present an interaction mechanism to end-users of the
`Programmatic interfaces are identified by the type system of the Java
`programming language, and services can be found in a lookup service by
`asking for those that support a particular interface. Finding a service this way
`ensures that the program looking for the service will know how to use that
`service, because that use is defined by the set of methods that are defined by
`the type.
`Programmatic interfaces may be implemented either as RMI references to the
`remote object that implements the service, as local objects that provide all of
`the service locally, or as some combination. Such combinations, called smart
`proxies, implement some of the functions of a service locally and the remainder
`through remote calls to a centralized implementation of the service.
`A user interface can also be stored in the lookup service. Such an interface will
`be identified by the Java programming language type Applet which allows
`the interface to be displayed by browsers or other user-interface tools. A user
`interface stored in the lookup service by a Jini service is an implementation
`that allows the service to be directly manipulated by a user of the system.
`The technology disclosed herein may be covered by patents or patents pending
`Page 17
`LGE Exhibit-1010/Page 17 of 18


`In effect, a user interface for a service is a specialized form of the service proxy
`that enables a program, such as a browser, to step out of the way and let the
`human user interact directly with a service.
`An alternative form of lookup is the peer lookup service. A peer lookup service
`can be used when a client cannot find a lookup service. In such situations, the
`client can send out the same identification packet used by a lookup service to
`request service providers to register. Service providers will then attempt to
`register with the client as though it were a lookup service. The client can select
`those services it needs from the registration requests it receives in response and
`drop or refuse the rest. Such an approach works best in small, isolated
`2.3.2 Service Implementation
`Objects that implement a service may be designed to run in a single address
`space with other, helper objects, especially when there are

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