`‘& their applications
`cSena’ ts a>
`LGE Exhibit-1007/Page1 of 6
`LGEv. Uniloc


`26 Using Software Agentsto Generate VLSI Layouts
`Dilvan de Abrev Moreira andLes T. Walczowski
`Coverillustration: Jud Guitteau /Cover design: ToniVan Buskirk _
`Medical Service
`Wifried Post, Bob Wielinga, Robert de Hoog, and Guus Schreiber
`53 Integrating Al Applications in an Energy Management System
`JeffreyJ. Bann, Guillermo D. Irisarri, Sasan Mokhtari, Daniel S. Kirschen, andBradley N. Miller
`60 Building a Composite Syntax for Expert System Shells
`33 Model-Based Diagnosis for Automotive Repair
`Morialuisa Sanseverino and Fulvio Cascio
`38 Enhanced Password Authentication through Fuzzy Logic
`Willem G. de Ru and Jan H.P. Eloff
`46 Organizational Modeling in CommonKADS:The Emergency
`Verlyn M. Johnson andJohn V. Carlis
`LGE Exhibit-1007/Page 2 of 6


` Publisher
`Matt Loeb
`Design Director
`Toni Van Buskirk
`Layout/Technical illustrations
`Alex Torres
`; 3
`___ Mambership/Circulation Marketing Manager
`Georgann Carter
`Advertising Manager
`Patricia Garvey
`Advertising Coordinator
`Marian Anderson
`Debbie Sims
`5000words long,peyote
`Doniel E. O'Leary
`A lack ofknowledge at the top
`Online communities and the next-generation Internet
`Internet Services
`Michael McCandless
`The PalmPilot and the handheld revolution
`Sara Reese Hedberg
`Dictatingthis article to my computer: automatic speech
`recognition is coming ofage
`2 4
`6 9
`13 Intelligent Connections
`Stephon Grand
`Three observations that changed inylife
`1 8 MartiA. Hearst
`Banter on Bayes: debating the usefulness ofBayesian
`approachesto solving practicalproblems
`67 News/New Products
` 885-9000) ispublishedb
`72 AnnualIndex
`78 Calendar/Call for Papers
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`"echnical organizalions.
`88 a/b Reader Service/Subscription Cards
`$10 for members and
`:on microfiche.
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`Computer Society Membership Info
`Advertiser/Product Index
`LGE Exhibit-1007/Page 3 of 6


`Behind Pilot's success
`The Pilot comes with numerousbuilt-in
`applications to manage personalinforma-
`tion—for example, calendar, to-dolists,
`memopad, and address book. The touch-
`sensitive monochrome LCDdisplayis used
`for navigation, and a simplified and easy-
`to-learn alphabetcalled Graffiti is used for
`input. The touch of a button synchronizes
`the Pilot with a desktop PC, using 3Com’s
`HotSync technology, which also backs up
`data and installs new applications.
`Thekeyto the Pilot’s successis its sim-
`plicity. The design is achievable rather than
`The many guises of portable
`overly ambitious. For example, requiring
`the userto learn a simplified alphabet
`Portable computers come in many forms
`allows for accurate and predictableletter
`and under many names. At one extremeare
`recognition. The simple design
`laptops, which are basically
`translates into affordability: the
`desktop PCs that have been
`PalmPilot Personal costs $249,
`reduced enoughto be lugged
`comparedto $1,000 for Apple’s
`around. At the other extreme
`MessagePad2100.It also leads
`are PersonalDigital Assistants
`to wonderful portability. The
`(PDAs), which usea stylus or
`Pilot weighs under six ounces,
`a few buttons, rather than a
`includingbatteries, andisalittle
`keyboard, for navigation and
`larger than a wallet. Finally,its
`input. In between,suffering
`openarchitecture and available
`somethingof an identity crisis,
`are the handheld PCs (HPCs)
`systems—for example, Code-
`and palmtop devices, sporting
`Warrior, by Metrowerks—have
`tiny fold-up keyboards and
`allowed developers and compa-
`running a pared-downversion
`nies to offer many usefulthird-
`of Windows95 called Win-
`party applications. By simplify-
`ing the design, 3Com achieved a
`So far, the PC has been the
`realistic, inexpensive, and practi-
`mostsuccessful form of com-
`cal device.
`putation. As a result, when
`The Pilotclearly showsthat a
`branching out to produce
`handheld device drivenonly
`portable computing devices,
`with a stylus can be successful.
`most companiessimply aim to
`Naturally, other companies are
`mimic the PC. However, such a
`wide. Thesefigures are amazing, given that
`Contrary to many pastand present devices,
`the Pilot provesthat portable computers
`don’t have to mimic desktopsto be useful
`and successful. As a result, handheld com-
`puters are incorporating new technologies,
`and the marketis rapidly changing. Soon,
`manyofus will spend moretimeinteract-
`ing with our handheld devices than with
`our desktop computers.
`modelis inappropriate for space-starved
`portable devices, The now-failed Go Corpo-
`ration was thefirst companyto break tradi-
`tion and introduceinteraction using only a
`stylus. Apple continued the endeavor, lead-
`ing to the present MessagePad 2100, but
`stylus-based PDA’s have caughton only
`gradually. Now,the Pilot has taken the lead
`at an exceptional pace. According to PC
`Data,the Pilot accounts for 70% of US
`retail PDA sales. According to DataQuest,
`in 1996,the Pilot accounted for 51% of the
`1.6 million handheld devices sold world-
`LGE Exhibit-1007/Page 4 of 6
`The PalmPilot and the
`handheld revolution
`By Michael McCandless
`MIT Laboratory for Computer Science
`the Pilotfirst appeared on the marketin
`early 1996, In retrospect, the Pilot will be
`seen as a turning point in the migration of
`computation from desktop machinesto
`handheld devices.
`Hive you thoughtthat perhaps the computer belongs in your
`hand rather than on your desk? With manyfailed andstill-
`failing efforts, handheld computation has been taking a long
`time to arrive. However, the unquestionable success of 3Com’s
`PalmPilot heraldsthe start of a revolution in computation.


`In due time, your PDA will
`absorb the otherthings you now
`feel compelled to carry in your
`pockets. Keys, now rendered as
`metal, plastic, or a magnetic strip,
`tichael McCandless
`will instead be stored as bits in
`¢ Computer Science
`your PDA.All forms of currency
`will have digital correlates,let-
`ting you buy groceries without
`worrying aboutvisiting the ATM
`first. Likewise, forms ofidentifi-
`cation—for example, your dri-
`ver’s license and Social Security
` It's all about
`card—will be digital. People will
`no longerbeable to lie about
`their age and identity.
`Whyare these devices so
`successfulin the first place?
`GlobalPositioning System.
`The answeris clear: people
`Using satellites and land towers, a
`needto keep track ofall sorts
`GPSdevice, soon to be one chip plus an
`of personal information. We have always
`antenna, can locate ils position on the
`had this need, and ourlives are becoming
`Earth’s surface within three meters. PDAs
`even busier and more connected, We need
`will incorporate GPS. You will consult your
`to scheduleour day, look up phone num-
`PDAtonavigate in a foreigncity or to find
`bers, remember the namesof people to
`the nearest ATM orgasstation, or a good
`whomwe were introduced, keeptrack of
`place to eat. Over the network, your PDA
`birthdays, read the latest news, trade our
`will monitortraffic congestion,the weather,
`favorite stocks, and remember whatto do,
`and construction conditions, altering its
`including when and where. There’s a name
`recommendedroute as needed. You will be
`for all these things: Personal Information
`able to locate yourchildren or track the
`entire family in the mall or on the ski slope.
`The PIM market for desktop PCsis
`already well-established,including prod-
`ucts such as Microsoft Outlook, Lotus
`Organizer, and Now Up-To-Date. A strong
`marketalso exists for paper-based organiz-
`ers, The Pilot makes carryingall this infor-
`mation with us practical, so that we can
`access it anywhere and anytime.It’s the
`samecrucial information with which
`we've always been working; the Pilot is
`just a better meansofgetting to it and
`eagerto get in the market.
`Sharp just released the SE-
`500 Mobile Organizer, which
`lookslike the Pilot but lacks
`handwriting recognition and
`runs with a proprietary OS.
`Franklin Electronic Publish-
`ers created the Rex PC Com-
`panion,a stripped-down
`device with no input, which
`Jets you browse information
`downloaded from a PC.
`ently back up yourdata,atall times. In fact,
`you will no longer worry about where your
`data actually is, because that will not mat-
`ter. People will share access to the same
`underlying data, stored on a centralserver,
`despite being separatedin space or time. An
`executive, while traveling, will see changes
`to his or her calendar as they are made in
`real time backin the office. All family
`memberswill be able to update the grocery
`list, anywhere and anytime, and whoever
`does the shopping will see these changes.
`Using this network, your PDA will even-
`tually subsumethe functionality of the
`remote controls in your home. You will
`control and configure your homeappli-
`ances through your PDA. You will set your
`alarm clock; read your personalized TV
`guide and program your VCR;turn down
`the stereo or select a different songor radio
`station; and program,from yourcar orthe
`subway, your home’sheater to turn on
`shortly before you arrive there. This net-
`work won’t need to be, and probably will
`not be, very high performanceto provide
`mostofthese new services. Rather,it will
`serve as a stepping stone, motivating and
`then financing better infrastructure.
`The network relaxes where and how
`computation occurs. For example, applica-
`tionsthat are too compute- or space-
`intensive to run directly on your PDA will
`run, instead, on a remote high-performance
`computer, but then return the outputofthe
`computation. When newversionsof appli-
`cations are released, your PDA will auto-
`matically update. The boundary between
`your PDAandthe rest of the world will
`Cryptography.Security is a big concem
`with present and future PDAs.I store all
`sorts of very private information on my
`Pilot—account numbers and passwords,
`PINsfor mycredit cards, telephone num-
`bers—all of which I do not wantto fall into
`the wrong hands. And as PDAs cometo
`absorb everything on our key chains and in
`our wallets, it would seem that if you lose
`your PDA,youlose yourself.
`In the short term, however, there are
`excellent tools that use strong cryptography
`to protect your information—for example,
`Andreas Linke’s Secret 2.0 freeware. These
`tools require you to punch in a password
`every time you need to access yourcritical
`data. Althoughthis is adequate, the danger
`always exists that you will forget to encrypt
`certain pieces of importantinformation.
`In the Iong term, PDAswill exploit bio-
`metric identification, using your voice,fin-
`gerprints, pulse, and otherreliable aspects to
`transparently confirm whoyou are, before
`allowing accessto your data. Becausethis
`procedure will be so simple, everythingwill
`be encrypted bydefault. Also, once a high-
`In the pipeline
`We're at the beginning of a long racein
`which many will eagerly contend. Although
`the Pilot mightor mightnotretainits lead,
`we consumers will continue to win. Com-
`petition will bring prices down while
`improving functionality. Most important,
`three enabling technologies loom onthe
`horizon: wireless networking, the Global
`Positioning System, and cryptography.
`Wireless networking, PDAswill soon
`come with built-in access to a ubiquitous
`wireless network. This will render HotSync
`a thing of the past; your PDA will transpar-
`‘lot will be
`rigration of
`chines to
`ial informa-
`The touch-
`isplay is used
`dand easy-
`ti is used for
`sing 3Com’s
`so backs up
`ss is its sim-
`le rather than
`!, requiring
`table letter
`mple design
`‘dability: the
`costs $249,
`) for Apple’s
`It also leads
`rility. The
`six ounces,
`and is a little
`. Finally,its
`nd available
`iple, Code-
`i and compa-
`useful third-
`By simplify-
`ym achieved a
`ve, and practi-
`' showsthat a
`‘iven only
`e successful.
`mpanies are
`LGE Exhibit-1007/Page 5 of 6


`3 mT! Coming Next Issue
`| oases
`KSe oe. Alin Health Care
`Over thelastfewyears, optinismhasgrownthattheworld of medicineisfinallygoing tobe truly “online.” Many
`beliave thattheanswertosomeofthemajorchallengesfaced by thehealthcare communityliesin computerization, and
`it appeorsthatwithincreasednetworking copabiltes, affectivenewsolutionstooldprotlemsare emerging. Further-
`more,both administrators aswall aspractitionersrebecoming convincedthattechnologywill chongetheface of health
`care,belancingimproved quality of patient care with costeffective monogement procedures.
`TheroleofAlin provoking and supporting thesechanges isofparticularinterest; despiteAl'slonghistoryofresearch
`inthe medical domain, relatively fewAl systemsare sither currentlyincinical practice or aboutto get there. Guest
`edited by ErikaRogers ofColifemio PolytechnicStateUniversity,thisspecial issue considersthe following questions:What
`isthechangingfaceofhealthcare? HowdoesthisaffectAl resoarchinthisorea? andWhat contributions can Al make
`fowords realizing these changes? Articlesin this special issue ore
`“IntegratingaKnowledge-BasedSystemfor Porenteral NutritionofNeonatesintooClinical Intranet”
`“Guardian:An IntelligentAutonomousAgentforMedicalMonitoringond Diagnosis”
`“Neural Network Learningfor Intelligent Patient Image Retrieval”
`"Knowledge Architectures for PatientAccess fo Breast-Cancer Information”
`“FraumaTlQ: On-Line Decision Supportfor Trauma Management”
`“QSSIM: Voice-Enabled, Structured Medical Reporting”
`IEEEExpert, covering the full range of intelligentsystems developments for the Al practitioner,
`researcher, educator, and user.
`IEEE Intelligent Systems: New name in 1998 4
`Fa oes
`& their applications
`s e e ©
`e e
`performance wireless network is in place,
`yoursensitive data will not even be stored
`on the PDA butona secure, central server,
`to be downloaded and decrypted on demand
`and then discarded. Thus, evenif you lose
`your PDA,it will contain nosensitive data.
`Forinstance, as you hold your PDA,it will
`detect your pulse and measure your finger-
`prints, thereby confirming youridentity.It
`will then unlock doors,let you paybills at a
`hotel or restaurant, and provide yourdriver's
`license when yourent a Car.
`Cryptography, when properly imple-
`mented, offers tremendous security—secu-
`rity we)l beyond what we now tolerate in
`the “real world.” Digitally encrypting our
`credit card numberandstoring it ina PDA
`is far better than stampingit on plastic and
`storing it in ourwallets.
`All this and more. Besidesthese revolu-
`tionary changes, evolution will ensure that
`these devices steadily improve. Memory
`capacity will increase, as will the process-
`ing powerandthe performance of the wire-
`less network, Batterylife will lengthen.
`The screen, whichis rather low-resolution
`at present, will become color with a very
`high resolution.
`The future commodity
`The Pilot’s successis just the beginning.
`The marketfrenzy that the Pilot has created
`will ensure that PDAs soon incorporate all
`these technologies, and that they will be
`pricedreasonably. Eventually, PDAs will be
`a commodityitem, muchlike calculators or
`digital watches are today, The PDA will just
`be a rather generic conduit, a standard plat-
`form,to accessall your private information,
`securely stored ona distant, reliable server.
`There wil] be norisk if you lose your PDA;
`you will just buy anotherone, pull out a
`backup, or borrow your friend's for a few
`minutes, You will not hesitate to give your
`children each a PDA, just as you give them
`each a packedlunch boxfor school. Your
`PDAwill grant you access to all your
`important data and devices. Soon youwill
`need to carrylittle else.
`Related links
`Read more aboutthe Pilot
`Download Pilot software
`Anexcellent tutorial on GPS
`Secret 2.0, for encrypting Pilot data
`Metrowerks CodeWarrior developer's kit
`[Illustrations by Sally Lee; sally @sls.les.
`LGE Exhibit-1007/Page 6 of 6

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