
`LGE Exhibit-1018/Page 1 of 10
`LGE v. Uniloc


`‘unmy a Sgduwlck's New Sam" Alarm-I
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`“It; Ireeman Publncatlon '. °
`GE Exhibit-1018/Page 2 of 10
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`to be.
`llke it used to
`sad to be. like it used to b
`t used to be.
`LGE Exhibit-1018/Page 3 of 10


`D D b’
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`S mstgmr
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`Pin-M t if
`by [)tu'icl Hunk/mg
`iiuvitl prumits ;i [intuit-Wink based 0.". the .lavnlieans Standard lIl‘JZ ]‘t‘(i\'ldL':~ :1 lave: of abstraction over
`(It litil.-\— .ImI
`in particular, the CORISA Dynamic Invocation Interline IDIlJ—tti cnctpsulute its
`t'mnplcxitv and facilitate visual mpid applit'ation dtvt‘luplm‘fll.
`by .-I run I’m/('1’
`\lllfl is .t Inch tt\.:irkll)lc (JORHA .tnp'unrtttntztin that supports ll'lL-m (2+? mapping Dvnunnt,
`int-minim lntvrlncctDll), IIOP as native protoctii, nested inetliml lll\llCJ[lOlIS, nitl iILIlK‘,
`by Ming Fan, jan Sin/(urn. and Andrew B. “Vitus/mi
`()ur authors describe a \\-'t:h-l7;nul Financial Bundlc 'I'mtltng System that lets you access financial
`mmkels using Java applczs utribcddcd in web browsers.
`by Hma' “7'. Big/{v
`(iFF is :t tn-nml rchptit iii-handling .tnd contractApttitgmtnnning fitcilztv hr (2 pmgmnnncts With GEF,
`its h|tL’('lJl mnlrtil mncrus. .intl other suppm functium, mu min wlxnntr the main [ntlpmc of a
`I‘nnsticin littnl itx t‘\t't'])lllvli-IlillillIlllg, mmmt-vulitlnliwn. .tnd l'L‘iOUfCC-l‘L't‘IzlllLllhin mtlu
`l{l'_/Ili)lt'.\ l' “7151»)
`in the scmntl ti‘tstullmcnt of this twn-purt unit-lg litn itlrnlihus thc IXISK‘ skills you need to develop
`\VindtV-Vs CF tit-rite drivers. and iinpleniunts a driver IOI :tn ontmtd peripheral duvicc.
`I’m I’lrlut'gilll (lllc/jdll‘t’d Ami/rt
`t> tl distnliutctl-tthin-t intl \‘thlCi-ll'llln‘lgelilclil «ytvm \\'ii.II npliliutmn >U]1pt).‘1 lilimrics
`linilt tin Xlit'itisnlt‘s I’lfill'II‘lilt'kI (Tuttipunmt Ohiut MltdL‘I (DO ”I“. Hun authors cxmtttk' \vtnctzt
`l'iItH'C'l .I stund-nlunc \V'intlt‘tws pit 731nm. into ii Svrm‘.t nppiitutiun tin: tins distributed 1w mum,
`by 1.0013. Ct 1/71)
`\V’hcn it u-nm :u tilllUlliUllYL' (lam :iuiutsilinn. tlw tiles gt‘ncmtctl while a vehicle is being testy-j
`are as tlilt‘cirnt .tnd varied as the vehicles tltrnisuhn Le: piescnts a tool tlizt: enables viewing,
`filtering, or analysis (ii this (lispzimtt' dntn‘
`Ill Lt'tm .IIUIISHH
`The Web lntcrlhu- Dvlintttun Iunguugu I\\"lhl.t is :in X\IL l‘ilv l‘ritnmt for describing
`liillgiJltiiltiillt inn-flaws tn tht- \V‘clt
`IIIE'llAYlllg from thy tiltiu'l mtnnnnntt-“s ORB ideas, \‘(t'lDI
`tlm‘tiilm an .llhtixtct inturhtcc in :t "4min." wasting on the \V’clt.
`/)r, Dobblsjom'nal, November I096 I
`LGE Exhibit-1018/Page 4 of 10


`by Fritz Lowngy
`The \Vin32 Debug AM Is a set of Functions that provides a number of useful tools
`for both the debugger and the debugged. Since these Functions are supported by
`the operating system, It doesn‘t matter whether the program being debugged has
`been compiled or optimized in Debug or Release mode, nor does it make any
`difference what language OI tool you opt to use.
`by Wes [idler
`The company Wes works for has refined its development process to produce well—
`structured, clean source code. Wes presents this process. along with notes on the
`tools they use.
`by Micbael Sit/nine
`Michael examinesjini. Sun‘s systeIII architecture for distributed computing. Jini
`embtxlies a model for how devices and software connect on a network and how
`distributed systems can operate
`by A! Stet tens
`Al updates a C++ class template iibI-aiy that iIIIpleIIImts undo operations of
`interactive programs The library assumes that the user modifies a document class
`Object and might want to undo those mtxlifiranons in reverse order.
`I 19
`lag/(mm lt’x’. I’Itrcly
`Jason exarmnes the dmngnd-drop (Duh) capabilities of both _lat'2tSoh's Java
`Foundation Classes UPC) and Microsoft‘s Windows Foundation Classes (\V’I’Cl.
`F 0 I ll M
`tyrjonalbmt [Erickson
`by wt:
`by the DD] smjf
`by Eugene Eric Kim
`by Mic lane! SN nine
`In cryptography and Computer ser'ttrity.
`As a sauce to our readers. scum: (1 Id:- (and related
`film lum»rt-l<-Ienterl .‘Irttles. and meta“: links
`are attrilahie. rh-ctmnit‘ally at ht'p...'.’\\mv (th Com"
`luurwdual .IrtIeEt-s can be purchased eiummitall)
`ih' ZIP files Jim at lttlp ’1‘\V\\\V.rl(l]t‘nnti Smirce
`(ode i~ also available \'.;2 anonymous HP from
`.‘Ip tldj cmr (I'D, IZS 85,10), the DD] Forum (In
`Ctm'tpuSene (type ()0 DDJ). and DD] Ottline (030
`ARK 8857, H 4 kle\. b! r\
`l). [Aims to the editor
`and article proposas“subIIIissIons should be
`mailed or
`taxed to the [JD] office or sent
`cleam’tit‘ztlly to tditorsfiddq t'ont Author go xklm‘s
`are Ava'tahte .II .‘M[).‘.’\\'\\’\\ (quromt'. Send inquiries
`0' requests to DI: Bobbie/minim «’11! More the
`San Marco, {A 94403 For suhsuiptiun questmm
`(Including L‘llflflgt‘ ol' :Iddtcwt. call 81.") “64115
`(L19 :uu: (.4IIMLI); other coanlties. cull 1413—678—
`ilrii‘) or fax 303 Ml HRS F-"l'liii! subscription
`quesimm It» tltllflneuim UJlll ()1 suite to Dr [Mill's
`jmllmIl, I’O llox 9&1le Mmldcr; LU uranium
`byij [tent/(y and Robert Sedgeu/I‘c/e
`Jon and Robert describe a new algorithm for sorting strings that coIIIbint-s the best
`ofquitksott and ntdtx son.
`by Demm H. Shasba
`Dr. F.('(‘() and Liane use "directed evolution” to cure the ills that ail some.
`by (11‘0nger V. Wilson
`Greg examines a bevy of books tlIIs month, including Web Site livability: A
`Designers Guide. Information Architecturejor the World Wide Web. Ofli’cr’al
`Guide to Programming with C(ilpm, fem Ltbeny’s Clouds to Code, Admnced
`Programming language Design. and Practical Softuurc C‘tmfi'gumtion
`ting tester.
`as. \VlDl.
`D"- Uobb is journal, November 1998
`ln DeteIIle-n We'll be examining the latest
`LGE Exhibit-1018/Page 5 0f 10


`Sun Dreams of Jini
`Michael Swaine
`ithough next month J expect to be
`all over the imnrtligrnatir map with
`m} annual stocking stuifcis cr ilurttn.
`tltis month ['m focusing on a single
`it's Sun's Aiiill, a new system architec»
`ture tor distributed computing and im-
`proved device connection.
`1 think that's
`an accurate description, but it certainly
`doesn't do ‘lini justice. Jim is so revolti—
`tionary a technology that it has appeared
`on the cover of Wired magazine. ()h, sor»
`i forgot to turn on my cynicism iilter.
`And i do need to hold my cynicism in
`ubeyance, even thoughjini is a Sun tech-
`nology and starts with the letter i and is
`therefore fated to be hyped to the heav-
`ens. Because technologically speaking, inn
`is clearly imrxmant, clever. impressiw, and
`worthy of serious attention.
`of course technological merit is seldom
`tlte deciding factor in the suCCess or fail«
`ure of technologies in certain strata of soft
`ware development. .
`The Vision
`Jini is part oi a four-year research protect
`carried on at Bill joy‘s Sun Aspen Small-
`works R&f) lab in the Rockies. java was
`also a part oi that proiect, but only a part.
`"the release oi infomlation on )ini this sum-
`mer is the. sound of the other shoe drop-
`ping. .Iini expands on the Write Once, Run
`Anywhere concept ofiaya and articulates
`a more ambitious and more complete \«i-
`sion for the Iliture oi computing. One el-
`ement of that vision is a radical simplifica-
`tion of the way hardware is connected and
`In the _]ini model, every def
`Vice— computer. disk drive, telephone,
`Camera, or coffeepot— has just two cords
`coming out the back -- one for power and
`another tor the network. (Or just one; The
`network cord might be replaced by a wire»
`Michael is alum-ut- Impejhrt)i)_i . He can
`be tun/utter] u! mxlmmrflsutrlimtcom.
`Dr. Dobbig/ormml, Nowmber 1998
`it announces it»
`less link.) You plug it in,
`self to the network, and it's all connected
`and configured and iumpered and regis-
`tered and immediately usable.
`Sounds nifty, but talk is cheap and
`hardware is expensive. Wouldn't such a
`scheme require all new hardware? Yes,
`although it would be possible for the
`smarts that let the device be a player in
`a jini system to reside on another de—
`vice. in this way, old device's could join
`:1 Jim system.
`Another clement of the vision is a mod-
`el for distributed computing.
`it’s also an
`ambitious model—in a way.
`in the Jini
`model, anything can be at service, avail-
`able to clients on the network. A service
`might be the printing capability of a print
`er somewhere on the network, or a math
`routine, or a search engine, or a slice of
`processing power oi a mainframe made
`available to underpowered PCs doing,
`heavy but decomposable computations.
`In another sense, theiini modcl is very
`modest. The core software is 48 KB of
`binaries, And it is intended to run on top
`of any OS (although currently has been
`implemented only for Solaris and NTt.
`On the less modest hand, while living,
`in apparent harmony with any operating
`it quietly usurps all the interest-
`ing, networking hrnctions. And it attempts
`to promote the network to a level of im-
`ponancc and control currently occupied
`by the operating system.
`in this respect.
`Jini is clearly another Sun attempt to do
`a technokigical end run around iiiicrosoft‘s
`Maybe we could call it Sun's version of
`"Embrace and extmd." Anyway. that’s the
`vision. Oh, and Joy’s boys want you to be
`able to walk up to any device, not just
`any computer but any device conneraed
`to :1 Jim system, and have all of the sys»
`tern’s services as available to you as they
`would be if you were sitting in front of
`your own PC, and they want all this to be
`so automatic and transparent to the riser
`that ii. is in cited a neIWork dialtone.
`Sure, why not. All this sounds like net-
`work heaven, but is there any reason to
`believe that Sun has the keys to the king-
`dom? That’s the (Vt-euro question, of
`[’11 just spell out some of the de-
`tails of the‘iini model and you can decide
`that for yourself.
`Joining Jini
`.Iini embodies a model for how devices and
`software connect on a network and how
`distributed systems can operate. Sun def
`soibcs the techndogy underlying this mod—
`el in terms of two areas of software— the
`infrastructure that defines the connections,
`and the distributed programming model.
`In addition to these, there is the con—
`cept of a network service, a concept that
`runs throughout the entire Jini model.
`A service is, according to Sun'sJini Ar~
`chilecture Overview white paper (http:/f
`architectureoven/iewpdfi, “an entity that
`can he used by a person, a program, or
`another service." it can be “a computa-
`tion, storage, a communication channel
`to another user, a software filter. a hard—
`wan: device, or another user."
`The infrastructure consists of two corn-
`ponans that, between them, make it pos—
`sible for devices to be hot-plugged into
`the network, manage the process of de-
`vices identifying themselves to the network
`and vice-versa, and allow clients to access
`services anywhere on the network. "these
`are “Discovery and Join” (that's one com—
`ponent with two names) and “Lookup”
`(also referred to as “Boot and Join‘ and
`“Install"). Discovery and join is the mech-
`anism by which a device or application
`identifies itself to the. network. When a
`lint-enabled device is plugged into a Jin't-
`enabled network. the device broadcasts
`a small Discovery packet to the net. This
`ill-byte packet contains sufficient
`LGE Exhibit-1018/Page 6 of 10


`information to allow the net to start a di-
`alog with the device. which it does, on err
`countering the packet on a known port,
`by sending the device a packet that do
`st ribes the network’s (‘lizinrt‘ter'istics. (The
`device doesn't need to know anything
`about the network in advance) That‘s Dis-
`covery Now the device can Join the net-
`work. which it does by sending a more
`comprehensive message back. containing
`all its own character istics (I print in color.
`I respond to the following voice cont
`iii-ands. I chop small vegetables). This mes—
`sage can contain more than just devrce
`cliaracret'istics: ll can also include code or
`code pointers, as for example a printer
`driver. an interface to a printer driver. or
`a help wi7ar‘d. The meditrm of communi-
`cation here is ;i_l;iv:i interface. Jim is per-
`fectly willing to work With (1 code :it \( tine
`levels. but here it's built firmly on Java.
`Lookup is the component that does
`what I have loosely attributed to the net
`in previous paragraphs. It
`is a small bul-
`letin board for the net. dynamically stor»
`ing pointers to sen'ii'es, and also code or
`pointers to Code provrded by services.
`Clients [or these services talk to Lookup
`to get, for example. the driver for a print—
`er do\\‘nloaded when needed. Lookirp is
`the main point ol'coniact l)t‘[\\‘t.'L'n the sys-
`tenr and its users What it does is to map
`lava interfaces that identify offered fune
`tionality to a set of objects that provide
`that functionality (that is. that service).
`A twist on this Lookup capability is l’eer
`Lookup. in which a client can masquer-
`ade as a Lookup if no Lookup is avail
`able. The client itself then engages in the
`Discovery and _Ioin conversation with the
`service providers. who register with the
`client just as if it were a Lookirp.
`Paradigms Post: The End of the Brotherhood
`Beyond Java
`The distributed programming "knit-l j"
`.lini brings three technologies to the pi.)
`ture— leasing. distributed transut rum
`and distributed events. In leasing. an ob:
`ject negotiates for the use of a St‘t\'lc\- j.“
`a period of time. This is the basis lttt
`among other things. the system‘s dis:
`tributed earl rage collection. Leases mu he
`CAClllhiVL‘ or nonexclusive. noneXt hm...
`leases allowing for simultaneous rest amt.
`sharing. lava Al’ls provide the basic dis-
`tributed transaction capability. called “two
`phase commit." This allows an objetr to
`fire tip a transaction manager Fiery til).
`ject that will take part in the traiisaiimn
`has to register with the transaction iron,
`ager. and it runs the transaction. holding
`up objects or causing them to backtrack
`or move ahead as needed to ensure that
`the steps of the transaction are proj-ivm.
`synchronized. .lini also provides for |.ll_\-.
`Ii‘ibuted events. Specifically. an objett can
`allow other objects to register an uric-rut
`in an event that resides in the first object,
`and provide notifitation to them or the
`occurrence of the event,
`Underlying all communication betucen
`services in lini is lava Remote Method In-
`Vocation (RMI). Although it might seem
`more like part of the programming ninrl
`is regarded as part of the infrastruc-
`ture \Y-"herever it falls in the architecture
`of Jim.
`its role is to allow complete ob»
`including. code. to be passed anti mg
`objects over the network.
`Network services is an open-ended -. ol-
`lection of services that bear somewhat the
`same relationship to the infrastructure and
`distributed programming model as appli-
`cations do to an operating system. run-
`ning on top of these lower- level ClClllk tits.
`The most important of these is _l..v.i-
`Spaces. a model for lacrlitating tlislr'il'ut»
`ed programming. The lavaSpaces mi Itlel
`is drawn from work by DaVrd Geleinter
`that simplifies the challenge of distribut-
`ing tasks among multiple processors. trel-
`writer's project. minted Linda, creates :1
`shared memory space called a ‘liiplehpatc
`where results of a computer's proces~cs
`or the processes themselves are stored
`and can be accessed by rriulliplc (Zl’l's.
`Contents of :t 'l‘upleSpace are tagged \viili
`sellwlescrrptrve tags, and effectively pi isll'
`pinned to a bulletin board.
`Jini is Not a Dictatorship
`Jim \Xirldo. :ititlior ol tliejt‘ltizlr'clu'Ier/ttl'b’
`()iwrt'eu' white paper: characterizes .i
`system as a lctlenttion. Members of a tul-
`eiution are peers and are assumed to :iLtIL‘C
`on certain basic issues. Trust, identihca-
`lion. policy. things like that.
`“Alini federation should not be thi vie—'1“
`of as sets of clients and servers. or Let‘l‘s
`fcoun’mrwl on page [17’
`1);: Dub!)lvjorrrnul. Norwmlwr' [”98
`LGE Exhibit-1018/Page 7 of 10
`bund added educational and productiv—
`oug Carlston was a computer back—
`ity software titles. ultimately becoming
`er in college in the 19705. and even
`an educational software company that
`when he started his law practice he
`also did games.
`continued to play with computers. When
`Radio Shack introduced its 'i'RS-BO, he
`Recently. though. Broderbund has
`been losing money. and this summer it
`bought one immediately and stayed
`glued to it all weekend.
`agreed to he acquired by The Learning
`Company. But it would be a mistake to
`So did others, including the author of
`connect Broderbund's fall with the hack—
`this column. but something actually came
`er ethic it still. to some extent. embod»
`of Doug Carlston's Trashed weekend. He
`ies. Broderbund was the only one of the
`wrote a game called Galactic Saga. and
`with his brothers Gary and Don started
`early game companies to survive into
`the late 905. and it was the gentlest. most
`a company that became a leader in a half—
`generous of those companies. As the
`billion dollar segment of the software in-
`other game companies ran into hard
`dustry—Broderbund (Swedish for broth-
`times, they got tougher. refusing to share
`ideas and technology with competitors.
`It wasn't immediate. This was early
`1980. before Windows. before DOS, be-
`giving less credit to the actual game de-
`fore the IBM PC, and the brothers were
`velopers. negotiating stingier deals. Btu
`down to 524 before Doug took to the
`although Broderbund changed. too.
`kept sortie of that spirit. And as the oth-
`road, selling copies of Galactic Saga out
`of his car to early computer stores. The
`er companies failed, Broderbund pros
`pered—until quite recently.
`big breakthrough. though, came when
`If Broderbund has remained a differ—
`a Japanese entrepreneur sold Doug sortie
`microcomputer versions of popular
`ent kind of company. it is probably be-
`cause. like Microsoft. it has been led for
`video arcade games.
`it‘s not clear that there wasn‘t some
`nearly 20 years by one person. Early in-
`dications are that Doug Carlston will re—
`infringement of copyright. but the com-
`puter game industry was free and fast-
`main in charge of the operation and
`there won't be many jobs lost. And a
`moving in the early ‘805. and nobody
`consolidation that will give the combined
`cared. Among Broderbund and Sierra
`companies 40 percent of the educational
`On-Line and Sirius. the main game com-
`software market can't exactly be bad
`panies of the early ‘805, there was much
`news for either company That's all true.
`sharing of technology, much flouting of
`the usual rules of business. much spirit
`but it's also true that one of the pioneer
`of brotherhood.
`software companies is no more. We
`it has been called the hacker ethic.
`should mark its passing.
`Broderbund was built on it. and did well.
`Thanks to Steven Levy’s book [lack-
`in recent years, its stars included Rand
`ers for refreshing my memory about
`Broderbtrnd's early days.
`and Robyn Miller. with their intensely
`popular game Myst. Gradually, Broder-


`Linn of companies that all buy into Bill _]oy’.s
`dream. Hardware companies will have to
`rework their equipment, and software corri—
`pames will have to :ewot‘k their minds it
`they are to truy into this thing
`But some companies have, to one ex-
`tent or another, bought into the ‘lll'll Vtr
`sion, including Canon, Computer Asso-
`ciates. Epson. Ericsson, Fedtix, Mitsubishi,
`Novell, Oki. Salomon Brothers, Sic-agate,
`Siemens. and Toshiba. sun says that the
`source code will be open as in the Mozil-
`la model and that they will enforce coin—
`patibility in some way, probably through
`an authorized label for Sun-cenitied com—
`patible commercial products.
`It would be easy to dismiss the Jini
`effort as a dream that has very little
`chance of coining to reality. Microsoft
`isn't about to endorse it, can in fact be
`counted on to embrace it about the same
`way they embraced java. And other
`companies are being asked, at minimum.
`to make an investment in an unproven
`technology, and at max, to rethink their
`entire business and software develop-
`ment models.
`Against that imposing challenge, there
`is this small thought: Something like this is
`going to happen someday. Why not now?
`And why not from the guy who has been
`thinking about it tor all his adult lite, Mr.
`”the network is the computer" himself? It's
`Bill ,loy'h dream And it might come true.
`C017)" Protection and
`Sr) iwm‘e Licensinv with N0
`Distribute your software via Internet,
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`features - the control is all there - easy to implement,
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`CrypKey also otters choices - integrate our SDK
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`Try it free from our website to see why we're
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`(an”timer/jinn: page I / ’1')
`and Wogntnis. or even prograrm and files."
`\ygtltlo says. lnstmtl, you ~lrtruld think of it
`as an opencnded, dynamically changing
`Collection of independent services that can
`he cninpmed together to perform a task.
`Sc-n'ic s communicate with one anoth-
`er vra a service protocol, which is a Java
`interface. There can be any number of
`such protocols; they are, like the services,
`an open—ended collection
`Security in jini follows a provider/«certs
`conBUl list model. 'lhe principal is whomev
`er or whatever the service is accessed ltrrv—
`ulriu‘ratcly it will probably be some chr
`sortiewlit'tc, but the immediate principal
`may be another object. The accesa control
`liSt is associated with and controlled by the
`object that implements the SCIVICE. In short,
`the owner of the service getx to decide who
`(ltl‘S what with it When. Jim is designed to
`be decouple-able, so that it
`is possible to
`implement parts of the system and still get
`many of its benefits. I haven‘t dug deeply
`enough to know what parts and what burr
`etits. but the idea is to allow legacy code
`to play a (perhaps limited) role in a jini
`federation with only minor modification.
`That legacy code would probably be C
`code, _liui itself in built on lava, though,
`and Java underlies all the components of
`jail. When you lump in that Java infra-
`infrastructure, those components look like
`Table l
`What it Means
`This is a pt’rwerl'ul vision. but it doesn‘t add
`up to a product
`that Sun can sell
`shrinkwr‘apped form to consumers with a
`marketing blirl. featuring Lany Hagman and
`Barbara Eden. jini is really an appeal to the
`industry to join Sun in forming a Federa-
`Java VM‘
`Java security model'
`Discovery and Join
`Distributed security
`Java APts'
`Two-phase commit
`Enterprise Beans‘
`Two-phase commit manager
`Other services
`Table 1.1/r'nrjaua influ-fir/irislrzrclm'e.
`(aunt! iii/”instructive; (bi/mi
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