Composable Ad—hoc Mobile Services for Universal Interaction
`Todd D. Hodes, Randy H. Katz, Edouard Servan—Schreiber, Lawrence Rowe
`Computer Science Division
`University of California at Berkeley
`August 2, 1997
`This paper introduces the notion of “universal interaction," allowing
`a device to adapt its functionality to exploit services it discovers as
`it moves into a new environment.
`Users wish to invoke services — such as controlling the lights,
`printing locally, or reconfiguring the location of DNS servers —-
`from their mobile devices. But aprion‘ standardization of interfaces
`and methods forservice invocation is infeasible. Thus, the challenge
`is to develop a new service architecture that supports heterogeneity
`in client devices and controlled objects, and which makes minimal
`assumptions about standard interfaces and control protocols.
`There are five components to a comprehensive solution to this
`problem: 1) allowing device mobility, 2) augmenting controllable
`objects to make them network-accessible, 3) building an underlying
`discovery architecture, 4) mapping between exported object inter-
`faces and client device controls, and 5) building complex behaviors
`from underlying composable objects.
`We motivate the need for these components by using an ex-
`ample scenario to derive the design requirements for our mobile
`services architecture. We then present a prototype implementation
`of elements of the architecture and some example services using
`it, including controls to audio/visual equipment, extensible map-
`ping, server autoconfiguration, location tracking, and local printer
`This paperinvestigates novel uses ofa ubiquitous network, focus-
`ing on variable network services in the face of changing connectivity
`and heterogeneous devices. We propose that providing an “IP dial-
`tone” isn’t enough; we must add additional service infrastructure
`to augment basic IP connectivity. Specifically, we describe an ar-
`chitecture for adaptive network services allowing users and their
`devices to control their environment.
`The challenge in the design is developing an open service archi-
`tecture that allows heterogeneous client devices to discover what
`they can do in a new environment, and yet which makes minimal
`assumptions about standard interfaces and control protocols.
`The key elements of the architecture we have developed include:
`1) augmented mobility beacons providing location information and
`security features, 2) an interface definition language allowing ex-
`ported object interfaces to be mapped to client device control inter-
`faces, and 3) client interfaces that maintain a layer of indirection,
`allowing elements to be remapped as server locations change and
`object interactions to be composed into complex behaviors.
`Additionally, we have designed, implemented, and deployed in
`our Computer Science building the following example services:
`c untethered interaction with lights, video and slide projectors,
`a VCR, an audio receiver, and an AN routing switcher from
`a wirelessly connected laptop computer;
`a automatic “on-the~move" reconfiguration for use of local
`DNS, NTP, and SMTP servers; H'I'I‘P proxies; and RTP and
`multicast-to-unicast gateways;
`o audited local printer access;
`0 interactive floor maps with a standardized interface for adver-
`tising object locations;
`0 tracking ofusers and other mobile objects with privacy control.
`The testbed for our experiments [18] includes Intel-based lap-
`top computers with access to a multi-tier overlay network including
`room-sized infrared cells (IBM 1R), floor»sized wireless LAN cells
`(AT&T WaveLAN), and a wide-area RF packet radio network (Met-
`ricom Richocet). We also leverage facilities in a seminar room aug-
`mented with devices that can be accessed and controlled through a
`workstation. The physical components of the testbed are illustrated
`in Figure 1.
`Our infrastructure builds on the substantial work in mobility sup-
`port provided by the networking research community. The Mobile-
`IP working group of the IETF [24] has made great strides in the
`routing aspects ofthe problem. Overlay networking [3 1] has demon-
`strated the feasibility of seamless handofl‘ between Internet service
`providers and interfaces. The developing Service Location Protocol
`LGE Exhibit-1016/Page 1 of 12
`LGE v. Uniloc
`Researchers have predicted that wireless access coupled with user
`mobility will soon be the norm rather than the exception, allow-
`ing users to roam in a wide variety of geographically distributed
`environments with seamless connectivity [37].
`This ubiquitous computing environment is characterized by a
`number of challenges, each illustrating the need for adaptation:
`continuously available but varying network connectivity, with high
`handoff rates exacerbated by the demands of spectrum reuse; vari-
`ability in end clients, making it necessary to push computation into
`the local infrastructure; and variability in available services as the
`environment changes around the client.
`Permission to make digital/hard copies ofall or part ofthis material for
`personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that the copies
`are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage, the copy-
`right notice, the title ofthe publication and its date appear, and notice is
`given that copyright is by permission ofthe ACM. Inc. To copy otherwise,
`to republish, to post on sewers or to redistribute to lists, requires specific
`permission and/or fee
`MOBICOM 97 Budapest Hungary
`Copyright 1997 ACM 0-89791-988-2/97/9..$3.50
`LGE Exhibit-1016/Page 1 of 12
`LGE v. Uniloc


`Slide and Video
` Station
`— C
`AN Sewer
`Figure I: Project operating environment
`[34] addresses resource discovery and management. Such efforts
`have been instrumental in motivating this work.
`The rest of this paper is structured as follows. In Section 2, we
`discuss the key problem characteristics and provide a framework for
`a service provision architecture’s core functionality. This is moti-
`vated by a scenario with a set of high-level functional requirements
`to be achieved. In Section 3, we detail our architecture’s prototype
`implementation and the protocols that allow mobile clients to access
`the infrastructure. In Section 4, we describe the suite of example
`ad-hoc mobile services incorporated into it. In Section 5, we unify
`the design and implementation with some discussion of interrela—
`tionships, dependencies, and a layered view of the components. In
`Section 6, we discuss the relevant related work. In Section 7, we
`summarize future and continuing work, and finally in Section 8, we
`present our conclusions.
`Using the new map, you find and enter the lecture hall.
`In preparation for your talk, you select "audio/visual
`equipment" and “lights” from the list of services, caus-
`ing a user interface for each to appear. Your selections
`also cause the rooms’ equipment to be located on the
`floorplan. You walk to the VCR and insert a tape.
`The lecture begins. As you finish the introduction, you
`dim the lights and start the VCR with taps on yourPDA.
`At that moment, you realize you’ve forgotten your lecture
`notes. Using your personalized printer user interface,
`you retrieve a file from your home machine and instruct
`the closestprinter to print the file. The printer’s location
`appears on the floorplan.
`A minute later, you are notified the print job has com-
`pleted, retrieve your printout, and return to finish the
`lecture as the videotape completes.
`2 Designing a Service Interaction Ar-
`From this scenario, we can derive a set of required or desirable
`functions, presented in the next subsection.
`We motivate our architecture for mobile services with the following
`2.1 Requirements Analysis
`You are on your way to give an invited lecture.
`After parking on campus, you take out your PDA with
`wireless connectivity, checking the list of local services
`available to you. You click on the map icon, and are
`presented with a campus-wide map that includes a rough
`indication of where you are. You select “Computer Sci-
`ence Division" from a list, and a building near you is
`highlighted. You walk toward it.
`As you enter the building, you glance down at yourclient
`device and the list of available services changes. Addi—
`tionally, the campus map is replaced with the building
`The problem is that users wish to invoke services —- such as con-
`trolling the lights, printing locally, or reconfiguring the location of
`DNS servers —— from their mobile devices. But it is difficult to
`obtain wide-spread agreement on “standar ” interfaces and meth-
`ods for such service invocation. The challenge is to develop an
`open service architecture that allows heterogeneous client devices
`To discover whatthey can do in a new environment, making minimal
`assumptions about standard interfaces and control protocols.
`Implementing such a service architecture makes it possible to
`turn client devices into "universal interactors." An interactor is,
`broadly, a device that allows a user to interact with and modify
`his or her environment. Examples include electronic equipment
`remote controls and thermostats. A universal interactor is n device
`-w'TV‘... F‘w‘..._.~_:.‘_r_,
`4 W'1
`LGEExhibit--1016/Page 2of12
`LGE Exhibit-1016/Page 2 of 12


`that adapts itself to control many devices —- if it can discover their
`control interface. A universal interactor thus exploits what it finds
`in the environment, and varies its abilities as a function of location.
`It is not a particular hardware component, but instead a way of using
`an existing device.
`Realizing such a capability requires (at least) five technical com—
`ponents: 1) device mobility, 2) network-accessible controllable ob-
`jects, 3) an underlying discovery architecture, 4) mapping between
`exported object interfaces and client device control interfaces, and
`5) composing complex behaviors from underlying primitive objects.
`These are now described in detail in the following subsections.
`2.2 Device Mobility
`A critical component of the scenario is device mobility. The client
`moves from a wide-area network to a local-area network, and be-
`tween points in the local-area.
`This functionality is available through Mobile-1P [24] and net-
`work overlays [17]. The former supplies IP-level transparency to
`changes in location, and the latter augments this functionality with a
`policy layer for managing connectivity to multiple available network
`interfaces and a mechanism for seamless (low-latency) hand-off. We
`build upon this network-layer functionality directly.
`On top of this, we only require the ability to detect changes in
`connectivity with an event-delivery mechanism. Such a mechanism
`is required to implement automatic reconfiguration: when the client
`device discovers it has moved, it should check (or be notified) if a
`local instantiation of a remote service is available, and should auto-
`configure to use the local service in this case. Concrete examples
`include DNS, NTP, and SMTP.
`2.3 Controllable Objects
`Most objects can be controlled. Doors and windows open; lights
`turn on; coffee-makers brew. Most physical objects provide only
`manual controls. A controllable object, on the other hand, is one
`that exposes the interface to which it responds to control requests or
`transmits status information. Additionally, it makes this interface
`accessible over a network.
`To fit into our architecture, it is crucial that objects be augmented
`with an ability for network-based control. Open issues include ad-
`dressability, hauling, and aggregation of objects into a controllable
`Individual controllable objects may be too numerous or the
`expense of individual control may be too high. For example, while
`it is possibleto make every lightbulb its own controllable object, the
`sheer number of them in a typical building, the expense of assigning
`processing to each one, the difficulty of wiring each to the network,
`etc.. would mitigate such a decision. Instead, control functionality
`could be assigned to a bank of lights, and what is augmented is
`the switch bank rather than all of the individual lightbulbs. In gen-
`eral, this means that the current infrastructure for naming ~ DNS
`— must be extended to include objects that do not have (or need)
`IP addresses. An alternative is to develop a separate infrastructure
`to match this need rather than overloading DNS. In the latter case,
`we can take advantage of the fact that instantiations of these name
`servers need only have a local, rather than global, scope.
`Another approach for interacting with objects is to use video cap-
`ture augmented with image processing (“computer vision”) where
`applicable. Example uses of this approach include fine-grain object
`tracking, directionality sensing, and event triggers keyed to partic-
`ular circumstances [22]. fig, a camera can be used to detectstlre
`opening of a door or window.
`In this case, it is the camera that
`exports the control interface.
`2.4 Resource Discovery
`The function ofa resource discovery protocol is to maintain dynamic
`repositories of service information and make this information avail-
`able through scoped attribute queries.
`In contrast with DNS, the
`repositories' information is specifically local in nature.
`We couch our discussion of resource discovery in the context of
`the Service Location Protocol [34], under development by the IBTF
`Service Location working group. Although there are open issues in
`this domain, we avoid duplicating much of the relevant discussion
`Interested readers are pointed to the Internet draft and the
`Service Location working group mailing list.
`From our local-area network perspective. the only mechanism
`we require is a function to allow mobiles to query the server for a
`mapping from strings to strings. We describe our own mechanisms
`for finding the correct local server and initializing the string map-
`pings. Finding the a correct local server is similar to delivering the
`correct SCOPE attribute to the mobile host in SLR
`2.5 Transduction Protocols
`A transduction protocol maps a discovered object interface to one
`that is expected by a given client device. It supports interoperability
`by adapting the client device’s interface to match the controllable
`object’s interface.
`The issue with transduction protocols is how to map control
`functions into a UI supported by the portable device. As an example,
`assume a client device has a two-position switch widget for use with
`the local light controller. At a visited location, the light controller
`supports continuous dimming. In this case, the client may substitute
`a slider widget for the switch. Ifit cannotdo this (or chooses not to).
`then the purpose of the transduction protocol is to map the on/ofi’
`settings of the UI to one of the two extremes of the actual dinuner
`Our solution is to transfer an entire GUI to the client in a lan-
`guage it understands, and when possible, augment the GUI with an
`interface description that starts with base data types and allows them
`to be extended hierarchically. A transducer that doesn’t understand
`a level in the hierarchy can use elements below it. Alternatively,
`the interface description can be used directly to generate a rough
`GUI when no language implementation appropriate for the client is
`The interface descriptions not only allow for data type transduc-
`ers between client and server; they also provide a critical layer of
`indirection exactly where it is needed: underneath the user inter-
`face, allowing widgets to be transparently remapped to new servers
`in a new environment. This firnction is required to allow custom
`user interfaces for ad-hoc services, such as allowing a virtual “light
`switch” on the client device’s control panel to always control the
`closest set of lights.
`2.6 Complex Behaviors
`Objects have individualized behaviors. We wish to couple and com-
`pose these individual behaviors to obtain more complex behaviors
`within the environment. For example, consider a scenario where
`LGE Exhibit-1016/Page 3 of 12
`LGE Exhibit-1016/Page 3 of 12


`music follows you as you move around a building. One behavior of
`the sound system is to route music to specific speakers. A behavior
`oflocation tracking services is to identify where specific objects are
`located, such as the user. A “complex” behavior allows us to com-
`pose these more primitive behaviors of sound routing and location
`tracking to obtain the desired eflect of “following” music.
`A key problem is that there is no common control interface for
`individual components. Furthermore, some behaviors may require
`maintenance of state that is independent of both subcomponents.
`An example ofthe latter is instructing the coffee maker to brew only
`the first time each morning that the office door opens. Anotherissue
`is the policy-level difficulty implied by this scenario: resolution of
`incompatiblebehaviors. If anotheruserconsiders music to be noise,
`the visiting user’s music may or may not be turned off in their pres-
`ence, depending on seniority, social convention, explicit heuristics,
`or otherwise. At a minimum, the system must guarantee that it will
`detect such incompatibilities and notify the user(s) involved in order
`to avoid instability (e.g., music pulsing on and off as each individual
`behavior is interpreted).
`any method
`Our solution is to use interface discovery, (i.e.
`through which new objects’ input/output data types are learned)
`paired with the aforementioned data type transducers to allow ob-
`jects to be cascaded much like UNIX pipes to achieve the desired
`complex behaviors. Additionally, we allow intermediate entities
`("proxies”) to maintain state that is independent of the constituent
`subcomponents. This allows for the incorporation of such features
`as conditional statements and timing information.
`In our prototype, complex behaviors are written as scripts invoked
`by the delivery of particular events. These events are generated
`(when necessary) by the data typetransducers that translate between
`the client user interface invocations and the RFC commands sent to
`a service daemon.l
`Implementing Service Interaction
`This section describes implementation details ofthe service interac~
`tion proxy (SIP), the service interaction client (SIC), and beaconing
`daemon (beacond) programs. These prototypes implement selected
`components of our overall mobile services architecture.
`The prototypes allows a mobile host to enter a cell, bootstrap the
`local resource discovery server location, and acquire and display
`a list of available services. They also allows users to maintain
`a database of scripts to be executed when particular services are
`discovered for use in autoconfiguration, local state updates, and to
`trigger location-dependent actions.
`Ifa user wishes to use a service it does not understand, the client
`first automatically searches its local cache for an interface to that
`service; if it is not there, the infrastructure is automatically notified
`and it attempts to send an interface description and GUI to the client.
`3.1 Setup
`A single copy ofthe “service interaction client” (SIC) program runs
`at each client device. Copies of the “serverinteraction proxy” (SIP)
`program run at domain-specific granularities. For example, a set
`’ Thus, even in the case where no translation is necessary,a null transducer
`must be interposed in orderto allow detection ofinvocations. In other words,
`the transduction layer is the layer that provides the indirection.
`l El
`of base stations in geographic proximity could be associated with a
`single SIP. Beaconing daemons (beacond) run at each base station.
`An example SIC screenshot is shown in Figure 2. SIP and
`beacond use configuration files and command-line switches, and
`thus user interfaces are not shown.
`E]. Service Index Ctlcnt a [I].
`lt disconnected
`‘3 disconnected
`local Info
`message board
`registerwtlhack [x disconnected
`'UCB Service index Clientvtm
`Figure 2: The SIC application GUI is currently a series of
`buttons that can be used to retrieve and invoke application
`Each SH’ process maintains a database ofthe services and service
`elements that it provides to mobile hosts. An example startup file
`for such a database is listed in Figure 3. It contains three types of
`entries: SERVICES, VALUES, and rnorarmas. VALUES are used for
`generic (key, value) lockups. These are useful for, e.g., detecting the
`need to update server addresses. SERVICES and PROPERTIES are used
`to specify what, where, and how services are available from that
`particular location. Each SERVICE has a unique name, and maintains
`PROPERTIES such as the version number, a pointer to an associated
`IDL file“, pointers to particular language implementations of user
`interfaces for the service, and the geographic location (if any) for use
`with maps. VALUES andPROPER'I'IES mayjustbe pointers to another
`SIP, allowing simple incremental deployment to subdomains and
`yielding a notion of topology.
`3.2 Message-level Detail
`The client enters a cell with abeaconing daemon. Thedaemon sends
`periodic broadcasts that contain the bootstrap address and port num-
`berof that cell’s SIP. The client automatically registers with the base
`station to establish 1? connectivity. It then requests the well-known
`meta-service lNDEX, which returns a list of the services available.
`Based on the contents of the reply, the client renders labelled 0]
`buttons for unknown services, remaps the location of running ser-
`vices, and executes scripts in a database to enable autoconncction
`2Use of the Interface Definition Language (lDL), a generic format for
`service interfaces similar in concept to a model-based Ul, is described in
`Section 3.6
`. 2v
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`cw, 7w _-,_V v
`. 3"?“
`LGE Exhlblt-1016/Page 4of12
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`LGE Exhibit-1016/Page 4 of 12


`Soda 405: High—Tech Seminar Room
`INDEX lights (All! equipment) map printer [location tracking}
`DNS (
`MP (orodzuin. cs . berkeley. edu barad-dur. cs . berkeley. edu)
`SMTP (mailspool . cs .berkeley. edu)
`lights [IDLfile ../he1pers/1ights.id1 version 0.01 \
`location (132 210) appName—tk ../he1pers/ \
`appArchive-tk . . [helpers/405 [light-.5405 . tar.uue
`../he1pers/1ights.tcl \
`. . lhelpersl 405/light5405tc1 . tarame)
`(A/V equipment)
`(IDLEile ../he1pers/htsr.id1 location (132 180) \
`version 0.01 appName—tk latent-4:1 \
`appArchive-tk " . . [helpers/405/HTSR. tar.uue')
`Figure 3: An abridged SIP services database example
`and composed actions.3 When a user requests a particular service,
`the client software checks its local cache of applications.
`If an
`interface supporting the requested application is not there, it asks
`the SIP for the service’s “properties.” This is a list of available
`interface descriptions and/or implementations. It also receives any
`service metadata (such as version numbers). It then chooses either
`to download a particular interface implementation (e.g., as a Java
`applet) or the generic interface description. The SIC then unpacks
`the received archives, transduces the interface description to match
`the device characteristics, and finally executes the GUI.
`An example exchange of protocol messages for a client moving
`between SIP sewers is illustrated in Figure 4.
`3.3 Bootstrap
`For a client to use services, it must first find the address of the local
`resource discovery server. In our architecture, this bootstrap above
`I? is minimal:
`there is an indirection embedded in the mobility
`beacons. This minimal bootstrap standardizes the interface for
`sending service advertisements without constraining the item to
`which it points.
`In general, it could point to any type of name
`server, thereby allowing variation in resource discovery protocols if
`this were desired.
`3.4 Beaconing
`Beaconing is required in a system to facilitate notification of
`mobility-based changes in the relative position of system compo-
`nents. Its use is motivated by inherent availability of physical-level
`hardware broadcastin many cellular wireless networks and the need
`to track mobiles to provide connectivity.
`3The database currently resides on the client, but could additionally be
`retrieved from elsewhere by a proxy server to address client computational
`TWO issues arise once the decision to beacon has been made.
`The first is which direction to send them: uplink or downlink. The
`second is what information to put on the beacons, if any at all.
`(An empty beacon acm as a simple notification of the base station
`address, available in the packet header.) These are discussed in the
`following subsections.
`3.4.1 Beaconing Direction
`In terms of choosing whether to have client devices or infrastructure
`servers beacon, existing systems can be found which have made
`either choice. Client beaconing is used in both the Active Badge
`[13] and PARCTAB systems [26], while server beaconing was used
`in Columbia Mobile IP [14]. IETF Mobile IP utilizes both periodic
`advertisements and periodic solicitations.
`One might expect the application-level framing [9] argument to
`hold here: different policies optimize for different applications’
`operating modes. This is indeed the case: there are trade-offs in
`such a decision, as it varies allowances for privacy, anonymity,
`particular protocols’ performance, and scalability.
`Specifically, some benefits of base station beaconing include:
`a less poweris consumed at the mobile by periodically listening
`than by periodically transmitting;
`o finding a base station requires only a single message rather
`than a broadcast/response pair,
`0 mobiles need not transmit to detect when contact is lost;
`0 detection of multiple beacons can be used to assist handoff;
`o anonymity of location is preserved for non-transmitting mo-
`u allows possibility of “anonymous" access to some data known
`to the infrastructure (at a cost of management overhead and
`increased beacon size due to the piggybacking);
`LGE Exhibit-1016/Page 5 0f 12
`LGE Exhibit-1016/Page 5 of 12


`(variable length)
`Figure 5: The service beacon encoding includes bits for the service interaction bootstrap and location queries. Not shown are
`Mobile-1P FA router advertisements or other potential application-specific piggybacked fields.
`SIP #1
`310 (client)
`SIP #2
`Figure 4: Protocol message timings for a client moving be-
`tween SIP sewers (dashed lines are beacons): (a) INDEX #1
`request/reply (b) request/reply for “lights” IDL tile and inter-
`face (c) INDEX #2 request/reply (d) “lights dim” button press
`retrieves new IDL file to remap RPC, then completes
`3.4.2 Beacon Augmentation
`The second question is whether to augment mobility beacons with
`additional data. Doing so makes data available to mobiles before
`registration (in the Mobile IP sense). Possible uses for such piggy-
`backed beacon data include:
`0 Mobile [P foreign agent advertisements;
`a pricing information;
`o advertisements;
`o time-variant data (e.g., NTP beacons);
`o merging of periodic broadcasts to better amortize header and
`MAC overhead.
`The utility of beacon payload augmentation is highly dependent
`on the direction of the beaconing, traffic patterns, and application
`mix. The argument against beacon augmentation it that orthogonal
`systems shouldn’t mix application data units that may have been
`“properly" sized by the application in a form ofjoint source-channel
`coding [23].
`We choose to augment our beacons with bootstrap infomiation,
`a nonce for scoping of services, and a dynamically configurable
`application-specific payload. The encoding is shown in figure 5.
`The nonce is discussed in Section 3.5; a usage of the application-
`specific payload is discussed in Section 4.3.
`Merging Mobile IP router advertisements and the resource dis-
`covery protocol bootstrap may be abenetit,but allowing application-
`specific or other network-level fields is an area of active debate. We
`are still trying to quantitatively determine which data, if any, is
`best dedicated to these bits for optimizing reasonable client-driven
`o maintains a consistent mapping between geography and bea-
`con broadcast cell;
`3.5 Security

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